In the Moscow studio were Anatoly Prokopenko, former chairman of the Special Section of the State Central Archives of USSR; Ilia Altman, Director of the society “Holocaust”.
The title of the session was “Raoul Wallenberg’s fate” and the parties agree that more needs to be done in order to ascertain the fate and whereabouts of the Swedish hero.
Anatoly Prokopenko remarked “And as you know the Commission included people from the KGB, as it was called then. And I am saying directly, that virtually 2-3 days later I received an instruction – to put the further detailed examination of these files on hold, and so this work was wound down, and I can say that even to this day this archive No. 451 has not been examined by page, even though it contains many hundreds of files. You have to understand that the KGB in those days still was very strong, and I could not resist that system and carry on with the search. This is the first point.” … “And can you imagine, that now all this mass of documents – and they have not been destroyed, I can guarantee that as a professional.”
Mr. Rainer pointed-out that “the IRWF is not engaged in finger-pointing, not looking for culprits…the important thing is to bring closure to this human tragedy. If Raoul Wallenberg is dead, he deserves to rest next to his parents and brother (Professor Guy von Dardel, who passed away a few months ago)”.