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Raoul Wallenberg was shot in the Lubyanka

    Google translation from russia:
    Chairman of the Presidential Commission for Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression Academician Alexander Yakovlev believes that repressed by Stalin’s regime during the Second World War, a Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg will be rehabilitated by the decree of Vladimir Putin in the near future.
    It is officially confirmed that his committee has a decision this fall about the necessity of rehabilitation Wallenberg as victims of political repression. ” “After that I immediately sent a letter to the Prosecutor General’s Office and told of our decision to the president,” – said Yakovlev told Interfax on Monday.

    “We must finally put an end to this story, which became sharp international and long poisoned the atmosphere”, – said Yakovlev. According to him, despite the fact that Wallenberg had been convicted by a court for political reasons, the legislation allows the RF to rehabilitate him as a victim of political repression.

    According to Yakovlev, the Soviet authorities in the history of the Swedish diplomat who served during the Second World War, the Swedish embassy in Budapest and, using diplomatic status, saved the Nazi-occupied Hungary’s Jews, “finally entangled in lies.”

    “At first we said that he had been killed on the streets of Budapest, then what is under the protection of our troops. And when the Swedes were presented real evidence about the death of the diplomat, came the famous memorandum by the Foreign Minister Gromyko Andereya, which indicated that in July 1947 Wallenberg” supposedly “died of a heart attack” – recalled Yakovlev.

    “Now we have no doubt that Wallenberg was shot in the Lubyanka, and therefore appealed to the Chief Military Prosecutor with a request to investigate thoroughly all related to his loss of status”, – said Yakovlev. Among the conclusions that were made by GAM, he noted the following. Most documents on Wallenberg really destroyed, but still kept separate documents Lubyanka office records, tagging, where his name appears. The diplomat and his driver – Hungarian Vilmos Langfelder – convicted for political reasons, although at first and kept in Stalin’s prisons as prisoners of war. ”

    On execution of Wallenberg former Politburo member Yakovlev said, according to him, the former head of KGB 80 years, Vladimir Kryuchkov.

    The last time a Swedish diplomat seen 17 January 1945, when he went to meet with the commander of Soviet troops in Budapest. -> More in russia

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