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Rolf Sohlmam

The Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman and his “Academic Friend”

    SPIONPODDEN Ep. 64   Part 1 The contact between Ambassador Sohlman and his “Academic Friend” during the early 1960s raises so many interesting questions, with potentially very serious ramifications for the official handling of numerous highly sensitive policy issues… 

    The Swedish Security Police suspected that Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman’s longtime backchannel to the Soviet leadership was one of the KGB’s most ruthless foreign agent recruiters

      The long serving Swedish Ambassador to Moscow Rolf SOHLMAN was feared to have a close association with Colonel Panteleymon Ivanovich TAKHCHIANOV (codename “Hasan”), one of the KGB’s most notorious and experienced counterintelligence officers. Reports about their exchange, including in the…