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Swedish Foreign Ministry

The Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman and his “Academic Friend”

    SPIONPODDEN Ep. 64   Part 1 The contact between Ambassador Sohlman and his “Academic Friend” during the early 1960s raises so many interesting questions, with potentially very serious ramifications for the official handling of numerous highly sensitive policy issues… 

    The Swedish Security Police suspected that Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman’s longtime backchannel to the Soviet leadership was one of the KGB’s most ruthless foreign agent recruiters

      The long serving Swedish Ambassador to Moscow Rolf SOHLMAN was feared to have a close association with Colonel Panteleymon Ivanovich TAKHCHIANOV (codename “Hasan”), one of the KGB’s most notorious and experienced counterintelligence officers. Reports about their exchange, including in the… 

      The Fight of Their Lives

        By Susanne Berger Judisk Krönika, November 2009
        Independent consultant to the Swedish Russian Working Group on the fate of Raoul Wallenberg (1991-2001)

        When Raoul Wallenberg disappeared into the Soviet Union in January 1945, his parents, Maj and Fredrik von Dardel, began a desperate, three decade long struggle to save their son. A closer reading of Fredrik’s diary – a meticuluous chronicle of the couple’s efforts – shows the enormous obstacles they faced. Surprisingly many of these remain stubbornly in place today.

        The Thorny Truth

          On August 28 Dr. Guy von Dardel, Raoul Wallenberg’s maternal half-brother, died peacefully in Geneva, Switzerland, having just reached his 90th birthday. On September 3, at a simple but elegant ceremony at the Eglise Evangelique, von Dardel’s notable contributions were celebrated in a heartfelt eulogy. However, his death received little coverage in his native Sweden, despite his membership in the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and previous position as Professor of Physics at Lund University.

          Wallenberg diplomacy” inquiry: “A failure of Diplomacy”

            Governtment Offices of Sweden, 103 33 Stockholm, 08-405 10 00 A printout from

            Press release 04 March 2003

            Ministry for Foreign Affairs

            Today the Commission of inquiry into the actions of the Swedish foreign policy leadership in the Raoul Wallenberg case has presented its report “A failure of diplomacy” (UD 2001:03) to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Anna Lindh.

            The Commission’s assignment was to investigate and evaluate the actions of the Swedish foreign policy leadership in the Wallenberg case. Its purpose was to clarify whether the leadership of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs had taken advantage of all the opportunities that had emerged over the course of the years to shed light on the fate of Raoul Wallenberg.