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Petrov, Nikita

    Historian at Memorial, has found documents about Willi Rödel, Raoul Wallenberg’s cellmate in Lefortovo prison. Is one of the greatest living expert on the Soviet Security Apparatus. More about Nikita Petrov: 2013  The Constitutional Court banned the late state secrets … 

    Philipp, Rudolph

      Helped with great energy, Raoul Wallenberg’s mother Maj von Dardel, to bring his son back home to Sweden.

      Rydeberg, Göran

        Göran Rydeberg:  PhD in Agrarian History, The report in Swedish was commissioned by Raoul Wallenberg Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group, the other was presented in Budapest for the international seminari commemorating the 60th anniversary of Raoul Wallenbergs mission in Hungary. My main interest is focused on the international net-work of Wallenberg and his contacts with intelligence organizations and Hungarian resistance movements.

        Sakharov, Andreï

          As a physicist, he had close contacts his collegue Guy von Dardel (Raoul Wallenbergs half brother) . With his wife Elena Bonner they fought to get RW home. They tried to find Raoul, supposedly in a camp near Moscow .… 

          Schult, Tanja

            TANJA SCHULT is a researcher at Stockholm University and is working as a freelance curator. She was previously employed at Södertörn University College. Educated in the History of Art and Scandinavian Studies in Erlangen, Lund and Berlin, she completed her PhD in 2007 at Humboldt University, Berlin.

            Yosef, Eli

              Eli Yosef has devoted much of his time to matters related to Raoul Wallenberg. His tireless lobbying with Nathan Sharansky led to 2005 Israel trip with the family’s (Louise von Dardel and Marie Dupuy) visit at the Knesset.

              There is a new UN Convention on Disappearances now open for signature.

                There is a new UN Convention on Disappearances now open for signature.
                Would Russia be willing to become a party? Some of its provision are these:

                …”Accurate information on the deprivation of liberty of any person and on his or her whereabouts, including information on any transfer, the identity of those responsible for the deprivation of liberty, and the authority in whose hands the person has been placed, shall be made immediately available to the person’s counsel or to any other persons having a legitimate interest in the information.

                The Political Economy of Rescue: The Economic Aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg Case

                  How a country’s economic interests influence its political decision making, including its human rights policy, is a timely question. While the political aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg case have been discussed at length, its economic dimensions have been largely ignored. There are indications that Swedish business interests came to bear quite significantly in all major phases of the case: Raoul Wallenberg ‘s selection for the humanitarian mission to Budapest; his work in Budapest; and his arrest and imprisonment.