The important new research findings released in February 2024 – regarding the confidential back channel contacts of longtime Swedish Ambassador to Moscow Rolf Sohlman to the Soviet leadership during the years 1958-1963 are now featured in two hour-long episodes of a popular Swedish podcast
Part 1 (in English)
(Producer: Mikael Hylin)
The Swedish Ambassador Rolf Sohlman and his “Academic Friend”
The Swedish Security Police suspected that Sohlman’s contact was, in fact, Colonel Panteleymon Ivanovich TAKHCHIANOV (codename “Hasan”) one of the KGB’s most ruthless counterintelligence officers and foreign agent recruiters.
Together they discussed the most sensitive policy issues of the Cold War, including the disappearance of Holocaust hero Raoul G. Wallenberg and other Swedish citizens in the Soviet Union, with potentially serious ramifications. Hundreds, if not thousands of pages chronicling their exchange must be preserved in the KGB archives, and almost certainly containing crucial background information about Wallenberg’s fate. The collection was not accessible to previous investigations and remains strictly classified.
in Swedish
Part 2: