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Sweden refuses to press Russia for Key Files in the Raoul Wallenberg Case

    In spite of the sharply worded conclusions by two Swedish Commissions – the Swedish-Russian Working Group from 2001 and the Eliasson Commission from 2003 – that Russian efforts to investigate Raoul Wallenberg’s fate in the Soviet Union have been deeply flawed and evasive, the Swedish government has shown no urgency to ensure that researchers can review material deemed vital for clarifying the circumstances of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance in Russia.

    “Sätt press på Ryssland”

      Nyupptäckta dokument rörande Raoul Wallenberg har väckt forskarnas intresse. Men materialet lyder under ryska sekretesslagar. På sju år har den svenska regeringen inte tagit ett enda steg för att pressa Ryssland till samarbete. Det är oroande, skriver Susanne Berger, historieforskare… 

      Bilderna av en svensk hjälte

        Raoul Wallenberg återvänder, i form av allt fler monument och utställningar. Men hur ska han gestaltas? Hos Statens ljud- och bildarkiv ger man besökarna flera sinsemellan mycket olika bilder. Läs vidareTextstorlek: Normal textStörre textStörst textSkriv ut I morgon tisdag inviger… 

        Raoul’s Girlfriend: a Historical Footnote

          © C.G.McKay
          In my talk “Three Puzzles” delivered at a symposium on Wallenberg at Utrikespolitiska Institutet in Stockholm in December 2007, I devoted a section to the so-called “Smit Connection”. By this turn of phrase, I meant partly Raoul’s friendship with the young Dutch girl Berber Smit and partly the fact that Berber’s father, Lolle, the Philips manager in Budapest, was an active player in Allied underground activities in Hungary during the war. “The Smit Connection” was yet another vivid reminder- if it were needed!- of how Wallenberg’s mission was carried out against a background of delicate interacting forces, many of which were not readily perceptible. Nor could it have been otherwise, given the situation occasioned by war.

          The Swedish DC-3 & The Destiny of its Crew

            On June 13, 1952 a Swedish Air Force C-47, the military version of the famous DC-3, disappeared while on a secret mission over the Baltic Sea.  After an interrupted code-signal from the plane at 11:25 Swedish time, the plane and its crew of eight men were never heard from again.  The disappearance of this plane, much later known as the “DC 3 Affair,” is still a sensitive chapter in Sweden’s Cold War history.  In spite of evidence from intensive research in the archives of a number of nations, some facts in the DC 3 Affair are still classified or unknown.  Thus the destiny of these men remained unresolved for more than fifty years.

            Links related to Holocaust and WW2

              Estonian: Estonian National Archives Museum of Occupations;on the Soviet and German occupation, includes documents, photographs, lists of Estonian prisoners Great Britain: National Archives,include online catalogues. Hungary: Budapest Memorial Center Historical Text Archives Open Society Archives Terrohaza, about The Soviet’s terror in… 

              Sweden refuses to press Russia for Key Files in the Raoul Wallenberg Case

                In spite of the sharply worded conclusions by two Swedish Commissions – the Swedish-Russian Working Group from 2001 and the Eliasson Commission from 2003 – that Russian efforts to investigate Raoul Wallenberg’s fate in the Soviet Union have been deeply flawed and evasive, the Swedish government has shown no urgency to ensure that researchers can review material deemed vital for clarifying the circumstances of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance in Russia. Wallenberg, a young Swedish businessman-diplomat who helped to protect thousands of Jews from Nazi persecution in wartime Hungary, was arrested by Soviet forces in January 1945 and subsequently taken to Moscow. In 1957, Soviet officials announced that he had succumbed to a heart attack in prison in 1947 — a claim which has never been substantiated.