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Letter from Prime Minister Shimon Peres

    Letter to Max Grunberg at the Raoul Wallenberg Honorary Citizen Commitee, Ra’anana, Israel.

    Your Excellencies, Dear Friends,

    It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to this important meeting of the Raoul Wallenberg Honorary Committee.

    In one of history’s darkest moments there were but a few beacons of light  — and Raoul Wallenberg was one of them. Like milionq of others, he could have turned a blind eye to the horrors befalling the Jewish people. As a courageous and daring man, he was brave enough to use his status and his position to do whatever he could to enable Jews to escape certain death at the claws of the Nazi murderers. He spared no effort to help his fellow man and indeed ultimately he too became a victim of tyranny and despotism.

    We have never acertained the fate of Raoul Wallenberg, but it is incumbent on us as Jews and Israelis, indeed as citizens of the world, to keep his memory alive, and to remind the world that even one person can make a difference.

    It si written in our Sources thet he who saves one life is as though he has saved an entire world. The world is indebted to RAoul Wallenber.

    I applaud you on your work, and wish you succes in your endeavors.

    Sincerely yours,

    Shimon Peres

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