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Responses of the Central Archive of the Russian FSB on the questions of experts S. Berger and B. Birstein in the case of Raoul Wallenberg

    Google translation from russia:
    Embassy of Sweden
    Chief of the Central Archives of the Russian FSB
    Mr. A. Trambitskomu
    MoscowRegarding the responses of the Central Archive of the Russian FSB on the experts’ questions
    C. Berger and B. Birshtein in the case of Raoul Wallenberg
    Dear Trambitsky!
    I hereby wish to thank the Central Archive of the Russian Federal Security Service, through you for the informative material, including answers to questions by experts C. Berger and B. Birshtein and conclusions of the archive in the case of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish side of the transmitted № 581 from November 2, 2009. At present, our experts continue to analyze the material. Mrs. Berger is going to Moscow next spring.
    We read with great interest the responses of the FSB, especially with what is said about the use of the term “held” in connection with several key interrogation in July 1947, as well as very high probability that the prisoner number 7, which questioned 22 and 23 July , was Raoul Wallenberg.
    If this hypothesis is confirmed, it will be a new, almost sensational fact to determine the fate of Wallenberg, given the importance that is still attached to the day of 17 July 1947, which is dated as Abakumov letter to Molotov on Wallenberg, and report Smoltsova.
    The Russian side proceeds from the fact that July 17 is the date of death of Wallenberg, the Swedish side also believes that in this day there have been developments of decisive importance for the fate of Wallenberg.
    It is therefore imperative to find more information about what events might have occurred during the 17 to 23 July, and, above all, to get an opportunity to discuss what can be done on this issue.
    Mr Trambitsky, would be very grateful for your recommendations for further action.Sincerely,

    Thomas Bertelman,
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
    Ambassador of Sweden to the Russian Federation

    The Fight of Their Lives

      By Susanne Berger Judisk Krönika, November 2009
      Independent consultant to the Swedish Russian Working Group on the fate of Raoul Wallenberg (1991-2001)

      When Raoul Wallenberg disappeared into the Soviet Union in January 1945, his parents, Maj and Fredrik von Dardel, began a desperate, three decade long struggle to save their son. A closer reading of Fredrik’s diary – a meticuluous chronicle of the couple’s efforts – shows the enormous obstacles they faced. Surprisingly many of these remain stubbornly in place today.

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        Your Excellencies, Some of you may be aware of our ongstanding correspojndance with the Europeen Parliament (copies enclosed) and your governments. For your information, with reference to the Russian government’s position on the Wallenberg case, the Russian government has officially rehabilitated Raoul Wallenberg… -> More

        The Thorny Truth

          On August 28 Dr. Guy von Dardel, Raoul Wallenberg’s maternal half-brother, died peacefully in Geneva, Switzerland, having just reached his 90th birthday. On September 3, at a simple but elegant ceremony at the Eglise Evangelique, von Dardel’s notable contributions were celebrated in a heartfelt eulogy. However, his death received little coverage in his native Sweden, despite his membership in the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and previous position as Professor of Physics at Lund University.

          Solve Wallenberg Mystery Now

            This spring marks the 65th anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s mission to Hungary. Earlier this week, Holocaust Remembrance Day was held in Ottawa, with survivors, MPs and senators from all parties, ambassadors from about fifty countries and many others recalling the worst catastrophe in recorded history inflicted by Hitler’s regime, which included one and a half million children among the six million murdered.

            The Universal Hero Raoul Wallenberg

              In Sweden, many people are quite tired of Raoul Wallenberg. They, as Swedes, may not shout out directly ‘Do not bother us with this old story again’ but from their reluctant reactions you recognize at once, you better be quiet. However, their reactions could also be understood in a more positive sense. In Sweden, heroes are not very popular – it is a nation driven by the wish to build a democratic society which should be open for each and every one; that also means that no one should stick out! If we leave out the moral guilt official Sweden feels for one of their greatest sons, whom they ingloriously abandoned after the end of World War II when Raoul Wallenberg became a prisoner of the Soviet Union, we understand that the Swedish reactions are not quite as inappropriate as they may seem at first.