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Born, Friedrich

    The New Delegate In Budapest

    On the 10th of March 1944 Friedrich Born was appointed ICRC delegator in Budapest. Repeatedly, Born, requested that the ICRC were to expand their efforts to help. “I can´t sit still, while daily Jews are being sent do death. Please do something to helpsave them. I want to save, I want to intervene.“

    Baranski, Tibor

      Tibor Baranski, was the right man of the Papal Nunzio Angelo Rotta issuing tens of thousands baptismal certificates to Jews . He was executive director of the Protection of Jews movement. Rotta and Baranski worked in close cooperation with Raoul… 

      The International “Red Cross”

        Jean de Bavier And The “Red Cross“

        The Red Cross was an international organisation and was expected to help. Since 1943 Jean de Bavier was delegator for the international „Red Cross“ in Budapest. The operational circumstances were quite positive but de Bavier´s hands were tied because of the instructions from Genf. In his statements and handlings he was to remain totally neutral. He was not allowed to make any political or religious statements.

        Lutz, Carl

          Along with Wallenberg the most active person in the „Hungarian Rescue Mission“ was the Swiss Carl Lutz. On the 02.01.1942 he became head of the „Protection“ department in the Swiss Legation to Budapest. Here he represented the interests of twelve countries, who were also at war like Hungary. Carl Lutz was under very strict Swiss direction. It was not possible for him to take precedence against the deportation plans in May of 1944

          Mandel-Mantello, George

            Citizenship For Jews George Mandel-Mantello was born in Rumania, into a Jewish family. In 1939 he acquired citizenship in El Salvador. In Bucarest in 1942 following transactions in the diplomatic corp., he was appointed First Secretary of General Consulate for… 

            Ocksay, Laszlo

              A man whom the nazis expected to be a killer, was instead the savior of more thab 2000 Hungarian Jews in the waning of World War II.

              Giorgio Perlasca

                Giorgio Perlasca In Budapest Perlasca was a commercial traveller for an import-export-company. Following the cease fire in Italy in September 1943, he disappeared in Hungary´s underground as a hostile foreigner. In April 1944 he surrendered to the Hungarian authorities and… 

                Rotta, Angelo

                  Rotta´s Protest Against Measures Taken Against Jews

                  Angelo Rotta was Papal Nuncio in Budapest. By March 1944 he had urgently requested the prime minister to make a statement. In the following months Rotta, under Vatican direction, protested against the merciless measures carried out on the Jews. On the 24th of April, Rotta got in contact with the special ambassador Arnóthy Jungerth and notified him: … „The Holy Father deeply regrets the occurrances. He recognizes that also Hungary, a land in which he has always been proud of, which belongs to the „Christian“ countries, has taken another direction, thus creating conflict with Evangelist teachings.“On the 15th of May the Hungarian government was presented with a very significant written protest.

                  Anger, Per

                    Per Anger, has worked with Raoul Wallenberg at the Swedish Legation in Budapest. He was awarded as a “Righteous Among the Nations” by the State of Israel and Yad Vashem in 1982.