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The Last Word on Wallenberg? New Investigations, New Questions

    Why the Wallenberg Arrest: The Puzzle

    Would the release on January 12, 2001, of the findings of the two separate sections of the Swedish-Russian Working Group make the Wallenberg mystery less “curiouser”? Would it help solve the two questions that had been central from the beginning: Why was Raoul Wallenberg detained in the first place? What ultimately happened to him?

    Adjö, herr Wallenberg

      I den omfattande dokumentsamlingen om Raoul Wallenberg har hans halvbror, Guy von Dardel, nyligen gatt igenom materialet fran aren 1944-1945. Doumenten visar att svenska UD omedelbart underrättades om att Sovjet tzgit hand om Raoul Wallenberg men att det dröjde mer… 

      The Angel Was a Spy

        New evidence: Sweden’s Raoul Wallenberg was a U.S. espionage asset For five decades, mystery has blanketed key parts of the remarkable story of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved at least 20,000 Hungarian Jews from the Nazis. U.S. intelligence… 

        Interrogations in Lubyanka

          Article discussing the interrogations of Soviet prisoners who had been cell-mates of Raoul Wallenberg or his driver, Vilmos Langfelder –> More