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Anatoly Prokopenko

KGB stopped investigation into Raoul Wallenberg’s Fate in late 1990

    Newly released documentation from the Swedish Foreign Ministry Archive show that in late 1990 KGB officials acted to stop a review by investigators working for an International Commission charged with determining the fate of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. Wallenberg, who had been instrumental in protecting thousands of Jews in  Hungary during World War II, disappeared in January 1945 when he was arrested by Soviet forces.

    “R. Wallenberg Fate” with A. Prokopenko

      In the Moscow studio were Anatoly Prokopenko, former chairman of the Special Section of the State Central Archives of USSR; Ilia Altman, Director of the society “Holocaust”.

      The title of the session was “Raoul Wallenberg’s fate” and the parties agree that more needs to be done in order to ascertain the fate and whereabouts of the Swedish hero.

      Anatoly Prokopenko remarked “And as you know the Commission included people from the KGB, as it was called then.

      Raoul Wallenberg’s Odysse

        Article in russia written by the former head of the Special Archives Anatoly Prokopienko. Raoul Wallenberg’s half brother, Guy von Dardel had many contacts with Anatoly Prokopienko at that time. >More