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Born, Friedrich

    The New Delegate In Budapest

    On the 10th of March 1944 Friedrich Born was appointed ICRC delegator in Budapest. Repeatedly, Born, requested that the ICRC were to expand their efforts to help. “I can´t sit still, while daily Jews are being sent do death. Please do something to helpsave them. I want to save, I want to intervene.“

    Following reports about Auschwitz and the ICRC demanded on the 7th July that deportation be abandoned.

    Rescue Activities, Born

    Friedrich Born went to great efforts to try and help the Jews. Approximately 3.000 people were working for him. Born supported the setting up of old peoples homes, orphanges and kitchens.He issued about 15.000 protection papers, the majority as a direct result of the „Death Marches“.

    Friedrich Born Following The Liberation Of Budapest

    Born was delagtor in Budapest until January 1945. He was ordered by the Russians to leave Hungary. Friedrich Born died in 1963. He never got to tell his children about his rescue activities. On the 5th of June 1987 Born was honoured with the title „The Rightous Among The Nations“ bestowed upon him by Yad Vashem. His children were to learn of his activities in Budapest shortly before.

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