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Somebody’s Swede

    In May 1992, the ARK Project discovered Victor Hamilton, an American-Palestinian and former NSA cipher, in a psychiatric prison hospital 60 kilometers south of Moscow where he had been held for 20 years under a pseudonym.  A doctor had telephoned ARK anonymously, in answer to a radio appeal, to state that she had treated the patient in a closed ward in Moscow in 1962, although he ‘wasn’t really sick”.   The man we tracked had become very paranoid as a result of years of confinement, isolation and KGB interrogation.  Hamilton still considered himself well informed, as he once had been.  

    The Soviet Union should “come clean” on Raoul Wallenberg

      (Extension of Remarks – October 02, 1989)-
      in the House of Representatives-MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1989

      Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, this week we will commemorate the eighth anniversary of the signing in 1981 of historic legislation which made Raoul Wallenberg an honorary citizen of the United States–the second individual to be so honored after Sir Winston Churchill. Wallenberg was the hero of the Holocaust who saved the lives of 100,000 men, women, and children during the tumultuous final days of World War II in Hungary. The decision of the Congress to grant him honorary citizenship was a belated acknowledgment of the enormous contribution he made to humanity.-x Mr. Speaker, William Korey–the director of international policy research at B’nai B’rith International in New York and currently completing a study on `American Policy and the Helsinki Process’ with a Ford Foundation grant–has written an excellent article which was recently published in the Wall Street Journal.

      Will Gorbachev Find World War II’s Long-Lost POWs?

        Mikhail Gorbachev just took an extraordinary first step in stripping away the lies of the Stalinist regime concerning the fate of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, the hero who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazis.Last month, Yuri Kashlev, the chief Soviet negotiator at a Paris human rights conference, said the Soviet Union has no evidence that Mr. Wallenberg is dead. No witnesses, no documentation. Thus did the Gorbachev government cast doubt on the official Soviet explanation, devised by Stalin’s lieutenants, that Mr. Wallenberg died in 1947 while in a Soviet prison. (Many former Soviet prisoners have reported seeing Mr. Wallenberg as recently as 1987.)Mr. Kashlev went even further. He indicated that a new investigation is under way into Mr. Wallenberg’s disappearance while in Soviet custody at the end of World War II.