Fredrik von Dardel’s diary 1972 to 1978
The last years of Fredrik von Dardel’s diary, exhausted by their fight. 1972, 1973, 1974 nr 1, 1974 nr 2, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
The last years of Fredrik von Dardel’s diary, exhausted by their fight. 1972, 1973, 1974 nr 1, 1974 nr 2, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
Official claims from Russia about when Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg died appear ever more doubtful as new evidence emerges, argues of historian Susanne Berger who has called for the investigation in Raoul Wallenberg’s fate to re-open.
Bengt Jangfeldts Raoul Wallenberg. En biografi. (Wahlström & Widstrand), som kommer till 100-års-dagen av Wallenbergs födelse, är den hittills utförligaste boken i ämnet. Jämfört med tidigare böcker inkorporerar den här material från det s k Uppsalaprojektet och den svensk-ryska arbetsgruppen samt…
Vem lanserade olycksteorin om Wallenberg? Bengt Jangfeldts Raoul Wallenberg. En biografi. (Wahlström & Widstrand), som kommer till 100-års-dagen av Wallenbergs födelse, är den hittills utförligaste boken i ämnet. Jämfört med tidigare böcker inkorporerar den här material från det s k Uppsalaprojektet…
On 30 November, the Russian human rights organisation Memorial, called a press conference to publicise the increasing restrictions on their work dedicated to exposing the truth of the Stalinist Terror. The press conference focused on the Arkhangelsk Affair – the…
The official Soviet era claim that Raoul Wallenberg died on July 17, 1947 appears ever more questionable. Since new documentation in the case continues to surface, Russian historian Nikita Petrov and other Wallenberg experts argue that the investigation should be…
Melanie Wendelin has written an article on Newsmill, urging Sweden to take their opportunity this year and demand full access to Russian archives. Other article: 24000 days
The inquiry into Wallenberg ‘s death should be reopened. From my point of view, this could be a criminal inquiry. Murder is a criminal offense, and here it is important to identify all those responsible and reconstruct the picture of…
In her recently published mammoth work (2) of nearly 800 pages on Raoul Wallenberg, Ingrid Carlberg has a note referring to the important question of Michael Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s letter of authorisation, said to have been issued by the Swedish Minister in…
Stora mängder guld kan ha gjort att Raoul Wallenberg arresterades av Sovjetunionens trupper 1945, menar Rysslandskännaren Bengt Jangfeldt i en ny bok. Men teorin är förenklad, tycker författaren Ingrid Carlberg som nyligen släppt en bok om Wallenberg. Uppgifterna kring Wallenbergs…