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Hungarian Odysseus returned home

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    It has already revealed Penelope

    Andras Tamas, Hungarian soldiers in World War II, the story went around that all the world’s media, he returned to his homeland.  Last weekend, accompanied by the Hungarian diplomats, senior doctor at a mental hospital Kotelnich Yuri Petukhov and a representative of the Hungarian National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology Ákos Worth he arrived in Budapest.  On the bank of the Danube Tamas immediately recognized the landscape and said: “It’s Gellért Hill!” Memory of the patient, which for decades was considered hopeless, returned quickly. In any case, when the Airport before the flight he was offered the mineral water, he said that he would prefer “pálinka” – Hungarian vodka.

    At home Tamás be a two-month rehabilitation at the Institute of Psychiatry.Then he settles in a nursing home or in one of the 20 families who volunteer to take the old man.  Announced and relatives – an elderly lady with three grown-up daughters says that she recognized in Tamas her husband.

    On the Hungarian “Patient X” (name of Andras Tamas, as conditioned year of birth – 1925 First, he was already in captivity), the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow, first heard two years ago after a Slovak, understands Hungarian, quite by accident found him in a psychiatric hospital in Kotelnich. Here Tamas spent more than 50 years. В 1945–1947. In 1945 – 1947 years he fought, apparently, in the ranks of the 2-nd of the Hungarian army and taken prisoner near Voronezh, was in hospital for prisoners of war.  According to the newspaper “Time of news” program director of the Hungarian Association of International Military Cooperation memorial “War Memorial” Eugene Peel, according to available information in their archives, Tamas had the opportunity to work for lumberjacks in the village.  Bystryagi Kirov region.

    During World War II Horthy’s Hungary fought on the side of Germany and after the defeat of the Nazis in the Soviet camps was based on various estimates, from 40 to 80 thousand Hungarians.  At home, they began to return in 1948 – 1949, respectively, after the signing of the Geneva Convention on the return of prisoners of war and maintaining the graves.  However, hundreds of people and disappeared. Through the Red Cross and the Hungarian Ministry of Defense archives, many are trying to find out the fate of loved ones or to find documents to prove their stay in captivity. The fact is that after the collapse of the socialist ex-prisoners of war in Hungary receive cash benefits. (Tamas on arrival was paid 100 thousand forints, about $ 350).

    Fate of compatriots who fought on the Eastern Front during World War II, interest and government of Romania. According to the newspaper “Time News” assistant military attache in Moscow, Romania, Radu Filip, now the two countries are preparing an agreement on information exchange in the former Romanian prisoners of war and the construction of war memorials in the burial sites of the Romanians in Vladimir, Ivanovo and Novorossiysk.  After signing the contract by the Romanian side hopes to add its archival base on the fate of veterans of the Eastern Front. And although the repetition of history Andras Tamas seems quite incredible, it restores to life example of legends about people kanuvshih after the war in Soviet camps.  Not by accident the first to aisle Swedes, still unaware that their famous countryman Raoul Wallenberg was killed in 1947 at the Lubyanka, but lost in the endless maze of the Soviet gulag.

    Catherine LABETSKAYA

    Венгерский Одиссей вернулся домой

    Там уже обнаружилась Пенелопа

    Андраш Тамаш, венгерский солдат времен Второй мировой войны, история которого обошла все мировые СМИ, вернулся на родину. В минувшие выходные в сопровождении венгерских дипломатов, главврача психбольницы в Котельниче Юрия Петухова и представителя венгерского Национального института психиатрии и неврологии Акоша Борта он прибыл в Будапешт. На берегу Дуная Тамаш сразу узнал пейзаж и воскликнул: «Это же гора Геллерт!» Память к пациенту, которого десятилетиями считали безнадежным, возвращается быстро. Во всяком случае, когда в Шереметьево перед вылетом ему предложили минеральной воды, он сказал, что предпочел бы «Палинку» – венгерскую водку.

    На родине Тамашу предстоит двухмесячная реабилитация в институте психиатрии. Затем он поселится в доме для престарелых или в одной из 20 семей, изъявивших желание принять старика. Объявились и родственники — пожилая дама с тремя взрослыми дочерьми утверждает, что узнала в Тамаше своего мужа. Vremya Novosti -> More

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