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A note on Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s letter of authorization

    In her recently published mammoth work (2) of nearly 800 pages on Raoul Wallenberg, Ingrid Carlberg has a note referring to the important question of Michael Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s letter of authorisation, said to have been issued by the Swedish Minister in Budapest, Ivan Danielsson and giving Kutusov-Tolstoy the right to engage in discussions with the Russians on behalf of the Swedish Legation. In this note she writes :

    Philipp [Rudolph Philipp] also claims that Ivan Danielsson at the same time had given the Russian interpreter in the Protecting Power Section , Tolstoj-Kutusov , a written letter of authorisation to negotiate with the Red Army on behalf of the Swedish Legation. However no such document has been found. If this was indeed the case, it can have contributed to queering the pitch for Raoul Wallenberg. (3)

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    1 thought on “A note on Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s letter of authorization”

    1. Even Michael Kutuzov-Tolstoy’s letter of authority, what the Swedish Foreign Office (UD) couldn´t , didn´t seem aware of, didn´t existed, and was not mentioned his name on the list of UD-employees, at the Swedish legation, to inform the Red army, of MKT, 1945, i Budapest, gave him much problems, gives a picture of big chaos criminal in the Swedish bureaucracy, then and now. McKay easy got the answer of even this enigma, “a piece of cake”, but not to Swedish officials, and the Swedish general attitude to the RW-case.

      And what of the “Finnish factor”, and Hungary. Finland must have had very good contacts with Hungary, since they both fought on the NaziGerman side in the war, attacked against the Soviet Union and by that the Allies, and they were members of the Anti-Cominterpact from 1941.

      But what about the Finnish diplomatic activities in Budpest ? Not a word. But Finland signed a cease-fireagreement in September 1944, with the Soviets, and had to drew out its German 20th Army from the Northern front, some 200.000 men, to Norway /Skibotn) (WSS/ L. Rendulic.)

      The Finns CiC-diplomat in Budapest, was Aarne Wuorimaa, and the Finnish premier-minister Edvin Linkomies,1943-44, visited admiral Horthy, and commented: “- Horthy is the man, personifying all what´s are worthful in Europe” ! Finland and Hungary just didn´t fight for Germany, 1941-44, but they are even member of the same Fenno-Ugric languagegroup.

      But Finland did extradite some Jews, and most of all Soviet POWs, Jews, commissars, communists, partisans, and verdächtige ” in general, to the German Army in Rovaniemi, interrogated them in prisoncamps, assisted by Finnish (Valpo) security-police, trans-lators, and then many were executed, right down, in deep bombcraters at the Ger-man/Finnish-Soviet front in the Murmansk/White sea area 1941-44.

      This murderous German/Finnish Einsatzkommandos, started to operate, here in the summer 1941, (as earlier Poland, and then in the Op. Barbarossa in June 1941.) This groups leader was the German SS/Sturmbannführer(major): Gustav vom Felde, guilty to thousends of killings, of Pows, together with the Finns. But the attrition-war didn´t produce any pows after a while, but the EK Finnland could even have to be employed in the Leningrad-area, with the same tasks. 1942, But all this was most secret of the secrets, after the war, of course, and became public first, 2008/ Oula Silvennoinen /Geheime Waffenbrüderschaft/ Diss.)

      One must say the Finnish “violence factor” must even have some impression, at the Lenin´s bolsheviks methods, because during the Finnish Civil War, from January 1918, some 30.000 Red Finnish Socialdemocrats, was killed, executed, starved to death, fled, jailed, after the war and the White´s Mannerheims victory, and some 90.000 Finns, with families was held for long time in big screening camps. About 20.000 of the victims children are said to get adopted by the officers in Finnish Schutzcorps, an paramilitary organization said to be a have influenced the German SA/ and SS-formations.But after the war, 1944, of the Finnish voters elected in the first free election, 25 % at the Left´s , coalition, (excl. the Socialdemocrats).

      The Whites army even executed civil Russians, about 700 in the Viborg-area, in the spring 1918.But not a word of this, many West-european scholars, don´t seem to have this points in mind, as those in the Nordic, never see the similiar relation, between Ireland and U.K., as violent, as the Finnish -Russian relation. 1916, 1918. (And even Churchill could have attacked Ireland, during WW2, if needed, taking up a navybase in Berehaven, as the Russians at Finland´s Hangö.)

      But in Finland, this was a real civil war, the Russians took very little part in it, they (Lenin/Trotsky) just made the Brest /Litovsk-peace with the Germans. (The whole Tsar navy left Helsinki,11th of April, (about 300 ships) just before the German invasion,
      to fight the Reds in Helsinki. So that was a primary a civil war, against the Finnish workingclass, and not a ” liberationwar” from Russia. The White Finns fought even together with Germany, and just asked them to invade (Goltz), and install a German King. The Finns wanted to capture part of Russian Carelia, Kola, and White see, but the Germans interest, was primary to counter a British strike from Murmansk, not help Finland to expand.

      All what can really have influenced the coming violence in the then brewing Russian civil war. The core in the Mannerheims army was a battalion of finnish volonteer corps, The Jägers”, who fought in the German army, against the Entente from 1916, perhaps they saw massacres at the front. But the Finns changed side 1918, when Germany surren-dered, and gave, the British navy bases at Finnish Koivisto Island, 1919, to attack the Russian navybase Kronstadt, with fighters, and torpedoboats (Agar.)

      So, there is a “Finnish factor”, probably in the violent Russian revolution, and even in Finland´s relations with Germany and Hungary, 1941-44, Budapest, and the Wallen-bergcase, just a rather short period of twenty years, but don´t let us know, to much of this. (Sweden could save people if needed, just as Sweden took care of about 70.000
      Finnish children 1940-44, but Finland had the smallest civil casualities during the war,
      compared to others, no problems, but Jewish children, was saved just in the last minutes.)

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