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05. Jews in Hungary

    History Of The Jews In Hungary till 1933 In the third century Jews lived in the region we know now as Hungary. Following the first world war and the resultant collapse of the monarchy coupled with the effects of the… 

    07. The Extermination

      Deportation, Auschwitz:   End of April 1944, Adolf Eichmann organized the first deportation of Jews from Hungary. From the middle of the May four groups daily, each concisting of 3.000 Jews, started for Auschwitz. By the 9th of July the… 

      Stuck in Neutral, Susanne Berger’s analyse on Raoul Wallenberg

        Stuck in Neutral

        In March 2003 the first independent, non-governmental Commission in the Raoul Wallenberg case presented its findings in Stockholm.1 Headed by Ingemar Eliasson, a centrist politician and the current Swedish ‘Riksmarskalk,’ the group had the task of examining the Swedish political leadership’s actions in the Raoul Wallenberg case from 1945-2001.