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15. The Death March

    Germany Demanded Hungarian Enforced Labour Two days following the Arrow Cross coup, Adolf Eichmann returned to Budapest. He wished to complete his task: To exterminate the „Budapest Jews“. The German envoy Veesenmayer drew up an agreement with Vajina. 50.000 Jews… 

    Sztehlo, Gábor

      Gábor Sztehlo was born in Budapest in 1909. He studied theology in the sopron. Time spent in Finland and Bethel influenced Sztehlo greatly. From 1932 he was chaplain in Budapest, then in Hatwan and Nagytarcsa. In 1936 Sztehlo was a priest in Nagytarsca and there 1937 he grounded the first Hungarian Adult Education Centre. A few years later he returned to Budapest as a young priest. In March 1944 following German occupation he carried out his priestly duties in old people´s homes.

      Szép, Ernö

        A Hungarian Poet in Difficutlies

        Ernö Szep sensed personally the immediate results following the occupation. He had to vacate his appartment to make room for German officers. Szép was born in Eastern Hungary in Huszt in 1884. His first volume of poetry books were published in 1902. He was 19 years old when he became a journalist in Budapest. Through his poems, short stories and novels he became popular. Some of his works were also published in Germany. All of this could not exempt him from the anti-Jewish measures.

        21. Wallenbergs Capture

          On the 13th of January 1945 the Russians arrived,Wallenberg was in the Red Cross building inBenczur street. He was anxious to meet the commander of the Red Army and temporary government in Debrecen. He wished to introduce his help plans…