Arrival in Budapest
On the 9th of July 1944 Raoul Wallenberg arrived in Budapest. First he informed himself about previous Swedish measures taken to help the Jews. 650 Jews who had a strong bond to Sweden, were given passports. These were an exception to the rule.
The Swedish Protection Pass
Wallenberg got an office in the legation department C. He showed the Swedish envoy Carl Ivar Danielsson the protection pass („Schutzpass“) which he designed. The detailed pass stated the owner was under the protection of the swedish legation. The passes were signed by Danielsson. Following a meeting between Horthy and the head of police, Ferenczy, the protection pass was in August 1944 officially recognized by Hungary. Wallenberg was allowed to distribute 4.500 of the passes. The Minister of Foreign Affairs gave his consent. In a report to the swedish ministery of Foreign Affairs, Wallenberg stated: „In a way the majority of the Jews have to be awakened from their apathy with regard to their destiny. On the other hand these peoples apathy has changed since my last report.“