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In Honour of the Swedish Names!

    Svenska Dagbladet , the daily in Sweden wrote 1945 april 20th

    Since the battle of Budapest is over, after the bloody battle of months and months finally we are happy to learn that the Swedes stationed in Hungary, Budapest, appears to be safe – some news of their destiny has reached us.

    More over we are very proud and happy to learn that our Swedish Legation and the Swedish Red Cross in Budapest has been able to rescue – during the Siege of Budapest – in the most critical period they succeded to save lifes whom we protected.

    That is formost Professor Valdemar Langlet, and attachées Per Anger and Raoul Wallenberg, who especially have performed a great humanitarian work ! THIS GIVES A HIGH HONOUR FOR THE GREAT SWEDES!

    For the persecuted who stood under the Swedish Protection, and on the initiativ of the Swedish King Gustav the V. has been succesfully protected and saved. Schutz-Brief has been issued by the Swedish Red Cross (officially about 5.000). Under this desparate time and days and under the terror that has been executed by the Gestapo and Arrow Cross. It is really a great miracle – that our Protective Letters, “Schütz-Briefs” has protected and has been respected in such a high degree and has contributed highly to save thousends of Life.

    Only a few details has reached us so far in Stockholm. the destiny of our Swedish Officcials in Budapest – the last few months – when most of the other diplomats have left and closed offices.

    Already this fact demands and gives high respect. They stayed on – in Budapest was not only a HEROIC GESTURE, MORE OVER THEY GAVE HONOUR UPON SWEDEN AND THEIR NAMES. Was not only a heroic DEEDS, gesture but it was dictated for the genuine sence of duty that they have taken on to PROTECT. They have Save Thousends of Lifes, and attained honour upon themselves and upon their Country Sweden.

    Traduction, Kate Wacz from Swedish

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