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November 1998

About the truth being a monument more durable than marble

    Talk about Raoul Wallenberg, Buenos Aires, 1998-11-17

    On behalf of my brother Raoul Wallenberg and our family I would like to thank the Argentinian authorities, Casa Argentina, and all the groups and individuals who took the initiative and realised the beautiful monument we see before us. We are grateful and proud to see Raoul remembered this way. I also speak on behalf of the thousands who lives were saved by Raoul Wallenberg and his colleagues in Budapest.

    I am deeply touched by the interest hi case still attracts in a distant country, after half a century.

    It is necessary that we always remember. Remembrance enables us to learn from the past and it is my hope that coming generations will beĀ  inspired by Raoul Wallenberg’s deeds and accomplishments. Perhaps most of all it is the spirit of his actions that we should remember and that we celebrate today. Raoul Wallenberg and those who worked with him showed all of us what it means to take responsibility personally. Personal committment, combined with utter determination and resourcefulness are what made Raoul Wallenberg’s efforts so effective.