In 1941, Raoul Wallenberg maintained a temporary office address at Blasieholmsgatan 3, in the heart of the Wallenberg family business sphere. The new information suggests that his contact with his famous relatives was closer than previously thought. It also raises the question if after Wallenberg’s disappearance in the Soviet Union in 1945, these connections were intentionally de-emphasized. At the same time, the discovery puts the statements of a number of witnesses in the Wallenberg case in a new perspective.
For most visitors, the way to Stockholm’s water front leads through a block of beautifully restored office buildings at Blasieholmstorg and Blasieholmsgatan. The area forms the heart of the Wallenberg business group, located right behind the famous Grand Hotel. In 1997, one of us (S. Berger) had the opportunity to accompany Guy von Dardel, Raoul Wallenberg’s brother, to a meeting there with Peter (“Pirre”) Wallenberg, who was at the time the family patriarch. (1)
The surroundings were both fascinating and slightly intimidating. The hushed atmosphere in the ante-room, Wallenberg’s sudden arrival, with a small entourage, the exchange of pleasantries which quickly moved on to the business at hand. There the discussion promptly stalled, because Mr. Wallenberg would or could not provide what Guy von Dardel had come for: The documentation about Raoul Wallenberg’s contacts with Marcus and Jacob Wallenberg, Peter Wallenberg’s father and uncle, respectively.
Surprisingly few of Raoul Wallenberg’s personal papers have survived, which has made it difficult to reconstruct his activities before July 1944, when he received a temporary diplomatic appointment to aid Hungary’s Jewish population.
Our inquiry focused on the autumn of 1939, when Raoul repeatedly asked Jacob (his first cousin, once removed) for permanent employment in the Wallenberg sphere. Jacob had alluded to the possibility that the coming war would create certain problems and that Raoul could possibly assist him in addressing these challenges. It is unclear what precise problems Jacob Wallenberg had in mind and most experts believed that nothing further came of the idea.
After September 1939, however, Raoul’s requests for assistance abruptly stop. What happened? Did he finally give up trying to attract the attention of his powerful relatives?
At the age of twenty-seven, Wallenberg had come to a crossroad in his life. On the surface, he appeared aimless, without any promising professional prospects. In 1940, he abandoned his office at Kungsgatan , where he had previously maintained a small private firm. That year he devoted a lot of time to his military service, as an instructor in the newly established Swedish Home Guard.
So, how was he planning to earn a living? Recently new clues have emerged which may explain how he spent his time until July 1941, when he joined Mellaneuropeiska, an export-import business that specialized in trade with Hungary. Due to the war, most of this trade was handled in the form of barter or compensation transactions.
Originally, Mellaneuropeiska’s office was not located at Strandvägen 7A, as was always believed. Instead, from July until December 1941, the company used an address at Blasieholmsgatan 3. (2)
Fig 1. Mellaneuropeiska’s letter head, September 1941; Source: The Hungarian National Archives, Budapest; Archives of the Hungarian Trade Ministry, Foreign Trade Section, Stockholm (K-520) – 8 –1941. The letter shows that Mellaneurorpeiska was a fully functioning firm at this point, with plans to arrange for the import of 160 tons of gasoline from Hungary to Sweden on behalf of the Swedish State Purchasing Agency for Reserve Goods(Reservförrådsnämnden)
The building was a stone’s throw from Stockholms Enskilda Bank (SEB) where both Marcus and Jacob Wallenberg maintained their offices. Marcus Wallenberg’s private residence was located just a few doors down, at Blasieholmstorg 11.
Some years ago, a woman by the name of Ms Gertrud Larsson (her maiden name) testified that during the 1940s, she worked in adjoining offices with Raoul Wallenberg on Blasieholmen.
She said she had been employed first as a secretary for the SEB and she later worked for two companies, Baltiska Oljeaktiebolag and AB Oljecentralen. Both firms were located at Blasieholmsgatan 3. They were part of the extensive Wallenberg family investments in the Estonian shale oil industry which produced fuel and important by-products such as cement for construction projects. Prominent Wallenberg business associates like Axel Ax:son Johnson, August Nachmanson and Franz Georg Liljenroth served as members of the board.
Fig. 2 Baltiska Oljeaktiebolag’s account statement from November 1940, witnessed by Gertrud Larsson; Source: Patent – och Registreringsverket (PRV), Sweden. Source: The Larsson Family , Private Archive
Larsson’s statement was not taken seriously, because by the time she shared her experiences in the 1990s, she was already suffering from the first signs of dementia.

Since then, her employment history has been partially confirmed. Still unconfirmed remains Ms Larsson’s claim that on at least one occasion she received a special assignment – directly from Jacob Wallenberg – to travel as a courier to Estonia. She also said that she met Raoul Wallenberg in connection with this special task.
Several other witnesses who made similar claims were also ignored.
Fig. 3 Kálmán Lauer; Source:; from the film “Raoul Wallenberg: Saviour and Victim”, Klaus Dexel, Germany, 2005.
In his personal notes which are preserved at the Swedish National Archives, Raoul Wallenberg’s friend and business partner in Mellaneuropeiska, Kálmán Lauer, recalled that Jacob Wallenberg had been Raoul’s “idol” and that Raoul served as “his private secretary during the time he worked at Meropa (Mellaneuropeiska) “. Lauer’s claim was largely dismissed as an exaggeration of his friend’s relationship with his famous relative. In light of the new findings, his statement, too, deserves further examination.
Finally, a former employee of SUKAB (Sveriges Utrikeshandels Kompensations Aktiebolag) reported that he remembered Raoul Wallenberg well from the time Raoul spent working with his company.
Founded in July 1940, SUKAB was a huge Swedish business conglomerate which also included most of the major Wallenberg industrial enterprises like Svenska Kullagerfabriken (SKF, a manufacturer of ball bearings ), Svenska Tändsticksaktiebolaget (STAB, a producer of matches and lighters) and L.M. Ericsson (a provider of communications technology).
During World War II, SUKAB coordinated virtually all Swedish trade with the occupied territories, including France (which Raoul Wallenberg visited in 1942) and the Baltic countries. The compensation trade conducted by Mellaneuropeiska would have fallen under SUKAB’s broader purview.
The company was initially located at Norrlangdsgatan, but soon after it moved to Blasieholmstorg 11. Raoul Wallenberg’s uncle, Carl-Axel Söderlund (the husband of Raoul’s aunt Nita Söderlund) was one of its original board members.
Back in 1997, sitting in the well appointed Wallenberg family business office, Guy von Dardel knew only one thing: He needed to learn more about his brother’s personal and professional history. He requested all documentation concerning Raoul’s association with the Wallenberg family and Mellaneuropeiska. He also asked for direct access to specific Wallenberg family collections.
Peter Wallenberg was not in a gracious mood, however. Von Dardel’s request for access was denied and he never received any documentation beyond what the Wallenberg archives released later on, in the year 2000 (Nylander, Gert and Anders Perlinge, Raoul Wallenberg in Documents, 1927-1947, 2000; Banking and Enterprise No. 3, Stockholm: Stiftelsen för Ekonomisk Historisk Forskning inom Bank och Företagande.)
The few papers the Wallenberg archives did make available chronicle the contacts between Raoul Wallenberg and his relatives between 1927 and 1944. They show no written communications between Raoul and the Wallenberg brothers after 1939, for three whole years (until 1942), and almost none after that . For 1939 and 1940, only one meeting with Raoul Wallenberg was recorded in the visitors’ book at the SEB – in early January, to see Jacob. This was most likely a New Year’s visit which probably also offered a chance to discuss Raoul’s professional future. The next official meeting did not occur until May 1941, almost certainly in connection with the founding of Mellaneuropeiska.
The company’s formal owners – Carl Matthiessen and Sven Salén – were longtime business partners of both Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg, so Mellaneuropeiska’s initial location at Blasieholmsgatan is not necessarily surprising. However, the question is why the firm did not take up its location at Strandvägen from the start, where Salén had his main office? (3)
While the address was clearly temporary, Raoul’s presence there during the years 1940-41 suggests that his contacts to the Wallenberg sphere was perhaps closer than previously thought. According to the witnesses, he was learning the intricacies of wartime trade. This meant first and foremost trade with the occupied areas.
Fig. 4 Blasieholmsgatan 3 today; Source: Wikimedia Commons (i99pema)
Did he also concern himself with specific problems arising from the war, such as Sweden’s business interests in Estonia, for example, as has been alleged?
From June 1940 – June 1941, Estonia found itself under Soviet occupation, which created numerous challenges for Swedish and Estonian entrepreneurs and the need for protection of their assets; as did the subsequent occupation by the German Nazi forces. These very same problems reared their head later on in Hungary.
While Raoul Wallenberg was clearly not formally employed by the Wallenbergs, he may have been groomed by Jacob as a man for special assignments. Among the documents missing from Raoul’s private papers are his address books and appointment calendars from before 1944, as well as his international passports for 1937 – 1941 and for 1943. (4)
Only his official Kabinettspass from 1941/42 – a special travel document issued by the Swedish government – and both his diplomatic and private Swedish passports, issued in June 1944, are currently available to researchers. As it turns out, some of these gaps in the record may not be accidental.
A source who wished to remain anonymous but who knew Raoul Wallenberg well during the 1940s, indicated in a statement that Wallenberg did “confidential work for the Swedish state” under the guise of his business activities.
During the war, high level business men like Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg who maintained a broad network of influential professional and political contacts, ranked among the most important sources for domestic and foreign intelligence services. The Wallenberg family has traditionally maintained very close ties to the Swedish intelligence community. Colonel Carl Björnstierna, head of the Swedish Foreign Intelligence at the Swedish General Staff until 1942, was married to Jacob and Marcus’ sister Sonja. He also happened to be a good friend of Mellaneuropeiska’s owner, Carl Matthiessen. Both men in turn were on very good terms with the British Military Attaché Henry Denham.
Per Jacobsson, an executive in the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) who would later head the International Monetary Fund (IMF), worked as an agent for Swedish Intelligence throughout the war.
It was Jacobsson who already in September 1940 transmitted a request to Jacob Wallenberg from prominent Jewish entrepreneurs in Hungary to temporarily “Aryanize” their businesses – to formally replace Jewish board members and directors with Aryan ones, in order to disguise the true ownership o f their companies. It is quite likely that requests such as these played at least a partial role in the founding of Mellaneuropeiska.
Similar types of companies specializing in wartime compensation trade were formed for the Baltic countries, including Transkandia which dealt mostly with Latvia and which was headed by the lawyer and businessman Wilhelm Moberg, a friend of Marcus Wallenberg. It too was located on Blasieholmen, at Blasiehomstorg 9.
Aside from the immediate wish to assist friends and business associates, these activities mainly served to protect long-term Wallenberg business investments and to secure Sweden’s economic interests in the post-war economy.
Helmuth Ternberg, deputy head of the Swedish C-byrån (C- Bureau, foreign intelligence agency under the Swedish Armed Forces), secretly traveled to Hungary in 1943 and 1944, to develop contacts with the Hungarian resistance and to prepare for the coming Soviet occupation. Ternberg was well acquainted with the Wallenbergs and worked for them in various capacities after the war. His brother Egon was one of Raoul Wallenberg’s godfathers.
Carl Bonde – the stepson of another Wallenberg sister, Ebba Bonde – served as the head of Swedish counterintelligence. One of his officers, Thorsten Akrell, secretly delivered two radio sets to the Hungarian resistance in Budapest in 1944, where he also met with Raoul Wallenberg. It was with the help of Akrell’s old friend, the director of AB Industridiesel, Carl Hardeberg, as well as Helmuth Ternberg, that Jacob Wallenberg tried to contact the Soviet leadership in 1954, to obtain information about Raoul’s fate.
It needs to be determined once and for all how extensive Raoul Wallenberg’s contacts were with the Wallenberg sphere and what exact training he received. Was it simply a way for the Wallenberg family to keep him at arm’s length, while also making use of his abilities?
And were these connections intentionally de-emphasized after Raoul’s arrest, in order to protect him, by keeping the contacts to his relatives out of any discussions?
Or did the Wallenberg brothers worry that his knowledge of the inner workings of the Wallenberg sphere could be harmful to the family’s reputation?
Marcus and Jacob’s remarkable passivity after Raoul’s disappearance in the Soviet Union in 1945 continues to raise important questions.
Seventy years later, it is time for both Sweden and Russia to finally reveal everything they know about Raoul Wallenberg’s background and his fate.
(1) Peter Wallenberg died in January 2015. See David Segal, “Peter Wallenberg, Patriarch of a Swedish Dynasty, Dies at 88,” The New York Times, January 19, 2015,
(2) In 1940, the building was formally owned by a Captain Carl Ljungberg (1873-1975). He served as the head of the SEB’s real estate office and its chief of personnel. In 1941, Blasieholmsgatan 3 was sold to the Hotell Esplanades Fastighetsaktiebolag. Ljungberg had begun his career in the Swedish Navy. From 1916-1919 he served as the chief of the National Budget Commission’s Transport Department. As such, he had concerned himself with questions of national supply and rationing of goods, precisely the type of problems Sweden faced in 1941. How concerned Raoul Wallenberg was about these issues shows a letter he wrote regarding Sweden’s food supply situation in February 1944; see Raoul Wallenberg: Letters and Dispatches 1924-1944, New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995.
(3) Mellaneuropeiska seems to have moved to Strandvägen 7A by about November 1941. It is listed at this address in the Swedish Röda Boken for 1942. (The Red Book, an official Swedish register for street addresses and their occupants) . Most entries for this annual publication are compiled by the month of November of the previous year (in this case November 1941). The company used the old letter heads – with Blasieholmsgatan 3 crossed out and Strandvägen 7A penciled in – until at least January 1942. According to Mellaneuropeiska‘s official registration documents filed in July 1941, the company’s original postal address was Frihamn (the Stockholm Free Harbor). This was the address of Carl Matthiessen’s Banankompaniet, under whose umbrella Mellaneuropeiska functioned.
(4) It is known that Raoul Wallenberg maintained personal address books and appointment calendars, in 1944 and in earlier years. Source: Kálmán Lauer’s private papers, The Swedish National Archives.
“Servus. dit :”
“4 mars 2015 à 8:47 ”
Good, but read all about the Meropa AB´s first establishment, at the Blasieholmsgatan no. 3, (July-December 1941) in my comment no. 5, six weeks ago, March 4. This I ,(Servus) found out, when reading the Hungarian archivals, but Berger and Birstein, catched up with this facts first today. ” (April, 10) “…to keep “Servus.” at arm’s length, while also making use of his abilities ? ”
I discovered this important fact in the Hungarian National Archives website, (Archivum),
March 4. I was lucky then, because today, the photos of the documents have disapp-eared from : ” ismeretlen _wallenbergiratok. html.” Only the texts remains, it looks as someone made an ” cut-out” of paintings, from an art museum, you know, only the frames are left behind.
Someone has deleted them from the: Magyar Országos Levéltár, just now, how come ? Somebody pulled strings ? As in former Soviet ?
2015 : January 15 : Raoul Wallenberg’s Secret German Contacts /Berger/Birstein/ McKay:
2014 : April 6 : : A brief Note on Grosheim-Krisko/Mckay:
2012 : Gellert Kovacs : Raoul Wallenberg : Mellan myt och verklighet. (between myth and reality)
1933: September,24: (DN) The big Jewish men´s clothing chainstore, the “Hemdenmatz” (German for: “small boy in a shirt”) in Berlin, owned by mr Schaub and mr Stein from Poland, was banned from doing business, and was object for the early Nazi-“Ariserung” measures, and the new owner was an Aryan man, named Friedrich Dillenberg. ”
By that we can perhaps solve another question. Susanne Berger, refers to, in her article : The Special-Metall förening. up.a. June 10, 2008. Erich Philippi, mentioned in a letter May,24,1945, to Vilhelm Scharp, the former Swedish lecturer in Berlin, that a “Dillenberg was implicated in the Hemdenmatz case” .
There lived 1945, a German man called Dillenberg, Teodor (b.1909-d.1952) from Berlin, in Sweden, married 1937, with the Swedish citizen ms Märta Sylvan from Allerum. The couple was known by Philippi, living in Stockholm, for alleged antisemitic attitudes.
The letter dealed probably with this early ” Ariserung” confiscation, 1933, and “Hemden-matz”, was a chain of Jewish men´s clothing in Germany, and not a coded word for something conspirative “secret”, what Susanne Berger suggests. But if Friedrich Dillen-berg of 1933, is the same man as Teodor Dillenberg, 1945, can´t be confirmed here.
1939: March 11: The municipal court of Stockholm, (rådhusrätten) prohibits the com-pany: the Swedish-Swiss industrial syndicate (Svensk-Schweiziska industrisyndikatet) to use this name, because another company, the: Swedish-Swiss Trading company (hand-elskompaniet, Stockholm) claimed the former had a too close similarity, leading to harmful confusions.
1939: October 14: The Svea court of appeal, confirmed the verdict, and should the “Syndicate” pay 200:- in damages, and pay the legal expenses, 325:- . So, Raoul Wall-enberg and the lawyer Hans Böhme lost this lawsuit.
The Svensk-Schweiziska industrisyndikatet, was the company Raoul Wallenberg and the Jewish refugee, Werner Abernau, owned and managed together,with Hans Böhme, from spring 1937 to 1938, January when Abernau was deported to Germany, and later per-ished in KZ-Sobibor, Poland 1943.
(1.) Susanne Berger was to suspicious, about the “Hemdenmatz” stores, and the Nazi- “Ariserung” of that Jewish men´s clothing chain in Berlin/Germany, 1933.
(2.) The new fact of the lawsuit against, Abernau´s/Wallenberg´s/Böhme´s economic
cooperative/assoc. the name-conflict , late 1939 confirming that Wallenberg´s office with Böhme, then declared bankrupt,(1940) divorced (1941), and MS-illness, had to be
shut during, around 1940, and Wallenberg was then employed in the Meropa AB, 1941.
But the show must go on, then and now with the Wallenberg research.
I presumed that this website, was an EU-sponsored official blogg,from the address:
” :http:// ” and then I wasn´t aware that this website in fact is Marie Dupuy´s personal. From the (eu) in the address, I thought it was administra-ted by some EU-office.
But I can still make some comments, of general interest, with permission of Marie Dupuy
I hope, comments worth published, even if very few seem to use this site.
(12.) :2015 : NORTHERN WEDDINGS: (1.) HERSLOW & BÖHME :1934:
1934: Stig Lagerberg (1905-1987) (nobility no.112.) married Brita Herslow : (1903-1980) daughter to colonel Carl Herslow, and later man.dir. STAB/ Warzaw and one of the “Warzaw Swedes” , accused of espionage 1942. (Arrested of Gestapo in July, 4. 1942 ).
One of the weddingguests : Lawyer Hans Böhme.
How come ? Böhmes mother, Brita Böhme,(1876-d.1943) was borned Qvennerstedt, as Herslow´s wife, Anna Margareta (Greta) Qvennerstedt, (f. 1881-1947). They were dau-ghters of the man.dir, Claes Felix Qvennerstedt, head of the Münchenbryggeriet,Stock-holm, (brewery), (d.1894.)
Hans Böhmes father was the med. doctor, Amandus Gottfrid Böhme, borned in Västervik 1862, and practising in Stockholm from 1892. He married Brita Maria Qvennerstedt, 1894, (b. 1876-d.1943), Hans Felix´s mother.
Hans had even a sister, Margareta Böhme. (b.03-1972) married (1927) the navy captain Eric Appelqvist (b.00-1973), (in fact the same navy reservelist, as Rolf Calissendorff (1942), and Jakob Wallenberg (1947).
Brita Herslow was then cousin to Hans Felix Böhme, (b.1898-d.1951). (Böhme had a
married son, Arvid Hansson Böhme, navy engineer (b.1924-d.1993).
And perhaps Carl Herslow /STAB, was the “Wallenberg connection,” with Hans Böhme, and with Raoul Wallenberg. Perhaps Raoul was able to assist Böhme, 1937/39-40. (Böhme lived at the Stavgårdsvägen no.51, Bromma, and then Nybrogatan no. 61, City, 1940-41.)
But what happened when both Carl Herslow and his son-in-law, Stig Lagerberg, was arrested of Gestapo, 1942, for helping the Polish (exile) underground resistance. Herslow was convicted to death, by the “Volksgerichte”, but Lagerberg´s verdict, was not guilty, but interned, and to Gestapo´s disposal. They were all released, late 1944, after negotiations, (Felix Kersten) perhaps ransom.
Even without Hans Böhme´s kinship, to the Herlows, the whole Warsaw-case in the Wallenbergsphere, must have influenced Raoul Wallenberg,1942-44, but how did he react ? We can presume that he had knowledge about Böhme´s relationship. This infor-mation is new, (as far as I can see) and can´t but add, dramatization, of the Raoul Wallenberg case.
(13.):2015: THE ABETRYCK:
1944 : Dagens Nyheter: November 22: ” The printing company, Abetryck in the Vadstena town, (H. Petersson, Ljungagränd no.2) (1939) will edit a Estonian-Swedish dictionary, (Rootsi keelo opik),with basic phrases, 3.000 copies.
This was the company that Raoul Wallenberg, was said to have had some economic in-terests, and as late as July 7, 1944, inked a deal with a partner, mr Eberhard Håkans-son, for editing some business directories. (Hans Böhme had some connection to Väst-ernorrland, (Umeå) and published a directory 600 p., of the province, 1925.)
This person, was probably named, James Harry Eberhard Håkansson, and 31 years old, 1940, and then NCO, Sergeant (Furir), living in Stockholm, Inedalsgatan 11 ” register-editor”. From the Halland province. Probably published a book 1936: Vägvisare (guide) över Halland.The one and only officially published, by Håkansson. Perhaps colleagues
within the military service (I1) or the Homeguard.
In Vadstena there was even an Estonian´s-in-exile, publishing company, Esti kirjastus Orto, from 1944, (address unknown) publishing about 80 fiction/literary books of Est-onian authors, in the Estonian language, before moving to Canada , 1951. (80 printed works in a few years, must be an intensive and expensive business.)
The Abetryck printed probably some of these books, but if Wallenberg was involved in this “Estonian refugees” publishing, is not confirmed. But 1944 , November, 25 Abetryck advertised in Dagens Nyheter , an Estonian -Swedish dictionary, and a Songbook, for “the employers” of the refugees when some 30.000 Estonian refugees arrived to Swe-den, 275 persons with Iver Olsen´s WRB-transports, during summer /fall of 1944.
August 25, 1944, a correspondence (letter) from Koloman Lauer – Raoul Wallenberg mentions: ” a sum of 6.000:-SEK (= 120.000:- today), in discussion of an economic conflict, with the lawyers office ” Justitia, and a mr Petersson”. The whole sum will soon be repaid, so don´t worry “.
The name of the head of the Abetryck, 1939 was, H. Petersson, but any connections are not confirmed, exactly to him, or the Estonian´s Orto .(Source: Paul Levine 2010.p.302-303.)
There was a businessconnection, 1944, July 7, between Eberhard Håkansson (1911-1962) and Raoul Wallenberg, due to a signed contract in the Raoul Wallenberg archive, concerning probably the Abetryck,(source/ S. Berger), but if Lauer´s letter to Raoul addressed, this deal, this company, and an economic conflict, there, is unknown, as the nature of the Estonian publishers, in this.
(14.):2015 :TEN NORTHERN WEDDINGS : (2:)
(1.) 1935, January 5: Maj Nisser and the German count Enzio von Plauen. (Maj= Raoul´s cousin)
Guests: German diplomats : The German minister Prince of Wied, the diplomat Meynen. Lantrat Tengelmann (Germany), the Dutch diplomat ,Visser,
Swedes: The General (David Hedengren (b.58), with wife, Baron Carl G. Bonde, Eriksberg´s Estate=Angelicas Bonde´s uncle b.77)
Architect Anders Tengbom,(b.11) (son of Ivar Tengbom/Royal architect) ,
The county governer, Hagströmer , (Gösta Hagströmer´s father).
Hjördis Tengbom,(b.77) (wife of Ivar Tengbom 1905-1927), Hans von Rosen, major Drake.
The Fredrik and Maj Dardel couple , and ms Nina Dardel was bridesmaid.
(Otto von Bismarck:(b.1897.-1975. Diplomat, Auswärtige Amt, at German London-embassy. 1928 married Ann Marie Tengbom,(daughter of Ivar Tengbom) (1907-1999), served in Stockholm, 1927-1928, and London, 1928-1937, during Ribbentrop´s watch. V-mann/liasion between NSDAP, och AO. Minister in Rom, up to 1943. His brother Gottfried, was implicated in the July, 20-attempt, 1944.)
(2.* ) 1940, January 21: Johan Paues (b.13) and ms Inga Falkman.
* Raoul Wallenberg was present in Stockholm, at the wedding. Inga´s father Oscar Falkman was married a sister of Raoul´s father, Karin Wallenberg, = Aunt of Raoul John Paues, engineer, at the Hällefors bruk.
(3.) 1940: September 22: Gilbert Murray lieutenant (b.14.) ( I1) and Ulla Ehrensvärd (b.18).
Daughter of the rear admiral Gösta C.A. Ehrensvärd (b.85). Guests: Ulla Mörner –
* Per Anger. (I1-lieutenant/reserv.)
Ehrensvärd ,CiC of the Coastal navy, gave secret order after the British confiscated the Swedish des-troyers, June 1940, forbidding the any ships to surrender.) (Obs.! Raoul not present, here, but Anger´s relatives was married a Mörner)
(4.*) 1941: March,17 : Ingvar Seth and Elisabeth Björnstjerna( b.1917- d.2010)
Daughter of colonel Carl J.M Björnstjerna (b.86) married 1915 with Sonja Emelie Wallenberg (f.1891-1970) sister of Marcus and Jakob: Guest: * Raoul Wallenberg.
” Colonel Carl Björnstierna, head of the Swedish Foreign Intelligence at the Swedish General Staff until 1942, was married to Jacob and Marcus’ sister Sonja. He also happ-ened to be a good friend of Mellaneuropeiska’s owner, Carl Matthiessen. Both men in turn were on very good terms with the British Military Attaché Henry Denham.” /Susanne Berger./ 2015
“—Jacob Wallenberg apparently also played a small role in the efforts by his niece, Elisabeth Seth, in 1965 to obtain information about Raoul Wallenberg through Russian contacts. She asked Jacob to arrange for a high Russian official to stay at Jacob’s estate Malmvik.” /Susanne Berger 2007.
(5.) 1942: 16 juni: Johan Asker and Brita Francke.
(Dtr.of Gösta O.R. Francke (1892- d.1934) / The Beckershov estate, married 1919, ms Ebba Lewenhaupt b. 1894.) They had two daughters : Mary and Brita.
Bridesmaid : Jeanette von Heidenstam. (one of Raoul´s dates, 1944.)
(This information because of Johan Asker was the man behind the phone.” no. 357″ , Katrineholm, Sjöholm estate, in Raoul Wallenberg´s diary: ” Murray Payne ask Torsten “Boltenstein” from Enzio von Plauen, Katrineholm 357, Sjöholm.” (Olympic in riding. Relatives in the Tudor AB.)
(6.*) 1942: June 20: Gösta Hagströmer (b.08) and Ingvor Barthen,(b.20.)
Daughter of consul Ivar Barthen, (b.1883) consul engineer, shipowner, (Hagströmers =cousins of Raoul Wallenberg.) Vicar : Hans Åkerhielm (Finnish activist, 1942-44) .
Birgitta Tengbom (b.05) – Carl Fredrik von. Horn, (b.10) (Res.officer/I1). (Daughter of Ivar Tengbom b.1878/remarried 1931, with Madeleine Douglas.)
Marianne von Essen (b.19.)- Johan von Treschow, (b.10). (they married the same year 1942.)
Anna (Brita) Lilliehöök:(b.1920)- * Raoul Wallenberg present.
Lorle von Kantzow (f.17) – lieutenant Bertil af Klercker.(b.10)
(See my comment about the af Klercker bros.) (Eleonore Flora (b.17) Lorle´s uncle, Nils, (b.85) married with Karin Foch,1910-22) (d.1931) (later married H.Göring).
Erik Ameln (1910-1990) (relative of R.Ameln/Jungnerbolagen) Svenska Ackumulator AB Jungner , William Nisser, PM the Right party. Anders Hagströmer (b.11), Lennart Hag-strömer,(b.09) (bros.of Gösta)
(7.*) 1942: September 28: Claes Herlin and Britt-Marie Falkman. (b.1920- d.1957)
(Dtr of: Karin Wallenberg married Oscar Falkman) (*Raoul Wallenberg present)
(8.) 1943: 28 mars: Torsten Jockum Boltenstern och Ewa Cronstedt (b. 1919 -d.1993)
(Relative of Otto Cronstedt/Pharao Gane.) (Dtr of cavalry captain Carl Cronstedt, and his wife, neé Bonde.)
Bridesmaid: * Nina von Dardel.:
(Boltenstern, the wellknown ABA-pilot in Raoul Wallenberg´s diary.)
(9.*) 1943: 18 december : Nina Dardel (b.21) and Gunnar Lagergren.(b.12)
Guests: Captain, F.(olke) Barkman,(b.13 ) later colonel, Air force, Wing commander, married 1940 with Inga Lagergren (sister of Gunnar) (b.15)
S.(ven) Brusewitz, UD-secretary (Berlin 1941-1942),
Lieutenant J.(ockum) * Boltenstern,
Lawyer L. Waern,
*Agneta Francke, and Hubert de Besche, (b.11) (UD) and architect * Raoul Wallenberg.
(10.) 1946 : June 1: Agneta Francke and airforce lieutenant Carl-Fredrik Schnell.
Dtr of Cav. captain Nils Francke: (Kungsgården-Marieberg´s sawmill) wife neé Dyrssen. (Ebba Dyrssen f.1896-1972) /Sjövik, Bettna dtr.of rear amiral, Gustaf Dyrssen (b.58.)
Anne-Marie Francke married captain, Conrad Ekman. Greger Lewenhaupt /Eva Lennman, Evald Uggla.
C-G. Schnell served as deputy air force attaché in Washington, 1951-1955, later in Copenhagen, Denmark 1972. (The Soviet agent, colonel Stig Wennerström, Swedish airattaché Washington 1952-57, the same period, but from April 1, 1952. (Schnell was of course not(!) implicated in the Wennerström´s espionage.)
This publishing from the daily press give some description of Raoul Wallenberg´s personal presence as guest, at some weddings among his relatives, 1935-1943. The weddings describe, perhaps something of the Swedish official “neutral” trajectory, from pro-German, to Pro-Western, ten weddings within ten years, 1935-1945.
The most surpricing, information is that three guests: Barkman/ Bolstenstern/Schnell were skilled military pilots in the Swedish airforce. Torsten Boltenstern (b.13) (ABA) seem close to Nina (neé Dardel)-Lagergren, and (sister-in-law) Inga Lagergren, sister of Gunnar, was married the pilot, Folke Barkman (b.13) Agneta Francke, with the pilot, C.F. Schnell, (b.21), (Vampire-pilot/1946).
Those days, Sweden´s most experienced airforce crew, traffic- and fighterpilots, when thinking of a possible airlifting of Raoul Wallenberg,to Sweden October/November 1944.
This alleged visit confirmed by Marcus Wallenberg, (1981), was downplayed in the offi-cial investigation, but I find ” Torsten Boltenstein”(sic!) in Raoul´s diary, as (John Asker), behind the Katrineholm, Sjöholm, no 353″. And in fact, Nina Lagergren and Raoul knew Boltenstern very well it seems, as Folke Barkman, I presume, later wing-commander, F7, Såtenäs, (1958-1968.)
This company in Stockholm, managed as Meropa AB, to end up on the U.S./British “Certain blocked nationals,” blacklist,” Sweden, 1942/43. But how ? Because they traded with the Hungarians/Germans, but probably they refused to accept agentservice, for the British SIS in Stockholm. Meropa AB was soon deleted, from this blacklist, due to McKay, but not Hungaro-Skandia. How come ? (Often rather small Swedish companies and of course German affiliations, were sanctioned by the Allies, the big business got away. This war tradepolicy from the Allies, remains still not investigated.)
But it started when the female dancer, Lilian Karina,(1907-2007) (b. in Petersburg) (stagename) in Germany, met ” Laci”, j:r dr, Laszlo Vasarhelyi, (Mandl) assimilated Jew, from Budapest, 1935/36, source, Lilian Karina Vasarhelyi´s selfbiography: Mitt liv i rörelse/= My life in motion, (2006). A very interesting biography from Europe before the war(s), and their stay in Sweden, from 1938, where she became an wellknown dancer/ private teacher, dailypress dance-reviewer, with pupils as: Birgit Cullberg, Anders Ek, Malin/Mats Ek, Kari Sylwan and later worked with Ingmar Bergman in the Dramaten national theather. During 1938-45,Lilian K. just received tourist-visa and must travel in Europe, every 3rd month.
Laci(Laszlo) was one of four Hungarian brothers, Gyula , Pista, Ferry (Ference) (editor in the paper Az Est) Pista Vasarhelyi, was under-secretary-of-state, in the Hungarian Treasury, and managed relations with Swedish bankers,the Scandinavian Bank, (Mr B.) among the STAB/MAGIRT.
Laci worked for his brother Gyula in National Hungarian touristadminstration, in Germ-any, but 1935, the Nazi racial “legislation”, was launched, and he went to Switzerland and Sweden, 1936, to promote tourism to Hungary. Lilian had received German citizen-ship, but switched to Hungarian, with a false marriage.
1938, Laci went to Sweden, and met Ivan Ohlson, a socialdemocrat, founder (1937) and head of the Swedish, travelbureau, Reso, later a very huge enterprise, owned by the consumers cooperation (KF) (ABF) (Workers education), LO, the Unions, and other inter-est-organisations, to promote holiday stays for the people, when the first Swedish holiday legislation, was introduced. Reso owned big hotels, and vacation-places, one of the labor´s cooperative social “gamechangers” in Sweden, during the 40 years of social-democratic governments, in a row, 1936-1976. Ivan Ohlson then visited Laci in Buda-pest, and decided to help, Laci.
Lilian and Laci must leave Germany, because of the Nazi´s persecution of Jews, around 1937/38 and she must leave, went to Sweden, where Laci was, late November 1938. (Stay: Pensionat Serena Norrmalmstorg 3). Lilian then worked together with Herta Fischer, concert pianist,(and her mother), Jewish from Vienna, bottled up in Sweden.
Refugees was not welcomed in Sweden then. Only one tour, was permitted, March 1939. Ivan Ohlson paid Laci a salary, of 400:-SEK, commissions for Reso-travels to Hungary,
They had contacts with a banker Mr B (must be Erik Björkman b.95) at the Skandinaviska banken, and the Socialdemocratic Party (SAP), through Ivan Ohlson. As refugee, and ballet dancer, (10 persons, 1939-1945) Lilian was “as welcomed” as the 10 Jewish doctors, in Sweden, 1939. (Bollhusmötet/Arvid Fredborg) But she was not Jewish, as Laszlo.
Laci met at the restaurant the Regnbågen/ Rainbow, 1939, the count Claës.-Eric Lewen-haupt, (b.12) and they registered the company, Hungaro-Skandia Export/Import, add-ress, first the Furusundsgatan no.3, then the Brantingsgatan no.18, (new produced housing) the latter,even the address of Lilian and Laszlo Vasarhelyi, tel. 62 31 92. The name of the count Lewenhaupt, opened the doors to Armyadministration, (Arméförvalt-ningen), address Arsenalsgatan in Stockholm.
Even Lilian Karin´s memoir, claims that the producer of those “2.000” pcs of military furs was a furrer, mr Breitfelt/ confection company, as in the telegram, I found at the Hungarian national archive,(Magyar Országos Levéltár). (See: My comment 5:2/2:2015)
I wrote then : (Copy)
Telegram To: Meropa AB : Att: Direktör Wallenberg: September 1, 1941 :
/Livpaelsar /militära pälsar/ = military fur coats/
The telegram goes: (forwarded and translated in German from probably the Hungarian legation/trade section.)
« – – -Delivery by the Konfektionswerke Breitfeld and Hangya, due to official regulated prices, for Livpälsar (Fur coats) (85.65) (SEK). For each delivery of 2.000 pcs. If deliv-erance over 2.000 pcs,there maybe a higher price, if wages/transport changes. This offer should be presented, for Törsleff, Vasarhelyi and Lauer, and be answered by telegram. ”
This telegram, is the connection with Vasarhelyi (Lewenhaupt +Törsleff) Hungaro-Skandia Exp./Imp. and Raoul Wallenberg, and the Meropa AB and Kalaman Lauer, 1941. Then I didn´t know that Lilian and Laci Vasarhelyi had taken contact with the same producer. All traincommunications from Hungary was controled by the Germans. Laci phoned the furrer, Marcel Breitfelt, 1940,in Budapest, to ask him if possible to switch his fashion furs production, to military furcoats for Sweden (livpälsar.) Probably he
had some support of the Hungarian cooperative ” Hangya”, and their workforce.
Marcel Breitfelt was a Hungarian Jew, but not in this army business, (as Manfred Weiss/Werke and Henrik de Wahl) but in fashion/furs,(furrer) with his shop, at the Vaci-utca, 16 in Budapest. He had to re-structure his company, then, to meet the buyers demands. Lilian worked with offers from Hungary, and had to process, the trading through the German military administration, railwaytransports, and customs, transits, and could only travel to Hungary, with the knowledge of the Swedish Arméförvaltningen.
She was supposed to even collect information from her journeys,(1941-1944) back to Sweden, but not “intelligence”. She admitts that the business, not always was within the law, but those were the days. Much of the payments she deliver to Swiss number-acco-unts, big sums. Lilian Karina knew Koloman Lauer, (” he arrived in January 1940 to Swe-den”), and claims that the “Lauer-circles, convinced Raoul of going to Budapest, 1944.”
But this telegram I discovered, at the Hungarian National Archives website, (Archivum) this year, with some certain ” Wallenberg-related” documents, this one mentioned, ” Vasarhelyi, Törsleff and Lauer, must decide about the price and delivery” from the producer, the Breitfelt´s confection. But even that the Meropa´s first office was located at “the Blasieholmsgatan no.3”, not the Strandvägen no. 7A, what then even Susanne Berger noticed, in her article above.
But suddenly this documents and others disappeared from the website, the other day, deleted by the Hungarians, webmaster. Only the texts, remained, like some “cut-out” from a museum, as surpricing, and shocking as Wallenberg´s abduction from Budapest, 1945. Gone ! Today as classified as the FSB-archive in Moscow ? Destroying of evidence ? ” There are still secrets in the Wallenberg -case”, that´s the message from Budapest, MOL, (Archivum.) Perhaps they feared this documents could compromise Raoul Wallen-berg ? So they deleted them. Still very politicized, and frightening, 70 years after Raoul´s disappearance.
There maybe a connection, but how, was Raoul Wallenberg/Meropa AB, (Blasieholms-gatan 3) involved, in this, in the same time as F:a Hungaro-Skandia, (Furusundsgatan no. 3) then Brantingsgatan 18, due to Lilians memoirs ? It seems a ” joint venture”, but Lilian claims that Breitfelt, made millions in revenues, for his deliveries to Sweden. Lilian K., mention Raoul Wallenberg, but not in this contexts, only the usual.
Susi Bradfield : (Freddie Breitfelt was her husband.) : in her (Google) book : “But some became stars”: 1998/Gefen publishing House/ Jerusalem/ N.Y. (Susi Bradfield, b.1929 was one of the Jewish children, rescued by the “Kindertransports” from Germany to Britain, 1939, January 18, and with a connection to Marcel Breitfelt.
“– Before the war Marcel Breitfeld, was one in the Hungarian elite, (uncle of Freddie) with big mansion, parties. 1943, he could give the Germans, 1 million dollars if they promised safe passage of a freedom train, filled with 400 Jewish refugees. A train was
ready, at the Budapest station, even relatives in the Hungarian army, from the Eastfront. There were then 100 places not occupied, and this was offered the Jewish council, to organize, but there were most rabbis, and not the young people, Breitfelt intended for. The train went through Czechoslovakia, to a Sassnitz ferry, and then to Sweden. ”
(Later the Wehrmacht needed this fur-production, you know, they freezed to death, in front of Moscow, Operation Typhoone , November/ December1941, when the Red army marsching out directly from the troop parade November 7, to the front – 40 km:s to the West. The same Red square as the 70 years Victory Day parade, last Saturday, May 9.)
(1.) This company, The Hungaro-Skandia Export/Import, 1939-1944, was never men-tioned in the official investigation, and it´s possible connection with Meropa AB, and Kalaman Lauer/ Raoul Wallenberg. This concerning the delivery of the fur coats,(1941) from the documents displayed (telegram for Meropa AB, Dir. Raoul Wallenberg) from Magyar Országos Levéltár, later prompt deleted from their own website.
(2.) There are three (3) different versions of the Marcel Breitfelt-case. How did he survive Budapest and Bergen-Belsen 1944 ? Through his own bribes to Gestapo (who there?), or going by the Reszö Kastner-train, ” Blood for trucks” ?
(3.) Breitfelt had anyway, number accounts in Switzerland, Zürich, from where his sur-viving, daughter Marla, (b.15) recived payments through: the Swiss re Holocaust Vic-tim Assets Litigation, 2003, (51 million SwF.)
(4.) Did the Vasarhelyi´s family met Wallenberg in Budapest, 1944 ? Laci´s brother ” Pista”, was undersecretary of state in the Hungarian Finance, dealing with Swedish bus-iness (STAB/Wallenbergsphere) and bankers Erik Björkman, (Skandinaviska banken) and Ferry (Ference) was a wellknown lawyer, and editor in the Budapest daily paper “Az Est.” Must been wellknown people in Budapest.
(5.) Three Jewish Hungarian girls from the Auschwitz KZ, that were adopted by the Vas-arhelyis, 1945, one Edit, came from the same village, as the Holocaust- survivor and lecturer , in Sweden, Ference Gönder , (1928-2010).
(6.) Both Hungaro-Skandia /Exp.Imp. (Vasarhelyi) /(Lewenhaupt) and Meropa AB, (K.Lauer), were blocked certain nationals on the U.S blacklist, the same time but only Meropa/Lauer was deleted after while. How come ?
But if Hungaro-Skandia refused to serve as British SIS-agents, due to Liliam K., and was not later deleted, but first late 1945. That confirms Craig McKay´s suggestion (Excerpts …2011) that Meropa AB perhaps accept missions for the SIS/OSS from 1942/1943, to avoid being blacklisted.
(7.) Skandinaviska bankens man.dir. (B.) was Erik Björkman (f.95). He even met an off-icial Hungarian delegation lead by Istvan Vasarhelyi, under-secretary of state in the Hungarian Finance,in August, 28,1947 in Stockholm, prob. Laszlo´s brother, of Lilian K., named “Pista”. He served then, the post war Hungarian regime.
Erik Björkman visited the “Hungarian shop”, Sturegatan 19, (managed, mentioned by Lilian K.) met Dr Vasarhelyi and Dr Kesery (Hungarian tradeleg.) due to a SF-journalreel from December, 1943.
(8.) Laszlo Vasarhelyi started a new enterprise, The European Trading, Jakobstorg 3, postwar, and traded with East Germany/SBZ, Italy, etc. and became a rich man.
(9.) The Lewenhaupt´s Claës-Eric,(b.12) his cousins Sigrid (b.09) and Axel (b.17), all were very close to the Wallenberg mission, but nothing of these facts, had been obs-erved, in the investigation – as usual, I will add. The Swedish historians approachs, are
questionable, as the official governmental, “thinking-in-a-box ” is qualifying, but tire-som.
Sigrid Lewenhaupt was married Alvar Möller, man. dir., in the STAB/Berlin 1941, then dealing with the ” Warzaw-Swedes”, from 1942. Her brother Axel, arrived as diplomat
(interviewed still alive (98 yrs) by Ingrid Carlberg in DN, last week) to the Swedish lega-tion Berlin, in November 1944, (didn´t Gunnar/Nina Lagergren knew Axel L. ?) and took part in the separate surrender talks, with RFSS/ Heinrich Himmler, and Folke Bernadotte in beginning of May 1945, in Lübeck.
Now, let´s see what Susanne Berger can make of this new “Hungaro-Skandia” facts.
I never saw her mention this company, as the Breitfelts. But is it a breakthrough, and
“new information”, as Susanne use to put it.
When Sweden did her outmost to ” rescue” 13 Wehrmachts-divisions from Norway, to be interned in Sweden, and have Walter Schellenberg/SS/SD surrender Denmark/Norway, but Churchill denied Sweden and fm Christian Günther, this. The surrender was to take place in Reims, with general D.Eisenhower and Dönitz, May 8, later in Berlin with the Red army, and Marshall G.Sjukov, May 9. But Sweden didn´t shy from “helping” NaziGermany even in the last days of the 2nd World War, and that´s detestable.
This man´s biography , (business partner with Laszlo Vasarhelyi) is quite unknown in Sweden, is as interesting, as Lilian Karina Vasarhelyi´s, not only as nobility. Here some information from public sources, and Lilian´s memoars, with perhaps significance, con-cerning Raoul Wallenberg´s antecedentia.
Claes-Eric´s father Eric Lewenhaupt, married 1910, (a maiden from Hannover), Marie Weiss, (in Britain) and then joined the Swedish army´s volontary detachment to Persia, 1911, and the gendarme corps, for law and order, but was killed in action with “insurg-ents”, in April 1914.
Even *Carl Petersén served there, in Persia, and they must be acquaintaints, but later Petersén became the head of the military intelligence, the C-bureau in Sweden, 1940.
Claes-Eric was borned in Tehran, 1912, but they returned to Sweden, and was examined from the Beskowska School,(private) in Stockholm, 1932, and from the KSS (Navy war-fare school./1933/34. Then honorary attaché in * Moscow 1935, practised within the Swedish consulate in Paris, 1936,(* Raoul Nordling). Stayed 1936-1939, in France, Italy and Hungary. During the war in the Swedish Navy staff, (The signalsection/”förbindelse” if so, close to commander, Stefenson, and * Daniel Landqvist, then head of the Swedish military the intelligence.)
(Announcement of engagements: 1935, September 5: Claës-Eric Lewenhaupt and ms Margareta Orrenius. )
Possessor of the F:a Hungaro-Skandia/Export/Import, 1939-1944, (with Laszlo Vasar-helyi) and the Lewenhaupt´s travel buraeu. From 1937-1950 advertisments, of trav-elling, conducted tours, Paris/Budapest etc., with luxuary buses, (living at Karlaplan no. 16) year, 1937/38 with the author Harald Wide (Sibyllegatan no. 40). (1904-1938). Later Lewenhaupt lived in U.S. Florida, 1960s.
The Vasarhelyi´s spent then every summer from 1940 at the Lewenhaupt´s estate the Stubbarps slott (built 1852/Höganäs, at the Öresund) and Claës-Eric, invited even his “lover George, from the U.S.legation.” (*unknown who) There were the Unger Twins (Gunnar/Bertil) , Swedish tapdancers, with their wifes, Vera Valdor och Gisela Unger, and later, * Ingrid von Dardel, *Nils Dardel´s daughter.
All these sophisticated women seemed for Lilian K., ” to come from another world. In their circles they didn´t care about the ideologies, they lived the “La dolce vita”, as long as their own lifes wasn´t in danger. ”
The King Gustaf V, was a frequent guest, at Lewenhaupt´s palace, the Stubbarps slott, in Skåne, and noticed the young count. Claës-Eric didn´t conceal his gay orientation, for Lilian Karina, and he became a true friend of Lilian and Laci. He could represent the company, Hungaro-Skandia/Exp./Imp. in official contexts, ” became” an “Ehrengoj”, and his name became a door-opener, to the Swedish military, administration those days, the Armétygförvaltningen, biggest purchaser (Year: 1944=500 millions SEK / 10 billions today)
” A German, couple ,Walter von Holwede (repr. German music instruments), got an cov-ermission in Budapest, lived at the Hotel Hungaria 1943, they met Count Tolstoy and Wallenberg, but must flee to Hamburg, 1944. ”
Lilian K., about ” Dave” the Britain attaché in Stockholm: – ” Dave “was a typical british overclass, they met through mr Laszlo Levai (Hungarian,antiquitetsdealer), “Dave” often in company with a greyhaired military man, a good-looking , rosy face, in every party, began with, ” Everybody calls me Vicky”, seemed as always drunk. ”
One evening “Dave” (prob. David MacEwen ) invited Lilian and Laci, for dinner, and Claes-Eric Lewenhaupt in Dave´s apartment, the Rindögatan no. 32, 6th floor, where he lived with his male partner, the Norwegian architect, Finn H.” Even “Vicky”, the British colonel with his beautiful Czechoslovakian and clever girlfriend. ”
(But Finn H. is probably, Finn Hagle ” a Norwegian Milorg-man, mr Hagle, hide and lodged for a while, in MacEwen´s home,” due to T. Pryser. (A mr Finn Hagle (and Kaare) was architect/set designer/scenograf in some Swedish/Norwegian movies 1948-1951, with Georg Fant : (Dit vindarna bär /1948) /svensk/norsk (Kampen om Tungtvannet (1948) (The *heavy water -sabotage /Vemork) and Kranes Konditori 1951/Cora Sandel) (They lived at the Rindögatan but in fact at no. 44, same telephone , but the name printed “Hegle”. ) What became of Finn Hagle, post 1951, no trace. Cold war ?
– ” Suddenly “Dave” begin talking with another voice, threatened, and demanded the Vasarhelyis to accepting regular agent service for the British SIS. (Secret Information Service). But they did usually tell the Britains about their trips, and activities, but they didn´t aimed to take part in special operations. Not because that they were afraid or blaming on some principles.
They knew too much of how little idealism and moral, these career climbing diplomats in fact displayed, the same time they enjoyed themselves, and acted out their bents in a luxuary environment. But “Dave´s and Vicky´s” threats became more and more obvious. Were they drunk ? – The mood became strained. “- – –
Laci Vasarhelyi then answered: – “He, himself, had a Jewish background, and the British and Americans was classoriented, and obsessed with their own superiority. Laci claimed he wasn´t sure if they, aimed to fight the Nazis – or the Communists, and they didn´t care for the Jews. Laci claimed that they only would cooperate of ideological reasons, and that was exactly what he missed in those Allieds administrators, he and Lilian had met, up to then. After some months, they became aware that they were ” blacklisted” on the Allieds: U.S/ UK´s ” Certain blocked nationals.”
(* ” Vicky” must be Victor Hampton, “passport control officer “(PCO) arriving to Sweden,
December 1942, and joining Cyril Cheshires team, after John Martin, and then Henry Threlfall been declared persona non grata in Sweden, after the Rickman-gang, and the Ivan Blackman-trial, 1942, a convicted dynamiter, sabotage-group, hired to sink a ship in the Kiel-kanal, and designs like the Krylbo-explosion, (the year before, 1941.)
Blackman met Henry Denham, the British navy attaché, who gave him the address in Stockholm, the Strandvägen no.37, ring the doorbell of ” Jahn”. , then Henry Threlfall opened the door. (Marie Louise Jahn/perhaps Danish?). (In the same entrance lived the Hungarian diplomatic secretary press attaché Pandy Calmán, who postwar 1945, lived in Sweden/translator) (Henry Threlfall later served in Italy, the *Bari-base, 1944.)
Even Victor Hampton, was involved in recruiting agents for SIS/SOE. 1942, the Danes, Kaj Julius Bogense, and John Paulsen,became implicated in British espionage in Den-mark. Hampton was living at the, S:t Eriksgatan no.1, and Erik Dahlbergsgatan, no 37 due to sources. Here he met an important Danish SIS-agent, Aage Andreasen, 1942-1944, then arrested of the Gestapo, but survived the war.
1946, the daily papers (AB) claimed that the diplomats Victor Hampton, and John Hunt had managed a “spy-school”, at the Brantingsgatan no.39, (including an alleged attempt of execution of a Danish agent with poison ) where some small camera, micro-photo-cassettes was left, behind.
“Postwar the Vasarhelyis could read in the DN, that “Dave “was head of the British SIS in Scandinavia, and “Vicky” was among those, deciding to “execute” Jane Horney, extra-judicial, January, 1945. (That seems credible.)
Lilian K.: ” Everything seemed permitted. No moral or conscious, everybody fighting for survival, to rob and grab, or save their just own people. Few had any ideology, or poli-tical opinions, and mistrusted the politicians, generals, agents, bankers and whole-salers.”
David Mac Ewen was the diplomat/SIS-agent who called Adam von Trott, to Stockholm, June 21, 1944, and was questioned by MacEwen, and to write a report about the German Widerstand, the extent, and the names of the members. Trott did that, but didn´t gave the names. MacEwen told Trott, that the Allieds bombingwarfare, should escalate and destroy important German industrial sites.
R. Lamb : A British historian, claims that ” the British legation demanded Adam von Trott to dangerous go to Stockholm, June 21, to meet David MacEwen, only to ask him about internal German conditions, what anybody visiting Germany,could have provided SIS with,. MacEwen was the last Britain, Trott met before his execution, in August, 1944. MacEwen didn´t know anything about the German Widerstand and didn´t want to know. (Classified then to year 2000, as MacEwan was a Secret Service, because the British
didn´t want to go into separate surrender talks against the Soviets.”
The historian M.C.Thomsett: ” MacEwen confided to Trott that the Allies bombingcam-paign was to step up, and destroy the German industrial centers.- If the Widerstand could help, perhaps this, could be avoided, and he asked Trott to write a report of the resistance extent, and the name of the leaders, but Trott didn´t name them. June 21, 1944.This added pressure to the Widerstand to put their coup plans in action. / A month then to the July 20.) (Trott was arrested by Gestapo, and executed in August, 1944.)
Jan Myrdal, the Swedish author gives another version: ” Three days later June 24, he let Adam von Trott into his parents home, the wellknown professors Gunnar and Alva Myr-dal, at the Nyängsvägen no. 155, in Bromma, Äppelviken, Stockholm. Gunnar even pro-mised to contact the U.S. reporter John Scott (OSS) and the Soviet legation. Trott even met Willy Brandt.
Jan Myrdal claims that because Adam von Trott had supported the Subhans Chandra Bose´s , Indian independence movement, against “the Empire where sun never sets ” Britain, going by a German submarine 1943, to Madagaskar, then with a Japanese submarine, to the Japanese occupied Sumatra. There he headed /as Netaj a India National Army. (INA) From Burma lib. India. Fighted with the japanese against Britain in Burma , then against the British army. By that Trott was not trusted, but the British didn´t want to have separate surrender talks, but unconditional surrender, for the Allies.
“- But when in most danger, heroes, not accepting the situation, took own initiatives. There were many such heroes, but perhaps, Raoul Wallenberg became the most distinguished symbol for those people.” /Lilian Karina 2007)
“- But only Kalaman Lauer in our little colony “, took action to rescue the Jews, but they didn´t dare to approach the Swedish legation, in Budapest,without risking, arrest, or registering. ” We provided protection passports for the Jewish Vasarhelyi family, Lacis brothers, Pista, and Ferry, and Breitfelt, blacklisted of the Arrow Cross party. But they didn´t dare to fetch this documents.”
A wellknown, clandestine German-American newsbroker, warned the Walter von Hol-wedes,(Germans) and they informed Marci Breitfelt, and Lacis sister Irene, “claiming there´s some employees at the Swedish legation, with connections to the Germans, and that policeagents watched the building, and even some of the employees apartments.”
1945, May 10, Kalaman Lauer phoned Lilian Karina and Laci, in Stockholm, asking for help in the receiving of refugees,both Jewish and others, from the German concentra-tioncamps, in Malmö, and they stayed here for one month. Lilian claimed that one anti-fascist Hungarian, engineer, was murdered in July, by been throwed off a train between Malmö and Lund, his name was Balint. (Such murders was said to happen frequently to Jews in Poland, postwar.) (A site offering pressphotos from this years in Malmö /SDS, shows two women, named I.Benson and E. Balint, in this Swedish reliefwork, July, but unknown if connections.)
One day K. Lauer asked Lilian (speaking Russian) to go to a private house, taking care of Russian refugees, but there were even other nationalities there, they were not, class-ified, due to their backgrounds, and by that problematic.”- – –
1945, June, Marci (Marcel) Breitfelt phoned Lilian from Zürich, he had arrived there to Lausanne, from Bergen-Belsen KZ. Marcel had immediately left his office, March 19, 1944, in Budapest, when the German invasion was launched. He took all his savings, and went to Ujpest, to blend in with homeless people, and pretending to be one.
Then he visit the German Gestapo-office in Budapest, and bargaining with them, off-ered them 5 millions Swf, from his number-account in Switzerland, (to what Lilian many times had been delivered big sums, from the furcoat business, she claims.) They had to go to Bergen-Belsen, and a Gestapo-agent checked the account in Zürich, they were transported to Zurich, 1945, and paid the money.
But how about the banksecrecy ? And Switzerland demanded 10 % of the account, this was never told postwar, due to Lilian K. (Breitfelt seems hadn´t any official address in Stockholm, anyway, or his name published, during the 1940/50s.)
Then Marcel Breitfelt, late August, 1945, arrived to Stockholm, lived at Grand Hotel, and took contact with Lilian Karina. In fact they had even a personal relation, during 1941-1944, what now , post war had vanished.
A cousin Sigrid f.07 married the man. dir. of STAB/Berlin Alvar Möller, 1941, and from the same family, Axel (f. 17) became UD/secretary, and served in Berlin, 1944, married with ms Elsa Rudberg, December 30, 1944. So here we have three Lewenhaupts, with probably knowledge of Raoul Wallenberg, and trading with Hungary, and the Warzaw Swedes, 1942-44, Axel in the Swedish legation, later helping Folke Bernadotte in nego-tiations with RFSS/ Himmler, 1945, and Sigrid married Alvar Möller, in the same con-texts.
I found out this, before (of course) and now I see (May 6, 2015) that Ingrid Carlberg managed to contact Axel Lewenhaupt and interviewed him, 98 years old in the Dagens Nyheter: – ” April 22, 1945, Walter Schellenberg (SD/SS) phoned Folke Bernadotte at at the Castel Friedrichsruh, with the “White buses”, RFSS/ Himmler wanted to meet Berna-dotte, April 23, aiming of separate surrender to the Western powers, through Berna-dotte and the Swedish government, Lewenhaupt was then in Lübeck, he has arrived during the fall 1944.
Himmler now wanted to negotiate and meet General Eisenhower. Bernadotte asked Himmler to write a short letter as a proof, and include Denmark/Norway, and took the first airtransport to Copenhagen, and then to Stockholm, meeting foreign minister Christian Günther at the Blasieholmstorg, and later in the evening, both Herschel John-son/U.S. and Victor Mallet/U.K. was called up to the Foreign ministry, the Gustaf Adolf´s torg.
But West didn´t of course approved any separate surrendering and Bernadotte had to go to Copenhagen and give Schellenberg the answer. But Bernadotte, advised instead Himmler to surrender Denmark/Norway and offer the German forces there, to be interned in Sweden, “to save them.”
But a leak, then mentioned Bernadotte in a radio transmission, abroad and Schellenberg tried again to arrange a separate surrender, May 5, via Sweden, (but Churchill stopped this, vigourosly May 5, in message to the Swedish government) but general Alfred Jodl, Admiral Dönitz representant, had to surrender May 6, under ultimatum, unconditional, in Reims, to general D. Eisenhower, in force 8/9 May, then in Berlin with the Red army´s CiC Grigorij Sjukov, May 9,1945.
Dear Servus,
your long notes are very interesting, but I wish you would communicate with researchers directly. Your research and your ideas go all over the place and you try to connect numerous people with each other and with Raoul Wallenberg, even when the connection is more or less incidental. I agree that there may be deeper meaning in some of these ties, but I will not engage in a discussion on a public web page. So, if you wish to have contact, you can write to me at I think you will see that some of the questions you raise about names, etc. can be answered. At the same time, a discussion may also help you focus your inquiries, because while it is certainly helpful and interesting to establish certain connections (who knew whom when and where), to determine how any of this matters is quite another. It is obviously possible to relate a whole slew of Lewenhaupts, Vasarhelyis and Wallenbergs to each other, but this does not mean that it has any substantive meaning for the Wallenberg case as such. In other words, one can get easily get lost in all the weeds, without getting closer to the substance of the mystery. I have great respect for your knowledge of details, but I just want to share my concern that you are spending a lot of energy when it might help to take a step back, to look at the big picture every once in a while. Then you can perhaps determine more clearly where it is worth to dig further and where not.
Best wishes,
Susanne Berger
There are three www/versions/sources about the fate of Marcel Breitfelt, the Jewish furrer in Budapest, mentioned 1941, in connection with Meropa AB/Lauer/Wallenberg, and F:a Hungaro-Skandia Export/Import (Laszlo Vasarhelyi & Claes-Eric Lewenhaupt). (The fourth, most personal version is Lilian Karina´s memoirs of 2006.)
The Kasztner-memorial (website) mention that this persecuted Breitfelt couple was saved from Bergen-Belsen, 1945. (Reszö Kasztner)
Breitfeld, Marcel: (b.) February 9, 1888 Furrier/ Hungarian
Breitfeld, Mathilde (b. August 25, 1893, Housewife Hungarian
Susi Bradfield : (Freddie Breitfeld was her husband.) : in her (google) book : “But some became stars”: 1998/Gefen publishing House/ Jerusalem/ N.Y. (Susi Bradfield, b.1929 was one of the Jewish children, rescued by the “Kindertransports” from Germany to Bri-tain, 1939, January 18, and with a connection to Marcel Breitfelt.
“– -Before the war Marcel Breitfeld, was one in the Hungarian elite, (uncle of Freddie) with big mansion, parties. 1943, he could give the Germans, 1 million dollars if they promised safe passage of a freedom train, filled with 400 Jewish refugees. A train was
ready, at the Budapest station, even relatives in the Hungarian army, from the Eastfront. There were then 100 places not occupied, and this was offered the Jewish council, to organize, but there were most rabbis, and not the young people, Breitfelt intended for. The train went through Czechoslovakia, to a Sassnitz ferry, and then to Sweden.
In Stockholm, Breitfelt started his fur production again, 1945, but now with sheepfurs, and the business grew. When Marcel was married, there was a damask table cloth, with embroidery, from Hungary, one of his daughters gave Susi Bradfield the cloth. “- – -/
Claims Resolution Tribunal : in the re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation Case No. CV96-4849/ (Switzerland) Certified Award to Claimant: Marla Valeria Lukawski represented by Fela Hofman in re Accounts of Marcel Breitfeld / Claim Number: 212585/ES Award Amount: 51,360.00 Swiss Francs
This Certified Award is based upon the claim of * Marla Valeria Lukawski, née * Breitfeld, (the “Claimant”) to the accounts of Marcel Breitfeld (the “Account Owner”) at the Lau-sanne branch of the [REDACTED] (the “Bank”). All awards are published. Where a clai-mant has not requested confidentiality, as in this case, only the name of the bank has been redacted. Information Provided: Marcel Breitfeld was born in Psemislana, Poland in 1888. He was a fur tailor. Prior to WWII he lived in Hungary.
This information is based on a List of persecuted persons found in Card file of the Relico committee of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva,of Jews who were inmates in Bergen-Belsen camp. Hoffman, stated that at some point, Marcel Breitfeld and his family moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Marcel Breitfeld died in 1959.
In support of her claim, the Claimant submitted documents including her birth certi-ficate identifying her father as Marcel Breitfeld of Budapest, Hungary, her parents’ Unit-ed States naturalization certificates, the Claimant’s **Swedish passport and her sister’s death certificate. The Claimant indicated that she was born on 24 May 1915 in Buda-pest.
Information Provided by the Claimant : The Claimant identifying the Account Owner as her father, *Marcel Breitfeld, who was born on 9 February 1888 in Psemislany, Poland, was married to Matilda Breitfeld, née Brack, on 1 March 1914 in Budapest, Hungary. Her father was a furrier and owner of a company,that produced lambskin fur hats, gloves. Her father exported furs to Switzerland, and that he had a non-Jewish friend, * Mr. Vas-arhelyi, who traveled to Switzerland and deposited money in Swiss banks.
Her father resided in Budapest at Vaci-Utca 16 until 1930 and at Szemelynök-Utca 7 until March 1944. According to the Claimant, her father was taken to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with his family and was detained there for seven(7) months until they were released on 7 December 1944, when the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee brought them to Switzerland, where they lived until 1945.
After the Second World War, *Marcel Breitfeld lived in Stockholm, Sweden, until *1949, and in New York, until 1953. In a telephone conversation with the CRT, the Claimant’s representative, The CRT notes that a person named * Marcel Breitfeld was included in a database of people who were rescued by * Rezsö Kasztner. This list includes approx-imately 1,350 names.
The list includes primarily those who were in Bergen-Belsen from July 1944 until Dec-ember 1944. The CRT notes that Rezsö Kasztner, a Zionist activist in Hungary, coor-dinated with the Nazis and representatives of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency in Switzerland to have over 3,000 Jews, mostly from Hungary and Transylvania, transported to Switzerland in June, August, and December 19, 1944.
Hoffman, stated that at some point, Marcel Breitfeld and his family moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where *Marcel Breitfeld died in 1959. In support of her claim, the Claimant submitted documents including her birth certificate identifying her father as * Marcel Breitfeld of Budapest, Hungary, her parents’ United States naturalization certifi-cates, the Claimant’s *Swedish passport and her sister’s death certificate. The Claimant indicated that she was born on 24 May 1915 in Budapest.
Information Available in the Bank Record: The bank record consists of a customer card. According to this record, the Account Owner was Marcel Breitfeld of Budapest, Hungary. The bank record indicates that the Account Owner held two (2) demand deposit acco-unts, which were opened on 10 November 1941 and closed on 23 May 1942 and 8 Aug-ust 1942, respectively. The bank record does not indicate the value of these accounts on the date of their closure, nor does it indicate to whom they were paid. There is no evid-ence in the bank record that the Account Owner or his heirs closed the accounts and received the proceeds themselves.
The CRT’s Analysis Identification of the Account Owner: The Claimant has plausibly identified the Account Owner. Her father’s name matches the published name of the Account Owner. The Claimant identified her father’s place of residence as Budapest, which matches unpublished information about the Account Owner contained in the bank record. In support of her claim, the Claimant submitted documents, including her birth certificate which identifies her father as * Marcel Breitfeld of Budapest, Hungary.
The CRT notes that a database containing the names of victims of Nazi persecution in-cludes a person named Marcel Breitfeld, and indicates that his date of birth was 9 Feb-ruary 1888 and his place of birth was Psemyslany, Poland, which matches the infor-mation about the Account Owner provided by the Claimant. The database is a comp-ilation of names from various sources, including the Yad Vashem Memorial of Israel. Status of the Account Owner as a Victim of Nazi Persecution The Claimant has made a plausible showing that the Account Owner was a Victim of Nazi Persecution. The Clai-mant stated that the Account Owner was Jewish, and that he was interned in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. As noted above, a person named Marcel Breitfeld was incl-uded in the CRT’s database of victims.
The Claimant’s Relationship to the Account Owner: The Claimant has plausibly demon-strated that she is related to the Account Owner by submitting documents demon-strating that she is his daughter. There is no information to indicate that the Account Owner has other surviving heirs.
Certification of the Award: The CRT certifies this Award for approval by the Court and payment by the Special Masters.
Claims Resolution Tribunal
June 3, 2003
Three, four interesting versions of the life and fate of Marcel Breifelt, the Hungarian Jewish furrer in Budapest, surviving the Holocaust, 1944. There maybe some connec-tions, in business or reliefwork, with K.Lauer and R.Wallenberg, both in Sweden and Hungary.
Dear Susanne. I took of course your invitation serious, when you offered a discussion concerning the research in Raoul Wallenberg´s fate. But you didn´t answer, so I don´t know how to interpret your offer ?
As a Swede, as Raoul, I have lived with the case, since I can remember, and by that a special need, perhaps possibility – to research the case, both the old established facts, and what is possible to find out today, with a fresh perspective.
Raoul Wallenberg is important as a pattern, of heroism, as rescuer, in the most danger-ous, merciless situation, possible to imagine, short of war. No one can possess, the case, but there maybe exist a ” truth” in the Russian archives, or in other national arch-ives, or sources, we don´t know. The disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, is of great significance, even in Sweden´s relations with her own history, no doubt, and with for-eign powers, in all quarters.
Dear Servus,
I did not receive an e-mail from you at
Could you resend your message?
Many thanks,
(1.) The Hungaro-Skandia´s Exp./Imp.´s business advertisments in Sweden: 1940-42: (L.Vasarhelyi/C-E. Lewenhaupt)
1940: October 24: (SvD) ” Tomato-purée, 28/30 % .150 tons, Controled by the
Hungarian National authorities, Cans of 5 kg:s, best price of the day.
1941: April 20: (SvD) “Do you wish to import from Hungary? Contact Hungaro-Skandia,
no. 62 31 92, with own office in Budapest.”
1942: November 5: (SvD): “Apple-pulp.”
There remains at least some objects from Marcell Breitfelt, preserved in the www. There is a printed envelope from year 1914. http://helytortenet. com/ budapest-1914-breitfeld-marcell-szucsmester-ajanlott-16f-es-regi-ceges-boritek-furrier
His fur-“boutiques” was situated at the : Vaci-utca 16/ Korona-utca 1, Budapset IV,due to the envelope, and an affiliation in Vienna VI, MariaHilferstrasse, no 27.(From 1909) (Then Austria-Hungary, before the Great war, 1914-1918.)
(Susi Bradfield in : Some became stars (1998) claims that (probably) Marcell´s brother, Hermann Breitfeld was the owner (or in charge) of the Vienna-affiliation, but the comp-any was under nazi “ariserung” 1938, and he fled in time to Britain. Susi was married his son Freddie Breitfelt, (Fryderyk Breitfeld, who, she claimed did a splendid military career during Lord Mountbatten´s command WW2.) (1947/ Breitfeld, Fryderyk; Poland; Serving in His Majesty’s Forces; 16, Heathway Court.)
Around 1950. Marcell Breitfeld claimed an invention, patent, (www) in France, Paris concerning a “mobile shop-window” construction. (Stayed probab. then in Stockholm.)
From the Brazil immigration, application collections, http://www., mentioned Marcell and his wife Mathilde Breitfeld, as immigrants, in a “passport” with photo, issued for his daug-hter Marie, Valeria Benedek, b. 1915, with photo, the year 1951, with some connections to the Swedish immigration authorities, Stockholm, 1951.january 16.(Source: Family-Search (
The “Velenc-blog” (Qouting) : – – – ” K: Tulajdonképpen mi is volt a szülei eredeti végzettsége?
FÉ: Édesapám géplakatos, édesanyám szűcs volt. Szabómesternél tanult, de szűcs lett belőle. Finom keze volt, az érzékeny szőrméket szépen tudta varrni, azokat bízták rá. A Váci utcában a Breitfeld (Marcell-FÁ) –féle szűcsüzletben dolgozott.”)- – –
During the time I´m brushing up my Hungarian language knowledge, we can see that Marcell Breitfeld is mentioned here , of an older Hungarian lady, from the Velence lake. She publish even a “sepia” press cutting, a commercial advertisment from the “Breitfeld Szücs” in the Budapest paper : PESTI NAPLÓ, date, 1933 May 11, p.7.) I publish the leading words in this advertisment: (Pesti Napló 1909-1939)
” 450 Tavaszi (spring) modellköpeny (coat) propagandaárusitása (sale) – – -Breitfeld-féle – – – már(all) 39. – pengöért….. BREITFELD SZÜCS Vacci ucca 14.”
This company, is well known in the Wallenberg-research. The first adress was the Norr-malmstorg the City-house No 1. But then,1942 the man.dir. was a Swede: mr Paul G.(ustav) Zerling, then a wellknown Olympian , fotballplayer,etc. (Zerling was a sailer-friend of Bertil Wallenberg, as usual, in the Sven Sahlén circles (1941 August 2.) (Bertil, the eldest son of Axel Wallenberg). The telegram-address was: “Overtrade:”
But this company moved, about 1943, to the Meropa AB´s address at the Strandvägen 7A, (probably for Sven Salén) and then Raoul Wallenberg, became the man.dir. Paul (even Palle) Zerling, had to/then started his own: Paul Zerling AB, later, dealing with workshop machines, etc. Perhaps Sven Salén founded or bought the PTC-company, and later transferred the leadership, from Paul Zerling to – Raoul Wallenberg.
The reason could have been, a logical concentration of the business, offices, and a pro-motion of Raoul Wallenberg´s commercial profile, and perhaps, as at Norrmalmstorg no.1, there stayed other business, as: Belgo-Baltic AB, a “U.S/ Certain blocked nation-als), and Torsten Kreuger, Ivar´s brother, and a wellknown pro-German businessman, owner of the as pro-German, daily paper The Aftonbladet.
1942: June 26:(SvD) : ” Whole-sale: Bulk of Portuguege resin (harts).” Tel. 20 68 64 , 10 68 15
1942: July,27 : (SvD) : ” Whole-sale Bulk of solid paraffin, 52/54. “For fast delivery from German Baltic Sea port”. :Tel. 11 12 14.
(4.) : MEROPA AB: (1942-1945)
1942 : December, 22 (SvD) ” 30 tons poultry from Hungary , dir, * “Raoul Wallenberg in Meropa AB: ” A new delivery will arrive after the New Year.”
1943 : April, 15: “Do you want to make business with Switzerland? Meropa AB has the contacts for Swedish trade, producers of rawmateriels etc. 67 22 84.”
1945: November,14 : DN ” Meropa-horses to Switzerland.”
1948, JUNE 8: Aftonbladet reports from abroad, Italy San Remo, Hotel/Restaurant Reale/San Remo. where some Swedish officials and businessmen, use to spend their vacations. There you see: The King Gustaf V, O.G Bergman man.dir. Hugo Krafft (Göteborg), Gustaf Munthe, G. Tullberg, Klippan, and mr * Imre de Bartha, (former Hungarian legations , administration, Horthy-decorated 1943 July, 14 administration resigned 1944, then to Vancouver ) with his Swedish borned wife, from Trelleborg and her relatives.
Man. dir. ** Koloman Lauer, Meropa AB, (from Netherlands), Consul, *Axel Johnson (in the Baltic Oil, 1940), and the Navy captain * Henning Hammargren.(If in the same period
can´t be confirmed.)
(* In the Swedish Destroyer-commission 1940: Holger Graffman, Navy engineer,(reserve), the Navy captains, Johan Gabriel Oxenstierna and *Henning Hammargren, (1937-1942) navy attaché Rome/ Italy, and served at a shipowner in Genua, after retired from the Navy. In Bordighiera, next village, south at the coast, you find the former Swedish minister in Budapest, at least 1955, Ivan Danielsson.
1936: 29, april Holger Graffman went to Romania, to explore some goldmines.
1940: Graffman was involved in purchase of the 4 Italian destroyers for Sweden, and the Navy man, captain Henning Hammargren, mentioned: ” Graffman (as “Telegraffman” always telegraphed to Sweden) making deliveries from the Transfer AB, what facilitate the deal with Italy.”- – –
1943: (October) From his wife, Julie Hubrecht, Graffman knew dr Felix Kersten, then involved in separate surrendering talks in Stockholm, and Abraham Hewitt, a U.S. OSS-agent. (Kersten proposed in his letter to RFSS/Himmler October 24, 1943, to send Wal-ter Schellenberg /SD, to Sweden, refering to his two patients (?), Hewitt and Graffman)/ Brodersen 1979) (Hewitt /OSS, September 1943, but under cover of ” U.S. Commercial company”, as F.Dowling, 1945.
1944: April 30: Whole-sale : 6.000 kg:s (6 ton) silver 975/1.000 : AB Transfer:
1945 March 10 :Transfer AB , wreaths for the the deceased Romanian leg.secr. 1945, mr Victor Sulica: UD/Foreign department / a-b Transfer / Schenker & Co.
1944 : Whole-sale of : “Bulk of Menthol”
1944: November 28: “Svensk-holländska(Dutch) reliefcommittée 1944.Graffman was married the Dutch Julie Hubrecht, daughter of the Dutch diplomat, Hubrecht.
1947: September 17: Hugo von Rosen become new man.dir. after Holger Graffman for Transfer AB. (Former man.dir. of the SKF /United States)
1940 : April 30: visited Estonia , with Folke Torgén,(National Board/ Road engineer) man.dir.the Oljecentralen AB, Åke Berg, to deal with oil, bitumen and petrol, in Tallinn.(Office in the same building as The Baltiska olje AB.)
1945: Must pay compensation due to a Supreme court verdict, to Klaus Scheel /Stein-Oel AG , for a delivery of (shale)oil, before July 11, 1940, then not nationalized, (of the Soviet Union): 109.000:- SEK(= 2 millions today)
Svenska Orion Försäljnings AB Svarvaregatan U.S./Proclaimed”black” list) I-3,(april) II-4 (Juli) /October 1943. The Swedish affiliation of the Hungarian Radio-company/ Tungs-ram, man.dir. Hugo Wohl, and Vilmos Forgacs, both in Raoul Wallenberg´s staff, 1944.
This advertisments and information, are the public printed, proofs, of the typical trade situation in wartimes it seems, during blockades, in bulk, cargoes, wholesale, here from Hungary, Switzerland or “German ports”.
The Pacific Trading Company, was founded, about 1942, then with Paul Gustav Zerling as, man. dir., at the Norrmalmstorg no.1 Later the company moved to Strandvägen no. 7A, and Raoul Wallenberg became the head, in the Sven Salén´s businessgroup. Zerling was a friend of Bertil Wallenberg. This is new information – as usual.
Summer holiday is over !
The OSS/colonel Robert McDowell´s intelligence mission of 5 officers, was parachuted into Yugoslavia, the Chetnik, Mihjalovic´s camp, August 26, 1944, from the Bari-base. McDowell tried to boost the morale of the Chetniks, what had been abandoned by the British SOE/ and Churchill in 1943, because of the Chetniks (=”Rebels”) collaboration with the German occupation army, (one of the war´s most brutal regimes, as in Greece.)
OSS were to support the Chetniks, most against the communist Partisans ” Tito´s army, those Churchill/SOE banked on, to win the war. (Churchills own son , Randolph Chur-chill, (SOE) was parachuted into Jugoslavia in January 1944, and stayed there to the sp-ring of 1945. (Anne Spencer Churchill, Winstons niece, was present in Budapest, 1944/ 45, /Source: K. Ungvary/Battle of Budapest/, of what reason unknown, but any contact between them, are not confirmed.)
When Churchill got information about this ” independent” U.S. OSS-mission, he immed-iately demanded that Roosevelt and OSS should withdraw McDowell, September 3. But McDowell stay behind, blamed the complicated war situation, as reason he couldn´t return, but first November, 1. (McDowell´s mission could have had the cover, with the Yugoslavian partisans, to rescue the Allied´s downed aircrews, but that was other US/ UK-missions active with.)
(Raoul was said to have some connections with this crew-rescuing, but in Hungary with perhaps the young Dutchman Gerrit van der Waal, (who in fact was arrested by the Red army, 4th or 8th December, 1944 at the Lake Velence, (alleged, by treason from a British SOE-agent/Source: K. Schandl) a month before Raoul, and could even he, have prov-ided informations to the Soviet Smersh, about their cooperation in Budapest. Some Dutchmen (in fact Hungarian Pows) was even working openly in the Swedish/UD´s B-section, what many letters in the Swedish UD-archive are a proof of. (Probably the Neth-erlands was recognized by Germany, then)
During those two months, McDowell received and met German officials, with German separate surrender feelers, through , SD-agent / Rudi Stärker as proxy for Hermann Neubacher/AA, the German military/economic governor, with close contact with Hitler. McDowell had even planned to meet Horste-Glaisenau, another high German official in the Balkans.(both of Austrian origin) (Neubacher post war served 7 years in Yugoslavian prison, released 1953. First “Anschluss”-mayor in Vienna, 1938, 1955 in Ethiopia, and from 1961, economic advisor of the : Austria Air Lines, in what Scandinavian SAS owned a part ./ Jewish Telegraphic Agency, October 1958.)
In U.S., Robert McDowell , professor in European history, Boston university, was suspec-ted, of “arranging” his too long stay with Mihajlovic,1944, what even could be the case for a courtmartial. McDowell witnessed favourable , in the post war trial against Mihajlovic, but he was later executed in Belgrade, 1946.
(Pawlowitch /2008) gives more information of McDowell´s following actions, in March and April 1945: “- – -There were mysterious contacts then, according to Predavec,(Croat) (1977/interview.) McDowell had before leaving, 1944, said he was going as political adviser to the U.S.´s 5th army in Italy. He had advised Mihailovic to send part of his army to Slovenia, and set to up a joint body from his Central National committee, the HSS leadership (Croatian peasant party) and the National committee for Slovenia. This would create a sufficiently strong “other Yugoslavia” for the U.S 5th army, to encourage talks with ” Tito´s Yugoslavia” to end the civil war. Predavec was sent in April 1945, to explain the McDowell plan” to Macek.(Croat) On arriving in Zagreb, he and General Djukic (chetnik) who was accompanying him, were detected and taken to see (Ante) Pavelic. ” (=Ustasja/ Croatia.)
McDowell/OSS had still then some influence, 1945 here in the same time as Allen Dulles/OSS (1945) and SS/Karl Wolff (Op. Sunrise) as perhaps Eckhardt (Hungary) (1944) (probably with OSS) in separate surrender, sounderings, anti- partisan/Soviet designs, or perhaps the shaping of “provisional governments “.
Dulles, with the German Armygroup /Kesselring in Italy, to reach a ” strategic surr-ender”, (that was not a tactical surrendering, as an alternative to annihilation in battle, as in the Kurland/Danzig-pocket, due to Stalin´s comment) in fact against the Allies policy, and McDowell/Eckhardt in OSS-projects to stage provisional governments, as proxies, to negotiate, no doubt problematic, surrenderings with the Mihaijlovic, Wehr-macht, Honved, or the U.S 5th Army/OSS. It proves the OSS “independence” of the U.S. government, and both of the other Allies, (as the conflicts with, 1943-45 SOE over Den-mark/ Norway-spheres.)
But observe here: Just one week after McDowells return, November 7, the Bari- base cabled the famous telegramme, to the other Allied base in Italy, Caserta, “- informing of Geza Soos, (MFM) can only be contacted through Per Anger, (Swedish legation) or Raoul Wallenberg, and even mentioned captain Thernberg, (2nd C-bureau) as another OSS-contact, implic-ated.”
(But this text was in fact a qoutation of a cable sent by Iver Olsen/ OSS-resident in Stockholm, that the Swedish legation had the “signalplan = code-words, to start a general Hungarian rising, open resistance against the Germans and Arrow Cross regime.) And by that OSS perhaps, was started to prepare for actions in Hungary.)
This OSS-mission, of col. McDowell, has never before been mentioned or put in conn-ection, with Raoul Wallenberg, then in Budapest, that´s astonishing. Then Soviet´s sec-ret service, had perhaps reasons, if informed, to believe that Wallenberg, in addition to his WRB-mission, could act like a neutral liasion agent, in the same business, as Mc-Dowell, separate German surrendering, on the Eastfront. I mean, then Churchill had done the job for them, as Iver Olsen, in October 17, 1944, when his Baltic operations, was made public through Swedish daily press publishing.
This together with the Hungarian army, what the same time, perhaps communicated with Tibor Eckhardt, (The Smallholders party-leader in exile since 1941 in U.S.), due to the documents, the Soviet NKVD in New York, catched , (what Eckhardt had forget in a cab.) He advised the Hungarian army to retreat to the West, Nagakanidzsa south of Lake Balaton, and he even planned to go to Europe, and that was not possible without the support of the U.S. officials (due to V.Agrell´s: The shadows around Raoul Wallenberg.)
Did the Swedish legation then produced passports for the waves of then anti-Russian/ soviet refugees, from Romania/Hungary, leaving the country, before the Red army´s surrounding of Budapest ? Reminding of Iver Olsen´s/OSS Baltic Sea transports, from the Baltic States, with the C-bureau, even that an combined “infiltration & rescue/agent” operation, only possible if encouraged, by Nazi-Germany, as the WRB/”Jews-for-sale”, in Budapest.
(4.). THE OSS / BUDAPEST CITY TEAM : 1944/45.
This larger OSS-mission, (52 men) (and Horthy nationals, as Gellert) was planned/ org-anized from the summer of 1944 in Bari/Italy. The same pattern as the McDowell´s mission, to be launched as soon as possible, but Churchill´s protest (and the Soviet´s) and reluctance against all OSS-missions, must even have influenced this main final OSS-operation, for Budapest, to meet the Red army.
Perhaps Raoul stayed behind as long as possible, to link up with this OSS-group,(sche-duled for January, 12,1945 /G. Kovacs) that never was, and with contacts with the Hungarian´s rather modest domestic resistance. No such association has been done even here, so this 2nd independent heavy OSS-detachment, BCT has not even yet, “landed”, in any possible kind of presumed context with the Swedish legation, in spite of the McDowell´s mission. (See :Sparrow mission March 1944/OSS/Berne Allen Dulles)
Here we have four/five contemporary, different and no doubt problematic OSS-missions, what are seldom or never put in realistic connection , with Wallenberg´s activities or potential, during the fall of 1944. OSS was very active from Swedish territory, 1944/45, in all directions, the only one (rather) safe, to operate from, unpunished but illegal.
Hermann Neubacher the Auswärtige Amt´s /Sonderauftragte/ Balkan mentioned Otto Braun in his memoirs. Braun was in charge for the looting of the Greece economy during the war, (October) 1942-1944,(December 8), in the DEGRIGES company (Deutsche/ Griechen/ Gesellschaft) more looted than any other occupied country, of the Nazi Germany.
So there he was, a quite wellknown person, in the Nazi-hierarchy who OSS was not at all informed of, only from the Bogdanffy case. Otto Braun the one, Felix Szentirmayr should dispatch to Lisboa, in the first WRB/ “Jews-for-sale”. This message should be delivered through the WRB/ OSS two “cut-outs”, Per Anger, and Raoul Wallenberg, in August, 1944, outside the Swedish foreign ministry´s knowledge and authority.
Otto Braun was even,business partner with András Mecsér (1883-1946?), friend and financial supporter of Hitler since 1921, and ” Hitler´s agent, more than any other Hungarian”, friend of Gyöla Gömbös, and former military attaché, and 1944, October the Arrow Cross´s minister in Berlin. Otto Braun was hided by Gömbös, stayed in Hung-ary since the Erzberger, vice German chancellor, killing 1921, (the one signed the Ger-man surrender 1918.) and 1934, perhaps even implicated in, but unconfirmed the June 30, 1934 SA/Röhm-assassinations.
(Braun was member of the Third Reich´s: der Mitteleuropäische Wirtschaftstag /MWT , RG Der Industrie der Arbeitskreis für Auswirtschaftsfragen (Afa) 1944. (By Nazi SD-files, 1941,even employed by the I.G. Farben.)
Perhaps a German NS-researcher, could find some clues of Braun, as even SS/Col. Kurt Becher was identified post war. (Raoul met Braun, soon after arrival to Budapest, at least five times up to August, 10 1944, and Braun has not been mentioned of neither P.Anger or L.Berg, in their memoirs.)
Maybe, Otto Braun had contacts with Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, both involved in the German Wirtschafts organisations, and in August 1944, employed by the Swedish legation ?
(Neubacher claims, even had contacts with Sweden (Swedish Red Cross) (chairman Emil Sandström) during the Greece masstarvation, 1944, when Swedish ships delivered 26.000 tons food /supplies/month and here even the Swedish envoy, mr Sven Allard, in Sofia/Bulgaria was involved, this figures due to Neubacher, memoirs.)
(1.) Col. Robert McDowell´s OSS-mission in Yugoslavia, August, 26 – November 1, 1944, supporting the Chetniks, could be the initial decisive factor, a blueprint, sound-ing the alarmbell for the Soviet´s secret service in/against Hungary, expecting some-thing of the same, in Budapest. Perhaps with new support again, from Churchill ?
(The British army was already beginning of January, 1945, in fierce bloody fighting with the Greece left partisans in Athen, to protect British traditional Mediterranean spheres, with Stalin´s approval, (if complaining of Stalin´s treatment of Polish Armija Krajowa.) (There were close contacts with Tito and the Russians, as the Red army liberated Bel-grade, in October, 1944, but then swung north, for Hungary.
(2.) Then the Hungarian politician Tibor Eckhardt´s intercepted documents and trip to Europe, the fall of 1944, only possible with help of the OSS/U.S. (V. Agrell)
(3.) The OSS/ Budapest City Team, “in being” in the Bari-base, from June 1944, sched-uled to arrive in Budapest, January 12, 1945. In Budapest, Raoul Wallenberg, and the Swedish legation/ the C-bureau perhaps could act as a liasion center, with the Hung-arian army/resistance to establish, some type of “Home army”,(AK) a strong enough, ” other Hungary”. The Swedish legation perhaps didn´t dare be involved, too much, but Raoul Wallenberg, could perhaps act more independently.
His public and eager leadership of the Stockholm HomeGuard (HV), 1940/1941, parad-ing/marching from the Humlegården and the Kungsträdgården, and many other excer-cises, made him a public person, aware of how to “stamp a volontary army, out from the ground”, if need-ed in Budapest. The photo of Raoul from an shooting-range, (Norr-malms livs/food store/basement) 1940/41 as instructor gives a genuine impression, and as giving order, in the field, another side what few observe, perhaps. (One person, here, Stig Elemyr claimed that Raoul left the HV, 1942, for the diplomacy.)
The political/military situation in Hungary was, as we can see, totally different, from Yugoslavia, occupied and in war since 1941, where foreign military intelligence easy could be established, within the different resistance-hold areas. In Hungary, nothing of this was at hand, a person like Wallenberg, was far more suitable for the OSS, if this was (even ?) behind the WRB`s rescue-mission. More civil than officer, but with good military education more diplomat, than agent, a very social, networking personality, and enough brave, (to suppress fear.)
If this four heavy, Westallied intelligence activity factors, operating in secrecy, were known, of the Soviet Smersh, then even identifying Wallenberg as a secret U.S./ WRB-agent, with the cover of a Swedish diplomat passport, with possibilities to issue Swedish passports and documents, in businesscontacts with Germany/Hungary during the war,(as Otto Braun) with close confirmed contacts with the German RSHA/SS, in Budapest, 1944/45 without Swedish official warrants, to contact the Red army, 1945, one option was to abduct/arrest him, in spite of his diplomatic immunity, and I think even G.Kov-acs and C.G. McKay, arrived to this conclusion.
The main impression, right or wrong, Raoul Wallenberg appeared just in the crossroads, for many given suspicions, from his contemporary sometimes hostile surroundings, during his mission in Budapest, and acted perhaps in dubious ways, as official Swedish diplomat. Or was his abduction, just a fancy,from Stalin, an obsession of the name “Wallenberg” , what went wrong in “the fog of war” ? Both national Soviet and British interests were at stake, it seems, perhaps united in keeping the OSS out from Yugo-slavia, Hungary, Romania.
To compare with the Swedish pro-German journalist/STB, Edward af Sandeberg, b.13 (and in fact even: Swedish navy-lieutenant) was taken from Berlin, 1945, to a Russian camp during similar conditions as Wallenberg, was released alive, 1946, but after heavy deprivations together with German pows, as general Schörner. (*The Russians was then very interested in the activities of the Swedish legation in Berlin, due to af Sandeberg´s memoirs who accused them (the Swedish legation) of unlawful black-market business, with Red Cross parcels, aimed for KZ-prisoners, and buying antiquities, for cheap money.)
…. could have been if Wallenberg, had a concealed mission, to check the Russians intense activities, to organize and carry out war-reparations/trophies from Hungary, as early as the first months of 1945. Perhaps they suspected this, when Wallenberg was said, aiming to present his own plan to reconstruct Jewish properties, and patents, in Hungary, January 1945, in person, to the Soviet fieldmarshal Malinowski.
Both the Hungarian hightech Tungsten company, and even some oil industries, partly owned by U.S interests, was dismantled and soon nationalized by Hungary/Russia. U.S. protested in vain. The Russians even a confiscated a Manfred Weiss cannery-industry, then already dismantled by the Germans.
(*In fact: Wallenberg was in close contact with both this, business groups, but probably most out from his WRB-mission, to rescuing Jews) / Source : L. Borhi (2004) :Hungary in the Cold war 1945-1956, concerning war-reparations.)
….could have been, Winston Churchills reluctance, to contact the Germans in any “Jews-for sale” agreement. Churchill didn´t want any Jewish immigration to Palestine, and a million Jewish refugees on the move, in a Europe, soon becoming a theater of all-out ground and air war, with intensive battles to end the war, 1944/1945, could be not-hing, than an obstacle to ruthless allied warfare.
(** In fact: Hungary was to believe that they could surrender to the West, and that US./ U.K. troops should land in the Balkans, from the Adriatic sea. This imaginations was created by the Western allies, as diversionary manoeuvers tempting the Germans to occupy Hungary, and by that keeping as many possible, German divisions away from the D-Day landings, June 6, 1944.)
” – – -There was a lot of Jewish pressure in London to help the Hungarian Jews, but on July 11th (1944) Churchill vetoed any negotiations. He went further: his government took prisoner * Joel Brand when he arrived in Syria. This was the Hungarian Jew whom *Eichmann had sent to notify the Allies and the Jewish Agency of the offer, and whose return to Budapest — with his word that the offer was being considered seriously — would have triggered the release of the first 100,000 Jews. By having Brand arrested, Churchill guaranteed that not even those first 100,000 Jews would be freed.- – -/
**(M.J. Cohen 1986)
Then probably no one, in the Swedish foreign ministry, or the U.S.legation dared to intervene, with the risk of being accused of violating, international law, the Grand Alliance´s committments, warreparations, as the war was dragging on, even after the Soviet´s capture of Berlin, May 9. 1945. Then Stalin had promised and started, to move: one (1) million Red army-men and materials to the Far East, to help U.S. to defeat, Japan, in August, without special Soviet territory gains. Moscow claimed instead, the Eastern Europe, what Washington/ London approved.
I am reading Ingrid Carlberg´s very comprehensive and interesting biography about Raoul Wallenberg, ” Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig=There´s a room here waiting for you (2012), soon published in Britain. (Fall 2015) Perhaps there will be a new “rev-ised edition”, as some new facts have come to light, and established old ones perhaps will once again, be re-evaluated. Exciting if that´s the case then.
On page no. 185, you found the name of the dame, ms Ulla Collett, ” the 24-year old, daughter of the architect Albert Collett, often accompanied Raoul these years” (1942). Ulla (b.18) was even the lady partner at table, Raoul´s own choice, at his later “famous” cocktail party December 3, 1943 at the Bragevägen no.12, and during 1944. Ulla´s father even owned the Stockholm´s galvaniserings AB (galvanization) industry.
But 1946 March 8, Ulla Collett married mr George G(öran) Larsson, (b.04) the United States pressattaché, from 1942, 14 year older, and a bit “moviestar-look-a-like”, and in fact a Swedish emigrant to U.S., worked as photographer, over there, in U.S.
He was not in the diplomatic State department career, but “attached.”, then not in the Foreign service list, and as some U.S. attaches, had a Swedish background, (and names in fact). 1947, the couple lived for while at the Linnégatan no. 21, before they left Swe-den (for some time) (Ulla Collett´s brother, Ulf, moved in there later.)
The wedding witnesses were the U.S. ass.military attaché, (army) captain Robert L. Robb (fr.1945-) and the attaché,(captain), Robert A. Winston. Ullas relative Åke Collett, (b.12) the opera-singer, sang, Elisabeth Severin,(sister-in-law) bridesmaid, and as church marshals, captain ** Frithiof Trulsson, and lieutenant Karl-Axel Mannerstedt.
FRITHIOF N.H. *TRULSSON. Who was he ? What was he doing at a U.S.diplomat attache´s wedding, 1946 ?
Trulsson was borned 1896 (d.1983) son of a then,famous, hotel manager, borned in Skåne, Bara, Nils Trulsson (b.1870-d.1941). (Aftonbladet 1932): – ” Started working, 13 years old, Hotell Kramer, Malmö, 1888, Hotel Osotta, in Genua, later in San Remo, ruling big hotels in Berlin, Hotel Bristol and Kaiserhof, Atlantic in Hamburg, and hotels even in Sweden, Grand Hotel, Royal,1911-1922, then 1932-1938, Carlton, before ret-ired, Nils was honorary member in the contemporary Hotel associations,name them… Stockholm/Berlin, Union Internationale Hoteliere. ”
At Nils funeral 1941, the German minister Victor zu Wied, was present, Carl Axel Pett-ersson, General consul, for Hungary, and wreaths from the Siebel Flugzeugwerke. (What later produced Dornier/JU/Focke Wulff aircrafts during the war.)
Frithiof´s mother German, (borned Schultze) and Frithiof Trulsson had even stayed many years in Germany. One of the main points here is that F.*Trulsson was consul for Hungary, since early 1930s, and managed his own company, the Ungerska exportkont-oret,(exportoffice) Klarabergsgatan 60, Stockholm since about 1938, or just earlier. He was said to be wealthy.
*Trulsson was even a (driving) member of the board of the Svensk-Ungerska sällskapet, (Swedish-Hungarian society ) from about 1936, the friendship society even Raoul joined, 1942/43, due to Ingrid Carlberg. F. *Trulsson must have had an undisputed experience from the European and Swedish hotel world.
F. Trulsson served at the Göta livgarde,(I2), Stockholm, (dissolved 1939, but 1942, became the tankregiment, P1, Enköping.) Some units merged with the Svea livgarde (I1), and there Trulsson served as personal care (personalvårds) officer, (1942/43 at the Svea Livgarde (I1), Raoul Wallenberg´s regiment.)
1928: he made as lieutenant (1921) some official complaints about his wage situation.
1933: he joined the Royal Sailing society (KSSS) in the “club committeé”, other members was dir. Wilh. Högstedt, (and Sven Salén, and Jakob Wallenberg.) *Trulsson´s, father Nils, (Floragatan no. 17), was ass. chairman in the Swedish-Hungarian society, and member of the pro-German: Riksföreningen Sverige -Tyskland (f.1937) but not Frithiof, himself, but in the Göta livgarde (I2) service veterans club, 1934,and participated often during the annual meetings
1934: June 28 the frontpage of the Aftonbladet, announced: – ” Captain Frithiof *Truls-son reports to the MO (Militieombudsmannen/ Parliament. Commission for military aff-airs/compliants), that the Swedish (unpaid) airattaché in London, colonel E. Mossberg, was implicated in probably unlawful, improper commission business, with the Swedish ABA (Airliners) and the AB Aeromateriel (dir. Hedengran) with the wellknown brothers Carl and Adrian Florman, Swedish airliner pioneers.
June 30: The Aftonbladet suggested: ” Prove your case Trulsson ! ” But no special proofs of this was presented, than some articles in a British Aircraft journal. Then col. Moss-berg, accused, Trulsson of being “an agent for a German aircraft-company,” and claimed “this is all about, if Sweden ought to purchase German Junkers (heavy bomber) or the British produced Handley Page.”
August 17, col. Mossberg was officially cleared of suspicions, from the Militieombuds-mannen.
(But Sweden bought in fact, 1939 later the German Junker-bomber, (two-engines) Ju-86, some 40 aircrafts, was delivered and 40 license-built by SAAB, (became 16) (then obsolete) , official name the B 3. A m.o.l. strategic bomber, (1.000 kg cargo).
1936: January 30, The Swedish-Hungarian society, annual meeting, at the Grand Hotel, chairman, and in the Swedish board of education/division head, N.S. F. Almquist, ass. chairman dir. Nils *Trulsson, professor Bela Leffler (d.1936), Birger Steiner, musicdir-ector Patrik Vretblad, dr L.H. Popper, fil.dr John Nihlén and the vice consul Frithiof *Trulsson, Erhard Skog,(pupil to Hubay/musician)
1936: The same year, 1936, *Frithiof Trulsson was promoted by Miklos Horthy to hon-orary consul, for Hungary.
1937: Meeting, March 16, the Hungarian general consul, Carl Axel Pettersson, was pre-sent, and now even the National librarian Isak Collijn,(KB) (the same year arranging a book exposition, in Berlin), travel bureau agents, the baron Stjernstedt, and dir.(N.)ils **Trulsson.
1937: October 27, the Habsburger regent, Joseph Franz, visited Gothenburg, the Swed-ish-Hungarian. society, present.
1938, A memorial for professor Bela Leffler.1938, annual meeting, at the Hotel Royal (banquet rooms) , with Janos Lotz /philolog) and N.S.F. Almquist. 1939 September, 4: Budapest´s propaganda-head, Zoltan Szviezsenyi, gives a lecture about Budapest.
1939: September 4: (AB) Miklos Horthy has decorated the princess Sibylla,(mother of the present King Carl XV Gustav) the Hungarian Red cross order of merit, even to her father, the Duke av Coburg-Gotha, “Hitler´s Duke” and even Frithiof *Trulsson(!), rec-eived the Hungarian order of merit (UngFO.)
1940: *Trulsson is listed (reserve/övergångsstat) in the 4th Swedish division (arméför-delning) the same list as major Allan Winge.
1940: March 10: Georg von Pogany is mentioned, serving in the Hungarian tradedeleg-ation , the Artillerigatan no.77. (Invited Raoul to his fare-well party, 1943, and stayed in Budapest, during Raoul´s mission, 1944,/ I.Carlberg.) (Invited Raoul to his 50-years birthday, December 1944.
1940: December 12: (Aftonbladet) – – – The Swedish-Hungarian society, returned from Budapest, ” the City of lights”, Frithiof *Trulsson, (consul) stated that, ” the war is not observable”, ” Berlin not damaged”, “Hungary shining of lights”, ” the association/pact with the Axis´s powers, solved some problems with the neighbors, but still not with Yugoslavia”, ” but Hungary has peace as Sweden”, “the Swedish king Gustaf V, is very admired in Hungary”. – – –
– – -Last Friday, the Swedish-Hungarian society had a big reception, for the Hungarian minister in Sweden, Peter von Matuska, the Archduke Josef Franz, and the Swedish minister, Torsten Undén, and Budapests High mayor Eugen Karafiath, answered of Undén´s speech: The mayor: “- If Sweden´s total population, falling far behind the cultivated Western nations, this country anyway owns an important voice in the Euro-pean symphony. ” (Thanks Eugen !) Last Saturday, the society, lay down wreaths, on behalf of the society, at Carolus(Karl XII) epitafium.” – – –
1942 : * Trulsson lived at the Värtavägen no.12, (same building/entrance as the British diplomat, military attaché, Reginald Lt. Col.Sutton-Pratt, and mrs Sigrid Björnstjerna married the (I1)-captain Roger Björnstjerna.)
1943:13 mars: Swedish-Hungary society. Annual meeting in the Konserthuset. The conductor of the Budapest philharmonics, Lajos Rajter (35 years) performed, but had been delayed in Berlin, with mr Tibor Wehner. (I.Carlberg refers to this, meeting and *Raoul was present.)
1943 May 28: A Göta livgarde (I 2) memorial meeting, guests the Lt. General Ivar Holm-qvist, and F.*Trulsson. The meeting closed with a lecture of the air force captain, S(tig). E(rik). C(onstance). Wennerström : ” Current viewpoints of the aerial warfare”.
1944: Maj,24; “Air “-Party: many foreign guests, captain Backhouse, Sabenas head, mr Skolenz, the Belgium fighterpilot Verniewe, major Prosper Cocquyt, (Sabena-pilot) kapten Frithiof *Trulsson, (had received the Order of the German Eagle) and baron Olof Hermelin,/ABA Paris, Nils Olsson, the lawyer Wilh. Fraenckel, Lennart Olivecrona (son of prof. dr Olivecrona.), the actor Georg Fant.
1944: May 24: U.S. new revised with amendments: : “The proclaimed list of certain blocked nationals” in the press, (issued June 2nd) has increased from 388 Swedish companies, to now 427. There one can find Frithiof N.H. *Trulsson´s: The Ungerska exportkontoret, Klarabergsgatan 60. (the name Walter Pallig could (?) even be implic-ated.)
1944: August 24: The Day of the Svea Livgarde, (Raoul´s reg. I1) at Sörentorp. Speches by I1´s colonel Sven Ramström, and the socialdemocrat publisher Rickard Lindström. The generals Cederschiöld and Virgin present. 3.500 guests. “- Captain *Trulsson and his radioboys, installed the loudspeakers”, some popular field-artists, performed.
1944:October 22: Wedding between Stellan Kramer (I1 lt.) and Britt Larsson. Vicar Olle Nystedt. Åke Collett sang, and guests, Ulla Collett with captain Bertil af Klercker, (I1) captain (I1) Gunnar Gyllenhaal (b.09) (Finnish FFrk 4.kl.oak/ sw.) et al., and Frithiof *Trulsson.
1945: March 19: Wedding before the judge, Harald Källander: Gustaf Unger and Ingrid von *Dardel (daughter of Nils von Dardel). Witness: Captain Frithiof *Trulsson and med.lic. Marcel d´ Avignon. (Ingrid met Raoul, her step/cousine some-times)
1945: November 9: The Unger Twins (artists) 50th birthday. A new generation of twins, through Ingrid von Dardel. The parents, Captain and Mrs Ewert Unger. Arrangements through dir. Carl Florman, ” with young female beauties”, Karin Valery (wife of Bernhard Valery /journalist), Agneta Ekman. ( The Unger Twins went to U.S. 1947, met moviestars, were in the same military unit, the Svea Livgarde(I1) during the war, with some prob-lems for the superiors.)
1946: March 8: The marriage of Ulla Collett and U.S press attaché George Larson. Frithiof *Trulsson et al, present. (See introduction)
1946 :November, 20: A Hungarian engineer in the textile branch applied for employ-ment in Sweden , through *Trulsson´s company, The Ungerska exportkontoret.)
1946: December 21: The bomb goes off: Captain Frithiof *Trulsson, standing trial before the Svea Livgarde´s (I1) courtmartial / IV Milo, Sörentorp, where he served during 1940-1945, accused of informing the German military attaché H. Albrechtsen (Furusundsgatan no.19) about Swedish army´s fieldregulations and Swedish units.
Year 1942, F.Trulsson was held under 15 days guarded arrest, of his main service unit, lead by colonel von Stedingk, when Trulsson´s company was deployed at the Grund-forsen,(at Sälen/near Norwegian Trysil/Lillehammar) and he several times had cross the border to Norway, without permission,and had meetings with German officers, in the German-occupied Norway.(Trulsson received in fact even the German order of Eagle.)
After that he was forbidden to serve in the army´s fieldunits, and was placed in the depot units, and was released from his position as personal (personalvård) care officer, for his contacts with the German legation.
But the daily press adds: Trulsson was well-known as active within entertainment, (“nöjespappa”) and fixing parties, (and weddings… it seems) and didn´t conceal his pro-German leanings and contacts, and was a wealthy man. He visited sometimes the German military attachés, must have been, the Strandvägen no.7C
He had been Hungarian consul, what then Hungary of the 1946 edition, now cancelled. The paper Expressen, asking and claimed that this investigation was much delayed, and in the documents they had access to, Trulsson had been mentioned for the Swedish delegation in the Nuremberg trial, 1946, but that was not confirmed.
The Statepolice intendent, G. Thulin,(SÄK) made no comments, in this classified case. ” The verdict just now, unknown, should fall February 14, 1947, but could be secret, classified, as the case even stimulated similar investigations. The prosecutor first called up even German witnesses (General Bruno von Uthmann) from the former legation,but this never occurred, in this postwar Swedish version of : “The Great purge”.
* Trulsson even stated that he had been courier for the Swedish Foreign department/UD, during the war, to Hungary and had received permission for this of the German military attaché, Bruno von Uthmann, to travel through Germany. He claimed had met the Ger-mans when he was coach for the Swedish pentathlete sportteam.
1948, June, the verdict was presented, after a short psychiatric examination, of Truls-son, his judgement, and memory. Two months in prison, later lowered to one month,
” imprudent behaviour in duty”.
The absence of captain Frithiof N.H. *Trulsson in the general RW-research, is interest-ing, as he was deep involved in the Hungarian context: in the friendship society, as hon-orary consul (Stockholm) in personal business-relations, (Ungerska exportkontoret), was decorated by Horthy 1939 (and later Hitler) and courier for the Foreign depart-ment/UD, in contact with the German legation, (Uthmann) Stockholm, (and accused of high treason, 1946.)
Did Raoul met Trulsson, in the Swedish-Hungarian society ? At the legation parties ? In some kind of business activities ? As sergeant at the Svea livgarde (I1) ? In Budapest as UD-courier, perhaps 1944 ? There were possible opportunities. We don´t know.
Of direct importance in the Wallenberg-case ? Good question, if so, because of that parallell (and some common ?) activities, in Hungarian business, visits, there, friendship society, in military service and some courier missions to Hungary, for the Swedish Foreign department/UD.
“Or, like so much else in the history of the case of Raoul Wallenberg, merely a fascina-ting irrelevance ? ” /C. McKay.
But these stories, as many others, as the F:a Hungaro-Skandia, (Lewenhaupt/Vasarhelyi) can´t be presented by an official inquiry, of good reasons. Perhaps, not of importance, but anyway worth-knowing-facts, falling in between the official “stooles”.
Trulsson´s presence at George Larson/Ulla Collett´s wedding 1946 is of interest. Per-haps Larson, was in Raoul Wallenberg´s personal circles, as Ulla Collett, in fact was, as even other U.S. diplomatic officials . Captain Frithiof Trulsson is not mentioned before in the research.
(This facts quoted from only, Swedish daily press sources.)
1. The most surpricing: The Swedish legation´s clerk, (Karl) Göte Carlsson, in Budapest, from September 1944, the B-section, (b. 1922) Valdemarsvik, recruited in June 1944/by UD:s Harald Fallenius, seems during the war for a period been a volunteer in the British Army/Navy probably during the Battle of Britain, 1940. Göte Carlsson is most descri-bed as a humble ” kanslist”, assisting and protecting Lars Berg and Raoul Wallenberg, when they wined and dined with, for instance Adolf Eichmann, in November, 1944
Göte Carlsson, arrived to Sweden April 18, 1945, with the personnel, and served later
with in the Hague, married a Dutch girl, but then divorced, in Sweden. Later he establish a company, producing furniture (beds) in Sweden, Rydaholm, and named that company to : “SCAPA AB”. The company became very successful, and delivered among others to IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, a man Göte knew very well, living in the same region.
This name “SCAPA” , I associated with that wellknown British navy base SCAPA FLOW, at the Orkney Islands, Scotland, during the wars, and later I find a most credible source, claiming he had met Göte Carlsson, in furniture business,context, and that Göte then told him about that time in British service. (Scapa in Swedish, is a good brand, company name, sounds like , “skapa” = create.)
This fact, is surpricing, of many reasons. Göte was rather young, (18 yrs when enlisted in that British military service. Then, rather unusual in Sweden, 1940, to have an active pro-British opinion. The British military and diplomats, were suspected in Sweden, of serious sabotage actions, Krylbo, (railway/July) and Hårsfjärden,(destroyers/September) 1941.
Before that – the confiscation a four Swedish destroyers, just purchased and delivered from Italy,in June 1940, (negotiated of *Graffman/Transfer AB, a Wallenbergsphere con-fident) then released with huge ,materiel damages, (then 1 million SEK) of the British navy. Those ships were in fact anchored for a while outside Scapa Flow.
The British mining and later failed invasion of Norway (and Sweden) 1940, and the Rickman sabotage gang, 1940, was followed by non grata deportation of two British diplomats, and SOE-agents, John Martin and Henry Threlfall, (sabotage-accusations) 1941/42, didn´t improve the Swedish-British relations.
As surpricing, is that Göte after some economic studies, 1939/1940 (Schartaus /Stock-holm), after Britain, from February 1941, was enlisted in the Swedish navy, as a crew-man, (The Stockholm´s Örlogsstation/ Skeppsholmen). In September 1943, he received “honourable dismissal” “skickat sig utmärkt väl” (31 months of 48 in contract).
He served at some ships, as HMS Belos, (submarine-rescuer) as deepdiver, during the search and rescue, of the Swedish submarine ” Ulven”, (cas. 33 crew) sinked of a prob-ably German minefield too close, of the West-coast, April 1943.) If Göte then, was “done, had it”, with the Swedish navy, no one can blame him.
In September he took up his studies again at the Schartaus, (2 years course). From there he was examined in June 1944, when he applied for a UD-service , in Sweden, but was dispatched to Hungary, in September 1944, together with Lars (Gottfridsson) Berg, (b.18), then attaché in the Swedish Berlin-legation, from 1943.
Of interest from Göte´s Schartau-time, 1944, he was classmate, with Ulf COLLETT (b.24), the brother of ms Ulla Collett, (b.18) Raoul Wallenberg´s most intensive date, 1944, who later 1946, married the U.S.legation pressattaché, (from 1942) George G.Larson,(b.04) of Swedish descent.
And even that Göte Carlsson, probably had contact with Lars BERG, as a woman named
” Gunhild Berg”, signed his application´s , cv-copies (as Ernst Hauke ,German conduc-tor, wellknown in Sweden, then) in May 1944, probably Lars Berg´s mother, then widow from October 1941, when her husband Gottfried deceased.
Gottfried Berg was senior engineer in the waterpower constructions, (VBB=Vatten-byggnadsbyrån), and the head there was the engineer Gösta Richert, a brother of the Swedish minister in Berlin, (1937-1945) Arvid Richert, under what Lars Berg served, 1943/44. (In November 1943, Berg and Richert arrived home by air to Sweden, after
heavy Allied bombingraids over Berlin)
Göte Carlsson, deceased 1977, too young, (55 yrs) seemed to have been ambitious, brave, and even successful in his later business, production of furnitures. He left his company, 1975, but the Scapa Bedding is still an active company.
But some questions, I think many Swedes, interested in history, WW2, and the Wallenberg-case, would like to have some answers of:
How did this young man, Göte Carlsson, managed to get to Britain, and join as volun-teer, in the British defence, during 1940, and how did he return home ?
Unthought, the Swedish-British relations, were all-time-low, when Göte applied for service in the Swedish navy, early 1941. By that he could perhaps better decide, where to serve, he never officially conscripted, as most others, that should take place, first 1942, when 20 years old.
How come, this young man, first working in his fathers upholstery workshop, then all-eged volunteer, sailor,stoker, and diver, could be recruited by the Foreign ministry/UD (Fallenius) , those usually employed most noblemen, officers, and very few women ? (as ms Bauer & Brulin,in Budapest, university-educated, daughters of doctor/ archivist.) (or wifes to diplomats.)
Did Göte knew Raoul Wallenberg, through Ulf Collett, and did Göte knew, probably Lars Berg, 1944, before he was assigned as “clerk”, at the B-section, at the Swedish legation, in Budapest, September 1944.
Could Göte, had unknown for us, secret missions, from the British intelligence, in Sweden, or from the Swedish UD, in Budapest, as “bodyguard”, or perhaps to surveill the legation activities ? Did UD, and the Navy have knowledge about Göte´s earlier British military contacts ? This if so, is anyway, not preserved in the official archives.
But he was perhaps too young (18-22 years) to maintain such stressing missions, and there´s no signs, nota bene , what so ever, of such concealed duties. But many inter-esting facts, behind this rather then, anonymous young humble ” kanslist”, even from the Raoul Wallenberg perspective.
I had the opportunity, to read Raoul Wallenberg´s personal pocket calendar from the first six months of 1944. From March 30, he was in military service to May, 15. I realize
I make this personal interpretations of the meetings and names RW wrote down, per-haps much out from that (family) company the SPECIAL-METALL AB, Raoul established for the German Jewish refugee, engineer Erich PHILIPPI, from the AEG management,(purchase section) 1939, dealing with what… in fact ? But this company existed even 1963, and Philippi, himself to 1969.
(** With support from Hans VON KANTZOW , Kanthal/Bulten AB, a producer of a metal alloy, ” kanthal” sustaining high temperatures, 1.350 C°. Kantzow deserves an own comment, exporting this strategic metal to Germany, 1939-1945, and this will soon follow.)
I may quote Berger /Vadstein from 2015: ” In 2004, Vladimir Sokolov, the Russian diplomat, historian and former member of the official Russian-Swedish Working Group that investigated the Wallenberg case during the 1990s, published several summary notes about his participation in this work .- – –
« Raoul Wallenberg, like his rich relatives from the ‘house of Wallenberg’ traded succ-essfully with firms of fascist Germany, including trading in strategic materials. » Soko-lov does not clarify from which source he obtained this information, but it appears to be a clear reference to Mellaneuropeiska’s contacts with German firms like Nootbaar and the trade in goods other than foodstuffs. His claims were never discussed in the Work-ing Group.”- – -/ Source: Raoul Wallenberg´s secret German contacts./2015.
Friday 7: “19.00: Dinner with KJELLSTRÖM, Lauer, etc. smoking Oxen-Hungaria” :
(Think this was Wilhelm Kjellström, then the Hungarian legation´s “official” lawyer ,(Drottninggatan no. 19). Oxen-Hungaria, Malmskillnadsgatan no.35, was a restaurant. (Not short for navy captain “Oxenstierna”). Wilhelm Kjellström (1890-1970) received a Hungarian decoration,1944, and postwar joined K.Lauer´s business in : Meropa AB.
Friday 14. “12.30 MOHEDEN, Stureplan”.
Banking on, this was: Uno MOHEDEN, (1916-1982) reserveofficer, Svea livgarde, ) I1) (Karlberg), and wood-dealer. And as a matter of fact, (one of) his obituaries, claims ” he was very active, in the Homeguard , and cooperated there with Raoul Wallenberg.” This was a new fact, but unknown significance, perhaps a business and/or military contact, or just a lunch, between being called up to military service.(beredskap)
Monday, 17. ” 12.30: ” MARIE-CLAIRE. K.H. ”
Now it burns, maybe this was: MARIE-CLAIRE Johnson, eldest daughter (b.14) of Axel A:son Johnson, a big player in Swedish industry, the Avesta Ironplant, Nordstjernan Shipping, Karlstads Mekaniska Verkstad (KMV), AB Motala Verkstad, and in the board of Wallenberg´s bank, the Enskilda, an old cooperation partner with the Wallenbergs. Johnson´s companies were postwar, one of the main Swedish export/import/const-ructing, business, in the Soviet Union and GDR.)
First I thought, “K.H.” was the initials of (K) laus (H) erbert BISMARCK, the German head of the Swedish tank-producer, Landsverk AB i Landskrona, 1935-1942, when he quit, and instead became technological advisor to Axel Johnson, 1942-1955. This alleged “Bis-marck” relative, married Johnson´s daughter Margarete, July, 1945, so they were probably in contact, 1944.
The Landsverk AB was alleged to be a cloaked German Panzer-producer, delivered some proto-types to Hungary 1937, and they, license-produced, the “Toldi-tank”,and flak-vehicles (flak (fl)ugzeuge(a)bwehr-(k)anonen with Bofors guns) From start a German company, then a Dutch cloaking, N.V. Rollo.
Bismarck was very qualified, had been pilot, in the “Red Baron”, Manfred von Richthofen´s squad, WW1, (“Eighty men tried, and eighty men died….” a TopTwenty-hit, 1966) and then engineer, from Darmstad´s Technical,Highschool, then man.dir. deputy, in the Gutehoffnunghütte A.G., Berlin 1927, section head at AB Landsverk/Sweden 1934, man.dir., 1939 -1942.
It was Axel Johnson´s company: Karlstads Mekaniska Verkstad, (KMV) what assembled the tanks, but mainly deliveries to the Swedish army, with an engine from the Scania Vabis. (In Hungary with a Büssing-engine). (Then Landsverk AB, ended up in the Iver Olsen´s U.S. Safehaven/ Flyktkapitalbyrån, 1946, to pay warreparations to the Allies. )
(The local media in Landskrona, claims Bismarck was dispatched to Sweden if Germany should win the war, but in his obituary, (1982) by Baron Henrik von Platen, he was in fact ” Widerstand”….well, well.)
But more problematic, was that Johnson owned a molybdene-mine, in Norway, the Knaben mines, what Germany took control over, to 70%, 1940, but Johnson had to deliver to Germany molybden-products, as well. This rare strategic mineral is very important into steelalloys, as tankarmour/panzer, so important that the Allieds, bombed Knaben to rubble, in November, 1943, (after one hour´s terrifying circling above, by 131 Mosquitos, and B-17´s.) (Johnson re-built the facilities, ready, 1945, but too late.) (Kanthal have some common, with molybden, used in armour/panzer.)
Molybden, was of course even on the West´s COCOM embargo list, to the Eastbloc, in the Cold war, as Sweden as early as July, 1945, even was direct advised of Herschel Johnson, U.S. minister, not to export uranium, only some weeks before the A-bombs over Japan.) The Wallenberg bros. had connections with Axel A:son Johnson in the: Baltiska Oljeaktiebolaget AB , of 1940 (Source .S.Berger.2015), Raoul probably was implicated in, some kind of cooperation with them, at the Meropa´s first address: Blasieholmsgatan no.3.
But now I´m banking on that this “K.H.” was the cityhouse, “Konstnärshuset”, (built 1909) and a restaurant/expo, but I still think “Marie-Claire” was the Johnson dame, and the characteristic Johnson-“shipping” house, Stureplan no. 3, “Nordstjernan”, is very close, two blocks away.
“K.H.” is if so, probably an abbreviation for the Konstnärshuset, Smålandsgatan no 7, for painters/ artists. (Marie-Claire was just to engage, in February, 2 with an artist, the count, Thure-Gabriel Rudbeck, (b.06) Edsberg´s castle. Both Raoul and Marie-Claire were oriented to arts, painting and business, dining and of course Marie-Claire could have been a messenger from Johnsons. There seems been just one, “date” or meeting. (Maybe of course some other unknown “Marie-Claire.” ?)
But there was even a frequent pianoplayer, the musician, “Marie Claire”, in Stockholm´s restaurants, during these years, but not at Konstnärshuset , this period. (But this trip, was lucky, in my Wallenberg research, and resulted, in more lights shed on the Johnson´s company, strategic minerals, so worth while, Johnsons was close to the Wallenberg-sphere, from start, shipping iron ore.
Never check a good story….
The next day, Tuesday, 18: “12.30 ULLA” K.B.” This is probably a lunchdate at the Konstnärsbaren, “KB”, with ms Ulla Collett, in the same house, as “Konstnärshuset”, still a popular waterhole.
Wednesday, 19: “Dinner, Ulla. (Collett) konstutst. “(prob.) before art-expo.
Thursday 20: “19.00. The Djursholms-train (suburb) to dinner with “GLÛCK” . Who was Glück ?
Friday 21: ” 19.15: PHILIPPI to me”. (= Erich Philippi /Specialmetall AB.) (As some kind of regular consulting ?)
Saturday 22, : “Art-expo Ulla” (Collett). 20.30 “Märtha ut.(perhaps art-expo) (unknown)
Sunday, 23: “Charlotte Arnberger (b.22.) (+ Next date, Saturday 29)
Tuesday, 25: ” Ulla Collett. ” / “Ryska sällskapet” “John SCOTT”, at the Grand Hotel, Spegelsalen, arranged of the “Ryska sällskapet “= Sällskapet för främjande av kulturella and ekonomiska förbindelser med Sovjetunionen (f. 1935). (Friendship society) A lecture of the U.S. author/ journalist John Scott. (Time)
John Scott, had stayed in the USSR, (8 yrs) during the 1930s, in Magnitogorsk, (the 5-yearsplans) working in the steelplants, and had of course deep knowledge of the ” Ural” metal industry, what became so decisive in WW2, then producing tanks. He had arrived to Sweden/Stockholm in November 1943, from Britain in a Mosquito, (just before Olsen) stayed here 1944, writing for Time, visited Finland, in September 1944, after the Moscow peace, and was alleged, an OSS-agent.
Was there an expert of Stalin´s Soviet Union, Soviet metalurgy, “heavy metals”, tanks, ordnance, 1944, that man ought to be John Scott, (b.12), but if Raoul had special interests and met him in person, is unknown. But Jan Myrdal,(b.27) son of Gunnar, claims that Scott, invited Jan to his hotel, to discuss, the political situation in Sweden. (Source: Aftonbladet 2002)
(Friday, February, 11,1944, in the Konserthuset, another public meeting discussing the postwar “future”, “peace”, arranged by the journalist, Edmond Demaitre,(Le Petit Paris-ienne) publisher of the periodical :” L´AVENIR ,” an presumed independent political academic journal,but in reality,paid by the Hungarian legation (through Andor GELLERT), and supported of the Allieds, I commented this quite unknown fact, 2014.) ( The jour-nal is preserved in Sweden.)
Present was even Ebbe Munck,(Dane, journalist, liasion with SOE, 1940/45), Robert Riefel (FFF/France) Dennis Weaver (London News Chronicle), John Scott, and Willy Brandt, later German Chancellour. (But probably not: Raoul Wallenberg.) (June 23, Midsommar-afton, John Scott met Adam von Trott, for two hours, arranged by Gunnar Myrdal, one month before Operation Valkyrie, July 20, so Scott, was a even possible name in the separate surrender soundings.)
Never check a good story….then it….
Next Wednesday, January 26, Raoul met another close contact: mr “18.15 Bo ANDRÈN and Elisabeth,” during the war, delivering strategic mica-minerals (glimmer) to Ger-many/AEG and probably Hungary, (Isola gruvindustri) (his wife Erszebeth von Vangel, from Hungary, and stayed there as late as February 1945, due to UD, she later went back to Sweden). This mineral was needed in spark plugs, needed in every military motorized vehicle. (Andréns was guests at Raoul´s cocktailparty, December 2, 1943)
Friday, January 28, ” 12.00 BELFRAGE, H.K. ” This is probably Leif Belfrage, (b.10) and
I´m banking on that “H.K”, can be read ” Handelskommissionen”, from his position as head of the: Statens Handelskommission, from October 1943. They issued trading licences, for exporting goods. (Belfrage, became later diplomat, and undersecretary of State in the Foreign department/UD, 1956-1967, during the Foreign minister, for whole six years during Östen Undén´s watch, 1945-1962)
Monday, January, 31,: ” 10.00 Enskilda banken”, (Jakob W. ?) “19.30: Güngburger”(who was that?) and ” 21.00: V. PLATEN ” .
Think this was: Gustaf von PLATEN, (b.17) journalist, publisher, (“Buster”), and brother to Henrik von PLATEN, diplomat, and stationed 1943-1944,(2nd secretary) in Ankara , Turkey.Probably during the Hungarian-British separate surrender, talks, in September, 1943, in what Raoul perhaps was implicated, during his official businesstrip,(Toledo Stahl A.G.) to Hungary.
Then, he even met Ullein- Reviscky, due to certain sources, just before the latter went to Sweden. (as Gustaf von Platen guest at the cocktailparty: December 2, 1943, student from the University of Lund.)
From this, University of Lund, some persons were recruited to the C-bureau, 1940, as Gunnar Jarring, perhaps Margareta Bauer. Gustaf von Platen,(b.17) mention in his mem-oirs,(1993) that he met Algot TÖRNEMAN in Lund, those years,(in the student theater activities), who became a wellknown agent in the C-bureau, deep implicated in the Lille-hammercoup, May, 1945, (Abwehr/E. Sala) with the U.S. attaché, Joseph Kloman, OSS, cover, Office of War Information. (OWI).
Gustaf von Platen, met Raoul Wallenberg, through Raoul´s cousin, Gösta Hagströmer in Stockholm, and describes Raoul : ” not married, beginning baldness, and talked with a drawling voice, and had friendly eyes, and arranged nice dining/wining parties. Another close contact was Hans von Kantzow, a very ambitious person, ( and man. dir. AB Bulten / Kanthal at Hallstahammar, 1938, the special metal, close to molybden).
Some days before departure to Budapest, beginning of July, 1944, he met with his wife San, Raoul, during a walk, (perhaps Sunday July 2), and Raoul, then telling them, ” in just a few days he was going abroad, in a secret diplomatic mission, somewhere in Central Europe, if they not should meet, for a while”.
Tuesday, February, 1: ” STORCH with LJUNGBERG “. Storch ought to be Gilel STORCH , the Jewish businessman, sending his brave deputy, of the World Jewish congress,(WJC) (in Fritz Hollander´s : Baltiska Skinnkompaniet) mr Norbert MASUR to negotiate with RFSS/ Himmler, in April, 1945.
But who was this Ljungberg ? Susanne Berger mentions this surname in her article : “Blasieholmsgatan no. 3.” Was he, Carl Ljungberg, (1873-1975), a sea-captain, then navy reserve, who 1928, bought this address, no. 3 ? He served in some national economic defence institutions, and was then in the Enskilda banken, managing the estate section, retired, 1940.
But Ljungberg had a son Carl Gustaf , (b.11) in most identical career, following his father, the Statens Industrikommission (IK) (1940) secretary there, ( I12), Enskilda banken, estate section, 1941 and then man. dir. in the Wallenberg´s Diligentia AB, then Bröderna Edstrand AB (1946) (metal/whole-sale).
And in fact, Carl LJUNGBERG Jr, officially replaced his father in the Wallenbergsphere, March 1, 1942. I´m banking on Ljungberg Jr, in Raoul´s age.
(It could be: Fred LJUNGBERG, the man. dir. in the Svenska Tändsticks AB, (STAB), with affiliation in Budapest (MAGIRT) Jönköping, but he died March 12, (65 yrs) 1944.) (As the Swedish MAGIRT man.dir. in Budapest, in August, 1944.)
Monday, 7 : “12.30: Johan Gabriel OXENSTIERNA. Cecil. ” (The Cecil, a city-restaurant)
A relative to Raoul, son of Siri Oxenstierna, (neé Wallenberg), 1942-44, Swedish navy captain and when attaché in London, then “too” interested in British ships, and the preparations of the D-Day,1944, and suspected of them of leaking information, to Abwehr, over Sweden, what was incorrect, but must be recalled to Sweden, Fall, 1943, (but Henry Denham, could stay in Sweden.) (Source : Craig McKay)
(Göte CARLSSON the “Kanslist”/UD-clerk 1944, served some days (5) in the navy, with J.G. Oxenstierna as navy captain, on board of all ships,on the “HMS Romulus”, one “Italian” destroyer, October 1941, 77 days in all, as stoker (trainee), but just accidental, as usual for Göte.
But another observation of the name “Göte Carlsson”, is the engagement ad, June 26, 1945 in DN and SvD: “Göte Carlsson, Valdemarsvik, and ms Joan Rogers, Dartmouth, June 20, 1945.”
Was this Göte, if so before he married the Dutch girl ms Terpstra, (1945-1947) ? We don´t know, was there another “Göte from Valdemarsvik”, those years, so close after the war, so near the Hague, where he alleged served, at the Swedish legation, after Budapest, what was even managed from the London-office then ?
At Dartmouth, the British Navy´s High Academy was located, (and seems in general, from Google maps, a lovely romantic place for engagements, at the river Dart.) Con-firming if so Göte´s alleged British connection. We don´t know, but´s interesting, for now, in the context. Perhaps the right “Göte” will take a step forward ? )
Never check a good story….
Wednesday 9: ” 10.00 : SEB (Enskilda banken ) (Jakob W.?)) and then ” Waiting phonecall from POGANY ” the former Hungarian commercial attaché in Stockholm, returned home, 1943, Georg von Pogany)
** Thursday, 10: ” Dinner with SÖDERBERG” . I suggest this to be: Ragnar SÖDERBERG, Söderberg & Haak AB, metall wholesaler, and in SEB´s board, as Axel Johnson, both close associated to the Wallenbergs.
Friday 11: ” 11.30 : TRANSFER ” I suggest the company in the Wallenbergsphere Transfer AB, (Holger Graffman) dealing with oil, currency, and whole-sale, and most other goods metals as silver, and sometimes with “Schellenberg´s separate surrendering talks.”(1943)
Ragnar Söderberg, (b.1900-d.1974) wellknown finance family, in metal, whole-sale, Generalconsul of Norway. Educated economist dr. ,chairman in : the Söderberg & Haak, Ratos, (investment) the Holmens bruk,(paper) Bulten Kanthal (metal), (Kanthal a special
alloy and trademark,Raoul Wallenberg-contact/Hans von Kantzow ) in the board of Electrolux, Esselte, Skandia, dep. chairman ASEA and Stockholms Enskilda Bank. (SEB). Ragnar Söderberg was married Ingegerd (b. Wallenberg) (1901-1940), daughter Axel Wallenberg, brother of Marcus Wallenberg och K.A. Wallenberg.
(Or Torsten Söderberg, his brother, (1894-1960) was even generalconsul of Romania.
Together they established 1934, the investment company, RATOS, RAgnarTorstenSöder-berg.) Söderberg sold with other heavy metalgoods, the Kanthal products through his whole-sale company : Söderberg & Haak
Never check a good story…
Monday, February, 14: “04.00 : IVAN outside me “. 19.00 : HÅKANSSON: / Could be Stefan Ivan, K.Lauers´s early and first businesspartner (C. McKay), early in the morning, and Håkansson, maybe: Harry James Håkansson,(b.11) sergeant at I1, in the joint venture, with Raoul, Abe-tryck, Vadstena. Unknown reasons.
Tuesday, February 15: “19.30” BERGSTRAND “: Suggest among other “Bergstrands “: Erik BERGSTRAND, (b.04) observator: Danderyd, stats-geodet, Rikets allmänna. kartverk, (1941) (National mapping). Diss. (1950) A determination of the velocity of light. : Inaugural diss. [Uppsala]. invented a new method, 1947 measuring distances, 1950. (Measurement of distances with the geodimeter (1951). This apparate, the “Geodimeter” , was later produced of the AGA AB, exporting for many years.
” – – -19 mars 1944 / The Aftonbladet/ : ” The inventor is the “statsgeodeten”, Erik Bergstrand, who received 4.000:- from Statens technical research council. Can measure, distances of 10 km´s with 1 cm, difference. But now, of no imminent military use, take too long time to arrange. ” (So just one month before this article.)
(Bergstrand started his experiments, 1941, (and was supported of Manne Siegbahn, at the Technical Highschool, (KTH) where Raoul´s famous neighbor, Lise Meitner, resear-ched nuclear science, she invented the nuclear fission, 1939, but Otto Hahn received the Nobel-prize 1944.) Postwar Guy von DARDEL (b.19), Raoul´s stepbrother, artillery lieutenant, later physician was employed, from 1945/46 in the FOA, section 2 /=Physics and technics of explosives.
(To this I must add, the name, Percy S. Tham, (b.05) was a high qualified engineer (KTH) (air force) Rikets allmänna. kartverk, (1938) in the air photography technology, and in producing maps, and in photogrammetry,(surveying) and mapping. In June, 1943, he returned from a trip to Germany, Berlin and Jena, in negotiations concerning photo-grammetry, with the Technical highschool , Berlin, of air photography in heights of 15.000 meters, and : the Hansa Luftbild /Tempelhof airport, within the German war effort. Seems no big deal, when the Holocaust winding up, down there.
In the same Swedish administration, Rikets allmänna kartverk, as Erik Bergstrand. Tham and Bergstrand probably knew each other.) (But Percy Tham, and Gustaf Tham are not relatives.)
Please, don´t check a very good story… if so, wasn´t this a typical Raoul Wallenberg contact ? Why not ? Sweden had since 1930s cooperation with Hungary, the Manfred Weiss Werke, and produced a Hungarian invention, for measuring distances for anti-aircraft artillery, at the Arenco AB, even Jungner-bolagen was implicated with the GAMMA company in Hungary.
But Raoul Wallenberg was no doubt, buzy enough with his WRB-rescuemission, before business, separate surrendering, inventions, and intelligence.
Thursday, March 2: ” 13.00. Lunch at home with NORLIN “:
Could this be some of the Norlin bros. ?: Nils-Arvid (b.01) ,but probably Per A. NORLIN (b.05) (living at the Johannesgatan no.22, married Ewa de Champs, (daughter of Lt Gen. Henri d.Champs., 1934-48, chairman in the Svensk-Tyska föreningen, founded 1913(!), and early head of the Rikets allmänna kartverk.) Both Norlins bros., was deep involved the Swedish air force, civil airtraffic, as ABA, (Carl Florman) and Per Norlin head of 1943 SILA (=Svensk Interkontinental Lufttrafik) (a special Wallenberg-holding comp-any, buying force landed, U.S. bombers, “nödlandare”, in Sweden, from airraids over Germany)
Nine (9) B-17, Flying Fortress, were taken over by Sweden, for safer courier flights to Britain against 300 interned U.S. crew personnel, 1944, but first refurbished by the SAAB factories,(=Wallenberg´s) first flight October 9.) and later became the first man.dir. SAS, 1946-1949, (+1951-1954) and then man.dir, in the Johnson group. Nils-Arvid, banker in the Enskilda banken, 1947.) (Guy von Dardel, Raoul´s stepbrother, was employed at the SAAB, 1944-1946, in what function unknown.)
(But Fredrik von Dardel´s mother (b.57) was borned Norlin…) Please don´t bring down a good story…( or a B-17).
Saturday, March 11: ” Cocktail VOn DER GROEBENS , ” Östermalmsgatan 9 “: This was Knut VON DER GROEBEN, (b.16) arrived 1919 to Sweden, became reserveofficer at the A1 (Svea artillery regiment), married Elizabeth, daughter of the colonel Virgin. Son of Horst von der Groeben at Ludwigsdorff. A brother Hans, stayed in Germany, and fell in the Barbarossa, 1943, at Charkov. (Knut was implicated in a tragical traffic accident, 1937, (Malmö) when his own mother Adele Planting-Gyllenbåga, died.)
(When his brother fell, Knut inherited the Schloss Ludvigsdorf, (Limbsee) he return to Germany, to administrate the estate. But risking being called up in the Wehrmacht, Knut refused to stay, went back to Sweden, and had the estate “outsourced” to 1945. When returned, 1946, Knut was refused to stay, but now of the Russians, in this then, new accessed Polish territory. Some years later, he received some compensation, from Pol-and, (Lodygowo Male/South Gdansk) but just for the land/forest.)
A sister, Ellen von der Groeben, (b.08) was married the navy captain Gustaf S. THAM, (b.00) 1931,but he divorced 1944, and married ms “Mary Mellkvist”, (b.18), who Raoul even visited April 16, “cocktailparty, Rådmansgatan no.16.)
He perhaps knew who, Mary was going to marry later, in November 11, (they engaged in August) but Raoul didn´t knew that Gustaf THAM, became navy commander, at the Joint defence staff, (Fst.sect.II) 1946, (in succession of Curt Juhlin -Dannfelt) navy attaché London, 1950s and later head of the Försvarets Radioanstalt (FRA), 1957-1962. (National signal intelligence).
(And no one know, 11/11, that the Swedish coastal steamer s/s Hansa, was going to be torpedoed, of a Russian submarine, outside Gotland, close to Visby, two weeks later, November 24, 1944, (84 victims) allegedly because of Swedish transports of Baltic refugees, German soldiers,(O.T.) ships, ordnance, perhaps even Iver Olsen´s Baltic WRB-transports, against the rules of neutrality, that autumn… and that both J.G. Oxen-stierna and Gustaf Tham was to be appointed to the investigation commission, and that the pilot Torsten Boltenstern, rescued those only two survivors.)
Then Tuesday, March 14, ” PHILIPPI ” (consulting ?)
The following day, Thursday, March 15, 09.30 ” L.K.” Could that be LILIAN KARINA ? (Banking on Lilian Karina, her husband Laszlo VASARHELYI, had confirmed contacts with Ullein-Revicszky, 1944. Laszlo was from 1943, official in the Swedish-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, editing their news bulletin, to 1943-1944, three editions.
(A secret SÄK-agent, source claims in May 1944, that Lilian Karina, ” Vasarhelyis wife, dined with Carl Florman, March 21″. (Carl Florman in the ABA air civil traffic, but we know that Lilian Karina knew Florman from the parties at Stubbarp, 1940-44.). (See my comments 2015/ about Marcel Breitfelts huge deliveries of fur coats (livpälsar), and caps to the Swedish army, 1941-43, from Hungary, through Vasarhelyis/ C. E. Lewenhaupt´s Hungaro-Skandia AB.)
(Or (?) Linde Klinckowström, the sister of Thora Dardel, married to then deceased painter, Nils Dardel, 1943. By the way, Linde, horse-woman, had a crush with Michail TOLSTOY-KUTOZOV during the 1930s, in Paris, and Raoul met Linde, he could have mentioned this and other (problematic) information, to Tolstoy-Kutozov, in Budapest (Jangfeldt) and due to Linde´s memoirs, Raoul´s mother Maj, later explicit, blame Linde of Raouls fate : ” (It was) your Bolshevik ! ”
Of course Kutozov-Tolstoy, as an alleged Soviet agent, could have sold Raoul “down the river”, 1945, due to Beszymenskij,(historian) and the mystic letter to Arne S. Lundberg, 1955, but any explicit proofs of that doesn´t ´t exist. What exists, is the original Swedish legation warrant, document, issued for Kutozov-Tolstoy, to first contact the Red army, 1945, signed by Ivan Danielsson, November, 4, due to Craig McKay, who even acquired the original, from an personal Irish friend.
This was not assigned to Raoul, but a mission for the B-section, (protection power for USSR) (Berg/Carlsson/Tolstoy/Grosheim-Krisko) and not even for them, due to the trad-itional diplomatic protocols of UD.(G.Rydeberg).
Due to C. McKay, Michail Kutozov-Tolstoy, had some personal and probably even mot-ivated hang-ups, concerning the Neutral legations attitude to him, implicating, not if so, that smooth working Soviet, “agent-ace” …
In the evening, “Smoking, BUCHBERGER “, Storgatan no. 59. (Buchberger was an Aust-rian diplomat, refugee, from Austria, Anschluss 1938, but lived in the same house entrance as Otto von KNIERIEM. The latter was as early as 1932, by the Kreuger & Toll´s bankruptcy estate, assigned to man. dir. in the Union Bank, Germany, with assistance of Allan Wettermark, (later head, -1939, and then at Investor AB.
Von Knieriem, later arrived to Sweden, 1940, in the Transskandia AB, (Gummesson) Blasieholmsgatan, at the A.- b Nickels & Todsen´s office (and Willem Endel) Import/ Export, with the same telephone as Transskandia, and “Rigas handelskammare.”
Willem ENDEL (1891-1956) was head of the Swedish chamber of commerce in Riga, Latvia, repr. even the SKF/ ASEA AB, (and AB Kanthal 1942), 1939, but arrived to Sweden, 1940. Von Knieriem had his office for the Dresdner Bank, (The “SS-bank”), in the Enskilda banken house. (no.10)
March 15: (Not in the calendar) Hungary´s National Holiday, but this was celebrated, at the Royal hotel, of Ullein-Revizcky, the minister, “the Countess LEWENHAUPT, and a lecture of Arvid FREDBORG , a pro-German journalist, arranging the “Bollhusmötet”, 1939 “… but was inhibited.)
Only a few days before the German invasion, of Hungary March 19, so probably Hitler waited some days, to launch “Operation Margareta” , and avoided to deploy troups in Budapest, of the same defensive, typical “polite” German reason.) (If RW was present here, is not confirmed, but it ought to be a good opportunity for contacts.)
(The Hungarian Jews allegedly, hadn´t a clue of this imminent final, “Final solution”, especially in the provinces, the “Auschwitz protocol”, wasn´t distributed , some blaming Reszö Kasztner, but exposing the extreme danger of the German/Hungarian nazis)
Next day, Friday, March 16, Raoul visited, Johan PAUES,(b.13) living in Stocksund, and married with a relative, his aunt´s Karin´s (Falkman),daughter: ” Raoul writes:”minister-fru “? = (ministerwife) (I ask,if so,:” Ullein´s-Revizcky´s”,the British diplomatdaughter ?) and then a party, with (Johan) “Paues”, at Stocksund, Olof af Hermelins väg no., 6,
(a very big house) at Långäng.
Johan Paues was service engineer at the HELLEFORS BRUKS AB , 1942, P.R-head 1944, salesmanager, 1946, and probably with knowledge of construction of the top secret TYFORS gunpowder plant, 1940-45. (his brother Nils Paues, in exact the same career /Hellefors Bruks AB, both basic, ” Martin-melting/steel-furnace” engineers) (RW visited often Falkmans, Karin Wallenberg´s husband, Johan Paues married Inga Falkman, 1940, and when mr Herlin married the second Falkman´s daughter, 1942.) (Nils Paues b.19, deceased the other day, in October 2015, age 96.)
The Hellefors Bruks AB, main tradingpartner with the TOLEDO STAHL A.G. in Budapest, during 1943 (steel/import/export), (source. Susanne Berger), and the company Raoul Wallenberg made a special visit to, 1943, September 3 – October 10) , (Matuska) and the Manfred Weiss Werke, on behalf of Jakob Wallenberg, Sven Salén and Erik Björkman.
(1.) * Of some odd reason, this pocket diary, was printed not of the Wallenbergs´ Stockholm´s Enskilda bank (SEB) but the Skandinaviska Banken, headed by Erik Björk-man, a banker Raoul knew from the business world, and invited 1943, December 2, to join RW´s cocktailparty, but was not present.)
Next day, March 17, ” visit of (Erich) “PHILIPPI, (specialmetall) and (Hartwig) LÖWENHERZ” (consulting ? ) ,a German Jewish refugee, and glass-engineer, probably with knowledge
of glassproduction, furnaces, heath and Kanthal´s products. (lost his relatives in the Holocaust.)
Friday, March 20, ” PHILIPPI to me ” again. What was it all about ?
April 14, Friday, “Carl KREUGER, Villa Kvikkjokk”. (Djurgården). Carl Kreuger,(b.14), the son of Torsten Kreuger, (Ivar Kreuger´s brother), then owner of the pro-German paper: Aftonbladet. Carl Kreuger even was an editor at this paper.
The next day, April 15, Carl Kreuger was to start a new career, at the paper, the Väster-norrlands Folkblad. But Kreuger visited Hungary with delegation of journalists, a prop-agandatrip, from September 26, 1943, when Per Anger met this group, in Budapest. (Carl Kreuger,Kerstin Wijkmark, Erik Västberg,Sven Hansson, Elis Andersson, Knud Bol-ander, Bertil Svanström and Nils Horney, living at the Hotel Palatinus. The Hungarian pressbureau: Stefan (Istvan) BEDE ,dr. Geza LUBY,
From C. McKay´s Excerpts: ” Cover for Horney’s mission was arranged by having him included in a deputation of Swedish newspaper people invited to Budapest by the Hun-garian Government. Apart from HORNEY, the deputation included Rickard Lindström of Socialdemokraten and Carl KREUGER of Aftonbladet. (** From the visit 1943 September, of course Carl Kreuger then had a Hungarian experience, and published one article, in Aftonbladet in October.)
(Nils HORNEY was then recruited by Roy PEEL/U.S./OSS-agent, and before departure, a dinner at the Cattelin, when Horney must memorize important Hungarian names, and one question, to the Hungarian representants: – Are you prepared to fight against the Germans, and become partisans ?.
(They met in Budapest- – – Hungarian Social Democrats, notably Karoly Peyer, Anna Kethly and the editor of Nepzava, Arpad Szakasits; his interpreter, Nana Hajduk; the Peasant Leader, Zoltan Tildy, (The Smallholders Party) and the Jewish magnate, Baron Kornfeld. Of all the political leaders, Horney spoke too, only Tildy was prepared to wage a partisan war against the Germans.- – –
Saturday, 15 April: ” Mary MELLKVIST, cocktails, 16.00-18.30″ , (b. 18). who married navy captain Gustaf THAM ,(b.00) later in the navy intelligence, attaché /London,1953, and Försvarets Radioanstalt (FRA) -head, 1957-1963, after he divorced from Ellen von der Groeben, 1944. (b.08).
Saturday, April 22: ” 20.00 LEIJONMARCKS (??) (to me)” who was that ? and ” Sten Leijonhufvud dinner” (= old friend/I1)
June 27, Lennart LARSON jr, in the Streco AB, who Raoul met 1943, in Budapest, in business, with the Streco AB, (part owned by Wallenberg bros. since 1932) with some implications in the 17.000 kegs, stored Finnish nickel, (of Kolosjoki mines ) in Buda-pest. (S. Berger in: Stucked…)
June: 1944 : Source/ S.Berger / V. Birstein: – – After the German occupation of Hungary in March 1944, Sweden temporarily suspended trade relations. This caused serious material shortages for Swedish owned firms in Hungary. In June 1944 Toledo Stahl A.G. (Kadelburger) co-signed an urgent appeal addressed to the Swedish Export Association to request continued deliveries of essential materials from Sweden. This appeal refer-enced a report by Nils Ihre who was at the time a key official in the Swedish Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Trade Section.
The report outlined that between 1932 and 1942 the level of trade between Sweden and Hungary had increased by 175%, underscoring the growing economic exchange between the two countries. It is likely that the « Ihre » who like Raoul Wallenberg attended the Hungarian Minister Ullein-Reviczky’s Christmas Party on December 18, 1943 is identical with Nils Ihre.- – – –
– – – A Hungarian boom from German /Hungarian needs. The growth 1938-1940, was bigger than the growth in total , 1918-1938. The year 1943, output was 38 % before the war, and the industry, contributed now with more than agriculture. After 1943, 50% of artillery and ammunition, were produced for Germany. – – – /Source: A. Milward.
– – – Hungary produced weapons for Germany, paid to 80% of Germany. Hungary cons-tructed, The Danube Air crafts industry, and the Hungarian Wagon and machine factory. They produced from late 1942 to Summer of 1944, 700 German aircrafts, and about 1.000 engines, (Daimler-Benz). The materiel was produced at the Danube Aluminium factory , built with German money, two new factories, 1938-1944.- – – Aluminium melting plant at the Csepel Island, with 48 melting owens./ A. Milward.
But Raoul Wallenberg didn´t annotate all his meetings, as with: Herschel Johnson, Ullein-Revicszky , July 6, etc.
And there are some other well-known names as: (Norbert) Masur July 4, (in WJC and the Baltiska skinnkompaniet) , Iver Olsen, Frances Cunningham, U.S legation , etc. Andor Gellert, Hungarian diplomat, in fact head of the Hungarian intelligence/Sweden, later transported by U.S., to the Bari-base, (Italy) in September, (against explicit British recommendations.) (V.Agrell)
Not the least: a presumed meeting with the German businessman, Ludolph CHRIST-ENSEN , Hamburg, visiting Sweden, between April 25-May 7, 1944. who even later visiting Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, July 21-August 1, there´s no sign of in the calendar. (during May) (Berger/Birstein).
With this interpretations, credible, Raoul Wallenberg, maybe was heavy loaded, with both:
(1.) General business contacts, (2.) his Meropa AB, (3.) the Hungarian opposition (Horthyists) in Sweden, (Ullein-Revicszky/ Gellert) (4.) U.S. World Refugee Board, K. Lauer, Iver Olsen/WRB, and with cover, m.o.l. as (5.) Swedish diplomat, attaché. There are further some presumed heavy metal industrial traders, producers, players here, no doubt. If this implicated, an intentional contribution, (with compensations agreements) to the German/Hungarian war effort, may be possible, could be “in the air”.
As ASEA`s through Meropa AB, delivery of drilling machines, 1943 to The Danube Air
Industry. (The Bulten/Kanthal AB, produced even bolts for aircrafts, in Sweden/SAAB they needed about 13.000 bolts for each fighter aircraft as, SAAB-21, but to Hungary,
unknown today.) (The delivery of SKF ball-bearings,1944, is another question, not dealed with here.)
(2.) Of course, as usual from another “fixed” ” gestalt ” position, we see just ordinary social visits, to relatives and friends, dining /wining, girlfriends, dates, nothing special, January-March.
Of course my suggestions of the names and connecting them with special business, to form a certain pattern, may be in some cases, justified, questionable or quite wrong, but who knows…and as I haven´t seen any other approach, here.
If the Soviet security organs studied this calendar, as a Raoul Wallenberg´s, “real”, “per-sonal passport”, in January, 1945, then don´t mention the Hungarian/German contacts, perhaps they draw some other conclusions. But why carry this pocket calendar, if so explicit “dangerous” ? Good question.
He perhaps, really confused the Russians, from most angles: a “Wallenberg”, diplomat/ attaché, relief, in the worst battlezone, money, values, Hungarian driver, and no one had informed of his presence or moves. Did they checked his story…or believing him implicated in some early form of the U.S. “Operation Paperclip”, to pick out prominent Hungarians, Jews or not Jews, Nazis or not Nazis ? As the case in Iver Olsen´s Baltic operations the Summer of 1944 ?
I return to some Swedish names annotated in Raoul´s calendar of 1944:
“Marie-Claire. K.H.” ” Johnson, a daughter of Axel Ax:son Johnson, maybe, met Raoul (January 17,1944). In fact she headed an official service in the Johnson company, the press- & information section, due to a Johnson-biographer, what maybe support, my presumption, this was: Marie-Claire JOHNSON.(b.14) (Therese Nordlund-Edvinsson/ 2005)
Her sister Margarete (b.11) headed the personnel section, (HR) in Johnson´s shipping company the Nordstjernan, during the 1940/50s, so at least, active before they married. But first Mildred Johnson,(b.24) got 1965, explicit financial power, the majority of the shares in the Nya Asfalt AB.(bitumen).
The tight relations between Johnsons and Wallenberg, started very early 1900s, when the Johnson´s shippingline , Nordstjernan, ordered freightvessels for ironore export, for Wallenberg´s Grängesberg mining, on credit agreements issued by the Enskilda ban-ken. From 1939, Johnson took even place in the board of the Enskilda banken.
But another quite confirmed and interesting fact here,to me, is that Axel Ax:son John-son, himself had close businessrelations with the Soviet minister,in Sweden,Aleksandra Kollontay (1930-1945). This was not mainstream in the 1930/40s, a woman with a power position,in the usual male network, then most usual, in the role as wife (or mist-ress) as most of the Wallenberg daughters. Perhaps Kollontay then, as first female amb-assador was of general interest, in even Sweden´s upper classes.
Johnson said even being offering “separate peace talks”, here, ( Geer/1998) but was most interested in developing his shipping lines, and be the exclusive agency in Sweden, for the Russian oilproducts.
Johnson met ” Madame” in Stockholm and at the Mösseberg convalescent-home (1943) ,and “they discussed without problems both technical and economic topics”,as “equals”. Johnson offering his whole industrial steel programme, and suggested a joint -venture enterprise, in what the Soviets owned one part, Johnson 50% , with a Swedish board, to establish a ferryline between Sweden and a Russian Baltic Sea,port.Then even a shipping line from Vladivostok, to extend Johnson´s famous “La Plata-line.”
But no real projects were realized then, instead Johnson Jr, ripe the fruits of these con-tacts postwar with very comprehensive business relations to the Soviet Union. (T. Nord-lund, refers to some filed Johnson-letters to Kollontay, May 1943, January-March 1945 and even personal talks of 1944 / T.Nordlund-Edvinsson 2005)
Johnson then, perhaps “second to none” – (vs the Wallenbergs) in business and “peace-talks” with the Soviet legation, during the war, and then mrs Kollontay chose even the Enskilda banken, for their accounts, very intentional – not the Kreuger´s Skandinaviska banken.
(During the celebrationparty of the Red army, February 23, 1939 at the Soviet legation,
Kollontay, observe that no member from the government, present only UD-diplomats of most 2nd rate, Söderblom, (pol.sect.), but many Swedish officers, when usually one or two, and now two Generals ? How come? There´s no accidental occurrence in the diplomacy… – – –
They congratulate us for the victory in Far East, against the Japanese Army, Lake Chasan but their mission, seemed to be, sounderings, catch up something, the mood at the Soviet legation after defeat of the Spanish republic, and after Hitler´s occupation of
Czechoslovakia, Soviet relations to Finland, and if Moscow waiting for a” Blitz-attack”
from the Nazi´s in short time ? But that, nobody asks of course of. – – –
There´s Maugras, from France, not the German Prince zu Wied, but General von Uth-mann, German attaché. The Japanese was absent -of course. The Finnish minister, mr Paasikivi, is here, but tal-ked most with Söderblom,a German general, in the green saloon. A Finn,a Swede and a German fascist, why… ?- – –
– – – “The most beautiful lady in the corps diplomatique, the wife of the Hungarian minister, Matuska, (what a ridiculous name), arrived, and Maugras closed soon in to the charming,creature. In the diningroom respectable old gentlemen crowding : – “And Your Excellence,” the manager *Johnson* turns to me, ” You claim you don´t like this divine product from your, “Oh Volga, Volga ! Really…How come ? ” I answer humorous: – – “I prefer Swedish smoked caviar in tube “. (Kalles kaviar ?) The respectable old gent-lemen laughing incredolous. I promised the artist and anti-fascist Isaac Grünewald, to visit his gallery. – – –
Dolores Palencia, the Spanish politician, No Pasaran ! arrives, greeted of the two former leninists, today socialdemocrats, in the City Council, Zeth Höglund and Fredrik Ström, the lawyer George Branting in the Solidarity committée for Spain, and then the Swedish officers and Uthmann leave the room. Then suddenly, even the popular show artist and antifascist Karl Gerhard appear. – – –
The Britains, ask von Uthmann : -Have you. general some idea of where, we, playing golf this summer , at Lidingö or at the Gärdet ? The vice chairman of the Red Cross, Baron Erik Stiernstedt,: – “We´re soon going to China with an travelling hospital expedition, initiated of the crownprince. (Gustaf VI Adolf) Can we expect transitvisas ? You know how he appreciate the ancient Chinese art treasures.- – – The Swedish unrest is grow-ing, and in the military circles , they dont hide their attraction of the Germans.- – –
The British minister (Mallet) lean to me, and says: – I have been told that some official
from Britain, will go to Moscow, soon. Good news, or ? Together with you Russians,
we´re going to check a certain man´s fighting mood, not the first time we´we been forced to give a lesson in good manners, with the Russians. ” – – -/Alexandra Kollontajs dagböcker 1930-1940/Foreword: Krister Wahlbäck/Bonniers (2008)
(** I think this excerpt expose something of the diplomats ordinary activities and Koll-ontays´s ability to keep contacts with as many as possible, from artists to industrialists, from Grünevald, Karl Gerhard to Axel Ax:son Johnson,and Wallenbergs, during this fateful years.)
Raoul met “Storch and Ljungberg, February,1.” The Johnson-biographer of 1998, ( Geer), claims by studying Storch´s archive, placed in the Israel´s national archive, that even Storch, was implicated in Johnson´s trade talks with the Soviet Union, the fall of 1944, suggesting that: – ” a big company should be created to deal with all Swedish asp-ects of her trade with the Russians, then, not only to Sweden, but even to a third coun-try.”
Storch´s plans was documented even in a letter to Rolf Calissendorff, since 1936, head of the Enskilda banken´s foreign section. Calissendorff, a Wallenberg-confident, was implicated in the very profitable Johnson-deal with Romania, constructing roads, ca 1936.
This was even interesting, to me supporting, that perhaps even Storch, was active in both rescuing Jews, and ” business- “as-usual-business”, and had channels into the Wallenbergsphere. I mentioned in my comment 20:(2015), that,”Norlin” in the calendar could be : Per Norlin,in the SILA/SAS company, 1944, and even he joined Johnson´s 1950s, as head of the negotiations section (1958) as Johan Paues, became Johnson´s in fact man. dir., 1957-1963. Storch´s son,Magnus started in the Johnson´s Nynäs Petro-leum, 1985, before promoted to head at the AGA AB.
Storch had even extraordinary good contacts with the, 1944, undersecretary of state, Tage Erlander (the Minister for Social Affairs, Gustav Möller/ Soc.dem., and in charge of all 14 Swedish refugee-internmentcamps, a “kz”-detentionsystem.) Later 1946, Prime-minister in Sweden, to 1969. Erlander alleged, arranged so the diplomat in Riga, later Berlin, Lennart Nylander, could rescue Storchs wife from Riga, 1941, with a private airtransport. (Lena Einhorn)
Storch should have earned 40-50 millions, (SEK) due to Lena Einhorn(1999), when buy-ing Soviet state obligations, 1930/40s what then were depreciated, to 50% and paid the Russians own deliveries with them, before the war, full price,and made a fortune. Before in Riga he represented the AB Förenade superfosfatfabriker. Johnson had interests in the Estonian shale oil , the Baltiska Olje AB. (S.Berger)
Storch had a wallpaper industry, Kåbergs, post war, and imported some plastic mater-iels, we know, postwar, but even a little company,, the Combina AB, (agency) Humle-gårdsgatan no. 17, as a cover ? Then disappeared. The wallpaper production, had to close, when Storch instead banked on carpetbusiness, lost 20 millions, during 1960/ 70s, due to the workers union there.
Paid of the U.S.legation/ WRB ? Or with money transfered to WRB from U.S.´s Jewish Joint, (AJD) relief organisation, as the latter must deliver their US-dollar finance support through, WRB, due to U.S. legislation. Perhaps if so, this was the source of the alleged deep conflict between Gilel Storch and Iver Olsen, in Stockholm. What hampered Stor-chs and the World Jewish Congress/Joint´s similar activities ? (Source /L. Einhorn.)
(U.S. State department sent 50.000:- USD (today 1 million SEK) May 24, (through the U.S. Good Year Tires Co.) and from the Jewish Vaada rescue funds, 10.000:-USD (today 200.000:- SEK), for the Baltic Operations four(4) months, June-September,1944, in at all 2.000.000 SEK (today) – and not one Jewish refugee.
When the 1946 Swedish-Soviet trade-agreement was signed,(Credit) U.S, warned Sweden of to occupy too big parts of her industrial capacity, with the Soviet orders, because West´s strategic needs, and soon a trade embargo(Cocom) was introduced, against the Eastern Europe. The Russians use only 537 millions of the agreed Swedish billion, what was paid back 1961-1968. This deal was the Minister of Trade, Gunnar Myrdal´s alleged “baby”, what later cost him his job, some facts in this context.
(Johnson had later very huge trading business,with the Russians, and for instance, del-ivered the machines to produce margarine, what then in fact, delivered USSR´s whole need of that foodstuff. And much, much more, and got oil in return.)
The couple “FALKMANs”: Oscar (b.77) married 1914, with Karin Wallenberg, (b.91) Raoul´s *Aunt , (daughter of Raoul´s grandfather Gustaf Wallenberg d.37), was one of Raoul´s frequent contacts, even during first part of 1944. (Calendar /February+ June)
Oscar Falkman (b.77) was very active, positioned high up the Swedish industrial sphere mining engineer, metallurgist, most known, being head of the Boliden Gruvor AB,(gold/ arsenic-mining, first one of Ivar Kreuger´s assets), 1934 -1943, when it became a real big company. He was vice chairman in the Stockholm´s Handelskammare (Chamber of commerce) and in the board of AB *Hellefors Bruk, and chairman(1931-33) in the board of the mighty Swedish Industrial Association, Sveriges Industriförbund (1910-2001) with Marcus Wallenberg, Harald Nordenson et al.
Raoul was guest when Johan PAUES (* Hellefors bruk AB) married one of Falkman´s dau-ghters, Inga, 1940, and even in 1942: September 28, when Claes Herlin jr married Britt-Marie Falkman. (b.1920- d.1957). Claes Herlin, was operating engineer at the Bolidens Gruvor (mining), 1940-45, where his father-in-law, Oscar Falkman was man.-dir., then to AB Ferrolegeringar, 1950, Swedish Oriental Co. AB. (* Hellefors Bruks AB, in trade rel-ations with the Hungarian steel/imp.exp. Toledo A.G. for what some Swedish protection passports was issued, and saved lifes, 1944.) Later Claes Herlin Jr, owned a company, dealing with Iranian oil. Johan Paues joined even he the Johnson´s as man. director, 1957-1963.
To connect with the heading of this file, even AB TRANSFER (founded April 1935) was housed from 1935/36 in this house the address, Blasieholmsgatan no 3. Tel. 212156. (The board: Consul Oscar Gullander, Aug. Nachmansson, Marcus Wallenberg Jr, J. Holger Graffman. A compensation trade organisation, quite officially, from scratch. (In November, 1937, Mr C.E. Smith before, chairman in the Melins stenography Assoc., then employed in AB Transfer, but died in Berlin on route to Romania, where Graffman/ Transfer had interests in goldmines.) October 1938, Graffman wrote an article in the SvD about this compensation trade system and mentioned then, the Reservförråds-nämnden.
This information and names supports in certain extents, my comment 20:(2015), of Raoul Wallenberg´s close contacts (and of relatives) with the always important Swedish metal and mining industry, the Wallenberg bros., diplomatic officials in the trade bur-eaucracy, the U.S. legation, Hungarian opposition/resistance, both in Sweden and Buda-pest (G.Kovacs) perhaps the Meropa AB, and not the least the Hungarian huge arma-ment combinate, the Manfred Weiss-Werke, and even the Tungsram AG.
All what probably was of big interest for the Soviet´s intelligence, information of the Hungarian war efforts, and the race for war reparations (and to Berlin) to the Russians, during this last still but very decisive five months of the war in Europe, Spring 1945.
I may even quote from the rated researcher Susan MESINAI´s report :Liquidatsia/www. ( 2000): ” – – – One would expect a prisoner as knowledgeable and diversely connected as Wallenberg to have been a valuable source for the various Soviet foreign intelligence and counterintelligence units as they sharpened their tools in preparation for the Cold War. – – –
– – ” A first step was always identification of personalities in other countries, for which Wallenberg’s calendar and address books – returned in 1989 – served a useful purpose. In this regard, retired KGB officials Sergei A. Kondrashev stated that he served as inter-preter for one interrogation in April 1947 in which Wallenberg answered questions rela-ted to names on a sheet — so calmly and openly that Kondrashev was convinced the man was innocent.- – – ” (S.Mesinai)
(‘** But exists then any known special interrogation protocols, to prove this presump-tion ? Good question. Answer: No ! )
– – -” This is both a function of his good health (RW/de-briefing) at the time and of the security organs need to amass a great deal of information quickly about the thought processes, personalities and capabilities of those in a number of nations. As stated above, Wallenberg’s calendar alone would show the level of those with whom he had meetings in Budapest. In addition to this, there are his contacts in Sweden, Germany and the United States to be considered in terms of the political game. – – – “(S.Mesinai)
22: (2016) “THE FRENCH CONNECTION” : (1) : JANUARY 4 : 1944 : ” 20.00 : SMOKING: VALHALLAV. 134: FAUVILLES :”
First some corrections of earlier comments: The British minister Sir Victor Mallet, arrived to Stockholm, January 26, 1940, (not 1939).// Edward af Sandeberg, (b.13) the jailed STB- journalist, in Russia, 1946, was not Navy reserve captain, (but had a close relative, with the same name and title, (b.14) even military attaché in U.K. ) // The name of the Hungarian enterprise was of course Tungsram: (not Tungsten).
The French lawyer Henri Fauville arrived to Sweden, 1937, and became soon (1939) attached to the French legation, then at the Narva-vägen no 26. Fauville advertised 1937, being of “good family”, about to work as “au-pair”, (answer: c/o American Exp-ress) and exchange of lessons in conversation, speaking even English, and German. He lived at the Kungsgatan no. 70, 3rd floor, a hotel, in the corner of the Vasagatan, at the other side of the Oscar´s theatre.
1941: October 5: Fauville, became engaged with ms Ulla Björnstjerna,(b.16) a relative to Raoul, her father nobleman, the major Count Carl J. M. Björnstjerna, (b.1886-1982) at the General staff, married Sonja Wallenberg 1915, (b.91) ,eldest sister of Marcus, (b.64), and Amalia Hagdahl. Ulla was first born of four sisters, to C.Björnstjerna, Colonel, cic, 1935-1940, Cavalry, Norrlands dragoner K4/ ND. Umeå.
1942, February 8: Henri and Ulla, were married, Fauville, as ” commercial attaché, consul ” at the French legation. Guests: Knut Leijonhufvud, Björn Björnstjerna, attaché Gustav Bevé,(b.11) (on the same UD-attachélist, 1942, as Per Anger) ,Monica Björnstjerna, greve Mårten Douglas, (must be Morton, b.12, younger brother of Raouls mate “Ibo” Gösta Douglas) – Nane (Marianne) von Dardel (b.17) , Sten Leijonhufvud – A. Posse (?) (so a woman), Johan Treschow – Louise de Laval, George Henri Peij, (archivist, French lega-tion 1929-) and record. clerk, Bertil Seth, married a sister, Björnstjerna.
(That Marianne (Nane) von Dardel, was present, maybe her French/ Swiss origin, and contacts, as her brother Jean,(b.19), was architect, as Raoul. ( Nane was even March, 11, in some public performance with the French legation.)
“A. Posse.” Only the initial ? Maybe the anti-fascist Countess, Amelie Posse: (b.84) / The Tisdagsklubben of April 9, 1940 =Tuesday, she lived in the same house:entrance,Rindö-gatan no. 44, as later David McEwen/SIS). Relatives and friends to Raoul, present – but not himself ? How come ?
Anyway Raoul met the Fauvilles couple at the Valhallavägen no. 134, January 4, 1944, in his pocket calendar.
Due to the Expressen May, 2011, Amelie Posse (nobility) was already then in February 1942, recruited of the British SOE, through Malcolm Munthe SOE-agent no. “4401”,(known from the British invasion in Norway,(to Finland) 1940, and allegedly the Krylbo attempt against a German ammunition trainload, 1941) and had a salary of 500:- SEK/ month. (10.000:- today), and kept an eye on Swedish Nazi´s, had lived in Czechoslov-akia, to 1939, and became then wanted of Gestapo. Was one founder of the Tisdags-klubben, April, 9, 1940.
But Fauville, with purposfulness, anyway made an instant career into the Swedish upper class circles. Nane von Dardel, (b.17), married Francis Cunningham, U.S. leg. secretary, 1943, who Raoul met before Budapest, 1943/44.
If this Fauville-marriage had maybe some pro-British or anti-Axis message, is unknown, could be pure fantasy, but with guests as perhaps Amelie Posse, (nobility) and that the bride´s father himself, Carl Björnstjerna, in the General staff, had tight contacts with the British navy attaché Henry Denham, and passed to him, Swedish top secret informa-tion about the German Kriegsmarine´s positions in Norway, before he was fired and threatened with court martial, 1942.Think about that for a while. (Sources: Maj Wechsel-mann, and U.K. m.a. Henry Denham, memoirs). Raoul´s presence here could have saved or broke his day, perhaps.
(Per Anger (b.13/ lieutenant was anyway a colleague to Carl-Gustav Bevé (b.11/ lieut-enant), 1942, both close under the 2nd secretarys Ingemar Hägglöf, (b.12), Hubert de Besche (b.11). That year Per Anger even was assigned to UD-secretary in Budapest, as the minister Ivan Danielsson, twice non grata, the Spanish republic, and Egypt, the British mandate.
Carl Björnstjerna, former mil.attaché in London, Paris,1933-35, later in charge of all attachés of General staff´s section, kept contact with the British military attaché, Henry Denham, 1939-1942. But probably the German Abwehr-KO (Kriegsorganisation, official) head in Stockholm, Dr Hans Wagner, had some information about this leaks, and could through,Swedish pro-German officials in the Navy, Lindquist, and Martin Lundqvist in the secret police (SÄK) counteract against Björnstjerna, and kept him tight surveilled, as even the British legation.
The story of the secret police´s those days, microphone lowered in the legation´s fire-place, from the roof, tents with false “roadworkers” outside the legation, bear witness about suspicions, but rather clumsy, arranged surveillance, but probably a reaction to Churchill´s “set Europe ablaze”,(SOE) and the legation´s notorious illegal and sabotage designs.
There was even an (probably many…) unknown, pro-German V-mann (Vertrauensmann) in the Swedish navy, with contact with Abwehr, so they knew how the British intelli-gence received their informations, and that the British must use a Swedish-operated telegraph-cable, perhaps tapped by the RKA (radio/int.)
During the British lend-an-lease convoy, PQ-17´s disastrous sailing from Iceland, bound for the Murmansk, USSR, in June/ July 1942, Björnstjerna had informations of the German battleship, Tirpitz, she left her moorings July 3, but soon returned to Trond-heim. But Denham only could meet Björnstjerna after the weekend, July 7, and they were always shadowed. The convoy was sinked and routed, by the German´s Luftwaffe, some 15 of 40 ships, with much needed military cargoes, for the Soviets Red army, were lost, and 100s of seamen.
Wechselmann suggests that some, probably Finnish signal/intelligence unit in Sorda-vala, had tracked the convoy, and this information was sold, relayed to Sweden, by a C-bureau radio “in-place” in Finland, and so the military intelligence, the C-buraeu, through Carl Petersen´s, 2nd major Hellmuth Ternberg, then informed the German forces in Norway, what caused the loss of PQ-17. But Egon Ternberg, (volonteer Finnish war) Hellmuth´s brother in the navy, was Raoul´s godfather.(S.Berger) No doubt, comp-licated waters, to navigate…
1942: November: Fauville gives a lecture at the Alliance Francais, about caricature, cartoon,humour, a French tradition. Guests, the French minister: Count Vaux S:t Cyr, princess de Croy, Belgium. (There was not much to laugh at in Europe and France, then.)
Well,I didn´t notice this, first, perhaps trivial facts, the “absent guest”, (Raoul) and the ” present guest”, (A.Posse) first, but then I remember, and consulted, the comprehensive Ingrid Carlberg´s, Wallenberg-biography and Susanne Berger : (2012) – “— Raoul app-lied for a Cabinet-passport from UD, in October 1941, for a businesstrip, to France, to negotiate about trading of 2.000 Swedish Ardennes horses.
But the Commission for Horseexport, received this application in December, and by that Raoul could depart just before the New Year, through Germany, and Switzerland to the town Vichy, in the non-occupied part of France,(to November 1942) home for the Ger-man-collaborating “Vichy”-regime, after the stunning French “Maginot” -defeat, June, 1940, (+ UK/BEF Dunkirk-evacuation) Vichy, even with their own malign “Jewish question”.
Raouls´s mission was probably a joint business venture with the Swedish state, with diplomatic passport, the Meropa AB, the Reservestorage board, and exchange this workhorses, against lorry tires, what not even existed, in this compensationtrade. Raoul speaking, German, French even met a staff officer, at the Admiral F. Darlan´s staff, 2nd to Marshal Petain. Kalman Lauer wrote a letter January 28, from Meropa AB, to the Horse commission, and UD-h (trade), meaning Raoul was abroad then February 8, at the Fauvilles´s wedding. This support my presumtion.
Due to S. Berger, Raoul could have been, already from here, of some interest for the Soviet´s intelligence, and I will even connect this to perhaps, Noel Field´s rescuing activities of Jewish children in France, headed by Robert Dexter, U.S.C. (Unitarian Service Committee) then 1944, the first WRB-commissioner. And the same with Raoul´s trip to Hungary 1943, September – October.
Thinking of Raoul´s comment to Gustaf von Platen (Buster),with his wife Suzanne, on a Sunday walk, 1944, perhaps, July, 2: ” I´m departing soon on a secret diplomatic miss-ion, if we can´t meet for a while…” Secret” ? by that he must have meant the WRB, but usually diplomats staying abroad for 6 months, here in Hungary, must be accreditated, there, to get the benefit of immunity. There was in fact some public media information, during the autumn, 1944.
** (February, 1941, Amiral F. Darlan became Marshal Petain´s 2nd, minister of cons-eille/foreign/ interior/then defence, in the collaborator, French Vichy-regime, but was viewed as national traitor of the French resistance, (succeeded of P.Laval, 1942). 1942 the Germans occupied this rest of France,”Vichy-France”, November 11, when U.S. invaded North Africa November 8. 1942, Darlan became “Haut commissarie”, agreed with general Eisenhower, what irritated C. de Gaulle in Free France Forces./FFF/ Wiki-pedia/ (** Amiral Darlan was shot, December 1942, due to latest sources of a hit-man/conspiracy, soon executed, with some connections, to the U.S./Office of Strategic Office/OSS.)
But had this trip to France been prepared of Henri Fauville, as commercial attaché,and by that, was he representing the Vichy- regime what became viewed and later tried for collaboration with Third Reich, as “Quislings”, 1940/1942/1944. We don´t know.
The French commercial advisor (handelsråd) in Sweden, since 1940 was Lucien Guillou, (in Sweden from 1920) the Grandfather of the wellknown Swedish journalist/author, Jan Guillou, and Jan´s father Charles Guillou, was employed at the Free French office or the French Comité de France Libre/FFL, at the Karlavägen no.65. But due to Jan Guillou,(b.43) both his relatives, became active in the Free French camp, Comité de France Libre/FFL, in Sweden, (in time) and Charles later was recruited to FFF in France, and Lucien promoted postwar.
A biographer of Jan Guillou, Paul. Frigyes, claimed they served the Vichy-regime, what Jan refused to accept, and could even prove with document, Frigyes was wrong, and the book was cancelled. (and you don´t oppose against the “Swedish Champ of humble-ness.”) But Jan never said a word about Raoul. (no more than Sverker Åström, what S. Berger claims), perhaps strange, as a Swedish leading expert of HUMINT, I presume.
But the truth about the French minister is: Count Vaux S:t Cyr, before the war, in Berlin, arrived from Helsingfors, (1939)-1941, to Stockholm. Some consternation appear, when the Germans occupied the rest of France,(Vichy) November 1942, and Petain/Laval -regime then disposed Vaux S:t Cyr, 1943, and introduced M. Gauquire, instead, as minister at the French legation, Narvavägen no. 26. Vaux S:t Cyr, joined the French opposition, FFF, but stayed in Sweden, and could return to his legation, September 1944. August 1945, he left for Athen.
(Both Jan Myrdal and Jan Guillou, had close contacts, 1972, when Guillou & Bratt reve-aled the secret Swedish socialdemocrats/ military close together operating an interior espionage organisation: IB, surveilling and register the Swedish left, or other ” subver-sive activities” read, peacemovement, FNL/(“VietCong) Vietnam, name it… (with PM Olof Palme´s knowledge, himself in a rally with the NorthVietnam´s ambassador, 1968, met with deep suspicions from the Swedish security organs) in their collective owned periodical: the FIB-Kulturfront.
As we now know, their fathers Gunnar and Charles, both was implicated, 1944 (not together) perhaps in secrecy /resistance/ talks, directed against the Axis during the war. The IB was in fact illegal, and used such methods, and ran even foreign/Nordic activities, if needed.
When Guillou and his colleague Peter Bratt, by that reported this to a general prosecutor, T.Robért, they instead were cheated and arrested, accused of espionage, put on a “poli-tical” showtrial, and received each, one year in prison. But the IB was destroyed, and the secret police (säpo) of course didn´t like a parallell secret unit, operating beyond the law, against political opponents, so not one of Olof Palme´s and the Swedish justice´s, most honourable moments,but as usual directed against the Left movements.
Unthought, I can´t but recall Raoul Wallenberg´s fate, 1945, what unexpected, ended up in a trap, (and far-fetched, yes, but perhaps with some links to the French legation of 1940-1944), even that in a high powered “intelligence” context, and Raoul´s pre-sumed knowledge of Swedish´s and foreign intelligence, business, diplomats, perhaps tech-nology, especially the Hungarian and German top echelons, of 1944/45, alleged even of Katýn, 1940, all could have tempted the Russians to act, as twenty serious (20) other reasons, but not the right to take him away, hide and destroy him.
But Fauville Vichy-man ? The urge for purge, 1944 ? I don´t think so. I can´t judge exact what happened, Fauville, when in June (D-Day) the French legation, in Stockholm, was abandoned of the Vichy- ambassador, and was then transfered, to the new regime, September, 8 1944. Free French Forces/ Comité de France Libre, General Charles de Gaulle,
But Fauville seems to have “survived” any French diplomatic “purge”, in service 1948, but some contradicting observations. Henri was anyway married a daughter to the Col-onel Björnstjerna, who was described in his obituary 1982, ” compared to other higher officers, he anticipated early the defeat of Germany. “/ H.Leche. (But many native French citizens, alleged German “collaborateurs” didn´t – sources give a figure of 200.000 French citizens died, through executions by law, and extrajudicial, post 1944.)
Henri and Lucien served some time there, it seems, at the legation, but Fauville gave a public lecture as late as in November 12, 1944, at the ABF, about the: “Situation (Läget) in France”. But Jan Guillou claims convincingly, both relatives, early joined the: Comite´ de France Libre”/FFL, an exile office in Stockholm, and Charles joined FFL in France/ Britain in March 1945.
Fauville, Henri and Ulla, lived at the Valhallavägen 134, when Raoul visited them, 1944, January 4. Late April, they looked for an au-pair, for their two small children, ” summer at Älgö” (Island). November 12, 1944, Fauville gives a lecture about the French situ-ation,(läget) at the Socialdemocrat´s, ABF, (Workers Education Assoc.). 1946 : Promoted to assist. commercial attaché at the French legation.
From France, Raoul went to Budapest. Did he met the Swedish Generalconsul in Paris, namesake of him, Raoul Nordling, the saviour of Paris, 1944. Because Nordling´s deputy Gustaf Forssius was even he at the Navy “Network” reserve,list as Graffman, Calissen-dorff, Asker, and dos guys, and Nordling was chairman in the Swedish-French chamber of Commerce, and head even of the SKF (Paris Ivry-sur-Seine) deep in the Wallenberg-sphere, in France/Paris, what suffered a devastating, Allied U.S., bombingraid, New Year Eve 1943.
Perhaps RW had some business, even there, combined, national security, and private business, 1942, for the Wallenberg companies, were anyway merged with the state, for that common national purpose, so no one could be blamed. Raoul Nordling, needs an own chapter here, but, ” The man who saved Paris”, but that was never coined as “sep-arate strategic surrendering” in spite of the Allieds Casablanca-declaration: ” German unconditional surrender”.
Perhaps Raoul earlier, had some contact with monsieur Henri Fauville, ” just married” with a relative to Raoul, then commercial attaché at the French legation, from 1939, from 1940 the “Vichy-regime”, and a Marshal Petain legation, to Summer of 1944. Maybe this paved the way for his visit to France/Central Europe, during 1942 ?
So what ? But new fact. As Kalman Lauer, introduced, him as A.-b Meropa-man for, “next stop”, Budapest, and Raoul´s first own mission for Meropa A.-b.
(Of course if we anticipated that Raoul (or anyone else…) was “guilty”, out from just his alleged abduction and disappearance, 1945/1947, of the Soviet Smersh, for some special “sinister” crime, “conspiration, espionage and suspect wartrade”, and “that must be no smoke, without….” Then it is just to speculate and piling up about those twenty (20) possible options,and put them on the table. He could even been just a naïve Swede, doing things interpreted as “anti-soviet activity “, § 58, in the wrong place, and time, or became a perhaps valuable pawn, for future needs, show-trials, etc.
Could this measures, been caused “only” because, he allegedly carried a 20 kg´s gold-cargo/money, in his car tank – that seems not very credible. But why was or seemed Raoul, anxious not, to have his Swedish legation personnel around him, and advised the Hungarian´s not to follow, to Debrecen, but his confident, his driver Langfelder ? (The Soviets signed a peace deal, with the Hungarian new government, January 20, 1945, perhaps of some significance.) Per Anger met him no later than January 10, 1945.
Why were he so cautious, treated, those 14 days, he was on his way to Moscow, and were those German legation personnel met with similar respect ? If he posed a so immi-nent risk to the Soviets state security, why company with Langfelder, (of course a prob-lematic witness) on a passenger train, for 14 days ,why not transport him by air, alone ?
Was the return of the pocket calendar, 1989, the most exhaustive, comprehensive an-swer, and message, there ever will be, here, from the Russian state and archives, not only some personal belongings ?
But I propose that his position as a Wallenberg,”insider”, Swede, the names in his pocket calendar, and perhaps other documents, combined with his rather those days, even concealed and subordinated role, (most in his age were…) but even a high degree of personal “activism”, no family, and his problematic “two-employers” situation, in a rescuemission the Russians doubted, perhaps, when observing the Swedish flags, on many “protected” houses and the Hungarian units as guards.
As C.McKay puts it, about the “intelligence game” : – It is not what you say you´re doing, that´s important, but what other think you´re doing, what matters – and you will be judged by your company. But on the other side, there is many contexts, connec-ting Raoul explicit to actions, forces and circles, seeming all directed against, the Soviet Union´s(and the Allieds) war aims/efforts of 1945, but that was of course not forbidden.
To make it worse, there were too many of his known real “masters”, employers, not lending him a helping hand, 1945, outside their comfortzone, it seems. Perhaps beca-use they were dissolved, (OSS), new governments, and mighty relatives called in political /economic question, etc. ,post war.
Are my observations of significance, or maybe, most ” French fascinating irrelevances” ? But as we shall see, the NKVD, targeted both their own, the Soviet legation´s person-nel, Madame A. Kollontay´s circles and probably the French´s, through their agents in Sweden, and even by a French attaché, due to W. Agrell.
V.Agrell, does even he, a big sweep over the whole ” intelligence” surroundings in his book: Raoul “and the shadows around him”.” Jenö Levai puts it 1948 : “Raoul´s nego-tiating style was not to go straight for his goal, but approaching, in a wide curve. ” If then the Guillou boys were employed at the French Stockholmlegation/and FFL, –
” It is accomplished.”
Raoul NORDLING, the Swedish, General consul in Paris, 1926 -1948, is said to have been the saviour of Paris, from German devastation, the last days of August, 1944, saving many French prisoners and even Jews. This is a long historical turn, but anyway on the same political/geographical, latitudes as, Budapest, Warzaw and Paris, that fateful year 1944.
The new German commander, was general D.von Choltitz, (who conquered, razed, tod-ays, newly annexed, Russian navybase -city, Sevastopol, Crimea, 1941, and besides that, often buzy in deporting and executing Jews, all over Europe. These facts from an article by: Magnus Falkehed,(Paris-correspondent. in the Dagens Nyheter, May 31, 2014)
But Raoul Nordling (b.82), is said to have negotiated with the Wehrmacht general, to avoid the destruction of Paris, what some say – was not in fact, military possible. Paris was even declared an “Open city”, May 1940, once before, when the German occupied a huge strategic part of France, and left the rest to the “Vichy”-regime to November 1942. But many bridges and the Eiffeltower, were to be blown up, due to Hitler´s order, this unstable month of August, just after the Count von Stauffenberg´s “Valkürie”- attempt of the 20th July, 1944. The heading, the straight question in a telephone call from
” that man” in Berlin, for General Choltitz.
But, here, Raoul Nordling´s alleged historical role, come rather close to Raoul Wallen-berg, and the neutral Swedish tradition, in peace talks, and compensationtrade. Nord-ling even had early, chairs in the board of the Wallenbergsphere´s : AB Alfa Laval, AGA, and the strategic company´s , affiliation, SKF/Ball bearings, what furnished the German Heere, (OKH) with those important products. (France and Hungary both seems by that appropriate nations to trade with, for Sweden, semi-Axis, and Axis satellites.) (But even U.S. traded with Vichy, 1942 buying sugar from French colony, Martinique.)
Nordling was man.dir. for the SKF (Svenska Kullager Fabriken / Paris -Ivry, (1938) and was well aqcuainted, with Björn Prytz, the head of SKF/Sweden 1919-1930, Swedish minister/UD, in London, the decisive decade of 1937-1947. (From Nordling´s industrial contacts, for instance, he knew how inferior the French air force performed, compared with the Luftwaffe.)
1938, September, Nordling/Prytz, together tried to contact the Swedish King Gustaf V, as peacemediators, between France and Germany, during the Munich-crisis, what Nordling, viewed as an opportunity for the West, to win time, although it was never used.
**(Compared with the German-Russian pact, of 1939, a brutal but effective way, to welcome Great Britain, and U.S, as keen Soviet allies, two years later, June,1941 but perhaps an unnecessary war, if Paris/London (and Poland/Finland/Sweden) had approved and not delayed the Russians design, to contain the Hitler-state, Kriegs-marine, in the Baltic sea, together with the French and British navies, and in Central Europe, against open and Ukraine-typed, then called “indirect” aggression.
Sweden even recognized, the German annexation/invasion of Böhmen-Mähren, 1939, being a protectorat, the former “Czecho” – of – Slovakia, the latter became a Nazi satellite, as Hungary. Both of tremendous worth as producers of arms, for Wehrmacht, and even allowed Hitler to arrive to the best startingpoints for the Red Beard/Barb-arossa, aufnahme 1941.
**Instead the French Navy was destroyed of their own, Amiral Darlan, and by Churchill´s RAF-bombers. But first they used their limited military resources to strike against Nor-way, 1940, to proceed to shut down Sweden´s iron ore mines, in North, claiming “helping” Finland, a failed project, on a secondary front. First the Phoney war,1939, September, 3, “Paralysie general”, followed by a “Folie a´deux, 1940, April wasting arms, men, and not the least “Neutrals”, (what Boheman complained to Churchill) they soon needed in May 1940, when both countries armies were unexpected, routed of Wehrmacht, with over 2 millions Pows. But they were not able to move a shooting war, to Scandinavia, Sweden and Russia, 1940, instead of the Continent.
** (Reminding of the present confused West/EU policy, in Middle East, especially in Syria, with Turkey/Nato, SaudiArabia, Iran, but today the US/Nato/EU have joined the active Russian policy targeting all forces supporting Daesh/IS ,but not yesterdays “demons”, the Al-Quaida affiliations. But today, 2015 the French only “sinked” the Mistral -carriers ordered by Russia. Could have been of Russian use against Daesh, instead of having their gunmen attacking the rock concert, in Paris. Perhaps even the “Daesh” can deve-lope to some “useful”, ” moderate” elements of terrorists for the West,”, (if not the Rus-sian airforce can “whip the tar out of them “.)
1939, December, The Polish General Sikorski, with the Finnish envoy, Holma, Col. Paas-onen and French Primeminister Daladier, planned a French intervention, to assist Fin-land. The Polish (exile) Navy, landing in Petsamo, was to cut off the Soviets Murmansk/ Murman railway, and about 20.000 Polish soldiers, interned in Latvia/Lithuania, should be shipped to Sweden, and there, forming an expeditionary force, against Russia.
But in February, 1940 the French/British decided, to send a “volontary” corps (in civil clothes), to Finland, (including a Polish brigade), but when the Moscow peaceagree-ment, was signed, 13th March, instead a landing in Scandinavia, occupying/destroying the Swedish iron ore mines, became and was the “real” target, of the military build-up, then not possible to de-escalate , and just move the war to the Scandinavian neutrals.
But Finland was still an independent, nation, post Moscow peace. But some Britains,
(8 air-mechanics) made it back to Sweden/Stockholm , in April, from Finland, and were recruited of the Rickman-gang, to carry out serious dynamite sabotageactions against Swedish iron ore ports, but were arrested.
Nordling was asked to contact, the Swedish King Gustaf, by French pm. Daladier, March 2, 1940. But Berlin, then influenced the exhausted Finns, (although with lots of Swedish weapons/ munition, still in storage, what emptied Sweden´s defence possibilities, as even French/British ), to make peace, through Marshal Luftwaffe/ Hermann Göring, when in contact with the Finnish Berlin-minister Kivimäki promised (February 1940) : – ” Make peace now – and you will be rewarded in the near future ! ” (Source: H. Ylikangas. /Finnish historian)
The Pro-German, Finns, were of course then not interested in assistence from the Polish forces,(=German enemies, 1939) against Russia, only to purchase the German´s Polish´s army´s warbooty, of arms. 1940, Daladier-must-go, after the French /British /Finnish debaclé, March 19, and Paul Reynaud took office. Finland took measures to draw Sweden into shooting war, 1940, in collaboration with Paris/London, but failed, Norway was instead targeted, of Germany,(1940-1945) with help of the nazi-influenced Norwegian officercorps, headed by Vidkun Quisling, and Finland joined the Third Reich.
The 10th of April, 1940, Paul Reynaud told Nordling, that the Swedish iron ore fields, were going to be destroyed/blown up. Nordling protested, but instead advised Reynaud to send a delegation of British/French diplomats/officers, to Stockholm, for discussions, and promised to escort them, as privatperson. Via London/Perth, and Örnsköldsvik/ Sweden, they landed on Bromma airport/Stockholm, the 12th April, same day when Sweden declaring to defend herself, with arms. The 27th of April, Nordling was asked by the Frenchmen to go to Norway, and reached Namsos, met the British general, de Wiart. Nordling then went back, to Sweden, April, 30. Rather adventurous.
May 9, 1940, Nordling boarded, a plane, and followed the diplomat Gunnar Hägglöf, and some of the most pro-German Swedes, mediators, as Birger Dahlerus, prof.(hist-ory/SIS=state censorship-head) Sven Tunberg, admiral Tamm, (on their way to Berlin /Göring) ,” to protest against the German transitation of troops, and materiel to Nor-way.” (But Nordling didn´t remember , the name of admiral Tamm, and Hägglöf didn´t mentioned Nordling in his memoirs.(1986). (Nordling claimed that these officials, didn´t not feel comfortable in his company, out from his French contacts.)
The British “Altstadt” affair, (February) liberating British Pows, from a German ship inside Norwegian water, the mining of the Norwegian coast, the 8th April, was followed by the German intervention, the 9th April, and the French/British landing around at Namsos and Åndalsnäs, 14th and 17th April. Anyway, the West, couldn´t protect Sweden, if necessary, only initiate a German intervention, (what luckily the Soviets made clear they didn´t appreciate within the pact´of 1939´, due to verified historical sources.)
The Swede notorius peacemediator, Birger Dahlerus, met Nordling and said that Göring, wanted to meet him, about ceasefire between Germany /France, but a meeting never came about, but greetings, arrived from Göring through Dahlerus. Nordling met Paul Reynaud May 18, who step down, the 16th June, after the French capitulation.
Nordling, a friend of the Swedish king, Gustaf V, was emissary already, 1940, February, when giving the message, to the King, that the French Daladier-government, planned to send an expeditionary force, through Sweden, to “help Finland”, by attacking, Russia, from Petsamo/Murmansk, and even Baku.The King and government refused permission, (as Norway) not to end up in the real abyss, then. Two months later, La France, didn´t even existed, as a free nation, ” but Vichy” , and Britain, was in total isolation, saved by her securitybelt, the Channel.
Nordling became implicated in another peace mediation, project, 1944, through the Vatican, and Pierre Laval(successor of Amiral Darlan) and a Reuter-message about a Swedish peace action with the German Paris minister Otto Abetz.: -” Sweden the only nation able to bring about a peace agreement. The Aftonbladet March 22,1944 : -The Swedish UD/Foreign ministry, is not confirming the rumours that Germany, through Nordling, tried to win the Swedish King for a peace sounderings with the West. Even Hitler denied this, interviewed in the (T. Kreuger)-paper the Stockholmstidningen(ST) source : Berlin-corr. Christer Jäderlund.
Domenico Russo, was sent by the Hungarian French generalconsul, to Nordling. Pierre Laval had told the Swedish charge d´affaire, about his interest of a Swedish peace mediation. Nordling went to Vichy, to tell UD in Stockholm, but the secretary Heden-gren knew already about this. (March 19/20, 1944, Germany invading Hungary, with 150.000 soldiers.)
The 31st of December, 1943, the Allies executed, a heavy bombingraid, targeting, SKF´s plants in the Paris-suburb, * Ivry. (120 B-17’s hit the industrial areas at Paris-Ivry and Bois-Colombes at: 1207-1227 hours; 1 B-17 is lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 49 damaged; casualties are 2 WIA and 10 MIA. These missions are escorted by 74, P-38’s, 441, P-47’s and 33, Ninth Air Force P-51’s; they claim 9-1-1 downed Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-38, 2 P-47’s are 1 P-51 are lost; 1 P-38 and 6 P-47’s are damaged beyond repair and 1 P-38 is damaged.)
Nordling was of course on the alert, to protect his own business interests, what even Wallenberg, alleged did, but in Budapest.
Nordling was even quite active in protecting, the German´s prisoners in Paris, (2.000) but against 20.000 German Pows, in the deal, the latters liberation, what Nordling never tried.) – and to have Sweden and the Red Cross, take charge of this situation, preven-ting deportations to Germany, or executions, by visiting every prison in the Paris-area. But one hundred, (100) French political prisoners, , were executed on the spot, by the Germans, in the prison of Caen, the D-day, June 6.
(But Nordling even had a nephew, jailed by the Germans, for helping allied downed British airpersonnel, since June 1943, (Jacques Merleau-Ponty, 1916-2002, later well-known philosoph, cousin with Maurice M-P.), married with a sisterdaughter, of Nordling) but never dare to intervene, not having the Germans accused him of helping only his relative, not to risk helping other prisoners, but Nordling kept contact with Merleau-Ponty´s German lawyer. (Is this about the same pattern the Wallenberg “big brothers”, handled Raoul´s case, they could anyway save some relatives of the German Widerstand people, after the 20th of July, attempt, 1944 ? )
But due to the well-known, Swedish journalist, mr Svante Löfgren, then @ the Dagens nyheter, active from the 1930s, it was the Swedish viceconsul Lars FORSSIUS, (b.99) who did the rescue job in Paris, in fact when Nordling fell ill, of the hard pressure. (Even a brother to Nordling, Rolf, was involved.)
Lars G.F. Forssius, served even he, in the Swedish Navy reserve, as Navy intendent, captain (b.99) (comm. 1935), and on next page, of the Official Yearbook/The Statskalendern, we find the reserve, Navy engineers, Holger Graffman, (Transfer AB) (b.97) comm. (1932) C.E. Asker, (Tudor AB) (b.99) comm. (1938). (See my former comments)
Officers in the same service branch, the Navy-reserve, the same generation. Surrender mediators ? Not complete far-fetched, that these businessmen, on the navy-list, were acquaintants. Raoul Wallenberg, could have met Raoul Nordling,(b.82) in the board of the Swedish Chamber of commerce, Paris, (from 1926) and Lars Forssius, during his visit 1942 in France. Connections within this ” navy & business” group, are possible. And Jakob Wallenberg, became navyofficer, 1912, the same time as Raouls father.’
By the way, Svante Löfgren, a journalist at the Dagens Nyheter, even visited,Budapest, and had some thoughts about that. Then 1940, he lived in the luxuary Hotel Gellert, the same as Wallenberg, 1944, built around big a swimminghall, with teadances, in bath-dresses. He visited the Swedish embassy, at the Buda´s hills.
– – -He met the ambassador Torsten Undén, with his pro-german wife, Undén criticized, Torgny Segerstedt, a Swedish anti-nazi editor.(GHT) He met Valdemar Langlet, and his Russianborned wife,(Nina) concertpianist, and credited Langlet, with the idea of the protection passports, Raoul, later used. The method was developed for Raoul Wallen-berg, whose task couldn´t been possible without the Langlet´s couple´s knowledge and connections, teacher, talked many languages, made a kind of passports, for his most Jewish pupils. Undén didn´t concealed his distrust of Langlet, the “gentleman” of the legation.” – – –
” The attaché Per Anger, arriving 1942, received anyway the Jewish Central councils decoration, for ” protection passports for Jews.” As retired on the French Riviere, he late become a ” raoul wallenberger”, author of a “hagiography book”, edited in USA, what never luckily reached Sweden. ” – – – / From source: Svante Löfgren/www.
(But remember that the French´s Laval/Petain collaborators, delivered to Germany, about 80.000 Jews,and resisters,maquise 1942-1944, in 84 trainloads, destinies, from Tallinn, to Auschwitz, where most perished, but 2-3 % The French communist party (PCF), most active of all in the resistance movement, lost 15.000 members,(or more) casualities, what named it: * The Party of the Executioned.)
But some do not share this heroic view of Raoul Nordling, a French resistanceman, called him, ” The Germans little messenger”. The Swedish Jew, the banker Olof ASCH-BERG , with some leftsympathies, since the Russian revolution, (“in fact worth of a movie”/M.Falkehed), believed that he, 1940, could ask Nordling, his alleged friend, to protect him, from the French/Germans usual, initial, incarceration measures. But Nord-ling refused: – ” No, because Aschberg, is Jewish ! ” This due to Olof´s son Sven, (father of the wellknown Swedish journalists, Richard (AB) and Robert. (TV4).
Olof Aschberg, and Sven (then 10 years) , were deported to a “DurchLag”, in * Vernet, 1940, and the Swedish consul, didn´t care at all, and Olof´s 18 millionshare in the French movie company, * Pathé, must be given away, in order to be released, and rec-eive a travelpermit, for Portugal, then USA. His French, real estates were stolen. Sven Aschberg claims today : – ” I´m not usually in the historical “revisionism” business, but just this heroistic story, I´m reacting very negative, against.”.- – – (*Reminding of an early Manfred Weiss Werke overtaking, by Becher /SS, of 1944.)
(In France 50.000 Jewish companies were “aryanized” stolen, reminding of the 2000s privatization of public institutions, childcare, healthcare, by first claimed them of no economic worth, not even ” good will” worth. The Wallenberg bros. had some activities, with this, to protect but with some revenues, as with the Bosch A.G, (S.Berger), during the whole war, maybe even in France, when the Vichy. issued special anti-Jewish legi-slation, October, 1940.
Nordling didn´t received any spontanous ovations, postwar, instead, was accused of collaboration with the enemy, business with SKF ballbearings, and Bofors weapons. When Nordling arrived to Stockholm, after the liberation of Paris, (August 25) he was criticized, blowed up, by both the King Gustaf V, and the primeminister Per Albin Hans-son, for to having trespassed his consul-warrants, and being not neutral, “enough.”
Olof Aschberg, couldn´t return to France, but for three years, after – ” the French clerks, had cleaned up, in their collaboration, with the Germans, and protecting of each other.” But many former prisoners, send their condolence and thanks, when Nordling died, 1962, 80 years old, DN/M. Falkehed ends.
There is obvious some conditions, here, to compare Nordling with Raoul Wallenberg, in order to perhaps, reach some general information, but even to compare, the now, lost
” Zeitgeist “, of 1940-45.
Wallenberg´s own businessvisit in France 1942, with cabinet passport, horses vs rubber trading, of all products, – did they met ? Probably, in the view of Nordling´s industrial positions in the Wallenbergsphere, SKF/Alfa-Laval, France, and as General consul, the Swedish chamber of commerce, interests, and experience, a “door-opener”- it´s more surpricing if they didn´t, but we don´t know.
Was Nordling´s action, aimed at preventing the French (left/PCF) resistance taking over Paris, (like the Paris-commune, 1871), and contemporary with the Warzaw uprising, the same days in August, 1944, to compare with ? Some kind of action, what the West, accused the Soviets of, ” remaining behind Wisla” – but a more true accusation ? Maybe even influenced Raoul in Budapest, after the general repetition in Paris ? The French Communist party was the biggest, with 26 % of the votes, 1945, in government, but were soon outmanouvered, (as in Italy) compare to Hungary, where the opposite took place, 1946-48.
Three capitals, Paris, Warzaw, Budapest – with quite different, strategic, resistance, political, from bad to worse fates, 1944/45, the more East we go. How come ? The Allieds rather slow offensive from D-Day, June 6 and Stalin´s: Ten blows of 1944, against the German Wehrmacht and her Axis´s satellites.
Did the Soviets noticed, the Raoul Nordling´s Paris-mission, in August, 1944, viewed it perhaps, as Pro-German, separate capitulation, and gave it a second thought, during the Fall, 1944, connected it perhaps with Raoul Wallenberg, in Budapest, a kind of preced-ence case – ” with the curtain up ” (inför öppen ridå) ? Thanks to Nordling, the German army could leave Paris in good order.
But how come, this Wehrmacht retreat was made possible, only to perhaps resurrect in the Ardennes-offensive in December ? (Stalin launch then a Red army offensive, to assist the Eisenhower (SHAEF) and Montgomery, (U.K.) all what Churchill/Roosevelt pay tribute to, in a special telegram, to Moscow.)
But in Budapest, German last-ditch defence was ordered, to really secure the most self-inflicted Hungarian disaster, where Ullein-Reviczky´s and others peace mission, from 1943, in cooperation with U.S./OSS in fact paved the way for the worst Holocaust crime, of 1944, and the coming destruction of Budapest, due to recognized scholars.
But Ullein-Reviczky visited on February 24, 1945 ” makes his debut on the right side”, (Expressen) 1945, the Soviet legation´s party, the Red army Day, together with: ÖB H. Jung, Baron (Ove) Ramel from UD, Admiral Tamm, Prince Carl Johan, ambassador Chris-tmas Möller, and the Ny Dag (the SKP-newspaper), Amelie Posse, Marika Stiernstedt (Tisdags-klubben).
– – – ” Ivry-sur -Seine, with a population of 60.000, a typical stronghold of French communism, established during the 1880s, by the 1930s the town with the highest number of industrial firms, in the whole suburban area around Paris. (* The red belt = Seine-Saint-Denise/ Hauts-de Seine/Ivry, in Val-de Marne.) Ivry hold by the French pro-Soviet communists (PCF) for more than 60 years, without interruption, only during 2nd World war. “A state in the state, a shop window for municipal communism “. Ivry-La-Rouge was a bastion, for PCF, with between, 75-85% of the voters, up to 1995. Ivry, is also known, for a very well, developed cultural sector /Source : C. Guijat/2003/
The French SKF-plants, in Ivry-sur- Seine,(Paris) 40 years later, 1981, were occupied by the French labor unions, the Communists CGT, and others. SKF aimed at close down the plants, a conflict, broke out, what then became famous, in the French industrial and Union´s history, and what at last …. broke the back of SKF/Ivry.
There was some usual Swedish involvement, in the separate peace /surrender game not only, 1939, but all years, 1944, and 1945, not the least. This actions, could have influenced both Raoul, his fate, I think, if so, the Paris gambit, with Nordling, 1944 in March and August. Could this have been analyzed in Moscow, all this public “strategic” surrendering, parties, before the Red army´s offensive, as the German Axis s´powers conscience, grew in the same proportion, their territory diminished, through military onslaught, from the Red army.
Are we sure that Raoul Wallenberg, didn´t carried messages, not (only his own) about a re-building of the Budapest´s, Jewish community, (only a part of his unpublished alleged manifesto) but some of more military/strategic importance ? This alleged re-construction,project, was really advanced, and humanitarian, but no doubt naive, far beyond contemporary greater realities, when later viewed by experienced observers.
A really independent ” cooperative” relief organisation, but with: revenues, workplaces, exports, membership, worth a special study. (Perhaps this topic will even be scrutinized by prof. Klas Åmarks new book, about the Neutral´s Budapest-relief, in print Spring 2016. )
(24.):2016 : KURT VON DRACHENFELS: THE RED CROSS BARON : (1890-1965)
About this rather anonymous man, Kurt von Drachenfels, Raoul´s friend, Gustaf von Platen (b.17.) (“Buster”) in his memoires (1993) claims: ” in a circle of really good frie-nds, two of them significant, older than we, (Hans von Kantzow) and Kurt von Drach-enfels, Baltic baron, knew everything about Swedish business activities, had been Ivar Kreuger´s *handsecretary, but both much, there for the young ladies in this circles “, (this circles who even Raoul shared).
Both of them in contact with Raoul´s social life, it seems, but Hans von Kantzow can wait, as von Drachenfels is far more unknown, not at all in the Wallenberg-research, in fact. How come ? In this private partylife, you find even Raoul´s cousin Gösta Hag-strömer (b.08), a ” coming” jurist (married Ingvor, June ,1942, when Raoul was guest.)
1918, March 23,the Baron,Kurt Arthur Edgar Philipp Kristoffer,von Drachenfels, estate-owner, in Hedvig Eleonora church, Stockholm, married ms Ester Konstansia Sundberg. 1919, January 24 .Their son Edgar von Konstantin Drachenfels, was born (d.1993.) (Student 1940).
How Drachenfels (b.90) spent the 1910s dramatic events, the Great War, 1914-1918, and the dissolvements of the Empires, is unknown. He was born in Kurland, Plahnen, the Baltic States.
1937, January 30, the cousins Gösta and Lennart Hagströmer and Raoul Wallenberg “architect”, were introduced to the Innocenceorder of 1765, Ball, at the Grand Hotel Royal, together with hundreds(800) of other guests:
Anna Lisa (An-Li) Kantzow (then Hans Kantzows new wife) Johan Paues, Axel Ax:son Johnson, *Carl Kreuger (son of Torsten) Neimi (?) von Dardel, Franciska Kennedy (at the cocktailparty December 2,1943 suggested then placed with Guy von Dardel), Inga Falkman (later Johan Paues wife), the sisters Ulla (b.16) and Elisabeth (b.17) Björnstierna, daughters of Wallenberg bros., (old) sister Sonja (b.91), (Ulla later married the French diplomat Henri Fauville, February, 8, 1942, in the “Raoul-calendar” January 4,1944), Countess Ulla Tolstoy, (married Theodor 1943, grandson of Leo Tolstoy), Douglas Kennedy (f.12) Harald Edelstam,(*Santiago de Chile, 1973) Carl Edmund Febvrel. (Fevrell) Hugo Wehtje, Åke Collett, Margeurite A:son Johnson, * Mary(ie?)- Claire Ax:son Johnson, Louise de Laval, Sten Leijonhufvud, Stellan Kramer…..
Franciska Kennedy: b.17/ Married Torvald Åkesson 1954) architect .SAR. (daughter of estate owner Gilbert Kennedy (b.86). and Ebba Kalling.
But both Kurt and Hans, divorced their first wifes, married young girls, 27-30 years younger for Kantzow, and Drachenfels (b.90.) married 1940 ms Märta Lyth, the same time as von Platen (b.17) married (Suzanne Ekman), what he notified. Märta was a very good swimmer for her schoolteam, 1936/37 ca, (source SvD), in her girl school, Nya elementar, Stockholm. I´m not surpriced if Raoul knew Märta Lyth, then probably 20 yrs old.) (Later teacher in her old school, in history, and German.)
Kurt was banker at Ivar Kreuger´s bank in Warzaw, the American Bank of Poland, then 1929-1932, Ivar Kreuger´s handsecretary .He published a book about Kreuger,1933: The real Ivar Kreuger, (Natur & Kultur).In fact he was present in Kreuger´s apartment, after his alleged suicide. He was earlier secretary for Prince Carl Bernadotte, in the Swe-dish Red Cross, 1926 and became general secretary in Genf, 1928, The International Red Cross (ICRC). )
Kurt had tight “engem” contacts, with the Third Reich´s German legation in Stockholm, when he settled in Sweden, ca 1935. Auswärtige Amt´s /Ribbentrop officials like: hr * Gottfried Aschmann (Berlin) , Heide, *Behrens, (*Stockholm), in the Werberat, paid him about 24.000:- Reichmark, 1936, from the legations funds to buy the majority share, in the bankrupt (the editor deceased) weekly: SVENSK FINANSTIDNING, to save it from unspecified, ” Jewish emigrantcircles”, and had then a Swedish editor Hjalmar Fred-riksson, from then named only : The Finanstidningen.
(* Aschmann, Gottfried, AA, (1884-1945): Ribbentrop´s, Press Division chief to 1939. (Nachrichtungsbeschaffenapparat)/ 1933 Leiter der Presseabteilung im AA/1938 Min Dir. und Gesandter I. Kl. /1939 Versetzung in Ruhestand /1939–1940 kommissarische Bechäftigung an der Gesandtschaft Den Haag / 1940, Militärdienst, Kriegsgerichtsrat / 1942–1944 Abteilungsleiter im Stab des Militärverwaltungschefs in Belgien und Nord-frankreich/ 1945. In sowjetische Haftung (In Sovjetischen Speciallager no. 7 Weesow 1945, umgekommen./www. )
Those years from 1933, showed a very intensive German all-out infiltration offensive in Europe, and war preparations, and especially Sweden, played a main role, as German ” Hinterland”, (during the whole war) so obvious a part of that. The Finanstidningen was meant to influence the Swedish ” Führungselite”, no doubt.
Drachenfels´s mission, to compete with the paper : “AFFÄRSVÄRLDEN”, and print “Ger-man opinions and pencils.” They did, but rather discrete, correct, sober, policy, but dur-ing the all-out attack Barbarossa against Russia, June 22, 1941, 175 German divisions, they greeted without restraints the: “New Order.”
Finanstidningen 28 juni 1941: “Kampen i öster- – – lyckas tyskarna blir det bolsjevik-iska barbariet blott en parentes på ett kvartssekel.— Den kommunistiska ogräsflorans utrotning är en kulturell odlargärning- – uppfattningen samstämmig i alla befolknings-skikt, även inom den anglosaxiska folkvärlden- – – trots officiella glädjebetygelser över den nya bundsförvanten- – -De ekonomiska frukterna av en tysk seger- – – råvaror och livsmedel i Ukraina och Kaukasus (olja) hägrar — -tysk organisation och teknik har här ett ofantligt arbetsfält- – -Ryssland ett av jordens mest råvarurika- – -men en storartad industriell verksamhet har byggts upp- – betydande ekonomiska framsteg- – -men en effektiv tysk nyordning kräver säkert sin tid- – – en tysk seger över ett imponerande ekonomiskt synfält- – – Handelsavtalet som slöts i Moskva 1940, bygger på ömsesidigt utbyte av 150 miljoner kr- – -betydande ryska order till svensk stål-och verkstads-industri- – -svårigheter för svensk export(import- – – clearingsituationen beror av tyska leveranser särskilt av kol och järn- – – så att behållningen på clearingkontot kan täcka nya tyska köp här- – – ej bortse från att den av de flesta givna slutakten i det stora dramat- – – inrymmer chanser för vårt företagande av helt annan storleksordning än med den kommunistiska regimen- – -i ett reorganiserat Ryssland skymtar möjligheten för ett återinträde av våra storföretag på denna rika marknad- – -inte förmätet att an-lägga dylikt perspektiv redan nu- – -Men våra känslor kunna vi icke undertrycka- – –
Short translation: : The struggle in the East – – – if Germany is victorious, the Bolshevik barbarians are just a short parenthesis of a quarter of a century- – – to eradicate the communist weed is a cultural growers deed – – – – most layers of people in the Anglo-Saxon world appreciate this- – – – The economic gains of a German victory- – – – raw goods and food in Ukraine and Caucasus – – – – German organisation and technology have here a gigantic working field – – – – Russia one of the most raw ware – – – – but a great industriell activity is constructed there– – – economic progress – – – -but an effective German New Order takes time – – – – a German victory over an impressing economic field in sight —- The trade (Swedish)agreement with Moscow 1940, based on a mutual trade of 150 millions – – – – important Russian orders to Swedish steel and Iron industry – – – – But if the presumed end of this great drama – – – – gives chances for our enterprises of business opportunities of a quite bigger scale than with the communist regime- – – – – in a new re-organized Russia, there is possibilities for re-entrance for our big companies at this rich market – – – – – not arrogance to have this perspective already now – – — – But our genuine feelings we can´t suppress.
Sadly, they weren´t alone, in their support, of the Nazi Axis´s crusade of destruction and genocide, tens of millions of civil casualities, the Holo-caust, with the effects of an early “nuclear weapon ” attack. But Drachenfels, seems anyway rather officiallly unvis-ible, during the war, (and even post), the German financial influence was secret, as in the Dagsposten, not disclosed but 1945, with some purge of pro-German high officers, as general Nils Rosenblad and a trial.
(* Åke Thulstrup writes about Kurt Drachenfels post war, (Med lock och pock : the Ger-man propaganda/1962) and Dagens Nyheter 1959, first in this context, then very mut-ed. But Drachenfels is mentioned in: Roth´s diss.: “Hitler´s Schwedische Brückenkopf. (2008).The Enskilda banken supported this journal/issue with frontpage advertisments.
Only Kurt Drachenfels Red Cross service,( ICRC) close secretary relationship, with first prince Carl Bernadotte, and then Ivar Kreuger, and later the Wallenbergsphere´s much debated, perhaps doubtful, economic manouevering after the Kreuger-crash, 1930s, must even those days, been of great interest, in von Platen´s , Kantzows, and Raoul Wallenberg´s circles, and private parties. So what couldn´t Raoul recall from this “soci-ety”, discussions about the great crisis and upheavals during the 1930s.
During The ” Great depression”, hitted hard even U.S., Raoul spent 3,5 years, in a row, there, enjoyed the freedome, over there, but with what impressions, and how about, his later WRB-employer´s “The New Deal”, what shaped those following years from peace to war, so wellknown, today.
Interesting associations, if Raoul knew: Kurt Drachenfels, through Gösta Hagströmer, and the publisher, Baron Gustaf von Platen, (a.k.a “Buster”.) The Baron Kurt von Drach-enfels, seems deep, implicated in the German legation´s secret cloaked influence of the Swedish media and financial sector. Raoul´s cousin Gösta Hagströmer wrote the obi-tuary for Kurt Drachenfels, January 16, 1965, “20 years” since 1945.
Many companies advertised in the weekly, Finanstidningen, not the least, the Wallenberg bros. Frontpages for the Enskilda banken, (June 21, 1941) SKF, Uddeholm, Bulten AB,(Kantzow) Avesta Järnverk(Johnson) et al, were common and by that Drachenfels pro-bably made good ** revenues. Ads for Jacobson & Ponsbach fondcommissioning, in each issue, Gösta Jacob-son, De Geer von Sydow, and Dardels they were relatives, some links back.
As good revenues that Drachenfels bought a marvelous U.S. car, Septem-ber 12, 1938, just-in-time for Hitler´s and Chamberlain´s Munich-sold out, the treachery of Czecho-slovakia. An Oldsmobile, Sport Cabriolet. 1 of the 136 cars exported, of the 1.001, pro-duced. Dark red-brown / colour, Agate, inside upholstery, of red leather. 6:a sidevalves engine, 95 h.p, and luggage-trunk for “mothers-in-law” (s.c. “svärmors-lucka”).
The car was re-sold to his own company, the AB Finanstidningen, Decem-ber 8,1943, as perhaps to protect personal property before the Allies Operation Safehaven/Flyktkap-italbyrån arrived, in mr Iver Olsen´s figure,the same month./Car history source: www/ hallandsfordonsveteraner. com.)
The “Finanstidningen” kept the car to 1950. (Olsen need himself to buy his new shin-ing mahagony 30 knots racingboat , perhaps a nostalgic reminding of those he used in his frequent WRB/ Baltic four-months operations June -September, 1944, to pick up ca 280 Estonians, Latvians, some war criminals, (shipyard, AB Sjöexpressen) 1945,source DN July 18.)
Drachenfels served in Genf, ICRC, 1920s not in Paris/ICRC), as major Carl Petersén, (CP even in the Swedish Aeroklubben, the C-Bureau.) But perhaps, they met, during the Finnish Civil war, 1918, the Swedish Brigade, but not confirmed. Drachenfels antece-dentia before 1918, is hard to find, born in Plahnen, Kurland, Balticum.
But I´m associating Drachenfels, with connections to Germany, but stateless since 1918, with other Baltic German people, those in fact the real “Balts” like: Ottokar von Knieriem, Felix Kersten, and perhaps Helmuth Ternberg, 2nd in the C-buraeu , later and why not Gilel Storch ,the businessman , in the World Jewish Congress , from Latvia, Riga, and indeed Olof Palme, his mother was born in Riga.
(1940, Storch´s home telephonenumber : 610550, is even connected to a little comp-any: The Combina, Humlegårdsgatan no.17, dealing with fireprotection & energysaving paints and devices, just in time to the presumed bombingraids from…? As his pre-war business with the Soviet Union and her stateobligations, what he buyed and payed huge deliveries with, then depreciated to half of their worths, and made fortunes. (Per-haps like Boris Yeltsin´s and Gajdar´s Russian vouches/shares, for the people, worth 10.000:- then fell to zero just before it was bought up of the oligarcs.)
Olof Palme just in the Swedish submarine-mystery, (of 1982)1983, April,27 with a UD-note to protest against the alleged “guilty” nation, the Soviet Union, but today mainly viewed in Sweden, as a U.S/Nato follow-up, (of the W-137, incursion,1981), causing a mine-damaged U.S. submarine, permitted to leave Swedish territory, under secret safe conduct,(to a Norwegian repair shipyard), from the Navy staff, (CiC B.Stefenson).
(**Events with a special characteristic of always, taking place, just after a socialdemo-cratic victory, in the general elections, the same pattern the fall of 2014, when Stefan Löfvén made it to Rosenbad, a new epidemic wave of “periscope-phobia” some kind of strange bubbles,(but not champagne,as homage), but just as to promote a Natomem-bership, or something else ? – if so what ? (The Guilty ones : Minks, fish-(sill) farts are now in fact true serious sources.)
But Palme, claimed, he must then the following day attend at Gilel Storch´s funeral, April 28, 1983. Palme added, he met Storch 1945, “17 years old, in the Jewish rescue mission, through Folke Bernadotte, and many years after that.”
That special Palme remark, served perhaps to conceal his pro-Nazi uncle, Otto von Knieriem, in the “SS”/ Dresden bankoffice, in the Enskilda banken´s building. Then unknown, as of course much of today´s modern context, many past years, during , when even Palme fell victim to fatal violence, 1986, a national trauma. (Source: Jonas Gummesson 2001) (But Palme always greeted, even to a mr Efraim Andersson, through ABBA-Benny, his father, the cashier in the LO´s /Bricklayers Union.)
Wonder if Raoul Wallenberg could have done the trip from the upper class, to leader of a working class party, as Olof Palme ? Not that quite impossible, perhaps and even not that anticipated, hatred against Olof who had to meet the whole this from his own class, as a “traitor”. What Raoul met perhaps more concealed, something of the same from his relatives, (and alleged, government circles) not viewed able to be a tough real banker in the Enskilda.
But perhaps all this internal shit-hitting-the fan, directed for Palme was a cover for just, sheer human envy, that he, another fatherless, boy (b.27) from the Öfre Östermalm, (his guardian Harald Nordenson, Raoul-guest at the ct-party of 1943) ) Olof Palme could advance to Primeminister, labour partyleader, politician,1969, and an international res-pected personality. But still not a citizen of honour in the United States, maybe of some for many Swedes, wellknown reasons, what we anyway accept with genuine composure.
But Raoul and Olof had something of the same background, walked around on the same streets, more than researchers use to observe, and perhaps they knew each other, by name or met in some context, not that far-fetched. We don´t know.
February 20, 2016, the columnist and author in DN, Lena Andersson, rewiew a book of Kjell Espmark: Hatet, (The Hate) (1995), interpreted as a fiction novel about Olof Palme´s last time, and the fall of the socialdemocracy. The aristocratic prime minister “Johan Kleve” , and their idea, of take control of not so much the means of production, but the mental set of social and economic values. Then something in the socialdemocrats exp-anded social committments, fell apart, the welfareproject, the “Folkhemmet” couldn´t carry its own costs ,contradictions, too ambitious and complex, with its own internal exhaustion and dissolution, from deep inside. February 28, 1986, a metaphor for this development.
In the Hate, Johan Kleve can hear his own, party colleagues in the cloakroom, whispering how they will get rid of him, he is a burden, the support from the voters, the opinion percents, sinking, perhaps if they sacrifice their own hated leader, perhaps they can save their society project. Kleve can see their petiness, and can see what´s waiting.
If one will understand how the motive for a politician´s brutal death, Lena Andersson, suggests, ” this can be find in his life and way of living, ” more than in the chance and haphazard, a Friday night ” – Espmark then ought to be read carefully. ” You dispose of how much facts, observations and crime scene findings as possible, but you can´t see any context or pattern,because you living in the Age of forgetfulness, which means, that what not – is allowed – to be true – aint true, in spite of the what the reality gives.
Baron Kurt Drachenfels, is explicit accused in the latest Ivar Kreuger biography: Sann-ingen bakom Kreugerkraschen : så fälldes en svensk gigant / Nikola Majstrovic , (2014 /own publishing) “being a member of a conspiration to get rid of Kreuger, when an un-known hitman killed the sleeping Kreuger”, March 12, 1931, so not suicide. (=The truth behind the Kreuger-crash: how a Swedish giant was cut down.)
But the Kreuger-case is just as complicated as Palme´s and Raoul´s, or more. But they were perhaps all,as even the fourth Swede,Dag Hammarskjöld (UN) in an alleged down-hill slope, seemed alone, or isolated, unprotected, the end of an epoch (people), what very soon (as usual) took new directions.
Problematic if Drachenfels can be associated both with the: (1.) the pro-German “Balts “, (2.) the International Red Cross, Prince Carl, perhaps Carl Petersen? ,ICRC+ C-bureau (3.) then Ivar Kreuger´s secretary, (and death), and at last to serve in a (4.) NaziGermany cloaking project, the purchase of the Svenska Finanstidningen, 1936.
For to influence the central economic decisionmakers in the Swedish business society, in good time before the war, and after that took part in Raoul´s private social life, (1937-) with Hans von Kantzow (Sukab) Gustaf von Platen, the Hagströmer bros., and of course many others, in the same fabric.
Beyond this, Drachenfels kept a very low profile, during 1935-1945, but his marriage 1940, and that´s understandable. Only informer here, von Platen´s memoires, as about von Kantzow, only reinforced the impression that much information, about Raoul´s where-abouts, shaped before Budapest, is withholded, by some “internal” Swedish cen-sorship, do-not-disturb, or just a sign, of plain, real deeper uninterest, inability. That´s not say this comment can explain the Soviet arrest order of Raoul, January, 17, but I will not abstain from these surrounding contemporary facts.
But if then Raoul Wallenberg, had remarkable, channels into the lost Ivar Kreuger emp-ire, (and knew Carl Kreuger, Torsten Kreuger´s son, 1944 in calendar, April 14 1944) could that been of interest for the Russians, 1945, and especially, Josef Stalin ? Because that Kreuger and Stalin, due to the historians, had some old hang-ups since, Kreuger visited Moscow, 1926, (11 days) to lend 1 billion USD, to the Soviet Union, in exchange to concessions, of tobacco, matches, etc., but any deal was not inked.
Next year 1927, a new Kreuger-loan of 35 million USD, was on the table, but again, no agreement. Wall Street and City, was not interested in such big loans to Russia, then 1928 in chrisis and alleged, Kreuger vs Russia,became allegedly in a state-of-war. Kreu-gers design was said to take control of Russia´s matchindustry, in his monopoly. Kreuger need the special Russian type of aspen, as of the best quality for matches.
Kreuger then “encircled” the Soviet Union, from north to south with his monopoly of matches industry, plants, against big loans to the national states, to prevent the Russ-ians from selling, accused of dumping their matches.They agreed about a special price, on the world market. Perhaps Kreuger should even invest in the SovietRussia´s infra-structure, modernizing, telephone system, etc. Not so different from today´s business deals. That STAB-chain was overtaken by the Wallenbergsphere, International Match/ IMCO, not the least in Budapest, but everywhere.
Even the Soviet Union´s minister in Stockholm, Aleksandra Kollontay, supported the “strong” Wallenberghouse, (and had very good contacts these years, with Björn Prytz /SKF-concessions), when the news of Ivar Kreuger´s death March 13, 1932, arrived. She praised their Enskilda banken´s measures together with the Swedish government to cope with the Kreuger-crisis, to stabilize the situation, as they had anticipated his fall, and perhaps criminal manipulations, and had even a special commission ready to investigate Kreuger´s business. But there are as many accusations, explanations and theories here what caused this financial depression, and that Wallenbergs soon could accomplish the annexation most of the Kreuger-empire, rather cheap.
After the Kreuger-crash, the Wallenberg bros., overtake, huge parts of Kreuger´s and gamechanging empire, the STAB, L.M Ericsson, Cellulosa-trust,(SCA) IMCO. during m.o.l. dubious winding up, transactions, the story goes, conducted by the Price & Waterhouse accounts. (Even the lawyer,Yngve Schartau, was implicated in the Kreuger-case,1932, defending one man.dir., but later in the Wallenberg-committeé, of 1945.)
But Sweden lost her position as a regional leading economic power, then, but was still viewed as an important nation for the Russian need, of technology, against oil/petrol/ Nafta. But from this Russian diplomat´s attitude, one cannot see any special interest, 1945, to punish the Wallenbergs, through Raoul, as they even assisted Kollontay, in successful peacetalks with Finland, both 1940 and 1944. Was the motive limited just to Raoul´s person then, and something within only the Budapest-context during, July 1944 – January 1945 ?
So the plot´s thickening,then even more, on what the arrestorder from Kremlin, January 17, 1945 really was based at, in the Raoul-case, and even the following silence, and denial of his presence in the Moscow Prisons, he never should leave alive. Every poss-ible motive seems to end up in the: “Dead end street.”
Perhaps just Raoul´s surname should have tempted the Soviets, to abduct him, to find out informations, about both the late Kreuger and the rising Wallenberg-sphere ? But to arrive to something of a reasonable common understanding of the Kreuger-case, seems as distant as in the Raoul Wallenberg-case. But those searching – find ?
But first , Pro Primo: The notification in Raoul´s calendar, 1944/45 : “Murray PAYNE” :
“Murray Payne, fråga (ask)
Torsten Boltenstern, från (from)
Maj von Plauen. ” (Raoul´s cousin, Maj Wising, married Enzio von Plauen, 1935.
For long time an Anglosaxon “Murray Payne” was not to be found, in the Swedish con-text, but as a Torsten (Jochum) Boltenstern (b.13) was airforce/civil pilot,(ABA) during the war, courier pilot, (perhaps ball bearings), to Britain, and nobleman, sometimes in both Anger´s and Raoul´s circles, Innocence Ball, of 1939, and guest at Nina von Dardel´s marriage with Gunnar Lagergren, December 1943.
So perhaps, “Murray Payne” was a British RAF-pilot,a Swedish colleague to Boltenstern ?
But now appeared at last, at the http://www., a “flight lieutenant” , in the RAF 601.Squadron, London, Murray PAYNE, who 1940, “instructed the Dutch Prince Bernhard, to fly the Spitfire”, and this Squadron was said to be the “Millionaires squad “, many young pilots were from the upper rich classes, and Payne seems not been KIA in the Battle of Britain. So maybe this “airforce”- connection is confirmed. But what was it about ? The alleged visit to Sweden, of Raoul Wallenberg, the fall of 1944 ? Perhaps this equation works ? (www. Portrait of Flight Lieutenant Murray Payne, circa 1930’s / “flight Lt Murray Payne /Sketch of Oriel Ross”)
Maybe Raoul´s cousine, Maj von Plauen, (daughter of his maternal Aunt Anna, married Nisser) married Enzio von Plauen, 1935, who owned a big estate outside Berlin, Schloss Wiesenburg, had perhaps connections with the Dutch Royals, as prince Bernhard was of German origin, and his brother was in the German army, during the war.
(The Plauens left Germany 1943. Prince Bernhard had close contact with the Swedish royals family, visited Sweden, officially already 1946, and the prince Gustav Adolf´s last visit abroad, went to prince Bernhard, January, 21,1947, and it was a Dutch KLM-liner, bound for Stockholm via Kastrup, what crashed to the ground, January 26, with the prince, among the passengers, caused when the airport personnel, forgot to remove the rudder locking device.)
The 601. Squadron, perhaps with Payne in service, was later deployed in Italy, at bases in the tracks of the Allied´s invasion, close to Hungary, (and Bari): April-June 1944: Venafro, June 1944: Littorio June-July 1944: Fabrica July-August 1944: Perugia August-September 1944: Loreto –December 1944: Fano December 1944-May 1945: Bellaria May-August 1945: Treviso. Far-fetched, but anyway, a nice piece of coincidence.
Who was Per Anger, (b.1913) ? He never published his selfbiography, but his book: Med Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, (1979). But Elisabeth Skoglund published Per Anger´s “official” biography, (1997): A quiet courage : Per Anger, Wallenberg´s co-liberator of Hungarian Jews.
There´s some public information about the of course honourable, Per Anger and his most unknown circles (and the Swedish legation´s personnel in Budpest, 1942-1945), when compilated, not before observed. Some perhaps, pointing into the Raoul Wallen-berg case.
The Anger family arrived to Stockholm 1916, living in the rather poor southern part of the city, the Danviksgatan no. 1, (gone today) before moving to the city blocks, from 1930. (I will qoute some facts from this book.) From the 1930s, his father, and two uncles, held prominent positions, the father, David engineer, in the Stockholm city administration, Filip in the white-collar union (Daco/ TCO) and Folke in the AB Osram-Elektra (married the man. dir. daughter) and in the Right party/Högerpartiet, don´t mention Per Anger´s own career as diplomat.
Per´s father, David from 1935-1951, head of the Stockholm city´s construction bureau, of streets and roads, often commented in the daily papers the city´s designs and new contructions in the traffic communications, and was in charge of building big bridges, as the Väster- and Tranebergsbron, during the 1930s.
But Per probably even had confirmed contacts with Raoul Wallenberg´s circles, seemed close to high military officers, paramilitary, business, German owned companies, ( Folke Anger/ AB Osram-Elektra) (Tungsram/ Svenska Orion AB ), through his education, kin-ships, and wedding guest, sometimes accidental.
1926: Baroness Birgit MÖRNER married Per Anger´s uncle: Filip Anger, (b.98). Filip Anger was a chairman in the white-collar´s Union, 1937, the Daco, then in the follower, merging with the Tco, to the mighty TCO, founded 1944. From 1942, candidate for the Right party/Högerpartiet, in Stockholm.
1931: Baroness Dagmar Mörner, Birgit´s sister married the shipowner, Sven SALÈN, Raoul´s main employer, 1941-1944, in the Kalman Lauer´s Meropa AB. (Filip Anger, statistician was even employed in the Salén shipping, after retirement, 1964-1975).
1932: (or later) Per Anger met Vilmos Forgacs, (eight months) when the Tungsram affili-ation,(bulbs) and producer of Hungarian Orion radioreceivers , established a Swedish affiliation, (1931) (1932) the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB. (Source I. Carlberg). Forg-acs and Hugo Wohl, (Orion man.dir.) were in Raoul´s rescuingstaff, 1944. But the Sven-ska Orion försäljnings AB, was on the U.S/U.K. /Allieds ” Proclaimed blocked certain nat-ionals” from 1941-1945.
But Tungsram advertised in Swedish newspapers, very frequently from 1932 (establis-hed 1931/source Tungsram), mentioned in a footnote, the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB as their salesorganisation. 1932, as Tungsram claimed they deliver their radiovalves, of barium, to the: Swedish army Signal corps, (Fälttelegrafkåren), the Air Force, and the Telephone civil service (Televerket), but only this year.
1933: May 21.* Folke ANGER, (uncle) married with the German-owned, AB OSRAM-ELEKTRA , boss´s Edvard HENKE´s ´s daughter: Sigrun Henke.
1936: November, 3 : Per´s father, David Anger, had two younger sons, JAN and Claes. Per´s brother Jan Anger, (b.18) trainee-pilot in the Swedish airforce, crashed to death, November 3, 1936, (reservofficersaspirant) at Ljungbyhed, in a Tiger Moth (Sk 11).When turning the aircraft to the left, it began to spin, but turning the rudder for right, the same thing,spin to the right, then he had to bail out but, his parachute was never rele-ased.
At the funeral, both the head of the Swedish Airforce, (1934-1942) Lt. General, Torsten FRIIS, Colonel- and Colonel Helge JUNG, later ÖB (Supreme commander, 1944-1951) and the city advisor Yngve Larsson (lib.) (Stockholm), participated and the Rights Youth League = Högerpartiets ungdoms-förbund / = Ungsvenskarna), and The Landstorms-pojkarna/ U1/Stockholm /=Paramilitary) paraded in the Storkyrkan in Stockholm, to pay tribute, to the just 18 years old, dead pilot, student since May.
Colonel Helge Jung seemed close to the Landstormsofficerarnas Riksförbund, and Per and Jan was active members in their youth section, since from 1925/1930s, so perhaps they knew Helge Jung, before that grey November day. (Folke Anger was former army-officer, (I15) then in AB Osram-Elektra, and could been in contact with Jung.)
1936: September, Helge Jung visited Hungary, Budapest, the General staff, with then lieutenant Fritz-Ivar Virgin, Svea livgarde (I1), an invitation to celebrate the victory aga-inst the Turks, 250 years. (About the same time, the first Hungarian constructed Gamma /Juhasz anti-aircraft distance-instrument, was delivered to Sweden/SvD October 1, 1936, if coincidence, unknown). (1941, Fritz-Ivar Virgin was in charge of the General staff´s crypto-section, and this military unit had to assist, the Foreign department, (UD) with ciphering cables at some legations, abroad, during the war.)
(1936: December : The Right party´s leader the admiral * Arvid Lindman, died in a civil air-crash in the Netherlands.(His daughter Eva, was married the diplomat Gustaf von Dardel, and in the obituary) (Son of George Dardel.b.50., Fredrik D.´s uncle)
1937 : June, 23 (SvD) : “Member of the Landstormsförbundets (local veterans) styrelse,(board) (youth section) ungdomsutskottet, became the 2nd lieutenant, fänrik, P(er).J.V. Anger.” (A paramilitary organisation,from 1908, but later with a section for young recruits, boys, like scouts, from 13 years age, the Landstormspojkarna.) (Raoul´s the Hemvärnet/HomeGuard, founded, 1940.)
(Here, Anger met Herbert ENELL, (b.16) son of the Air force colonel Harald ENELL. Per-haps influenced, young Jan Anger ?) (But even the lieutenant N.(ils) W. A. von Hennigs is mentioned, with H. Alenius, and S.A.S Åberg) (Landstormspojkarna).
Two names from the memberlist 1937 of the Swedish-German Association, (founded 1913 ! ). (Svensk-Tyska Föreningen)
(1.) ” F. Anger jur. stud. Narvavägen no. 7 (Stockholm) ” . But here lived, then 1937, not Filip Anger, and not Folke Anger, but the: David Anger´s family, Elsa, and their sons: Per, Claes: (strange, because, Per Anger is the only one studying juridical/law, then graduated 1939. Was this in fact Per Anger ? We don´t know. Maybe in some student exchange studying the German language, Anger visited Germany, 1938)
(2.) ” S. Anger, fru, Jacob Westingatan no. 6, Stockholm” . (but this ought to be Folke Anger´s wife, Sigrun Henke, married 1933, they lived at this address, before moving to Katrineholm and a marbleindustry, 1939. Later David and Elsa Anger (and Per), ca 1940 moved to the Norr Mälarstrand no. 100.)
Among other members: K.(urt) von Drachenfels, C.(arl) Ohly : (Lars Ohly´s uncle. b.13) In the Landstormspojkarna as instructor and F.(rithiof) Trulsson. People often with some German background.
Captain Nils von Hennigs (son of the painter Gösta Hennigs -d.1941) was the “Land-stormspojken”´s editor from 1935-ca 1940. Jan Anger (at Narvavägen no.7, his parents, address), Per´s brother,was the in charge of “notices”, (Tankar som möts) 1936, during the pseudonym, “Sjajas”. Jan, published , funny stories and sketches on two whole pages.
Indeed tragic, the same year he crashed, a funny sketch of a pilot in an aircraft, in a disastrous nose-dive to the ground. Nils von Hennigs wrote the obituary, of Jan Anger, ” his young friend and comrade”, 1936, November, and published a poem to Jan, (Vid Jan´s bår 9.11) of the Åke BERGLUND, probably the wellknown pro-Ger-man, anti-semite, early in racial eugenics , member of the Riksföreningen Sverige -Tyskland (f.1937) and 1941, member of Per Engdahls´s Nazi-party: Svensk opposition.
(1931) Per Anger, himself was active at least from, (1925) 1931, (probably even Jan) as instructor (furir/ I1), leader of the “Recruit school” in the Landstorms-pojkarna, 1936, in the staff with von Hennigs, lieutenant Hans Alenius, and the highest grade, the Cornet, Herbert ENELL. The years 1937/1938, was Per Anger leader of the “Soldatskolan”, (ca 150 recruits) with Herbert Enell, who started a special “befälsklubb”. (Skoglund E.: “Per was member of the “Homeguard”, since 12 years old, since 1925″.)
Later Enell´s med.dr-colleague, Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, in the Landstormspojken, became publisher, (Grev Magnigatan no. 4), around 1943. (Later, Dr Herbert Enell and dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla, were the medical heads of the Swedish army´s/Red Cross hospitaltrains /column, helping, nursing the German Wehrmacht´s, , wounded soldiers (32.000 cases), many from 6. WSS Division Nord (former Totenkopf-KZ-guards) from northern Finnish Barbarossa front, against Russia, Finland,1941-1943, made them “fit for fight”, against the Allies, as soon as possible. An undertaking, described very muted, asym-metric in the Swedish WW2-history compared with Bernadottes´s White buses and the Swedish rescue mission 1944, in Budapest.
Per Anger knew both lieutenant, * Nils von Hennigs and dr. * Herbert Enell, and * dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla , from his assignments in the Land-stormsförbundet, (Stockholm/ Section U1), during the 1930s, perhaps even dr Åke Berglund. (The author Per-Olof Sundman (SSS) (c), was a member of the Landstormspojkarna, but even Jan Myrdal, 1941, and Leif Leifland.)
The paramiltary, Landsstormspojkarna had a number of about, 8.000 members, 1945, (140 local sections) guys,from 13 years, more like “child soldiers”, most from the upper classes,(as Djursholm /Östermalm, secondary school, boys, not that older mature, “Volkssturm”, Raoul commanded, 1941. But probably, this organisation, even crashed down with it´s main field organizer, captain Nils von Hennigs, 1945.
The Expressen,(lib.) claimed when the Landstormspojkarna at last was incorporated in the Homeguard/Hemvärnet, July 1947, ” that they both before and during the war had been too -admiring of the Nazigermany” . The now late author, Lars Widding/Expressen , claimed that there was a traffic from them to the Swedish Nazi´s/SSS: Nordisk ung-dom. (I think they became more compromised,1945, even as “too”, reminding of those young Hitler-Jugends, in the ruins of Berlin, not acceptable, postwar, with new thinking in bringing up children and education of the youth.)
(There exists no historical academic study, of the Landstormspojkarna, only their prin-ted monthly periodical, mostly without explicit “German” influence, as such, archivals at the Military record office, a forgotten link in the of Swedish national/paramilitary org-anisations.) (But here Anger was more active, than Raoul in the Hemvärnet, so both diplomats of 1942/1944, were really experienced in basic military infantry training, and as instructors.)
1938: Per Anger was commissioned to reservelieutenant at the I1, Svea livgarde, (Raoul´s regiment) together with Raoul´s friend: Sten E:son Leijonhufvud.
1939: January 29: Now even Per Anger, were introduced to the Innocenceorder of 1765, Ball : among 500 other guests…) but present were even the German dip-lomat, later General, attaché Bruno von Uthmann, the British colonel, attaché Reginald Sutton-Pratt, Calman Pandy, (the Hungarian pressattaché), Alexandra von Dardel (later married Jan von Horn /Col. I1), Lorle Kantzow, Thomas Ihre, Oscar Olin / Norrmalms livsmedel, the Homeguard´s shooting range), Torsten Boltenstern(!) (pilot), Margit von der Groeben,(b.09.) (sister to Knut. v.d.Groeben.)
1939: May 17 : Per Anger, graduated, jur. cand., maybe had a more active role in Raoul Wallenberg´s personal network, as he even was guest, with: Gunnar Lagergren, (b.12) jur.cand (married Nina von Dardel 1943), May 17, 1939 at the wedding between jur. cand. Bo Palmgren (Helsingfors) and Louise Reuterskiöld (nobility.b.16.)
(In the Reuterskiöld´s pedigree you find before Marie Lucie von Dardel (b.94) (daughter of Fredrik Dardel´s uncle, George b.50 ), married 1914, Carl Lennartsson Reuterskiöld, (1890-1934) then section head(byråchef) in the UD.
1939: October 7, Lieutenant Per ANGER was guest, when Helge JUNG, Major General, later Sweden´s Supreme Commander (ÖB) (1944-1951) wife born, Ruth WEHTJE, daug-hter of Ernst Wehtje Sr., (brothers Ernst Wehtje Jr , Hugo and Walter WEHTJE, head of the National Agency for Reserve Goods = Statens Reservförrådsnämnd/ later Atlas Copco/ Investor) married their daughter Karin Jung with mr W. Schauman, guests even lieut-enant Stig Jung, and mr Anders Gauffin.
Walter Wehtje married 1926 Gurli Bergström (1906-1965), daughter of Paul Urban Bergström.(PUB / Warehouse), and became man.dir., at PUB. Their daughter Olga Wehtje, 1955, wife of Marc Wallenberg, and mother of Marcus, b.56.)
A new special Swedish-German club was launched January, 14, 1939, invited to lunch, to celebrate the Nazi-diplomat Frans von Papen´s visit, at the Grand Hotel Royal: Mem-bers: Oscar Ahrén, Henri de Champs (Admiral) David Dahl, Max Däumichen, (gen. con-sul) H. von Euler,(Chemist/Nobelprize 1929) Emil Fevrell,(Lt.Colonel) Carl Florman (ABA) Carl Folke, A.T. Hammarstrand, Oscar Hegert, John E. Johnson, Henry H. Koux,(German-Swedish/businessman) C.G. Langenskjöld, T. Larka, Sten H. Löfberg, Siegfried MATZ,(vice clearingnämnden) Carl Möller, Gunnar Philipson, (Daimler-Benz/affiliation) C. Reu-tersvärd, Sven SALÈN, (Shipowner) Karl SAUBER, (the clearingnämnden) Wald. von Syd-ow, (Publicistklubben) P.G. Thulin, (Shipowner ? /Nordström & Thulin ?) Magnus Tiger-schiöld, Walter WEHTJE, (Statens reservförrådsnämnd) Erik Wellander, (professor) G. Wennerholm, Karl A. Wessblad.
General Helge Jung, assisted the (Superior commander) ÖB, Olof Thörnell´s delegation, and congrat-ulated Adolf Hitler, 50 years, April 20, 1939. The photo of April 20 1939: the Swedish minister Arvid Richert, (behind Hitler) Lt General Olof Thörnell, rear-admiral Fabian Tamm – General, Helge Jung, and captain Gösta von Stedingk (b.97), (and the Right party leader Gösta Bagge, Minister of education, 1939-1944.) This after both, Münich, 1938 and Czechoslovakia, March 1939, German annexations, Sweden recog-nized, approved, a year (1940) before the Baltic states, became Soviet republics.)
(Six years later, about the same team, General Jung(ÖB) and Admiral Tamm, now included Anthal Ullein-Reviczky visited, the Soviet Union´s legation´s victory party, in Stockholm, February 24, 1945, (Expressen) at the Red army Day. General Helge Jung, (b.86.) was during the 1930s in the s.c. “Junta”, of high Finnish-activist officers, since 1918, behind the periodical: “Ny” Militär tidskrift,(NMT) claiming, the main strategy doctrine : Antingen -Eller ! (Either- Or ! ).
Meaning the Swedish army should deployed, in Finland, close to the Soviet city, Lenin-grad, (40 km) at the Rajajokki/Systerbäck, and meeting the Red army, there with about 80-100.000 soldiers, everything measured up, in details, transports, housing etc. – Or ! But a dangerous undertaking, and when suggested of Axel Rappe armystaff chief, 1940 February, 17, close to the Finnish surrender of March, 13, PM, Per Albin Hansson answered: “Bullshit !” Then rumours of a coup´de etat, in the air. But then a common Swedish-German interest, to influence Finland to make peace with the Soviet Union, to prevent a British/French invasion into the Arctic circle.
The engineer Torsten JUNG was Helge Jung´s brother, (b.80) (d.61) promoted to senior engineer, AB Förenade Svenska Tändsticksfabriken (STAB) (matches) 1913, and man.dir.(vd) be-tween 1933–1949. Consul, Yngve Ekmark, (STAB) in Budapest, had probably contact with Torsten Jung at Jönköping-office. (So, very close to the ÖB, and the Wall-enbergsphere, and the STAB-affiliation in Budapest, where man.dir. Torsten Haller-ström, ser-ved, who died August 4, 1944. (Unknown how, and no comments from the legation.)
1939: December,the student Per Anger (jur.cand) took his academic degree, at the Upp-sala University, mentioned with: *Carl Henrik von PLATEN, political science, diplomat later in UD/Ankara, 1943, (perhaps in the separate surrender talks 1943) his brother, *Gustaf von Platen, “Buster” in Raoul´s circles.
Skoglund E. / ” But now Per, was caught between two options: Join the Swedish volontary corps (SFK), for Finland, or accept a bid from the UD, Foreign department, to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, as the cipher-assistent, and in commerce. Anger chosed Berlin.
But this situation, coincides with the up-start and recruiting, of the Swedish military intelligence, the C-bureau, 1940, and don´t contradict, that Per Anger, alleged had a secret mission. (J. Bergman / 2014). The commercial adviser, Torsten VINELL, (b.98), (then in the Export association, and government commission trading with Germany 1941/Hungary, 1942.), called up Anger in late March, to send a secret telegram, about the German assembling of freighter ships in German ports, ready for the Op. “Weser-übung”, to invade Denmark/ Norway, in April 9.
(Even another “leading” Landstormspojke, editor, of their journal, 1943-1945, was recruited first, in his ordinary military service, to the General staff´s central crypto-graphy section, 1941, at Stockholm, (CiC: * Fritz-Ivar Virgin) and had to serve in periods in London, 1942/43 assisting in the complicated and boring (!) ciphering-work, at the Swedish legation, requested of the UD, before he applied as diplomatic trainee, named Carl-George CRAFOORD, even later in UD-career.)
THE UD-CAREER : 1940-1941:
1940 ; January : Per Anger begin to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, (minister Arvid Richert), and the clerk/typist *Margareta Bauer, became a friend of him. (At the Swedish legation, in Warzaw, 1939, we find Sven Grafström, and Margareta Bauer, 1939, but August 26, Grafström probably dismissed Bauer, to Berlin,1939 where even Carl Petersen served, 1937-1940, later the head of the C-bureau. (In Berlin, Anger must have met Herbert Enell´s father, the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Col-onel Harald Enell.)
Skoglund E. / – – -Later when back in Stockholm, Per Anger must go through the ord-inary UD-test, for trainees, and as the examiner had Polish background, Anger was ask-ed even about his view about Germany´s possibilities to win the war, and Anger then quoted, the Swedish military attaché at the Berlin-legation, a colonel, who claimed that he didn´t believe in a German victory, and by that Anger passed the test. (** But who was that colonel ? Probably: Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, armycolonel 1938.)
1940: September 22: Gilbert MURRAY lieutenant (b.14.) ( I1) married Ulla Ehrensvärd (b.18). Daughter of the rear admiral Gösta C.A. Ehrensvärd (b.85). Guests: (Ulrika) Ulla Mörner (b.17) – * Per ANGER. (I1-lieutenant/reserve.) and Agneta von Stedingk (b.22) – Herbert ENELL (b.16) (daughter of Colonel Gösta von Stedingk/ I1, attaché Finland, 1941.) (Agneta married 1947, the I1 Major Reinhold Geijer, – the only known official in the secret Swedish StayBehind/Gladio/Nato from 1957), (Gösta Ehrensvärd was married a sister, Anna Enell, (b.86) to the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Colonel Harald Enell.)
(*Ehrensvärd ,CiC of the Coastal navy, 1939-1942, gave secret order after the British confiscated the Swedish destroyers, June 1940, forbidding then any ships to surrender.),
1941: Per Anger : this year, after 1,5 years in Berlin, from about summer, was assigned to the Foreign Department/UD in Stockholm.
1942: Per Anger: September : Assigned to the Swedish legation in Budapest, as commercial attaché. (together with Swedish minister Ivan Danielsson.)
1943: June 7: Per ANGER married in Stockholm, with Elena WIKSTRÖM, (b.20) daughter of the cavalry captain Nils Axel Wikström, living at the Strandvägen no. 7 C., the same A-B-C-yard where Raoul´s Meropa AB, was located from 1941.) Guests : * Herbert ENELL, (b.16.) med. cand., lieutenant Gilbert Murray, Gustaf Hoff, Sissela Wachtmeister, Carl Gustaf af Béve, (UD) fru Eva Wöhler, lieutenant Carl Tersmeden.
(In July 1940, pro-German, General Archibald Douglas, and from the Swedish legation in Berlin, the navy-attaché Anders Forshell, the military-attaché Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, and the Air force attaché, colonel * Harald ENELL, was invited of the German Great admiral to visit, the occupied Belgium, France, Brussels, Seebrügge, Ostende, Dunker-que, Calais, Boulogne, Le Havre, Cherbourg och Paris. Forshell´s report mirrored his general pro-German attitude, of Nazigermany, and Juhlin-Dannfeldt, wrote a 28 pages report, where he praised the German Wehrmacht for their exemplary conduct.”- – -www./BS. (It was rumoured that Harald Enell had an unusual high grade, Lt Colonel, to serve as air force attaché, and from 1941, later he became head of the Aeroklubben, in Sweden.)
(” Colonel Harald ENELL , The Aeroklubben”, was member of Per Engdahl´s , Swedish Nazi party,): Svensk opposition, founded 1941, a pro-German, Nazi party for the upper classes, as even Raoul´s near friend: “Björn BURCHARDT, ” Brukstjänsteman ” (clerk) Forsså bruk.”) (Klaus Böhme 2002)
Per Anger´s friend Herbert ENELL, medicine .cand., 1939, med.lic. 1945, was in charge of the Swedish´s trainhospital ” column” from August 1941 -may, 1943, – 32.000 Ger-man ,(General E.Dietl´s / 20. Gebirgsarmée) badly wounded/sick soldiers from the Ger-man front against the Soviet Union, (Murmansk) from: August 1941 to May 1943, 32.000 patients, transported through Sweden over Haparanda to German occupied Nor-way hospitals, at Oslo or Narvik. Herbert Enell was the first medical/medicine instance, to judge the conditions of the German soldiers, sick/wounded or with cold injuries.
Doctor Herbert ENELL and the doctor Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, and the vicar Wilhelm Ryd-berg,Haparanda wrote 63 detailed reports of this transports, (August 10,1941-May 16,1943) for to later claim the German legation, the costs. Sweden took care of the German need of hospitalcare, in the war. (Princesse Sibylle handed out “Liebesgaben” to SS-Totenkopf regiments, and Wehrmacht, November 1941, at the Haparanda station. An estimated amount of 100.000 days of healthcare were carried out of Swedish person-nel.)
(The Swedish Red Cross transported September-December 1941, ca 5.000 wounded Germans, from Finnish Kemi, and ca 7.200 patients inside Finland, around Kemi. SRK even drove to Petsamo, (600 km) Uleåborg, and Hangö to pick up patients.(Lars-Gustaf Uggla´s father was: Navy captain E.Axel G:son Uggla, 1888-1946, in the same batch of navy captains, as: Calissendorff, Angelin, Egon Ternberg, Gösta Ehrensvärd.) (Anger knew some of them)
Here the Swedish Red Cross and the Train/Tross regiment (T1/Linköping), organised medical care, with Swedish and German trainsets, through Sweden to Oslo or Narvik. The Red cross became subordinated to the German forces in Finland(1940-1944), and carried out transports even from Finland, over Kemi/Tornio /Haparanda. (Many Finnish wounded also got health care in Sweden). Some German wounded, had even medical care in Sweden.(Boden/Älvsbyn). Both the Swedish army and the Red Cross, served the NaziGermany´s need of serious wounded soldiers war health care.
“- – – Dr Herbert ENELL concluded, with great satisfaction, that the German Wehrmacht Supreme Commander in Norway, Col. General Nikolaus von FALKENHORST, seemed to be very pleased with the Swedish hospital care , and commented this with appreciation.
Prince CARL in the Swedish Red Cross,(SRK) pointed to the German satisfaction with the Swedish Red Cross personnel. Doctor Herbert Enell, should make the first selection of the worst wounded patients.” – – – When guest at Per Anger´s wedding 1943, June, dr Enell had served two years assisting the German Wehrmacht, in this “as secret as poss-ible”, the media were silent, the undertaking, ended 1943, (after Stalingrad) as most of the German military railway transports through Sweden. (But re-opened from Finland, during the Autumn , the final German retreat, 1944) (Source: Sjuktransporter från norra Finland, 1941-1943/ Sven Hellström / 2003 (Pdf)
(First train July,13, 1941: 249 wounded, and 33 Swedish personnel, from Haparanda -Krylbo-Örebro-Arvika-Charlottenberg-Oslo) (The First weeks, August 4 -September 24, 1941, 25 hospitaltrains passed by the city Arvika, 14 German, 10 Swedish, 1 Norwegian, in all 5.906 German patients. Up to New Year, 1941/1942, 14.237 patients passed the border checkpoint at Charlottenberg. July 1941-June, 1942, about 19.500 from Torneå, most to Oslo, and most in German trains.) (Source :www)
But what knew Per Anger about (even) this Swedish assistance to the German warefforts, against the Soviet Union ? Nothing ? As Anger “de facto” was in charge of the Swedish legation,1942-1945, and the diplomatic protection power for the the Soviet Union, in Hungary, a mission Sweden was heavy criticized of, by the Russians, 1944/ 1945, for negligence.
Perhaps,that´s why Ivan Danielsson, assigned the Russianborn (Belgian citizen), Michail Kutozov-TOLSTOY, and wife to visit the Hungarian Komarom fortress (at Danube) PoW-camp, to organise medical healthcare, for Soviet PoWs, during the Soviet siege of Buda-pest, 1944, and issued a special warrant for him, to first meet the Red army, (November 4, 1944), but perhaps of his hospital´s localisation in Budapest.This for preventing furt-her Soviet complaints – or ?
“- – – Due to the Soviet´s NKVD-protocol, major, Muchortov, when in February 1944, a anonymous source, claimed that the Swedish Budapest-legation´s hostile attitude aga-inst the Soviet Union, been disclosed when he asked Ivan Danielsson of permission to fur-nish the Soviet Pows, in Hungary, with, medicine, clothes, food. Danielsson, rejected this, in spite Sweden, being protection power, for Russia. “Such measures was in vain”, for “Ivan” due to Ivan Danielsson, because the Soviets executed, all personnel returning from captivity.- – -) (From SvD 1990)
(But Danielsson rejected even in a letter to the UD, June 25, 1944, to support the Swe-dish Red Cross in Budapest, V. Langlet, to receive about 1 million crowns for assisting the Jews, through the American Joint, unknown to the Langlet´s couple in SRK, whom must beg of contributions from private Hungarian circles. (Klas Åmark. 2016)
Was Per Anger implicated in this ? Or did he cared only of the free-wheeling, Dutch PoWs, in Budapest, with money, and support, working at the Swedish legation, as van der Waals, sometimes with forgery of ID-cards ? (Most allied PoW´s were arrested by April 7, 1944, of the Germans: 812 Frenchmen, 5.450 Polish, 39 English, 11 Americans 16 Belgian, 12 Dutch and 180 Soviet PoWs./ Source:M.D. Fenyo 1972)
The Soviets complaints maybe motivated, especially when comparing that the Swedish army/Red Cross´s in fact merged, with NaziGermany, in the medical caretaking of the bloodied German Wehrmacht, from the German/Finnish front, 1941-1943. The doc- tors in charge of this service, Herbert Enell, (and Lars-Gustaf Uggla), sorting wounded /sick Wehrmacht/WSS-soldiers, were both Per Anger´s old paramilitary friends, since 1931, and weddingguest, when Anger married 1943.
In Hungary, at the Komarom old fortress, 1944, the Swedish military attaché Lt.Col. Harry WESTER, visited, before October, 16, he called the maltreated, starved Soviet PoWs : ” Wild animals ! ” But the Swedish legation claimed their reason to stay in Budapest, and not follow Szalaszi government to Sopron, (because legations must stay where the government stay), but was to assist as protection power, the the Soviet PoWs, and the Jews.
1943 : September, 26: Torsten KREUGER`S son, Carl, (in Raoul´s calendar April 1944) visited Hungary with a delegation of Swedish journalists, (most from pro-German, Right party newspapers, and Torsten Kreuger´s Aftonbladet.) a propagandatrip, from Sept-ember 26, 1943, when *Per ANGER received this group, in Budapest.
The journalists : Carl Kreuger /Aftonbladet, Kerstin Wijkmark, * Erik WÄSTBERG = editor of the pro-German, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, father of the author *Per WÄSTBERG, the au-thor of the memorial plaque at/of the Raoul Wallenberg (Memory) Square/Stockholm), Sven Hansson, Elis Andersson, Knud Bolander, Bertil Svanström and Nils HORNEY, living at the Hotel Palatinus. The Hungarian pressbureau: Stefan (Istvan) BEDE ,dr. Geza LUBY. (They even went to Eastern Hungary due to Anger, to the Teleki-institute, met foreign minister Ghyczy, Ivan Danielsson, pm., Miklos Kallay and visited the region/cities: Transsylvania Nagyvarad, Koloszvar, Marosvasarhely. This places were all annexed by Hungary from Romania, 1940, through German support.
Perhaps the visit was coordinated with even separate surrendering talks, (in Turkey) and Raoul Wallenberg´s coincidental business visit, 1943 September/October. On Septem-ber 18, 1943, Mrs. (Antal) Ullein-Reviczky (British born: Lovice Louisa Grace Ullein-Rev-iczky née Cumberbatch) noted in her diary: « – Went to Balogh’s for luncheon. Met Mr. Wallenberg – old Mrs. Wallenberg’s grandson who is on business here. Very charming. » /S. Berger/.
– – -” Laszlo VERESS, the Hungarian emissary to the British diplomats and SOE -field-office in Turkey 1943, age 34, was too young and not promoted, could not be suspected of being in charge with the Hungarian pm Kallay´s separate surrender talks. Veress used most to go to Lisboa, as courier, but now in January, 1943,after Stalingrad, he met, Count Ciano, and Ribbentrop´s, German diplomat, Otto von Bismarck, ” with Europe´s most beatiful wife” (must be Ivar Tengbom´s daughter Ann-Marie BISMARCK, (marr. 1928).
March 6, Veress went to Istanbul, got two SOE-radios, back home to Budapest, living at the Garas utca. Then back to Istanbul, August 28, to meet the British minister Hugh Knatchbull-Hugessen, September 9, on a yacht at the Marmara sea.
Churchill and Eden knew about this, sounderings. But the British wanted a (1.)signed letter from Kallay or his government, to confirm, the agreement, and such letter was difficult, to deliver. (2.) A letter from a Hungarian official abroad to a UK official. (3.) Hungarian implementation of the British proposals, as sabotage etc. (Source: Laura-Louise Veress : (1995) Clear the line” : Hungary’s struggle to leave the Axis during the Second World War.) So there was a need of a secret courier from Hungary, September 1943, but unknown.
(Carl Kreuger / Travellers club: Stockholm : (Svd) March 12, 1942 / Lecture by jur. cand Carl Kreuger: “A visit in the world´s youngest state”. (Croatia)
From Craig McKay´s Excerpts: » Cover for Horney’s mission was arranged by having him included in a deputation of Swedish newspaper people invited to Budapest by the Hungarian Government. Apart from HORNEY, the deputation included Rickard Lindström of Socialdemokraten and Carl KREUGER of Aftonbladet. (** From the visit 1943 Septem-ber, of course Carl Kreuger then had a Hungarian experience, and published one article, in Aftonbladet in October.)
(Nils HORNEY was then recruited by Roy PEEL/U.S./OSS-agent, and before departure, a dinner at the restaurant Cattelin, in Stockholm, when Horney must memorize important Hungarian names, and one question, to the Hungarian representants: – Are you prep-ared to fight against the Germans, and become partisans ?.
(The journalists, met in Budapest- – – Hungarian Social Democrats, notably Karoly Peyer, Anna Kethly and the editor of Nepzava, Arpad Szakasits; his interpreter, Nana Hajduk; the Peasant Leader, Zoltan Tildy, (The Smallholders Party) and the Jewish magnate, Baron Kornfeld. Of all the political leaders, Horney spoke too, only Tildy was prepared to wage a partisan war against the Germans.- – –
This visit, was of course a possibility to exchange information, with Per ANGER espec-ially with Nils Horney (with an OSS-mision), implicated, perhaps Raoul was even present in Budapest, 1943, this weeks, but this visits haven´t been mentioned, put in context, with each other, or with the British/Hungarian separate surrender talks. Did Raoul even met Carl Kreuger, as he met him April 14, 1944, in Stockholm ? Was Raoul´s alleged contact with Cyrus CHESHIRE / British SIS-agent at the British legation, Stockholm, during August, 1943, (C.McKay), implicated ?
1943: March: Per Anger became friend of the engineer-student, and slalom skier, in Hungary, Georg LIBIK, (b.19). His father Albert Lipik, inventor, had tight contacts with the German war efforts industry. Libik´s mother of Jewish origin. Georg Libik was well in contact with the MFM leader, Albert Szent-Györgi, and married his daughter Nelly, in May 1944.
1944: August, Per Anger, meeting Iver Olsen and Herschel Johnson, “off record”, in Stockholm, August, and served as “cut-out” to Raoul in Budapest, as even Thorsten Akrell /C-buraeu UD-courier, delivered the two “OSS”-radios to Budapest, (with his wife, neé Alrutz.) where he probably even met Raoul, September 17, 1944. Without the Swedish Foreign department´s knowledge.
1944: Per Anger protected the Nobel prize laureate, (1937) issued Swedish citizenship, for Albert SZENT-GYÖRGI, in the MFM, (and even Georg Libik, sought protection in Budapest) , and could be housed in the Finnish legation´s house, and in the village Enying, Balaton, the Swedish evacuation house.
Libik, claims he personally suggested, to ANGER to talk, with the Budapest, Hungarian commander, Lt.General, Ivan HINDY to declare Budapest an “Open City”, in what Per Anger took part with the Neutrals.) This due to Libik´s memoires: Per Anger should have offered Swedish passport for Hindy´s family, and Napoleonic gold-coins, to bribe Hindy. But Hindy rejected this. (“Napoleonic gold-coins”, Catherine Schandl, mention in her book: The Swedish gold, Harry Wester).
(Anger mentions this visits in his book, 1979, he met General Ivan Hindy, but nothing about passports and goldbribes.) (** But in December 1944, the only possible action for the Neutrals protection of Jews, were through appealing to the German and Hungarian military commanders, bribing them with food, passports, perhaps values.)
1945: April 18: Per ANGER arrived home to Sweden, with the Swedish legation, lead by Ivan Danielsson, “in all 14 persons”. Missing people: Raoul Wallenberg.
1946 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish legation, Cairo, Egypt, Ivan Danielsson´s former assignment, to 1942.
1950: Februari :Per Anger conducted 1950, an official UD-inquest, about how to block/ mining the (Öre)Sound together with the Danish navy, in a presumed war case with the Soviet Union, but his proposals weren´t approved, and later an expert, (Neutrality com-mission 1994) as against the rules of neutrality. /Den dolda alliansen (Nato) M.Holm-ström 2012) (Helge Ljung was Supreme commander/ÖB to 1951)
1950: June 9: Olof ANGELIN, Navy commander (b.88.) Navy attache Copenhagen/Oslo 1934-1937, Paris, Haag, 1943-1947, Washington: married his (step)daughter Made-leine, with the Italian count, Carlo Emanuele Bodo di ALBARETTO, Rome.
(Angelin married 1930, Marianne von Essen, (b.94) who was married Per Ando Wikström, who died 1925, an uncle to Per Anger´s wife Elena, her father N.A. Wikström, captain/ cavalry, and Italian-borned mother Corinne Autenrieth. Marianne married 2nd with Olof Angelin.) Guests: Captain Nils Holmberg, Claes af Geijerstam, Lennart Angelin, * Per ANGER, Angelin´s youngest daughter Elisabeth, and as usual the singer Åke Collett.
(This Italian Count C. E. Bodo d’ Albaretto, participated as capitano in the Mussolini´s: Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia /CSIR, Italian 8th Army, in the German Barbarossa attack 1941, of the Soviet Union, July(!), 1941, ” 35° Corpo d’Armata – Div. Celere – 3° Artiglieria a cavallo.” First against the city Stalino (today Donetsk(!)) and then occupying the Odessa-district, 1941. But early 1943 this Italian army, was completely routed by the Red army around Stalingrad, together with the Romanians, and the Hungarian 2nd. army, big disasters for the Axis powers. The Italian casualities of ARMIRA: Of 235.000 men, 85.000 KIA/MIA, 35.000 wounded.)
1955 – 1961 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish embassy in Vienna, Austria, (before that in Paris, France.)
1953 : February: The Right´s party,/Högerpartiets conference : at Norrköping: Among 20 participants, general Helge JUNG, and man.dir. * Folke ANGER, Per Anger´s uncle.
1957 : January : George LIBIK ,(b.19) engineer, Anger´s driver, one of Raoul´s person-nel “, 1944-1945,defected from Hungary after taking part of the uprise, 1956, in Buda-pest, contacted, and got assistance of Per Anger (Vienna) to Sweden 1957, and later had an employment at the Statens provningssanstalt .( The couples Libik, were later accused of being spies, of Guillou/Bratt , for the Socialdemocrat party, Tage Erlander, 1968, and the IB, in the IB-affair, 1973. /source http://www./FiB-Kulturfront./
1958: 14/9: Guests at the Westgerman (BRD) chancellor Konrad ADENAUER`S CDU-partycongress in Kiel, for the Right party/ Högerpartiet: General Helge JUNG and Folke ANGER, Per´s Uncle.
1973: October, André LIBIK, George Libik´s brother, movie/ tv-producer, came to Sweden, to meet the SVTman -Frank Hirschfelt, to interview higher Swedish officials about the IB-affair, for the Süddeutsche Rundfunk…. but not allowed)
1979 : Anger published his memoires, from Budapest, after retirement.
1981: Anger writes foreword to Georg Libik´s biographical book.
David Anger´s brother , Folke ANGER, b.1906-1966, Per´s uncle was in the Right party(Högerpartiet), since the 1920s, later in the party´s working executive. 1932-1936 employed at the AB Osram-Elektraverken, 1937, salesmanager. (Osram, a German com-pany, affiliation in Sweden, 1928, became 1930, the AB Osram-Elektraverken, but con-fiscated 1945/46 of the Safehaven/ Flyktkapitalbyrån.)
(But the Edward HENKE`S the AB Osram-Elektraverken was on the Allieds ” Proclaimed blocked certain nationals” from 1941-1945, as the Svenska försäljnings AB ORION, two companies associated with the the Anger´s. The Hungarian Gamma -Werke´s blue-prints for anti-aircraft distance instruments was translated of the Hungarian engineer in Sweden, since 1935, Gabor Tolnai,(Arago AB) and produced of the Gerhard Arehn´s Mekaniska verkstad (later ARENCO) in Stockholm, Alströmergatan no. 20, within a 100 meters from Svenska Orion, at the Svarvargatan no. 14.
But why had Per ANGER, 25 years, some contacts,with Vilmos Forgacs, and the Orion/ Tungsram company, (Source I.Carlberg: 8 months during their establishing, the first years of th 1930s.), of a radioindustry affiliation in Sweden, (Ungarische Wolframlamp-enfabrik AG/Orion Svenska Orion försäljn. AB.) at Stockholm/ Södertälje: 1935-1965 ).
Maybe, a business-contact through his uncle, Folke ANGER, former officer/captain, (I15) and just seven years older,(b.06) and since 1932 at the German-owned company in Sweden, AB Osram-Elektraverken, and 1937 sales manager there. (AEG and SIEMENS merged 1919, to OSRAM)
* Folke ANGER was in fact married with the AB OSRAM-Elektra, boss´s Edvard Henke´s daughter Sigrun 1933, May 21, a grandiose wedding in the Storkyrkan, Stockholm, with military guard of honour. Guests: löjtnant Gerhard Quennerstedt, Jerker Henke,(f. 02. married 1932, prof. S.Velanders daughter, 1943 in the Stockholm Homeguard/I1) löjt-nant Gerald Hamilton, löjt. S. Djurberg, N. Stahre, Anders Hammarsjö,. dir. J.S. Edström (ASEA), löjt. A. Åhmansson, Sigurd Curman, Öv. A. von Arbin, Överste G.Salander, Hjör-dis Nordin-Tengbom, (then divorced from Ivar T., who wed Madeleine Douglas, 1931.) **Ann-Marie BISMARCK, / a daughter of Ivar Tengbom, married the nazidiplomat Otto von Bismarck/London/Rome ) the Baron H. Mörner and wife ,( must be Hampus Mörner, his daughter Birgit, married Filip Anger,Per´s uncle.) dir. N.E- Borgqvist, bank-dir. R. Julin, prof. S. Velander, och D. Nerman, Claes ANGER,(b.27), Per´s younger brother, as page, maybe even Per and Jan ANGER was present.
(Ivar Tengbom, the architect, drew Villa Henke, at Saltsjöbaden, at the Solsidan/ Ersta-viken. Ester and Edvard Henke were close friends of Ivar Tengboms, and knew and support Carl Milles./ Tengbom´s son, Anders, architect, visited even U.S. and Milles, about the same time as Raoul, 1930s. ).
(1942: June 20: Gösta Hagströmer married Ingvor Barthen, guests,: Birgitta Tengbom – Carl (Robert) Fredrik von. Horn, (b.10) brother of Knut. v. Horn, (Res.officer/ I1). (Daug-hter of Ivar Tengbom, and guest: Raoul Wallenberg.)
H. Edvard Henke, (b.1874-1946 ) 70 years old : 1944, congratulations from Dir. H.(erbert) ROHRER (1901-1991) : (Man. dir. OSRAM in Germany, 1940-1945, then in U.S.Army war criminal ,PoW-camp Landsberg, 1945, then in the Waldheim-process. ) Guests: Colonel F.Lovén, Sigurd Erixon, S. Curman, Birger Nerman.
(Henke in the board of ASEA 1911—1921, (STAL/Turbines) 1916—1921, Liljeholmens kabelverk 1916—1921, m fl. bolag, founded ab Elektraverken 1917,man. dir there/in the board 1917—1930, in the board Sveriges allm. exportfören (the Exportassociation) 1920- 1944 generalkonsul of Latvia, 1929—1939, man. dir., board of the Osram-Elektraverken, 1930—1941.
Chairman in the Osram-Elektraverken´s board was ASEA:s man.dir.(vd) J. Sigfrid EDSTRÖM to 1939. In Germany the AEG companies and Siemens merged into one enterprise (bulblamps)1919, the OSRAM. Henke became associated with his Elektra-verken, 1930 to the Osramkoncernen named AB Osram-Elektraverken. 1946, the company was during administration, of Iver Olsen´s Safehaven/and the Flyktkapital-byrån,
Tungsram in Hungary had since many years, produced for their army,(Honved) radio-sets, cables, and perhaps(!) Svenska Orion AB had some production/deliveries, in Sweden for military purposes,(at least 1932) as even the Hungarian Gamma /Juhasz bros. /Arenco AB in Sweden produced anti-aircraft distance measuring sets, applied to the Swedish Bofors-gun. (First delivery, to Sweden 1936) Even the Jungner-bolagen company, sold batteries, NiFe, and other military gears, in Hungary. (N.V. Philips (Lole Smit/MI6) had own a substantial part of the Tungsram, where Raoul, recruited his staff 1944, Hugo Wohl, and V. Forgacs. )S.Berger, 2010)
When the Swedish legation arrived to Stockholm, 1945 with the ship Arcturus, April 18, the minister Ivan Danielsson claimed : “We are in all, 14 persons.” (1.) Danielsson (2.) Anger (3.) Berg (4.) Ekemark (5.) Mezey (6.) Carlsson (7.) Bauer (8-11.) Bela Fenyi & wife, two sons Kjell and Björn (12.), mrs Burder (13.) mr Margel (14.) Asta Nilsson.= those are the 14.
Birgit Brulin and her fiancé Bela Galantay, engineer at the Gamma-Werke, are not men-tioned, of Danielsson.But due to Ingrid Carlberg (2012), Danielsson ordered Brulin, to go home to Sweden, in the beginning of December, 1944. (Perhaps Galantay, as Hungarian Gamma-engineer, but Swedish citizen, could have faced serious problems with the Russians.)
(As early as 1935, there stayed an Hungarian engineer, Gabor Tolnai, inventing anti-aircraft distance measuring ,the “centralinstrument” at the Arehns/Arenco,he trans-lated Gamma-Werke produced blueprints , the Hungarian invention ” Rapportoskop”.) The Svenska Orion´s and Arehn´s mekaniska verkstad,(Arenco) Stockholm-locations, within 100 meters distance. Some electronic devices were in the mechanical instrument, but unknown if they had some type of cooperation. Gabor Tolnai was anyway employed at the Arenco AB, 1939-1949, with this military production.
The Gamma-Werke industry, produced defencemateriel in Sweden, in cooperation with the Arenco AB (Juhasz) AB. The Gamma-industry was since 1930s deep involved in the Swedish defenceindustry. The Gamma-engineer Bela Galantay, stayed at the Swedish legation, engaged June,24 1944, with Brulin, in November 5, he stayed at the legation 1944, but probably, he went with Birgit Brulin, to Sweden in beginning December.
(Istvan Juhasz , head of the Gamma-Werke was arrested in Budapest, March 1948.)
Brulins lived at Bromma/ Ulvsunda, Stockholm. Something with radios there ? Yes, well-known, the STANDARD RADIO AB, since 1938,(affiliation and/of owned by ITT/United States.) produced for the military, field radios, army (Ra.-type), and beginning of 1960s, the comprehensive Stril-system for the Air force, air-war guidance. Some hundreds meter from Galantay´s adress, at the Ståltrådsvägen, unthought, a short walk to the work. I´m banking on that Bela worked there, from 1945/46, but unconfirmed.
Probably Brulin didn´t received a medal of merit, (Vasa) 8 cl., 1945, November 15, as P. Anger/ M.Bauer / G. Carlsson,(at the Hague-legation), probably because she left early in December,1944 before the Battle of Budapest. (But even Lars Berg was not mentioned then.) Per Anger mention Brulin, in his memoires and publish a copy of the Swedish legation´s certification of Birgit Brulin, in Russian, but even Anger doesn´t mentions that the couple, arrived, December, 1944, to Sweden – probably without any public attention.
Margareta BAUER served postwar, as tourist guide, for bustourists going to the con-tinent, from 1948-1949, at the Linjebuss. During the period of 1959-1970, Bauer served as clerk at the Swedish general consulate in Stuttgart, and Julius HAGANDER (b.01) (Consul from 1942 in Mannheim)
Fredrik. DARDEL´s diary 1961: ” The two Justice advisers of the Svea hovrätt (court of appeal),(Johan) GYLLENSVÄRD and Santesson, had criticized Dardels, through a state-ment required by the Primeminister Tage Erlander,(1960) in March and discussed even in April. The statement doubted if Raoul had been alive after Stalin´s death, 1953, and was not appreciated by Dardels, as being part of a planned letter to the Soviet party-secretary, N.S. Chrustjev. They asked (Sverker) “Åström”, of an advice, but he had no second opinions, than the statement´s. Probably it never was published.
Johan Gyllensvärd (b.16)., (jur cand)., Uppsala 1940, Svea hovrätt 1960-1964, married 1944 July, , Ingegerd BAUER (b.21) (phil.cand) a younger sister of Margareta Bauer. Of no or any significance unknown, in the Wallenberg-case.
“- – – Bauer married 1982, Tor OLSSON, head of the Barnängens AB´s affiliation,(chemicals/ hygiene) in Berlin 1939-1945, (owned by Harald Nordenson), and Bauer served as typist at the Swedish legation(UD) /Berlin, 1939, when first meeting Olson. But the wedding, 1982, was not acci-dental, it was Per Anger, as common friend who bringed them together.”- – – (Obituary 2013).
Libik met Per Anger and Raoul in Budapest, in december 1944. His first wife 1944, was Nelly, the daughter of Albert Szent-Györgi. Libik claimed he met Raoul in Budapest, in December 1944, in * Harvey Rosenfelds book : Raoul Wallenberg (1995). – – – Albert Szent-Györgi, stayed with Per Anger, at the Buda-side, and around Christmas, Georg Libik, joined. under the pseudonym Bela Ratkovsky. (as Anger´s driver)- ” It was one night after 22.00, when Wallenberg showed up at Anger´s apartment. He looked like a student, with red scarf and black winter coat. He was bareheaded and looked very pale. Libik first thought that Raoul mist be some sort of lunatic. He must be mad, it´s suicidal to be out so late at night, with all Arrow Cross roaming the streets. Raoul and Anger went to a corner and began conversing in low tones. A massacre was risked at the Ben-czur street, and Anger asked Libik to drive Raoul, to stop that, and he did, Libik waiting in his car.”- – –
Libik claimed he met Raoul even January 17, 1945: “- I´m going to meet the Russians and have money with me, to help the Jews. Later Libik, think 1980, that this was naïve, ” as no one could expect the Russians to do something positive, and humanitarian.Raoul seemed calm, but look thin and exhausted
Albert Szent-Györgi, had after the German invasion, been protected and stayed in Sept-ember in the Swedish protection house at the Balatonlake. As a Nobel-laureate, became Swedish citizen, but was a leader of the Hungarian resistancemovement, the MFM.
But Libik, claims he even had contacts with the: “Peace Party”, after 1942, the banned Hungarian Communist party´s frontorganisation, founded of Janos KADAR, one of the few resistance groups in Hungary, what so ever, then due to Libik. (Zoltan Schönherz, probably a member.)
But when reading Libik´s own short biography, translated “abstracts” from his own book, in Hungarian: “Rapport från störtloppet” , (1981) another picture appears. He then never met Raoul, that last day, January, 17, 1945, for some minutes. Libik had a Jewish mother, and his father Albert Libik, was an successful inventor, with business for the German war effort, and they lived in the more well-to-do, Roszadomb, neigbor-hoods in Budapest, close to the Swedish legation.
Libik, studying at the Budapest Technical Highschool, met Per Anger already, 1943, March, during a slalom,ski-competition. They started to socialize, and did physical training together. (There was an official, Swedish architecture exhibition, during April 14, 1943, ca at this school, with Ivan Danielsson present.)
The same year , 1943, Libik had received a scholarship to study gasturbines in Sweden, the Ljungström´s AB, STAL, owned of ASEA, perhaps this was a Per ANGER initiative ? Unknown. (But STAL, later offered to construct gasturbines for the Swedish air craft production). But the German invasion, 1944 changed this, Libik stayed at home. (In May, 1944, his mother died of household gas, probably, selfinflicted for fear of deportation, as many others, and Libik became hardened.)
Libik met Albert Szent-Györgi the same time,with his young daughter Nelly and married her in May, 1944. Szent-Györgi, was a leader in the: National Independent Resistance, (MFM) and was implicated in his own unofficial ” separate” separate surrender-talks in Turkey, 1943, a mission from the pm Miklos Kallay, with the British legation, but in February, 7.
1959, George Libik, and another Hungarian refugee in Sweden, DARDAI approached the UD, and Dardai claimed he met a compatriot, former POW in Russia, Horvath, in knock-ing-contact with Raoul, but UD didn´t show interest. 1961 Libik met even Fredrik Dardel and told him this.
But Gellert Kovacs doesn´t mention Georg Libik in his study of resistance people around Wallenberg. How come ? Perhaps because Libik took part of the Hungarian uprising 1956, October, and during the 1960s with his wife, was accused of spying for the Soc-ialdemocrat party, pm., Tage ERLANDER, and the IB, 1968 in Prague. This information became public during the IB-case, 1973/ FiB-Kulturfront/www.
1973: November 5, Expressen, the SVT-man (Public TV) Frank Hirschfeldt should help a West-german TV-journalist André LIBIK, Süddeutsche Rundfunk, to interview Swedish officials about the IB-affair. They only wanted to answer on written questions, printed in Exp-ressen.. But in fact this reporter,André was Georg Libik´s brother. How come ? This fact, seemed unknown in the article Frank Hirschfelt wrote in Expressen. André Libik´s questions were never answered of any Swedish official, and they seems no doubt, “intrusive”, not only in 1973, about Sweden´s contacts with foreign intelligence, (Shin Beth) and her foreign policy in case of war, (WP vs Nato) etc. I mean this visit during the heights of conflict in the Swedish IB-case, 1973, seems strange, why André Libik ?
One of George Libik´s “scoopes” were informations about the looming Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968, (August) already in June/July. Libik then met Ota Sik, in the Czech government. The SAP-leader Tage Erlander, gave the information to the IB, and later the SAP won that election, much thanks to the invasion, (they had knowledge about.) Libik was claimed using information, recorded from personal meetings with key persons, and then black-mailing, for more informations.
His 2nd wife Maria Glempa-Libik, with very good contacts in the higher partycircles, in Hungary,and relatives, served IB, very well. Later Maria Libik, was sent to Egypt, of IB, spying in some cooperation with Israel, 1970, bombtargets, during the war of attrition, but then not known of the SAP. Jan Guillou happened to meet her there, at a hotel, in Cairo, and claimed she was infiltrating the Egyptian air force, as “honey trap” for an Egyptian officer. Guillou claimed her to be ” Sweden´s most dangerous spy” but Maria Libik, denied that. She claimed, was just divorced from Georg, then on judicial separ-ation, and had then traveled to Egypt. But as the author P.O.ENQUIST asked:, 1973: Why didn´t the Libik´s sue Guillou and Bratt, the journalists” ?
But Libik received even research funds/scholarships from the state, 1963, 1965, for ” Research about the scientific research and higher education” and published surveys of scientific research in Eastern Europe, and to translate his book : “The Hungarian Exo-dus”,but seems not published. The one-man “cover” company the: Forskningsprodukter AB was Georg Libik´s , with the same address as his house at the Seglarvägen 13, Lidingö./www. Fib-Kulturfront. 1973.
How was Per Anger implicated in this refered contexts, from 1930-1960s ? My con-clusions are in some cases far-fetched, but from official publishings, about Per Anger´s “daily” life
(25): 2016 ….. PER ANGER (continue / conclusions & questions)
. . . . . and his connections, of general interest. From where I further associate. Some of them, implicit and explicit, in fact point into the Raoul Wallenberg-case, but not earlier published.
This points I find interesting concerning Per Anger:
(1.) His uncle´s Filip Anger´s wife´s sister (Dagmar Mörner) married Sven Salén, 1931, and here possible connections , with K. Lauer´s, and Raoul´s: the MEROPA AB.
(2.) Anger´s leading role in the paramilitary, (Stockholm) viewed as “pro-German”, the Landstormspojkarna, 1925-1938, together with his brother Jan Anger, and the people he perhaps met there, now in oblivion.
(3.) The tragic deathcrash of his brother Jan, as pilot in the Swedish airforce, 1936, November 3, and the Ungsvenskarna / The Right party/youth. (I read this first in the banker Olof Aschberger´s memoires 1947, who postwar, socialized with David Anger and wife Elsa in France and Sweden, but even mentioned in Elisabeth Skoglunds biog-raphy.)
(4.) The two names from the memberlist 1937 of the Swedish-German Association, (founded 1913),
“F. Anger jur. stud. Narvavägen no. 7 (Stockholm)” . But here lived, then 1937, not Filip Anger, but the David Angers family, Elsa, and their sons: Per, Claes: (strange, because, Per Anger is the only one studying juridical/law, then graduated 1939. Was this in fact Per Anger ? Perhaps in some German student/language exchange ? We don´t know.
“S. Anger, fru, Jacob Westingatan no. 6, Stockholm” . (this ought to be Folke Anger´s wife, Sigrun Henke, married 1933, they lived at this address, before moving to Katrine-holm, as head of a marble industry. (The RW-calendar, 1944/notification : “Sjöholms godsförvaltning no. 357 , Katrineholm” – is in fact the phone n:r of Johan Asker.)
(5.) His contacts with the higher Swedish officers: as Helge JUNG, Harald Enell, Olof Angelin. (Carl Petersén and Harald Enell, Juhlin-Dannfelt at the Berlin-legation, 1939/ 1940, don´t mention to be associated with alleged pro-German, minister /Berlin, Arvid Richert, (even chairman in the board of the Vattenbyggnadsbyrån (VBB) 1941-1954, where Arvid´s brother served,as head, and even Lars Berg´s father, senior engineer, who died 1941).
(Perhaps with Helge Jung´s wife, Ruth Wehtje, and her brother Walter WEHTJE, head of the National Agency for Reserve Goods = Statens Reservförrådsnämnd, (1937-1945) one of Raoul´s suggested principals.
(6. ) Per Anger´s employer´s and contacts congratulated Adolf Hitler “50” , April, 20 1939. The Swedish minister, Arvid Richert , generallöjtnant Olof Thörnell, viceamiral Fabian Tamm, generalmajor Helge Jung och kapten Gösta von Stedingk.
(7.) Anger and his relative´s position in the companies, German owned, pro-German, AB Osram-Elektra, (Folke Anger.b.06) and his own with the Hungarian Tungsram´s radiocompany, Svenska Orion, establishing in Sweden, Stockholm, from 1931, with Vilmos Forgacs, unknown in what circumstances. (Folke Anger´s marriage 1933, with the daughter, Sigrun, of Edvard Henke, the man.dir. of the Osram Elektra AB.)
(8.) Torsten JUNG, was General Helge Jung´s brother, and man. dir. (vd.) of the STAB / Svenska tändsticks AB 1933-1949 in Sweden. The affiliation head (vd) of STAB, in Budapest, Torsten Hallerström, died there August 4, 1944, and Raoul met his young son, left there, November 6, 1944, (the RW-Calendar)
(9.) He never spoke about his uncles Filip and Folke´s membership in the Right party/ Högerpartiet inner circles. What ended up 1958, Folke in visiting Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer´s CDU-congress in BRD, together with his partycomrade in the Right party, since about 1953: : Former Swedish Superior Commander(!) (ÖB) 1944- 1951,General Helge Jung.
(10.) Anger never told us that both AB Osram-Elektra and Svenska Orion, were on the U.S./UK: Proclaimed blocked certain nationals.”, 1941-1945, blackllisted and that his “American friend”, Iver Olsen, with five (5.) different missions: the (1.) State department attaché, in the (2.) Treasury, (3.) the WRB and the Baltic operations of 1944, and (4.) OSS´s commandos-deployment /SEPAL, and at last confiscated, (5.) AB Osram-Elektra in the Allied´s Safe-haven project.(Did Iver Olsen serve in the Hague from 1945/1946 ?)
(11.) He never informed about his close friends in the Landstormspojkarna, Herbert Enell and Lars-Gustaf Uggla, as medical doctors in charge, of caretaking of the German Wehr-machts and WaffenSS, (6.WSS Nord) wounded/sick soldiers, hospitaltrains, via Sweden, to Norway, Oslo or Narvik, from the Soviet Murmansk front, in Northern Finland, June 1941-May 1943, two years. At least 32.000 German war-patients, demanding 100.000 healthcare days, (=3 vårddygn= 3x 24 hours) of Swedish military personnel (T1) and the Swedish Red Cross, (SRK) what even often transported the wounded, long distances, (600 km) from inside Finland: Petsamo/Oulu/Hangö. (But the Red Cross´s main original mission is the medical care of wounded soldiers.)
(12). Did this influence Per Anger, and the Soviet PoWs in Hungary ? The employment of Herman Grosheim-Krisko, a.k.a. “Henry Thomsen”, 1944, interrogated Russian Pows, and perhaps fleeing Russians from surrendering Axis, Bulgaria and Romania, in August 1944, perhaps connected to Gehlen´s Fremde Heere Ost (FHO) (Abwehr) as the German intelligence collected information, 24 hours, up to May 1945.
(13.) How deep involved was Per Anger with the Hungarian MFM-resistance, Albert Szent-György, Geza Soos,1944/1945 and especially with Georg Libik (even 1957) ? Accidental ? Anger never told us about the couple´s Libik´s IB-agentactivities serving the Socialdemocratic party, 1968, and Tage Erlander, published of FiB-Kulturfront,1973.
25:2016: “MURRAY PAYNE ? ”
Pro Primo: The notification in Raoul´s calendar, 1944/45 : « Murray PAYNE » :
« Murray Payne, fråga (ask)
Torsten Boltenstern, från (from)
Maj von Plauen. » (Raoul´s cousin, Maj Wising, married Enzio von Plauen, 1935.
For long time an Anglosaxon « Murray Payne » was not to be found, in the Swedish con-text, but as a Torsten (Jochum) Boltenstern (b.13) was airforce/civil pilot,(ABA) during the war, courier pilot, (perhaps ball bearings), to Britain, and nobleman, sometimes in both Anger´s and Raoul´s circles, Innocence Ball, of 1939, and guest at Nina von Dardel´s marriage with Gunnar Lagergren, December 1943.
So perhaps, « Murray Payne » was a British RAF-pilot,a Swedish colleague to Boltenstern ?
But now appeared at last, at the http://www., a « flight lieutenant » , in the RAF 601. Squadron, London, Murray PAYNE, who 1940, « instructed the Dutch Prince Bernhard, to fly the Spitfire », and this squadron was said to be the « Millionaires squad « , many young pilots were from the upper rich classes, and Payne seems not been KIA in the Battle of Britain. So maybe this « airforce »- connection is confirmed. But what was it about ? The alleged visit to Sweden, of Raoul Wallenberg, the fall of 1944 ? Perhaps this equation works ? (www. Portrait of Flight Lieutenant Murray Payne, circa 1930’s / « flight Lt Murray Payne /Sketch of Oriel Ross »)
Maybe Raoul´s cousine, Maj von Plauen, (daughter of his maternal Aunt Anna, married Nisser) married Enzio von Plauen, 1935, who owned a big estate outside Berlin, Schloss Wiesenburg, had perhaps connections with the Dutch Royals, as prince Bernhard was of German origin, and his brother was in the German army, during the war.
(The Plauens left Germany 1943. Prince Bernhard had close contact with the Swedish royals family, visited Sweden, officially already 1946, and the prince Gustav Adolf´s last visit abroad, went to prince Bernhard, January, 21,1947, and it was a Dutch KLM-liner, bound for Stockholm via Kastrup, what crashed to the ground, January 26, with the prince, among the passengers, caused when the airport personnel, forgot to remove the rudder locking device.)
The 601. Squadron, perhaps with Payne in service, was later deployed in Italy, at bases in the tracks of the Allied´s invasion, close to Hungary, (and Bari): April-June 1944: Venafro, June 1944: Littorio June-July 1944: Fabrica July-August 1944: Perugia August-September 1944: Loreto –December 1944: Fano December 1944-May 1945: Bellaria May-August 1945: Treviso.
Far-fetched, but anyway, a nice piece of coincidence.
Who was Per Anger, (b.1913) ? He never published his selfbiography, but his book: Med Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, (1979). But Elisabeth Skoglund published Per Anger´s « official » biography, (1997): A quiet courage : Per Anger, Wallenberg´s co-liberator of Hungarian Jews.
There´s some public information about the of course honourable, Per Anger and his most unknown circles (and the Swedish legation´s personnel in Budpest, 1942-1945), when compilated, not before observed. Some perhaps, pointing into the Raoul Wallen-berg case.
The Anger family arrived to Stockholm 1916, living in the rather poor southern part of the city, the Danviksgatan no. 1, (gone today) before moving to the city blocks, from 1930. (I will qoute some facts from this book.) From the 1930s, his father, and two uncles, held prominent positions, the father, David engineer, in the Stockholm city administration, Filip in the white-collar union (Daco/ TCO) and Folke in the AB Osram-Elektra (married the man. dir. daughter) and in the Right party/Högerpartiet, don´t mention Per Anger´s own career as diplomat.
Per´s father, David from 1935-1951, head of the Stockholm city´s construction bureau, of streets and roads, often commented in the daily papers the city´s designs and new contructions in the traffic communications, and was in charge of building big bridges, as the Väster- and Tranebergsbron, during the 1930s.
But Per probably even had confirmed contacts with Raoul Wallenberg´s circles, seemed close to high military officers, paramilitary, business, German owned companies, ( Folke Anger/ AB Osram-Elektra) (Tungsram/ Svenska Orion AB ), through his education, kin-ships, and wedding guest, sometimes accidental.
1926: Baroness Birgit MÖRNER married Per Anger´s uncle: Filip Anger, (b.98). Filip Anger was a chairman in the white-collar´s Union, 1937, the Daco, then in the follower, merging with the Tco, to the mighty TCO, founded 1944. From 1942, candidate for the Right party/Högerpartiet, in Stockholm.
1931: Baroness Dagmar Mörner, Birgit´s sister married the shipowner, Sven SALÈN, Raoul´s main employer, 1941-1944, in the Kalman Lauer´s Meropa AB. (Filip Anger, statistician was even employed in the Salén shipping, after retirement, 1964-1975).
1932: (or later) Per Anger met Vilmos Forgacs, (eight months) when the Tungsram affili-ation,(bulbs) and producer of Hungarian Orion radioreceivers , established a Swedish affiliation, (1931) (1932) the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB. (Source I. Carlberg). Forg-acs and Hugo Wohl, (Orion man.dir.) were in Raoul´s rescuingstaff, 1944. But the Sven-ska Orion försäljnings AB, was on the U.S/U.K. /Allieds » Proclaimed blocked certain nat-ionals » from 1941-1945.
But Tungsram advertised in Swedish newspapers, very frequently from 1932 (establis-hed 1931/source Tungsram), mentioned in a footnote, the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB as their salesorganisation. 1932, as Tungsram claimed they deliver their radiovalves, of barium, to the: Swedish army Signal corps, (Fälttelegrafkåren), the Air Force, and the Telephone civil service (Televerket), but only this year.
1933: May 21.* Folke ANGER, (uncle) married with the German-owned, AB OSRAM-ELEKTRA , boss´s Edvard HENKE´s ´s daughter: Sigrun Henke.
1936: November, 3 : Per´s father, David Anger, had two younger sons, JAN and Claes. Per´s brother Jan Anger, (b.18) trainee-pilot in the Swedish airforce, crashed to death, November 3, 1936, (reservofficersaspirant) at Ljungbyhed, in a Tiger Moth (Sk 11).When turning the aircraft to the left, it began to spin, but turning the rudder for right, the same thing,spin to the right, then he had to bail out but, his parachute was never rele-ased.
At the funeral, both the head of the Swedish Airforce, (1934-1942) Lt. General, Torsten FRIIS, Colonel- and Colonel Helge JUNG, later ÖB (Supreme commander, 1944-1951) and the city advisor Yngve Larsson (lib.) (Stockholm), participated and the Rights Youth League = Högerpartiets ungdoms-förbund / = Ungsvenskarna), and The Landstorms-pojkarna/ U1/Stockholm /=Paramilitary) paraded in the Storkyrkan in Stockholm, to pay tribute, to the just 18 years old, dead pilot, student since May.
Colonel Helge Jung seemed close to the Landstormsofficerarnas Riksförbund, and Per and Jan was active members in their youth section, since from 1925/1930s, so perhaps they knew Helge Jung, before that grey November day. (Folke Anger was former army-officer, (I15) then in AB Osram-Elektra, and could been in contact with Jung.)
1936: September, Helge Jung visited Hungary, Budapest, the General staff, with then lieutenant Fritz-Ivar Virgin, Svea livgarde (I1), an invitation to celebrate the victory aga-inst the Turks, 250 years. (About the same time, the first Hungarian constructed Gamma /Juhasz anti-aircraft distance-instrument, was delivered to Sweden/SvD October 1, 1936, if coincidence, unknown). (1941, Fritz-Ivar Virgin was in charge of the General staff´s crypto-section, and this military unit had to assist, the Foreign department, (UD) with ciphering cables at some legations, abroad, during the war.)
(1936: December : The Right party´s leader the admiral * Arvid Lindman, died in a civil air-crash in the Netherlands.(His daughter Eva, was married the diplomat Gustaf von Dardel, and in the obituary) (Son of George Dardel.b.50., Fredrik D.´s uncle)
1937 : June, 23 (SvD) : « Member of the Landstormsförbundets (local veterans) styrelse,(board) (youth section) ungdomsutskottet, became the 2nd lieutenant, fänrik, P(er).J.V. Anger. » (A paramilitary organisation,from 1908, but later with a section for young recruits, boys, like scouts, from 13 years age, the Landstormspojkarna.) (Raoul´s the Hemvärnet/HomeGuard, founded, 1940.)
(Here, Anger met Herbert ENELL, (b.16) son of the Air force colonel Harald ENELL. Per-haps influenced, young Jan Anger ?) (But even the lieutenant N.(ils) W. A. von Hennigs is mentioned, with H. Alenius, and S.A.S Åberg) (Landstormspojkarna).
Two names from the memberlist 1937 of the Swedish-German Association, (founded 1913 ! ). (Svensk-Tyska Föreningen)
(1.) » F. Anger jur. stud. Narvavägen no. 7 (Stockholm) » . But here lived, then 1937, not Filip Anger, and not Folke Anger, but the: David Anger´s family, Elsa, and their sons: Per, Claes: (strange, because, Per Anger is the only one studying juridical/law, then graduated 1939. Was this in fact Per Anger ? We don´t know. Maybe in some student exchange studying the German language, Anger visited Germany, 1938)
(2.) » S. Anger, fru, Jacob Westingatan no. 6, Stockholm » . (but this ought to be Folke Anger´s wife, Sigrun Henke, married 1933, they lived at this address, before moving to Katrineholm and a marbleindustry, 1939. Later David and Elsa Anger (and Per), ca 1940 moved to the Norr Mälarstrand no. 100.)
Among other members: K.(urt) von Drachenfels, C.(arl) Ohly : (Lars Ohly´s uncle. b.13) In the Landstormspojkarna as instructor and F.(rithiof) Trulsson. People often with some German background.
Captain Nils von Hennigs (son of the painter Gösta Hennigs -d.1941) was the « Land-stormspojken »´s editor from 1935-ca 1940. Jan Anger (at Narvavägen no.7, his parents, address), Per´s brother,was the in charge of « notices », (Tankar som möts) 1936, during the pseudonym, « Sjajas ». Jan, published , funny stories and sketches on two whole pages.
Indeed tragic, the same year he crashed, a funny sketch of a pilot in an aircraft, in a disastrous nose-dive to the ground. Nils von Hennigs wrote the obituary, of Jan Anger, » his young friend and comrade », 1936, November, and published a poem to Jan, (Vid Jan´s bår 9.11) of the Åke BERGLUND, probably the wellknown pro-Ger-man, anti-semite, early in racial eugenics , member of the Riksföreningen Sverige -Tyskland (f.1937) and 1941, member of Per Engdahls´s Nazi-party: Svensk opposition.
(1931) Per Anger, himself was active at least from, (1925) 1931, (probably even Jan) as instructor (furir/ I1), leader of the « Recruit school » in the Landstorms-pojkarna, 1936, in the staff with von Hennigs, lieutenant Hans Alenius, and the highest grade, the Cornet, Herbert ENELL. The years 1937/1938, was Per Anger leader of the « Soldatskolan », (ca 150 recruits) with Herbert Enell, who started a special « befälsklubb ». (Skoglund E.: « Per was member of the « Homeguard », since 12 years old, since 1925″.)
Later Enell´s med.dr-colleague, Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, in the Landstormspojken, became publisher, (Grev Magnigatan no. 4), around 1943. (Later, Dr Herbert Enell and dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla, were the medical heads of the Swedish army´s/Red Cross hospitaltrains /column, helping, nursing the German Wehrmacht´s, , wounded soldiers (32.000 cases), many from 6. WSS Division Nord (former Totenkopf-KZ-guards) from northern Finnish Barbarossa front, against Russia, Finland,1941-1943, made them « fit for fight », against the Allies, as soon as possible. An undertaking, described very muted, asym-metric in the Swedish WW2-history compared with Bernadottes´s White buses and the Swedish rescue mission 1944, in Budapest.
Per Anger knew both lieutenant, * Nils von Hennigs and dr. * Herbert Enell, and * dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla , from his assignments in the Land-stormsförbundet, (Stockholm/ Section U1), during the 1930s, perhaps even dr Åke Berglund. (The author Per-Olof Sundman (SSS) (c), was a member of the Landstormspojkarna, but even Jan Myrdal, 1941, and Leif Leifland.)
The paramiltary, Landsstormspojkarna had a number of about, 8.000 members, 1945, (140 local sections) guys,from 13 years, more like « child soldiers », most from the upper classes,(as Djursholm /Östermalm, secondary school, boys, not that older mature, « Volkssturm », Raoul commanded, 1941. But probably, this organisation, even crashed down with it´s main field organizer, captain Nils von Hennigs, 1945.
The Expressen,(lib.) claimed when the Landstormspojkarna at last was incorporated in the Homeguard/Hemvärnet, July 1947, » that they both before and during the war had been too -admiring of the Nazigermany » . The now late author, Lars Widding/Expressen , claimed that there was a traffic from them to the Swedish Nazi´s/SSS: Nordisk ung-dom. (I think they became more compromised,1945, even as « too », reminding of those young Hitler-Jugends, in the ruins of Berlin, not acceptable, postwar, with new thinking in bringing up children and education of the youth.)
(There exists no historical academic study, of the Landstormspojkarna, only their prin-ted monthly periodical, mostly without explicit « German » influence, as such, archivals at the Military record office, a forgotten link in the of Swedish national/paramilitary org-anisations.) (But here Anger was more active, than Raoul in the Hemvärnet, so both diplomats of 1942/1944, were really experienced in basic military infantry training, and as instructors.)
1938: Per Anger was commissioned to reservelieutenant at the I1, Svea livgarde, (Raoul´s regiment) together with Raoul´s friend: Sten E:son Leijonhufvud.
1939: January 29: Now even Per Anger, were introduced to the Innocenceorder of 1765, Ball : among 500 other guests…) but present were even the German dip-lomat, later General, attaché Bruno von Uthmann, the British colonel, attaché Reginald Sutton-Pratt, Calman Pandy, (the Hungarian pressattaché), Alexandra von Dardel (later married Jan von Horn /Col. I1), Lorle Kantzow, Thomas Ihre, Oscar Olin / Norrmalms livsmedel, the Homeguard´s shooting range), Torsten Boltenstern(!) (pilot), Margit von der Groeben,(b.09.) (sister to Knut. v.d.Groeben.)
1939: May 17 : Per Anger, graduated, jur. cand., maybe had a more active role in Raoul Wallenberg´s personal network, as he even was guest, with: Gunnar Lagergren, (b.12) jur.cand (married Nina von Dardel 1943), May 17, 1939 at the wedding between jur. cand. Bo Palmgren (Helsingfors) and Louise Reuterskiöld (nobility.b.16.)
(In the Reuterskiöld´s pedigree you find before Marie Lucie von Dardel (b.94) (daughter of Fredrik Dardel´s uncle, George b.50 ), married 1914, Carl Lennartsson Reuterskiöld, (1890-1934) then section head(byråchef) in the UD.
1939: October 7, Lieutenant Per ANGER was guest, when Helge JUNG, Major General, later Sweden´s Supreme Commander (ÖB) (1944-1951) wife born, Ruth WEHTJE, daug-hter of Ernst Wehtje Sr., (brothers Ernst Wehtje Jr , Hugo and Walter WEHTJE, head of the National Agency for Reserve Goods = Statens Reservförrådsnämnd/ later Atlas Copco/ Investor) married their daughter Karin Jung with mr W. Schauman, guests even lieut-enant Stig Jung, and mr Anders Gauffin.
Walter Wehtje married 1926 Gurli Bergström (1906-1965), daughter of Paul Urban Bergström.(PUB / Warehouse), and became man.dir., at PUB. Their daughter Olga Wehtje, 1955, wife of Marc Wallenberg, and mother of Marcus, b.56.)
A new special Swedish-German club was launched January, 14, 1939, invited to lunch, to celebrate the Nazi-diplomat Frans von Papen´s visit, at the Grand Hotel Royal: Mem-bers: Oscar Ahrén, Henri de Champs (Admiral) David Dahl, Max Däumichen, (gen. con-sul) H. von Euler,(Chemist/Nobelprize 1929) Emil Fevrell,(Lt.Colonel) Carl Florman (ABA) Carl Folke, A.T. Hammarstrand, Oscar Hegert, John E. Johnson, Henry H. Koux,(German-Swedish/businessman) C.G. Langenskjöld, T. Larka, Sten H. Löfberg, Siegfried MATZ,(vice clearingnämnden) Carl Möller, Gunnar Philipson, (Daimler-Benz/affiliation) C. Reu-tersvärd, Sven SALÈN, (Shipowner) Karl SAUBER, (the clearingnämnden) Wald. von Syd-ow, (Publicistklubben) P.G. Thulin, (Shipowner ? /Nordström & Thulin ?) Magnus Tiger-schiöld, Walter WEHTJE, (Statens reservförrådsnämnd) Erik Wellander, (professor) G. Wennerholm, Karl A. Wessblad.
General Helge Jung, assisted the (Superior commander) ÖB, Olof Thörnell´s delegation, and congrat-ulated Adolf Hitler, 50 years, April 20, 1939. The photo of April 20 1939: the Swedish minister Arvid Richert, (behind Hitler) Lt General Olof Thörnell, rear-admiral Fabian Tamm – General, Helge Jung, and captain Gösta von Stedingk (b.97), (and the Right party leader Gösta Bagge, Minister of education, 1939-1944.) This after both, Münich, 1938 and Czechoslovakia, March 1939, German annexations, Sweden recog-nized, approved, a year (1940) before the Baltic states, became Soviet republics.)
(Six years later, about the same team, General Jung(ÖB) and Admiral Tamm, now included Anthal Ullein-Reviczky visited, the Soviet Union´s legation´s victory party, in Stockholm, February 24, 1945, (Expressen) at the Red army Day. General Helge Jung, (b.86.) was during the 1930s in the s.c. « Junta », of high Finnish-activist officers, since 1918, behind the periodical: « Ny » Militär tidskrift,(NMT) claiming, the main strategy doctrine : Antingen -Eller ! (Either- Or ! ).
Meaning the Swedish army should deployed, in Finland, close to the Soviet city, Lenin-grad, (40 km) at the Rajajokki/Systerbäck, and meeting the Red army, there with about 80-100.000 soldiers, everything measured up, in details, transports, housing etc. – Or ! But a dangerous undertaking, and when suggested of Axel Rappe armystaff chief, 1940 February, 17, close to the Finnish surrender of March, 13, PM, Per Albin Hansson answered: « Bullshit ! » Then rumours of a coup´de etat, in the air. But then a common Swedish-German interest, to influence Finland to make peace with the Soviet Union, to prevent a British/French invasion into the Arctic circle.
The engineer Torsten JUNG was Helge Jung´s brother, (b.80) (d.61) promoted to senior engineer, AB Förenade Svenska Tändsticksfabriken (STAB) (matches) 1913, and man.dir.(vd) be-tween 1933–1949. Consul, Yngve Ekmark, (STAB) in Budapest, had probably contact with Torsten Jung at Jönköping-office. (So, very close to the ÖB, and the Wall-enbergsphere, and the STAB-affiliation in Budapest, where man.dir. Torsten Haller-ström, ser-ved, who died August 4, 1944. (Unknown how, and no comments from the legation.)
1939: December,the student Per Anger (jur.cand) took his academic degree, at the Upp-sala University, mentioned with: *Carl Henrik von PLATEN, political science, diplomat later in UD/Ankara, 1943, (perhaps in the separate surrender talks 1943) his brother, *Gustaf von Platen, « Buster » in Raoul´s circles.
Skoglund E. / » But now Per, was caught between two options: Join the Swedish volontary corps (SFK), for Finland, or accept a bid from the UD, Foreign department, to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, as the cipher-assistent, and in commerce. Anger chosed Berlin.
But this situation, coincides with the up-start and recruiting, of the Swedish military intelligence, the C-bureau, 1940, and don´t contradict, that Per Anger, alleged had a secret mission. (J. Bergman / 2014). The commercial adviser, Torsten VINELL, (b.98), (then in the Export association, and government commission trading with Germany 1941/Hungary, 1942.), called up Anger in late March, to send a secret telegram, about the German assembling of freighter ships in German ports, ready for the Op. « Weser-übung », to invade Denmark/ Norway, in April 9.
(Even another « leading » Landstormspojke, editor, of their journal, 1943-1945, was recruited first, in his ordinary military service, to the General staff´s central crypto-graphy section, 1941, at Stockholm, (CiC: * Fritz-Ivar Virgin) and had to serve in periods in London, 1942/43 assisting in the complicated and boring (!) ciphering-work, at the Swedish legation, requested of the UD, before he applied as diplomatic trainee, named Carl-George CRAFOORD, even later in UD-career.)
THE UD-CAREER : 1940-1941:
1940 ; January : Per Anger begin to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, (minister Arvid Richert), and the clerk/typist *Margareta Bauer, became a friend of him. (At the Swedish legation, in Warzaw, 1939, we find Sven Grafström, and Margareta Bauer, 1939, but August 26, Grafström probably dismissed Bauer, to Berlin,1939 where even Carl Petersen served, 1937-1940, later the head of the C-bureau. (In Berlin, Anger must have met Herbert Enell´s father, the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Col-onel Harald Enell.)
Skoglund E. / – – -Later when back in Stockholm, Per Anger must go through the ord-inary UD-test, for trainees, and as the examiner had Polish background, Anger was ask-ed even about his view about Germany´s possibilities to win the war, and Anger then quoted, the Swedish military attaché at the Berlin-legation, a colonel, who claimed that he didn´t believe in a German victory, and by that Anger passed the test. (** But who was that colonel ? Probably: Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, armycolonel 1938.)
1940: September 22: Gilbert MURRAY lieutenant (b.14.) ( I1) married Ulla Ehrensvärd (b.18). Daughter of the rear admiral Gösta C.A. Ehrensvärd (b.85). Guests: (Ulrika) Ulla Mörner (b.17) – * Per ANGER. (I1-lieutenant/reserve.) and Agneta von Stedingk (b.22) – Herbert ENELL (b.16) (daughter of Colonel Gösta von Stedingk/ I1, attaché Finland, 1941.) (Agneta married 1947, the I1 Major Reinhold Geijer, – the only known official in the secret Swedish StayBehind/Gladio/Nato from 1957), (Gösta Ehrensvärd was married a sister, Anna Enell, (b.86) to the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Colonel Harald Enell.)
(*Ehrensvärd ,CiC of the Coastal navy, 1939-1942, gave secret order after the British confiscated the Swedish destroyers, June 1940, forbidding then any ships to surrender.),
1941: Per Anger : this year, after 1,5 years in Berlin, from about summer, was assigned to the Foreign Department/UD in Stockholm.
1942: Per Anger: September : Assigned to the Swedish legation in Budapest, as commercial attaché. (together with Swedish minister Ivan Danielsson.)
1943: June 7: Per ANGER married in Stockholm, with Elena WIKSTRÖM, (b.20) daughter of the cavalry captain Nils Axel Wikström, living at the Strandvägen no. 7 C., the same A-B-C-yard where Raoul´s Meropa AB, was located from 1941.) Guests : * Herbert ENELL, (b.16.) med. cand., lieutenant Gilbert Murray, Gustaf Hoff, Sissela Wachtmeister, Carl Gustaf af Béve, (UD) fru Eva Wöhler, lieutenant Carl Tersmeden.
(In July 1940, pro-German, General Archibald Douglas, and from the Swedish legation in Berlin, the navy-attaché Anders Forshell, the military-attaché Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, and the Air force attaché, colonel * Harald ENELL, was invited of the German Great admiral to visit, the occupied Belgium, France, Brussels, Seebrügge, Ostende, Dunker-que, Calais, Boulogne, Le Havre, Cherbourg och Paris. Forshell´s report mirrored his general pro-German attitude, of Nazigermany, and Juhlin-Dannfeldt, wrote a 28 pages report, where he praised the German Wehrmacht for their exemplary conduct. »- – -www./BS. (It was rumoured that Harald Enell had an unusual high grade, Lt Colonel, to serve as air force attaché, and from 1941, later he became head of the Aeroklubben, in Sweden.)
( » Colonel Harald ENELL , The Aeroklubben », was member of Per Engdahl´s , Swedish Nazi party,): Svensk opposition, founded 1941, a pro-German, Nazi party for the upper classes.
Per Anger´s friend Herbert ENELL, medicine .cand., 1939, med.lic. 1945, was in charge of the Swedish´s trainhospital » column » from August 1941 -may, 1943, – 32.000 Ger-man ,(General E.Dietl´s / 20. Gebirgsarmée) badly wounded/sick soldiers from the Ger-man front against the Soviet Union, (Murmansk) from: August 1941 to May 1943, 32.000 patients, transported through Sweden over Haparanda to German occupied Nor-way hospitals, at Oslo or Narvik. Herbert Enell was the first medical/medicine instance, to judge the conditions of the German soldiers, sick/wounded or with cold injuries.
Doctor Herbert ENELL and the doctor Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, and the vicar Wilhelm Ryd-berg,Haparanda wrote 63 detailed reports of this transports, (August 10,1941-May 16,1943) for to later claim the German legation, the costs. Sweden took care of the German need of hospitalcare, in the war. (Princesse Sibylle handed out « Liebesgaben » to SS-Totenkopf regiments, and Wehrmacht, November 1941, at the Haparanda station. An estimated amount of 100.000 days of healthcare were carried out of Swedish person-nel.)
(The Swedish Red Cross transported September-December 1941, ca 5.000 wounded Germans, from Finnish Kemi, and ca 7.200 patients inside Finland, around Kemi. SRK even drove to Petsamo, (600 km) Uleåborg, and Hangö to pick up patients.(Lars-Gustaf Uggla´s father was: Navy captain E.Axel G:son Uggla, 1888-1946, in the same batch of navy captains, as: Calissendorff, Angelin, Egon Ternberg, Gösta Ehrensvärd.) (Anger knew some of them)
Here the Swedish Red Cross and the Train/Tross regiment (T1/Linköping), organised medical care, with Swedish and German trainsets, through Sweden to Oslo or Narvik. The Red cross became subordinated to the German forces in Finland(1940-1944), and carried out transports even from Finland, over Kemi/Tornio /Haparanda. (Many Finnish wounded also got health care in Sweden). Some German wounded, had even medical care in Sweden.(Boden/Älvsbyn). Both the Swedish army and the Red Cross, served the NaziGermany´s need of serious wounded soldiers war health care.
« – – – Dr Herbert ENELL concluded, with great satisfaction, that the German Wehrmacht Supreme Commander in Norway, Col. General Nikolaus von FALKENHORST, seemed to be very pleased with the Swedish hospital care , and commented this with appreciation.
Prince CARL in the Swedish Red Cross,(SRK) pointed to the German satisfaction with the Swedish Red Cross personnel. Doctor Herbert Enell, should make the first selection of the worst wounded patients. » – – – When guest at Per Anger´s wedding 1943, June, dr Enell had served two years assisting the German Wehrmacht, in this « as secret as poss-ible », the media were silent, the undertaking, ended 1943, (after Stalingrad) as most of the German military railway transports through Sweden. (But re-opened from Finland, during the Autumn , the final German retreat, 1944) (Source: Sjuktransporter från norra Finland, 1941-1943/ Sven Hellström / 2003 (Pdf)
(First train July,13, 1941: 249 wounded, and 33 Swedish personnel, from Haparanda -Krylbo-Örebro-Arvika-Charlottenberg-Oslo) (The First weeks, August 4 -September 24, 1941, 25 hospitaltrains passed by the city Arvika, 14 German, 10 Swedish, 1 Norwegian, in all 5.906 German patients. Up to New Year, 1941/1942, 14.237 patients passed the border checkpoint at Charlottenberg. July 1941-June, 1942, about 19.500 from Torneå, most to Oslo, and most in German trains.) (Source :www)
But what knew Per Anger about (even) this Swedish assistance to the German warefforts, against the Soviet Union ? Nothing ? As Anger « de facto » was in charge of the Swedish legation,1942-1945, and the diplomatic protection power for the the Soviet Union, in Hungary, a mission Sweden was heavy criticized of, by the Russians, 1944/ 1945, for negligence.
Perhaps,that´s why Ivan Danielsson, assigned the Russianborn (Belgian citizen), Michail Kutozov-TOLSTOY, and wife to visit the Hungarian Komarom fortress (at Danube) PoW-camp, to organise medical healthcare, for Soviet PoWs, during the Soviet siege of Buda-pest, 1944, and issued a special warrant for him, to first meet the Red army, (November 4, 1944), but perhaps of his hospital´s localisation in Budapest.This for preventing furt-her Soviet complaints – or ?
« – – – Due to the Soviet´s NKVD-protocol, major, Muchortov, when in February 1944, a anonymous source, claimed that the Swedish Budapest-legation´s hostile attitude aga-inst the Soviet Union, been disclosed when he asked Ivan Danielsson of permission to fur-nish the Soviet Pows, in Hungary, with, medicine, clothes, food. Danielsson, rejected this, in spite Sweden, being protection power, for Russia. « Such measures was in vain », for « Ivan » due to Ivan Danielsson, because the Soviets executed, all personnel returning from captivity.- – -) (From SvD 1990)
(But Danielsson rejected even in a letter to the UD, June 25, 1944, to support the Swe-dish Red Cross in Budapest, V. Langlet, to receive about 1 million crowns for assisting the Jews, through the American Joint, unknown to the Langlet´s couple in SRK, whom must beg of contributions from private Hungarian circles. (Klas Åmark. 2016)
Was Per Anger implicated in this ? Or did he cared only of the free-wheeling, Dutch PoWs, in Budapest, with money, and support, working at the Swedish legation, as van der Waals, sometimes with forgery of ID-cards ? (Most allied PoW´s were arrested by April 7, 1944, of the Germans: 812 Frenchmen, 5.450 Polish, 39 English, 11 Americans 16 Belgian, 12 Dutch and 180 Soviet PoWs./ Source:M.D. Fenyo 1972)
The Soviets complaints maybe motivated, especially when comparing that the Swedish army/Red Cross´s in fact merged, with NaziGermany, in the medical caretaking of the bloodied German Wehrmacht, from the German/Finnish front, 1941-1943. The doc- tors in charge of this service, Herbert Enell, (and Lars-Gustaf Uggla), sorting wounded /sick Wehrmacht/WSS-soldiers, were both Per Anger´s old paramilitary friends, since 1931, and weddingguest, when Anger married 1943.
In Hungary, at the Komarom old fortress, 1944, the Swedish military attaché Lt.Col. Harry WESTER, visited, before October, 16, he called the maltreated, starved Soviet PoWs : » Wild animals ! » But the Swedish legation claimed their reason to stay in Budapest, and not follow Szalaszi government to Sopron, (because legations must stay where the government stay), but was to assist as protection power, the the Soviet PoWs, and the Jews.
1943 : September, 26: Torsten KREUGER`S son, Carl, (in Raoul´s calendar April 1944) visited Hungary with a delegation of Swedish journalists, (most from pro-German, Right party newspapers, and Torsten Kreuger´s Aftonbladet.) a propagandatrip, from Sept-ember 26, 1943, when *Per ANGER received this group, in Budapest.
The journalists : Carl Kreuger /Aftonbladet, Kerstin Wijkmark, * Erik WÄSTBERG = editor of the pro-German, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, father of the author *Per WÄSTBERG, the au-thor of the memorial plaque at/of the Raoul Wallenberg (Memory) Square/Stockholm), Sven Hansson, Elis Andersson, Knud Bolander, Bertil Svanström and Nils HORNEY, living at the Hotel Palatinus. The Hungarian pressbureau: Stefan (Istvan) BEDE ,dr. Geza LUBY. (They even went to Eastern Hungary due to Anger, to the Teleki-institute, met foreign minister Ghyczy, Ivan Danielsson, pm., Miklos Kallay and visited the region/cities: Transsylvania Nagyvarad, Koloszvar, Marosvasarhely. This places were all annexed by Hungary from Romania, 1940, through German support.
Perhaps the visit was coordinated with even separate surrendering talks, (in Turkey) and Raoul Wallenberg´s coincidental business visit, 1943 September/October. On Septem-ber 18, 1943, Mrs. (Antal) Ullein-Reviczky (British born: Lovice Louisa Grace Ullein-Rev-iczky née Cumberbatch) noted in her diary: « – Went to Balogh’s for luncheon. Met Mr. Wallenberg – old Mrs. Wallenberg’s grandson who is on business here. Very charming. » /S. Berger/.
– – – » Laszlo VERESS, the Hungarian emissary to the British diplomats and SOE -field-office in Turkey 1943, age 34, was too young and not promoted, could not be suspected of being in charge with the Hungarian pm Kallay´s separate surrender talks. Veress used most to go to Lisboa, as courier, but now in January, 1943,after Stalingrad, he met, Count Ciano, and Ribbentrop´s, German diplomat, Otto von Bismarck, » with Europe´s most beatiful wife » (must be Ivar Tengbom´s daughter Ann-Marie BISMARCK, (marr. 1928).
March 6, Veress went to Istanbul, got two SOE-radios, back home to Budapest, living at the Garas utca. Then back to Istanbul, August 28, to meet the British minister Hugh Knatchbull-Hugessen, September 9, on a yacht at the Marmara sea.
Churchill and Eden knew about this, sounderings. But the British wanted a (1.)signed letter from Kallay or his government, to confirm, the agreement, and such letter was difficult, to deliver. (2.) A letter from a Hungarian official abroad to a UK official. (3.) Hungarian implementation of the British proposals, as sabotage etc. (Source: Laura-Louise Veress : (1995) Clear the line » : Hungary’s struggle to leave the Axis during the Second World War.) So there was a need of a secret courier from Hungary, September 1943, but unknown.
(Carl Kreuger / Travellers club: Stockholm : (Svd) March 12, 1942 / Lecture by jur. cand Carl Kreuger: « A visit in the world´s youngest state ». (Croatia)
From Craig McKay´s Excerpts: » Cover for Horney’s mission was arranged by having him included in a deputation of Swedish newspaper people invited to Budapest by the Hungarian Government. Apart from HORNEY, the deputation included Rickard Lindström of Socialdemokraten and Carl KREUGER of Aftonbladet. (** From the visit 1943 Septem-ber, of course Carl Kreuger then had a Hungarian experience, and published one article, in Aftonbladet in October.)
(Nils HORNEY was then recruited by Roy PEEL/U.S./OSS-agent, and before departure, a dinner at the restaurant Cattelin, in Stockholm, when Horney must memorize important Hungarian names, and one question, to the Hungarian representants: – Are you prep-ared to fight against the Germans, and become partisans ?.
(The journalists, met in Budapest- – – Hungarian Social Democrats, notably Karoly Peyer, Anna Kethly and the editor of Nepzava, Arpad Szakasits; his interpreter, Nana Hajduk; the Peasant Leader, Zoltan Tildy, (The Smallholders Party) and the Jewish magnate, Baron Kornfeld. Of all the political leaders, Horney spoke too, only Tildy was prepared to wage a partisan war against the Germans.- – –
This visit, was of course a possibility to exchange information, with Per ANGER espec-ially with Nils Horney (with an OSS-mision), implicated, perhaps Raoul was even present in Budapest, 1943, this weeks, but this visits haven´t been mentioned, put in context, with each other, or with the British/Hungarian separate surrender talks. Did Raoul even met Carl Kreuger, as he met him April 14, 1944, in Stockholm ? Was Raoul´s alleged contact with Cyrus CHESHIRE / British SIS-agent at the British legation, Stockholm, during August, 1943, (C.McKay), implicated ?
1943: March: Per Anger became friend of the engineer-student, and slalom skier, in Hungary, Georg LIBIK, (b.19). His father Albert Lipik, inventor, had tight contacts with the German war efforts industry. Libik´s mother of Jewish origin. Georg Libik was well in contact with the MFM leader, Albert Szent-Györgi, and married his daughter Nelly, in May 1944.
1944: August, Per Anger, meeting Iver Olsen and Herschel Johnson, « off record », in Stockholm, August, and served as « cut-out » to Raoul in Budapest, as even Thorsten Akrell /C-buraeu UD-courier, delivered the two « OSS »-radios to Budapest, (with his wife, neé Alrutz.) where he probably even met Raoul, September 17, 1944. Without the Swedish Foreign department´s knowledge.
1944: Per Anger protected the Nobel prize laureate, (1937) issued Swedish citizenship, for Albert SZENT-GYÖRGI, in the MFM, (and even Georg Libik, sought protection in Budapest) , and could be housed in the Finnish legation´s house, and in the village Enying, Balaton, the Swedish evacuation house.
Libik, claims he personally suggested, to ANGER to talk, with the Budapest, Hungarian commander, Lt.General, Ivan HINDY to declare Budapest an « Open City », in what Per Anger took part with the Neutrals.) This due to Libik´s memoires: Per Anger should have offered Swedish passport for Hindy´s family, and Napoleonic gold-coins, to bribe Hindy. But Hindy rejected this. (« Napoleonic gold-coins », Catherine Schandl, mention in her book: The Swedish gold, Harry Wester).
(Anger mentions this visits in his book, 1979, he met General Ivan Hindy, but nothing about passports and goldbribes.) (** But in December 1944, the only possible action for the Neutrals protection of Jews, were through appealing to the German and Hungarian military commanders, bribing them with food, passports, perhaps values.)
1945: April 18: Per ANGER arrived home to Sweden, with the Swedish legation, lead by Ivan Danielsson, « in all 14 persons ». Missing people: Raoul Wallenberg.
1946 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish legation, Cairo, Egypt, Ivan Danielsson´s former assignment, to 1942.
1950: Februari :Per Anger conducted 1950, an official UD-inquest, about how to block/ mining the (Öre)Sound together with the Danish navy, in a presumed war case with the Soviet Union, but his proposals weren´t approved, and later an expert, (Neutrality com-mission 1994) as against the rules of neutrality. /Den dolda alliansen (Nato) M.Holm-ström 2012) (Helge Ljung was Supreme commander/ÖB to 1951)
1950: June 9: Olof ANGELIN, Navy commander (b.88.) Navy attache Copenhagen/Oslo 1934-1937, Paris, Haag, 1943-1947, Washington: married his (step)daughter Made-leine, with the Italian count, Carlo Emanuele Bodo di ALBARETTO, Rome.
(Angelin married 1930, Marianne von Essen, (b.94) who was married Per Ando Wikström, who died 1925, an uncle to Per Anger´s wife Elena, her father N.A. Wikström, captain/ cavalry, and Italian-borned mother Corinne Autenrieth. Marianne married 2nd with Olof Angelin.) Guests: Captain Nils Holmberg, Claes af Geijerstam, Lennart Angelin, * Per ANGER, Angelin´s youngest daughter Elisabeth, and as usual the singer Åke Collett.
(This Italian Count C. E. Bodo d’ Albaretto, participated as capitano in the Mussolini´s: Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia /CSIR, Italian 8th Army, in the German Barbarossa attack 1941, of the Soviet Union, July(!), 1941, » 35° Corpo d’Armata – Div. Celere – 3° Artiglieria a cavallo. » First against the city Stalino (today Donetsk(!)) and then occupying the Odessa-district, 1941. But early 1943 this Italian army, was completely routed by the Red army around Stalingrad, together with the Romanians, and the Hungarian 2nd. army, big disasters for the Axis powers. The Italian casualities of ARMIRA: Of 235.000 men, 85.000 KIA/MIA, 35.000 wounded.)
1955 – 1961 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish embassy in Vienna, Austria, (before that in Paris, France.)
1953 : February: The Right´s party,/Högerpartiets conference : at Norrköping: Among 20 participants, general Helge JUNG, and man.dir. * Folke ANGER, Per Anger´s uncle.
1957 : January : George LIBIK ,(b.19) engineer, Anger´s driver, one of Raoul´s person-nel « , 1944-1945,defected from Hungary after taking part of the uprise, 1956, in Buda-pest, contacted, and got assistance of Per Anger (Vienna) to Sweden 1957, and later had an employment at the Statens provningssanstalt .( The couples Libik, were later accused of being spies, of Guillou/Bratt , for the Socialdemocrat party, Tage Erlander, 1968, and the IB, in the IB-affair, 1973. /source http://www./FiB-Kulturfront./
1958: 14/9: Guests at the Westgerman (BRD) chancellor Konrad ADENAUER`S CDU-partycongress in Kiel, for the Right party/ Högerpartiet: General Helge JUNG and Folke ANGER, Per´s Uncle.
1973: October, André LIBIK, George Libik´s brother, movie/ tv-producer, came to Sweden, to meet the SVTman -Frank Hirschfelt, to interview higher Swedish officials about the IB-affair, for the Süddeutsche Rundfunk…. but not allowed)
1979 : Anger published his memoires, from Budapest, after retirement.
1981: Anger writes foreword to Georg Libik´s biographical book.
David Anger´s brother , Folke ANGER, b.1906-1966, Per´s uncle was in the Right party(Högerpartiet), since the 1920s, later in the party´s working executive. 1932-1936 employed at the AB Osram-Elektraverken, 1937, salesmanager. (Osram, a German com-pany, affiliation in Sweden, 1928, became 1930, the AB Osram-Elektraverken, but con-fiscated 1945/46 of the Safehaven/ Flyktkapitalbyrån.)
(But the Edward HENKE`S the AB Osram-Elektraverken was on the Allieds » Proclaimed blocked certain nationals » from 1941-1945, as the Svenska försäljnings AB ORION, two companies associated with the the Anger´s. The Hungarian Gamma -Werke´s blue-prints for anti-aircraft distance instruments was translated of the Hungarian engineer in Sweden, since 1935, Gabor Tolnai,(Arago AB) and produced of the Gerhard Arehn´s Mekaniska verkstad (later ARENCO) in Stockholm, Alströmergatan no. 20, within a 100 meters from Svenska Orion, at the Svarvargatan no. 14.
But why had Per ANGER, 25 years, some contacts,with Vilmos Forgacs, and the Orion/ Tungsram company, (Source I.Carlberg: 8 months during their establishing, the first years of th 1930s.), of a radioindustry affiliation in Sweden, (Ungarische Wolframlamp-enfabrik AG/Orion Svenska Orion försäljn. AB.) at Stockholm/ Södertälje: 1935-1965 ).
Maybe, a business-contact through his uncle, Folke ANGER, former officer/captain, (I15) and just seven years older,(b.06) and since 1932 at the German-owned company in Sweden, AB Osram-Elektraverken, and 1937 sales manager there. (AEG and SIEMENS merged 1919, to OSRAM)
* Folke ANGER was in fact married with the AB OSRAM-Elektra, boss´s Edvard Henke´s daughter Sigrun 1933, May 21, a grandiose wedding in the Storkyrkan, Stockholm, with military guard of honour. Guests: löjtnant Gerhard Quennerstedt, Jerker Henke,(f. 02. married 1932, prof. S.Velanders daughter, 1943 in the Stockholm Homeguard/I1) löjt-nant Gerald Hamilton, löjt. S. Djurberg, N. Stahre, Anders Hammarsjö,. dir. J.S. Edström (ASEA), löjt. A. Åhmansson, Sigurd Curman, Öv. A. von Arbin, Överste G.Salander, Hjör-dis Nordin-Tengbom, (then divorced from Ivar T., who wed Madeleine Douglas, 1931.) **Ann-Marie BISMARCK, / a daughter of Ivar Tengbom, married the nazidiplomat Otto von Bismarck/London/Rome ) the Baron H. Mörner and wife ,( must be Hampus Mörner, his daughter Birgit, married Filip Anger,Per´s uncle.) dir. N.E- Borgqvist, bank-dir. R. Julin, prof. S. Velander, och D. Nerman, Claes ANGER,(b.27), Per´s younger brother, as page, maybe even Per and Jan ANGER was present.
(Ivar Tengbom, the architect, drew Villa Henke, at Saltsjöbaden, at the Solsidan/ Ersta-viken. Ester and Edvard Henke were close friends of Ivar Tengboms, and knew and support Carl Milles./ Tengbom´s son, Anders, architect, visited even U.S. and Milles, about the same time as Raoul, 1930s. ).
(1942: June 20: Gösta Hagströmer married Ingvor Barthen, guests,: Birgitta Tengbom – Carl (Robert) Fredrik von. Horn, (b.10) brother of Knut. v. Horn, (Res.officer/ I1). (Daug-hter of Ivar Tengbom, and guest: Raoul Wallenberg.)
H. Edvard Henke, (b.1874-1946 ) 70 years old : 1944, congratulations from Dir. H.(erbert) ROHRER (1901-1991) : (Man. dir. OSRAM in Germany, 1940-1945, then in U.S.Army war criminal ,PoW-camp Landsberg, 1945, then in the Waldheim-process. ) Guests: Colonel F.Lovén, Sigurd Erixon, S. Curman, Birger Nerman.
(Henke in the board of ASEA 1911—1921, (STAL/Turbines) 1916—1921, Liljeholmens kabelverk 1916—1921, m fl. bolag, founded ab Elektraverken 1917,man. dir there/in the board 1917—1930, in the board Sveriges allm. exportfören (the Exportassociation) 1920- 1944 generalkonsul of Latvia, 1929—1939, man. dir., board of the Osram-Elektraverken, 1930—1941.
Chairman in the Osram-Elektraverken´s board was ASEA:s man.dir.(vd) J. Sigfrid EDSTRÖM to 1939. In Germany the AEG companies and Siemens merged into one enterprise (bulblamps)1919, the OSRAM. Henke became associated with his Elektra-verken, 1930 to the Osramkoncernen named AB Osram-Elektraverken. 1946, the company was during administration, of Iver Olsen´s Safehaven/and the Flyktkapital-byrån,
Tungsram in Hungary had since many years, produced for their army,(Honved) radio-sets, cables, and perhaps(!) Svenska Orion AB had some production/deliveries, in Sweden for military purposes,(at least 1932) as even the Hungarian Gamma /Juhasz bros. /Arenco AB in Sweden produced anti-aircraft distance measuring sets, applied to the Swedish Bofors-gun. (First delivery, to Sweden 1936) Even the Jungner-bolagen company, sold batteries, NiFe, and other military gears, in Hungary. (N.V. Philips (Lole Smit/MI6) had own a substantial part of the Tungsram, where Raoul, recruited his staff 1944, Hugo Wohl, and V. Forgacs. )S.Berger, 2010)
When the Swedish legation arrived to Stockholm, 1945 with the ship Arcturus, April 18, the minister Ivan Danielsson claimed : « We are in all, 14 persons. » (1.) Danielsson (2.) Anger (3.) Berg (4.) Ekemark (5.) Mezey (6.) Carlsson (7.) Bauer (8-11.) Bela Fenyi & wife, two sons Kjell and Björn (12.), mrs Burder (13.) mr Margel (14.) Asta Nilsson.= those are the 14.
Birgit Brulin and her fiancé Bela Galantay, engineer at the Gamma-Werke, are not men-tioned, of Danielsson.But due to Ingrid Carlberg (2012), Danielsson ordered Brulin, to go home to Sweden, in the beginning of December, 1944. (Perhaps Galantay, as Hungarian Gamma-engineer, but Swedish citizen, could have faced serious problems with the Russians.)
(As early as 1935, there stayed an Hungarian engineer, Gabor Tolnai, inventing anti-aircraft distance measuring ,the « centralinstrument » at the Arehns/Arenco,he trans-lated Gamma-Werke produced blueprints , the Hungarian invention » Rapportoskop ».) The Svenska Orion´s and Arehn´s mekaniska verkstad,(Arenco) Stockholm-locations, within 100 meters distance. Some electronic devices were in the mechanical instrument, but unknown if they had some type of cooperation. Gabor Tolnai was anyway employed at the Arenco AB, 1939-1949, with this military production.
The Gamma-Werke industry, produced defencemateriel in Sweden, in cooperation with the Arenco AB (Juhasz) AB. The Gamma-industry was since 1930s deep involved in the Swedish defenceindustry. The Gamma-engineer Bela Galantay, stayed at the Swedish legation, engaged June,24 1944, with Brulin, in November 5, he stayed at the legation 1944, but probably, he went with Birgit Brulin, to Sweden in beginning December.
(Istvan Juhasz , head of the Gamma-Werke was arrested in Budapest, March 1948.)
Brulins lived at Bromma/ Ulvsunda, Stockholm. Something with radios there ? Yes, well-known, the STANDARD RADIO AB, since 1938,(affiliation and/of owned by ITT/United States.) produced for the military, field radios, army (Ra.-type), and beginning of 1960s, the comprehensive Stril-system for the Air force, air-war guidance. Some hundreds meter from Galantay´s adress, at the Ståltrådsvägen, unthought, a short walk to the work. I´m banking on that Bela worked there, from 1945/46, but unconfirmed.
Probably Brulin didn´t received a medal of merit, (Vasa) 8 cl., 1945, November 15, as P. Anger/ M.Bauer / G. Carlsson,(at the Hague-legation), probably because she left early in December,1944 before the Battle of Budapest. (But even Lars Berg was not mentioned then.) Per Anger mention Brulin, in his memoires and publish a copy of the Swedish legation´s certification of Birgit Brulin, in Russian, but even Anger doesn´t mentions that the couple, arrived, December, 1944, to Sweden – probably without any public attention.
Margareta BAUER served postwar, as tourist guide, for bustourists going to the con-tinent, from 1948-1949, at the Linjebuss. During the period of 1959-1970, Bauer served as clerk at the Swedish general consulate in Stuttgart, and Julius HAGANDER (b.01) (Consul from 1942 in Mannheim)
Fredrik. DARDEL´s diary 1961: » The two Justice advisers of the Svea hovrätt (court of appeal),(Johan) GYLLENSVÄRD and Santesson, had criticized Dardels, through a state-ment required by the Primeminister Tage Erlander,(1960) in March and discussed even in April. The statement doubted if Raoul had been alive after Stalin´s death, 1953, and was not appreciated by Dardels, as being part of a planned letter to the Soviet party-secretary, N.S. Chrustjev. They asked (Sverker) « Åström », of an advice, but he had no second opinions, than the statement´s. Probably it never was published.
Johan Gyllensvärd (b.16)., (jur cand)., Uppsala 1940, Svea hovrätt 1960-1964, married 1944 July, , Ingegerd BAUER (b.21) (phil.cand) a younger sister of Margareta Bauer. Of no or any significance unknown, in the Wallenberg-case.
« – – – Bauer married 1982, Tor OLSSON, head of the Barnängens AB´s affiliation,(chemicals/ hygiene) in Berlin 1939-1945, (owned by Harald Nordenson), and Bauer served as typist at the Swedish legation(UD) /Berlin, 1939, when first meeting Olson. But the wedding, 1982, was not acci-dental, it was Per Anger, as common friend who bringed them together. »- – – (Obituary 2013).
Libik met Per Anger and Raoul in Budapest, in december 1944. His first wife 1944, was Nelly, the daughter of Albert Szent-Györgi. Libik claimed he met Raoul in Budapest, in December 1944, in * Harvey Rosenfelds book : Raoul Wallenberg (1995). – – – Albert Szent-Györgi, stayed with Per Anger, at the Buda-side, and around Christmas, Georg Libik, joined. under the pseudonym Bela Ratkovsky. (as Anger´s driver)- » It was one night after 22.00, when Wallenberg showed up at Anger´s apartment. He looked like a student, with red scarf and black winter coat. He was bareheaded and looked very pale. Libik first thought that Raoul mist be some sort of lunatic. He must be mad, it´s suicidal to be out so late at night, with all Arrow Cross roaming the streets. Raoul and Anger went to a corner and began conversing in low tones. A massacre was risked at the Ben-czur street, and Anger asked Libik to drive Raoul, to stop that, and he did, Libik waiting in his car. »- – –
Libik claimed he met Raoul even January 17, 1945: « – I´m going to meet the Russians and have money with me, to help the Jews. Later Libik, think 1980, that this was naïve, » as no one could expect the Russians to do something positive, and humanitarian.Raoul seemed calm, but look thin and exhausted
Albert Szent-Györgi, had after the German invasion, been protected and stayed in Sept-ember in the Swedish protection house at the Balatonlake. As a Nobel-laureate, became Swedish citizen, but was a leader of the Hungarian resistancemovement, the MFM.
But Libik, claims he even had contacts with the: « Peace Party », after 1942, the banned Hungarian Communist party´s frontorganisation, founded of Janos KADAR, one of the few resistance groups in Hungary, what so ever, then due to Libik. (Zoltan Schönherz, probably a member.)
But when reading Libik´s own short biography, translated « abstracts » from his own book, in Hungarian: « Rapport från störtloppet » , (1981) another picture appears. He then never met Raoul, that last day, January, 17, 1945, for some minutes. Libik had a Jewish mother, and his father Albert Libik, was an successful inventor, with business for the German war effort, and they lived in the more well-to-do, Roszadomb, neigbor-hoods in Budapest, close to the Swedish legation.
Libik, studying at the Budapest Technical Highschool, met Per Anger already, 1943, March, during a slalom,ski-competition. They started to socialize, and did physical training together. (There was an official, Swedish architecture exhibition, during April 14, 1943, ca at this school, with Ivan Danielsson present.)
The same year , 1943, Libik had received a scholarship to study gasturbines in Sweden, the Ljungström´s AB, STAL, owned of ASEA, perhaps this was a Per ANGER initiative ? Unknown. (But STAL, later offered to construct gasturbines for the Swedish air craft production). But the German invasion, 1944 changed this, Libik stayed at home. (In May, 1944, his mother died of household gas, probably, selfinflicted for fear of deportation, as many others, and Libik became hardened.)
Libik met Albert Szent-Györgi the same time,with his young daughter Nelly and married her in May, 1944. Szent-Györgi, was a leader in the: National Independent Resistance, (MFM) and was implicated in his own unofficial » separate » separate surrender-talks in Turkey, 1943, a mission from the pm Miklos Kallay, with the British legation, but in February, 7.
1959, George Libik, and another Hungarian refugee in Sweden, DARDAI approached the UD, and Dardai claimed he met a compatriot, former POW in Russia, Horvath, in knock-ing-contact with Raoul, but UD didn´t show interest. 1961 Libik met even Fredrik Dardel and told him this.
But Gellert Kovacs doesn´t mention Georg Libik in his study of resistance people around Wallenberg. How come ? Perhaps because Libik took part of the Hungarian uprising 1956, October, and during the 1960s with his wife, was accused of spying for the Soc-ialdemocrat party, pm., Tage ERLANDER, and the IB, 1968 in Prague. This information became public during the IB-case, 1973/ FiB-Kulturfront/www.
1973: November 5, Expressen, the SVT-man (Public TV) Frank Hirschfeldt should help a West-german TV-journalist André LIBIK, Süddeutsche Rundfunk, to interview Swedish officials about the IB-affair. They only wanted to answer on written questions, printed in Exp-ressen.. But in fact this reporter,André was Georg Libik´s brother. How come ? This fact, seemed unknown in the article Frank Hirschfelt wrote in Expressen. André Libik´s questions were never answered of any Swedish official, and they seems no doubt, « intrusive », not only in 1973, about Sweden´s contacts with foreign intelligence, (Shin Beth) and her foreign policy in case of war, (WP vs Nato) etc. I mean this visit during the heights of conflict in the Swedish IB-case, 1973, seems strange, why André Libik ?
One of George Libik´s « scoopes » were informations about the looming Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968, (August) already in June/July. Libik then met Ota Sik, in the Czech government. The SAP-leader Tage Erlander, gave the information to the IB, and later the SAP won that election, much thanks to the invasion, (they had knowledge about.) Libik was claimed using information, recorded from personal meetings with key persons, and then black-mailing, for more informations.
His 2nd wife Maria Glempa-Libik, with very good contacts in the higher partycircles, in Hungary,and relatives, served IB, very well. Later Maria Libik, was sent to Egypt, of IB, spying in some cooperation with Israel, 1970, bombtargets, during the war of attrition, but then not known of the SAP. Jan Guillou happened to meet her there, at a hotel, in Cairo, and claimed she was infiltrating the Egyptian air force, as « honey trap » for an Egyptian officer. Guillou claimed her to be » Sweden´s most dangerous spy » but Maria Libik, denied that. She claimed, was just divorced from Georg, then on judicial separ-ation, and had then traveled to Egypt. But as the author P.O.ENQUIST asked:, 1973: Why didn´t the Libik´s sue Guillou and Bratt, the journalists » ?
But Libik received even research funds/scholarships from the state, 1963, 1965, for » Research about the scientific research and higher education » and published surveys of scientific research in Eastern Europe, and to translate his book : « The Hungarian Exo-dus »,but seems not published. The one-man « cover » company the: Forskningsprodukter AB was Georg Libik´s , with the same address as his house at the Seglarvägen 13, Lidingö./www. Fib-Kulturfront. 1973.
26:(2016) : THE JUNGS AND ANGER :
1944, September, Budapest, an imagined evening chat, during a late supper at the Swe-dish Hungarian legation, up on the Budapest hills, at the Gyopar utca 8, with the best overlook of the Danube-city. Present: Raoul Wallenberg, Per Anger, Lars Berg, Yngve Ek-mark, Göte Carlsson. Then for some weeks, the situation was slightly calmer, just before the Szálasi-coup again endangered the Jews. (Based on some real facts, but of course, here a “true fiction”, for the sake of variety.)
(Some of these people, had the SS-colonel, Adolf Eichmann, for dinner, later, Autumn 1944, something the Swedish historian, professor Klas Åmark, doubts, in his new book about the Neutral´s rescuemission in Budapest,1944: Förövarna bestämmer villkoren : Raoul Wallenberg och de internationella hjälpaktionerna i Budapest.- Bonniers, 2016. Realistic reading./Swedish.)
Raoul: – ” Do you remember those two Swedish airforce pilots, in the Swedish Volonteer corps, in Finland, of 1940, January, the 2nd lt Arne Jung and lt Sterner? They crashed with their B-4 Hawker Harts, in the air, with each other, during a raid against Soviet ground-and airforces, at the Määrkajärvi lake, in the Salla-region, bailed out, but beca-me prisoners of war, in the Soviet Union.
“- The Air commander col. Beckhammar (“F19″), Major Winge and me, in the Home-guard, welcomed them back home when they were repatriated, in June, 1940. They had spent three hard months in Russian camps, with tough interrogations, I wonder then, well as many others, perhaps they were forced to be Soviet agents ? ”
Per: – ” I don´t know – always such a risk or suspicions, in war, but all that personnel must observe silence, for 50 years, and first they had to leave the Swedish defence. Since my own younger brother Jan, crashed, you know, as airforce trainee-pilot,1936, I remember even this very well. First they were reported as killed-in-action, and even Marshal Mannerheim condolenced officially. In fact they survived, the crash, but unkno-wn for months in Sweden. -”
But did you know that Arne Jung, is the son of mr Torsten Jung, engineer, the head of the Svenska tändsticks AB, (STAB), former right hand of Ivar Kreuger, in Sweden, you know he condolenced the deceased Torsten Hallerström, the STAB head here in Buda-pest in August. In fact I know his brother, now the Swedish present superior comm-ander, since January, the General Helge Jung, since the 1930s, since he took part in my brother´s funeral, then.
Raoul: – Yes, I know that Torsten Jung, served for Kreuger in STAB, and his son Arne Jung´s kinship. I´m going to meet Hallerström´s son Jr, later, who´s staying here. So, Per, you have contacts even with the ÖB Jung, not that bad… Baron von Drachenfels who joined our partycircles, with the Hagströmers and von Platens, told us all about Ivar Kreuger, he was his handsecretary to last day, March 1932, and as editor of the Finans-tidningen, he gives us many economic advices.
As far as I know Helge Jung married a rich woman, Ruth Wehtje, her Ernst, father in the cement industry, more need of today than arms, or, she´s sister of Walter Wehtje, head of the Reserve storage board/Statens reservförrådsnämnd, an institution I some-times serving, in connection with the Meropa AB business, with France and Hungary, but that´s an official secret. ”
Per: – ” Well, I was even guest when General Jung´s daughter Karin was married, 1939. A real nice party. Even I, as commercial attaché had tight contacts with Walter Wehtje in order to reach our well needed contracts with the Hungarian market, the compensation trade, for deliveries of food, oil, and more, all those Tungsram bulbs and Orion radio sets, not the least, but today Germany takes control of most of the Hungarian export-products, for her last-ditch war efforts, when Hungary lost remaining possible indep-endence, left, since 1940.
-” There is even a problematic re-exporting from Sweden of German goods, not appre-ciated by the Allies, not only our own export to the Axis powers, don´t mention those last SKF ball-bearings, falling in German hands, and Hungary still producing both air-crafts and engines for Luftwaffe, and Hungary. They knew that the Allied´s “Air front” should reach, them after Germany been razed to the ground, when possible, especially after the German invasion, in March. That´s why the British RAF, and U.S. bombing raids against the Weiss-Csepel factories, and Györ, so we must protect ourselves, the legation and the rescuemission, but even report to Stockholm, the airwar damages, when targ-eting Budapest.
Per: – ” And Raoul… – Please take good care, not a word about that you are not only a Swedish 3rd UD-secretary, as “cover”, but even employed by WRB/of United States lega-tion at Stockholm, to support the Jews, against the rules for diplomatic personnel. Think the Hungarians can´t take that…just now, when the bombs are raining, on their heads and roofs, think some 10-15.000 civilians been victims, so far. They blame the Jews, we should protect. (* A prof. Klas Åmark-remark/2016)
Raoul: – ” My Meropa AB delivered a big order of manual drilling machines, from the ASEA, early 1943, gears probably to be used in production of the fighter Me/Bf airplanes from the Manfred Weiss-combinate at Csepel Island, perhaps those two-engine, fighters we sometimes can hear over the city, and I know that the U.S. legation,since years, don´t appreciate the Swedish policy, and our ironore, products, falling down over their GI´s and British Tommies, the Allied forces, now during the D-Day invasion.Swedens dile-mma, perhaps our secret WRB-mission here, anyway can save our postwar relations with the Allies….but how to handle the Russians ? Maybe we can contact them, in time,
we got our immunity as Swedish diplomats….
Per: – ” Raoul, remember, we are the diplomatic protection power, for the Soviet´s inter-ests, here, and citizens, but we´re not allowed to get into direct contact with them, if the Red army presumably arrived here in a some months. The Russians are enough suspicious of Sweden so far, staying in Budapest in this late phase of the war, for only their cause, and the persecuted Jews, they may wonder, with all that Swedish flags on the protected houses, the Red cross plates, you know the Finnish Axis legation had to leave last week, we ´re going to protect and use their building,soon. ”
Yngve: – ” Come on, Torsten Jung is my boss in Sweden, at STAB /Jönköping, and here Arne Jung was born, I know Torsten very well, since I served in Zagreb, Croatia, we have sometimes contacts and we may use STAB´s bankaccount in Sweden, to pay our miss-ion here, if needed.(K.Åmark) When I visited Sweden just now, during the spring, when my daughter was born, Torsten sent his congratulations.
Per: – ” But Raoul,apropos, did you ever thought of being enrolled in the Swedish volun-tary corps, in the Finnish-Russian war, 1939/1940 ? For me it was even a personal con-flict, but I was persuaded to join the Foreign department, instead, and went to Berlin, and minister Richert, and Air col. Enell, as ciphering- and commercial assistant, for Tor-sten Vinell, he handled both the German and Hungarian trade agreements, later. I had of course my military experience, since many years, but….
Raoul: – ” The same here, I was persuaded to join the new Homeguard, of 1940, as lea-ding instructor, in Stockholm instead, a more public activity, with major Winge, but even I didn´t long for the battlefields, (* ” with their mixed smell of mortuary and a metal-workshop”/ K.Simonov) perhaps that´s why, my application for promotion to army lie-utenant at the I1 was refused, 1941, so instead I was employed at the Meropa AB, with Lauer and Salén…. yes, Per I know your uncle´s wife´s sister, Dagmar, is married to Sven Salén… and Per, think you sometimes have better contacts than me in the “circles” … but you know I spent three years in the U.S., in my architect education, long time away, from my family, but I will recover…ha-ha, as soon the war is over…perhaps soon when our mission here now seems fulfilled…eehh ?
Göte: – ” Gentlemen, “order, please order” – hope you enjoyed the dinner, perhaps even I , a “humble UD-clerk”, from Valdemarsvik, can add something to the Jungs fam-ily story. You know , I joined the Swedish navy, 1941, after my secondary studies, but first served as voluntary at the British navy base, Scapa Flow, 1940, during the Battle of Britain. Then in Sweden, 1942, I was specially recruited to serve as a heavy diver, a risky job. I survived, but unfortunately not, the 33 Swedish submarine crewmen, on the HMS Ulven, what struck a German seamine in April 15 ,1943, inside Swedish water, and went instant, to the bottom, about 60 meters depth, at the Westcoast.
Well, I was one of the divers, who searched and find the submarine, but after that terr-ible event, I “had it” with the navy, as crew,stoker, and chipping rust, I reported myself ill at home, that last month, and took up again instead, my Schartau studies, last aut-umn, 1943. But yes, – the Jungs ! The navyengineer in charge, of the rescue mission, from HMS Belos, was Arne Jung´s younger brother, Bertil Jung. He was as brave, rescued a divercolleague´s , life, who was caught under the submarine wreck, risking his own. But they say, Bertil cursed everything, ” Soviet” after his brother´s harsh NKVD-captivity, 1940. (** But then what about the Kriegsmarine, and HMS Ulven 1943 ?)
Lars : – ” Göte, so you served of free will, in the British navy, 1940 – Scapa Flow ? Inter-esting. The only genuine activist, here ! How come ? And then voluntary enlisted in our navy, when the British navy, especially, wasn´t that appreciated, in Sweden, of good reasons from their destroying of our “proud”new Italian destroyers, honour,abroad 1940 and those at home, 1941, the story goes. Who told you about a possible employment at the UD, May 1944 ? Maybe your classmate Ulf Collett, at the Schartau school, oh, yes I know that his sister Ulla, is dating Raoul. That´s correct Raoul…ehh ?
Raoul: – ” First, it was the navy engineer Holger Graffman, in the Transfer AB, compen-sation trade, who purchased the Italian destroyers,he´s a confident of Jakob and Marcus Wallenberg. ”
Oh yes, Ulla Collett- we use to meet, wine and dine, another good reason for returning to Sweden, soon, so that Ulla, not will be to much attended of some of her admirers from the U.S.legation´s, popular attachés, for instance, Olsen, Knox, or the pressatt-aché, born in Sweden, U.S. immigrant, Georg Larson, friends, but even rivals…he-he… you know secretary Francis Cunningham, even involved in my mission, married my rel-ative, cousine Nane.
Lars: …. “- Agree Raoul. But how nice, Göte, that, my mother, Gunhild Berg, could attest your schoolreports for the UD application, maybe that saved the day for you then, she know for sure, that you will protect all of us, since the military attaché lt.col. Wester soon leave us, and even the UD-courier lt. Akrell, goes back to Stockholm, to report. My boss in Berlin, minister Arvid Richert, is the brother of Gösta Richter, head of the VBB (* Vattenbygg-nadsbyrån/water power) where my late father served as senior engineer, to 1941. And even Arvid himself, servs in the board of VBB. ”
Lars: ” But Göte, you arrived here, with me and Per Anger now in September, in the “Corps diplomatique Suédoise , Hongrie ” faster than Raoul, in a way. You´re the young-est employee, so far. Perhaps you´re aiming of a career in the Foreign department ? Poor boy ! Young people today, longing for to leave Sweden, for a while, I think, but to work as a sailor, on the high seas, seems more dangerous these days, than staying in Budapest…”
Göte : – ” If I survive this mission, I like to serve in the Hague, Skål for the Victory and Peace, and the Hague, next year, 1945.”
The legation´s frequent acquaintances within the Swedish establishment, and business, military, U.S. diplomats and others, were of course needed, not unexpected, but have not been given much attention, as such. I find in a way surpricing, especially Per Anger´s presumed network. Was Anger from that, or of political reasons kept at distance, from scratch, by the Socialdemocrat´s government and foreign minister Östen Undén, post war ?
And if the German citizen, born in Rostov/Don, Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, was recru-ited of Danielsson and Anger, given false identity to screen the Russian PoWs, and oth-ers, and used Reinhard Gehlen´s Fremde Heere Ost´s forms, (FHO/Abwehr ).
Had Anger in Vienna, maybe contacts with Gehlen even later, when his “O.G.”, 1956, became the nucleus for the BND, Bundesnachrichtendienst, during Konrad Adenauer´s era. General Jung and Folke Anger visited, Adenauer and CDU´s partycongress, 1958. Perhaps Grosheim-Krisko,recruited fleeing exile-Russians to join a “white army”
German-subordinated, like Lt Col. Andrej Vlassov´s ROA.
This alternative had been left out of the official research, as that should have been the ultimate Swedish diplomatic transgression, then, but ought to be further scrutinized. Much of the official secrecy around Grosheim-Krisko, and hush-hush, maybe, can be explained from such activities. Craig McKay has researched even this key person,(2014) who had to spend 8 years in Soviet prisons, before arriving to Sweden, Febr-uary, 1953, as McKay now even points to “Hungaria´s Polish army”, (2015) some-thing of the same enigma, with some signs of Swedish involvement.
(2nd Lt. Arne Jung, (b.18) crashed January 12, 1940 with lt Sterner. (Another pilot made it back to the Finnish lines, but one, Zachau, died.) They claimed they been deprived threatened, with execution, by “GPU-Jews”, or officers with “yellow-green eyes” (SvD 1965) were in bad condition, during the captivity, and forced to be Soviet agents, and then had by that to act as contacts, in a ” spy-game” in Sweden, lead by the secret police intendent, Martin Lundqvist, but were even for long time viewed as national security risks. / Source: J.Chrispinson.)
(* But they recovered, Jung still served as an experienced bomber pilot, diving from 1.600 meters to 600 meters, 1941 August 29: “Lieutenant Jung, shows off, in precision bombing with ” Stuka-aircrafts” (SvD) scored with three bombs within 14 meters, and became later, wing (flottilj) commander.)
This whole undertaking, the help to Finland, 1939-1940,(all together 1939-1944, worth of today, ca 20 billions (!), 280 persons from the airforce + 8.000 groundforce, and a third of the Swedish arms/airplanes in stock) was secret. (70.000(!) Finnish children to Sweden, 1939-1944, and 50.000 refugees, 1944.) A war in some ways encouraged by Sweden and the personnel must wear Finnish uniforms, must quit their Swedish defence employments, pledge to observe 50 years of silence, and the aircrafts were painted with Finnish national signs, then a blue svastika, von Rosen´s initiative, from back 1918.
(A very small account was in comparison, used for the Swedish rescue of Jews in Buda-pest, and the Langlets couple, had to collect their money in Budapest, and never recei-ved one single pengö from the Swedish Red Cross, (SRK), but only Langlet´s Red Cross offices, and storages, personnel, were destroyed of the Arrow Cross thugs,in December, what perhaps gave him good relations with the Russians, 1945. (Åmark/2016)
But 1939/1940, Sweden in political/military events, on both national and personal lev-els, deep involved in a big European war, of 109 days, December, 1939 -March, 1940, compared to the German-Polish war of 14 days, 1939, September. Coming perhaps close to Per Anger, concerning Helge, Torsten and his son Arne Jung, and even Raoul Wallenberg. But neither Per or Raoul applied for voluntary service in the Finnish army, not even later from June 1941-1944.
Unthought, of what significance, the wellknown names and the Finnish-Russian wars, of 1939/1940,1941-1944, for the Swedish Budapest legation´s personnel, and Finland and Hungary as genuine last-ditch Axis powers. Especially the experiences, of the two mentioned pilots, in the Soviet´s captivity as PoWs ? Not before high-lighted here.Thin-king even of Wallenberg, when he approached the Russian front, January 13, 1945 at the Pest-side.
Mr Grosheim-Krisko, his alleged or in fact, obviously officially unknown activities, as employee of Ivan Danielsson, 1944, has not been cleared. There´re not lacking signs, that the Swedish legation, had well-known good contacts with the Hungarian resistance, what Gellert Kovacs stressed in his book: Skymning i Budapest.(2013).
But what occupied the German citizen Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, during his watch at the Swedish legation, August- December, 1944 ? Studying Winfried Mayer´s : Klatt : Hitler´s jüdischer meisteragent gegen Stalin: Überlebenskunst in Holocaust und Geh-eimdienstkrieg.(Metropol:Berlin/2015), can perhaps, support new considerations. (Klatt = Richard Kauderer)
Screening Soviet PoWs, or recruit them to a national monarchist/White Russian army, close to Lt. Gen. Vlassov´s ROA-army ? With or without that subordination of Nazi-germany, as this ” Ost-armée “, moving to and from, the Eastfront to Normandy.
McKay stress in his essay: Some notes on Grosheim-Krisko, (2014), (as I. Carlberg) how the recruiting of Grosheim-Krisko, was a result of contacts with the Hungarian militia-man in the foreigner control section, Nandor BATISFALVY, who then assisted effective in the rescuing of Jews.
Grosheim-Krisko born in southern Russia, Rostov-at-Don, 1906, to Germany and Ger-man citizen 1922, received an Argentine passport, 1944, during the name ” Henry Thomsen” “Norwegian” citizen, with the ad-hoc, purpose of assisting with questioning of exile Russians /Soviet refugees, PoWs. But why did the Swedish legation “outsourced” special activities to Grosheim-Krisko ? To later, if needed, blame him, forget him, and washing their own hands ?
1992, a fierce pressdebate broke out, about the historian Helene Carlbäck´s standpo-int, 1991, that (Grosheim-Krisko) the Swedish legation: “assisted Nazis and warcrim-inals of different nationalities, 1944, so not only the Budapest Jews, during the more relaxed situation, in September, but then probably big crowds of exile-Russians, and others, fled, the surrendering Romania, Bulgaria Yugoslavia, (Hungary).
But Per Anger, Lars Berg, and Paul Levine as one man, then denied Carlbäck´s accus-ations, and that Grosheim-Krisko´s interrogations in Moscow, from 1945, showed he was quite distant from contacts with the Swedish personnel, even Raoul Wallenberg.
(** But this claims were even printed in Fredrik von Dardel´s , diary, already 1961, that R. Philipps (or Anger) should visit the ongoing trial of Adolf Eichmann, in Israel, to pro-test if Eichmann defended himself, with informations of the Swedish legation´s “Henry Thomsen” “cooperation with the Nazis, and that Lars Berg even employed a female typist from the German legation.The same informations, what SvD published 1991,from Neza- visimaija Gazeta, (Independent) releasing protocols from the NKVD-major Muchortov, of 1945.
LARS BERG : 1992:
Lars Berg : (answer) (the B-section) / SvD : – – – ” Grosheim-Krisko never had any orders from me to compilate information from helpseeking persons, and from Soviet PoWs. I never saw such reports, they maybe exists, but not ordered by me or anyone else at the leg-ation. But who was then Grosheim-Krisko´s real masters ? His real birthplace, par-ents and nationality ? And why so many trips, and stays in different European nations, before and during WW2 ? He told us about his frequent contacts with British and Russ-ian agents “- claimed and asked Lars Berg.
Continued/ – – – ” His (Grosheim-Kriskos) testimonies could have influenced the Soviets views and treatment of Wallenberg. Grosheim-Krisko was even a blackmailer, against the Swedish government, demanded compensation, (20.000:-SEK/ of 1953 = x 20 today) not to inform about Swedish unlawful activities, at the legation, and for his time (8yrs) in the Soviet prisons. – Why wasn´t we, (Lars Berg and Per Anger) called up to Sweden, and there we could have revealed his statements and unmasked, mr Gros-heim-Krisko. Strange, behaviour of the Foreign ministry/UD, so correct manners other-wise. – – –
Grosheim-Krisko claimed that I (Lars Berg), “had have close contacts with Ribbentrop “, and by German airliner visited him to lunch in Berlin” just for discredit me, for the Rus-sians. I never met Ribbentrop, in fact I never left Hungary during my watch there. And the German diplomat Jagow, I never met, he left when Veesenmayr arrived in March(!) 1944, to Budapest – and only once I visited the German legation, in duty.” – – – This was Lars Berg´s main statement. (** But Berg had a female secretary/typist from the German legation, who could served as liasion, with the Reich.)
PER ANGER: 1992:
Even Per Anger, denied Carlbäcks claims, about Grosheim-Krisko, but Carlbäck anyway pressed the question, why this employment was made,” why the Swedish legation hired this German, with faked identity, to manage the Russian refugees,and others, from the Balkans, and Soviet PoWs, 1944, but she never had an answer, it seems.
But the question still hang around, as even McKay asks today, about this, not ” hardly standard diplomatic practice”, on an advice from a Hungarian militiaman, just before active in the Hungarian Holocaust. But could be some type of bartering, and of course a growing conscience, from the Hungarians, related to the shrinking distance to the arriv-ing Red army positions, 1944. We don´t know. (“We save Jews, and Grosheim-Krisko
recruit Russian refugees.” Deal ? O.K. ? )
But Carlbäck-Isotalo, even claimed that a Russian knowledge of Raoul´s United States /WRB-connection, probably not caused his fate, as the Allies then still kept tight tog-ether, (to the Surrender of Japan in September 1945), and that Lars Berg later had adapted this in fact U.S.- opinion to suit the Cold war mood, when he published his book about Budapest, the year 1949. A worky, soon disappeared from the bookstores, this time not organised of the Russians, but of the von Dardel family, themselves.
1949, there was, a spycase-trial in Yugoslavia, Belgrade, with some similarities, “the surname is only the first name.” A Russian orthodox priest, Alexej Krisko (!) was accused with some other exile-Russians spying for the Soviets (!). This during the ideological (or raw power) conflict, Stalin vs Tito, those days, eagerly fanned by the West.
The surname Krisko, seems used in the southern Russia, but they were probably not rel-atives, but this Krisko, had been field chaplain in the white Cszar army, 1918-1921, lead by general Anton DENIKIN in southern Russia, up to lower Volga/Tsaritsin. Alexej Krisko, had even been active” in recruiting exile-Russians in Yugoslavia, 1941-1944, for Nazigermany, due to the media. (Name as even, as the kolchos-leader: “Raisa Krisko”, outside Kiev, DN/1979.)
Not impossible, (named Krisko- or not),that something of the same recruiting was man-aged by Hermann Grosheim-Krisko in some Swedish legation´s barter deal with the Hungarian militiaman, Nandor Batisfalvy, for to rescuing Jews.
(Anton Denikin´s army was then known for Jewish pogroms, but Denikin received alt-hough resident permit in the U.S., 1946.) We´re now in the big historical topic of the exiled “white” Russians, leaving Russia, after the, Revolution, Civil war, 1918-1921, in where even the Swedish legation´s employee, 1944, Michail Kutozov-Tolstoy, make his entrance, April 1944, before Grosheim-Krisko, but with some crush-contacts, 1935, in Paris, with Linde Klinckowström, sister of Nils von Dardel´s , wife, Tora. In Paris about 800 exile-Russian associations, were active, and (aging) during 1930s and during the German occupation.
Remarkable, in the Yugoslavia spy-cases, the only possible agents the Soviets could draft, were this exiled Czar-Russians, and whom were then possible in Hungary ? Well, many Hungarians, officers, as Vörös, Hatz and others crossed the lines, to the Red army, 1944, but of course Kutozov-Tolstoy, perhaps was a candidate, but he was crossexam-ined, 1945, of the Russians, not treated especially friendly.
He could stay in Hungary, for some years later, but even others, as Langlets, (some months), and Weyermann (ICRC) to 1946. But Grosheim-Krisko, with his Russian-Ger-man origins, was arrested and convicted, 1945, but we do not know, if the Russians accused him, of recruiting an exile-Russian army, he may have concealed that, as other Germans in Soviet prisons, in fact could hide their former Abwehr-connections.
(** Observe. that John Dickinson, the British accounter and employee, hiding in/with the Swedish legation´s personnel, to February, 1945, must not follow the Swedes, but could re-start his work in Budapest, stayed to 1946. (McKay) How come ? Was he heard of the Russians, then cleared of the British (MEW) as Allied ? But he was married a Hungarian wife, Ella Teleki, and had a son, been in Budapest since 1941, (compared to Raoul Wall-enberg.) He knew M.Tolstoy-Kutuzov, who with his Belgian wife stayed in Budapest, some years. Perhaps they were agents for the (Grand) Allies ?
Jan Bergman (2014) the Swedish C-bureau historian, claims that: » Enderlein » (what Bergman, names “Grosheim-Krisko” under the name Henry Thomsen) served in the Reinhard Gehlen´s organisation, » Fremde Heere Ost », (FHO) a special Abwehr intellig-ence group, 1942-1945, and » Enderlein » then used FHO´s questionnaire in his inter-rogations.– – – » Hardly standard diplomatic practice. « – – -/ claims our source Craig McKay.
Bergman : – » Enderlein » could have been Raoul Wallenberg´s liaison officer, to RSHA /SS/ FHO, Abwehr, and collaborated. Wallenberg even ordered his photographer T. Veres to take photos of Soviet artillerypositions, near Budapest, what must have been well suited in the: Fremde Heere Ost´s intelligence activities.” – – – .
Grosheim-Kriskos father, Waldemar, engineer, born in Kalinskij, probably, situated in southern Chechenyia, then married with a woman from Germany, and lived at the Rostov-of-Don, left Russia, 1921, perhaps after the Civil war, when Hermann was 14 years, with a second son, later in chemical science, and became German citizens, in Dessau, later moved to Lithuania. (McKay) (Perhaps father Waldemar had a German-Russian origin, as those s.c. Volga-Germans ? )
Another factor, maybe complicated this situation, was that another exile-white Russian officer: General Anton TURKUL, (b.92/Odessa) from late August, 1943 stayed in Buda-pest, as an agent and important link in the Jewish Abwehr-agent, Richard Kauderer´s (a.k.a “Klatt”) ” Luftmeldekopf Südost ” (Sofia/Bulgaria) (Abwehr) with alleged Russian domestic intelligence sources, mostly deep in the south of the Soviet Union.
Even Anton Turkul, moved 1943, to Budapest, with the Abwehr officer, colonel Marogna -Redwitz to Pannoniagasse (utca) no. 13, then with his family to a villa at the: Citadela utca, close to the Citadel, (Pestside) with the best outlook of Budapest, about 400 met-ers from the Swedish legation. Turkul had even a compatriot, from the Czar´s army, before the revolution, 1917, Ira LONGIN , who managed most of the alleged activities for to collect information, from different alleged Soviet sources.
(But some of the Germans official in power held some grudge against ” exile-Russians” return to Russia, and their estates, if and when the German Barbarossa from 1941, be-came victorius.)
Both Kauderer, Turkul and Longin, was arrested of the U.S., Counter Intelligence Corps, CIC, and the Britains, in Austria and transported to London, 1946 for interrogations, suspected of being double-agents, (as 500 other Abwehr-officers, 1940-1945 had to
make this trip) and then back to Germany, hardly avoided the secret British army´s torture-centrals, in, the British zone, Bad Nenndorf. Here, German NS-people, comm-unists, suspected Soviet-agents, sometimes were killed, starved, something reminding of the Russian Lefortovo-prison and camps, (or the U.S. Guantanamo camp), classified to 2006, but during the Cold war, quite impossible to publish. (W.Mayer/ The Guardian April 2006)
(Kauderer, in probably the same problematic context as the Latvian Jew, Edgar Klaus, agent for admiral Canaris, and Peter Kleist/AA in Stockholm, 1939-1945, what 1943 was stopped temporarily by Hitler.) (The real substance, of the informations, from Kau-derer and even Klaus, are still debated of scholars, or if they doubled as German-Soviet agents.)
(McKay suggests today that Klaus, was a double-agent, for Soviet, separate surrend-ering, talks, as he socialized, with a broad spectrum of contacts, from Storch, Kleist to Iver Olsen, in relief of Jewish people, and such activities, as Adler-Rudel´s visits, 1943/1944, were viewed of the foreign intelligences in Stockholm, suspecting if this humanitarian missions perhaps, maybe compromised the Allieds war efforts. If allow-ing German infiltration, as the: ” Jews/Blood for Trucks”-project. Here McKay even touching the WRB-mission in Budapest, (as usual) of measures risking causing a split between, the Grand Alliance, or prolong the war, of some reason.
(W.Schellenberg/RSHA/T.Paeffgen: 1943: “Schulungsmaterial” : – – – ” Versuche kriegs-führender Staaten, die einrichtungen des Roten Kreuzes zu Nachrichtenzwecken auszu-nutzen, sind so alt wie das Rote Kreuz selbst. Dass der Intelligence Service (=the British) seine Erkundungstätigkeit ” unter dem Roten Kreuz “im weissen Feld, ” tarnen könnte, sei ein Vorteil für den Feind… – – – (W. Mayer/Klatt 2015.)
The Austrian Jew from Vienna, Richard KAUDERER, took refuge in Budapest, to survive the Nazis´s persecution, after the Austria´s ” Anschluss” 1938, to Germany, and was then involved in forgery of passports/visa and smuggling of goods from Hungary, but arrested,1940, by the Hungarian police, and deported to Vienna.
There he was recruited as agent against the Soviet Union, for the German Abwehr, of Count Marogna-Redwitz, to protect himself and family,(mother) from persecution. His first mission:- Go to Sofia, Bulgaria, and collect intelligence, about airports, and air-forces. (Count Marogna-Redwitz was arrested after the July-20 attempt 1944, at Hitler, and performed to the Volksgericht, beaten black and blue, then executed October, 1944.)
Kauderer lived at the same: Hotel Slavyanska Beseda, (built 1935) at Sofia, where even Hermann Grosheim-Krisko was staying, 1938, (Source/C.McKay), a hotel managed by a Hungarian secret service agent, Gyula HEGEDÜS.
Kauderer even visited Yugoslavia, and commuted between, Sofia, Vienna and Budapest, to recruit agents. He assisted with the Abwehr, Operation Jupiter in delivering weapons for the Volksdeutsche when Germany invaded, Yugoslavia, June 14, 1941, and operated a big aircraft radioset, in cooperation with the Bulgarian police. Kauderer´s Abwehr fieldstation, was named: “Luftmeldekopf Südost”, in Sofia./ Source : W. Mayer /Klatt. 2015.)
Richard Kauderer´s station moved from Sofia, October 1943, with his twenty, most Jew-ish telegraphists/radiooperators, female decoding clerks, as he protected Jews, by em-ploying them, (as Raoul Wallenberg), to central Budapest: Pannonia utca 13, then Nov-ember 1, to Bajza utca, and later to: Herman Otto utca, and Szeher utca), later Batori (Laszlo? ) utca.
All this addresses are in fact rather close, within a 1.000 to 500 meters, in the Swedish legation´s ” hinterland” at the Buda hills, 1944.There at close range, one find “Swedish buildings” : Minerva utca 3b (=the Swedish legation), (then: Gyöpcar utca), Gabor Aron utca 7, (=Per.Anger), Uri utca, no.15 (=P.Anger) and Ostrom utca 9-11, (= Raoul´s per-sonal house/ Aurel Balacsz´s), not the least, (Adolf Eichmann – Svabhegy, Melinda utc. 22, and the German legation at Uri utca 66, close to Anger´s special address, Uri utca 15.)
But a year later, November 3, 1944, the Red army approaching, Klatt´s field station moved to the little town, CSORNA, situated in the north west, only 40 km:s from: Heg-eshalyom, not far from Komarom at the Danube, address: Elisabeth strasse no. 73 = Erszebeth Kir. utca, no.73 ?) in Csorna, if so, two blocks north of the railwaystation (today), 10 km´s East of the Soviet Veszkény PoW-camp, and 50 km´s to Austria, Wie-ner Neustadt. But one W/T -station (wireless teleg-raphy) (Bully) remained in Buda-pest. Then from Csorna – to Austria in February, 1945.
Even Anton TURKUL moved from Citadel utca, 1 Budapest, October 1944, to Vienna. Before that, he was suspected of RSHA of being more active in some white-Russian exiles national political game, with his small staff of countrymen, than in collecting intelligence. Kauder/Klatt then suggested Turkul, after Romania´s och Bulgaria´s surrender, late August, with his organisation to screen the exil-Russians, refugees arriving to Hungary, to avoid the German Sicherheitsdienst´s (RSHA/SD) negative attention.
Anton Turkul became interested in the idea, but didn´t take action, instead returned to Vienna in October 1944, before the Red army later reached Budapest, in December. As late as November 1944, he participated in a conference in Prague, organised by the Russian Lt Gen Andrej Vlassov, leader of the ROA-army, Soviet former PoWs, in German service.
But Turkul, continued 1945, with recruiting, Russian volontars, of a perhaps “army of spooks”, and aimed to connect with the Chetnik leader, in Serbia, Mihailovic, Tito´s en-emy, the former then deserted of Churchill / SOE., since 1943.
The Soviet main partypaper, Pravda, complained due to the New York Times, February, 1946, that “ugly Soviet enemies” as “General Turkul” still rested in Germany, and that general Anton Denikin, just received resident permit in U.S., 1945. (Vadim Birstein gives significant attention, to ” Dienststelle Klatt”, in his book about the Soviets Smersh.)
And 1944, even other interesting people, in the neighborhood. Ladislaus von ALMÁSY: « The English patient », implicated in the Abwehr´s Egyptian espionage, 1942, Operation Saalam, where Craig McKay, mentions, both Ivan Danielsson and Almasy, what caused Danielsson´s deportation from Egypt, because of a radio transmitter in the legation´s attic.
But Almasy arrived 1944 to Budapest, and due to Katherine . Schandl´s triology, Almasy, perhaps met Wallenberg in Budapest. Schandl claims that Almasy, a Hungarian pilot, was « ordered » to collaborate with the German Afrika Corps, 1942, (Axis) and was double agent, of MI6 in Turkey, 1943.
Then Almasy had contacts with Karl-Heinz Krämer, the Abwehr-agent in Stockholm.(McKay). Almasy saved some Jews,in Budapest , by hiding them in his apartment, as one Hungarian, Olympic fencing champion, procuring Swedish passports, and taking them to one of Wallenberg´s safe houses. He lived at Miklos Horthy Ave., no 29., (today Bela Bartok Ave.) an adjacent to the Gellert Hotel. Ten minutes walk from the Swedish lega-tion./ Source : Katherine Schandl´s triology.
Well, a reconstruction of some of the Budaside´s inhabitants, 1943/1944, gives a real ant hill of Vertrauensmen, agents, intelligence units, protected Jews and exile-Russians, climbing the Buda hills and the Citadel, with radiosets, including the German AA-leg-ation, and that RSHA/SS-colonel A. “E-mann “, (first caught in Argentine 1960, an ac-tion the U.S/U.K. protested in the UN/Security council, voted for a condemnation of Israel – only saved by Poland. )
But did they had some influence and contacts with the Swedish legation´s personnel ? We don´t know, only their alleged locations, close of the legation, during the Fall of 1944. But I think at least Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, could enjoy the scene. I may use this facts in an effort to stage a model of possible contact circles, people Wallenberg and Krisko maybe, were aware of. Not published before.
Many “anti-soviet”, German Abwehr-elements ” in place”, “staying behind”, 1943/1944 just behind, the Swedish legation´s location, but if any at all, or problematic conn-ections, we absolutely don´t know, but they were there. Maybe some units stayed to be overrolled by the Red army´s offensive, new or old networks to be offered of the defeated Germans, like SD/ Wilhelm Höttl/Budapest, did, post war.
My point: no one discuss in depth: if – and how Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, met these presumed large groups, of exile-Russians, (and others) fleeing from Romania/Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, (and even from within, Hungaria ? ) and tried to both extract information and perhaps, recruit them, for General Anton Turkul´s forces, or the Andrej Vlassov-army´s last-ditch warfare, projects.
Of course, just the interrogations of PoWs, (forget the short classic ” number and name” ) constituting in it self, an important objective intelligence source, about, here the Soviet Union´s military efforts, shaping future contacts, then perhaps linking up with Reinhard Gehlen´s: Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), and was Grosheim-Krisko, (a.k.a. Ender-lein) suspected of being liasion between RSHA and the Swedish legation, including Wallenberg. (* Jan Bergman/ The Secretary club /2014).
Perhaps why, there exists no information at the UD about this, ” a black hole” or from the legation´s personnel, (Danielsson),Anger and Berg, as I quoted from the pressdeb-ate 1992. The UD, paid compensation, to Grosheim-Krisko, 1953, but neither Anger or Berg, or Danielsson, were called upon, back home to verify or deny his story. The daily press was silenced by UD, that week.
Strange… but issuing passports to fleeing Nazis, (75 % of the Hungarian officers/ Arrow Cross-members fled), or the passport-overproduction and forgings well…? “sh-t happens” as other Axis war-criminals easily could enter Sweden, 1944/1945.
But more disastrous if the Swedish legation had been active in recruitment of a Russ-ian exile ” white” army, (or paramilitary Polish units/McKay, 2015) with the common purpose to stem the Soviets advance, all what must be denied, at any price, I presume, what can explain the case. (But if the Russians found out this, through Grosheim-Krisko himself, or an insider legation source, they ought to have communicated that, through
some channels, as the alleged 20 kg´s gold in Wallenberg´s car´s gasolintank.)
But the Third Reich , cared about every possible volonteer, and we know that every day to May 1945, they desperately, used to rob and kill, ordering deathmarches, destroyed evidence of Holocaust, and produce arms, building fortifications with forced labour.
Perhaps all such, possible paramilitary units were to connect with Mihailovic´s Serbs, “Chetniks”, or Pavelic´s Ustasja Croats on the run, and prevent Tito´s Partisan-army from reaching Italy, 1945, or make a desperate difference, what and where so ever, against the Red army on their: Road to Berlin.
But if the Soviet´s operated the ” Dienststelle Klatt”, what many Western interrogators then, during 1946, and in later studies of Richard Kauderer, and Ira Longin, claimed as double-spies, but the Russians postwar, 1947 confirmed that only about 8 % of his reports, were based on real facts, but the German´s Abwehr/R.Gehlen, valued Klatt´s informations very high for their war efforts. What´s true ?
But if the Russian´s knew about and controled Klatt, that he most hired other endang-ered Jews, to rescue them, from persecution, did they perhaps,right or wrong,see some-thing of a possible similar intelligence network, managed by Raoul Wallenberg, applying something of the same, in his humanitarian mission ?
Only Valdemar Langlet´s Swedish SRK-offices were destroyed by the Arrow Cross, Dec-ember 10, and he claimed: they “confused his SRK/Red Cross with the Wallenberg´s mission”. (Klas Åmark 2016)
Far-fetched, but within the parameters, of understanding. The Russians were even accu-sed, of trying to abduct Richard Kauderer in Vienna, and bring him to Moscow, 1946, but failed. A long, perhaps “boring” story , many parts of this comment, quoted from Winfried Mayer´s 1.000 pages study : Klatt / (Berlin:Metropol/ 2015).
But I think both the Grosheim-Krisko-case, “his” 1992´s mediadebate, combined with Winfried Mayers study, about Kauderer/ Klatt can give some new perspectives, not be-fore considered.
But if the Russians had decided, very early, to let Wallenberg disappear, what-so-ever,
of unknown reasons, among a bunch of German nazidiplomats/Abwehr spies, the above facts are needless, as so much else in print. Remains only to study the Swedish gov-ernment, being completely taken in, of the Russians m.o.l. cunning disinformation /discrediting operations.
Pro primo : correction : Richard Kauder (!), was the name of the Jewish Abwehr agent,
with covername : “Dienststelle : Klatt” / Luftmeldekopf : Südost. (Winfried Mayer 2015)
Pro secundo : confirmation: Marie-Claire Johnson, was an old friend (even penfriend) of Raoul Wallenberg he met her, last time, January 17, 1944, noticed in his calendar,
” Marie-Claire K.H” , (what I suggested in my comment, 2015.) But why not read Fredrik von Dardel´s diary 1957, more carefully… Fredrik writes: – ” Marie-Claire, (married Cronstedt) had visited mr Konstatin RODIONOV, the Russian envoy at the Soviet´s Stockholm embassy 1950, asking about Raoul, but Rodionov claimed he never heard about him. (Marie-Claire: daughter of Axel Ax:son Johnson, and pressofficer, at the Johnson´s)
This relation, into the Swedish big iron plants, mines, shipping of the Axel Ax:son Joh-nsonsphere, close to the Wallenberg bros., hadn´t anyway, been that observed, as Axel Ax:son Johnson even cultivated frequent businesscontacts with the Soviet legation, in Sweden, since many years, and perhaps the first, 1920s, and later biggest of the for-mer Soviet Union´s businesscontacts/partners in Sweden. That´s probably why Marie-Claire, saw a possibility in contacting the Russians. But that´s not the way it works –
(it seems) but how it works… is unknown.
Already 1961, von Dardel claims in his diary, (April 19), that Rudolf Philipp wanted to send Per Anger (or himself), to defend Sweden during the trial against Adolf Eichmann in Israel, because Eichmann maybe should accuse Sweden of collaboration with the Nazis, through Thomsen/Grosheim-Krisko, and Lars Berg´s female secretary, from the German legation. He didn´t. But Tage Erlander was not interested. But wasn´t this officially revealed first 1991, through the Carlbäck´s article in the Dagens Nyheter ?
Per Anger lived at Budapest in an apartment at Uri utca no.15 , owned of Count Tibor von Berg, where his daughter in his 2nd marriage, (wife Teodora Hegedüs ) born post-war, ms Gloria von Berg, met Ingrid Carlberg during her research visit in Budapest, 2012.
But Tibor von Berg´s stepmother, 1908-1924, (= Tibor´s father Max von Berg´s wife) was:HEDWIG THYSSEN,(von Berg) sister of Fritz Thyssen, both children of August Thys-sen founder of the steelplant: Vereinigte Stahl, Germany´s biggest deliverer to the Wehrmacht and Fritz Thyssen supported economically Hitler from 1930, but escaped to Schweiz 1939.
Due to Carlberg , Per Anger even had some relatives with von Berg´s serving the Swe-dish royals, and prince Gustav Adolf visited Tibor von Berg, 1930s, and Gloria left Hun-gary 1956, but remember this royal contacts, and gifts. Maybe (?) – then Anger´s rel-ative in Sweden, was maybe named “von Arnim”, a name in the German nobilities circels, courting Hitler, (with Jagow) but unconfirmed. (K. Urbach /2015)
The halfsister of Tibor von Berg´s , first wife Bertha (b.98) , was Erzsebeth Nako,(half-sister) (b.22) who Raoul met July 11, then serving as “social secretary”, and with the former Hungarian ambassador, Rubido-Zichy, (Baron Ivan Rubido Zichy de Zich et Zag-orje (b.74) (d.1964) Royal Hungarian Minister to the Court of St. James 1926.)
C. McKay / “- – – According to Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s own account, Langlet had been made aware of the Russian by one of his associates, Countess Bertha Berg-Nakó , who was apparently on friendly terms with the Kutuzov-Tolstoys .” – – –
But I will now return to Winfried Mayer´s 1.000 pages, thick biography ” KLATT” about Richard Kauder, (2015) with some informations about one of Raoul Wallenberg´s pris-onmates in Moscow, 1945-1947: Ernst Wallenstein:
Raoul´s German prisonmate, 1945, Ernst Ludwig Wallenstein, one of the German “dip-lomats”, (Gustav Richter/SD, Willy Rödel/AA/SD ), in Romania extradited to the Soviets, in September 7, 1944, after Romania switched side. (This Soviet breakthrough into Mol-davia, August, 25, made Horthy, to change horse, he fired Döme Sztójay and promoted Géza Lakatos, as leader of the Hungarian government, and started planning the sep-arate surrender with Moscow, October 14.)
Both Wallenstein (and Richter), became known, when (they) were released from Soviet PoW-camps, October, 1955, to Westgermany (Wallenstein dressed in a brand-new Russian characteristic padded armycoat, but seemed not obviously broken) and could confirm Raoul´s arrival in the Moscow prison, 1945, and even survival beyond July 1947, (to November).
(** But how could all those German prisoners survive, in one piece, 8-10 years in Soviet prisoncamps, the trio of Wallenstein, Richter, (Grosheim-Krisko), but not Raoul Wallen-berg, younger, well-trained, another question ?)
– – ” Ernst Ludwig Wallenstein, businessman, (b.06) had to escape Nazigermany, beca-use of membership in the ” Nerother Wanderfogel”, an alleged homosexual society, by that banned by the Nazis,1933, the members were imprisoned in KZ-camps.”
Wallenstein then decided to leave Germany, employed at a telephone company, Telefon & Normalzeit A.G., Frankfurt, first Switzerland, then Spain, deported from there 1936, went to Greece, Athen, employed there, in an affiliation, was pressed by the German legation to spy on his British friends, accepted – “if not – deportation to Germany ! “, (and Wehrmacht) and then listed at the Abwehr/Berlin, as V(ertrauens)-mann,”Wally”.
When Italy attacked Greece, 1940, October 28, Wallenstein went to his company´s Bul-garia- affiliation, in Sofia, and when equipped the German Air-intelligence hub, Abwehr´s , ” Luftmeldekopf Südost”, with telephones, he was recruited by the Austrian, Rich-ard Kauder, (A.k.a. Klatt) Jewish leader of that German espionage-ring against Russia, with alleged contacts with native Russians, in the USSR, and the Russian white monarc-hist, officers, General Anton Turkul, and Ira Longin. (** How advanced was Wallensteins technical knowledge, but he served just a short time in administrating Kauder´s office)
But later, 1942, Wallenstein was through contacts accepted in the board of the Roman-ian Bucarest bank: Banca de Deposita si Scont, (probably in oil) for to spy on their Brit-ish director, Arthur Tester,(b.95) son of a British consul in Stuttgart, a mission through KriegsOrganisation-Bulgaria, Abwehr Otto Wagner, a.k.a. “Dr Delius”, (** Klatts enemy in Bucarest / W. Mayer)
(The Guardian/2002: claimed Tester, received secret German funds, as agent, run a mediapropaganda company, European Press Agency, and had to leave Britain, 1938, and knew Oswald Mosley, the British later interned fascistleader . Ended up in Romania as army interrogator, fell late (August) 1944, in Transsylvania, with a personal passport signed by A.H., but not Audrey Hepburn…
(But the British banker Joseph Anthony Hepburn-Ruston, who during the 1930s became both political/business friend with Arthur Tester, was in fact the father of the actress Audrey Hepburn, her mother Dutch-born, Baroness Ella van Heemstra, but after their divorce, then Audrey spent the war in the Netherlands. Joseph Ruston was said have dined with Hitler, in Münich, was interned at the Isle of Man, 1940-1945, and knew with Arthur Tester, even William Joyce, later known as “Lord Haw-Haw”, a British in the Ger-man radiopropaganda broadcasting , executed as traitor, 1946, in Britain.)
The German minister in Bucarest, Manfred von Killinger, proposed 1942, Tester, to sha-pe a British countergovernment, to liberate Oswald Mosley, the British fascist leader, since 1940 in housearrest, to establish radiopropaganda against Great Britain. But Ribbentrop dismissed this, but aimed later to reactivate Mosley, serving the German policy.
In September 1944, British papers claimed that Arthur Tester “Gestapo-chief” in Aug-ust 1944, tried to cross the Romanian border to Hungary, but was shot of Romanian bordergua-rds. Tester should then had a special German passport, signed by Hitler. Rumors went that Tester had faked his death, the case was investigated by the British, and with help of the Soviet forces in Romania, the grave was exhumed and could then confirmed through dentist card: this was Arthur Tester.
After that, 1943, Wallenstein met in Bucarest, another old friend from Frankfurt a.Main, the former businessmen, SA-führer, polizeiofficer, Willy RÖDEL, who again protected him from being called up to the German army. Since ca 1936, Rödel was employed at the German Foreign department, AA. Rödel was personal referent for the “gross” Nazi, Manfred von KILLINGER, and assistant, for him when generalconsul, in San Francisco, 1936, as minister in Slovakia, 1939, and in the same function in Bucarest, 1941.
From 1942 Willy Rödel was head of the “informationsabteilung” in Bucarest. This section was a special intelligence activity, serving Joachim Ribbentrop´s Foreign ministry, /AA, arranged together with the RSHA/ Sicherheitsdienst (SD), as AA, didn´t trust the Wehr-macht´s Abwehr. Wallenstein had some missions for this and Rödel, in Sofia, 1942, be-fore he in January 1943, moved to Bucarest, to became official commercial attaché at the legation.
Wallenstein, was taken to the Lefortovo prison late September 1944, but interrogated by NKVD, first January 13, 1945, and then declared he was an ” antifascist” and wanted instant to join the “National kommitee Freies Deutschland”, (then former officers, now anti-nazi Stalingrad-PoWs) to fight Germany, but in vain. (Far-fetched, perhaps, ques-tioned about Wallenberg ?)
But next period of interrogation, began first November, 1947, and during that period, Wallenstein received numerous penalty sharpenings, (Source: May, 1946/The Leforto-voskaja´s own prison archivals) because of “Klopfzeichnung”, knocking messages with other inmates, among them, Raoul Wallenberg.
Gustav Richter, “SS-polizeiattaché, and Judenberater” and Eichmann subordinated, was interrogated February 5, 1945, (Wallenberg arrived February 6, to Lefortovo,) about his knowledge about the smuggling of Jews, from Poland, Transnistria, Romania. Richter was released from a Westgerman trial, 1961, as he had “served” his punishment in USSR.
Wallenstein claimed he met Raoul Wallenberg, ” a banker” in unknown businessacti-vities 1943 in Bucarest, at least during an airliner trip. But June 1948, Wallenstein was sentenced to 25 years, “§ 58″, anti-soviet espionage, penal servitude, in the Vorkuta campsystem, and released October 1955, to BRD.
There he was interrogated the 25th, by the U.S. CIC, (CounterIntelligenceCorps),in West-germany, they most interested of Wallenberg. This information he published first Febru-ary 8, 1957, after a promise of 1 years silence, ” that Wallenberg, quite healthy, lived in November, 1947. ” (But other prisoners, claimed they didn´t see neither Rödel or Wall-enberg, since May, 1947.) (** I think this Wallenstein information from Mayer´s study, never been published)
Generalmajor Heinz-Helmut von Hinckeldey was born on January 25 1914. In the First World War his father was a general staff officer who, in 1921, joined the newly organised German Finance Ministry, where he attempted to restore currency stability during the hyperinflation of the Weimar era. Heinz-Helmut was educated in Potsdam and Berlin and, after leaving school in 1933, joined the Reichswehr which, until it became the Wehrmacht in 1935, was a politically neutral organisation. Commissioned in 1935, he served during the Second World War as an artillery officer and staff officer on the East-ern Front. – – – /www.
In 1944 he was seconded to provide security at the German embassy in Bucharest. When the Russians entered the city in September that year the entire embassy staff, including von Hinckeldey, was taken prisoner. The Russians insisted on treating all the captives as political prisoners and, possibly out of prejudice against his upperclass background, refused to countenance von Hinckeldey’s claim to be treated as a military PoW./www.(The German legation´s was claimed as extra-territorial area, August 25 -September 1, 1944, where about 500-600 persons took refuge.)
Karl Supprian in the Deutsche Akademische Austauch Dienst, DAAD/ Barcelona/ /Buca-rest DAAD, 1944 / carried a faked doktortitle, and was alleged Sicherheitsdienst /SD-spy monitoring his own chief in Bukarest, professor Ernst Gamillscheg. / Source : Franz Babinger in F.R. Hausmann (2001). (Gamillscheg was luckily on leave, in Germany, August 1944, and missed the GuLag.)
The leader of the DWI `s “Kulturpolitische abteilung” in Ribbentrop´s Auswärtige Amt/ AA was the diplomat Fritz von Twardowski, the diplomat Sven Grafström´s at the Swed-ish UD/Foreign department, father-in-law, and 1928-1935 stationed in Moscow, as generalconsul in Istanbul, 1943-1945, perhaps met Henrik von Platen there at the Swe-dish legation. (Even former U-bootskapitän/ WW1)
Von Twardowski joined of course , Sven Grafström 1941, January in Stockholm, when a big German Third Reich Book-art exposition was inauguarated at the National Gallery, next to the German legation, at the Hovslagargatan no. 2.
Even these facts about Ernst Wallenstein, can serve to ask new questions about Wallen-berg. The former spent 11 years in Soviet prison, Vorkuta mines, hard labor, but surv-ived, with a brandnew padded, typical, Soviet armycoat, as only property, 1955, (the on-ly known Russian contribution,to the fashions-of-war´s like the British´s: Raglan, trenchcoat and duffel.)
Wallenstein´s connections: (espionage) (Abwehr/Otto Wagner/ Kauder/aka Klatt) with Willy Rödel, and knew probably Gustav Richter, after then official commercial attaché, before they both became political prisoners, in Romania, September 1944. (But due to W.Mayer, Wallenstein was able to conceal his Abwehr/Klatt-connections, for the Rus-sians.)
But what had Raoul Wallenberg to do with this motley crew, of German Nazidiplomats, agents and colleague-spies ? One can ask. That´s not to say, he obviously had shared their activities, and prisoner-classification, 1944/1945.
But this descriptions were carefully avoided later, more close to an outspoken respect, “Herr Polizeiattache, herr Kommerzialrat”, in Sweden, probably not to make things wor-se for Wallenberg, if alive, and of course the media didn´t understand the full horror of the Holocaust, (wasn´t invented then) and Westgermany´s releasement and even pro-motion of many of the worst Nazis, those days.
(But maybe the Russians suspected that Wallenberg, continued his own version of the “Blut-gegen-Waren,” negotiations, the fall of 1944, (even C. McKay suggest something of this/2015) what the Britains “burned” already July 20, 1944, in the London Times, when Joel Brand and Andor Grosz been arrested, the two latter knew even Richard Kau-der, (Klatt) and maybe the Hungarian intelligence agent, Ference Bagyoni.
The “Blut-gegen-Waren”-project, was managed by RFSS/Himmler, Eichmann and Kurt Becher, names in Wallenberg´s calendar, difficult to explain, in the German business of : splitting the Allied´s war efforts and unity, (up to this day) separate surrendering, hav-ing 10.000 trucks with trailers, for “use only on the Eastfront”, for one million Jews in payment.
Perhaps, the badly outfitted WaffenSS-divisions in Hungary, since 1944, were the rec-eivers at the end, and inspired the whole idea ? Don´t mention the remaining 400.000 Hungarian Jews ? Kurt Becher was in charge of equipping the WSS, in Hungary.)
Bitte, “the Zeitgeist of 1955″ ,the same year Westgermany became member of Nato.
(- ” Give a German a gun, and he will sooner or later aiming at the Russians, and now giving them nuclear weapons ? … ” (N.S. Chrustjev) (Adolf Eichmann complained with bitter feelings, 1960, his close Nazi-colleague, Hans Globke serving as the Bundeskan-zler Adenauer´s right hand, but for himself, the SS-colonel, only the gallow, waited.)
But why couldn´t even these Germans, from the Bucarest-legation,1942-1944, been questioned in Moscow, in early phases, about Wallenberg´s where-abouts, from their positions in Bucarest ? Far-fetched, but their interrogations dates, coincides a bit with Wallenberg´s moves between January 13, and February 5, 1945. Raoul arrived February 6, was first interrogated February,8.
” – Herr Wallenstein – ” Do you know a Swedish diplomat, named, reminding of your own surname, the secretary Wallenberg, staying in Budapest the last six months of 1944… ?
But perhaps no such NKVD-interrogations were even made, with Wallenstein and Richter.
Two new essays about the Wallenberg-case has recently been published of Johan Matz in: (1.): The International Historical Review 2016, and: (2.): The Journal of Intelligence History (2015), but have not been reviewed here.
Matz is former very qualified, secretary in the Swedish government´s latest Wallenberg-commission, (SOU: 2003:18), (A diplomatic failure) associated professor, (docent), Upp-sala, (Centrum för Rysslandsstudier) and argues brilliant and with much references that: perhaps certain witnesses maybe intentional served the Soviets interests. Some common facts appear in both of the comprehensive essays.
Through careful analysis and interpretations of certain texts, and testimonies,Matz sug-gests that the Russians intentionally disinformed Sweden, and denied any knowledge about Wallenberg´s fate, through among, Vilmos Böhm, March 15, 1945, and the Sov-iets Andrej Vysjchinskij-note of August 18, 1947. This especially 1945-1948, but any pejorative, personally discrediting publishing, is not known, before 1989, then alleged “planted” of the KGB, in the Novoie Vremia.(=New Times).
Matz argues in his study : ” Did Raoul Wallenberg try to leave Budapest in January 1945, with jewelry and 15-20 kg of gold hidden in the gasoline tank of his car ? On sensation-alism in popular history and Soviet disinformation./
Matz argues against Bengt Jangfeldt´s concluding opinion in his Wallenberg-biography (2013): ” It was the goldcargo (20kg´s) in his car, what presumably determined his arr-est and abduction.” This theory is confirmed even of Ingrid Carlberg (2012). Söderblom even mention it, 1980. Matz tracks this story, to a article in the Reader´s Digest, 1947, (U.S.), probably based on Wallenberg´s body-guard, the Hungarian millitiaman Baszcy´s testimony in Jenö Levai´s book, published 1947.
Matz claims quite convincingly, that Wallenberg, never carry any goldcargo in the gas-oline-tank, and money. (Hungarian pengös, then worthless), what should have caused his arrest, January 17, 1945. (But even Söderblom, mention this goldcargo, in DN, Feb-ruary, 2, 1980, if so he suggested that, when he met Stalin, in Moscow, June 15, 1946. But who was, if so, Söderblom´s source ? But the last word, is not expressed, here, due even to Matz.)
There is a similar story, worth printing, in W. Mayer´s: Klatt, (2015) about gold and the Swiss legation, what Wallenberg alleged visited, January 12 and 16, 1945, and Matz clai-med that he then received, convolutes with money in fact.
But a Swiss ICRC-delegate, Giuseppe BERETTA, met Kauder/Klatt and his gang,of Belg-ians in Budapest,1939, in the black-market business of gold and foreign currency smuggling. Beretta had emigrated to the U.S. 1922, and returned 1938 to Switzerland. Beretta had some problems in Schwitzerland, was jailed , but with a help of a mighty friend, he was instead assigned as ICRC (Int.Red Cross) delegate in Turkey, Izmir, 1943, this when Marquis de Prat, the Spanish minister, Franco-fascist, was instead transported to Finland, Axis power.
From Turkey could Beretta smuggle gold, to Sofia, and Budapest, where the price was far higher. Beretta used then the ICRC diplomat post, to send gold, diamonds, silver, currency, but even the Swiss Turkish legation´s diplomatpouch. (** Marquis de Prat, arrived to Sweden, in September 1944, when Finland was kicked out of the war, and had some role in the Höttl/Hungarian intelligence, the Ference Bagyoni (failed) mission to Sweden, the fall of 1944. (See even: McKay 2015/Bagyoni)
Another source claims in: Britain and the International committee of the Red Cross /James Crossland (Palgrave) (2014) : ” David Bruce, who became a key member of the American Office of Strategic (OSS) had begun the war as the chief delegate of ARC (American Red Cross) in Britain.
The idea that the Red Cross could be involved in espionage was therefore far from ext-rarordinary to the minds in OSS, who duly launch an investigation in 1942, into possible links between Berlin and certain ICRC delegates in the Mediterranean.
The report , of February 1944, named 49 ICRC-workers, suspected of such links, of whom 21 were identified, not simply volunteers, but official delegates from Geneva.
In additions to accusations of passing intelligence on Allied troops movements and transporting German spies into North Africa on-board, White ships leaving Spain, one delegate based in Turkey, Giuseppe BERETTA, was found to have received gold, stolen from Hungarian(!) Jews. Beretta´s treasure was discovered by the ICRC and his dismis-sal ordered from the Committee, ordered in February, 1945. /Source Crossland.
Two academic sources of gold/valuables smuggling of an ICRC delegate , ending up in Budapest, 1944/1945. I mention this, as to get some bearings of the contemporary, situation, these days, but what else have we got ?
But hardly a Soviet organised disinformation operation, (the alleged car-goldcargo) what Matz reserved for Vilmos´s Böhm´s messages to UD, after alleged listening to the Koss-uth radio, March 8/15, 1945, the interview with Valdemar Langlet,(SRC) and Andrej Vyshinskij´s memorandum, of August 18, 1947.
By that alleged official message, the Russians should have made clear that Wallenberg didn´t exist in Russian custody, denying any knowledge, of him. About this event, has Matz published in the DN-article,(2012) implicated that the Swedish inquiries to Russia, in the worst case, speeded up, a decision to do away with Wallenberg, July, 17, 1947.
( ** Add, that the Swedish visit of Jenö Levai, and Szent-Györgi, took place, July 16/17, due to the DN/SvD.) (** But we know, there were anyway depositions of gold at the Swedish legation, from the Budapest´s Jews, with unknown fate.) (How then the NKVD-defector Anatolij Granovskij, September -November 1946,in Sweden influenced the Wallenberg-case, one can just speculate about. (I will return to that.)
But when Matz discussing Vilmos Böhm, in Stockholm, and the German Feldwebel Otto Prade in Budapest, (The International History review 2015) I find that a better infor-med narrative ought to be presented, to be quite convincing, as Matz here excludes. or missed, important facts :
Matz´s heading: “All signs indicate that Gestapo murdered him : Soviet disinformation, the Katyn massacre and the Raoul Wallenberg case.” /
Perhaps some catchwords, aiming of “guilt-by-association”, but we must remember, that the Allieds, Roosevelt and Churchill, for a long time supported the Soviets version of the Katýn, of “Realpolitik”-ical reasons “.Then, no doubt very necessary during the Allieds warefforts, right or wrong, so maybe Matz falls in his own “trap”, with implic-ations, that, at least Churchill, and Britain, had something to do with and accepted Wallenberg´s fate.
Thinking of H.Caird North, in Stockholm, who got special personal information from Moscow, the Swedish legation, of Dekanosov´information of January, 16, 1945, and John Dickinson, the Price-Waterhouse accountant/Stab AB , could stay with the Russ-ians in Budapest, to 1946, and not the least, Vilmos Böhm was employed at: the British legation, “Soviet agent “- or not.
But for Caird/Dickinson, Craig McKay of course has exonerated them of every suspicion, but maybe McKay washing his own compatriots, not unexpected, “whiter than white.” (But Britain “burned” all Jews-for-sale-projects, July 20, London Times, the Joel Brand-mission, but the former got hard complaints about this policy, later, as even Rudolf Kasztner/Kurt Becher, later.)
But anyway, McKay never stops, to point at the dangerous fields Wallenberg/ Sweden entered, 1944, concerning the Allieds war efforts, not only the Soviet Union´s, in Hun-gary: (1.) the humanitarian mission/passports, (2.) separate surrendering, (3.) domestic resistance support, (4.) Blut-gegen-waren-deals with Himmler (5.) exporting strategic goods, all serving the desperate Nazis, as Eichmann/Becher.
1957: – – – Perhaps we better carefully read, “Grandpa´s”, Fredrik von Dardel´s diary: (From the Swedish Berlin-embassy protocol / 1950/the Secretary Rydbeck) .: “A German Feltwebel, (i.e. sergeant) Otto Prade from WaffenSS (sic!), had been ordered during the autumn 1944, to stay and protect the Swedish legation, was arrested of the Russians, 1945, March, as he had stayed with the Swedish legation. He was interrog-ated, of Smersh, and they asked about the reason for this, and about Wallenberg´s issuing of passports, and about activities at the legation, and about the “Englishman” (= John Dickinson, the Price & Waterhouse accountant/STAB, and in the legations, rescue-work, since 1944.)
Prade had with Denes von Mezéy, (Hungarian/Swedish citizenship) employee at the legation) burned the legation´s archivals, outside, during the autumn,and the source, for this, von Dardel suspected was an insider informant). Prade said the Russian inter-rogation leader, suddenly threatened him at gunpoint, if not telling the truth, and sta-ted that, ” that bird” , Wallenberg, had been handled in a such a way, he should never again issued passports to Nazis, and maintain contacts with Himmler. ” – – –
Dardel: 1950, was Prade employed as driver, at the Swedish´s Berlin-embassy, and told the secretary, Rydbeck, about his experiences in Budapest, and had some questions from minister Kumlin. Later two UD-officials arrived, and ordered Prade not to speak about Wallenberg. (The same year Prade was fired, but of some other reason, alleged minor misconduct.)
Even B. Jangfeldt (2012) and Johan Matz (2015), refer to this Otto Prade, without quest-ions, Prade should have had Sudeten/Boehmen origins, and been volonteer in the WaffenSS, (** or was he a forced conscript, as Volksdeutsche, maybe, German-Hung-arian from Schwaben ?) We don´t know, exactly. Jangfeldt connect this to the RFSS/ Himmler´s : Blood for Trucks-project. (Blut-gegen- Waren)
But if Prade had met von Mezey, and he had knowledge, as an insider, Mezey could 1950 , as easy as both Anger/Berg suggested 1992, confirm or deny Prade´s story, like the Grosheim-Krisko-case. What happened, we don´t know.
But what policy of employments, was in place, at the Swedish legations, a former Waff-enSS -NCO´s, in Berlin, 1950, Feldwebel Otto Prade, and before that the RSHA-liasion/ Hermann Grosheim-Krisko, 1944 ? The same policy as the host nation, but not to com-pare with the host´s own, Bundesrepublik (BRD), concerning Hans Globke och T.Ober-länder,(Minister of refugees from East.) the former initiator of the anti-Jewish legisla-tion, of 1935, what paved the way for Holocaust, the former from 1953, leading the Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenuers secreteriate. But Feldwebel Otto Prade fell then into oblivion.
With another discourse: If we can trust Otto Prade and Fredrik von Dardel´s diary+ Rudolf Philipp: Otto Prade was enlisted in WaffenSS (!), (not Wehrmacht = Matz): There were (3) different WSS-units, but the 22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division (Maria Teresa), in the main Budapest German defenders force, commanded of: WaffenSS/ Major Gen-eral August ZEHENDER, (b.03.) an officer even noticed in Raoul´s (telephone/ calen-der/directory.
(But alleged recruited many Hungarian Volksdeutsche, not Sudeten Germans.) Here you even find Karl-Heinz KEITEL, son of the Fieldmarshal, Wilhelm Keitel, (hanged in Nurem-berg,1946,) n 22nd WSS Freiwilligen, wounded in the Battle of Budapest, December 12, but could leave with airtransport.
The cavalry SS-officer, August Zehender one of the worst, martial German WSS-Nazis, to be found, with tremendous more military practice from all the Eastern front´s worst battlefields, than the desk-murderers: Eichmann, and in the WSS-cavalry as Kurt Becher, the latter´s special mission in Hungary, to equip the WaffenSS. Perhaps Zehender and Becher were WSS brothers-in-arms, on the Eastfront , 1941, SS-reiters or not ?
We can see parts of this Zehender´s WSS 22nd Division,(11 regiments/ bataillons/ =12.000 men) acting in the rather wellknown photos, when these units occupied Bud-apest, city, in: “Unternahme Panzerfaust”, to neutralize and topple the Horthy-regime, October, 15, and disarmed the Hungarian army units there, blocked the governmental blocks, stayed there to October 22. All what even launched the Arrow Cross´s terror-gangs into the streets. Could support that Otto Prade, was close to, and knew central Budapest.
During July, 1944, the Hungarian authorities proposed, that the two WaffenSS-divis-ions, the 8th and the 22nd, should deploy to the south, the Carpatians, but the Germans refused, because these forces were not enough trained and equipped.(!)
Zehender commanded SS-cavalryunits and divisions, from April, 1944, and arrived during the autumn to Budapest, with 12.000 men to further train and exercise them, west of Budapest. But the 22nd SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division “Maria-Teresa”, took part in (Aufnahme Panzerfaust) toppled Horthýs peace efforts in October, 15, blocked the governmental quarters, the railways,
They went back to their baracks, but soon alarmed again, ordered southwest of Buda-pest, subordinated the 3rd Panzercorps, but ended later in up in positions from the: Csepel – Vecses, close to Wallenberg´s “areas”, south of Köbany, linked with the Ullöi utca/road, in between, the Ferihegy Hungarian air force airport.
From November, 2, 1944, Zehender´s 22. SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division was in heavy fighting, with the Red army, as even Eichmann told, but was totally routed. That´s not to say Zehender and Wallenberg ever met.
But did Wallenberg had pictures taken of the Russian artillerypositions, on this front-sector ? The Red army had big casualities, problems, in order to crush the German/ Hun-garian forces in this sector.( Wallenberg was viewed as expert of battles in cities). Hungary was not an ” unwilling”, but Hitler´s ” last ally”, to April 1945, worse than Romania, August 1944, and Sweden´s special protegé: Finland, September 1944.
Such facts are dismissed in the comfortable official: Swedish´s discourse. As if the Hungarians are, as “protected” (as the Poles antisemitism) as the some thousands prot-ected well-to-do-Jews,of the Neutrals, 1944, and blaming the Auschwitz/Holocaust extermination, of 437.000(!) Hungarian Jews, May-July 1944, on Eichmann´s just, about only: 150-200 WaffenSS-men, and the German occupation of March 19, 1944.
But in fact executed of thousands of Hungarian militiamen, local authorities, mayors, “ordinary” men and women, and God knows, and not the least of the Hungarians anti-Jewish legislation, since 1920s/1930s. Perhaps hiding behind the heroic Wallenberg-statue of Bela Patay, 1945, and the naming of streets among, “Wallenberg-utca. You find even the: Elvis Presley-tér in Budapest, (and perhaps there in the square, nothing, but a Hound Dog).
The 60.000 Hungarian Jews as forced army labour, disappeared on the East front. The “not protected Budapest -Jews”, had to leave their apartments at the Pest-side, to the “International ghetto” Jews, (= the Neutral´s ) and was assembled at the Buda brickyard, before ordered marching to death/forced labour in November, to Hegyeshalom, and the Austrian border, but some of those, were rescued of Anger and Wallenberg, when pick-ing up their “protected” Jews.
But WSS-ZEHENDER`S the 22nd SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division, was in badly need of lorries, (perhaps not Becher´s tired horses) perhaps that´s why Eichmann had the idea, to sell Jews against lorries / Blut-gegen-waren, this came up in his relation with Zehender. Perhaps that was very dangerous for Wallenberg´s “calendar” to connect to these two “birds”, (and Becher, and lots of others, as in a confiscated “laptop”, today) even if he never met them, or just discussed rescuing Jews, against compensation, but how, with money, or lorries or other * strategic goods.
Wallenberg´s own , very ambitious, wellformulated, original relief plan for Jews, maybe was, or was interpreted as a “cover” ? If he communicated that in Debrecen ? Then reading it against the historian, professor Klas Åmark´s study, with criticism of Wallenberg´s economic relief administration, (in difference to I. Carlberg, B. Jangfeldt, and Levine.)
Åmark can´t verify that Eichmann visited Wallenberg, and Carlsson/ Ekmark, but per-haps probably WSS-Col. Kurt Becher. They claimed they saw the salvoes from the Red army´s artillery in the mountains, to frighten or given those bearings to Becher ? But the Buda-mountains were packed of German army- and Eichmann´s SS units, from where they could both surveill and escape easy, to the west, in time, from their crimes. They did.
(1.) Wallenberg´s handling of the financial issues is questioned of Åmark, (2016) as Wallenberg late purchased big cargoes of foods, medicine, he never payed for, and then the Hungarian businessmen, the deliverers thought he was an envoy from the Kingdom Sweden, but his money were from the American Jewish Joint ADJD, forced relaying via WRB, a fact he must hide. Were there more to hide ? Those businessmen postwar cont-acted UD, the King, and demanded payment from the Swedish state.
(2.) Anger´s claim that Wallenberg saved the Jewish ghetto, attending the German staffs, January 16, 1945, when he in fact was in Russian custody, since the 13th, and couldn´t been going between, this deadly enemies not even Wallenberg, then, what Åmark concludes.
Wallenberg had many other names of German Wehrmacht/and SS (and Hungarian Hon-véd) officers in his directory, but we don´t know if he met them, what they talked about, if so, or were they just names and numbers to use/used in emergency situations, as Veesenmayer claimed December 28, in a cable to RSHA/Berlin, that Wallenberg was under “German SS-protection.”
Maybe hard to explain all those names, even the Jewish, for Wallenberg, or anyone else, in that situation, staying in a very dangeoruse battlefront, where the Nazis launched three heavy serious counteroffensives, from January, 18, 1945.
But if Wallenberg ever met Zehender, or just only wrote his name down, (not number) is unconfirmed. But Eichmann, “the Death !-walking” then (1955) told the Life journal 1960, 14 years after, he ordered a 6-8 km:s “human chain” of Jews, to shove grenades to Zehender´s artillerypositions , at the Pestside, loaded on the streetcars. The need of lots of lorries seems, indeed then very striking. Even this alleged, but rather remark-able operation seems not (well)known of the historians, but if Eichmann told the truth, is unconfirmed.
But if Wallenberg, verified, moved around with his photographer, Tamas VERES, and took pictures of the Red army artillery positions, pounding among, Zehender´s division ? During the very complicated for the Red army, operations, described as a “Stalingrad-battle”, crea-tes more problem, for Wallen-berg.
The Wehrmacht´s military attaché in Budapest, October 1943- April 1944, the Major General Hans von GREIFFENBERG, a career officer, later Wehrmacht´s plenipotentiary for all German forces in Hungary, May 1944 – April, 1945, then U.S. PoW to 1947.
But did you hear those names, here – or ever ? That Karl-Heinz Keitel, regiment comm-ander, Obersturmbannführer, fought with August Zehender, but was wounded and then “MaSH”-ed out of Budapest, December 12, 1944. But we never hear anything, about these German very loyal Nazi-officers: Zehender, von Greiffenberg, and Keitel´s son.
I get that worrying, feeling, again, about Wallenberg, and this people in his surround-ings, and in the pocketcalendar… But of course an unconfirmed chain of facts, as the risky thin ice, (nattgammal) one night old. Did Wallenberg cut corners, in a dangerous way, sometimes ? He did due to professor Klas Åmark´s study (2016) .
“Was it that easy ?” as Jangfeldt claims about the goldcargo , 2012 ? Tamas Veres confirmed this Buda-mountains phototrips,1996. (Adolf Eichmann, lived 1946 close to the Bergen- Belsen KZ, outside Hannover, called himself “Otto Eickmann”, close to ” Eichmann”, and served former in the ” 22nd Cavalry Division”, probably the SS, but unconfirmed.) (Before he could use the Nazi´s Ratline (ODESSA), and with help of the Pope/Vatican could leave for Argentine. Amen !
Zehender, a close friend to Adolf Eichmann, Kurt Becher, SS-colonels, all in the top of the most dangerous, fighting, killing and looting “operatives” echelones of the Third Reich/ RSHA/SS, 1944/1945. (But August Zehender fell February 11, 1945, during that disatrous break-out attempt, from the Buda-side, lost his leg, shot himself , together with the Wehrmacht General: Gerhardt Schmidhuber.)
(A photo/ Wikipedia/www: – – – August ZEHENDER (center, looking up) walking up the Stairs of Death at Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp during a tour with Heinrich Himmler and other SS officers, June 1941, (the stairs where KZ-prisoners had to carry stones of 50kgs) (but more probably April 27 ?). This day RFSS/ Himmler visited Maut-hausen, with even WSS/general Karl Wolff, (Himmler´s 2nd, and married Ludolph Christensen´s sister, Ludo visited Wallenberg, in Budapest, July 21- August 1, 1944, reason unknown), and some other leading WSS/Nazis, (as August Schmidhuber, but the latter was never (!) in Budapest, (Klas Åmark) /2016) but sometimes mixed with the Wehrmacht armygeneral, Gerhardt Schmidhuber, who fell in Budapest, February, 11.)
Wallenberg´s calendar informations must have the Russians eyebrows raised, real high and it´s hard to deny that motive, if looking for reasons of a special Russian Wallenberg -attention. (confirmed of McKay) Did they rested safe, on the calendar names, from 1945- up to 1990, right or wrong, as they even returned the items ? Or the Swedish intelligence debriefing of Granovskij,during the fall of 1946, and dispatching him to the U.S. Occupation zone i Germany , November 15.
But in what unit Prade served, is unknown (WaffenSS: source /=F.von Dardel) but there were other WSS-divisions present in Budapest, (3) so unconfirmed. If Prade took part in the burning of Swedish diplomatic archivals, outside, with von Mezey, Prade must have been conscious of such actions as compromising, in a shooting war. He was sergeant.
Was Prade ordered here, as military liasion ? If he was a defector, wasn´t he wanted ? How could he avoid the ugly, deadly German Feldpolizei with their shining badges in a chainaround the neck ? Protected of the legation ? How could the legation protect Ger-man NCO´s ? Did he had some connections with the WaffenSS-general August Zehen-der, 1944/1945, who fell in Budapest, February, 11, 1945. Much seems not researched here.)
But Matz doesn´t draw any more conclusions, about Prade, but using him only for that (!) Prade´s testimony confirms, that Wallenberg´s fate was decided as early as March 1945, and discussing then around the Soviets accusations against both Lars Berg and Wallenberg, operating as alleged agents for the German intelligence.
Matz don´t mentions that the British citizen, John Dickenson stayed with the Swedish legation, and Prade was asked about the ” Englishman”, but Dickenson had stayed in Budapest, since 1941,he was married with a Hungarian wife, had a son,(source C.McKay) perhaps was a British agent, (MEW) as the Dutchman Lole Smit, (MI6). By that Dickenson could stay to in Budapest,1946, doing his work as account for the Swedish Stab (Match-es) company.
Matz avoided here, some facts around, the WSS-man Prade, not Wehrmachts-soldier, all what can complicate his analysis, advocating only the Swedish views. By that Matz´s essay serving more as possible whitewashing, sowing general doubts about the Russ-ians rationality, when in fact the whole Swedish humanitarian mission, was built on “disinformation”, as Wallenberg was a secret U.S. WRB-agent (and C-bureau?) and their Akrell-OSS/radios) under cover as Swedish diplomat/secretary and then Grosheim-Kriskos´s employment, of the Swedish legation, still not explained. Weren´t those initial moves of “disinformations”, from start ? Matz´s investigation seems a bit one-sided.
Source : The book: Facing the Glass Booth: The Jerusalem Trial of Adolf Eichmann / Haim Gouri,Michael Swirsky. (An Israeli journalist´s report from the Eichmann-trial, 1961.) Here we return to Adolf Eichmann´s trial, 1961.
(Quotings): – – – ” Later on we learned he (Eichmann) had a good friend, the comm-ander of the 22nd SS Freiwilligen Division, * *General August Zenther (sic!) , whom he wanted to help. The division was in a bad way. He wanted to give him ten thousand trucks. ” If we could have gotten of a certain number of enemies of the Reich, and sec-ured a military advantage in the bargain it would have been a good deal in my view. ”
Further along in the Sassen documents, (**= Dutch WSS-Nazi, interviewed Eichmann 1955) we hear, I´m convinced that if we were hard pressed, we would even have given them two (2) million in exchange for the ten thousand trucks,…. We go on to Kurt Andreas Becher. – – –
(Eichmann) : – – -He´s angry with Becher, for interfering in his affairs. Asked by the presiding judge if he been in favour of the truck deal, he says Yes of course…Why ? It was of taking the business of immigration, away from Becher, Eichmann claims. – – -(** should be = August Zehender/ source: Omer Bartov.
– – – Eichmann/ : ” I had Captain Richter sitting in Bucharest, Captain Wisliceny in Press-burg [Bratislava], Dannecker in Paris, etc. All these Jewish Advisers enjoyed the greatest respect, for each of them was really the long arm of Himmler himself. Although I myself had a relatively low rank, I was the only department head in the Gestapo with my own repres-entatives in foreign countries. If one of my specialists got in trouble with a local comm-ander, I would then have my bureau chief, General Müller, give the necessary orders. Müller was more feared than Reichsführer Himmler.
The Romanian operations went off without friction. Captain Richter (sic!) in Bucharest was a good man. Eager to strike against these parasites, the Romanians astonishingly enough liquidated thousands and thousands of their own Jews. Slovakian officials off-ered their Jews to us like someone throwing away sour beer. Tiso, the Catholic priest who ran the government there, was an anti-Semite. – – –
Adolf Eichmann, interviewed, 1955, (of a former Dutch SS/nazi journalist, in the (U.S.) in Life, edited November/December 5, 1960: – – -SS Major General (August) Zehender was my old friend, comrade. In December 1944, his position, commanding the 22. SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division, was near a streetcarstation at the Pestside, but he was was short of ammunition, shells, to his hundred guns. I proposed a living chain of Jews, to carry that from the West end of the streetcar station, and then to the Eastside, and his men to the front. We made a living chain of them, six or eight kms long to carry them from the depot – to the streetcar.
Then dozens of streetcars speed through Budapest, and delivered the ammunition, Zehenders SS-division, in the East, Vecses. (There were two main streetcar-lines in Budapest, to the North and to the South, on the Pest-side, from ca 1890s.
As Christmas approached Eichmann had a drink with Zehender, and he told him , many of his officers had died, and a whole company had defected to the Russians. Eichmann : – Give me a squad and I stay here to New Years Eve. Then Zehender phoned Ernst Kalt-enbrunner/Head of RSHA (after Heydrich) but Kaltenbrunner claimed Eichmann was too valuable – if so Himmler would claim Zehenders head. Two days before Christmas, 1944 all German police left Hungary, except one, unit. Eichmann left Budapest at 3 a´cl, pm Christmas Eve.
– –Eichmann claimed RFSS/ Himmler was always optimistic about a separate peace, as late 15 april, 1945, – ” We´ll lose some feathers, but… Eichmann, started negotiations with Kasztner, a zionist, who wanted to deal with the German SS, as specialists of the Jews, not with the Hungarians, Arrow Cross, they wanted just massdeportations. But Himmler wanted 10.000 winterized lorries – with trailers. Eichmann expressed that the zionists and the SS had the same attitude: ” Even we are idealists, and must sacrify blood, ´before coming to power,” (McKay mention a Wallenberg-deal here, with Becher this, from December 1944, in his Notes…. (2011/2015)
— – Kastner was not interested in elder Jews, or the assimilated, only those of biological value, reproducers, – “Those other you can take, said Kastner, and he helped us to keep the deportation camps calm, and then I could let his people run away, not small groups of 1.000 or so. Kastner began to negotiate with Kurt Becher, Jews against foreign currency, and goods. Becher was a crafty negotiator, first to Hungary for SS-horses, then in the Jewish “trade”. RFSS/Himmler seemed to be his captive.
Once he show me a goldbracelet, for Himmler, to one of his mistresses, mother of a child. Many others did business with Becher, with foreign currency but not me. Becher´s unit, guarded a group of 700 Jews, those Kastzner wanted. Himmler called Eichmann to Berlin, twice, to discuss. Himmler ordered contact with Joel Brand, through SS officer Krumey.- – – (Observe source : Adolf Eichmann, not confirmed)
This U.S. main papers claimed, that the Eichmann-interview(of 1955) in Life, as planted as KGB, in Novaia Vremja, 1989, but CIA most worried that Hans GLOBKE, Adenauers secretariate, from 1953, could be implicated in the Nazi´s anti-jewish Nuremberg laws, of 1935, what paved the way for the Holocaust.
United States CIA´s taking care of the worst Nazis´, Eichmanns genossen, as Hans Globke, Wehrmacht, Speidel, Heusinger, Kriegsmarine Klose, is above most people´s human imagination, of hypocrites and cynics, making the KGB looks like well-mannered Sunday-children. But nothing have changed, we see the same U.S. policy today, using every possible insurgents against Russia.
Wallenberg´s own , very ambitious, wellformulated, (i.e a manifesto), original relief plan for Jews, maybe was, or was interpreted as a “cover” ? If he communicated that in Deb-recen ? Then reading it against the historian, professor Klas Åmark´s study, with crit-icism of Wallenberg´s economic relief administration, (in difference to I. Carlberg, B. Jangfeldt, and Levine.)
Åmark can´t verify that Eichmann visited Wallenberg, and Carlsson/ Ekmark, but per-haps probably WSS-Col. Kurt Becher. They claimed they saw the salvoes from the Red army´s artillery in the mountains, to frighten or given those bearings to Becher ? But the Buda-mountains were packed of German army- and Eichmann´s SS units, from where they could escape easy, to the west, just in time, from their crimes.
(1.) Wallenberg´s handling of the financial issues is questioned of Åmark, (2016) as Wallenberg late purchased big cargoes of foods, medicine, he never payed for, and then the Hungarian businessmen, the deliverers thought he was an envoy from the Kingdom Sweden, but his money were from the American Jewish Joint (relief) forced relaying via WRB, a fact he must hide. Were there more to hide ? Those businessmen postwar cont-acted UD, the King, and demanded payment from the Swedish state.
(2.) Anger´s claim that Wallenberg saved the Jewish ghetto, attending the German staffs, January 16, 1945, when he in fact was in Russian custody, since the 13th, and couldn´t been going between, this deadly enemies not even Wallenberg, then, an alternative what Åmark rules out.
Wallenberg had many other names of German Wehrmacht/and SS (and Hungarian Hon-véd) officers in his directory, but we don´t know if he met them, what they talked about, if so, or were they just names and numbers to use/used in emergency situations, as Veesenmayer claimed December 28, in a cable to RSHA/Berlin, that Wallenberg was under “German SS-protection.”
Maybe hard to explain all those names, even the Jewish, for Wallenberg, or anyone else, in that situation, staying in a very dangeoruse battlefront, where the Nazis launched three heavy serious counteroffensives, from January, 18, 1945. But if Wallenberg ever met Zehender, or just only wrote his name down, (not number) is unconfirmed.
But Eichmann, “the Death !-walking” then (1955) told the Life journal 1960, 14 years after, he ordered that 6-8 km:s “human chain” of Jews, to shove grenades to Zehender´s artillerypositions , at the Pestside, loaded on the streetcars. The need of lots of lorries seems, then very striking, indeed. Even this alleged, but rather remarkable operation seems not (well)known of the historians, but if Eichmann told the truth, is unconfirmed.
EICHMANN, BECHER and ZEHENDER were close friends, and SS-comrades, it seems. But of course, nothing says that Otto Prade if detached/defected , belonged especially to the: 22. WSS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division “Maria Teresa”, to protect the Swedish legation. Perhaps a defector from Wehrmacht ? (Matz). But why was August Zehender´s name in Wallenberg´s phone directory ? As even Eichmann, with three phonenumbers, and Kurt Becher´s, what even Jangfeldt stressing.
I make this connections with Prade: through Dardel´s diary, and Zehender´s name in Wallenberg´s calendar. But sheer, but not far-fetched speculations. Names in a calen-dar, don´t confirm a presumed meeting, and especially not what such a contact if so, dealed with, as professor, Klas Åmark our professional historian claims quite correct,(2016) when interpreting historical sources. But I have not seen this suggestions pub-lished before, and what else have we got ?
Maybe this comment can contribute, to remove some of “the fog of war”, where Feld-webel WSS Otto Prade, WSS Maj. General August Zehender, and Obersturmbannfürer Karl-Heinz Keitel, are hiding, as the Red Cross-delegate Beretta and the OSS-office.
Johan Matz claimed in his DN-article,(May, 2012) that even 1946, November, there was a Swedish-Soviet contact, (Stockholm) , between fm Östen Undén´s secretary of state Karl-Ivan Westman, and Ilja Tjernysev, (Soviet envoy) about Wallenberg. Matz claims this is new information, a Soviet message before the Vyshinskij note of 1947. but then complicated of the Soviet defector, Granovskij, a former NKBG/NKVD-man, then in Swedish police custody in September (21)1/10)-November 15 1946. (The Långholmen).
The Swedish primeminister, Per Albin Hansson, the socialdemocratic leader of the coalition ministry, during the war, 1939-1945, died October 6, 1946, of a stroke, when stepping off his tram i the Bromma suburb. Think that influence all governmental decis-ions, when Tage Erlander, became the successor P. A Hansson.(1946-1969), (longer than V.Putin, and taller.)
The Russian legation could then later meet Granovskij, in the prison, because of a mis-take from the Långholmen´s (The “Swedish” Lubjanka) personnel, and could have exer-cise pressure, during their conversation, due to Granovskij. (Even Craig McKay discus-ses this case in his Note…/2011)
Was Granovskij, handed over to U.S./ CIA in Westgermany ? One can ask, if Granovskij had instead been returned to the Russians, 1946, in exchange for Wallenberg ? As Swit-zerland handed out a defector, a Russian pilot. As if the relation to U.S./CIA was far more important for Sweden, than Wallenberg. Unknown if such possibilities, were dis-cussed. How come he wasn´t sent back to Russia ?
Granovskij claims in his memoir, he succeded, to convince, the PM Tage Erlander, the Minister of Justice, Zetterberg, and had a long talk with mr Nils Lindh,a former Swedish pressattaché in Moscow but doesn´t mentions, FM Östen Undén.
2001, now late Krister Wahlbäck, the historian, claimed that: “Undén planned to deport Granovskij, 1946, without claiming the returning of Wallenberg”, what caused the for-mer Minister of Justice, and Paris-ambassador, the socialdemocrat, Carl Lidbom, accus-ing Wahlbäck, of attacking a dead person, not able to defend himself, but Wahlbäck stood his ground. I don´t know the exact facts here, but Undén´s diary looks like that, in a way, as he saw a “refugee in an internal conflict with his superiors.” (SOU)
But due to McKay, the U.S. legation didn´t take care of Granovskij, thinking he was a provocateur, they handed over him to the Swedish police. Perhaps to let Sweden interr-ogate, Granovskij, and then overtake him. They did, 1946. (But during later years, Wahl-bäck, seemed lost steam, when publishing an article in DN, about a letter in a safe, (like “Bosch/Stuttgart”) something with Swedish credits for NaziGermany, shipbuilding and Enskilda banken, but this accusation against the Minister of Finance, Ernst Wigforss, ended in failure and was soon cancelled.)
But a deported Granovskij, 1946, to Moscow, and a execution squad, just after the Rights opposition´s perfect mediastorm, concerning the deportation of the military Wehrmachts-Balts January 1946, (even approved of the Liberals mr Bertil Ohlin, then Minister of Trade), how could a socialdemocratic government ever think of doing that, then ? Of course not. These days, during the negotiations for a Swedish-Soviet trade agreement. But the government didn´t sacrify Granovskij, and the Soviets didn´t recla-imed him, during those talks either. Strange, or….
Then that case, should have followed the Labour, up to this day, worse than Wallenberg, and well deserved. All members of a government are responsible for all decisions. 1949, Guy von Dardel suggests in U.S. that two Soviet jailed agents, should be exchanged, what Erlander refused or a convicted Swede, all what seemed very problematic moves. (Don´t mention Wennerström. Stig Bergling, could escape 1987, without problems to Moscow, during on leave, from prison, although under guard of the secret police, säpo, and spent in all 7 years abroad, in Russia and Lebanon.)
But Undén in his diary, 1946, saw Granovskij, as an ordinary seaman, belonging to the crew of the Soviets´s vessel “Peterdvorets”, and saw him not as an experienced Soviet intelligence agent, an attractive strategic asset. But what became of Granovskij ? 1962, the last sign, an interview in the Dagens Nyheter , New York, (S(ven).Å(hman?) when his book was published, he claimed it took 11 years to get permission to enter U.S.
His book had been published in Britain : Granovsky, Anatoly. / All pity choked : the memoirs of a Soviet secret agent / London : Kimber, 1955 (In U.S.: I was an NKVD agent / 1962.)
But McKay, claims: (Notes…2011), that Granovskij in November 15, 1946 was released and went to Denmark, with secret policeescort, and then to Berlin, and served in the U.S. intelligence section, BOB. “— That Granovskij ended up as guest of the new U.S intelli-gence HQ in Berlin meant that Sweden de facto had favoured the Americans in the disp-ute over Granovsky. This realisation can only have stiffened Soviet resolve to stonewall over Swedish questions about the missing diplomat Wallenberg and to remain uncoop-erative.”- – –
Only an anonymous www-source,”Arthur thinks-blog ” seem interested, (and me and C.McKay) : (and for to listen to another part, and some good questions): – – – ” But where did he AG, stayed, later ? What became of Granovskij, in fact ? Wikipedia’s story of his life ends with his defection to Sweden. It says nothing about his eventual entry into the United States or his subsequent. It mentions the book, of (1962) course, But that’s it. Like he vanished into the woodwork. Did he go on living under the Granovsky name? Was he in some sort of witness protection program? Did he simply create a different identity and live happily ever after?
Or was he in fact still a Soviet spy, someone who found a unique way to get to the United States, and spent the next decades reporting back, or recruiting agents? After all, this is what Tretyakov was trained for — how to infiltrate the west. Or is it possible that he never existed at all, and that the story was made up from whole cloth?
But I see no subsequent interviews, and no corroboration of any sort. A mystery, to my mind. That’s the basic outline of the story. Does it sound plausible to you? I am not convinced although I will say that no one that I came across in my Google research had quest-ioned the story.
Yet how many people were arrested and then released without a trial, (* *as Granovskij, 1939) without being exiled to Siberia, etc ? Not many, I don’t believe. Could he have been the only one ? Yet there is nothing in the book, or again anywhere else, to make it appear that any ** retribution was taken against his *mother or *brother.The whole thing just does not smell right to me. But then again, neither did the Tretyakov story.
(I should add one more fact, that does argue against my belief that, perhaps, Granovsky didn’t ever exist, or that he lived under a false name. My copy of the book is actually signed and inscribed by Granovsky, on February 17, 1958, in Rio de Janeiro, perhaps showing that he had the ability to travel freely and without fear. More than that, the inscription reads to American actor Van Heflin and his wife [Heflin died a few years later of a heart attack at age 60]; I find this perhaps most intriguing of all.]
” P.S. I just saw that a copy of this book is being offered by a dealer in Sweden. Also inscri-bed by Granovsky in 1958, also in Rio de Janeiro. Here, Granovsky has given his address, which apparently is at a university where he might have been teaching, or studying. – – – (Arthurthinks 2014//.
Agree, that Granovskij story, of late 1946, on the whole is mysterious, he was de-brief-ed of U.S. legation, and the Swedish secret police, and then dispatched to the U.S. Ger-man zone, and no one suggest that Granovskij, should be swapped against Raoul Wall-enberg.
In the among, latest books about the Soviet intelligence, Jonathan Haslam: Near and distant neighbours. – Oxford. U.P., (2015), Granovskij´s memoir is on the bibliography list, but no special comment, in the study. (Instead Raoul Wallenberg have two pages…I will return here.)
But now from Granovskij, to U.S. Air force captain Robert Robb, who first meet Granov-skij, and from then to: Gordon Knox, his attaché-colleague at the U.S. legation, 1944-1946/1947….
Remember that those U.S. diplomats, who first met Granovskij, the airforce captain Robert L. Robb, was probably well informed of the Wallenberg-case. When Francis Cun-ningham jr and Marianne (Nane) von Dardel married,1945, November 16, the guests were: Guy von Dardel, the U.S. diplomats, Gordon Knox, pressattaché, and the military army attaché : Virgil Elliott. (But where was Raoul´s family: Fredrik and Maj von Dardel, Gunnar and Nina Lagergren, the latter perhaps in Berlin/UD-service.)
Cunningham and Gordon Knox were two of the U.S. diplomats, arriving to Sweden, 1942 May, from NaziGermany. They had served there since, April/May 1940, knew each other, well I suppose. Robb in Sweden since 1944, due to media. Gordon KNOX was even a Rhodes-stipendiate, 1934, as Adam von Trott, 1931. Perhaps they had contact, because Gordon Knox´s, first assignment was Berlin, Germany.
(From my own comment about Frithiof Trulsson) “- But 1946, March 8, Ulla Collett married mr George G(öran) Larsson,(b.04) the United States pressattaché, from 1942, 14 year older, and in fact a Swedish emigrant to U.S., worked as photographer, over there, in U.S. He was not in the diplomatic State department career, but “attached.”, then not in the Foreign Service List, and as some U.S. attaches, had a Swedish background, (and names in fact), perhaps OSS-man. 1947, the couple lived for a while at the Linné-gatan no. 21. (Ulla Collett´s brother, Ulf, moved in there later.)
The wedding witnesses were the U.S. ass.military attaché, (airforce) captain Robert L. Robb (fr.1945-) and the attaché,(captain), Robert A. Winston. Ulla´s rela-tive Åke Collett, (b.12) the opera-singer, sang, Elisabeth Severin,(sister-in-law) brides-maid, and as church marshals, captain ** Frithiof Trulsson, and lieutenant Karl-Axel Mannerstedt.- – – //
(Myself I can´t refrain from playing with the (no doubt, mean) idea, that the U.S. leg-ation´s attaché 1945, George G.Larson (later in the U.S. movie-branch in Sweden) just waited to date Raoul´s girlfriend, Ulla Collett, and that required perhaps, that Raoul Wallenberg never returned from Moscow. None of the U.S-legation´s personnel, seem-ed anyway stressed or sad, because, of Wallenberg´s absence . Neither : Olsen, John-son, Cunningham, Larsson, Knox Robb, Elliott, Winston.
From Granovskij´s memoir : (1962) When Granovskij defected, September 21,1946, ” I went to the U.S. Embassy, it was closed, but I got the private adress to the assistent military att-aché, a certain captain Robb, (** unknown where/address) he then went to his telephone and had a conversation, I heard him say 2-3 times, “En-kay-vee-dee”. Then Granovskij had a sheet of paper with the name of: Colonel Wanderley ” (i.e. Wayne Wonderly, mil.att.). But later a special U.S. diplomat heard and demanded that Granov-skij, should during his first interrogation give away names of Soviet agents, what he refused, he didn´t knew them, he could only tell OSS, about the NKVD´s structure and organisation.
He went upset, back to Captain Robb, again, and then a U.S.-translator told him he was going straight away, to U.S., it´s Al right . But outside the house the Swedish police arr-ested him, Robb said: – “Goodbye Anatolij, if you´re not a liar, everything will be all right in the end. Good luck ! Then straight to the Långholmen prison. (October 1) (Just like Wallenberg in Budapest ? Guest/refugee – or prisoner ? )
(Robert Robb,(a mediasource: “married a Hollywood star “) a smart captain in the air-force, had been in charge for the internment of the American pilots/crews, making forc-ed landings, in Sweden,during the war, after bombing Germany, about 1.200 personnel, (in total) staying among, in Korssnäs, and Robb was decorated with the U.S. Bronze Star, 1946.)
Guy von Dardel perhaps, in contact with Robb, about those force-landed in Sweden, the U.S. Flying Fortresses, being refurbished of Wallenberg bros.´the SAAB, company, where Guy was employed, a period, and made aircraft research, perhaps in converting those bomber aircrafts to the passengerliners, for the ABA/SIL /SAS, overseas, but unknown.
(Raoul´s girlfriend,1944… Ulla Collett´s telephonenumber, 10 09 52 a special number, (if Stockholm, the 08-area) seemed usually not connected to a permanent, address, 1944/45 and written on the same page, the same style , “context” as the famous : “Murray Payne/ Boltenstern/ Plauen” page, in his calendar, unthought, as if they were parts of an coordinated operation, taking Wallenberg from Budapest to Stockholm, October/November 1944, via the Katrineholm lakes,(Sjöholm´s estate ) in a “Biggles”-seaplane, car to Stockholm, with Ulla Collett as liasion back home …) (Exists a Murray Payne, RAF-pilot, (ace) 1940, exists a Torsten Boltenstern, Swedish Air force pilot,(ace) knew Nina Lagergren.)
My original favourite-idea, supported of no less than Marcus Wallenberg, not that bad, 1981, but far-fetched…but even no less than: Guy von Dardel, didn´t ruled that trip out: – “If so – between two planes.”) Supported even, of no less than, Jonathan Haslam, (2015) (October 1944) with some official Swedish and Russian references, L. Valev, 1978, but probably the last word has not…)
From Robb to Gordon Knox, another pressattaché (as Larsson) arrived to Sweden, 1942, when the U.S. German Berlin legation was deported, after the German´s declaration of war, 1941, December, over Portugal to Sweden. He had the usual diplomat social cont-acts, had close contact with Gusti Stridsberg, a female NKVD-agent with cover as Can-adian “journalist” (The Toronto Star) in Sweden, she was well aqcuainted with socialdem-ocrat Arne S. Lundberg (the “Envojen” ), and later LKAB-boss (ironore/mining) in Kiruna.
Knox received a Rhodes scholarship 1934, (The British colonial founder of Rhodesia/ Cecil Rhodes) (after his Yale univ.) – as the German, Adam von Trott, 1931. Von Trott, went back to Germany, 1940 and joined the NSDAP, claimed “infiltrating”. But not imp-ossible that Knox and von Trott, met in Berlin, 1940/41 as career diplomats, “Rhodes-men”, perhaps in Stockholm during the war, and von Trott´s separate visits, with surr-endering, “Widerstand” feelers, 1942, 1944.
Quoting my comment 2015// : Kalaman Lauer, » exportbusinessman » first Swedish adress in Stockholm seems to be, the Valhallavägen no. 174, from 1942. In the same house, entrance address, no 174, mr Gordon KNOX, U.S legation secretary, in Sweden lives from May 14, 1942, career diplomat, coincides no doubt with the founding of the Meropa AB, 1941. (Later, Gordon Knox moved to Kommendörsgatan no. 32, closer to the U.S legation, before left for U.S., 1947.) (But Gordon Knox, arrived to Sweden from internment in Germany, of the U.S.legation, 1941, over Lisboa, from May, 1942.
Gordon KNOX, asked the in fact NKVD-agent , Gusti STRIDSBERG, to join him to visit Fredrik Branting (son of Hjalmar) and his sister Sonja, and mother Anna, the lawyer, at dinner. Knox viewed the socialdemocrats, “bourgeois ” his talent to socialize was notable, for a so young journalist, called Gusti, “our red girl” , a lunch at Gordon, where many use to join, from princes, to red and pink socialists. -” DON`T THINK WITH YOUR HEART” , Knox said to Gusti.
This sentence became Gusti´s title on her memoir book : =Tänk inte med hjärtat. 1961. She met many labour officials, as Allan Vought, Hjalmar Mehr, Sven Grafström , and interviewed a forecelanded Canadian bombercrew, 1943. Both Gusti and Gordon Knox was in close contact. among even with Andor Gellert, the Horthy-nationalist, press-attaché, (but in the Hungarian intelligence, to the German invasion Match, 1944), as Ullein-Reviczky, the minister assigned September 1943.
Gisela Unger 1941: Engaged 8/11 in Zoppot (Sopot/Poland) married 12 januari 1942, in Berlin. Gisela Joffre och Bo Bertil Unger, daughter of the diplomengineer, Otto Wolfberger.
1945: March 19: Wedding before the judge, Harald Källander: Gustaf Unger and Ingrid von *Dardel , The other of the Unger twins, Gunnar, married 1945, March, Ingrid von Dardel, Raoul´s cousine, the daughter of Nils von Dardel, the artist, Fredrik´s brother, (daughter of Nils von Dardel, Raoul´s step-cousine). Witness: Captain Frithiof *Trulsson (** in the Swedish-Hungarian society since 1936) and med.lic. Marcel d´ Avignon. (Ingrid met Raoul, sometimes, I presume.)
1945: November 9: The Unger Twins (artists) 50th birthday. A new generation of twins, through Ingrid von Dardel. The parents, Captain and Mrs Ewert Unger. Arrangements through dir. Carl Florman, » with young female beauties », Karin Valery (wife of Bern-hard Valery /journalist), Agneta Ekman. ( The Unger Twins went to U.S. 1947, met mov-iestars, were in the same military unit, the Svea Livgarde(I1) during the war, with some problems for the superiors.)
Gisela joined the Count Claes Lewenhaupt´s parties at the Skånska slottet med Lilian Karina and Laszlo Vasarhelyi, in the armyfur business, with the Swedish army, 1942-1944, with Marcel BREITFELT, the Jewish Hungarian furrer, from Budapest, the Vaci-utca, luckily exchanged in the Kasztner train, (June) then to Switzerland, December 1944, paid with this fur-money. (see my comment 2015)
1945: December,2 : Stockholm Gisela Joffre-Unger and Yvonne Birbach,open a”boutique for jewellery goods, French parfume, fashion clothes and luxuary, at the Skeppargatan no 16, Östermalm, named “JANINE”. (Gisela Unger was a portrait artist.) 1946, April they had a realisation,”rea” sell-out.
Unthought , some possible connections with the Ingrid von Dardel and the U.S. legation´s , “George”, Gisela Unger ? But how reacted the Dardels when Wallenberg disapp-eared ? What contacts with the U.S. legation, from January, 1945 ? None at all ?
But who was Yvonne Birbach ? Because now, something in fact, very problematic, begins to develope, within about a 1,5 year. Yvonne was born in Sweden, (neé Sjövall) but mar-ried a German: Lars Ernst Birbach (Bierbach), 1938, a German filmproducer, in the Fal-sterbo church, in southern Scania (Skåne). They probably moved to Germany, Berlin.
Yvonne is then first spotted/www, (by me) in the German periodical “Filmzeitung ” Die junge Dame” No. 12, March 21, 1939, frontpage, a sehr schön girl, under the heading: ” Kennen Sie dieses Mädchen ? Natürlich kennen Sie … (= Do you know this girl, of cou-rse… ) Perhaps expressing something of the “Zara Leander “, the Swedish valued ” Lili Marlene” type, singer in Germany, during the war, later blacklisted, exonerated of the iconic antifascist actor, Karl Gerhard, the “Soviet agent” due to Arkadij Vaksberg. Yvon-ne´s mother was a physical training teacher..
But 1944, Yvonne went to Sweden, the same year her mother Evy died, July. Her father, Yngve, army captain,(A3) her brother Björn Sjövall, (b.16) Stockholm amanuens= assist-ent. There are one member in Per Engdahl´s the Svensk opposition, viewed as Nazi, (as Björn Burchardt) , “amanuens Björn Sjövall” fil. kand., Fredrikshovsgatan no 2, Stock-holm.
(Per Engdahl, was very active to smuggle out fleeing German Nazis via Sweden, 1945, due to Elisabeth Åsbrink´s latest book, “1947.” Later 1967, Björn Sjövall, was appointed teacher in psychology at the Police high school, active 1977, and published many works.
(But here at the police high school, same time, one even find Åke J. Ek, as psychology teacher, later, a SSS/ Lindholm-nazi, /Sveaborg,Staybehind/ Finnish volonteer, 1939-1944, the same year assisted the Swedish C-bureau, with help of the military, and a mr Iver Olsen/ U.S. embassy,/WRB/OSS, to transport 1.000s of Estonian refugees, to Swe-den, 1944, among them war criminals, agents, to escape. (Then was convicted of an illegal gun.) (But promoted to police commissar, 1986)
Source : the Allieds secret intelligence: Lars BIRBACH, Yvonne´s husband (b.05) Goden-berg/ Rhein. Universities: Bonn, Berlin, Sorbonne, Paris. Made two movies, in Germany, before 1933,(see Wikipedia) then launched his own film company, what was “Aryani-zed”, because of a Jewish partner. 1940-1944 called up in the Wehrmacht service unk-nown where. His wife (Yvonne) to Sweden, 1944. Lars Birbach, suspected of receiving stolen goods:
– – – ” A Frans Hals panel, what was sold to Goebbels, through the Direktor Hermann Bente (Bentz?) , Rijnsche Handelsbank, went through Birbach´s hands. He even bought a stone for 34.000 guldens,what “they” took away from him. Most of the art stolen of the: Abteilung Bildkunst of the Propaganda ministry.(Goebbels). Viewed as having infor-mation about transfer of art, and other properties. 1940 zusammen mit Dr. Karl OTT, (1891–1977), Finanz- und Haushaltsabteilung im Propagandaministerium, Besuch des Louvre, um Bilder und Möbel für das Ministerium zum Erwerb zu inspizieren. (1940 with Dr Karl Ott, 1891-1977, in Goebbel´s ministry, finance and householdsection, visited the Louvres, to be inspired of art and furniture, to access.”- – –
(Source :Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas (The Roberts Commission), 1943-1946. Literature.: Christoph Kreutzmüller, Händler und Handlungsgehilfen: Der Finanzplatz Amsterdam und die deutschen Großbanken (1918–1945), Wiesbaden 2005, 271 (Bente) Qu.: ALIU, Final Report, 21; NARA M1944, 1943–1946)
Karl Ott, became later (1953) member in the Westgermany FDP-party-group, the Werner Naumann-kreise, of the former worst Nazis, as Werner Best, (Denmark) Ed-mund Veesenmayer Hungary, Frans SIx (Einsatzkommando) (The Gross-Nazi Naumann in Goebbels propaganda ministry RWMP.) /2012/05/28/alt-nazis-unterwanderten-1953-die-nrw-fdp-um-ns-gedankeng…) Werner Naumann spent time with Hitler as late, as in the bunker, April 1945,
How these dangerous not reformed Nazis so early, then could be politically active, elected and organise, a party-takeover, of FDP 1953, all of them with some frightening, terrible connection with Holocaust and not the least , Sweden, of all Holocaust-deniers ? The prison was their right place. One can´t believe it, today all the worst Nazis were released, Sweden didn´t care about this, didn´t (want to) knew , no more than of Wall-enberg.
(October 1, 1952, the BRD, Socialdemocrats,(SPD) in the Bundestag claimed that Konrad Adenauer, had assigned, 570 new diplomats, too many from the former Ribbentrop AA, and too many with former membership in the NSDAP.
Lars Birbach arrived even he to Sweden, 1944/45, and was observed of the daily paper Expressen (lib) 1947, March 3, Birbach, called himself “national econom”, lived in Stock-holm, Erik Dahlbergsgatan no., 38 employed at a company with obvious Nazi-links. (Expressen researched this, and commented even in a editor comment): The facts:
– – – Some German businessmen arrived to Sweden, after D-Day, and was soon active in Swedish companies, NORDIC TRADE COMPANY, 1944-1947, among them Birbach, but even, Karl-Heinz Caesar EICHINGER, “offizier from Wehrwirtschaftstab Norwegen”, a German looting occupant, and had arrived, from Norway, December 1945. Austrian, recruited to Wehrmacht from the “Anschluss” March 1938, his mother was Norwegian and his father Norwegian consul, what produced a Norwegian passport for him, 1945. (When disclosed, 1947 the Norwegian legation must investigate.)
Feeling something of the “GROSHEIM-KRISKO” case, the “Norwegian”-smell, codfish, in-the-air ?
Both Eichinger and Birbach were employed at a new company AB Bröderna Berg an aff-iliation to AB VICTOR BERG, the German Kruppindustries, Swedish generalagency. Birbach was then employed in a new founded company, July 1946,the Maskinfirman Standardverktyg, man.dir. mr Gösta Högman, former employee at the AB Bröderna Berg, renamed, more English, The Standard Tools, 1946/47.
Eichinger had a Norwegian alien-passport, with visa to Venezuela, and could stay, in Sweden, to March 1, 1947, the same day as this publishing. Eichinger was employed of disp-onent Berg, claiming “the lack of German speaking people in Sweden (in Sweden 1946 ??) then to Latinamerica representing Standard Tool. (AB Viktor Berg was ” Proc-laimed blocked certain nationals/US/UK, during the war, “they had did business with Krupp for 73 years, and refused a German man.dir.” , due to disponent Berg.)
” Lars Birbach was employed after checking with the U.S. LEGATION, and was cleared of them, U.S.” /Gösta Högman
“Gösta MARTIN was a mistake, to employ,” he claimed, the Swedishspeaking radiovoice like “Lord Haw-Haw” , announcer in the German propaganda Köningsberg-broadcast-ing, sender, sisterson to Karin Foch, Görings late wife.
A German banker, Hellmuth MAURER, was an economic advisor for the Russian Count, Alexander REHBINDER, arriving to Sweden, after 1917, and became citizen, 1928. Even rep-resenting a company : The Standardverktyg (tools). Rehbinder was said to had big interna-tional business, and close contacts, with top Third Reich circles.
Maurer, was advised another of Rehbinders companies, launched 1946 : AB DEFENSO, (holding-company ?) same address as Standardverktyg. (Unknown what those compa-nies, dealed with or produced.) Rehbinder, then present in Latinamerica, for the Stan-dard Tool. (probably not the Baron Alexander. Rehbinder, Swedish nobility)
Flyktkapital/Safehaven-money, Germans and their big money, on their way to Latinamerica. Disponent Gösta Högman in Standardverktyg, (Max Schneider a banker in Swiss, decides… due to af P.C af Burén , a company). Hellmuth Maurer a contact,arrived a few days before the Third Reich collapse, in May 9, 1945, in silk and nylonbusiness. Maurer ” one of Germany´s most known exportbusinessmen, in Spain and Portugal, worked in the company of 1946, the Nordic Trade company, export/import, and ship-ping, (svenskt företag) Arsenalsgatan 4, Maurer with good international contacts, in big business, abroad.
Karl Heinz ENGEL, another Berlin-banker even stayed in Sweden/Stockholm. ” // Source: Expressen 1947.
1947, July 30: Yvonne Sjövall marries Gordon Knox in New York.
But, 1948: Februari, 20: Aftonbladet: — – Yvonne Sjöwall, sues the U.S legation secre-tary Gordon Knox to the U.S. Supreme Court. They met in June 1945, had a son, Octo-ber 1946, married 1947, July,1930. Then Knox sent Yvonne to Reno, in order to get an instant divorce , or he threatened Yvonne to cancell her brand new U.S. citizenship, (as diplomat, probably convincing.) She would receive only 50 USD.,/month in alimony. – – –
Three month later, Gordon Knox married ms Anna Coring Brewer and had five children. (Divorced 1989) But Yvonne Knox (born Sjöwall) didn´t take count, for long, November 3, 1949, she married the man.dir. Erik A. Smith,in U.S. They (the Swedes) “were expend-able ? and there we leave her. As Walllenberg was dumped as easy ?
Not a word in the New York Times (U.S) or the Times (U.K.) about Granovskij, from 1946 till today, 2016, during 70 years, only the books published 1955 and 1962. How come ?
And nothing about his intelligence service in the U.S. German zone, (BOB) C.McKay from 1946. And in Latinamerica. Granovskij, the only one, so far known to be released from Lubjanka, 1939 and his relatives, in USSR weren´t punished, after 1946.
How could Gordon KNOX, active in the U.S. Safehaven/Flyktkapitalbyrån, and the win-ding up of Third Reich properties, in Sweden, Stockholm, 1945, with former AA -official Werner Dankwort, (still residing in the German legation, at the Blaiseholmen), married a woman, have a child/son, first married – with, suspected of looting, the German film-director Lars BIRBACH ?
And alleged, the U.S. legation clearified Birbach, due to the former Krupp/agents -proxies in Sweden, The Victor Berg AB, (used allegedly of Axel Wennergren, when he together with Sven Wingqvist, had to cleaned the Bofors AB, of German influence, 1935, ordered of the government, but Nordlund suggests Victor Berg as Wennergren´s real stooge”.(Sven Nordlund : The Discovery of Sweden. Foreign direct investments in Sweden 1895-1945.(Diss./ Umeå Univ., 1989.)
Must have been a 1st class diplomatic security scandal ? Did this influenced the Wallenbergcase ? (1951, Gordon Knox, was assigned to the U.S. embassy in Moscow, within sight from Lubjanka, studying the Soviets´s state television ” programmes”.)
(Gordon Knox were active then with Herschel Johnson in the Palestine/Israel solution, 1947/ 1948. Those days when Gilel Storch´s, and the World Jewish congress, the zionist, Fritz Hollander was a stooge for Czechoslovakian arms delivery, to Israel, ordered by Moscow. Hollander (= Baltiska (hid)skinnkompaniet AB, with affiliation in Budapest, Engelmann, Wallenberg-contact, 1944. )
(Olof Palme, Minister of education, was close to both Storch, and Hollander, (Hollander then founded the Jewish Hillel-school and had state funds.) . (Source : Bernt Hermele /2016) (What today nearly split the Swedish Liberal party, in two, when the leader suggests, that no religious, private school, what so ever, shall receive special state funds.)
But did Gordon Knox and Yvonne Birbach met during his two years in Berlin, 1940-1942 ? Unknown.
Was Yvonne legally divorced from Lars Birbach, from Sweden ? Unknown.
The Unger Twins : Yvonne´s close relationship with Gisela Unger, marrried one, pointing to Ingrid von Dardel, married the other. Significant ?
Lars Birbach, he later emigrated to the U.S. How come ? (Made some patents applica-tions, a life-west).
Was the reason for the divorce between Gordon Knox and Yvonne, caused of Lars Birbach´s problematic Nazi/German -antecedentia, he became anyway U.S. citizen, it seems. Unknown.But the U.S. legation allegedly cleared Birbach, due to Expressen,1947.
Or an infiltration, honey-trap, operation, or just ordinary relation conflicts ? .
What “organ” did the U.S State department pressecretary Gordon Knox in fact think with, if not using his heart (or brain) ? (The same as D.Trump ?)
With such a mess at the U.S.legation in Stockholm, Raoul Wallenberg, was probably not in a personal: “Safehaven” or even a U.S.- priority of 1945….
I promised a special comment about Hans von Kantzow, the industrialist, owner of the Kanthal AB, inventor of a special metalalloy, important in spark plugs, industrial ovens , short, a strategic materiel, for among, the German war efforts, and a person in Raoul Wallenberg´s circles. (G.v.Platen ” Buster ” /Memo, “for the young girls there”, von Platen claims.)
(Raoul had even some contacts with Erich Philippi,(former AEG) a Jewish refugee, 1938, and help him shape his one-man company, the Specialmetall förening u.p.a. , (S. Berg-er/2008) but unknown in what business, perhaps a “kanthal-alloy =(förening?)-affili-ation”, but that ´s just a “shot in fog”, because no one have found out, yet what Philippi in fact dealed with, still active 1963. )
The kanthal was no doubt a strategic metal alloy, with huge usefulness. Kanthal, was used in sparkplugs,(glödstift) for gasoline and dieselengines, and nozzles, for genera-tor gase aggregates. (Recommended for cremation installations, but presumably not those ones, you think of…) So, the Kantzow -connection was there, that fall, but never published before. From 1934, the General consul Ragnar Söderberg, (Söderberg & Haak AB/RATOS) presumably in Raoul´s calendar Spring, 1944, took place even in the board, of the Bulten/Kanthal AB.
1916: Hans von Kantzow discovered by chance, (and during a U.S.-trip, 1925) that, an iron-aluminium alloy, could sustain high temperatures, 1.350 C°. About 200 degrees, higher than before reached and now nickel was not needed, but chrome-cobolt, a more cheaper solution. In Germany nickel metal, was banned, and must instead be used in Third Reich´s rearmament programme, from 1933, for producing ammunition. But Kantzow, came just in time , for the war, to build up his enterprise.
But Kanthal was perhaps most used as a nickelfree resistance-element for electrical locomotives, tramps, electricity-heating, household articles, toasts, ovens, …industrial ovens, (BMW) Much of AB Kanthal´s German export is unknown, only this anecdotic (source Alfred Rapp) 1943, a special order from Hermann Göring, a party about grilling geese, with glassovens from Jenaer Glaswerke, or in Münich, ELWA, AG installing electrical heath in the Frauenkirche.
But most probably in melting of metals. Perhaps aluminium at the Manfred Weiss Werke 48 pcs of new owens at the Budapest/Csepel-combinate, to produce German aircrafts. Telephony and radio components, sparkplugs ” Glühkerzen”, electrods. Bulb ignition for crude oil-motors. A Kanthal ad´of 1945 : The Swedish aircraft, (the Wallenbergsphere´s SAAB-21, (J21) the new fighter (attack/divebomber) had 13.496 bolts, and of those 12. 766, pieces from the Bulten AB, to keep the fuselage in place, when divebombing.
Ovens for melting of metals, aluminium, (but even cremations) Tested of : Technische Hochschule, Dresden, Ínstitut für Starkstrohm und Hochspannungsatechnik. Sulphur-steadfast into diesel operating machines. In telephone and in radios.Bulb ignition in crude oil motors. Sparkplugs for dieselengines (Glühkerzen/elektrodes).
1926. Hans´s Kantzow´s brother Nils von Kantzow divorced Carin Fock, who later married with Hermann Göring. But 1931, Carin died, and when Göring wanted to take care of their son Thomas (b.12), there was a conflict, and Hans was representing, Nils in the court, against Göring. By that Nils von Kantzow at last, became in charge of Thomas. He lived in Stockholm , but had an apartment, with the Görings couple.The count Göran Kalling,(b.86) was Hans von Kantzow´s lawyer in Germany.
1931: Hans, vK now had divorced his first wife Hertha, and she moved to Stockholm, with her daughters, Lorle, and Elfie, the son Berth stayed with Hans in Hallstahammar. (In fact it was Hertha who named the Kanthal alloy: Kant- from Kantzow, and Hal- from Hallstahammar, the metal industty village.)
1932, AB Kanthal, had contact with the old German company, Wolf Netter, who became agent, the same year the German rearmament banned all nickel from the civil prod-uction, only to be used in ammunition. The Kanthal AB, had their first exportorder, from Robert Bosch A.G in Stuttgart, 20 kg of very thin thread/wire, for using in spark plugs (glödstift) for the necessary pre-heating of dieselengines, for lorries.
1933: The Wolf Netter AG, was arisert, and Kantzow then placed the agency, at the Berg- und Hütten produkte, A.G, but still with Alfred Rapp,(b.08) employed. (From Netter´s company, Kantzow later recruited Alfred RAPP, for worldwide marketing of the kanthal alloy.) But there were some technical problems when introducing Kanthal, the first nickel-free alloy, of this type, and even the application for patent and marketing was endangered, of competitors, as: The Deutsche Edelstahlwerke.
1934:(ca) Kantzow then made a personal appeal to Hermann Göring, 1933/34, and by his intervention, the Kanthal application was approved. Presumed, much out from the old relations with von Kantzows. (and perhaps of Kanthal´s vast field of application in the industry)
1935: Alfred Rapp, was employed at the AB Kanthal, on condition he made a success-ful,sales-trip, to U.S. (Jarl von Kantzow, the youngest child (2nd marriage) claims his father, was ” fruktansvärd = terrible” in closing advantageous agreements with his customers, or cooperators.)
But Alfred Rapp´s mother had Jewish background,(neé Grünbaum) and when Rapp intended to marry his fiancée Liselotte, the Nazi´s racial Nuremberg-legislation ,1935, (Introduced of Hans Globke, et al, an SS- Eichmann colleague, Adenauer´s head of staff, 1953-1961) was used trying to prevent this, even in Sweden, 1938. They had then to marry in Britain.
1935, the AB Bulten-group grew from 5 to 10 millions, in sales, during the big re-armament. This year Hans Kantzow, even married a 27 years younger wife, An-Li, and had two children. When Rapp moved to Kanthal, mr Walter Jacobson succeeded him, to sell the kanthal alloy.
1937-1939: Kantzow established Kanthal-agencies, world over, in Hungary/Budapest, and most in Germany, a mr Nandor WEISS, was employed. For Latvia, Willem ENDEL, since 1940 in Stockholm.
1939: Just before the war, the Jew, Jacobson, was arrested of Gestapo, and placed in the Dachau KZ. When this news reached Kantzow, he took first flight and visited Her-mann Göring, at Karinhall close to Berlin, and returned within some days with Jacobsen, to Sweden. (Later Jacobsen emigrated to Australia, and managed a Kanthal-agency there.)
(This reminding, exact of the fate and release of Erich Philippi/ former AEG, 1938, in what Raoul perhaps was implicated, exact how unknown, but both Hans von Kantzow, and Arvid Richert (in Berlin) signed for Philippi, to have a resident permit, in Sweden. (*source : Ingrid Carlberg). Raoul was then 1939 helping Philippi to establish an own business, The Special-Metall Förening, u.p.a. interpreted as Wallenberg´s special att-ention for Jewish refugees´s , with business projects, what Susanne Berger thorougly investigated 2008. (But the purpose for this company is still unknown.) The Special-Metall-förening, u.p.a.
1939-1945, most Kanthal-export deliveries went to Germany, and her occupied countries. The Statens handelskommission, (National Trading Commis-sion), “HK” the Handels-kommissionen, from 1943, head Leif Belfrage, was not generous with issuing of exportlicences, for this electrical resistance products, spark plugs (glödstift) for pre-heating of dieselengine lorries. (One of Raoul´s calendar contacts, 1944.).
Raoul Wallenberg´s maternal Aunt, Anna Wising, was married 1903 , with Carl W. Nisser (b.79). His elder brother C.M. Nisser (b.72) had a son in his 2nd marriage , 1912, Lennart (Fosheim) NISSER (b.13), in the AB Bulten/Kanthal from 1934, and the man. dir., 1941. If Raoul knew this distant relative is unknown. The former´s daughter Maj, mar-ried Enzio von Plauen, 1935. Carl Nisser, and wife Anna, (Raoul´s maternal aunt), Broby säteri/slott, Tegneby, were members of the Riksföreningen Sverige-Tyskland, (f.1937), as of 1942/1943.
Hans von Kantzow was even close to the lawyer Hugo STENBECK , (father of, late Jan Stenbeck/Kinnebäck / TV3) and Kantzow, was even in the boards of big industries, as the Sandvik, Korsnäs, Kinnevik, Halmstad´s Ironplant. Kantzow was even in the board of the: Exportföreningen, the SUKAB, (foreign trade/compensation) and the Jernmanu-faktur.(iron)
1940: 2.000 people in the workforce.
1941 : The Export increased, for the Kantahl AB . Hans von Kantzow in the board of the Exportföreningen/Export ass.) with Axel Ax:son Johnson (Marie-Claire´s father), Fred Ljungberg, Wehtje, Olof Bildt, and in the board of the Järnmanufaktur,(iron) and the IMO -industri AB./ The IMO-company, produced a special screw-pump, suited for crude oilrefinaries, invented of mr Ingeström one of the man.dir at the Bulten AB.
1942: Kanthal the profit doubled
1945, now Kantzow divorced even, An-Li, and the son Jarl, stayed with his father, but Marianne, must live with her mother, in Kantzow´s apartment at Villagatan in Stock-holm, then Banérgatan. Hugo Stenbeck succeeded then into the court to keep Kantzow´s alimony , as low as possible.
But the same day when Ludolph Christensen/Nootbars powdered egg company arrived ,July, 21, 1944, Raoul Wallenberg met a: “Nathan WEISS hier”, an unknown name. Could it be, that this was mr Nandor Weiss, Kiraly utca, no.89, and in fact Kantzow´s official business representant for Kanthal at Budapest, from 1938 ? (and September 26).
May be, but can´t be confirmed either. Maybe Nathan Weiss and Hans von Kantzow had some liasion, used by Wallenberg ? (There is a photo of this mr Nandor Weiss, but even unknown if being a relative of the Manfred Weiss family.)
This fateful month, July, 25, and August 5, Raoul even met members of the Jewish family, Erwin KORANYI, exposed to Hungarian anti-Jewish actions, of all kinds. His father was an old customer of AB Kanthal´s products, and by that his fiancée (Lici) and four other Jews, received protection passports. Erwin had a passport co-signed by Raoul Wallenberg, issued August 17, 1944.
Raoul knew Kantzows, June 1942, he was guest at Gösta Hagströmer´s wedding, as guest with Lorle Kantzow, Kantzow´s daughter (b.17), living in Stockholm, with her divorced mother Hertha and sister Elfie, and took part of the social life. Gustaf von Platen, (Buster/SvD) claims, in his memoirs, that Hans von Kantzow was well within Raoul´s social circles, as the baron Kurt von Drachenfels, a stooge for Nazigermany,(the legation) when he bought the Finanstidningen, 1936 .
But now begin to burns, like a Kanthal owen, 1370 ° : when Nigel Bance (2016) claims that Raoul became a Russian hostage, 1945, and during the interrogations, informed the NKVD of all Swedish / Wallenberg´s economic/trade-relations, separate surrender, during the war. Who was more informed than Raoul ? His bulging calendar maybe spoke of its own. A good question.
With this informations, Stalin could then threat the U.S., in fact with disclosing the economic/industrial relations with Sweden-Germany, but even the U.S. Big Business economic relations, with Third Reich, an alleged bartering, against the U.S. silence about – the Katyn-killings,1940.
(Nigel Bance): In fact the Allieds and their Safehaven project, blame Sweden, and the Neutrals, even just to hide their own dirty business, with Hitler.(Some Hungarian sour-ces, (officer Vilmos Bondor) claimed that Raoul, to move from bad to worse, himself had collected “Katyn”-evidences, perhaps through the active Polish diaspora in Budapest, couldn´t but put him if true, in very dire straits, but we don´t know. /G. Kovacs./
1945: May 15 : Alfred Rapp, had an invitation and permission of the U.S. Army, to meet his brother Walter RAPP, in Prague. He had before the war,as German Jew, emigrated to the U.S., educated as lawyer, and during the war, 1941 he was called up in the army,(***G.Patton´s) and later promoted to the Nuremburg War Crimes secreteriat, for one of the general prose-cutors, Telford Taylor, as head of the: Evidence section.
Hans von Kantzow approved this trip, and advised Alfred Rapp to visit the Czechoslov-akian Kotva-agency, for AB Kanthal in Zlin, their sales-agent in Stockholm, was a mr Voles.(Only person with this name, a mr Antonin Voles, was staying in Sweden postwar, with some commercial activity.) The Kotva, was an affiliation of the Bata (shoe) company, but even dealing with special products as Kanthal. (Rudolph Philipp, former trotskyist, published 1945, a book about the Bata business group, as 1939 the one about the German-Russian pact. But Alfred Rapp was soon forbidden to stay there of the Czechs.
1946: Walter Rapp, later came very close to the cases of Karl WOLFF, the SS-general, (2nd to RFSS/Himmler) in Allen Dulles “Operation Sunrise”, separate surrender, March-May, 1945, (and brother-in-law of Ludolph Christensen, Raoul´s and Meropa´s busin-esspartner from Hamburg, arriving to Budapest, July 21-August 1, 1944, the day after von Stauffenberg´s attempt on Hitler. (Christensen joined Wallenberg, to August 1, but most unknown in what business, but Raoul hinted something about important decisions “in being” within the “highest German circles”.)
During a second trip, 1946/47 to Germany, Alfred Rapp and his wife, could even visit the trials of General Rundstedt, von Manstein, and some I.G. Farben officials.) Walter Rapp, was even implicated in the case of Kurt BECHER, the SS-colonel, Raoul met freq-uently in Budapest, Becher´s mission was to loot, Jews, and deliver the Manfred Weiss Werke, to RFSS/Himmler, and the German war effort, the big thefticide, foregoing, but within the genocide.
Adolf Eichmann had some troubles with his NSDAP-genosse, SS-colonel, Kurt Becher in Budapest, 1944, in the “Blut-gegen-Waren” business, and claimed that Kurt Becher, kept RFSS/Himmler himself(!) , as his “captive”, and “Becher was a crafty negotiator”, giving Himmler fex a gold necklace, (for his mistress) and this can explain, Raoul Wallenberg´s alleged more close, frequent contacts with Becher.
Eichmann even accused that, SS-Kurt Becher, demanded that Eichmann´s deportations of Jews should increase, to raise the fear and tensions, all over Hungary, making it ea-sier for Becher, and his SS-unit, to loot and make “extortions” of the Jewish population´s properties.
These coincidences, perhaps playing decisive roles in Raoul Wallenberg´s fate, 1945, may be of interest. Perhaps there existed then, a channel to German circles to obtain useful information – it´s anyway remarkable close. But no informations are known, from neither Hans von Kantzow, or the Rapp bros., post war concerning the Wallenberg-case. Not the least from the Nuremberg trials.
So here we even, find a perfect, but unknown possible channel to the Nuremberg trials, of 1946, via: Hans von Kantzow, the trial, what not only dealed with the Hauptkriegs-verbrechers necks, but even due to Nigel Bance,(2016) “about the life of Raoul Wallen-berg.” Nigel Bance may stand up for his own conclusions, but what about the findings of, Alfred and especially Walter Rapp´s involvement in the Nuremberg trials, 1945/ 1946 ? Seems to good/bad to be true if so – “and then it isn´t usually true” ? We don´t know. But must be published, sources, Rapp´s and Kantzow-relatives memoires.
So, if there were allegedly secret negotiations U.S. -USSR, before the Nuremberg trial, 1946, Walter Rapp, prosecutor, in the U.S. army, was very uniqe close, to receive any secret information, or leaks. (** Winston Churchill wanted to execute the main German leaders summarily, on the spot, in NKVD /Katýn-style, 1940 (?) or “string” them up, but Stalin really pressed for the judicial correct, Nuremberg trials.
How his will, then influenced the trials, is interesting, if Stalin, wanted at the same time, to “hide” special events ? But Stalin even used staged trials during the Great Terror, during the 1930s, he may had experiences , that such procedures, worked, as he even is described, as the partyman, the committeeman, the organizer.
He didn´t share der Führer´s charismatic, performances, the open hysteria, massagit-ation, mobilization, theatrical talents, the crazy Nazi-rage, and that´s why Germany lost the war, and Hitler was soon finished, April 1945. But hadn´t the Germans the most high organised developed European culture, but a democracy becoming a dicta-
ture ? Europe or Sweden, officially had no pains, when Hitler smashed the best and biggest, organized, the German working class, their unions, and their parties, the SPD and KPD, as his first action.
Scholars : Stalin had no special charisma at all, in his personal expressions, not even when Wehrmacht stood 40 km outside Moscow 1941, November 7, – ” Tovaaritj – Smertj.. Germaanski ! and the Red army marched from Red square parade to the front, but perhaps in his outer appearance. The Stalin-cult, in white marshal uniforms and boots, worked, maybe compensated his, lack of “attitude”, (and of course The Great Terror of 1936-1938, did the job, not the least…),
But he´s and his circels, shaped an organized society/system, able to ward off, the formidable German Barbarossa attack, of June, 1941, (prolong the peace-period 1939-1941, winning time), 1942 -1943, mobilize, hold on, and then go to general and con-tinued offensives, from 1943, Stalingrad/Kursk, 1944, the Ten-Blows, and then defeat the Third Reich, 1945, writing ” Ivan was here ! ” on the Führer´s Reichskanzlei in Berlin. May 9. The Battle of the Millenium. – It was the Russians´s war.
Few in the West could imagine, all this following phases, as they unfolded. But in fact only their own problems, added to their others, those days. They were in fact dependent of Stalin´s Soviet system, the whole war, in fact, not the least, Churchill. Stalin the one, not able to substitute. You bet that the UD, kept a low profile,1945, but anyway deliv-ered Anatolij Granovskij, to U.S./CIA, 1946 as easy as that, Wallenberg, was still lost… how can anyone explain this Swedish´s twists ? Not me. Trick or Treat ?
32: (2016) NIGEL BANCE: (2016) :
I must first catch up and refer to some parts of Nigel Bance´s study, (2016) : THE LIQUIDATION OF RAOUL WALLENBERG: based in part on the NKVD-head Ivan Serov´s diary: Notes from a suitcase. (Moscow 2016), the book, what caused the latest shake-up in the Wallenberg-case. (But not the alleged Pskov-visit 1942 in my comment.)
(1.) ” Nigel Bance : “There is every reason to suspect that Gustav RICHTER, Wallenberg´s first cellmate, 1945, had bartered to save his own skin “.
Bance gives Richter an own chapter. Richter had been transported from Lefortovo, Janu-ary 17, 1945, to Lubjanka, in the cell, was already a German Stalingrad-PoW. Richter was returned to Lefortovo June 17, 1945.
This is interesting, Wallenberg, spent about two months with Richter, 1945, but no one ever doubted, this Sturmbannführer, and Eichmann´s close SS-confident, a war crim-inal in Bucarest, 1942-1944, from any aspect, in fact. (Next cellmate was Willy Rödel, two years, even he from the German Bucarest legation.)
As I claimed before , Richter was interrogated February 5, 1945, the day before Wallen-berg arrived, and then they shared cell, for two months. (Ernst Wallenstein interrog-ated January 13, 1945. (** Source : W.Mayer/Klatt : 2015) A sign, maybe Richter, sold Wallenberg “down the river”, from his well informed position, at the German Bucarest-legation, RSHA/ SS-Polizeiattaché , and “Jüdischer berater”, active to September, 1944.
( By the way: * Ernst Wallenstein and Wallenberg had met ” at Arratt ” airport due to F.v Dardel´s diary, this must be: ** Arad, the little Romanian city close to the Hungarian border with an airport.)
(2.) Bance : Between Oktober 18, and December 1, Hermann Grosheim -Krisko issued protection passports to 14 Soviet PoWs, without any files and authorisation due to Lars Berg, and had Grosheim -Krisko employed an exile-Russian, mr Gleb-Joukovskij, (a.k.a. Zsukovskij). Secret documents had leaked to the Soviet legation in Stockholm, including a list of all deceased Russian PoWs. How come ? Was Grosheim-Krisko a NKVD-agent ?, – asks Bance.
(3.) Think Bance´s claims, are more doubtful about Kutozov-Tolstoj. (Bance writing about ” an English couple” (“unnamed”), must be Dickensons) and suspects that even Kutozov-Tolstoj been double-agent for NKVD and OSS, with all his contacts and know-ledge in foreign languages, reporting for both. Perhaps the U.S. CIA, required the Irish secret service´s interview with him at Ireland, Bance suggests. Bance is not informed about Kutozov-Tolstoj´s letter to Swedish´s Foreign department, 1955, and other facts, as his warrant from the Swedish legation, November, 4, 1944, if needed be the first to approach the Red army, 1945.
(4.) Sweden accepted Dutch presence at her legation´s B-section, as Gerritt van der Waals, and this arrangement, Bance suggests, was even a British asset, as an “intellig-ence front”, and that, der Waals was arrested of the Smersh, December 8, Lake Velence, because of an “intelligence trade gone wrong.” Unknown meaning.
(5.) Nigel Bance, discuss Vilmos Böhm and the, from Vilhelm Agrell, 2002, accusation, (repeated of prof. Kristian Gerner 2003) that Böhm betrayed, Raoul Wallenberg, before or, after he was arrested of the Soviet´s´ frontsecurity, Smersh. In fact, Bance susp-ects many people, (if not all) in the context of being doubleagents: Böhm, Gellert, Dem-aitre, (** all with Hungarian background) and Tolstoy-Kutozov, all in NKVD or OSS. But Bance presumes, that if, Wallenberg was betrayed: the first of this three names, “are in the frame. ”
Bance : – – – ” Böhm var essential in the secret talks that took place in March 1943, – beginning 1944, to withdraw Hungary from the war. Böhm got contact with the British labour in Stockholm, 1938. Böhm was socialist, as many other East/Central European refugees, not communist, but anti-Soviet.”
Bance : ” March 1943, Böhm, was invited to London of Frank ROBERTS , 1st secretary of FO´s central dep., in the War cabinet, and MI6, influential British top diplomat, to find a strategy, to get Hungary out of the war, with: Carlile Aylmer, Macartney a prominent scholar of Hungary, who had even a BBC-programme. Böhm stressed to him, that Hung-ary must not come under Soviet rule. (Böhm even met Benes, the Czechoslovakian min-ister, about the deportation of the Sudeten-Germans, supported of V.Molotov.)
Bance : ” Vilmos Böhm had spent whole 8 month in Britain, March-October, 1943 when he met the NKVD-man (destination Stockholm), Razin, accidentally, sharing room, be-fore going back to Stockholm, over Edinburgh, from where the British courier aircrafts took off. Andor Gellert knew that Böhm gave information to the Russians. (A report from London, from Victor Mallett, concluded that Böhm´s intelligence was appreciated, of high quality.)
Bance : – – – ” Further ciphers showed that Andor Gellert (a former Horthy-Hungarian journalist in Berlin/then in the legation/Stockholm) was recruited of the NKVD, and provided high quality, intelligence from among Yugoslavia, Hungary Finland, German military in Czechoslovakia, and communistgroups in Yugoslavia – a NKVD-source, a major source. (This is not the main understanding today, through the Venona-cables, (V.Agrell), Böhm was trying to recruit Gellert, for NKVD, the British were suspicious of Gellert as a Horthyman, when OSS, sent him to Italy/ Bari, Septyember 25, 1944.)
V.Agrell:/ “Gellert was in close contact and was trusted of the Polish (exile) intelligence. But Gellert had no confidence from the Britons, the U.S. legation gave Gellert a visa to U.K. without permission from the Foreign office, arrived there September 29. Bance: Gellert knew what persons in Hungary, should receive radiotransmitters.
Bance: – – ” In Sweden the Hungarians needed Gellert, for to contribute, to the British separate talks with Hungary, of withdrawal. But had Gellert even committed himself to share intelligence with Moscow, to sounding out Moscow´s intentions for Hungary ? Did MI6 knew, that Böhm became a Soviet asset, or was he intentional, a doubleagent, to disinform Moscow. ” – – –
Bance : The Russian NKVD-man Razin knew Francis Cunningham well, first secretary in U.S.legation, but not mentioned in Razin´s cables. John Scott, in Razins network, had contacts with the papers, Life and Times, from OSS, in order to recruit Scott. “- – –
Bance : Böhm had warrants to discuss, that the Hungarian army, (Honvéd) should not staged resistance, if the Allies invaded.
Bance: – – -” Anthal Ullein-Reviczky was already new Hungarian minister in Stock-holm: ” An archpropgandist , managed press and cultural section, in the foreign dep-artment, a propagandist, with nazi-contacts , and claimed that Germany had the moral right to win the war. /Bance/2016.
Bance: When Ullein-Reviczky arrived September 24, 1943, to Stockholm (assigned September 17 ) , he claimed that all contacts with Britain must pass through him(!) , and not Böhm, at the Hungarian legation in Stockholm. A Briton trade union man, George Gibson (TUC) made a fatal slip, to the Daily telegraph´s Stockholm correspondent about Böhms departure, to Britain in march 1943:
Because of that, Moscow, V.Molotov, complained, that “no discussions before – Hung-ary had withdraw her forces from Russia,” and accused the British minister in Moscow, Archibald Kerr, (from 1941) who had to report Molotov about the talks, (what Razin/ NKVD already had informed about.), that none of the Axis´s satellites, were allowed to negotiate surrender, by their own,since the Allieds´s foreign ministers meetings in Mos-cow, October, 18 -November 11, 1943, between, Anthony Eden, Cordell Hull, Vyache-slav Molotov.
1949: November 5 : Vilmos Böhms funeral, participated, Sven Andersson, socialdemo-crat, then consulting minister, (later defence/foreign minister), the Hungarian social-democrat Ladislaus Hamori, German SPD Paul Pankowski, (right /labour) Austrian Erwin Lachenbacher, Sudeten socialdemocrats hr Schober, rightflank/socialdemocrats,speech of the chairman Carl-Albert Andersson (soc.dem.) from the Stockholm City political cou-ncil.
(7.)Bance :- – – ” But who was Edmond Demaitres´s controler, is not known today. He knew Semenov (Russian) in Stockholm, and reported for Le Petit Parisienne, Daily Exp-ress & Sunday Express. Demaitre is in NKVD-cables från Stockholm, and was a central person in Hungarian/British contacts 1943.
Demaitre , was born in former Hungary, Ödön DEMETER, arrived to Stockholm, 1940, covering the war in Finland/Norway and met among, the British, journalist Reginald Urch /The Times (British agent) , at Grand Hotel, most daily in the pressroom 1944. September 7, Demaitre went to Finland, but was refused without visa, to stay. He com-plained, as he had supported the Finns in the winterwar, 1940, but was deported. (But John Scott, the Times, could spend some weeks in Finland, that month, meeting Fin-nish officials, after the Moscow-peace.) (Moved into Berthold Brecht´s house at Lidingö, 1940, after his departure to. U.S. 1940.) )
(His wife, Ann Demaitre, who lived in Washington, (b.22) (d.91) 69 yrs was born in Budapest and received her early education in Switzerland. After World War II, she worked for the Hungarian Restitution Commission at Allied Headquarters in Frankfurt and Paris, then in 1947 was recalled to Hungary by the Communist government there. Instead, she came to the United States.) www.
I can add, as I before, find out from Edmond Demaitres´s memoirs, he edited the periodical: L´ Avenir, (The Future) Revue pour l´attitude probleme politiques econ-omiqe, et sociaux, d´Aprés-Guerre : (1943-1945) from Stockholm, paid of: Andor GELLERT/ Hortyregime and supported of U.S. and U.K.(Tennant) Demaitre organised a group: of Gellert, Böhm, and Aladar Szegedy-Maszak, Hungarian diplomat dispatched to Stockholm, to speed up the separate surrender talks, 1943. (Both Ullein-Revisczky, Gellert, and professor Gunnar Myrdal were published in L´Avenir.)
From Edmond Demaitre´s memoir : Eyewitness : a journalist covers the 20th century / New York : Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.1981.- – – ” In the summer of 1942, I was contacted by Andrew Gellert, a Hungarian journalist, who even was emissary and trusted collaborator of the Hungarian premier, Nicholas Kállay. – – – In Kallay´s cabal, were Bethlen, Esterhazy, Ullein-R., Szentmiklossy, Szegedy, the regent Horthy, knewn objec-tives to contact the Allies in Bern, Ankara, Stockholm. I contacted both Victor Mallet and Herschel Johnson.
They declare that any official exchanges or negotiations, could be made, but must even include the Russians, and asked Demaitre to keep the contact. How should Hungary, severing the Axis, and the Hungarian forces, in Russia, and in Hungary, about 30 divis-ions, quite important, 1943.
Lord Monckton, one of Churchill´s chief advisers, Walter Monckton, arrived to Stock-holm, and Demaitre had a two-hour-long, conversation, and Demaitre was asked to prepare a PM, about the Hungarian situation, to Churchill. Later the first meeting betwe-en the British diplomat/ SIS, Roger Hinks, and Andor Gellert took place in Demaitre´s apartment, in the meantime contacts between the Hungarians and Allies, were estab-lished in Ankara/Istanbul. “- – – “The British press attaché, Peter Tennant, « one of the most brilliant and resourceful diplomats I´ve met », supplied DEMAITRE´s periodical L´Avenir with original contributions, he obtained from London.- – –
– – – Every month, several thousand of copies, of L´AVENIR were shipped, to Hungary, several thousand copies to Romania and Bulgaria,, and fortyseven (47) to Germany. The subscribers were : libraries, research institutes, front organizations of the GESTAPO, and ABWEHR, the Nazi Counter-intelligence organization, the last issue, appeared in June 1945.- – – When meeting Miklos KALLAY postwar/New York, who complementing DEMAITRE, for his WW2-job, but, suggested : – » Don´t let us delve with the past, we did our best to help our country, it wasn´t our fault, if we didn´t succeed, better talk about what the great powers are going to do now…ehh ? DEMAITRE: – » I will tell you by qouting CHURCHILL, « While the great powers, have learned from past mistakes, they will surely make others. « – – –
This was a short perhaps crude, “review-work” of the parts of Nigel Bance´s book, what I may commenting. What sources Nigel Bance founded his statements upon can´t al-ways be verified, neither concerning his characterization of these wellknown persons.
What I can extract from Bance´s work, Böhm´s cooperation for the British, need more research. Böhm was invited of Frank Roberts (FO) in March 1943 and spent whole 8 months in Britain, to prepare for a Hungarian withdrawal, until he accidentally, met NKVD/Razin during his return to Sweden, from Edinburgh, October 25. (Probably with Wayne. A.(nthony) Wonderly/U.S. mil.att.) During this period the British-Hungarian surrender talks, initiated of PM Miklos Kallay, in Istanbul occured, September 9, in what some sources claims Wallenberg was implicated, as he met even Ullein-Revizscky in Budapest, there in September.
But after that(!) – a new period begins, when Ullein-Revizcky was assigned new Hung-arian minister in Stockholm, arriving September 24, 1943. Maybe then, a new “coalition” took over this project including the U.S.-legation, Cunningham, and Gellert, Ullein-Rev-izscky and Swedish Big business, the Wallenbergs, Erik Björklund,Skandinaviska, all what concluded in the Raoul Wallenberg´s “cocktail-party, December 2, 1943. (See: Susanne Berger : “Not a mr No-body” , about those intensified contacts 1943, Stockholm)
Because, from then, September 1943, Bance claims that all peace-talks, must go thro-ugh: Antal Ullein-Revizscky and the Horthy- Hungarian legation, not the British cont-acts, and Vilmos Böhm. 1943, Molotov had complained against Britain´s special treat-ment and talks of Hungary, with Böhm´s contribution, and from then, all negotiations with the German satellites, must be discussed, together with all the three Allies. So there was a shift, on different levels here. The Allied´s, foreign ministers met in Moscow, October -November for this new order.
My point: did this arouse some conflict between the: British “Hungarian” policy with Böhm as advisor, and the alleged “new ” coalition U.S./Swedish intentions, from the fall of 1943, with perhaps Raoul Wallenberg, as coordinator ? Perhaps both the Britons and the “Little entente” the socialists: Böhm, Brandt, Kreisky, felt degraded ? This shift, (including the contact with the MFM-movement), has not been stressed enough in the investigation, it seems.
1944 : Because now the U.S. jumped head on, into the European theatre of war :
(1.) March 19, Sparrow Mission/Hungary//OSS/Dulles, (2.) (June-September, The Baltic Operations/ WRB/Olsen (3.) June 6, D-Day(!) (4.) the Budapest WRB-mission, July 7, (5.) Andor Gellert to Bari, September 25, incl. MFM (6.) Budapest City Mission in being /Bari/ July (7.) (The Yugoslavia -Dowdell/OSS Chetnik-support, Mihailovic action, August -November, from Italy/Bari.
Nigel Bance´s claims can really questioning accepted facts. His main thesis: Wallenberg´s “Pskov visit”, source NKVD/ Serov, can´t be verified as many of his assertions, lacks sources, (many of footnotes are far from correct), but never mind, the study is of cou-rse useful of other reasons. (Bance has published 35 studies of intelligence cases. ) (** But indeed Wallenberg could relay on about ten Swedish sources, with Baltic States economic interests and connections.)
– – -” But the British was not encouraged of Foreign office to procure covert intelligence from within territory, perceived to be in the direct Soviet sphere – (**i.e. the Baltic Stat-es) that´s why Britain established the Stockholm Press Reading Bureau, 1940. ” Ben Wheatley. 2016). (** Compare to SOE: Denmark, Norway, maybe Finland.)
What I find most interesting for now, in Bance´s study :
(1.) How deep was Vilmos Böhm into the British policy against Hungary, his long stay, there 1943, eight (8) months ?
(2.) Was there a shift (of power/influence ) between the British policy and the U.S policy, the fall of 1943, concerning how to treat Hungary as an Axis satellite ? From Ullein-Reviczcky´s arrival to Stockholm. (As the SOE-OSS , conflicts about the Yugoslavia partisans support ?)
(3.) If so, Vilmos Böhm, (and the Centraleuropean “Little Entente”, of socialists, as Brandt, Kreisky) perhaps felt or were neglected ? Or mainly just another “diversion” moves before the D-Day , to tie down German forces in Hungary ? But Böhm was anyway deep in the WRB-preparations.
(4.) But when Nigel Bance claims: – ” There is every reason to suspect that Gustav RICHTER, Raoul Wallenberg´s first cellmate, 1945, had bartered to save his own skin “, I find that really convincing, and not before pronounced, at all. If Richter was moved from Lefortovo, to Lubjanka, January 17, 1945, (interrogations of Ernst Wallenstein, January 13).( Willy Rödel January, 14 ) and Richter then was interrogated February 5, only days before Wallenberg arrived. Moves to prepare for Wallenberg´s arrival ? Then Richter spent two months as cellmate with Wallenberg, 1945. For what reasons ? This timing, 1945, seems as interesting, perhaps as those final interrogations of July 1947.
G. Rydeberg:(2002) – – -” Further peculiarities in Swedish-British relations can be found at the same time. On receiving the message that Wallenberg had been taken into cus-tody in January, the Swedish ambassador in Moscow, Staffan Söderblom, forwarded the note to the Foreign Ministry in Stockholm, which would be the normal thing to do.
However, according to the notes on the copy in the files of the legation in Moscow, for unknown reasons he also passed it on to Herbert C. North, attaché at the Press Reading Bureau of the British embassy in Stockholm. /Cf. UD P2 Eu1 nr 30 Sept and 22 Oct. The Foreign Ministry in Stockholm./ The question is of course why Söderblom did this, a question that has yet to be answered. “- – – (2004 /Raoul Wallenberg and Swedish Humint Actions during WW2)
Did of course the honourable, Herbert Caird North, or some from the British Press Reading Bureau , from January 17, communicate with Vilmos Böhm, or/ the Russians, with information about Raoul ? Did Caird North or anyone else, by-passed this in fact Swedish diplomatic responsibility, to Wallenberg´s disadvantage, as H.C. North, (and by that Böhm ?) had the information before UD, the morning of January 18, 07.00 a´cl. The story goes, as a Swedish “official” intention, for understanding.
Herbert Caird North, had a rather unusual childhood, as his father, Frank. W. North, (b.1871, in Acton) was reverend in the English Church, in Russia. From 1905 -1911, in S:t Petersburg, and 1911-1920, in Moscow. In Russia, Frank, met his wife, Margaret Caird Birse, bilingual daughter of a Scotsman, employed of a cottonmill owner, since long time in the Russian industries.(1850s) The North family must leave Russia,1920, after the October-revolution,1917, and the British intervention 1918 and economic blockade, 1920.
But 1925, Frank North was assigned in Helsingfors, the honorary British legation chap-lain, where he died, 1925. (Herbert Caird North, was in his parents company, at least to 1911-1925, maybe learn Russian, and in Finland from 1920-1925 he, learned Swedish. (1920 got a sister, Geraldine.) /Harvey Pitcher/1984.
Herbert Caird North, was in fact born in S:t Petersburg, Russia, April 3, 1911. His par-ents was Frank W. North and Margaret North, confirmed through Herbert Caird North´s immigration card to Brazil , in June 2, 1955. Profession: technician/mechanics. He lived then in London, the north: Belzize Park Garden, London NW 3/ and had a passport from, the British generalconsul in Paris, of 27/10 1951. Probably he went to Brazil, 1955, for his employer, Mather & Platt Ltd (Manchester) the same company, in his career, in Sweden, 1936-1940. ( 61903 /-1:1:V1SH-GHZ).
The Times January 15, 1955: (Obituary) Mrs Margaret CAIRD NORTH, C.B.E., who was head of the British Red Cross, in Moscow, during the 1914-1918 War, died on Thursday at the age of 75. She was the widow of the Rev. F.W.North, C.B.E. (* and Herbert Caird North´s mother, neé Birse.)
Harvey Pitcher /In : ” The Smiths of Moscow: (1984): A story of Britons abroad: – ” While in St. Petersburg, Frank North married 1905, a member of the congregation, Margaret Caird Birse. She was born in Russia of Scottish parents, and was bilingual. (One of her bilingual brothers, Arthur BIRSE, became Churchill’s Russian interpreter in Moscow, during World War II. (Uncle Edward Birse became assistent to Robert Bruce LOCKHART, the wellknown British consul in Moscow from 1912, (and 1918). (* Another Russia-born bilingual brother, uncle George, arrived in July 1944, to assist Arthur in Moscow.)
Harvey Pitcher / In “The Smiths of Moscow: (1984) : – – – records an interview with: Herbert, the Norths’ son, who remembered vividly the events of 1917. ” – The Bolsheviks set up a machine gun post in one of the attics, and we spent nearly a week in the base-ment with no light and little food. On emerging from the house at the end of the figh-ting we found many spent cartridges in the courtyard and two large pools of blood.”
– – – Herbert remembered helping his father pull a sledge round the villages outside Moscow, in the search for food. Both of North parents were later awarded the CBE for their services to the community, and Frank North accepted the Helsinki chaplaincy which was renamed “Helsinki with Moscow,” a sign that St. Andrew’s was never relinquished. In the years before a permanent chaplain could be appointed to Moscow, the chaplain from Helsinki used to try to come to Moscow once a month, often taking services in the British Embassy. The Church Registers list regular visits from clergy and Bishops.
Michael Skinner: What we did for the Russians (2008) – – Speaking of Hubbards, rem-inds me of a family I met, by the name of BIRSE. Senior was a member of the Hubbard company, spinning and weaving cotton.He had three sons and at least one daughter. They lived the comparatively comfortable life of the colonial trader. They, like the others in their position, had a dacha, sent their sons to Realschule, were members of the British club.
Of the (3) sons, Edward was to become commercial assistent to Robert Bruce Lockhart, British consul in Moscow from 1912. (1918 in Lockharts´s Russia-mission /R.B. Lock-hart/diaries. 1978.) Edward (married Vera) is described as a Moscow businessman, who had talked Russian from birth. Translated books of Mannerheim (he seemed to knew) and Sibelius, from Swedish, 1930s, probably stayed in Finland, to 1945) , and brother George: became an opera singer, educated in Russia. (even called up to Moscow 1944, July, as interpretor)
Arthur BIRSE married a British girl, engaged as many others in teaching English.They escaped Russia at the Revolution. Arthur became eventually prominent, during the 2nd World War, as interpreter for Churchill at the great summits with Stalin. / Michael Skin-ner: 2008 /
Here the reverend, Frank North and his Margaret, since long time staying in Russia, then after the October revolution 1917, (i.e. 7/11) appear in the drama, and they didn´t app-reciate the revolutionary Bolsheviks, but became something of relief workers,in Moscow, aiding, British PoWs, and private citizens, with food, and support.
But 1920, March, Frank North was arrested of the Bolsheviks, accused of: – ” being a British spy, (with contacts to Paul Dukes, – and Dukes was in fact a British MI6-agent/ ST-25), collaboration with the White Guards (Czarforces ), disposing of a secret code, and had relayed 200.000 roubles to the anti-bolsheviks.” Frank North denied all this. (About 700 Britons was assembled in Moscow.)
(But ” A.C. Thorn (one of the PoWs) heard another version,” that North had helped Dukes with money as the Cheka was in his heels. (* H. Pitcher,/The Smiths of Moscow, 1984) Even Paul Dukes was the son of the Congregationalist clergyman, reverend. Edwin Jos-hua Dukes. (See: **Paul Dukes : The Story of ST-25. London: Cassell, 1938.
(** But the British, operated in Russia, from summer of 1918, with invasion,(Murmansk) & (Black sea) and attacked the navybase Kronstadt, from Finnish Koivisto, a big British fleet sailed into to the Finnish Gulf, bombarded the coast, and they blockaded from 1918, all shippings of food/medicine to Russia, and supported the Czar-monarchists, and Estonia. (This shaped an outspoken lack of confidence, from the Russians later during the 2nd World War, don´t mention the Crimean war 1854-1856, from the Baltic sea, attacking the Finnish coast, and Sveaborg, Kronstadt .) (Arthur Birse´s father living in St Peterburg remember as little boy, he could hear the British navy´s bombardment of Kronstadt, 1856.)
– – -But in April,1920, the Bolsheviks released their 15 British PoWs, and many citizens, (200) and they crossed the border, to Finland, at the Rajajoki/Systerbäck,railway station. Among them was: Herbert NORTH, and his parents, Frank and Margaret North. (** There´s even a photo of young HERBERT, outside this train, 1920, with his father, the British PoWs, ” interventionists”, and Red army guards.) (The British Labour party had then a delegation in Russia, for if possible, (* George Lansbury) normalize the relations, stop intervention, economic blockade, and open up trade relations. The Labour didn´t app-reciated Frank North.)
BACK TO BRITAIN : 1920/ TO FINLAND : 1920-1925:
After arriving back to Britain, 1920, April, to Southampton, with S/s Dongola, and some 300 refugees, Frank North soon became active in something of an anti-bolshevik British right/nationalist conservative, “crusade”, against the ” criminal adventurers”, and in June, even expressed during a public meeting: ” – – – The menace was a Jewish one, and because it was Jewish, it was anti-Christian.” Frank North had even met a Briton in the context: “Not a slightest objection, to M. Feinberg for being a Jew… there are good Jews in the world”, but what a good honest, English-born, Jew, should be doing as a commissar, in Moscow, passes my comprehension ! ” / The Times. 1920 /.
Later the Norths, both were decorated with CBE. But May, 17 1925, Frank W. North, died in Helsinki, Östra (Brunnsparks)allén no. 11, Finland, (after an operation), as honorary chaplain, at the British legation, today located even here. Herbert C. North must then went to school here, and learned Swedish, soon after the Finnish Civil war, 1918.
It was during these events, Herbert Caird North must have presumably spent, (1911-) 9 years in Russia, and 5 years in Finland, (-1925) but unknown how these influenced him. Did he met Raoul Wallenberg, and told him this story, and even Cyril Cheshire, (PCO)SIS ) who himself had some Russian background, in the timberbusiness. Frank North even met Maxim Litvinov, 1920, who warned him to stay in Russia.
(Edward BIRSE, stayed later in Finland, for 20 years, had a programme in the Finnish public radio, *Lahti, 1931.) (R.Bruce Lockhart /The Diaries.P.1 (1973) /- – – “Edward Birse member of Lockhart´s commission, from London, to contact the Provisional (Bol-shevik) government in Russia, January, 14, 1918.) (Lockhart arrested September /Octo-ber, to Lubjanka, after a shooting of the Cheka-head, and the Lenin-attempt.) (*The Swedish General consul Claes Asker had him released.) R.B. Lockhart / ” As my comm-ercial expert I took with me Edward Birse, a Moscow business man, who had talked Russian from his cradle. ”
Arthur H. BIRSE: Memoirs of an Interpreter (1967): Arthur (Herbert) Birse, b.1889, in S:t Petersburg was Herbert Caird North´s uncle. Birse remember the Russian-Japanese,war of 1904-1905, what Russia lost, and caused the March Revolution of 1905, against the Czar. (His younger brother George, was operasinger). Birse married 1915, with an Eng-lish girl, and stayed in S:t Petersburg. 1917, during the World War, the “February” revo-lution, Kerenskij, and the the Bolshevik´s October revolution, November 7. Birse sent his wife and child to England, through Sweden, himself to the British Military Comm-ission in Russia.
1918, he went back to England, his father died soon in Russia. Birse then was recruited to the British intervention force in Murmansk, 1918, there were French, Italians and Serbs. Then to Rostov, soon captured of the Bolsheviks, from general Denikin. His sister, Margaret was still in Moscow, with her husband Frank North, and ” their young son”, (i.e. Caird North) and helped the British citizens. They all were back in Britain, spring 1920. Employed as a banker, 1920/30s, (Martin´s bank, Poland, Italy) then 1939, called up for army service, and located to the Middle East. Then again to Moscow in June, 30, 1941, happened to fly with Dekanozov, from Ankara, to Moscow, and the 2nd British military commission, now in the Grand Alliance.
Went back to Britain, during the fall, one week and back to Moscow with the convoy, PQ1 from Iceland, September arriving October to Archangelsk, 1941.Then evacuated, as all foreign legations, to Kujbusjev during the German offensive, Typhoon, against Mo-scow. Then back to Moscow 1942, but when on his way back to Britain, again, (bored) he was recalled to Moscow, in August, during the talks of the exit of the Polish army (Gen.Anders), from Russia, because a VIP-team from Britain was expect to arrive: CHURCHILL , Air Marshal Tedder, Cadogan, General Wavell, August 13.
Birse was then requested to interprete with the first meeting: Churchill -Stalin in the Kremlin. (Stalin´s own interpreter was Pavlov) Then a drink and a bite, and both Stalin and Molotov asked about Birse´s past and background in Russia. After this meeting, 7 hours, Churchill turned to Birse: “I´m very pleased with you, in future I will want you always to interpret for me,” and this made Birse, proud, ” to had got him across”. 1945, July 17, we see Birse riding back on Churchill´s and Eden´s jeep touring Berlin, and outside Hitler´s Chancellery, during the Allied´s Potsdam summit, (now with Truman)
Another of Winston Churchill´s translators: Hugh Lunghi : Source/www: The Internat-ional Churchill society – – – By contrast the xenophobe Stalin and the stolid Molotov, taking the cue from Roosevelt, poured vitriol on the French: “rotten to the core and should be punished,” was one expression I heard. Churchill stuck up for France not just out of love—Britain would need her as the main ally on the continent. But Churchill also stood up for fair play for the German people, as distinct from the Nazis. Stalin taunted him: “You are pro-German,” adding to his censure the Argentinians, Brazilians and Swiss, calling them “sw-ne,” the Swedes, even worse, the Finns “stone-obstinate.” – – –
A. Birse : Memoirs of an interpretor (1967: – – -The early days of January (i.e.15th) 1945, Air Marshal Tedder came to saw Stalin, with Admiral Archer, and three U.S. gen-erals, infor-ming about the situation on the Western front- – – Stalin was impressed and pleased, I had never seen Stalin in a better mood- – – a fortnight after this meeting preparations began for the Yalta summit ( 1st leg.secr. Moore Crosthwaite), Churchill, Roosevelt arrived February 3.
– – -Stalin proposed a toast for the interpreters, hard working when the leaders enjoyed themselves, and walked around clinking glasses with each of one of us. Then Churchill raised his glass, and exclaimed: “- Interpretors of the world unite ! You have nothing to lose but your audience ! ” This parody on the Communist slogan, so tickled Stalin´s sense of humour, that it was some minutes before he could stop laughing.- – –
Birse had no illusions of Stalin, and must abandon with his relatives, decades of ordinary daily life in Russia,1850-1920, (take that…), and met Stalin most in situations where he needed support, from the West, but Birse anyway came unique close to him, as few others, and summoned his memories:
– – – ” Not a devotee of the s.c. personality-cult, but I admit that it was something in his (Stalin) personality, which revealed pre-emince, a grasp of the essentials, the alert mind, which could not fail to impress and fascinate. He relied to a minimum on his assistents at the roundtable, he carried all the details in his head. Nor did he miss any weakness in the argument of his opponents, on which he would pounce like a bird of prey. I liked his slow, simple manner of expressing himself, which entailed no effort for his interpretor to follow his train of thought.- – –
From these legendary summits during the war, one can see many photos of Arthur Birse, as at Yalta, February, 1945, at the same table as : Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, and Birse, close to the camera, Anthony Eden in profile. They seem of course in good mood. Birse standing between Churchill and Stalin, on other photos, from Teheran, 1943, sitt-ing next to Stalin, at Winston´s birthday (69) party, November 30, and in Yalta, Potsdam 1945. Birse cooperated well with Stalin´s personal English interpreter, Pavlov, if pro-blems with the translations.
Arthur Birse even assisted in the interrogations of the NKVD-defector, the cipherclerk, V. Petrov, in Canberra, 1954, maybe to Swedish advantage.(Petrov/NKVD, in Stockholm, during Razin, 1943-1947, (The Royal Commission on Espionage) This must even imply that the British MI6, had the best inside observation of Petrov´s informations, through Birse. (* Not even professor Vilhelm Agrell has noticed that, in his book about the Petrov-case , 2014.)
But maybe, Herbert Caird North, had good contacts with his uncle, Arthur Birse, and Caird North, mastered even Swedish, (since Fin-land) maybe Russian. Unthought, maybe this kinship, carried a potential for informations, through Arthur Birse, perhaps of importance in the Wallenberg-case ? But sheer speculations. We don´t know.
Perhaps even Staffan Söderblom knew Arthur Birse, from the diplomatic scene in Mos-cow, from June 1944. Söderblom´s brother Jon -Olof married the daughter of the prime-minister, Per Albin Hansson,(s) 1932, and served as his personal secretary, perhaps a channel of information, the whole war, later even serving Östen Undén, -1962.
From a British company history, Mather & Platt Ltd: (1955).: “- – – Behind the formal announcement of Mr. Herbert North´s appointment to the Board, lies a story, which begins in Russia, and takes in both revolution and invasion. – – – Herbert, then nine years old, remembers the departure (from Russia April, 1920) clearly and the return to England. – – Now he controlling the Company´s fire engineering interests over a large part of the world. – – – Herbert´s grandparents had met the (first) Sir William Mather in Russia, during his frequent business trips, and Martin Cox, M&P´s representative in Moscow, (left 1917) – -so Herbert finishing his schooling in England, and met Mr Loris Mather, who took him on as apprentice.
He was one of the first people to join the new: Canning department. With his back-ground and speaking Swedish,he was obviously destined to serve in Northern Europe, but it was not until 1936, – after spells in London, France and Belgium – that he reached Sweden where a year later, (1937) took over all our Fire Engineering interests throughout Scan-dinavia and Finland. There, war caught up with him a second time. When the Germans invaded Norway and Denmark, he was again cut off from England. He saw out the war in the British Legation, and when released in 1945, was able to restart M & P´s business in Scandinavia.
” Fate evidently decided it had provided Herbert with sufficient excitement. “- The rest is quite uneventful, he says.” During the next ten years (=*1945-1955) he worked his way back to Park Works, (Manchester), taking in Paris as manager of S.A. M&P and London, where he assumed responibility, for part of of the Company´s foreign fire engineering business as a Special Director. His shares of the World is Europe, and Latinamerica, and he sees them at first hand, leaving Manchester by planes- – – /
This is correct, and Caird North was employed as ” techn. repr.” at the Mather & Platt Ltd., the office situated at Stockholm, Kungsgatan no. 33, from about 1934, in charge was a mr David A. Bastin. (probably Briton..?) living at the Värtavägen no. 13. Then the engineer Gösta FANT, and Caird North, appears in the telephone directory from about 1938. North lived first at the Värtavägen no. 23, then, the Rindögatan no 42.
The Kungsgatan no 33, is one of the 1920s “Twin Towers” in Stockholm, and cross over the street, one find Kungsgatan no 30, the other tower where Raoul Wallenberg spent his days about the same time, from the spring 1937 , to 1940, staying at Hans Böhme´s lawyer office and they maybe met in the street, those years. Funny coincidence. At the same city-address, one find some German companies, located: as Stahl-Union, representing Vereinigte Stahlwerke = Fritz Thyssen, and the German journalist/attache 1939, Paul Grassman, Voith Ab, Merck Ab.
(Unthought, maybe beyond all imaginations, but for the sake of full spectrum, persp-ective, Caird North, perhaps should keep an eye on the German business activities, in Stockholm, and perhaps Wallenberg, soon after he returned from Palestine, 1937, if he was viewed as a “zionist go-between”, (Beszymenskij) then a British mandate, I know that´s it more than far-fetched. (But the British legations use to call up all citizen´s before an expected war, all were it seemed ,”sleeping agents”.) (** I blame the official SOU:2003 investigation, claiming that Caird North had some intelligence activities,in connection with his M&P employment, but not SOE – but all ” British ” Swedish files of 1943-1954, are obliterated.)
But it seems, that the M & P´s office, moved, about 1940, to Gösta Fant´s home at the Vesslevägen no. 4, in Ålsten/Bromma, maybe the war, closed down the sprinkler bus-iness, (or prob. boomed) and then Caird North was employed at the British legation, 2nd to Cecil Parrott, in the Press Reading Bureau, from the fall 1940.
He later moved to the Strandvillan, Lidovägen no.25, and then to the Rosenhill estate, with A.W. Waring, all at the Djurgården, close to the British embassy, at the Strandvägen, and PRB, and Peter Tennant, at the Bergshyddan. Cyril Cheshire at the Birger Jarls-gatan, as James Knapp-Fisher, and Roger Hinks, Ronald Turnbull at the Grev Turegatan 73. (** Gösta Fant had Sweden´s first amateur transmitter, certificate SMZZ, 1923,and the first public radio, licence.)
1940: December 13: A squashmatch, “Denmark-Sweden”, at the Wittstocksgatan no. 17, Stockholm, among listed this pair of players: Torben Strand – “H.C. North.” (and in SM of 1941, “North” in squash) (**Cecil Parrott claims he built a squash-court in Yugo-slavia.) Maybe /must be Caird North ? A sign, that Caird North (and Turnbull) had early contacts with the Danish resistance, through this squash-match ? We don´t know. As Jane Horney phoned him, later October, 1944. (See: Parrott in the next comment: No. 33:2)
1943: November 11: The funeral of dr Anatole Fuchs. Speechs, by the attaché H.C. North, and Dr Adamek for the Polish colony, his comrades at the British legation, and wreaths from the Staff of the Press Reading Bureau.(i.e Cecil Parrott).
Parrott mentions this in his memoire: The Tightrope : “A Polish Jew, Anatole Fuchs, one of our Polish readers, hanged himself on a door, in his bedroom, not clear why, prob-ably because of that stage in the war, he felt little hope for the future. ” (But that the British legation cooperated with the Polish refugees, even C.McKay, noticed in his latest essay about:
Dr Adler-Rudels/ Jewish Agency/London: (zionist) visit to Sweden, met Countess Ebba Bonde, March, 1943, and then a possible link to the Polish refugees in Hungary, and Wallenberg, asked of contacting, one of them Eduard Fietowicz,(October, 1944) even he in separate surrender visits, to Britain, 1942/1943, but 1944 jailed of the Germans, and sent to KZ-camp. Adler-Rudel even visited Sweden, September-November 1944 and met Swedish officials, and the Soviet minister, Kollontay, in October. /C.McKay.2015. /
This was a rare event, for to if possible, aimed at speeding up the Red army´s advance towards the KZ- Theresienstadt. (** But if so, why was Wallenberg´s alleged visit to Stockholm, (and perhaps,Kollontay), (the Kemeny-Fuchs/case ) that autumn, m.o.l.
absolute dismissed of the historians, but confirmed of Marcus Wallenberg, 1981.)
1944: September, 3 : Marriage : J. Edwin Carbines, diplomat och Eva Troll-Bergengren, the English church/Stockholm: Carl-Otto Taube, (=Evert Taube´s brother), Victor Mallett and wife, E.(mil) M. Nielsen, the legation, (who ? Dane ?) General.consul. K. J. M. White, secretary. C. Parrott, och attaché, H.C. North, the Polish general, W.(ilhelm Rückemann and wife,and from the Polish legation,M.(aurice) Karniol, the Polish socialist-party, Nor-bert ZABA, (Polish) pressattaché, Ferdinand Brisson, (author) Fil. dr K.A. Andersson.
The cooperation between Britain and Poland, during the war, is far from a secret matter, but as C.McKay, gives this attention, especially what relations were in place, in Stock-holm, 1944, perhaps of importance in the Wallenberg-case ? Since July, the Warsaw-uprising was on, staged of the exil-Polish London-government. Mr Norbert ZABA, the pressattaché, here, was the liasionman, for the Polish resistance sections, in Denmark, Finland(?) , Norway and Hungary(!) , due to his obituary, 1994. ) (The Polish exile-government in London, was viewed as antisemitic, of the Polish Jews, during the war.)
How may this, list of marriage guests, been interpreted…? for instance of the Soviets´s “Press Reading Section”, in Stockholm: ” Mallett, White, Parrott, H.C. North, E.M. Nielsen, the London-Poles, general Rückemann, Mauryc Karniol, Norbert Zaba…? As public sup-port for the Warzaw uprising ? But maybe influenced the Budapest situation, as Raoul Wallenberg been in place, since two months then, rescuing Jews, but even requested to look for the Polish refugee/resistance people, in Budapest.
We can confirm that Arthur Herbert BIRSE (b.1891), (Caird North´s uncle) played a very significant and historic role during the war, as the head interpreter, translator at the highest level between Churchill and Stalin/ then Roosevelt / Truman) 1942, 1943, 1945, during the most decisive important summits of the 20th century, Moscow, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam, San Francisco .(Birse 1945, received the Order of the Red banner for his translating, of Michail Kalinin, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, (president) the Russ-ians, were very pleased.) (Birse was member of the: British Military Commission in Mos-cow, both 1918, and 1941, and in the Enquiry commission, (10 months) for the Petrov-case in Canberra, 1954.) (Birse don´t mention Caird North, explicit in his memoary, but when Arthur´s mother died about 1900, Herbert´s mother, Margaret Birse, he writes, did in some way, as sister, compensated for that loss.) ( Arthur´s own son, fought in the British army in Italy.)
Of more historical interest is that Edvard Birse (uncle/brother) had contact with the legendary British agent- “aces”, of 1918/1920 , Robert Bruce Lockhart about 1918, and Frank North had contact (and helped ?) the “S.T. 25”, the British MI6-agent : Paul Dukes, in Russia, about 1918. (source: Harvey Pitcher/PoW/Thorner): Lockhart, to Rus-sia, January 1918, had a letter of recommendation from Litvinov, met Trotskij, Lenin, was jailed of the Cheka,1918 but swapped, against Maxim Litvinov, arrested in Lon-don. (Dukes was hunted, but could escape, in spite of the Royal navy, captain Aug-ustus Agar´s mtb-squad, in the Finnish Gulf, Koivisto, raiding Kronstadt, 1919, but missed to pick him up.)
The British correspondent Reginald Urch, the Times (1940-1945 in Stockholm) had a similar Russian background, but as teacher in English, 1915-1920, was jailed, 1918, then Times , Riga even he a British agent in Sweden, during the war, due to the liter-ature. Urch mentions reverend North´s name from the revolutionary Russia, 1920. As Cyril Cheshire, (PCO/SIS)and, Alexander McKibben had some Baltic/Russian background.
But did Birse´s nephew Herbert CAIRD NORTH, (b.1911) at the Stockholm Press Reading Bureau (PRB) /British legation, had any special unknown role in the circumstances Janu-ary 13-18, 1945, when Raoul Wallenberg disappeared ? As the official SOU-investiga-tion 2003, “hints” , when Caird North received a special information from Dekanosov´s note to Staffan Söderblom, January 18, before the Swedish UD ? We don´t know. The main reason for this question in the “air”, is expressed of Göran Rydeberg:
I repeat : G. Rydeberg:(2002) – – -Further peculiarities in Swedish-British relations can be found at the same time. On receiving the message that Wallenberg had been taken into custody in January, the Swedish ambassador in Moscow, Staffan Söderblom, for-warded the note to the Foreign Ministry in Stockholm, which would be the normal thing to do. However, according to the notes on the copy in the files of the legation in Mos-cow, for unknown reasons he also passed it on to Herbert C. North, attaché at the Press Reading Bureau of the British embassy in Stockholm. (Cf. UD P2 Eu1 nr 30 Sept and 22 Oct 2002. The Foreign Ministry in Stockholm.) The question is of course why Söderblom did this, a question that has yet to be answered.- – –
1944: The British legation had access to Wallenberg´s reports, and all British FO-rep-orts were signed of Caird North. Craig G. McKay takes his own opinion of Caird North: (1911-2008) he met North, post-war, (but then McKay hadn´t a clue of WALLENBERG) : – » But, in short any attempt to cast Herbert NORTH in the role of hidden conspirator is likely to end in failure. ” – – -(Excerpts … 2011.)
(** But C.McKay has not informed us about the Norths and the Birses two generation long fantastic, Russian background, in business and culture, and as church/reverend, 1850-1920, covering most of the Russian history, from the Crimea War, 1854, the Russian-Japanese war 1905, 1914-1918, the Great War, the 1905´s February, 1917´ March and 1917´s October revolutions, 1918´s Entente intervention/Blockade, and 1941-1945, Arthur Birse´s most outstanding interpreting service during, an insider in The Great Patriotic War´s most important summits, maybe that should complicate the story of the British legation in Stockholm.)
But now we know a little more about Herbert CAIRD NORTH, and his family, relatives, uncles.Think they´re worth that. Both Söderblom and North, were “sons of preacher-men”, and maybe had some personal relation. 1946, November, Söderblom married a British woman, the widow, Margery Lacey, daughter of a priest, in London, maybe Söderblom met Arthur Birse in Moscow, where Söderblom even served the 1920s.
But this information about Caird North, and his relatives, his three uncles, BIRSE (Arthur/Edward / George/ can´t confirm any kind of problematic implication in the Wallenberg-case. Only that these very interesting historical backgrounds are unknown in the Swedish official investigation.
Cecil “Joe” Parrott: A Cambridge schoolmaster, (b.1909) was recruited to Yugoslavia, as tea-cher and mentor of prince Peter, 1934-1939. But 1934, late October, his father the King Alexander was murdered in the open street in Paris, with the French foreign mini-ster Louis Barthou. The perpetrators, Croatian Ustasjas, Macedonian terrorists, even implicated Italy, Hungary, (* Barthou was followed of Pierre Laval.)
(March 1941 a British/SOE coup´d´etat toppled the Yugoslavian regime, and paved the way for the German invasion.) Maybe even Sweden could been target for such regime-change, if too close collaboration with Germany ? (Parrott/1975) As Churchill didn´t care more for the small neutrals, (than Stalin) if they became obstacles as Scandinavia, in the big powers defence needs, as Norway, and Sweden.(ironore)
Parrott arrived to Sweden, Sverige 1939, August 7, Göteborg, as head of the: “British Travel and Industrial Association”: But Parrott first had a stint in Norway as pressattaché but after the disastrous British invasion April/May , followed by the Germans´s, 1940, Parrott had to move, flee to Sweden. But Norway had to face a five-years Nazi-occup-ation. (* One Parrott´s address in Sweden : an apartment house, the Auravägen no. 25, in central Djursholm.)(*Parrott had a Norwegian wife,children, and spoke Norwegian.)
1940 , September 24, Parrott organised the: Stockholm Press Reading Bureau, SPRB and from start had planned to travel around Sweden, by car, and visit the provincial daily papers, and furnished them with “good British news”, and articles, but he allegedly refu-sed to undertake secret British missions.
This forced Parrott to stay home at his office, in the (seems to be : the Strandvägen no. 59), the former apartment of the Norwegian minister, Wollebaeck, (d.October 24, 1940), neighbor to the Norwegian refugee office. He soon employed Herbert Caird North from Mather & Platt Ltd, at the SPRB-office, but how they made contact, (through the British legation ?) unknown.
(The (bad British news): Such a brilliant touring provincial pressproject had already been launched of the German Abwehragent, AO-man, Rudolf Fleck, traveling around, doing interviews, then published a dissertation, (1938) about those small provincial local pap-ers, and in the same time, collected intelligence of Swedish coastal fortresses. But was jailed in April 1940, convicted to 5 years, for espionage but released, 1942.
Some “100 yards from the legation”, where his international team of readers, about 60 persons worked, (1943) doing reading/presscuts from as many foreign papers as pos-sible, then delivered to London. Parrott “- – – A considerable number were Jews, then Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, a Dutch pastor, an Austrian doctor, ” the son of the last British embassy chaplian at St. Petersburg ” (guess who?) Norwegians, Balts, a Dutch countess, a former CiC of the Hungarian Red army, ” with unrivelled knowledge of the Central Europe, from 15 nations, (but not Hr Brandt and Hr Kreisky.) “- –
Parrott even used the British ” diplomatic pouch” , to send messages from these refug-ees, to London, and their exile-governments, and of course any other materiel from the British legation. The FRPS couldn´t survived without Parrott´s /PRB´s ability to obtain intelligence from enemy and neutral press.(B.Wheatley) (** But 60 employees coming and going, in one private,big apartment, seem arousing attention, don´t mention the supervising, maybe some stayed at the British legation, (maybe Caird North, and Hinks due to P. Tennant.) / C.Parrott / The Tightrope, 1975.
” – – – Cecil Parrott: – – – If I heard that some Swedish businessman or a Swedish journalist had visited Germany, or any of those countries, I tried to meet him, either at someone else´s house, or have him to lunch. With my knowledge of languages and a good day-to-day grasp of what was happening in the various countries, I was in a good position to cross-question such neutrals in things that really mattered.
I did not enquire about military or detailed economic matters since that only would have frightened them, and anyhow I was inexpert on such topics and could hardly evaluated what they told me. I was interested, in general political developments, how the people felt about the war, how the regarded Hitler and his Quislings, and what hard news there were about the Nazis themselves. Not always of great importance,, but we used to send it home by the diplomatic bag. – – – /Parrott / The Tightrope.1975.
” We took a great deal of trouble over getting the right music for the station. Some of our records were the latest German hits, specially flown over to us by Mosquito from Stockholm, where “Joe” Parrott (today British ambassador in Prague) with his press-reading team, did a wonderful job collecting information for us, and other little items as these disks.- – – / Source : Sefton Delmer : Black Boomerang (1962) One of R.B. Lock-harts radio producers, (Soldatensender Calais ) (Atlantiksender) directed against the
The S/PRB and it´s main receiver (FRPS) was in fact foreign minister Anthony Eden´s project, he requested the formation of SPRB, September 1940, (FRPS from 1943 = to FO/RD, in Foreign Office) because that the Britons, didn´t want/dare to create a secret intelligence network in the Baltic states, not to irritate their important SovietRussian ally. (B. Wheatley/2012)
– – – Moscow in fact, even demanded that Parrott should cut his employments of the Baltic States nationals as his PRB-readers and received a letter from the Foreign Office, about that. When Parrott refused, then a new FO-letter… “more arrogant, menacing”: –
” Mr Parrott would be well advised, to carry out the instructions of Her Majesty´s gov-ernment, Mr Parrott should…etc… – – – / C.Parrott .(1975)
(When Boheman complained to Victor Mallett, over the British legation´s (Binney/ War-ing) illegal handing over light guns to self-protection, for the blockade-breakers, ships, from Gothenburg, 1942, issuing of British false passports, Parrott find this hypocritical, pointing to the Germans transports of trainloads of soldiers and arms, war materiel, shipping, through Sweden, 1940-1945. (1941= ID.163)
SPRB was the main source for information, of the Reichskommissariat Ostland (RKO), = the annexed Baltic States.) The Baltic States/ FRPS compiled high calibred reports of the Baltic States, especially about economics, “Treuhand” , companies in Ostland, and researched possible future investments. The reports, 1942, 1943, were very important in the British decisionmaking.) (B. Wheatley.)
Ben Wheatley: /The Intelligence and National security: (2012) ” – – – FPRS (PRB) (Parrott/ & Caird North) reported July 2,1942 the (German) decree for a trusteeship,to oversee the control of all landed property, a single giant trustee company was formed December 10, 1941, the Landbewirtschaftungsgesellschaft OSTLAND, mbH (LO) with its hq in Riga, and branches in Reval, Kaunas, Minsk and PSKOV.
– – -Not only responsible for the actual management of state farms and auxiliary plants, of all machine tractors stations, collective farms which not yet been broken, but also, administered in trust, at any rate nominally, the entire landed property, of the OSTLAND. In particle, the LO activities, were restricted to confiscated properties, of Jews and Com-munists, etc, and all other ownerless properties, through war, deportations, and Ger-man Balts. Most of the farms was handed over to Baltic farmers. – – –
– – -The FRPS, covering the German economic trusteeship, declared that the regional branches, and subordinate offices of LO, were close related, with the General Commis-sariat´s (RKO) Dep. of Food and Agriculture. In the banking sector the FPRS, observed there were 15 Reichskreditkassen in the Ostland, six in Latvia, four in Estonia, four in Lithiania, and a branch in PSKOV, which had been administratively attached to Estonia. But there were no Ostlandmark currency, compared to the Reichsmark.- – – (Much of this information, was gathered from the: Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland, as long as Feb-ruary 1943, then restricted to export to Sweden./B.Wheatley)
Cecil Parrott: PM of October 1941: “- – – It is often objected, that the German and occu-pied press contains nothing of interest, as subjected to the strictest possible censoring- – – not anything of use for the enemy. Experience has proved the opposite .Moreover the press of the few surviving neutral states- – – useful indications of the trend of opi-nion in Germany itself. (Wheatley /2016).(McKay 1993)
(Repeating from last: comment: signs of Parrott-presence in Sweden:)
1943: November 11:The funeral of dr Anatole Fuchs. Speechs, by the attaché H.C. North, and Dr Adamek for the Polish colony, his comrades at the British legation, and wreaths from the Staff of the Press Reading Bureau.(i.e Cecil Parrott).
(Parrott mentions this in his memoire: The Tightrope : “A Polish Jew, Anatole Fuchs, one of our Polish readers, hanged himself on a door, in his bedroom, not clear why, prob-ably because of that stage in the war, he felt little hope for the future. (But that the Bri-tish legation cooperated with the Polish refugees, even C.McKay, noticed in his latest essay about:
(Dr Adler-Rudels / Jewish Agency/London, (zionist) visit to Sweden, met Countess Ebba Bonde, March, 1943/September 1944,, and then a possible link to the Polish refugees in Hungary, and Wallenberg, asked of contacting, one of them Eduard Fietowicz,(October, 1944) even he in separate surrender visits, to Britain, 1942/1943, but 1944 jailed of the Germans, and sent to KZ-camp)./McKay, 2015)
1944: September, 3 : Marriage : J.Edwin Carbines, diplomat och Eva Troll-Bergengren, the English church/Stockholm: Carl-Otto Taube, (Evert Taube´s brother), Victor Mallett and wife, E.(mil) M. Nielsen, the legation, (who ? Dane/Norwegian? Gen.cons. K.J.M White, secretary. C. Parrott, och attaché, H.C. North, the Polish general, W.(ilhelm Rück-emann and wife, and from the Polish legation, M.(aurice) Karniol, the Polish socialist-party, Norbert Zaba, (Polish) pressattaché, Ferdinand Brisson, (author) Fil. dr K.A. And-ersson.
The cooperation between Britain and Poland, during the war, is far from a secret matter, but as C.McKay, gives this attention, especially what relations were in place, in Stock-holm, 1944, perhaps of importance in the Wallenberg-case ? Since July, the Warsaw-uprising was on, staged of the exil-Polish Londongovernment´s Home army. Mr Nor-bert ZABA, the pressattaché, here, was the liasionman, for the Polish resistance sections, in Denmark, Finland(?) , Norway and HUNGARY(!) , due to his obituary, 1994. ) The Pol-ish exile-government in London, was viewed as antisemitic, of the Polish Jews, during the war.
This British institution, (P.W.E.) was in charge of all ” propaganda operations” against the Axis powers. (Even Peter Tennant was active in such activities in Sweden.) A big variety of means to deceive and harass the German war efforts, especially by special radio broadcasting, of rumours, “sibs”, and forged news, lies, but often leaflets ” flyers” from the air.
Impressions of that a sender was located in Germany, and was ran by German anti-nazi officers, was created, when in fact the sender operated from British territory, (and post-war was used by the Germans as to save the image of the “good” Wehrmacht and the “bad” nazis, when in fact no such difference existed, worth mentioning.) The 1940s black and white, propaganda/radio information warfare, signal/humane/ intelligence, disinformation – today hacking and cyberwarfare.
“But liasion with the Americans (Office of War informations/OWI) was imperfect and got worse. (1943-1945) – – – One OWI man wrote for OSS a bitterly critical account of Lock-hart and Brooks. – – – The point was reached when the parallell agencies ignored each other.” – – -RBL.
December, 29, 1944: – – – ” On the other hand, we British were always regarded as fair game for criticism. In general, the Americans, were very anti-Russian, but they were afraid of annoying Russia at this stage, and therefore did not give the same public exp-ression of their dislike and criticism as they gave to criticism of Britain.” – – – (This during Churchill´s and Eden´s intervention in the Greece´s civil war, December, and the von Rundstedt´s counterattack, in the Ardennes.) /RBL.
No doubt the Parrot´s Stockholm/PRB within FPRS , had connections to P.W.E. R.Bruce Lockhart was during the whole war very close to the British (and American) highest deci-sionmaking circles, as Eden, Beaverbrook, name them, he met them all, like few others, Russian diplomats in London, and spoke Russian. (* * R.B. Lockhart´s diaries of 1980:II /1939-1965, deals with the British/ U.S./ Soviet players and policy- and decisionmak-ing. )
If there were special contacts between Parrot/Caird North/SPRB (maybe Vilmos Böhm?), and R.B. Lockhart/PWE is not confirmed, but if so, must have been an advantage, for both parts. (The Diaries of Sir RBL/1980, March 17, 1961: ” – (Selwin Lloyd) asked me if I knew Parrott and I said yes and added that he was a brilliant linguist. Selwyn agreed, but said he was a man who would do well in a small country, but not in a big one.” ) (1934, Lockhart´s book: as agent in Russia, 1918-1920, was filmed 1934, as “British agent”, with Leslie Howard , as in ” Pimpernel Smith, 1939.)
The Guardian : 2015 / October : ” The documents (Anders) Thunberg found last month show every aspect of the story also to be true of Alexander Bellegarde. “The most important thing was the document about the British secret service chief in Stockholm,” he said. According to records in Sweden’s foreign ministry archives, on 3 February 1944, two weeks before Bellegarde arrived at the Swedish port of Malmö, Cyril CHESHIRE the head of MI6’s Stockholm station, told Sweden’s foreign ministry of his impending arrival, promising that the British would take care of him and be able to secure space on a flight to England for the family within two weeks. “He was afraid that if Bellegarde came to Sweden he would be refused entry,” Thunberg said. “That’s why he contacted them in advance. Only important people could find a seat on a plane over the North Sea to Great Britain.” – – – By the time Bellegarde offered his services to MI6’s Helsinki station in September 1940, he had been working for the Abwehr for a little over a month. – – – ” Jeffery writes. “In early 1943, he was evaluated as ‘the best source of information on the German interior produced so far in the war’.”- – – According to Jeffery’s history, (MI6) by November, Outcast had told the British that “German comm-and was preparing a June campaign against the USSR, which would begin in spring 1941, possibly earlier”.
Cecil PARROTT must anyway has communicated with the Foreign minister, Anthony EDEN, with special interests in the Stockholm Press Reading Bureau, 1940-1945.(B.Wheatley/2016). (Parrott don´t mention Herbert Caird North explicit, only among his employees was even “the son of last British embassy chaplian at St.Petersburg ” and ” a former Red Army commissar” , “Böhm”, in his memoar.) Parrott knew even the former British “agent”, Robert Bruce Lockhart, and his subordinate, Sefton Delmer, readers of his PRB-documents.
When Parrott later served as diplomat in Moscow, 1955- 1957, he met Nikolaj Bulganin, at the diplomat parties. Reginald Urch and Caird North, shared experiences from Russia, of 1920. (* Peter Tennant, mentions “Caird North & Mather & Platt”, in his memoir /1989). Probably the SPRB within the Foreign Research and Press Service, was in close cooperation with other British institutions as: Robert Bruce Lockhart´s: Political Warfare Executive (PWE). (Maybe this two comments no. 33/1-2, PRB/ Parrott & Caird North in Stockholm 1940-1945, information not before published can shed some more light
on the Raoul Wallenberg-case.)
The professor Jonathan Haslam (Cambridge univ.) (leading scholar,with many books among, the Soviet Union´s foreign policy, 1930s, and Cold war, ) takes on Raoul Wall-enberg in his latest: A new history of Soviet intelligence: near and distant neighbours.- Oxford U.P. (2015.) (“Near” = KGB, “distant” =GRU, meaning their locations/ addresses, m.o.l. close to the Russian Foreign ministry, Lavrov´s )
I will catch up with Haslam´s pages about Wallenberg. Here´s a short review of Has-lam´s main understanding of the case: p.143-147:
” – – – The Balkans were a crucial sphere of influence, for the Russians.- – – Smersh was summoned to remove all those on Stalin´s blacklist, for destinations unknown. Hungary lay in the firing line- – – as the Russians encircled Budapest at the end of December, 1944. The Americans had been active in Budapest, anticipating the arrival of Soviet troops, their aim was to forestall a Hungarian surrender, to the Russians.- – –
On July 9, 1944, the young and enthusiastically pro-American Raoul Wallenberg arrived- – -specifically picked out by the U.S. authorities to avert the mass deportation and ext-inction of Jews- – – this he accomplished with tremendous skill. The problem for Stalin, was that the line between the OSS and Wallenberg,the organisation, he represented, was blurred by the dual identity, of the man in Stockholm, who had selected him: Iver Olsen, was employed by both in Stockholm.- – –
– – – ” For the Allies, the communist occupation of Yugoslavia and the still uncertain fate of Italy, prompted the U.S. to keep one step ahead of the Red Army´s entry into Austria, a high priority. Earlier the OSS had run operations designed to secure the surr-ender of Hungary, to Anglo-American forces, but they had failed. Wallenberg appears to have filled more than one role, too in the sense that he was also working with the OSS, if not for it, an asset if not an agent. In October 1944, Wallenberg made a covert trip back to Stockholm while secret negotiations concerning a separate peace were taking place with Hungary´s Horthy régime.- – –
– – – Without questioning his humanitarian committment, the fact that Raoul was close to the minister at the Hungarian embassy in Stockholm, and that two uncles Jakob and Marcus, were variously identified with attempts to mediate between Britain and Germ-any, meant that he was not as innocent as he appeared. The Wallenbergs bros. was well viewed in Germany. – – – NKGB had informers, in Budapest, Kutozov-Tolstoi- – –
– – -January 14, 1945, Wallenberg was taken into custody,- – – as he was a relatively junior diplomat, the Russians would inevitably have assumed that Wallenberg was senior intelligence operative under official cover, as a Russian would have been, he made such an unorthodox request.- – – But his humanitarianism fell on deaf ears. – – –
Stalin had already shown himself to be indifferent to the fate of the Jews. He preferred to let the Jewish problem undermine Britain´s unsustainable position in Palestine. Help-ing Jews stay in Europe, did not fit into the larger picture. Wallenberg was, unknowingly, in the way. – – – (Note.9 /Deputy foreign minister A. Vyshinskij, expressed sympathy for the Zionist assassins of Britains´s resident minister Lord Moyne, that November, 1944. Vyshinskij of course did nothing without Stalin´s express consent.)- – –
What Wallenberg may or may not have done in the last phase of the war, was irrelevant. Stalin just wanted him out of the way as the Soviet occupation of Hungary proceeded apace, with Smersh disposing of all potential opponents as the Red Army progressed. – – – Abakumov, having arrested Wallenberg on Stalin´s instructions without knowing exact what to be done with him – – – – orders that never came and not wanting to ask, and Abakumov was not in a position to right the wrong that had been done.- – –
Jonathan Haslam… Spot on ? (he´s anyway professor at Cambridge.) : The OSS-factor. : The geopolitical/military situation. : “Covert Swedish negotiationstrip back home”. : The pro-German Wallenberg bros. : ” Young intelligence operative under official cover ? : The Palestine-problem, Jewish emigration, & Britain vs Stalin : A “preventive” arrest of a diplomat, gone wrong ? “Unknowingly in the way” ? What caused future problems.(for Russia).
Behind Haslam´s ” Zionist” context above : From his : Russia´s cold war: (2011) ”
First contact between Moscow and Yishuv, (=Jewish Agency/Palestine) 1940, October 1940, dr Nahum Goldman and K. Umansky, Russian Jew and Litvinov-protegé. The second : January 1941, Chaim Weizmann and I.Maisky, (the Soviet minister) also Jewish in London. Maisky: If Palestine was the future solution of the diaspora, then populations have to be moved. Weizmann suggested : A half million Arabs could be transferred, two million Jews could be put in their place,- – – as a first instalment- – – what happen afterwards was a matter of history. David Ben-Gurion followed up in early October, 1941, chairman of Jewish Agency, executive, wishing a delegation be sent to Moscow, to discuss a Jewish global war effort, but Stalin was to preoccupied, of the German onslaught.- – –
– – -But 1943, after the battle of Kursk, Yishuv, think Moscow might see them as a con-vinient instrument to undermine British power in the postwar Middle East. Break-thro-ugh, when Maisky stopped over in Palestine, en route from London to Moscow, and managed to see Ben-Gurion, visit Jerusalem and a few settlements, and probe the agen-cy about their intentions, despite the British efforts, to prevent this. This encouraged the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern gang, or “Lehi” to recommend collaboration with Mos-cow.
November 1, 1944, two Jewish terrorists, (with connections to both Begin/ Shamir) assassinated the British resident minister in Palestine, Lord Moyne, who was vocally anti-Jewish. Vyshin-sky was one of two Soviet officials, expressed a positive view of the struggle, with the Jewish Agency at Bucharest, Joseph Clarman. The reason was that the Russians thought the British tried to reinforce their influence in the Middle East, as the Arab countries need a ruling power as Britain, to be unified, and by that establish a barrier against possible penetration of Soviet influence there.- – -/End/All Quotations/ Haslam.//
** The historical irony : It became the Soviet Union´s project, to support and save Israel, with arms, 1948, (from Czechoslovakia with Swedish pilots, volunteers) during the wars with the Arab world, after the UN-partition of Palestine, 1947. But later Israel instead approached the West, and Russia, became the Arab world´s main supplier of financial aid, the Assuan-dam and arms to Egypt, support during the Suez (canal)-invasion, 1956, of Britain(Eden)/France/Israel, what both U.S. and USSR condemned together in the U.N. Later Soviet support to Iraq and even Syria.
Then Anwar Sadat, took back the Egypts´s Sinai, 1973 with the Soviet arms, but later expelled all the Soviet advisors, and approached U.S., soon invading invading Iraq, 1991, and 2003. Only Syria kept their traditional relations with Russia. During 1970s, one million Soviet Jews emigrated to Israel. The rest is history.
But the point here of course: If correct – on which side of these contradictions and poli-cies, ended Raoul Wallenberg up 1944 ? From his stay in Palestine, 1936, some sugg-ests he perhaps was recruited by Soviet Jewish agents, in place, (L.Bezymenskij /2000), and by that, sent to Moscow for “a debriefing”, as other agents, 1945, or did he carried a concealed a “zionist” mission, contributing to a future Israel ? All what seems too advanced, and not credible, he maybe was most occupied with earning a living, and helping Jewish refugees in Sweden, to do the same, from 1937, (Abernau/Philippi).
Due to Wallenberg´s own relief “manifesto”, and actions, 1944, (retrieved of J. Levai), he seems first preferred to help the Jews “in place”, in Europe, not to recruit them for a future in the Palestine, post war, but this really “hot” place and situation he anyway, was well aware of, as few others, those days. A complicated case – perhaps that´s why Haslam forecasts in 3 ways, (1×2) it seems, playing the pools, even he, as in a football match.
** A www-source: The Israeli historian Uri Bialer, claims in his main study of Israel´s for-eign policy, 1948-1956, that: Tel Aviv worried more if the European Jews seemed to thrive,because then no emigration to Israel. Tel Aviv preferred a moderately dose of anti-semitism, and persecution, and by that a will to move to Israel.
Then the morningpaper arrived with a bump, and a must to review, in my mind, when the name “Birnbaum”, accidentally appeared on the frontpage .Unthought in this con-text of Jewish refugees, British citizens and geopolitical interests, the comprehensive Swedish censorship/tele/postcontrol, the Rickman sabotagegroup, 1940, all shows how complicated matters, and human fates can be, here Immanuel Birnbaum, recalled here of his young grandson,relative, Daniel, today head of the Moderna Museet ( Modern art) Source : Dagens Nyheter, (Kultur) February 12, 2017. The story can begin :
www/ D/level-Composition / S. Grahn.2012 : ” The German journalist Immanuel Birn-baum was interned in the Smedsbo-camp, 1942, April 20, convicted as ” nazi” , this after jailed 8 months 1941, in prison, espionage for Germany against England. The decision to deport Birnbaum, couldn´t be put into effect, as long as the German auth-orities refused to receive Birnbaum, because of his Jewish origins. He was released Jan-uary, 1943, and stayed then in a refugee accomodation.”- – –
The scholar´s research couldn´t confirm that Birnbaum was an active Nazi, instead he was socialdemocrat, and since 1917, in Germany member of the SPD. He was born 1894 in Königsberg and studied at some German universities. 1927, Birnbaum moved to War-zaw, became journalist, for German papers. 1939, when Poland was invaded of the Wehrmacht, he moved to Finland, and late 1939, during the Finnish-Russian winterwar, moved to Sweden. He was then employed at the German exile-publisher, Bermann-Fischer, part owned of the Bonniers, and could use their postal service to Germany.- –
Birnbaum was arrested 1940, because of alleged complicity in the British, Rickman-sabotagegroup., Churchill´s own baby in fact. This well-known case, group planned 1939-1940 sabotage, with explosives, against the Swedish iron ore shipping from the port of Oxelösund, destination Germany, maybe even to provoke a German invasion, as in Norway. – – –
In Birnbaum´s memoar : “Achtig Jahre dabei gewesen: (1974) Erinnerungen eines Jour-nalisten”, he claims he learned to know Rickman, through a friend, a German publisher. Birnbum then sent a letter to a German anti-nazi acquaintance, and relate about his Rickman contact. But the letter was opened of the Swedish secret general censorship of the postal service, (maybe Ms Astrid Lindgren ?). – – –
Birnbaum then became the indirect informer, what caused the arrrest of Rickman and 30 other persons, 1940. Rickman was convicted to 8 years, but released 1944. Birnbaum got three years, but could postwar be employed as journalist of the Swedish main lib./ conserv., papers, stayed in Poland, to 1949, Vienna, but from 1960 editor of the Süd-deutche Zeitung.(d.1982)- – –
Birnbaum claims in his memoir, he of course didn´t knew about Rickman´s designs, and nothing about any Swedish secret postal control of letters sent abroad. But prof.Vilhelm Agrell claims (2006) that Birnbaum pretended to be anti-nazi, but denounced the British agents, and by that caused Britain´s intelligence her worst defeat in Sweden during the war. (As V. Agrell claimed (2003) even: “guilty”, concerning: V.Böhm vs R.Wallenberg.)
Meanwhile, Birnbaum´s wife became sick, and died,(1945) his brother in the German resistance group was executed of the Nazis. Birnbaum must leave his two sons alone, one of them, Karl later became head of the (Swedish) Utrikespolitiska institutet. (UI). Another relative, a “younger” ” German son of Birnbaum, (new marriage, 1949) is not so sure, his father Immanuel Birnbaum was innocent, but Daniel thinks, his Grandfather´s “fumbling, and strange activities”, maybe save Sweden from the war, a German invasion, and by that, even Birnbaum himself as one of many Jewish refugees, from deportation, (and today planning to publish a book about him.)
Immanuel Birnbaum seems to has been a remarkable person and journalist, a surviver, with international knowledge, many contacts with wellknown politicians and former refugees: From Kekkonen, Brandt, Kreisky, Helmut Schmidt, Scheel, Heinemann, Streibl, Mayer (bayr.minister.) – (but Birnbaum never wrote an article about Britain, or received any decoration, from HMG – for your information.)
But Birnbaum received some high decorations post war, from: Sweden, (Wasa) 1972, Finland (Lion) Bayern, and Austria, but seems not exonerated of Britain, and he didn´t write a word about Britain, in this bibliography / personal archive. = (www/ A biblio-graphy : institut_fuer_ zeitungsforschung/zi_down–loads/nachlaesse_1/Findbuch-Birnbaum.pdf.
** (No. 4 .(s.59) Brief von I. Birnbaum zu E. Kutzner 6/2 1940. Kop. u Abschrift geheimschriftlichen Kopia des Briefumschlags. Andeutung über Kontakte mit Britische Geheimdienst, unterschreiben mit ” Kant”, diese Brief wurde Abgefangen und war Anlass zu Birnbaums verhaftung, 1940.)
(During the fall, September, 1940, because of this, Stockholm´s Press Reading Bureau, was launched of Cecil Parrott and the FRPR in London, for to gathering OSINT from the
Baltic States. The British intelligence in Sweden was deep compromised, and 1941, the Anglo-Soviet Alliance, (NKVD-SOE) prohibited British intelligence agent networks, in the Baltic States, leaving that to the Russians, “sphere of interest”, and NKVD/and Ivan Serov.)
U.S. never signed a mutual alliance-agreement with the Soviet Union, like Britain, what maybe explained the unrestricted intelligence- and WRB/U.S.OSS Baltic refugee tran-sports, and cooperation with Sweden /C-buraeu, 1944 and this policy was maybe even a factor in Budapest, during Wallenberg´s WRB/OSS – mission.)
Robert Bruce Lockhart /PWE. March 30, 1944: – – – ” The truth is that between the three main Allies there are fundamental differences of attitude and of procedure.The Ameri-cans act without thinking, or perhaps better, act first and think afterwards. Bad, but keeps things going. The British think and don´t act – or perhaps take a long time to act. The thinking is good, but there´s a danger of postponed action, and often enough, no action at all. The Russians both think and act. / Diaries : 1939 -1965 : (1980).
The Hungarian Peter TELCS, employed at the Swedish UD 1945, the radiobureau, was another person (or the only one ?) who claimed he had listened to a Kossuth Radio radiotransmission, March 8 , 21.45, o´cl. with the same message as Vilmos Böhm´s letter to UD, March 15 1945, claiming, ” – Raoul Wallenberg was probably dead, they mentioned an “interview” with V. Langlet ” claiming Wallenberg was in the Red Cross ? ” all during confusing circumstances.
** (SOU 2003:18, ” probably listened to, of the UD,(radiobureau), due to Peter Telcs, but this was dismissed, only later, to be delivered as a written letter, March 15 by Vilmos Böhm.”/p.310) (=sannolikt avlyssnades av UD [enligt Peter Telcs], men avfärdades, för att därefter i skriftlig form på nytt överlämnas till UD den 15 mars av Vilmos)
An alleged written UD-report of Telcs, was later never, retrieved./ (1947) Source : Göran Rydeberg/ SOU 2003:18 / UD-archive/. (There was information in the Swedish exile-Hungarian Socialdemocrats, journal, “Fritt Ungern”, about this alleged broadcasting , be-fore March 23, 1945, confirming partly.)
But November 11, 1947, Telcs phoned the UD, (prob. Birger Stolpe/pressection) and told them he also had been listening to the Kossuthradio, then 1945, March, 8, about Wall-enberg . But UD, then dismissed Telcs´s info, and claims, ” because Wallenberg was still alive”./ Göran Rydeberg. (There are some confusions here, when did Telcs, phoned UD,
and why 1947 ? again ?, but he listened anyway, March 8, 1945, before Böhm´s letter.
(** For a long time during the war, the Hungarian Kossuth Radio, from Moscow, was in fact managed/edited (September 1944), by Imre Nagy, (MKP) of all names, from the 1956, uprising, but in March 1945, Nagy probably stayed in Hungary. )
But then Böhm must has overtaken Telcs´s information, March 8, 1945, a week later, and by that became accused of “deceiving” the Foreign department/ UD, on the Soviets alleged instructions…? Was Telcs the first listener ? Yes – due to the Swedish official inquiry, SOU:2003. (** Some scholars claim, that the Kossuth radio transmission, maybe was ordered of Vilmos Böhm, if so – during Telcs watch ? )
And how come that Peter Telcs, a Hungarian journalist, but Swedish-oriented, translator but just arrived,(1943), could manage such an influential position at the UD/ Foreign department ? Of course his knowledge of languages. But one reason I find out, per-haps(!) his contacts with the (1.) The (Rickard) SANDLER`S family (former FM) and that his: (2.) parents Ede(Eduard) Telcs, & Edéné were even Swedish “protected Jews”, listed, of Wallenberg,1944, employed of the legation, at Ullöi-utca, living at the Reváy-utca.
(* His brother Adam, musician, arrived from Denmark with the Jewish refugees, Septem-ber, 1943.)
(** Ede Telcs belonged even to those specially outstanding Jews , the scholarly,artistic, economic elite, protected of the Regent, Horthy, of August 22, 1944, and the Prime minister acknowledged (3.000), this list of about together, 8.000 Jews or/with spouses. The Arrow Cross government acknowledges about 1/10 them and 1/10 of them could move into protected houses. The Szalasi-government only acknowledged 70 of the exemptions, his minister of Interior another 501 Jews. ( Jewish Budapest/ 1999:CE.UP)
(1.) But Berndt Schiller: (1991) – – – claims (then 1991) that, ” it is unbelievable that someone at the UD, accidentally should have listened to this broadcasting from a Russian-Hungarian propaganda sender, (.i.e. the Kossuth radio), someone must have informed them about the message, and that was: Vilmos BÖHM, then executing an intentional disinformation operation, (his letter of March 15, 1945 ) ordered by the Russians, through a ” communist-refugee” (i.e. V.Böhm). / Varför ryssarna tog Raoul Wallenberg (1991).
But if Schiller´s main conclusions are correct – in observing Böhm´s role, they don´t correspond with the Swedish SOU: 2003:18. UD managed in fact their own listening post, the radiobureau, and Peter Telcs was the first one to listen of the transmission, March 8, 1945. But Vilmos Böhm, later as Hungarian envoy in Sweden, postwar, made more statements in the daily press, maintained the same message, in 1946, what accen-tuated his letter. This was first interpreted (only) of Schiller, as an alleged cover-oper-ation, to prevent further speculations about Wallenberg´s fate, from 1945.
(**But Telcs father Eduard Telcs & wife were protegés of the Swedish/WRB-mission, 1944, as Vilmos Böhm´s son Stefan in Budapest, and Eduard(Ede) Telcs, and wife Edene, was employed and listed at the legation, but Peter Telcs is not accused of taking part in a Russian “cover-up” operation.)
(2.) During a trial 2003, late Vilmos Böhm´s family, vs professor Vilhelm Agrell, con-cerning slander, the latter´s accusations that Böhm was guilty of treachery against Raoul Wallenberg, what caused his arrest, 1945, and disappearance, and later “disinfor-med” the UD, letter March 15, 1945, and the daily press, 1946, to prevent the Swedish UD, from further Wallenberg-investigations, ordered of the Russians. This was confir-med by professor Kristian Gerner, historian, and by that, a verdict of not guilty, and the Böhms must pay the trial costs, 300.000:-SEK. Gerner then claimed, he couldn´t find anyone else, than Böhm – as the culprit.
(3.) Even Johan Matz in his essay, (2016 / Disinformation about Walenberg) connect this Kossuth broadcasting only to Vilmos Böhm, and that he first, March 15, 1945, wrote to UD, about the information. When Matz skilfully interprets Böhm´s letter, he find that the first, part, seems a longer ” intro” about Holocaust, aiming to prepare, the finishing lin-es, that Wallenberg had been killed of robbers, /accidental warfare after his departure from Budapest, January 17. Matz doesn´t mentions Peter TELCS. (March 15, 1945, the Stockholm Press Reading Bureau/UK. was presumably closed down, as Cecil Parrott and H. Caird North, left Sweden in late January, soon after Wallenberg´s disappearance, Peter Tennant in February.)
(4.) Cecil PARROTT, claims in his memoirs, (The Tightrope/ 1975) that: Vilmos Böhm, was his most important employee, in his (Stockholm) Press Reading Bureau, (1940-1945) and many kept an eye of their relation, not only his Czechs and Hungarians, press readers, but not the least the Russians diplomats. Parrott, was aware of the conflict between Böhm and Ullein-Reviszcky and thought , that – “the latter and his friends , would have shot Böhm on the spot, in Hungary, but 1943 – in the same boat. ”
But who was Peter TELCS ? : (Not a word about his antecedentia in the official prints or in other comments. How come ? ). But the daily papers made interviews: 1939, Februa-ry, 26, (=Signature : “Åke”) November 30,1943 (DN) (=Signature : Åke) (and November 5 ,1949/DN. ): (From the media, and other confirmed historical facts, it´s possible to sketch a picture, step by step, of Telcs. ( ** for us, not given insiders…)
TELCS was journalist, at the Count Istvan Bethlen´s daily newspaper: 8 ORSAIJ UJSÀGI (News 8´o´clock), visited first Sweden, 1938, during an exhibition of medals, made of his wellknown father, in Hungary/Budapest, the high qualified sculptor Eduard (Ede) Telcs 1938, (1872-1948) (source/ http://www.- many outstanding sculptures, in Budapest, even of “Lajosz Kossuth” in Kesckemet) (Jewish background- due to the Jewish encyclo-pedia.) Peter Telcs 1938, (a month in Sweden/ even to Finland 1939) then interviewed the Swedish primeminister, Per Albin Hansson, (soc.dem.) for his paper.
TELCS seemed well integrated middle-class Hungarian, (assimilated Jew), and his father Ede Telcs (and wife Edéné), were “employed” at the Swedish legation, 1944, due to the: “Verzeichnis jener angestellten….,(p.62+64), (+Angehörige:) The Telcs stayed at the Revay-utca, (the Hungarian ghetto ?) workplace Ullöi utca, lived to 1948.(Ede). (Source: Heiner Lichtenstein 3736942_03263982 /0001.pdf) ( Telegrams/UD/Budapest 1944) (most in Swedish) (306 p.) (Personallista för humanitära aktionen/Ivan Danielsson.December 8. 1944) (Many documents used of prof. Klas Åmark in his Wallenberg study/2016)
TELCS was interviewed 1939 February 26, (of DN ” Åke”.), he then visited Stockholm, unknown business, must visit a hospital, for some minor complaint. and had lot of opinions of Sweden, Stockholm. Was it a mission, for secret sounderings when: ” Horthy just had signed the Anticomintern pact, February, 1939, and **banned the Hungarian naziparty” , (=DN:s heading), or just as tourist ? A month later Hungary left the League of Nations, (NF) preparing for war, from April, 1939, and had the Romanian Transsylv-ania, in August, of Hitler, soon in German Barbarossa in June 1941.
(** The ban of the Hungarian naziparty, was put in force, after some followers of the Hungarist Movement, of Ference Szálasi, Februari, 3, 1939, had threw a handgrenade, among the people coming from the service, in front of the Dohány utca, synagogue. 22 people were injured, some elderly and many of them died of their wounds. Partly because of the public outcry, against the thugs, the movement was banned, February, 24. But two weeks later, PM Count Pál Teleki, permitted the members of the association, to establish the Arrow-cross party, led by Ference Szálasi. In fact , since 1935, this movement always had some kind of organization under different names. Szalasi, himself was in prison, at that time.(Csillag/Szeged).(Source: Jewish Budapest, 1999)
1939: Telcs says: – ” He had been invited to the new Swedish tourist bureau´s “mingle”, Budapest, as journalist, and wined and dined, but when the Hungarians came asking for visas to Sweden, that was impossible, so why such expensive tourist P.R., and then refusing visa ? Telcs had opinions about most of Swedish daily life, and enjoyed to express them, if asked. (Wallenberg must has been a “silent strong” type, compared with Telcs.)
1943 : STOCKHOLM :
Telcs went 1939 even to Finland, but arrived (officially) again to Sweden in November 30, 1943, just in time for the Hungarian separate surrendering feelers, involving both the: U.S. legation, Francis Cunningham, Ullein-Reviszcky, and Raoul Wallenberg.
TELCS knew both Valdemar Langlet qouting, (= “Budapest´s Grand old man”) and Ivan Danielsson, very well, been in contact with them the whole war, especially during April the “Swedish week, (1943) “= “Danielsson the center in the diplomat world, in Budapest “, (Telcs speaked Swedish,French, Dutch, German and did in fact professional transla-tions of Swedish literature, (of Gösta Gustaf-Jansson /1943) possible to publish during the Horthy censor-ship. He had a: “scholarship/stipendium from the Hungarian state, and had contacts with the Hungarian institute in Sweden ” / Stockholm, due to the interview.
(1943) November 30,:/DN — ” When travelling through Germany, a RAF-bombraid, targeting Berlin, scared him (like everyone else, or worse…) he must go all the way to the Görlitz bahnhof, lived in the Hungarian legation, a little room, both the Swedish and Hungarian legation destroyed. But Telcs claimed his government, (PM Miklos Kallay) “had conducted so far, a very clever policy.” He was still employed of Bethlens news-paper, and should continue his reporting from Sweden, if possible to communicate back home.
Telcs : – – – “Many waite now for the 2nd front, launched in the Balkans, of the (West-ern)Allies, perhaps Yugoslavia, with her many partisan/insurgents groups. Romania´s policy, isn´t understandable for us Hungarians, just now they closed down the Hung-arian schools in Siebenbürgen, and because of that studentrallies in Budapest, protes-ting just before I left.” – – –
Telcs : – – – Meaningless to raid Budapest, would not shorten the war, claimed he didn´t knew that RAF now launching bombingraids, over Berlin.” (seems correct). The British Berlin-raids started, November 17, 1943, (and 1942, just 8 air alarms, but Telcs, pres-umably ran into the following devastating RAF- raids:)
22–23 November 1943 : Total: 764 aircrafts : Berlin the main target. 469 Lancasters, 234 Handley Page Halifaxes, 50 Short Stirlings, 11 Mosquitos. . This was the most effective raid on Berlin of the war. Most of the damage was to the residential areas west of the centre, Tiergarten and Charlott-enburg, Schöneberg and Spandau. Because of the dry weather conditions, several ‘firestorms’ ignited. 175,000 people were left homeless and the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in ruins, are now a monument in Berlin.
23–24 November 1943: (Total: 383 aircrafts) Berlin, the main target, was attacked by 365 Lancasters, 10 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitos.
26–27 November 1943: (Total: 450 aircrafts) Berlin, the main target, was attacked by 443 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos. Most of the damage in Berlin was in the semi-indust-rial suburb of Reinickendorf.
1949, November 5,(DN) : Telcs claimed he had been employee, at the Bulgarian legation, in Stockholm for about five years, (to May 1949) during the socialist regime, ambassa-dor (Peter) Popzlateff, and worked as translator, been a ” parrot” he said. That year the new Hungarian government, cancelled many Hungarian emigrant´s passports, incl. Telcs´s. (** as V. Böhm´s, who died in late October).
Telcs found problematic that the Hungarian government was ruled of a “turner”/ svarv-are, as foreign minister, and a female employee, from a “lace/spetz” manufacture. (But in Sweden the socialdemocrat´s : Minister of Finance was later Gunnar Sträng, a former gardener worker, (after Wigforss) Minister of Foreign policy, (later) Torsten Nilsson a bricklayer (murare), after him the more known Sten Andersson, a postman. But Erlander and Undén was genuine academicians. But Telcs befriended Germund Sandler, and Åke Sandler, sons of Rickard Sandler, maybe more intellectual aqcuaintances.)
Telcs stayed in Sweden then, at least to 1958. But 1945, living at the Johannesgatan no. 20, tel. 11 40 90, in the same entrance as key Swedish military officials, persons as Navy commander, Daniel Landqvist, (pro-German) head of the military intelligence, 1942- 1945, and Henri de Champs, an older pro-German army Lt General. (his brother admiral de Champs.)
But strange, at this address *1944, with the same telephone number, stayed: Richard SANDLER, the former Swedish socialdemocrat foreign minister, resigned 1939. But 1945, Sandler moved to: the Odengatan no.41. But as both the Telcs bros., attended Germund Sandler´s wedding, (son, b.15) 1945, it seemed more than accidental.
But Telcs didn´t end up here, he moved, about/or before 1950, to the Karlavägen no. 52, (built 1942) now neighbour with the “civilingenjör Guy von Dardel”, 67 34 58, (the father of mrs Marie Dupuy (neé von Dardel) Wallenberg´s niece, and the webmaster of this blog.) Maybe Telcs met and told Guy, about his Kossuth radio listening, 1945 ? But I think the Dardels , moved later 1954, to CERN, (nuclear physics science) Lund/ Genevá.
But Peter Telcs seemed have been early cleared, 1944 of who ? (Bethlen /Danielsson /Anger/Langlet/ Ullein-Reviszcky/ Gellert/ Sandler ?) and came soon close to “VIPs” as above.) (About the same time, next door: Karlavägen no. 50, Kalaman Lauer/Meropa AB moved in.)
(** Yvonne Singer, in the Times /UK., (1996) newborn,1944 in a “protected house”, with Raoul as goodfather, claimed that Wallenberg, ” was an asset, if not agent for OSS, and coop-erated with the Hungarian resistance, and they with foreign intelligence, as her parents did, with the resistance.”)
(** But TELCS was never asked of, or published any comments about Raoul Wallenberg, as late as 1949, two years after the Vyshinkijs memorandum of August 1947, and not at all during his Swedish stay. (Only that message of the Kossuthradio, 1945, but 1947) . (** Not even the later well-known Swedish journalist, socialdemocrat of Hungarian origin, Jussi Anthal at the daily Expressen,(lib.) (London-corr.) who himself went into hiding, in Buda-pest, 1944/ 1945, hunted of the Arrow Cross gangs, could contribute much, in the papers, from 1945.)
Telecs´s antecedentia could be the ” agent´s” , or the courier. Many foreign agents then had covers as journalists – if not all of them, with many social contacts and possi-bilities to travel around. Were there probably, contacts between Peter Telcs and Vilmos Böhm, the Hungarian legation, Andor Gellert (journalist) ? Was Telcs, implicated in Ullein-Reviczky´s separate surrender feelers ? We don´t know.
But… Peter TELCS was probably a Hungarian Jewish refugee, leaving Hungary behind, at first chance, and had already accessed a Swedish orientation, the language, in place. In fact, his where-abouts in Sweden can give a quite another picture, (from the 2017 per-spective), but the problem is, there is (was) no picture at all, as usual, concerning a per-haps possible important Swedish/ Hungarian contact, a local pal from the Budapest´s Jewish inner(?) circles. He had a state scholarship from Hungary.
His brother the violinist, Adam Telcs (1914-1996) became a wellknown musician in Sweden(Umeå) traveled around, since he had stayed in Denmark/(Finland) arrived with other Danish(Jewish) refugees, autumn 1943, (source: Peter Telcs) but died in Sweden, 1990s, after many years.
Due to Eduard Telcs interviewed of: **of “Åke”/=Dagens Nyheter-reporter) visited him, the sculptor, 1938, October 30. Then Eduard had “a son in London (=Adam). (Peter T. was present during that interview) and probably the Swedish journalists visited Telcs in Budapest during the: “Swedish week” in Budapest, April 1943.
(Was Per Anger, Rickard Sandler, later implicated when Peter Telcs arrived to Sweden, November 30, 1943, giving him a visa, and perhaps more. The Germans must have issued a transit visa, going via Germany , to Sweden, 1943 ? Historians will ask, how Telcs, as a Hungarian Jew could be provided with such, if not approved of the Germans, and if so, for what reason ? Perhaps as employee of Istvan Bethlen ? (As McKay about: Ference Bagyonyi, 1944.)
Peter Telcs was guest, at Germund Sandler´s (b.15) wedding, June 1945, the son of the former socialdemocratic foreign minister to 1939, Richard Sandler. (Must resign then because of the Aalands-question.) Telcs must perhaps had some good contacts within the Foreign department (UD), and perhaps the socialdemocrat´s, inner circles, if emp-loyed at the UD, for monitoring foreign radio broadcastings, of course as even Hung-arian-speaking, journalist, what UD badly needed. But from when – the whole of 1944 ? We don´t know how the UD-relation came about, but Telcs was even an authorized translator of some Swedish fiction literature, published in Hungary, 1943.
Was Telecs as an Istvan Bethlen-employee, implicated in some Hungarian separate sur-rendering sounderings, as other Hungarians ? His presence in Sweden suits no doubt, first with the : (1.) Horthy ´joining the Anticominternpact, February, 1939, later in the comprehensive (2.): peace/surrendering -activism, coinciding in time, at least with con-tacts between: Ullein -Reviszcky, Andor Gellert, and the U.S. legation, Francis Cunning-ham, November 30, 1943, in what even Wallenberg seems implicated. (3.) And succeded at last to be connected first (?) of all, with the famous important Kossuthradio-“game-changer”, message, March 8, 1945. (4.) His famous father the sculptor Eduard Telcs and wife Edéné, were ” Swedish protected Jews,” 1944, staying at the Revay-utca, active at the Ullöi-utca.
(** Antal Ullein-Reviszcky left Sweden, July 4, 1945, for Turkey , Istanbul. Later he went over Geneva, Paris to London, 1950. That old leader of the Horthy-ized nationalist Hun-garian military veterans,die-hards, (scholar in international law) since 1930s, after 1944, he lost his country, his job, and probably the contacts with Raoul Wallenberg´s family.)
Good questions, no one asked before, but we don´t know. Telcs was employed 1945-1949, at the Bulgarian legation in Sweden, Engelbrektsgatan, during the postwar socia-list regime. Telcs ought to had been useful even for: Raoul Wallenberg, 1944, as a tran-slator,Swedish-speaking source of: Budapest city, and the upper circles, (perhaps Jewish life) count Istvan Bethlen, not the least, and Telcs ought to been in contact with Vilmos Böhm, and the Hungarian institute,(Stockholm) with his scholarship from the Horthy-regime, 1943.
But as his well-known father Ede, was “employed” at the Swedish legation´s with prot-ection-passport, there is every reason to believe Peter Telcs was just a journalist, and Jewish refugee, in the first place, as his brother.(musician) But this relationships is era-dicated from the Wallenberg-case.
Maybe there´s an easy answer, from someone with deeper inside knowledge… ? His connection to Richard Sandler´s address, same tele-phone number, 1944, and his son Germund, just accidental ? (Telcs´s /Bethlen´s paper: 8 Orsaij Ujsági closed down 1944.)
(A “Peter Telcs” was 1946, engaged with a Ms I—–z, from Norrköping, probably they soon broke up, she engaged soon with a mr S—-y, (Czech?) but later she married a Swedish civil engineer, very short time after. Then a “Peter Telcs” married with Ms I——g Unger in London, 1956, and his trail disappear. And there we leave him.
But that Peter TELCS´s role in the Wallenberg-case, isn´t scrutinized, but just a “name”, I find a strange flaw, compared to other names, and due to what I found easy in the official open sources. When Telcs was in the same predicament as Vilmos Böhm´s son, with his Jewish relatives father/mother, as Swedish ” protected Jews, 1944″, in Budapest, and when he, himself claimed even he listened to the Kossuth-radio broadcasting,March 8, 1945, during his watch at the UD-radio/section, and knew the Sandlers family , some bells should be ringing, and researchers raise their eyebrows.
(** In September 1944, Rickard Sandler as county governor for the Gävleborgs län, received in Söderhamn about 5.200 Estonian boat-refugees, from Finland, mediated of the Finnish agent, Otto Kumenius, and the Finnish colonel J.S. Walldén, and the seas-oned Estonian diplomats, A. Varma, and Elmar Kirotar, the latter later employed at the U.S. legation./Expressen.1970/J. Mosander/
Did Telcs informed only his employer UD then, 1945, or someone else, or only Vilmos Böhm ? And if so – why ? Is there any personal connection with Telcs – Wallenberg, dur-ing, Wallenberg´s Hungarian visits: 1938, 1942, 1943, and during the spring in Stock-holm, 1944, about WRB-protection, during Telcs´s stay in Sweden, since November 30, 1943 ?
(Rickard Sandler and George Branting, became in charge of the s.c. ” Sandler-commis-sion”, the SOU/1946:36, a public purge investigation, dealing with the Swedish official bad treatment in many ways of (Jewish) refugees, the secret police collaboration etc., with Germany, during the war.
Was Telcs a longtime Swedish confident, since 1938, 1939, since his interview with: Per Albin Hansson, and his perhaps contact later with, his former foreign minister, Rick-ard Sandler,(s) (- 1939), and “beyond all doubt” ? Telcs contacts with Danielsson, Anger Langlet ? Maybe this contacts gave Eduard Telcs a place as ” protected Jew” in Budapest, 1944, through a neutral legation, the Swedish. * But I find out, later, first the Telcs couple was protected of the Regent, M. Horthy, as other distinguished Jews, in scholars, business, artistic, early from 1944.
But of course there´s a natural explanation, and it goes like this……maybe, the journa-list/DN interviewing the sculptor Eduard/Ede Telcs, 1938, in Budapest, the pen name,
” Åke”, was: Åke Sandler, (b.13) son of Richard Sandler, who later introduced Telcs to the government, the foreign minister Sandler, and by that the Per Albin Hansson-inter-view 1938, for his Istvan Bethlén-daily paper 8 Orsaij Ujsági (News 8´o´clock). (=”My dad is the Foreign minister ? “) (Published October 30, 1938, DN. Then November 2, Hungary (followed Germany, Poland) , and partioned Czechoslovakia) (“Åke” Sandler left for U.S., 1938, due to obituary, 2008, but signed the articles of 1939, 1943.)
Åke Sandler can explain the journalist Peter Telcs´s introduction in Sweden, (1938) and in Dagens Nyheter from 1939,1943,(both signature: Åke) then in a Horthy-context, and later his employment at the UD´s radio section. Had Telcs, by the Sandler´s sons a channel into the Swedish government, from then and during the war ? With Finland ? We don´t know. Maybe that explains the UD-silence.
Maybe this comment is more wasted energy , then ever before ? How can such a big amount of interesting information, about a person, associated with Wallenberg´s, time in Budapest, staying in Sweden, post war, still needs to be retrieved ? Of course Telcs is “cleared” since decades, how dare you…? Hope Telcs was the one, he claimed he was ? Although he never became a household name. Well, or someone perhaps got the shoe on the other ? – hope it´s not me…
But most important, Telcs was the first listener in Stockholm, to Radio Kossuth, March 8, 21.30 o´clock, 1945, as the SOU: 2003:18, claims. Then he delivered the news, to both UD and Vilmos Böhm ? A cover-up of a cover-up ? Who can explain that ?