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Tom Veres, the photograph of the Hungarian holocaust

    Born 1923, Budapest, Hungary

    After the Germans occupied Hungary in 1944, Tom was ordered to work in labor camps and factories. He escaped after a few months and decided to contact the Swedish legation, where he met Raoul Wallenberg in October 1944. Tom stayed in Budapest and, using his training in photography, became active in Wallenberg’s efforts to rescue the Jews of Budapest. He made copies of and took photographs for protective passes (Schutzpaesse), and documented deportations. 

    Nanna Swarz

      Nanna Swarz was convinced that Raoul Wallenberg was still alive in 1970 and was very bitter over how the Swedish Government handled the Raoul Wallenberg case. She had met several witnesses who had seen Raoul Wallenberg. She says Raoul Walenberg was in a mental hospital in Moscow in 1961 and in later years in other places in URSS.

      Show Trial Preparations 1953 in Hungary

        Informations about Károly Szabó an employee on the Swedish Embassy in Budapest from 1944 to 1945 (by his son Tamas Szabo).

        ÁVH actions were not subject to judicial review. On 1953-04-07, early in the morning, Miksa Domonkos, one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Budapest was kidnapped by ÁVH officials to extract “confessions”.[1] Preparations for a show trial started in Budapest in 1953 to prove that Raoul Wallenberg had not been dragged off in 1945 to the Soviet Union but was the victim of cosmopolitan Zionists.

        Erwin Koranyi

          “Je suis né à Budapest en 1924. J’ai donc 20 ans lors des événements… J’ai terminé mes études secondaires et m’apprête à entreprendre mes études en médecine. Mais, étant juif, je ne peux aller à l’université. Les Allemands occupent le pays à partir de mars 1944. Budapest compte une très grande communauté juive. Nous sommes tous déplacés vers des maisons portant la grande étoile jaune. Et je suis mobilisé pour les camps de travail. Nous devons porter l’étoile jaune, respecter le couvre-feu, ne pas circuler dans certains parcs et magasins, etc. Moi je travaille au quartier général de Eichmann ! ! !

          Mari Sved testimony

            I and many members of my family owe our lives to your uncle. My parents, grandmother, aunt and cousin were amongst those collected from Ulloi utca on the night of 7 January 1945 and brought back from a house near the Danube through the help of his office. My uncle, Laszló Kelemen (he is mentioned in a letter, dated 8 December 1944, from Raoul Wallenberg to Kalman Lauer) was working in the office and was not among those taken.

            02. Childhood and Youth

              Raoul Wallenberg was born on August 4, 1912, in Stockholm. His father died of cancer three months before Raoul was born. Raouls mother and his grandfather, Gustaf Wallenberg, took charge of Raouls education. Gustaf Wallenberg had been a diplomat in Japan, China… 

              03. Raoul Wallenberg; University and Training:

                From 1931 to 1935, Raoul Wallenberg studied architecture in Michigan, USA.He then spent some time in Capetown and Haifa. Here he began to train as a banker. His grandfather would have liked to have seen Raoul follow in the family tradition and become a banker. The Wallenberg family was Sweden´s best known banking family. Raoul discovered early enough that banking was not for him. In a letter to his grandfather Raoul writes: “To tell you the truth, I don´t find myself very bankerisch. … My temperament is better suited to some positive line of work than to sitting around saying no.“
                It was in Palestine that Raoul first made contact with the „Hitler-Germany-Refugees“. Here he found out about the Jewish persecution in Germany. Wallenberg returned to Stockholm