Den 17:e januari är det 65 år sedan Wallenberg försvann i Budapest.
Raoul Wallenberg är en av de mest kända och mest mytomspunna svenskarna under förra århundradet. För dem som vuxit upp under efterkrigstiden förekom han ofta i media p.g.a sin fångenskap i Sovjetunionen, där det ända in i 80-talet fanns rykten om att han hade setts i något sovjetiskt läger. Han blev en symbol i kampen mot Sovjet under kalla kriget samtidigt som källan till hans berömmelse; de humanitära insatserna i det nazi-ockuperade Budapest också omgavs med legender och myter. Vad är egentligen sant och vad hör till de överdrivna myterna angående Raoul Wallenbergs korta men dramatiska insats i världshistorien?
En flera månader lång forskning i olika ungerska arkiv i hans spår 65 år senare ger en mer nyanserad bild, men tillför också nya spännande sidor av personen Wallenberg och hans verksamhet.
Raoul Wallenberg är kanske den svensk under 1900-talet , vars liv har avhandlats i flest vetenskapliga och litterära verk över världen. Fram till slutet av 80-talet övervägde de verk som reservationslöst hyllade hans person och insats. Dessa verk hade en agenda- att försöka göra Wallenberg till en av Andra Världskrigets stora hjältar, som hade kämpat mot den ena onda makten för att sedan falla offer för den andre. Man talade om att han hade satt igång räddningsaktionerna eller räddat 30,70 eller 100 000 människor. Många av dessa böcker var skrivna i USA eller inspirerade av den klassiska amerikanska myten om den ensamma mannens kamp mot ondskan. Fr.o.m. 90-talet kom det en ny kritisk våg inom forskningen som ville relativisera Wallenbergs gärning eller t.o.m. bevisa att egentligen inte var så betydelsefull. Att finna en realistisk bild av hans gärningar återstår fortfarande
Den ambitiöse men något frustrerade 32-åringen var en del av Sveriges mäktigaste familj, hade fått en fin internationell utbildning och praktik men hölls av olika skäl ändå på distans av familjens huvudmän från ett riktigt betydelsefullt jobb i sfären. I stället fick han nöja sig med att jobba i en mindre importfirma av livsmedel, där han visserligen var uppskattad och fick göra affärsresor i Europa, men ändå längtade bort ifrån till mer spännande uppgifter.
Under våren fick hans chef på firman, den ungerske juden Kálmán Lauer kontakt med Stockholmsrepresentanten för den nyupprättade statliga amerikanska hjälporganisationen War Refugee Board, Iver C. Olsen. Då amerikanerna ville skicka någon svensk diplomat som med enbart skulle arbeta med humanitär hjälp åt de ungerska judarna som då höll på att isoleras från resten av befolkningen för att deporteras. Det tycks som att de egentligen ville ha Folke Bernadotte för uppdraget, men det blev inte så. Om det berodde på att tyskarna inte ville ge honom visum som sades eller om svenska myndigheter tyckte att han var för viktig för en sådan roll råder ännu delade meningar om.
Bakgrunden till uppdraget.
Ungern var efter första världskriget ett land i konstant kris. Stora landavträdelser, en krossad ekonomi, social oro och en kort men turbulent kommunistisk revolution som avlöstes av en ultra-konservativ regim under amiral Miklos Horthy. Stora klasskillnader,en stark social spänning och minskade karriärmöjligheter avleddes med en stark antisemitism där de flesta problem skulle minska om judarna fick mindre inflytande. Då Hitler steg till makten på 30-talet var Ungern bland de länder där lockropen fick mest genklang. Deltagandet på Tysklands sida i andra världskriget höll på att utvecklas till katastrof och en febrik aktivitet rådde under 1943 för att kunna hoppa av den alltmer destruktiva alliansen. Men eftersom det var få andra europeiska länder där tyskarna hade så många informatörer som i Ungern, visste tyskarna precis allt som Horthy hade för sig. Landet ockuperades snabbt och relativt smärtfritt i mars 1944 , alla som kunde organisera motstånd fångades ihop med hjälp av listor som de ungerska quislingarna hade gjort flera år i förväg. Horthy fick stanna kvar som regent men fick acceptera en tysk lydregering och drog sig tillbaka. Nya ungerska trupper sändes till östfronten och i maj började tågen med ungerska judar rulla mot Auschwitz.
Ungefär 436 000 människor deporterades i godsvagnar under c.a två månader med en hänsynslös effektivitet av Adolf Eichmann och hans SS-stab. Detta skulle dock varit omöjligt för dem att genomföra utan aktivt stöd av den ungerska byråkratin och framför allt det hårdföra och nazi-influerade gendarmeriet under ledning av den stilige men hänsynslösa överstlöjtnanten László Ferenczy. Men i mitten av juni började också den borgerliga motståndsrörelsen MFM aktivera sig och uppvakta Horthy om att sätta stopp för deportationerna. Flertalet neutrala sändebud uppvaktade också enträget regenten och påpekade vilket katastrof landet höll på att segla mot. Hot och vädjanden från bl.a. påven, Roosevelt och Gustav V. bidrog också till att den förtvivlade Horthy samlade mod och lojala trupper. Den 7:e juli 1944 var i princip alla judar från landsbygden deporterade och gendarmer samlades i Budapest för att samla ihop huvudstadens drygt 200 000 judar.
Då gav Horthy order om att hans hemliga reserv, en lojal pansardivision, skulle då marschera till staden och om krävdes, med våld förhindra att gendarmerna och tyskarna skulle arrestera judarna och den 8-9 juli stod alltså ungerska soldater med vapnen mot varandra. Men då fick Eichmann order om att backa, då det var för stunden viktigare för den tyska högsta ledningen att Ungern skulle vara stabilt än att deportera all judar. Dem kunde man alltid ta itu med senare. Eichmann var rasande och Horthy hade vunnit tillbaka en del av sitt manöverutrymme. Nackdelen var att han hade röjt sitt hemliga kort och den lojala pansardivisionen tvingades till fronten. Den 9 juli anländer Raoul Wallenberg till Budapest.
Uppdraget tar sin början
Redan vid hans ankomst berörs en av de myter som skapades efter kriget. Då Wallenberg kom till Ungern hade precis judarna i Budapest räddats av motståndsrörelsen och lojala militärer. Flera neutrala sändebud hade redan i månader arbetar med att försöka rädda judarna genom att vädja till och hota myndigheter samt utfärda olika skyddsdokument. Tittar man till dokument från denna tid är de viktigaste bland dessa Vatikanens sändebud Angelo Rotta, Internationella Röda Korsets(I.R.K.) Friedrich Born och den schweiziska legationssekreteraren Carl Lutz. Även den svenska ambassadören Carl-Ivan Danielson och framför allt förstesekreteraren Per Anger engagerat sig, så även den lektorn i det svenska språket Valdemar Langlet som utnämns till Svenska Röda Korsets representant.
Det finns alltså många andra som har verkat längre, känner till Ungern betydligt mer och har ett mycket större kontaktnät än Wallenberg. Det kan således inte sägas att han satte igång eller satte fart på räddningsinsatserna. Snarare är han novisen som ser och lär. Faktum är att hans namn nämns knappt i ungerska dokument från de från de första månaderna. (Även om man får betänka att många dokument har förstörts också.)
Det första avtrycket av Wallenberg är från den 20: juli då han bevisligen träffar ovan nämnde Ferenczy. Mötet finns noterat i hans kalender men framför allt hänvisar Ferenczy till detta möte framför domstolen efter kriget. De första två månaderna är hans kalender fulltecknat med namn, varav många är ännu ökända. Den första tiden ägnar Wallenberg framför allt till att bygga upp sin stab (Vars innersta cirkel består av judiska medarbetare från radiofabriken Orion, som hade ett svenskt dotterföretag.) och att träffa många människor d.v.s bygga upp sitt nätverk i Ungern.
Då han är trevlig och social (Kanske för social för den tidens svenska mansideal..?)blir Wallenberg snabbt populär bland dem i de övre skikten som har en anglofil, antinazistisk inställning. Han har gott om pengar och dessa går till hans stab, förnödenheter men också till en omfattande representation. Ambassadör Danielson är inte odelat förtjust i den unge Wallenberg och hans handhavande med pengar. Men kanske var detta nödvändigt, för i tysthet bygger han upp ett nätverk bland inflytelserika människor, utan vilket han inte kunnat åstadkomma mycket. Många dokument påvisar, utan att direkt styrka det, att han fick vid denna tid kontakter mycket högt upp i makthierarkin och i den borgerliga antinazistsika motståndsrörelsen.
En av dem han träffar tidigast är Géza Sóos, som hade varit med och vidarefodrat de s.k Auschwitzdukumenten, som visade att tyskarna inte hade låtit judarna arbeta utan mördat de flesta av dem, till Horthy. Sóos tillhör dem som försöket få landet att hoppa av kriget och om det inte lyckas, sätta igång ett allmänt motstånd mot tyskarna med en borgerlig, nationell inriktning. Wallenberg har troligen kontakter med Horthys son Horthy Jr och förmodligen också med den militära grenen av motståndsrörelsen. (Däremot finns inget som tyder på att han skulle ha haft någon kontakt med den kommunistiska delen av motståndsrörelsen eller med den sionistiska. De senare var istället nära förbundna Carl Lutz). Att svenskarna hade mycket nära, fast självklart mycket hemliga och farliga, kontakter med motståndsrörelsen har också beskrivits av Per Anger.
Wallenberg arbetar alltså med att bygga sitt nätverk och i hemlighet engagera sig på ena sidan i det alltmer bittra inbördeskampen mellan de ungrare som vill fortsätta på tysklands sida och de som inte vill det. Han träffar också tyskar vid denna tid. Men troligen ej Eichmann då mötet dem emellan hör nog till myterna, utan SS-Reichsfuhrer Himmlers representant Kurt Becher som var i Ungern för att kapa till sig landets industri för SS räkning.
Denne SS-man hade lyckats påverka Himmler att inse att kriget ej kunde vinnas och att man borde förhandla med de allierade. Där kunde judarna bli en bricka i förhandlingarna och man bör därför sluta döda dem i massor. Här kunde alltså Wallenberg också manövrera i en spricka bland den högsta nazi-toppen, med de ”korrupta” Himmler och Becher på ena sidan och de mer ”fanatiska” med Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Gestapo-chefen Heinrich Muller samt Eichmann på den andra.
Framåt september verkar situationen stabiliseras, Horthy utnyttjar tyskarnas relativa svagheter för att delvis återta kontrollen, politiska fångar släpps loss och trycket på judarna minskar. Personer som tidigare hade tjänat tyskarna utan förbehåll som t.ex Ferenczy, börjar nu sabotera deras ansträngningar att deportera judarna. Wallenberg skriver att organisationen kanske snart kan avvecklas. Men i början av oktober skriver han att han nog blir kvar ett tag i alla fall. Under oktobers första dagar känner alla att det är något i luften, något måste snart hända. De sovjetiska trupperna har gått över den ungerska gränsen, Rumänien har lämnat axelmakterna och tyskarna började bli alltmer nervösa.
Kretsen runt Horthy planerade att nu en gång för alla hoppa av alliansen med Tyskland och sluta separatfred med Sovjet. Datumet för detta skulle ha blivit 16:e oktober. Intressant nog är Wallenbergs kalender som är i övrigt ständigt fulltecknad, tom i flera dagar fr.o.m den 16:e. Är detta för att han visste det precisa datumet för avhoppet eller för att de möten han skulle haft då inte borde skrivas ned i kalendern?
Men tyskarna visste också om allt detta, och de var snabbare. De genomförde sin kupp den 15:e med att kidnappa Horthy Jr, genomföra en statskupp och ge makten till de mest extrema ungerska fascisterna; Pilkorspartiet. Dessa och SS jagar nu alla som har stött avhoppet och genomför dagarna efter sin kupp flera pogromer mot de judiska hus som finns i Budapest. Det intressanta är att i dessa dagar tycks Wallenberg försvunnen. Flera källor nämner att han dök upp först runt den 22-23:e, der har t.o.m. spekulerats i att han skulle ha varit hemma i Sverige, men detta är inte troligt. Om det var så att han hade nära kontakter med motståndsrörelsen ligger det nära till hands att tro att han helt enkel gömde sig ända till han var säker på att hans namn inte finns med på Gestapos listor.
Den dramatiska tiden.
Tiden efter att pilkorsarna får makten förändras allting. Tyskarna och deras lojala medhjälpare pilkorsarna och gendarmerna lyckas arrestera och utradera stora delar av den civila och militära motståndsrörelsen. Judeförföljelserna tar fart igen och Eichmann återvänder. Efter de inledande pogromerna sätts deportationerna igång igen, denna gång till läger i Österrike. Överstelöjtnant Ferenczy som tidigare sagt sig vilja samarbeta för att skydda judarna tar pilkorsarnas parti och blir åter den judedeporterare han var under våren/sommaren.
När Wallenberg dyker upp i slutet av oktober och samlar sin stab som splittrats tar den tid sin början som egentligen motsvarar den ”klassiska” bild av honom som spritts i böcker och filmer. Dock förekommer de andra tidigare nämnda neutrala diplomaterna fortfarande betydligt oftare i officiella dokument, det är ofta de som är uppe hos de olika tyska och ungerska myndigheterna och protesterar. Den bild av Wallenberg som går upp och domderar ,slår näven i bordet och kräver av myndigheter hör således också mer till mytens värld. En annan myt är att han genom en relation med romantiska undertoner till den nye utrikesministerns hustru lyckades rädda tiotusentals judar. Denne minister hade i princip ingen makt över frågor rörande judar.
Däremot är han synnerligen aktiv i bygga upp sin organisation, sitt nätverk och jobba ”på fältet”. Det är nu hans organisations och improvisationsförmåga samt hans sätt att tänka i nätverk börjar ge resultat. Genom sina kontakter från samhällslivet och motståndsrörelsen får han kontakter till ungersk militär, gendarmeri och polis. Det är i mindre omfattning än tidigare litteratur angett som han måste ta till mutor, i de flesta fall verkar han vädja till deras samvete eller goda omdöme. De som redan tidigare var avogt inställda till tyskarna blir inspirerade av hans idealism, de som är opportuna blir påverkade av hans övertalningsförmåga. Wallenberg fortsätter ha nära kontakt med Ferenczy som synes vara en schizofren personlighet. Ibland ger han order om att stoppa deportationer av en grupp av judar som står under neutralt skydd, för att dagen efter säga upp överenskommelsen.
Ju längre tid som går från kuppen, ju oftare dyker Wallenbergs namn upp i dokumenten, men fortfarande relativt sällan när det gäller propåer på ministerierna. Där nämns fortfarande de äldre mer distingerade sändebuden som Angelo Rotta, som för övrigt kan tillåta sig en konfrontativ stil gentemot pilkorsmyndigheterna som förmodligen Wallenberg inte skulle kunnat. Det är vid de ökända deportationerna till fots fr.o.m. mitten av november där han börjar spela en viktig roll. Som ung och aktiv man kan han på ett annat sätt än de äldre diplomaterna dyka upp och delta i händelserna på plats.
Det finns belagt med säkerhet en gång att han själv åker ut till den österrikiska gränsen, men det är möjligt att han åkte flera gånger. Men det viktiga är inte om han själv dök upp där eller inte utan att han vid denna tid, d.v.s. slutet av november har ett nätverk av militärer, poliser och olika medarbetare, som i hans och Sveriges namn åker ut och försöker hämta tillbaka deporterade. Här börjar hans kanske viktigaste egenskap framträda; förmågan att jobba i nätverk. Av de andra neutrala aktörerna tycks han ha bäst kontakt med Friedrich Born från I.R.K. Däremot verkar hans relation med Carl Lutz innehålla spår av konkurrens. Den känslige Lutz tyckte kanske att den dynamiske Wallenberg överskuggade honom i hans stora stund? Faktum är att den schweiziska aktionen egentligen var mer omfattande än den svenska. Vissa historiker påstår t.o.m. att Lutz anmälde till myndigheterna att svenskarna ger ut skyddsbrev alltför lättvindigt. Relationen till Langlet och de andra svenskarna i Budapest verkar inte heller vara utan komplikationer, förutom till Per Anger, Svenska Röda Korset höll en distans till I.R.K. osv. Dessa hjältemodiga personer var således ej fria från mänskliga svagheter, som att bevaka sitt revir. Det ska dock sägas att ambassadör Danielsson utåt alltid försvarade Wallenberg mot kritik och hot.
Vid denna tid blir en person vid Wallenberg stab speciellt betydelsefull för honom. Károly Szabó, en icke-judisk skrivmaskinsmekaniker vid svenska ambassaden blir så inspirerad av Wallenberg så han erbjuder sig att utföra uppdrag. Blond och blåögd med en dyr läderrock blir han ofta tagen för svensk diplomat respektive tysk officer och förväxlas av många med Wallenberg bland dem som inte visste hur denne såg ut. Det är troligtvis han som dyker upp vid Donaukajen innan åtminstone en avrättning och lyckas rädda människor, det finns inget underlag för att Wallenberg själv skulle ha varit där.
Szabó sammanför också Wallenberg med en av de viktigaste och mystiska personerna vid denne tid. Pál Szalai är barndomskamrat med Szabó och sedan sin ungdom aktiv i Pilkorspartiet. Han går ur i början av 40-talet, men återkallas efter 15:e oktober som en gammal pålitlig veteran. Han får den betydelsefulla posten som samordnare mellan pilkorsarna och stadspolisen. Även om stadspolisen också medverkat vid deportationerna gjorde de detta utan entusiasm och de är i sin helhet mycket mindre naziinfluerade än gendarmeriet. Pilkorsarna vill utöka kontrollen över dem och tror att Szalai är rätt man.
Men Szalai har börjat känna avsky för sina gamla kamrater och använder sin makt till att sabotera order, försöka förhindra terroraktioner mot judarna och motverka nazifieringen av polisen. I december får han och Wallenberg kontakt genom Szabó och dessa tre män samarbetar nära under den mest dramatiska sista tiden.
En annan viktig kontakt gick till den militära motståndsrörelsen. Zoltán Mikó var en major som hade pilkorsregimens förtroende som en ambitiös soldat som vill organisera fristyrkor som ska operera bakom ryggen på ryssarna. I verkligheten är Mikó bland de få bland konspiratörerna mot tyskarna som undgått arrestering. Han får till uppdrag att förbereda och utrusta nationalgardet, KISKA, till slagkraftiga förband som kan sättas in vid fronten eller som ”vita” partisaner mot ryssarna. Mikó ger sken av att jobba hårt med detta, men i verkligheten gör han vissa av KISKA-förbanden till ett tillhåll för motståndare, desertörer och judar på flykt. Han och Wallenberg har kontakt och genom honom får också svensken kontakt med flera antinazistiska lokala KISKA kommendanter. Man hjälper varandra ömsesidigt med pengar, förnödenheter, passersedlar och ibland även vapen! De har också kontakt med de landsflyktiga polska motståndsmän som lever under jorden i Budapest, något som kanske ska påverka deras öden.
Crescendo .
I mitten av december blir situationen riktigt allvarlig. Pilkorsregeringen tappar tålamodet med de neutrala representanterna och förklarar skyddspassen ogiltiga. Judarna ska fösas samman i ett ghetto för deportering. Som en sista åtgärd lyckas de neutrala utverka att en del av judarna ska stå kvar under neutralt skydd i det s.k. internationella ghettot. Här hänger de svenska och schweiziska flaggorna ut från var och vartannat fönster. C.a. 35 000 människor bor här och det är ofta detta ”ghetto” som Wallenberg förknippas med.
Men de flesta judar föses samman i det s.k. stora ghettot bakom stora synagogan där drygt 70 000 människor bor omgivna av plank under eländiga förhållanden. Dokumenten visar att Wallenberg fick fr.o.m. december en central roll i kampen för detta ghetto också. Judiska rådet med Lajos Stöckler och Miksa Domonkos i spetsen kämpade som lejon för att de inspärrade människorna skulle klara sig. Domonkos som var f.d. reservofficer fortsatte bära sin uniform trots förbud för judar att göra så och vågade med sin auktoritet t.o.m. ge kontraorder till gendarmerna då överstelöjtnant Ferenczy avslöjade sig som pilkorsarnas man.
Mindre känt är att utspridda runt om i Budapest finns massor av skyddade hus, ofta barnhus, som står under I.R.K:s skydd och som ofta drivs av kristliga organisationer. Dokumenten avslöjar att I.R.K och Wallenbergs stab hade ett nära samarbete i övervakning och försörjning av dessa hus, ett samarbete som dock hade varit omöjlig utan hemlig hjälp, ibland från polisen och ibland från KISKA-förbanden.
Julaftonen den 24:december ska pilkorsarna till att anfalla ett judiskt barnhus som ligger nära Andrássy-boulevarden. Någon ringer till I.R.K och till Wallenbergs stab och därefter går ”heta linjen” till en av de närmaste KISKA-förbanden. Detta förband som står under befäl av majoren Lajos Gidófalvy, tar upp kampen mot pilkorsarna och lyckas efter en eldstrid rädda de flesta, men inte alla, barnen. Gidófalvys adjutant beskriver det nära samarbetet då han för första gången träffar Wallenberg som efter att inledningsvis ha varit reserverad, får förtroende och de tre männen diskuterar samarbetet. Avslutningsvis ger männen varandra en kram och Wallenberg låter hämta upp två lådor med vapen till förbandet.
Även soldater från andra KISKA-förband refererar till ”svenskarna” och Wallenberg och detta efter kriget då hans namn officiellt var bortglömt i Ungern! Många indicier tyder på att han var betydligt mer involverad med motståndsrörelsen än tidigare beskrivet och att han även jobbade som kurir mellan dem. Således måste en annan typisk bild, den av den ensamma dystre kämpen i en fientlig omvärld (En bild som t.ex. visas i den svenska filmen från 1990 med Stellan Skarsgård i huvudrollen) avskrivas.
Han hade nämligen många vänner och allierade i staden och utan aktiv och passiv hjälp från dessa hade han kunnat utföra mycket litet i ett främmande land! (vilket förstås inte utesluter att han kan ha känt sig ensam ibland…)
På julafton fullbordas Sovjetarmés inringning av Budapest. Pilkorsregeringen och även Eichmann flyr. Andrarangens ledare bland pilkorsarna och SS tar nu makten och den besinningslösa terrorn börjar. Befälhavare för pilkorsarna blir nu den psykotiske f.d. badmästaren Imre Nidosi som ger order om att alla desertörer och sabotörer måste skjutas på plats. Detta legitimerar en total terror som kan drabba alla, men framför allt judarna. På nätterna skjuts hundratals människor ned i det kalla Donau, men förvånansvärt många överlever och räddas ur vattnet av mystiska hjälpare. En ung och energisk SS-officer, Rainer Gottstein enar SS-polizei ,SD och Gestapoförbanden i Budapest under sitt befäl.
Detta innebär att de tre veckorna från jul till mitten av januari närmast kan beskrivas som helvetet på jorden. Många av de skyddade svenska och neutrala husen attackeras. Den 8:e januari attackeras huset där Wallenberg har sitt huvudkontor och 300 av skyddslingarna släpas iväg. Under två dagar springer Wallenberg, Szalai, Szabó m.m. runt tillsammans med poliser för att hämta tillbaka de bortförda. Mirakulöst nog lyckas de rädda nästan alla från detta hus, men ett annat hus som attackeras två dagar innan går det sämre för. Trots intensivt letande bl.a. hos Nidosi ljuger denne Wallenberg rakt upp i ansiktet om var fångarna är. Även KISKA-förbanden attackeras som en sista vedergällning då Gestapo till slut kom på deras egentliga verksamhet
Det är vid denna tid då dokumentens Wallenberg mest motsvarar den bild av honom som skapats av eftervärlden. Han dyker upp överallt, nu är alla diplomatiska seder lagda åt sidan, han hotar och kräver svar. Han och hans medarbetare tycks inte sova, de far runt trots granatregn och hot om attentat, de kämpar som lejon i ett crescendo. Trots ständigt beskydd av poliser, blir nu hoten mot Wallenberg riktigt allvarliga och runt den 11:e går han under jorden, hos en nära vän- en ungersk officer som själv skyddade hundratals judar.
Det stora ghettot har man lyckats i stort sett skydda genom en polisstyrka mot angrepp, men nu går rykten om att SS och pilkorsare samlas för en sista attack innan ryssarna kommer. Flera versioner finns om denna händelse men (förmodligen efter ett ingripande av Szalai) det tyska armékommandot får reda på planerna och stoppar vansinnet.
Ingen saga med lyckligt slut.
Wallenberg möter de första ryska förbanden den 13:e och fyra dagar senare söker han upp de medarbetare som är på befriat område. Till dem säger han att han ska med en sovjetisk patrull till Debrecen för att träffa den nya demokratiska ungerska regeringen. Sedan dess är han försvunnen. Troligtvis dog han i juli 1947 i sovjetiskt fängelse, annars hade han med all sannolikhet frigetts under Chrusjtjov-eran.
Det slutade inte bättre för hans medhjälpare heller. Lajos Gidofalvy lyckades fly när hans förband attackerades men dog senare, enligt legenden när han försökte hindra tyskarna från att spränga den sista bron över Donau. Zoltán Mikó arresterades av ryssarna och avrättades i Sovjet sommaren 1945 trots vädjanden från nya ungerska regeringen. Enligt hans adjutant var det kontakten med Wallenberg och deras band till polackerna orsaken till bådas död.
Polackerna ska ha överlämnat dokument med detaljer om Katyn-massakern som den sovjetiska säkerhetspolisen ska ha velat röja undan alla spår av.
Lajos Stöckler, Miksa Domonkos, Pál Szalai och Károly Szabó arresterades av den kommunistiska ungerska hemliga polisen 1953 anklagade för att ha mördat Wallenberg! Då man i Sovjet satte igång antijudiska skådeprocesser beordrade man ungrarna att göra detsamma. Vad var då bättre att göra upp med några prominenta judar och en f.d. pilkorsare och samtidigt få en förklaring till vad som hänt Wallenberg? Efter ett års fängelse och tortyr släpptes de fyra ut då det hela blåstes av efter Stalins död. De var då brutna män och antingen dog en tid efteråt eller emigrerade 1956.
Wallenbergs minne har varit starkt under hela efterkrigstiden, men de andra glömdes i stort sett bort. I Ungern fanns under 40 år ingen forskning kring Wallenberg och än mindre kring hans ungerska medhjälpare. Det som forskning i arkiven visar nu 65 år sedan är att räddningen av Budapests judar var ett riktigt kollektivt arbete, utfört av ett nätverk som ofta fick improviseras fram. De utländska och ungerska hjälparna var beroende av varandra för att lyckas. I detta nätverk ,där Wallenberg först var en ”junior partner” , växte hans roll (och han växte in i den..) för att mellan november 44-januari 45 bli den nyckelperson som eftervärlden har sett honom. Då möttes myten och verkligheten.
” What we do – is secret ! ”
British Intelligence MI6 /Leslie Nicholson recruited the Latvian, Rob. Osis, as agent before 1939. He took part in the Riga /Rumbula forest massacres (27.000 Jewish vic-tims, 12.000+ 15.000 ), last month of 1941 as Riga /Latvian Policechief, together with SS-Jeckeln´s Einsatzkommandos. After the war Osis, 1946, again lead a Latvian agent-system in Britain, for MI6.
A Latvian Jewish woman arrived, surprisingly to Sweden, Selma Sepszelowicz, 24 April 1944, after been hiding in Latvia, by an Latvian officer/official, Janis Vabulis. They rep-orted of the Rumbula massacres, the 30 November and 8th. She had managed to left the Riga (Moskauer Vorstadt/suburbs) transformed to a Jewish Ghetto, during the aut-umn 1941, after the first violence wave against the Jews, in the German attack, Op. Bar-barossa. Selmas parents and sister was killed the 8th of December, in the Rumbula for-est. (Her brother managed to flee to Russia, before the German occupation, about 25th of June, 1941, and survived the war, and even the Sovietsystem.)
They typwrited a report of 18 pages and gave names of the Latvian/German, execut-ioners/ victims, but the Swedish secret police, in charge, (Otto Danielsson, later official Wallenberg-researcher, didn´t believe her/them , made suspicions against them as being “Soviet agents”. Danielsson even expressed a personal dislike,( like anti-semitic,) of them, as” dangerous persons, “Selma as… especially dangerous” , and started to har-ass, and smear the two refugees, with help of the other Latvian refugees. She lost her job, at the Stockholm Univ., at the Otto Danielssons request. Even Gilel Storch despised her report, and she had to turn to relatives in UK., Jean Livingstone/Scotland, and for-eign minister Anthony Eden, and The Daily Express,prints. (* Deland 2010)
But Otto Danielsson even despised Kalaman Lauer, Wallenbergs Jewish business part-ner, perhaps antisemitic, and was perhaps envy of Lauers big economic incomes, and capacities, (*due to McKay´s excerpts) as even the Zelma and Janis gave impression, of being educated, speaking many foreign languages,devoted, antifascist-activists of good reasons, as Raoul,Wallenberg. But in the wrong place, the wrong question, all doors closed.
(And even the Ingrian refugee, H. Hietala, in Sweden, who witnessed of terrible German atrocities, outside Leningrad from 1941, was by denunciation, arrested 1944, by the Secret police: Mr Erik Lönn (anticommunist-bureau), and was denied Swedish citizen-ship, and ended up in the Swedish kz-camp/Smedsbo, and at last at mental hospital
Säter, because of his stubborness, even giving public lectures about the German warcrimes. /
* (M. Deland : Purgatorium/se 2010)
But most of the Baltic warcriminals,as K. Lobe et al., was given a good secure life in Sweden, real safehaven,(those “Safehaven”-money , taken from the Germans,1944/45 was in fact used in the MI6/OSS secret operations,after the war, easy to conceal in budgets) thanks to the Swedish secret police,supposed having the same methods and mentalities, as their NKVD- colleagues in Moscow, but not as ruthless, empowered, and then operating in a rather more peaceful environment, in Sweden.
( When the two German policeattachés,Hans-Hendrik Neumann, former Heydrichs aide-d.c,NSDAP, SS/Obersturmbannführer, and 2nd in Germanoccupied Quisling-Norway after Reichskommissar Josef Terboven, 1941, /Finnish Cross of Freedom, 1941/, and SS/Georg Müller, (b. Karlsruhe 09.) with Swedish wife, had very close contact with the Swedish Secret police, Martin Lundqvist/ Erik Lönn/ Harry Söderman) they come and go, as they want in Stockholm´s policeadministration, and offered the Secret police, a plan to concentrate all Swedish important communists/leftists, perhaps Jews, in kz-camps, by “Blitztactic”, 1941.
They wanted of course informations about of the British-suppported, Norwegian resist-ance, Milorg. First 1944, Neumann left Norway/ Sweden,for a WSS/Panzerregiment in Hungary.But were these two topnazis objects for the Swedish secret police´s telephon- and postcontrol ? No man – of course not ! Those means of coercion, was instead used against, Zelma Sepselovicz and Vabulis, and of course most against ordinary people stamped, ” communists”, or something else, and subversive refugees, whom could make resistance, against the Swedish then wellestablished pro-german appeasementpolicy.
Zelma said, even after her arrival to Sweden/Stockholm, 1944, she visited Mr Iver Olsen (U.S. Embassy), (made some translation works for him) and the British Embassy, but they both despised, her report, and destroyed the documentation. Then she contacted the Swedish biggest, morningpaper, the liberal : The Dagens Nyheter, ( today a very active Wallenberg-researcher) the same answer: -” We don´t publish this story , no way ! “-, they still believed then in German victory, said February, 1997, (Zelma Riwka Hait) (b. 20) Kuldinga), when she gave an 4 hours YouTube-interview with the Spielberg´s U.S. Shoa Memory organisation, I recommend seeing. They had to pay with gold, for being rescued by a Latvian vessel, arriving at Visby, where they were friendly met, she said
They succeeded although to have some of their facts printed only in the Swedish daily Communist-party paper, Ny Dag,(New Day) 17th October, 1944, that disclosed both the OSS -connections, and the traffic with refugees, combined with agentdeployments, and the rescue of not only national innocent Latvians, but many collaborators, and warcrim-inals, the total Swedish unprincipled policy.
(Ny Dag – forbidden by parliament´s law, between 1940 and 1943, to be distributed by Swedish public communications,railways,etc, those were needed for 2.100.000 German Wehrmachts- sometimes a train each 27th minut, on leave from, Norway, after bombing British cities, seaconvoys, ). (But Ny Dag was not burned down, by arson/ dynamite, with five victims (two children) the 3rd of March 1940, as the colleague-paper Norrskens-flamman/ Northern Light, in Luleå city, a wellknown, terrorcrime, by the town´s Swed-ish policechief, some armyofficers and rightwing journalists, at the end of the Finnish winterwar.)
Zelma Sepselovicz and Vabulis, even accused sources in Sweden, Latvian refugees, or military/police sources for reporting to the German SiPo/SD, about their rescue network in Latvia, and six Latvians was executed for that, by the Gestapo. (Deland 2010) Perhaps the former police, foreign bureau,(even in Civil war in Finland 1918 + ,at Horst Pflugk-Harttungs list of Swedish spying agents,1939) Robert Paulsson, arrested the 18th of December 1944, for spying at refugees, during the whole war, for the Germans. Who protected him ? They left for Latvia, after the war 1945, in June, perhaps Zelma lost her job, and because Vabulis parents were left in Riga.
Then, due to Zelma´s interview (not referred to in M. Deland´s book) they were accu-sed in Riga/KGB 1946, of being anti-soviet spies, as Selma speaks many foreign lang-uages,as English, German, maybe more. She was released 1950, even as they know her sufferings during the war.The same Soviet “Spy-mania”, that presumably took the life of Wallenberg. She was condemned to prison, and later mentalhospital, when she denied to denounce people, she knew was innocent, and she even denied to return to Sweden as KGB-agent, during the 1950s.
Her friend the Latvian officer, Janis Vabulis, (b. approx. 1914) who risked his life to hide her, in Riga received 10 years hard labour, GuLag. She thought the Germans and Russ-ians were most similar in brutality, and many of the Latvians, alcoholics, and simple, in spite of high education. She was even critical against the Latvian Holocaust-historian. A. Ezergailis, ” trying to excuse people like Arajs, and claiming the Latvian people being, cheated by the Germans. ” /From Zelmas YouTube interview of February 1997, in Israel.
Selma was brutally raped by the notorius Latvian warcriminal: SS-Viktors Arajs, (Roll-kommando/ in Swedish buses terrorizing the countryside/ 30.000 victims-1941-) and promised to take revenge, for the Holocaust, by remembering , all names of the Latvian perpetrators, she had met. (Once she heard in her hiding, at Vabulis apartment, the Latvian warcriminal : Herbert Cukurs, bragging ” to have killed 300 Jews with his pistol.” 1941-44.
She emigrated to Israel 1971, and started to investigate, with the Israeli´s police, and in May 1978, she was called to witness, in a trial in WestGermany, against Viktors Arajs. (The Swedish secretpolice,(säpo) was asked for a statement, of Zelma and delivered the then same old suspicious “shit” as usual, gossips, rumours.) But Arajs was condemned to life in prison, 1979, and died 1989, most because of Zelmas/Vabulis witness/ Source Staatsanwaltsschaft.b. Landgericht Hamburg,16 jan. and 22 April 1979, after two trials./ (This court even tried RSHA/SS,1967, Bruno Streckenbacher, former wellknown “dear” Hamburg-policefriends, (+RSHA/Kopkow/Mittman/Kraus ) to the Swedish secret police- staff.)
The British MI6 supplied in February 1944, Latvians with radiosets, together in coop-eration, with the Latvians, fleeing from the Red army offensive. Even the War Refugee Board/ Iver Olsen /OSS, was engaged in this. Many of the Latvian warcriminals used this boatrescuing, to avoid trials, and many of them was then working for the Swedish military intelligence / C-bureau/T-bureau and the secret police(SÄK), as secret agents, domestic and abroad. But Swedish/British/U.S secret agent-operations in the 1950s, against the Baltics/ Latvia, ended with disaster, and here Sweden officially denied every kind of cooperation, with the same stubborn attitude, as the Soviets usually practised.
10.000 Latvian refugees arrived in Britain, 1946, most of them, former WaffenSS-men, from Latvian, Robert Osis WSS-formations.( The prolonged MI6/CIA-Swedish-backed, partisan-war in the Baltic states during the 1950s, was in vain, with casualities of: 75.000 civilians/ 30.000 guerillas/ 80.000 Soviet soldiers, (Dorril) as the suffering of 1939-45, wasn´t enough, and then this war, to what gain ? (Presumably, a Swedish SIG.INT.- aircraft, (with US./U.K.Nato-techn.) a DC-3, was downed by the Soviets, in this context, the 13th of June 1952, with eigth crewman/tel.operat lost, fathers to seven children, it was as usual, only silence left, but the wreck was discovered 2004, only by private investigators.)
The War-Autumn 1944, in Sweden, followed by Stella Polaris-intelligencegroup from Finland, was by that displaying, a pattern, that perhaps was known, by the Soviet secret police, a situation full of contradictions, emptied of principles, and could be dangerous for a person with a critical, as RW:s position, in Budapest. As the O.S.S. Operation / CLAW, in May, with the German Abwehr-group Sala, from Lillehammar, with Swedish cooperation, to U,S. Zone Germany, shows.
There are some similarities of Zelma´s Sepselovicz´s and Vabulis case and Raoul Wall-enberg´s. A great mistrust from secret police organisations, both the Swedish (SÄK) and, later the Soviet KGB, in the lasting months of the war. And a great cynicism, when even the British MI6, again recruited the Latvian lt. col., Robert Osis,(Rumbula-perp.) to lead a network of agents in Britain after ,1945.
The Cold war geared up, the Allies intelligence services didn´t from the 26 June 1945, (Brit. Air Office) shared informations, with Moscow, (if not necessary), and the day after, Kai Holst (SIS) was killed in Stockholm, and 1946 Robert Osis in Westgermany , was instructed about codes and ciphers, by a certain MI6-official named…Kim Philby, before leaving for Britain. A very different time, when every nazi- or warcriminal, could be used in the West´s intelligence, and subversion activities, without questions.
My point: The fate of Zelma Sepselovicz and Janis Vabulis, in Latvia 1941-44, and Sweden 1944/45, give a picture of two people, in the same righteous activities for humanity, and justice, as the Swede, Raoul Wallenberg, but they was in a way as maltreated, but not fatal as him, by the NKVD/MVG.But in Stockholm, by the Swedish secret police, and authorities, (even labour/socialdemocrats, their Latvian fellow-countrymen, as Gilel Storch, World Jew Congress, the main press, (Dagens Nyheter), and not at least by the U.S./Olsen and the U.K. embassies, let them down, just as merciless, and in fact, most untrue, as the Soviet´s suspicions presumably against Raoul Wallenberg.
The Rumbula- forestkillings, among the worst of its kind, near Sweden, last month of 1941, much worse than the Katyn, a year before,1940, like Babij Jar in Kiev in Septem-ber 1941 , but has no name. Here Jewish victims of all ages, whole families, babies were massacred, first leaving their belongings and values in boxes, then undress, before they were shot.
In Sweden, Zelma Sepselovicz and Vabulis, were treated as Soviet agents, spies, as much “spy-mania” as in Moscow, but here the Swedish police, wanted to hide Rumbula-forest and prevent spying, as much as the Russians denied, hided Katy´n of 1940´. We can here observe, at close quarters, something of what Wallenberg could had been met with, in the Lubjanka, prison, it gives a perspective, of cynical, coercing, and merciless power.
If the sharp, brave, woman with great integrity, Zelma Sepselovicz (b. 20) is still alive, I hope, living in Israel, Sweden ought to rehabilitate her, from the 1944-45, treatment, as one of the first righteous people. (As Sweden has done with its recruited former, jailed Baltic agents from the 1950s failed intell.missions.). I think this facts can deepen an understanding of those times, the general distrust and even of Raoul Wallenberg´s fate. A lack of principles, lack of everything.
To maintain credibility in the long run, I should wish the “Raoul Wallenberg/EU-artic-les,”site, to broaden the scope, to put the searchlight, at Sweden´s pro-nazi, ” right-eous” secret police, & military intelligence (C-bureau) during the war, 1939 -45, (much still classified doc.) and even the Western powers, unprincipled, those days “righteous” recruitments of worst war criminals from: Werner von Braun/V1/V2-Peenemünde – to the Baltics/ Latvian/ SS-and policelegions, memberships and deeds, then in fact a qual-ifying ” merit”, as it looks from nowadays.
(1.) ” In the world of security services, you are judged by the company you keep ” /
(Graham Craig McKay./here at RW-eu/articles.)
Raoul Wallenberg – and the Finnish -Russian(USSR) Winterwar, 1939/1940.
There are still lots of good, although, a little mean, “bad-cop”questions concerning RW:s activities in Sweden, during the 1930s and 1940s, still not asked, still not answered, and known. Most of what has been written about RW, in Sweden, up to 1944/45 contains of an ” feel-goodpolicy, ” adapting style. No one dares scrutinize, poor RW:s background, deeper, out from his contact circles, surroundings, perhaps the “blind spot.”
/” There are other things about Wallenberg that we do not know, such as the contacts he made when working for the home guard(!) in Stockholm in the early years of the war. He was a keen instructor to these forces for a couple of years. Though probably not crucial to his fate, there are other matters we would nevertheless also like to know, since our picture of the lost diplomat is quite incomplete.” // Göran Rydeberg / Swedish Humint. 2004/here at RW.- eu/articles.)
The Wallenberg brothers bank: Printed Annual report, = “Enskilda banken” of the year 1939, quite pro-german attitude, accepting the British/French appeasement 1936- 38/39, (but not mentioning the Spanish Civil war and the Franco-falangist´coup´d état. 1936-39)
” Since the German Reich, by purposeful leadership, had reclaimed its bigpower status, this nation, views the time ripe to realize it´s foreignpolicy´s programme, aiming pri-mary to incorporate areas, into the Reich, which mainly is populated by Germans. Sec-ure, by cooperation together with , by Mussolini´s forceful leadership, rearmed Italy, Germany without swordcut, occupy Austria, in March, and during September, the Ger-manspeaking parts of Czechoslovakia. ” /Enskilda banken 1939/
The years 1933/34-1939 : Germany /Poland/The Sovietunion/
1934, January Hitler, stopped all former “Weimar” hostile, anti-Polish agitation,a frie-ndship -pact was signed by Germany-Poland, and the Poles were cheated to overthrow the Versaille-peace, (+ protecting the German rearmament), joined together with Ger-many. (The Germans relation after that, changed to hostility, against USSR, with the Western powers acceptance, and joy. West accepted : German “Anschluss” of Austria, the Polish Vilna-ultimatum, March 1938, the Polish recapture of Teschen in Czecho-slovakia, Sudeten-land by Germany, (1938, October) and acceptance of the German capture of the Memel-area/Lithuania. Poland even let her most inportant ally, since 1918, France down, by that pact, and Poland could not longer be France´s security partner, in the East. So it was Hitler´s ” smart” ,friendly policy against Poland, 1934-39, that in fact destroyed Poland, in the end, and the German attack, 1939.
Then after capture in March, rump-Czechoslovakia, Hitler decided to attack Poland, in April, (after the West-ultimatum 31.3) which could not have military assistance, and didn´t want either, (especially not from from the USSR).(Easter Poland was captured by the Pilsudski´s legions, 1920/21 and was former Tsar-Russia, territories, with main
Belorussian/Ukrainian population, and they was hard suppressed by Poland, as mino-rities up 1939, as even the Polish Jews.)
The German-Russian pact of August,24, was an insignificant detail, in this develop-ments, when the Soviet´s were left without alternative, in her security interests, of 1939, even attacked by Japan in Far East, in August, with the risk of a twofronts-war. And best alternative in short, was obviously an arrangement with the enemy, Germany. Or find
Moscow in war with Germany, quite alone in September, 1939, as London/Paris wishing “Good Luck !” The West proclaimed war , the 3rd of September, 1939.The rest is history.
The leading officers, in Raoul Wallenbergs later, rather intensive military background, in the Swedish Army and volontarily in the National Homeguard,(Hemvaernet) could be described as of being, linked to officers, often active in the Swedish volontarily military aid for Finland, in her string of four wars: (1918,Civil war) 1939/ 40, (attacked by SSSR) and (Axis-together with the Third Reich, 1941-1944.), and the forced by the Allies, against the German Mountain army, the autumn 1944/45. (Lapland´s war) .
That implicate, these people,was a long chain, of Swedish military officers , activists, (+ nobilities, relatives) whom the Soviet Union could view as a very hostile, militant “anti-soviet/ anticommunist” ” hardcore-formation” , par preference. These facts don´t seem to have been taken into account. (But of course there is no ” original sin”, passing between generations, ending up at RW, or anyone else, but his surroundings, was, at least dominated by this die-hards, in different ways, no doubt, not surprising, but…
(Citation from a 2013 printed interesting analysis)
“- – – The Swedish Volunteer Corps (SFK) 1939/1940, (8.000 soldiers) (November 30th – March 13th) dispatched to Finland, is said to be an curious organisation. Sweden was in the conflict/winterwar, 1939/1940 between Finland and the SSSR, ” not neutral”, but, instead ” not belligerent”. The SFK was financed to a large degree, by the Swedish indu-strialists. SFK was a kind of ” private industrial army”, aimed to wage ” a delayed warfare”, in Finland, to protect the Swedish orefields/mines at Kiruna, from Red army occupation. 1939, as it was owned by the Wallenberg-sphere, (Grängesberg mining) , to 50 %, and the rest, 50% of the Swedish state, of the enterprise LKAB (Luossavaara-Kirunavaara Co.) (Nationalized 1956) – – –
Many Swedish officers took the opportunity, to join the SFK,-corps, 1939/40, not the least, many from the Swedish nobility, and returned with Finnish decorations, as The order, the Cross of Freedom / Liberty, (with sword), of different sizes. Especially were many commanders of RW:s regiment´s staff, (I1 Svea LIvgarde) pro-Finnish/German, veterans,from 1918, 1939/1941- 1944, some was decorated with, Finnish Cross, and the Third Reich´s, German Eagle´s order.
Raoul Wallenberg,son of an navyofficer, by good reasons, appearantly, interested, in military army tactics, (1930=student/ first national draft/service) , 1939, platoonleader, (constit. sergeant 1940).
But he never applied for volonteer duty in the Swedish SFK/Corps in Finland 1939/ 1940 ? Why ? I think it´s a good question.
Was it because of personal or family reasons, Raoul Wallenberg, dismiss that oppor-tunity, or others ? Could his family name be compromised, if connected to this volon-teer corps ? As mentioned above, concerning the Wallenberg sphere´s economic interests in the Swedish ore-mines, (but even in Finland proper, as in the Baltic states, and everywhere…. as we now know.)
RW seemed to be the perfect volonteer, not married, no children, a draft, what perhaps could boost, promotion, when arriving at home. He would had no problems, to be acc-epted in the Volonteer Corps, for Finland, 1939.
Perhaps he didn´t got the promotion, to lieutenant 1941, he applied for, in June, of this reason, during his volontarily Home-Guard-services, from Spring 1940. Wallenberg-researchers don´t focus deeper, at the RW:s circles of military superiors, those people one of course seldom, meet by own choice.) (Nor his relatives, friends, contacts seem interesting, in a deeper political sense.)
But the actual time of war, 1939, RW instead, was called up in Sweden, the 17 Novem-ber -29 December, for national military service, in Stockholm, belonging to Infantry Reg. nr:1 (I1), (Svea Livgarde) Stockholm. He was then rather life-experienced, no dou-bt, 27 years old but, unemployed in September, 1939. This regiment was most resp-onsible for the capital town, Stockholm´s coup-defence.- – – –
(2.) Raoul Wallenberg´s military superiors, and contacts, and relatives. (1939-1944)
This facts, and names, could had (!) perhaps / or had not at all, in any way, (!) – influ-enced Raoul Wallenberg´s fate after his arrest the 17th of January 1945 in Budapest, by the Soviet´s Smersh. Perhaps were there instead many, many other factors,in work, knowned by a very few, perhaps very important or just trivial, even perhaps triggered by R. Wallenberg´s own measures, and how other actors, could have understand them.
But I just couldn´t see this ones below, have been presented at all, in a quite just as this, well needed context, before – that´s why. (All facts, of course from open published printed sources, biographs, historiographic, works, from the last few years.)
(* Commentary. 1 )
In place at a very vital, and a most dangerous Allied military front,(Red army) (Buda-pest/ Hungary), all what could had decided the outcome, and at least extended the war.) (What if – an unrealistic Hungarian resistance- uprising against the German Army, what happened in Warzaw, some month earlier, 1944 , with some 200.000 civilian casualities ? No problems – blame the Red army, for not, as in Warzaw,1944 helping a probably most antirussian/antisemitic, resistance (as Armija Krajowa-AK)), and perhaps cause the U.S./ air-drop weapons/materiel, for a Hungarian resistance, or Arrowcross-force, complicated the Battle of Budapest.
And forget the Western Powers three(3) whole years hiding, before showing up, in Eur-ope, at first in June 6, 1944, the Second front, facing only 10 % of the German forces, compared to ArmeeGroup Mitte, what Red Army smashed in the summer of 1944. Bigger than the battle of Stalingrad. All what perhaps made the Germans interested of letting Raoul Wallenberg pass trough to Budapest, in July, perhaps, to demonstrate the ability of having able foreign contacts, and of course split, the Grand Alliance, with pos-sible persons, carrying separate peacefeelers.
Perhaps he was robbed of those 15-20 kilograms of gold, in his cars gasoline-tank, by some Russian officers, as his last biographer ;(2012) Bengt Jangfeldt claims, was the reason of his arrrest. A repetition of what happened the, streetsmart , Wallenberg dur-ing his U.S.-trip. (The terrible truth is, that if he had carried some of the Hungarian, Fascist Arrow Crossmen´s worst hangmen, (he had just fightened), with much intellig-ence-knowledge as passengers, to Sweden, the West´s intelligence services, OSS/MI6 for their part, wouldn´t have hesitated much, to whitewashed them much, to recruit them directly in the new Cold war, from 1945, from June, as latest.)
Raoul Wallenberg´s : National Service training / Compulsory Duty. (After his Basic/ Gro-und draft 1930- at Infantry 3. (Örebro) (Below)
(1.) 1939: Called up: 17th Nov.- 29th December 1939. (42 days) (During the first month, Finnish/Russians Winterwar)
(2.) 1940: Called up: the 26th of April – 30th of September 1940, (152 days) stand-by, during the German and British/French invasions,Norway (Denmark) , and the battles of Norway, that ended in June, 1940.
(* Commentary 2.)
(A British tactic, as seapower to strike against the weak German navy, (that´s why the German in fact even was forced to use their whole existing merchantfleet in the land-ings in Norway, (That´s why the Wollweber-group, 1935-38, aimed at German freigh-ters), perhaps occupy the Swedish oremines,move the war to northern Sweden, (under the pre-text of helping Finland= even in fact a real secondary peripheral front, in WW2) (shut down/blow/mine the Luleå ironore-harbor), tie down many Wehrmachtsdivisions , in Norway, before the waited, German attack of France in May, 1940, (2.millions French POWs) and Dunkirk´s BEF-disaster, June, (40.000 Brit-POWS -in Germany to 1945). But then safe, behind the Channel´s securitybelt, (becoming a new problem instead 1944, to jump over, to Normandy.)
London/Paris in their deepest foolish crisis, possible to cause war, with USSR, Germany, and Sweden, the latter didn´t permit a British/French march, trough Sweden, (if should, end up there ?) just as stubborn as Poland, refused USSR to deploy troops at Polish gro-und, 1939, during the fruitless British/French & Soviet negotiations in Moscow, during the Spring/Summer of 1939.
When the London/Paris couldn´t cooperate with Moscow, of (1.) securing navybases, in the mouth of the Finnish Gulf, (Hangö), and in Estonia, to protect the Soviet Baltic navy, a real deterrent navypower, compared to Kriegsmarine, (2.) what Britain, let loose, with building 35 % of the British navy, in the London/Berlin deal of 1935. (3.) Then giving Germany right to retake the River Rhein-territory,and to (4.) call up a general Wehrmacht national service. Most of this measures aimed at Russia, and 1st Sealord, Churchill was against, most of it, but Chamberlain got ahead, and stopped fïrst at the (5.) Munich-treachery, where both USSR, and the object itself, Czechoslovakia was forbidden to take even part.
USSR was then totally isolated in the important foreign politics, in Central Europe, by Chamberlain / Daladier. (Add even the German-Polish pact of 1934, the Spanish Civil war, where West was quite satisfied with ´General Franco´s victory, 1939, and the foll-owing killings of 200.000 Spanish, righteous fighters, Pows, who had fought for the legal elected, Republican government.) /End/
(3.) 1941: Got Permission to leave for destinations abroad:Octob.-Novemb.(businesstr.)
(4) 1942 : Called up: 25 July – 29th of August. (42 days) (6 February +3 weeks in Hungary)
(5.) 1943. : Called up: 13th of January – 6th of April (84 days)+ 18th of May – 16th of June ( 27 days) = 111 days.
(6.) 1943/1944 : Permission to leave for destinations abroad: (18th of June – 1st of March 1944. (businesstravels.) (In Hungary 4th of September -13th of October, 1943.)
(7.) 1944: Called up: 28th of March – 22nd of May. (about 60 days.) Permission to leave for destinations abroad : Budapest/ May- 31th of December. (Homeguard in June) (about 500 days in compulsory service , 1939-44)
The Stockholm National HomeGuard period. (1940-)
RW was very active as volonteer instructor in the Swedish Stockholm, military Home-guard (HV), founded in May 1940, from the start after the Winterwar in Finland, and during the Allies and German battle of Norway). Because of that , in 1941 he applied in a letter, to be constituted from sergeant to lieutenant, in the Army, to be more in line, for his then volontarily duties, planning, and organising, but that was refused, from his superiors.(But, RW never applied for a volontarily duty in Swed. Vol. Force in Finland.)
(A.) RW did instruct many recruits in the Homeguard, among them, Carl Lindberg, (b.91) a socialdemocrat/labour-MP,in Sweden, he then became an high official in the: Home-guards commanders national association. Lindberg remember then, the young sergeant Wallenberg, in 1941, (but Lindberg saw, “most friendly” RW as a s.c. “EPA-sergeant ” , (student) ” EPA=then a cheapwarehouse ” , compared to the regular one, serg. Smith.
(B.) RW was a Homeguard instructor,in Stockholms first (before the official, legislation May 1940) Homeguard-section,( at private shooting-range in the basement of a big food store: ) the owner/manager : Mr Oscar Olin (Norrmalms livsmedel) was deep engaged in most civil activities to support Finland in War, 1939/40 and became decorated with Finnish Civil medals and orders.
(C.) . The Commander of the Stockholm´s National Homeguard : 1940-45.
Mr Allan Winge : (f.91) major. (deputy Commander the Swedish (Volont.Brigade in the Finnish Civil war, 1918): (It captured the town Tammerfors/Tampere,in March, where some awful summary executions in hundreds of the Red Finns-POWs, took place at the station) ( Here even Olof Palme, (the late Swedish labour/prime minister 1927- -1986) uncle, with the same name, fell.) Some say, most because of bad military judgements, friendly fire, some 30 Swedes, was killed, and that could be used by Marshal Manner-heim, to stir up the much needed, domestic Swedish opinion.
( * Commentary 3. )
This brigade is even said to be have been the Body-guard of Finnish-Swede,old Tsarist-general, Mannerheim 1918, because of Finnish/ Swedish-Finland/Sweden , traditional antagonisms within the White´s army. ( As about the Baltic Aaland Isles, where the German Kriegsmarine, forced a big, Swedish navyforce out, from, as late as in March 1918, and the Nations League (it´s only decision) gave Aaland to Finland, 1921, as former Russian Tsar-territory, 1809-1917, and perhaps a gratification for Mannerheims bloody victory in the Civil war, 1918.)
Winge was even active in shaping the volonteer forces of 1939 and 1941, for Finland. (In the Board of the : Veteran-Organisation: “Finland´s warriors 1918 “) (found.1930). (Volon.-veterans of 18´´became harassed at the labourunion´s workplaces, ) This Swe-dish Brigade in Finland, was most organised by the late Olof Palme´s early relatives, then, but from the Swedish workingclass viewed it, most as the ” White Butchers” of the Finnish Red, workingclass, 1918.
One of this older officers, as gen. H.Peyron, complained bitterly in his memoars,(1969) of : ” one wellknown family, from the supporting movement for Finland,1918-1944, had today ended their usual economically helping activities for Finland and the War Vet.´s assoc.:s. ” Perhaps he meant the Olof Palme´s family ? Then, 1969, elected to the Socialdemocrats partyleader, (after T. Erlander), and by that Prime minister.) (Late Olof Palme as we know, instead supported, another small nation, attacked by a superpower, Vietnam 1965-1975, against the U.S. bombing-warfare, but met 1986, 28.2., the same fate as Raoul Wallenberg, 40 years earlier, even that still not : ” Case closed “.) /End/
RW is said to have been working close with major Allan Winge in the Homeguard, 1940, in Stockholm, and when instructors opportunity arise, up to May-June, 1944. Winge was then major in the reserve of Wallenberg´s regiment, I1.(Svea Livgarde)
RW made up a printed plan for a forced (fast) march in Stockholm, City, 7 May 1941, for the Stockholm´s military Homeguard-sections, a very precise and presumably discip-lined activity, as it seems.The cap should be wear ” at two fingers from the eyebrows, and “three fingers from the ear,” nothing was left to chance, the rifle´s butt, exact at the little toe.” (But this a little Preussian formulations and style, was perhaps not sens-ational, in those times in the war.)
(D.) RW:s later national service military armycommanders: most all decorated with Finnish war and merit medals. FFrk/White rose/Lion./
Regimental commander 1944: (Regiment (nr) I1-Svea livgarde)
Mr Erik Drakenberg: Lt Colonel : (Nobility nr: 313) (b.98)- Svea Livgarde I1) (RW:s regimental commander when he left for Budapest, May 1944) (RW had even met Erik Drakenberg at a private party, 1944). A relative to ED, was: Carl Drakenberg.Nobility nr: 313 f. 1894. (Finnish Civil War, 1918. ).
RW :s 2nd deputy regimental commander : Svea livgarde (I1) 1943-45.
Mr Sven Ramström (b.86.) Major 2nd CiC ( I1) / 1943-45, visited Finnish/Russian Carelia,-front, during the war, 1942, (Barbarossa) (Married later the divorced wife, of Arvid Richter, Swedens envoy in Berlin 1937-45, most pro-german in the Swedish Foreign office.(UD)
(E.) RW:s company-commander 1944, in the Army: ( Wallenberg then, = platoonchief.)
Mr Captain Lage Wernstedt, (Nobility n:r 78) ( Finnish army 1941-42 = Inf. Regim. (IR13) Mortargroup, at Viborg och Näset. (Op. Barbarossa) (Later Lt. Col. in the Finnish army)
Near relative to captain Lage Wernstedt, was: Army Lieutenant Melcher Wernstedt (b. 1909- d.1940) (Nobility n:r 78) rather near relative, Cousin to Lage Wernstedt. (MW died in The Finnish Winterwar 1939/40) (see below about Melcher Wernstedt.)
Mr Egon Tengberg. (f.89.) Colonel. / 1944 CiC- The Central military national service bureau/drafts.) (Swedish Military attaché Finland, Helsingfors, 1935-3. Accepted , and signed , RW:s permission to leave, for the Budapest mission in May, 1944.
(F.) Raoul Wallenberg relatives, as armyofficers, their assistants, etc.
Carl C:son Bonde : (Count. nobility nr 41) (b.72 )- married (2nd) with RW:s s Aunt, Ebba Wallenberg (b.96) They were married 1920….. (and have a son Peder C:son Bonde (b.23- ) cousin, lawyer, for Wallenberg´s Enskilda Bank (1952-, deputy . managing. director, 1957/ = managing .director,. 1961 there. (He made it to the top, of the Wallenberg-sphere, where Raoul perhaps aimed.)
Carl C:son Bonde jr : (son of above / (Count. nobility nr 41.) (b. 97) in the first Marriage, (above) Captain in 1st. Swedish Volonteer Corps, the Svenska FrivilligKåren (SFK) in Finland, 1939/40.
( * Commentary 4.)
1940, the 7th March, when his lieutenant : Melcher Wernstedt died, by own hand, after first shooting to death, one of his own men, a wounded (legshot) soldier, they didn´t could transport back to their lines.” The Tragedy in Pyhöjärvi” , in Finland. Wernstedt, a s.c. selfchosen “stafftourist” on a disastrous patroltrip, against the Russian lines, was perhaps interfering with the regulary patrol´s leadership.
The intense “Russophobia” in Sweden, made it a “disaster” to be POW, captured by the Russians – “better dead”. A bit, exaggerated fear, Swedish POWs were indeed repat-riated, even after the war, 1940. The whole business was hided a long time after the war, and Bonde added some own comments in the report of the patrolofficer in charge, ( lt. Jervant) to cover up, what had happened, to put the resonibility, and blame the lower rank and file level.
By that hiding an officer´s first class, military blunder and in fact, homicide-crime, as Wernstedt´s , (he was even Bonde´s horsesquadron-mate in The Lifeguard´s cavalry-reg.) , even had classified military maps with him, describing the Swedish Corp´s secret positions, all what the Russians of course, took good care of, the remaining days of the war, up to the 13th of March. (The Finnish Winterwar.)
Then Chief of the Swedish military Intelligence 1943, Carl Bonde hold most control, of the Finnish “Stella Polaris-archivals”, from 1944, about 129 boxes, which he burned, 1974, when the order came from where (?) (Finland ?), presumbly, especially containing very secret Finnish/ German deals, to attack the SSSR 1941, perhaps the joint German-Finnish murderous Einsatzkommando Finnland , 1941-43, (SS-major-Gustav vom Felde), and other deals on the Murmansk front. (Probably, 1974, all intercepted by the Finnish´s, Soviet ciphers and codes, must have been outdated, long since 1940s.) This EK:s was aimed at taking on The Murmansk Soviet officials, POWs, Jews , Politrucs, and the same in Leningrad , 1941/42., after the German-Finnish armies, encircling from all directions, 1941-44, but the German/Finnish armies, lost momentum, after 1941. (900days -700.000 Civilians in Leningrad, starved to death./End/
(* Commentary 5. )
(Both the (1) Wehrmachts secret deployment in Northern Finland, (from Norway) from September, 1940 to Barbarossa in June/July 1941, (2) The Stella Polaris- operation, 1944, and even the (3) Finnish army´s illegal hiding of weapons for 34 batallions, against, the Allies, (1.200 finnish officers convicted to prison) = British/USSR -Finnish peace-agreement in Moscow, September 1944 for all this actions, there is no respons-ible Finnish part, no official government, or parliament-decision, as the “separate war”, 1941, Einsatzkommandos. Whatsoever , name it I claim it, there was then, usual no-one responsible in Finland. And all the Stella Polaris-files, was in fact stolen, nat-ional property, by the Finnish, and sold, to anyone interested, as Swe-dish/ Japanese mil.attach. M.Onodera, and U.S. etc. A big Finnish fraud, made some officers rich, as they then settle down in Spain. Mannerheim in Schweiz, after the war.
But they had to prosecute their own officials, 1941-44, Ryti, (The Ryti-Ribbentrop´s , tricky weapon-delivery,deal of June 1944), Tanner, Kivimäki , et al, in Helsingfors, War-responibility process, 1946 – or let Moscow at Kremlin, do the job… an easy option, I suppose.) (If the Germans had done a similar Werewolf- weaponhiding in the U.S/U.K, occupied Ger-man zones, probably many of them, had been executed at the spot, by the Western Allies martial law courts, as a Wes-tern diplomat expressed it, later – when talking of Russia´s mercilessness.) /End:/
(Thorsten Akrell / Nobleman, wellknown, Swedish C-agent/ OSS in Budapest, September 1944, “The Kid” = was Carl Bonde´s assistant.)
His son Gustaf : C:son Bonde : Count (b. 1923) was about to married the 10th of July, 1944, an event that Raoul had to refrain from, as he left Stockholm, the 7th of July, 1944,(with Captain Curt Lennmans daughter, Maud)
Tage. D. Olihn : Carl C:son Bondes aid.-d.c. First group. at Finland/ Pyhöjärvi (1940) – see above, then Major; 1943 at Wallenberg´s regimentstaff, (I1) Svea Livgarde
(G.) The Swedish Military Intelligence (C-byrån)- dissolved 1946)
The Swedish Military Intelligence (C-byrån)- dissolved 1946) after, dubious activities, private handweapon dealers, Skandiasteel, Finnish Tiikakkoski machineguns + paying the (form. police) Robert Paulsson, then prosecuted of refugee-espionage 1944. This organisation was involved in some covered intelligence activities, in Budapest, that could be/and was associated with Raoul Wallenberg.
The Swedish Military Intelligence of the General Staff. / CiC, The C-bureau/ C-byrån)
Mr Carl Petersén : Captain Uppland´s artillery (A5), f. 1883. ( Finnish civil war 1918)
( CiC, Marshal Mannerheim´s intelligence desk, during the Finnish Civil war 1918)
Mr Ternberg, Hellmuth. (b.93) Captain . Infantry regt. (nr I 13.) (Finnish Civil war 1918.) (Cic. general Staff intelligence C-bureau) WW2.
Mr Thorsten Akrell: (nobelman/ n:r 2283) (b.13) ” The Kid” Agent for the C-bureau, and later O.S.S-agent / Carl C:son Bonde´s assistent 1944, in Budapest, transported radiosets, in the courierbags, to the Hungarian resistance(?) september 1944. (Probably Raoul Wallenberg met Akrell in Budapest, due to his telephonebook.) )
Mr Anders Grafström : Major, even the Swedish military attaché in Oslo / Norway, OSS/ Operation CLAW, /Abwehr /Lillehammar, May 1945, had a volonteer, background in the Finnish Winterwar, 1939 , and in the battles of Hangö, 1941, the then “leased” Soviet navy base, (The “Grafström raid”, in 1st of March 1940, against the Russian lines, 100-200 (?) casualities of Soviet soldiers, (due to Grafström) but rumours later said, accusing Grafström later of deliberately killings Soviet POWs – after the battle.) (AG was a wellknown, Swedish officer, those decades, active in a Swedish Staybehind -project, with CIA, and Swedish former, WSS-men, with warexperience, after the war. But not in contact with R. Wallenberg, what´s known.)
(3.) Before scrutinizing the Swedish Foreign Ministry (UD) , in connection, with, Raoul Wallenberg, during the war, an additional information, concerning German espionage against Sweden, 1942-44, must be given. Because, this case is most/or totally, un-known in Sweden, today, but was reported now, by the Norwegian intelligence service-historian,T. Pryser.
And because it´s about the Swedish Homeguard,(Hemvaernet), as already been reported above, where Raoul Wallenberg was very volontarily active,1940-44. (That is not to say RW was implicated, or that he even know about, what happened,as he went to Budapest, just before the disclosure, but as Obama sometimes puts it: – ” All options are on the table, no options are off the table.”
One of the Homeguards officers, the Captain in the reserve, Sixten Einar Hagman, depu-ty HomeGuard chief for the Southern part of the Stockholm´s greater town. As early as before summer 1942 he offered a German agent, (AA/ German legation 1939-42), mr Hans Joachim Schreiber to sell vital military informations about Stockholm´s defence for big money, 20-25.000 Sw. Crowns. But Canaris , Abwehr/OKH in Berlin then turned that offer down. Schreiber was even traveling around in Sweden, acting like a typical spy, taking photos ,around the Bofors Industry, etc. due to the secret police.etc.
(T. Pryser 2012)
But Hagman even then collected information, about the main National Labour Union organisation / The LO , (socialdemocrats) their cadres and had some contacts with this Mr Carl Lindberg, the member of Swedish parliament, (mentioned above, as been educ-ated by RW, in the Swedish Homeguard´s earlier phases, and others in the Parliament, and could for instance, report to Abwehr, about the secret closed special meetings in the Parliament, during the war, as when the Finnish socialminister Karl-August Fager-holm (Finnish socialdemoc.) should visit Sweden and LO, in secret, in the spring 1944, presumably (perhaps) with peacefeelers to the Russians. Much vital for the Germans, viewing such Finnish activities, as ” Glatter Verrat “!
But most harmful, was that Captain Hagman sold topclassified secrets, dealing with, the important railwaybridge, “Årsta-bron” and the roadbridge, “Liljeholmsbron” , the two main railway/road communication to the south, from Stockholm, inclusive prepared demolitionplans, and explosive materiel-consumption, to the German agents, by that time Heinz Thorner But locked in a trap, august 1944, Captain Hagman he was arrested and convicted to life in prison, a very hard penalty compared with others, against Germ-an spies,those years, probably because the convicted Hagman was an officer. Sure even a good reason it´s not wellknown, but hushed down. ( The High Court reduced it to 11 years.) (March 1945) (T. Pryser)
Raoul Wallenberg and the Swedish Foreign office´s (UtrikesDepartementet / personell (UD).
(1.) Ivan Danielsson, Swedish ambassador in Budapest, for Wallenberg, (due to Craig McKay comments, pro-german, “persona non grata” both in Spain 1937, (by the legal Republic) and Egypt, (by Britain 1942, had suspicious contacts with a female German agent, in Britain.)
(2.) Raouls halfsister Nina, was married with Gunnar Lagergren, Swedish diplomat in Berlin, (UD) from, 1944. He visited them in Berlin, same time as Arvid Richert.
(3.) Arvid Richert, the most pro-german, official and diplomat, (1937- 1945) in Sweden, stationed in Berlin, wellknown from the war. (Richerts former wife married colonel Sven Ramström (I1) .) RW met Richert already the 8th of July, 1944, had lunch, in Berlin, on his way to Budapest. Richert always claimed´: -” Don´t try influence the Swedish opinion thinking, : “Against Germany ! ” instead promote feelings like : For Finland ! . That was more favourable and effective för Sweden, to channel the support for Ger-many, over Finland, (the “victim”) in the forthcoming: ” Neuropa”, where Finland, should rule Northern Europe, for the Third Reich, after demanding that the German army first razed the 3,5 million city, Leningrad to the ground.
The German staff even considered the Autumn 1941, not only to starving the city to defeat, or chase them out on the “steppe”, but even use deadly chemical weapons, as mustard gas, by airbombs, (but didn´t do/dare) in addition to their daily artillery- and bombing raids.
(4.) Harry Wester: (b.90) The Swedish military attaché in Budapest , up to September 1944, accused of ignoring Sweden´s committment as, protecting power for Soviet POWs. Lieutnant colonel. Artillery- regiment nr 1 (A1), the most nazified of all Stock-holm regiments, during the war. Was quoted have expressed in Hungary : ” I´ve been in the camps holding the (Soviets, Red armymen) Russian prisoner of war, in Hungarian/ German camps. What wild animals ! I wouldn´t do this once again ! ”
The Soviet Union complained about the Swedish way of handling it´s mission, and the Russian POWs, just only received 10 shirts, and 20 boxes of sardines(fish). This in con-trast to all the enormous business- and liasonactivities in Budapest, 24 hours where Raoul Wallenberg was said to be engaged in, and the Swedish legation, to provide the Jewish community, with protection, housing, food, medical care, like a one-man-army.
How could this humanitarian needs, develop, so different, concerning the Soviet pris-oners of war ? It was not accidental ! It was common Swedish behaviour,as “protection power” , for Russia/USSR, since NaziGermany´s attack at Russia, in June 1941. About that you can read in Mats Deland´s book: Purgatorium.(2010)
The Swedish government, and especially Arvid Richert in Berlin, called the Soviet´s diplomatic notes to Sweden, 1941, complaining of the Germans handling of the Russian POWs,(3.5 million died) as “shameful, and insulting” , and instead defended Third Reich´s Nazis, as usual, (the diplomat Raoul met in Berlin 1944. ) This was the common attitude in the Swedish Foreign ministry . (UD) (Deland : Purgatorium : 2010)
The usual Swedish unsuspecting attitude, as to the Holocaust, (which by that time was below, the actual mortality of Russian POWs,(500.000) in East.) Even the Sweden foreign office (UD) knows the facts, by the Swedish military-attaché in Berlin, major Curt Juhlin -Dannfelt, as of 16 October 1941 reported this to Stockholm. (Even in Finland, Sweden didn´t take real care of its human and national committments – of 65.000 Russian POWs, in Finland, 30% (19.000) died in 6 months, 1941/1942, by starving etc. (1.000 was shot, unlawful ), and the Red Cross, was fooled by Marshal Mannerheim, not to intervene. (Westerlund/2009 ) (M. Deland : Purgatorium/2010)
Raoul´s mission to rescue the Jews, must have been of extraordinary significance for Sweden´s foreign policy, when comparing the Swedish attitude towards the Jews vs the Russian POWs, in Hungary. Sweden never gave a rotten potatoe, to the Russian/Polish /Serbian partisans (the latter stamped as “unlawful combatants”, if heard that term in the last years..). These POWs in Norway, (115.000/13.000 died) during 1942-45, at just the other side of the border. The Germans transported this slavelabours with vessels on the deck,(to avoid airattacks) from Stettin, trough the Öresund, to Bergen, and to Fin-land, Oulo/ Uleåborg, as late as 1944.
The Norwegian Ouisling´s fascist NS-Hird & Statepolice, of Norwegian policemen (each 8th of them in WSS) and volonteering Norwegians in WaffenSS (5.000), was as ugly fellows or worse, as the Hungarian´s Arrow-Cross-men, deporting Jews, and resistan-cemen, to Germany, some, later convicted, but free after about two years in prison.
Of course the Jewish situation in Budapest, was the main factor, but I think the Swedish, cowardly opportunistic needs to appease the United States opinions, as the rising future superpower, was a decisive factor, for this suddenly, it seems, a bit “hysterical” Buda-pestmission, as part of the Swedish foreign ministry´s committments , with a prob-lematic designs.
(5.) Anders Grafström : The Swedish military attaché in Oslo / Norway, OSS/ Operation CLAW,
Raoul had access, to even a long row of diplomatic experiences, and traditions, from The Wallenberg greater family duties, as diplomats/Swedish Foreign office(UD) during the 1900s.
Raoul Wallenberg´s grandfather Gustaf Wallenberg,(d.1937) had been Sweden´s
diplomat in China and Tokio, first decades of 1900s, then in Turkey, Konstantinopel.
Raoul´s older relative, Knut Wallenberg, was the Swedish Foreign minister, during the Great war, 1914-1918.
And Jakob and Marcus Wallenberg, served in fact as Swedish high(est?) diplomats, during the WW2, concerning trading deals and lots of other important foreign contacts, (as RW:s halfsister Nina, was employed at, Foreign ministry some time.(UD).
(4.) Some of Raoul Wallenberg´s male close friends, listed as a his party-guests. December 1943, (and some other important business/social contacts.)
” IBO” DOUGLAS: (close friend)
(1.) Archiblad ” Ibo” Douglas., (b.10). The son of a Swedish general, Archibald Douglas, of German old origin, relative to the Swedish Queen Victoria, and German Kaiser. AD was volonteer in the Finnish Civil War 1918, and supported openly, even the Swedish nazi´s ,(National Socialistiska Blocket), 1933. Later highest Army- CiC in the Northern part of Sweden, (ÖN) 1939/40-, and from 1944-1948, promoted: Army Chief.
General A.Douglas, met the wellknown, U.S. Army general George Patton, when visiting Sweden, in autumn 1945, Patton was even guest at the Wallenberg´s brothers party, in November, at the big mansion in Stockholm´s “green island”, (since1889-) ” Täcka Udden”. By the way, did they discussed Raoul´s predicament, then ? Don´t think so. Patton got killed in a trafficaccident, in Germany, a month later.
Some published sources claim that G. Patton was in fact murdered, by an U.S., O.S.S-agent, because of his opinion, that the war must be continued, by all means – against the USSR, 1945, in opposition to Allies CiC, Supreme Commander, Dwight Eisenhower. Rumours of looted Jewish gold, exists around this, and Patton, and a Hollywood movie, with the Swedish actor, Max von Sydow.
The Nazi´s business with the Wallenberghouse, they received 145 kg probably looted gold, during the war/(Enskilda banken) and was later was accused of using this dubious worth, as clearing-payment from Germany, But the Swedish national bank, alone recei-ved: 203 tons in goldbars and 1,5 ton in goldcoins, as payment in the clearingtrade with Germany.
General A.Douglas was accused of being “spiritus rector”, when the Communist party:s (SKP) newspaper ” Norrskensflamman”/Northern Light, in Luleå, (6.000 copies/day) was burned down, in an explosion/arson terrorist action, the 3rd of March 1940, (5 dead incl. two children) by some officers, (volonteers in Finland) Luleå, policechief, journal-ists, most nazi-inspired, in the last week of Finnish-Russian Winterwar 1939/40.
(Swedens worst terrorcrime since then, and by some arousing suspicions if it was initial signal for a military “coup´d´etat “, in the rather young democracy, Sweden, (just since 1920.) 1940 there was no ” socialdemocratic” hegemony, in Sweden, what today maybe imagined, instead, all the rightist conservative, parties, and not at least the Wallenberg circles , was much, in fact encouraged, by the German´s military victories.
This arsonperpetrators was convicted only to a few years in prison, and was all released, in 1945, a judicial trick, (by prof. Ivar Agge). They were only accused of the dynamiting (theft from army) of the newspaperhouse. And by that making serious damage, yes, but ” someone, ” else, unknown to the court, could after the explosion, in the dark of the night,have started the arsonfire, all “what not could be denied beyond all reasonable doubts.”)
General Douglas, was even in the Swedish s.c. ” military Junta”, 1930/ 40s, former vol-onteer officers in the Finnish Civil war, as : Rappe, Ehrensvärd, officers suspected by the Swedish Primeminister, 1939-45, Per-Albin Hansson´s (socialdemocrat/labour) gover-nment of being able to intervene by their own choice,in the Finnish-Russian war, 1939/ 40, or the 1941/ German Barbarossa crusade, with regulary Swedish troops. (what cou-ld have ended with war with Russia, or troopmutiny, or worse.)
(Some say, this ” Junta”, (all volonteers in the Finnish Civil war 18´) in fact, was put in place by influence from the Finnish Marshal Mannerheim´s – planning for the coming wars with the Soviet Union. They introduced, 1930, the s.c. : “Either – or Not ! ” – stra-tegy = defending Sweden, by deploying a big Swedish army (100.000 men, planned in detail/transport/ housing 5-6 Army divisions, in 13 different, alternative deployments) in Finland, but mainly, close to the, then Finnish/Russian border, (Rajamäki/Sistercreek) outside, then Leningrad (Petersburg)
That is not to say, that this Raoul´s close friend, “Ibo” Douglas, was an inveterated pro-german, activist. In fact no one knows, his opinions, whatsoever, compared with his father´s .
The Broth:s FEVRELL´s (b.81)
(2.) The Three brothers. Fevrell. (Two out of three, outspoken, Nazis.)
(1.) Theodor Thore Fevrell: (b.1881-d.1944) Navy captain,(as Wallenberg´s father) Advisor in national defenceinquiries, Swedish gen.consul i Cape Town,South Africa, contact to Raoul Wallenberg, in 1936, when he worked there for 6 months. Fevrell was even Swedish diplomat /China/Tokio during Raouls Grandfather, Gustaf Wallenbergs period there , around 1916-18, that´s why Raoul Wallenberg went to the CapeTown., 1936, trough earlier contacts.
(2.) Emil Fevrell, notorius nazi-activist, skilled fortification officer,guest at Hitlers 50-year´ 1939. When he speaked at an officers mess, in pro-nazi, arguments, 1942, Inge-mar Hedenius, was present, later professor, ( =RW:s friend 1930) ,wrote an accuse-ment against Fevrell, that´s true, and EF had to retire, after that was published in the papers.
(3.) Walter Fevrell, schoolman, teacher: founder in organisations as : The Gymnus, 1929 /Samfundet Manhem (C.E. Carlbergs stiftelse) 1934 / Member Swedish-German society, 1938 /42, all genuine pro-nazi/german organisations.
Nr 2 = Lt Colonel Emil Fevrell, fortification expert,was the prosecuter´s technical wit-ness in the trial, 1940 against the British, Rickman-sabotagegroup,(SOE/SIS) 1940, accused of planning, to blow up, the facilities in the Swedish ironore-harbor Oxelö-sund, in the same “Churchill-projects”, as the British invasion in Norway against Narvik, and the ore-harbour, in Luleå. Some 35 persons was arrested, April/May, and 5 of them was convicted to jail, from 8 years. (Then the prosecutor W. Ryhninger even claimed Sweden was an ally to Germany, which made the planned crime worsened, perhaps, explaining Fevrell´s testimony.)
Perhaps, British SIS/SOE/MI had some quarrels with Lt colonel : Emil Fevrell, after that ?
(3.) Another name on Wallenbergs party-guestlist is: (probably- what can be be inter-preted, published in Carlberg´s biography 2012/+ S. Berger´s Stuck in…) “hr Nordens-son. “) If so a guess, by good reason, especially when together with other so important guests at the RW guest-list, the topbrass, as Marcus/Jakob Wallenberg, the Hungarian diplomat Ullein-R/ dir.Sven Sahlén / dir.Bo Andrén / a Bonnier /a v. Essen/ and Raoul´s Meropa-boss, Kalaman Lauer, and wife among others. (2.12. 1943)
Harald Nordensson (b.80.) a wellknown scientist, rigth/conservative partyman, indust-rialist, antilabour/union activist, and opposed very early the Swedish socialdemocrat´s postwar-program, of 1945, PHM= ” Resistance-against-command-economy”. Chairman in the Rights party-newspaper, Svenska Dagbladet,1940-62,of German origin.(Nordens-on was even then,young (late) Olof Palmes 2nd guardian,from 1938, as his father died young, 1934.) (His colleague in the Svenska Dagbladet, Ivar Andersson had some cont-act with the wellknown Swedish Fascist , Per Engdahl/ Svensk opposition (party). (That´s why late Olof Palme (1927-1986) could start his career at this conservative right news-paper, 22 years old,the family Palme known the manager,Ivar Andersson and the chair-man of the board, Mr Harald Nordensson.)
When late Olof Palmes, uncle Ottokar von Knieriem, (b.93) was to be extradited to the Allies after the war, (listed as ” Dangerous nazi”), since 1942, after a long time making business in Sweden, for the: Dresdner Bank, to German war efforts/advantage. Espe-cially in the Baltic States, Estonia, where Wallenbergs had interest, in the shale-oil indu-stry, what the German Navy was using in the war, when the Estonian production up to the war, 1939, rised 10 times.
Nordensson was one of those, very interested, by own initiative,giving personal credib-ility for Ottokar v.Knieriem, together with the Wallenberg broth:s., and Gilel Storch, World Jewish Congress, (WJC) and Ivar Rooth, The Swedish National Bank, and Knieriem was at last permitted to stay in Sweden,but first 1951. (As even the most convicted nazi-war-criminals was released by the Western allies, in Germany, 1951)
But even the Swedish secret police, was suspicious against Knieriem. Sweden let Knieri-em stay, much because, he could disclose much of the Swedish wartrade, secret “dirty”, business, with Third Reich, for the Allies. (Olof Palmes elder brother, Claës Palme, was Knieriems lawyer, and relative.)
Knieriem had close contact with: Karl Rasche, when he visited Stockholm, a leader in Abwehr /Amt/VI &SD/RSHA, convicted in Nürnberg 1949 : ” The Case (11) /The Wilhel-mstrasse “(=two SS-Generals and 18 Civil ministers.) Rasche got a 7 years penalty, he was in the s.c. “Himmlerkreis”, Reichsleiter /SS Heinrich Himmlers most inner circle.
But the point here : The Swedish secret police consider that even Knieriem, in October 1944, had a mission from the German government, to approach the Soviet embassy, Alexandra Kollontay, with the, (usual/”useless as usual ” as we know now ! ) separate peacefeelers – all what Knieriem refused any knowledge about.
The secret police had even informations (from the Latvian Edgar Claus/ “Schönemann” 1942,) that Knieriem did moneylaundring for the German industrialist, August Rosterg, about 40 million Swedish crowns, (today = 600 millions SEK) to be used by high Ger-man officials, if/when, Germany surrendered. This in cooperation with Gilel Storch. But both, Ottokar von Knieriem and Gilel Storch denied any, such business. (due to Erik Lönn/Swedish Secret police) (T.Pryser 2012)
(5.) Jane Horney & Raoul Wallenberg ? True ?
Probably not at all, but perhaps there is a connection, “far-fetched”, sure, between Jane Horney , shot 20 January 1945, (on a boat within (?) the Danish nautical borders) accused of being German agent. Jane was even said to have acted as a “go-between”, for two German officers, in Copenhagen, with peacefeelers to the Soviet Embassy,, in Stockholm 1944, and those two Germans, SD -men, Gilbert / Seibold was even they shot, as Horney, by the Danish resistance, (Flamman) by order from: the British SOE, to prevent all peace-feelers, from Germany to – USSR. (Source : T. Pryser 2012).
But Raoul Wallenberg was even, neutralized, a few days before , the 17th January 1945, in Budapest. Was there any connection between Horney and Wallenberg ? Perhaps a bet-ter movie-script, than theory. Not personally, but in the type of their missions ? RW sent some secret (?) information to the U.S./ UK, embassies, from Budapest, what could had been dispersed, and was. The new OSS -adminstration,in Stockholm, did 1944,
a big securitycheck of its personnel, and of approx. 100 employees, five(5) person was
fired, one of them had let Jane Horney (a.k.a. Granberg), been lodging in her apartment.
How could Raoul have so great confidence in the Russians, 1945, he wasn´t just raised in such imaginations ? Well, that can of course, be explained by his, beyond all limits, stressed situation in the war. The Battle of Budapest, lasted, 102 days, longest of all capital-battles, in WW2. Berlin fell within two weeks, Königsberg, Breslau, other Third Reich last-ditch fortifications, was captured, after 77/ 82 days, 1945. Budapest´s 800.000 population was never evacuated, as Stalingrad´s, Leningrad had no streetfights 1941-44, but was under hermetic blockade, heavy bombardments. 38.000 Budapests civilians died, a similar number, of Hungarian/German military personnel, and the Red army´s casualities was, around 80.000 soldiers, in total, 160.000 lifes.
But could the Russian´s have been in contact with the British secret service, MI6/SOE /SIS, and gave they any fatal informations about Raoul Wallenberg, to NKVD, 1945, as those security services then, both still cooperate, rather tight ? True or false informa-tions, and correct understanded, in Moscow ?
If there was a known pattern, of British SOE-actions against, dangerous , threatening
” peacefeelers”, as Jane Horney. (Pryser/2012), Raoul Wallenberg could have been invol-ved in such, activities, earlier, both in Sweden, and then in Budapest. Unthought – all hostile frequent, exchanges between, Russia/USSR, and Britain, come to mind, from 1918´s interventions, (with a short pause of 1941-45), the Kim Philby/group, Crabb, in the 1950s, don´t mention the rumours, concerning the Litvinenko-case, today, with possible agentlinks to both FSB and even MI6.
The British secret service´s are in the Wallenberg-case, in the shadows, together with, Raoul Wallenberg, as Craig McKay suddenly found out, had some contacts with Cyril Cheshire/ MI6 resident, Stockholm, from 1943. But the British archivists are as silent as the Russians, about Wallenberg, due to McKay.
Cheshire was borne near the Finnish frontier,”halfrussian” , “antiamerican”, are some published expressions about Cheshire, a former timber-merchant, in this “who-dunit-story.” The relations between Sweden and Britain, was even rather lukewarm, if not icy, at this stage, 1940-1945, compared with the upstarter, United States , O.S.S.
Many servicemen in the belligerent´s secret services, or diplomats, had in Scandinavia, earlier, sometimes, “native”, connections with their “operation-area”, or spoke the lan-guage, as Wilho Tikander (OSS) /Finnish/, Iver Olsen, (WRB/OSS),Northern Norway. Many Germans active, in Abwehr/SD had been in close contact with Scandinavia, relatives, parents, marriages, studies, and don´t mention all the real tight regulary contacts/ deals/cooperation (!) between Abwehr/SD/RSHA and the Swedish military secret service´s and police. And of course Wallenberg, even he was choosed for the UD/WRB/OSS-Budapest mission, because of his earlier experiences of Hungary. I think the Swedish “rehabilitation” activity, (“rowers”- in the other direction, expression from those times) , 1944-45, could be a bit, compared politically, with Third Reich´s allies/satellites,invol-vements in “separate-peace”, negotiations.
Craig McKay, writes: ” – The most serious break against Sweden´s national security, during the war, occured when the Swedish secret capability, to read secret German mes-sages, was disclosed by a Finnish military attaché, axis-partner, 1942, and reported to the Germans.
(+ the Finnish´s message/Sordavala) of the U.S./U.K Arctic convoy PQ-17, (pro-bably sold by an Finnish officer to the German, Bureau Wagner, KOS (Kundschafts-ort: Stockholm) relayed over Sweden, and the C-bureau, bound for Murmansk, with allied Lend-and-Lease-freight, (30 ships) that was most destroyed, by Luftwaffe airraids, outside Norway, in the beginning of July, 1942.” )
Connections between, The German Abwehr in Finland, (Sonderführer dr Edmund Sala) German legation in Sweden, (Schreiber/Thorner) and the Finnish signal.intell.,(Stella Polaris-group) exists, as the Finnish intell.officer there , Aladar Paasonen had Hung-arian background and wife). All what at last, probably was accumulating & producing: the “OSS/ Lillehammercoup,” in May 1945, against the deep interests of the British MI6, and some (?) of Norway´s resistance-leaders, with the Swedish military intell. -C-bureau in an active, pro-american, most secret role, against the Swedish “neutrality.”
So perhaps SOE/ MI6, and the Soviet´s security, had a motive, of reacting against the U.S/ O.S.S and Sweden ? Both, symbolized perhaps in one unlucky person, then – Raoul Wallenberg ? Even if “motives” are, said to be ” means of enjoyments” , for the upper classes. ”
One of this naturalized foreigners, in first or second generation, was Cyril Cheshire in MI6/British legation/ cover: passport officer). In the same German, role, Friedrich Brunk-horst, German legation/cover: passport/visa officer) and even member of the Edmund Sala´s , captured as POWs, : The Abwehr-group, Meldungskopf Nordland, May 1945.
Mr Fritz (Friedrich) Remmler, is mentioned in: Oula Silvenooinens book: Geheime Waffenbrüderschaft 2010, about, the German-Finnish “Einsatzkommando Finnland.” (His brother Hans, (b.91-) worked for the German´s Abwehr in Norway, 1940-45) , and Fritz´s son, Orwar Remmler, (b.21), in Viborg, was a even he, member of Edmund Salas ” Meldungskopf Nordland”, as Brunkhorst, and Schreiber. (T. Pryser/1994)
Dr Fritz Remmler, (b.90-) in Finland, by German parents, was a moviemaker, zoologist, skilled falconer, traded with falcons,hawks, and run a big rather curious Zoo, with bears, elks, near Kajanni, in the deep woods of Northern Finland, rather close to the Russian border, but was deported when the Winterwar began, 1939. The Finns believed him in the 1930s to be a spy. He had joined (or infíltrated), the “Finnish Jaeger-batallion “1916 -1918, in the German army, WW1, (Later he took part in the Finnish Civil war, 18´ the Finns claimed, that he was spying even in Sweden, during WW1) . He returned with the “infiltrated” German forces over occupied Norway, to Northern Finland 1940/41 and 1941-1944, worked as liasionofficer, between, Abwehr, and the Finnish State/ Secret/ police/EK-Valpo,
The son, Orwar Remmler, is said to have been interrogator of the Soviet,” NKVD, and GRU-agents, ,perhaps those later executed , by the Einsatzkommando Finnland, 1941-43, around Rovaniemi, (where some seventy (70) German Army, Wehrmacht staffs was located.) He was Sonderführer. Orwar was in one of the two German groups, in the Lille-hammer- coup, 1945.
(Anyway, in 1951,he lived in Westgermany, as even during the war, as photographer. His wife, was a daughter of: Max Hildebert Boehm, Baltdeut-schen, Volkischideolog, professor, member of the Deutsche Akademie for NS-Gleichschaltung, then 1945, fired, and one founding father of the German “Vertriebene”, Refugee organisations. He later emigrated to Canada, as even, Fritz Remmler.)
About Fritz Remmler in : (Oulo Silvenooinen/ Geheime Waffenbrüderschaft) Diss. 2010) :
– – -” 12 juli 1941, The Finnish Sonderkommando, CiC, SS-major Gustav vom Felde was ordered by German´s ID 169.infantry division of “absonderung” of “politrucs and communists “. (even s.c.”Volga-Germans”, in the Red army, if not appreciated, after interrogation, was shot.) They reported that lots of Soviet officers was detained in POW-camps in Finnish Salla, and declaring themselves as ordinary conscripts.) (Juden -und Politruk-lager).”- – –
Risto Linna the Finnish secret police, inspected, Statepolice, Rovaniemi, in aug./sept. 1941, met, the Finnish secret policemen, Urho Piha, and Albin Heiska in Salmijärvi. In their official car , they traveled to Kirkenes (Norway) – from where the Germans paid the fuel. “- – –
Risto Linna writes in his report: ” – When leaving Rovaniemi, I (me) and major Gustav vom Felde, RSHA/SS traveled together with Doktor Friedrich Remmler.The later served as a liason-officer between the German Army´s Abwehr-group, based in northern Finland and the Einsatzkommando Finnland. Together with (Remmler) we met Wilhelm (Willy) Laqua, CiC, Sicherheitspolizi (SiPo) .” (EK-Valpo 6.9.41.) (O.Silvenooinen 2010) + (T. Pryser 2010)
(Willy Laqua a typical German SiPo,/SD (said, living some period in Sweden, during the 1930s, with contact with Swedish nazis,) warcriminal, active in Norway and Finland, was of course, so important for the Western allies, in the Cold war, they soon employed him in their intelligence activities, CIA- Gehlen-org. et al.)
In the Sala´s Abwehrgroup, even the German Feldwebel Fritz Keese was in duty. As employed at a German, Finland-institute,1934-1940, he was called up for the Wehr-macht as translator. After the war, Keese started up a new Finland-institute in Cologne, 1951, prospering and still in business, (as Germany herself.)
This German/Finnish/Swedish ,” Big intelligence game”, in the North, then ending up in Lillehammer, when the Third Reich surrendered in May 1945, and become a part of the brand new U.S./ Swedish military intelligence cooperation, the 12th of June, 1945, when the German Abwehr-group, (38 Germans) took off from Sweden, in two U.S. DC:3 air-craft, bound for the German U.S zone.
(In one of this Lillehammer, group (divided in two) you could even find, Sonderführer/ Abwehr, Hermann Schmidt, , later member of the Socialdemocrat´s Partei Deutschland (SPD) (very interested in national signalintelligence question) , and undersecretary in the German Defenceministry, in the Bundeskanszler and former Wehrmachtofficer, Helmut Schmidt´s government. But Abwehr-Schmidt had to resign, 1976, when the notorius nazi, Luftwaffe-pilot, Ulrich Rudel, was invited to a Bundeswehr- (Westgerman army) anniversary-jubilation.)
(Citation: )
” Das Stuka-geschwader ” Immelmann”, unter Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel, und das Jagd-geschwader unter Major Hartmann flogen unermüdlich ihre Angriffe gegen die heran-rollend Rote Arme, und erleichterten so die operationen ihre Kameraden auf der Erde, mit allen Kräften.” (Happened, at the Balatonsea/Plattensee late November 1944, 150 km:s from Wallenberg, in Budapest, 1944.) (Kern/1960)
My point :The German agents with diplomatic-cover, most Schreiber, but even Thorner, involved in the Abwehr´s / and many other activities, among that, the Swedish captain in the reserve, Sixten Hagman´s (b.92) Stockholm´s HomeGuard-espionage, 1942-45. The architect(!) Schreiber, was stationed 1939-1942, in Stockholm. Karl-Heinz Thorner was said to have contacts with Jane Horney, August 1944.
These German agents, could even had met Raoul Wallenberg in some contexts, during the wartimes, or they could have used, Swedish agents, in the HomeGuard. Perhaps, far-fetched, peripheral, but I think this 1944/45, events, ought to be, observed, as a part, of the now distant, historical background-conditions, from where Wallenberg, was recruited.
The OSS 1946:
Perhaps even the Joseph McCarthy/HUAC persecutions, of the U.S. Communist Party, during the 1946, and the whole of 1950s, could have played an unknown role in the development of Raoul Wallenberg case.
The McCarthy, persecutions destroyed the American Left, with probably negative conse-quences up to this day, as only few Americans, dare to even think, ” left.” The lack of Unions,(12 % org. today), racial segregation, poverty, wars, violence, fear in the culture-sector, (as Hollywood) lack of national insurance-programme, (50 years behind Europe in social security), a lack of a left/socialist alternative, could still much hampering the U.S. social and economic development. And the unlawful activities and tricks, by the FBI, and CIA/U.S government, domestic/abroad have much it´s origins from the Mc-Carthy period. As the attacks on the Obama-administration bear witness of.
But already 1946, the McCarthy-committées , even attacked, our ” wellknown” , Mr Iver Olsen´s, OSS, the organisation, that played a certain decisive role, in Wallenberg´s Budapest-mission, 1944, to complicate things, even more :
– – -” The federal government, as the chief target of such high-profile redbaiters as HUAC,(unamerican-activities) and Joe McCarthy , got hit hard. Because much of that damage, was structural, the anti-communist crusade´s impact on public policy, was not always appearant, but as the early developments of the nation´s intelligence operations reveals, it could be often profound.
When the OSS folded right after World War II,many of its employees, Carl Marzani among them, transferred into the State departement. In 1946, a congressional attack on these former OSS officials and their ” strong Soviet leanings” forced the department to dis-band the intelligence-gathering unit, these peoples staffed.
The disappearance of that unit, changed the nature, of the federal government´s int-elligence set-up, reorienting it from relatively unbiased collection and assessment of information to more a, cloak-and-dagger approach. When the Central Intelligence Age-ncy, (CIA) was established in 1947, it favored covert operations over research – an emp-hasis that in the long run, not only, deprived the nation´s leaders of accurate inform-ations, about the world, but also encouraged, the CIA:s dirty deed and undemocratic activities. “- – – (ES/ 1998)
(6.) Fritz Hollander :”The Baltiska Skinnkompaniet (hides & skins-company) in Budapest
But what could be questioned, in the research of Wallenberg and his times, is when the researchers don´t follow up circumstances, with explicit connections to facts, that don´t support the official, in fact adjusted, main picture of Wallenberg. I have earlier ment-ioned the German refugee,Fritz Hollander, son to the Jewish owner of the Baltiska Skinn-kompaniet, Julius Hollander, but managed by Norbert Masur, since the 1920s.This com-pany is said to be have been active even in Budapest, since, the years , around,1900.
One of its Hungarian employees in Budapest, Istvan Engelmann, was hired by Wallen-berg, to take care of a special Swedish “protection-unit”, in Budapest, 1944. Wallenberg even met Fritz Hollander outside Stockholm, in Saltsjoebaden, Hotel,(a suburb, most for the upper classes, founded by the Wallenberg-family) with Masur, in June, before he left for Hungary. Lena Einhorn writes in her book (1999) of Gilel Storch, Norbert Masur, and others (transl.title.) : “Commercial traveller in lifes: about will and courage in the sha-dow of the war” , – even about Hollander, claiming he could have been the first to even raise the question of the WRB-Budapestmission, 1944.
As mentioned, Hollander was in conctact with the Comintern organisation, in Moscow, already during 1935 where he met many German KPD-refugees, from Third Reich, for instance Karl Mewis, later leader of the “KPD/ Aufschnittsleitung Nord”, in Sweden, after it (in Copenhagen) was routed by Gestapo, in May 1941. Gestapo, then by that, find out that Hollander, supported KPD, financially, and as a courier abroad. But only through Mewis,(not the later convicted in Sweden, KPD-refugee, as Comintern-agent, Herbert Wehner, postwar, minister in the Willy Brandt-government, as Socialdemocrat, of cour-se.) Fritz Hollander paying member of KPD, of course supported the anti-Hitlercoalition, among other initiatives, as to rescue the Danish Jews, 1943. Postwar he became a lea-ding Jewish personality, (Posner/Körösi 2004 ) in Sweden and WJC.
As a matter of fact, a Swedish parliamentarian, in SKP (Sweden´s Communist Party), mr Hilding Hagberg, (b.99) was perhaps the first, to raise the question of official rescue of Jewish refugees, during one of the Swedish Parliament´s (Riksdagen) secret sessions, the 13th of May 1943. He then suggest that the Jewish refugees in Greece, should be taken to Sweden,probably with emergency freightvessel with food, to the Greeks, then when returning. Hagberg: – ” Because there is an extermination going on of Jews, in Europe… ” He never received just an, answer, from the Swedish foreign minister, Christ-ian Günther, (1939-1945) in spite of making two (2) interpellations, to the Swedish gov-ernment, in charge.
Instead Sweden banked on to pick up Estonian-Swedes, from Estonia, whom not was in immanent danger, of for instance be called up to the German army. Perhaps by initi-atives from the Ribbentropman AA/ Peter Kleist, later in the “separate-peace-business”, with the Latvian Edgar Claus, in Stockholm. The Danish Jews, arriving from Denmark, to Sweden, by in part ,the German Danish “Reichskommissar “, Werner Best´s assistance, October 1943. Viewed as “assimilated” , so they could easily fit in to Swedish conditions. Here Hollander and Masur assisted The Danish Jews, with the purchasing of two boats, ” Pimp”(Pimpernel Smith) and ” Julius”, made a 1.000 trips, with about 400 passengers. The Danish Jews weren´t that unsuspecting, lulled in a sense of security, as the Jews in Budapest. Perhaps as many Norwegian Jews was deported already in Octo-ber 1942,761 persons, 30 survivors, two(2) years before Sweden´s and Wallenberg´s Budapest miss-ion.
(I mentioned above, the German agent, Amt/VI, Gilbert in Denmark, as implicated in
separate-peace, activities, vs USSR, in beginning of 1944,with help of Jane Horney.
The British SOE, was of course afraid of a separate-peacedeal, just as the preparations
for the D-Day, 6.6.1944, was going on, permitting Germany, to transfer big army-corps
from the Eastfront, to Normandie. (SOE was even active in recruiting the Oswald-group,
in Norway, for a liquidation of the Norwegian dangerous Gestapo-collaborator, Rinnan.) When the former German agent and spy, wellknown, Kapitän z. See, Horst Pflugk-Hart-tung, was arrested in Copenhagen 1938, accused of espionage/refugee-espionage, it was this Gilbert, who was put in charge of these activities in Denmark.
Horst-Pflugk-Harttung, was 1919 accused of murdering in January, the two German Spartakists, socialdemocrats, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, but Harttung was cleared of this,then, by the admiral W. Canaris, later CiC, of Abwehr, but was forced to flee, to Sweden. There he, became involved in the smuggling of weapons, 1931, to a secret armed corps, (Muncksk´a) organised by Swedish officers, and especially active, then armylieutenant S. Hedengren,even founder of the first Swedish Fascist party, 1929, later volonteer major in Finnish/ German Barbarossa/Svir-front,1941/42. Anyway, Hart-tung was extradited to Norway, 1932, after the weapon smuggling, perhaps was in con-tact with Vidkun Quisling, but had to leave for Denmark, and there served as spy for the Kriegsmarine, from 1933-38. Then in the trial, 38´ Harttung had a list of agents, where even the Swedish civil servant, Robert Paulsson, former policeagent, (Volont. Finnish civil war 1918) and 1945, convicted for spying at antifascist refugees in Sweden, during the whole war, but no one in Sweden took any note of this information,as the Secret police, for instance, where he must had have close contacts. After the German occupation of Denmark, 1940, Harttung, was released and, at once became active in the SD-section in Denmark. (d.67)
(Gellert Kovacs mentions in his article above of 17.1.2012, the name of the Secretary, in the Prime ministry , Géza Soos in the Hungarian anti-German resistance/MFM : (Soos gives in a letter some further information): ” Soos went in the fall of 1942, abroad on official business, to Sweden(!) and Finland, and tried immediately to establish contacts with Allies, in the spring of 1943, even in Switzerland.- – – In December 1944, Soos, and lt.colonel, D.Hadnagy flew to Italy, and the Allies in Bari and Caserta, were quest-ioned by the U.S. officials, resulting in a sixtythree (63) pages, O.S.S.,(!) report,the first overwiew about the resistance in Hungary. After that, they were denounced by the Sov-iets and were made POWs, of the U.S., until March 1945. The report was handed over to the Soviet embassy in Rome. Soos returned 1946 to Hungary, but had to leave later.” – – – –
– – – A document about the Hungarian resistance/MFM, against Germany, year 1944, was lost by this movement, during the summer of 1946. The document was discovered by the MPS, (Secret Police, Defence department), and was used against the ” demo-cratic” MFM-movement. ” – – –
– – – One of the MFM:s weekly newsletter (of seven copies) was sent to Geza Soos , 1946, then in Switzerland. Soos gave it to the British intelligence, not suspecting that they would forward it to the Soviets.”- – – ” When a Hungarian Gen.staff captain, arrived from the British Austrian occupation zone, recruited as a British spy, to get in touch with MFM, in December 1946, he was arrested, tried and then,executed. ” – – –
– – -The Raoul Wallenberg contact, mr Ullein-Reviczky was, as long as the Summer 1943, after Stalingrad, ” a strongly pro-German foreign office service officer, and then ambassador to Sweden. “. Horthy fired Ullein-Reviczky, in June 1943, after pressure from Germany. “- – –
– – -The Hungarian separate peace delegation arrived to Moscow, last days of Septem-ber 1944, but were kept in quarantine, until Churchill arrived on October 9, and decided with Stalin on the influence East and West, would have in Europe. Molotov signed the,
preliminary armistice with Hungary, a favorable one, on October 11. But after the Ger-man/ Hungarian Nazi-coup, October 15 and 16, and The Soviets annulled the agree-ment and made another, unfavorable one, with, General Bela Miklos in Debrecen. ” – – –
My conclusion: There´s a lot of things we still don´t know, concerning Raoul Wallenberg´s relations with many Hungarian contacts, their actions and antecedentia, quite able to be decisive factors in the RW-case, as some of those above. But they are often “concea-led,/forgottened” and I ´m sorry the www-raoul wallenberg/ articles/site can´t help us that much, in my mind, with this basic facts.
(7.) Antal Grundböck: The Wallenbergsphere´s : Swedish Trading / Streco Companys.
But more problematic is the shallow check of a person, connected to the Wallenberg-sphere, in real commercial business, the owner in part of the Wallenberg company, Swe-dish Trading, and, Streco, a joint business (50%) from 1932, between Wallenberg´s Enskilda banken, and the businessman, captain, Antal Grundböck. He was of Hungarian origin,former artilleryofficer in the Austrian-Hungarian empire, in WW1. His Swedish partner, was Lennart Larsson (senior) , and his son Lennart Larsson (Junior. )
The Strecos office was situated at Wahrendorff´s street 6, just opposite the Stockholm´s Jewish Synagogue, and the Wallenbergs´s Enskilda banken,around the corner. They dealed then, most as it seems, with oriental rugs, ” some 50 rugs in the office, and the rest in a store in the Stockholms´Free Port.” (Streco) Many Jewish businessmen, use to come, picking up some rugs, in commission, by the same time visiting, the ” gogue” .(But was´nt even Wallenberg mentioned, a ” Freeport -store”, where he had some spe-cial “Homeguard instruction lessons” , dealing with ” Battle in dense populated areas” ? Yes, but he then was working in Kalaman Lauer´s, Meropa Company, as we know, but of course even the Meropa could have operating storage locals there. )
But the Wallenbergsphere´s connection, is secured, as even Susanne Berger, named Lennart Larsson, as a main businesscontact in Budapest, their ” confidential man “, she calls him. Lennart Larsson Jr met Raoul in Budapest, perhaps 1943, and 1944, they were businessrivals, Streco vs Meropa, so Grundböck and Lauer, weren´t most on spe-aking terms, according to Larsson jr. Raoul, gave an impression of being ” very cons-cious of his Wallenbergrelatives strong economic positions, and seemed even a bit (too), selfassured, ” – due to Lennart Larsson jr. (Memories)
But there is other sources concerning Antal Grundböck, – from Berger, and even McKay, and Kahn, and they are not to the advantage of Mr Grundböck, in the light of the Raoul Wallenberg´s case, but that information, is rather wellknown, but hadn´t been stressed much by the researchers, of Wallenberg:
(1) (Source : Kahn 1978)
– – – ” When the Abwehr-agent/ Luftwaffe, Dr Karl Heinz Krämer, (b.14) /Hanover, (1937 NSDAP) , 1942 , arrived to Sweden, got informations mainly from here, of the numbers of the British aircraftproduction, (from an unwitting agent, reporting to Swe-den, (Swedish mil.att. in UK., was picked up in Stockholm , by some Swedish women working in some Defence administration. 29th October Krämer arrived in Stockholm. Krämer had even some agents at the Bromma Airport, informing of British flights / Stockholm- Britain, (they were later arrested). In Sweden he met Makato Onodera, and Lazlo Voeczkkoendy, ass. military. attaché , at the Hungarian legation.
They compared what they got from Onodera. Another Krämer source was: Anton Bela Grundboek, owner of the Swedish Trading Co. This firm sold oriental rugs, radios, and other hard-to-get items, to German diplomats in Stockholm, at reduced prices. Kräm-er, insisted that Grundboek was an important informer, but others denied that, as he was not in position to provide that, but in return for various favors, Krämer carried him as his agent, facilitating the man´s travel on his business trips, through Europe. One day in december 1944, RSHA/”Gestapo-Müller”, called Krämer up to Berlin, suspecting him for being doubleagent, but after 4 hours interrogation, Krämer got permission to return, to Sweden.” – – – /Kahn.
(2.) Source : Craig McKay: 1993: From information to intrigue: (1993)
– – – ” The other informant was Grundböck, Anton Grundböck, (must be Antal) a bus-inessmen of Centraleuropean origin, was on the books of AST /Vienna (Abwehrstelle/ Wien) a close friend of Colonel Ujzazy, CiC the Hungarian intelligence service. The German masterspy Krämer, went to Stockholm in May 1941, and met Grundböck. “Fulep” – in Spain was the source of espionage, to Krämer by Hungarian diplomatcour-ierpost, due to Joseph Fullop, the Hungarian pressattaché in Madrid.
It was the “Fulep” connection , rather than to any direct Swedish, source, as his stay in Sweden, was a cloak for this Fulep. But many things around Krämer , in spite of interr-rogations, postwar, is unclear.
Grundboek, a Hungarian businessman, were said, to be one of Krämer´s principal sou-rces : the Japanese Okamoto / in Bern, M. Onodera, in Stockholm, and lt. Col. Hallamaa, head of Finnish intelligence, Hungarian lt. col. Kobor, and major Vöczköndy, mil. att. But Grundböck was not able, to play a part in the scheme´s practical implementation, beca-use illness and died, (1945) but his name among all these official representatives as a prospective participant in this Finnish/ Hungarian / Japanese/ German – intelligence syndicate, seems a trifle anomalous.”
If Grundböcks exact status, as intelligence officer, remains obscure, Vöczköndy, arr-ived beginning of 1944, made no secret of his Axis sympathies. The Germans had him giving informations, from Finnish, Swiss, Swedish official sources.When the Hungarians in the autumn 1944 – perhaps in connection with schemes for contacts with the Western powers, to dispatch a young intelligence officer, to Stockholm, the proposal received SicherheitsDienst (SD) backing in the expectation that Germany´s own information-gathering capability, in the Swedish capital would thereby be further enhanced./Craig.
(3.) Lennart Larsson jr : (memories/biography) )
– – – Hungary, the Autumn 1941-Autumn 1944. During the war, it became impossible to do business, in Hongkong, India, and Latinamerica, (and paper and steel with Argen-tine.) New markets was established in Hungary, where his brother Bela Grundböck ow-ned a constructioncompany in Budapest, and knew old friends from his youth, in leading positions in the state administration. (Business with : Avesta Jaernverk, Vikmanshyttan, (ironworks) Atlas Diesel (compressors /compressed air tools, still today a flagship, in the Wallenbergsphere.)
” During Autumn 1941, it was decided that Antal Grundböck and Lennart Larsson jr, should do a businesstrip to Budapest. The 15th of October, they took off, with a Luft-hansa, Junkers (Ju-52), from Bromma airport to Berlin , with landing in Malmoe, refuel-ing, and then 2,5 hours to Berlin. In Budapest, they were met by Grundböcks brother, Bela, with family, and Dir. A. Asplund, engineer , A. Bylund, from the (Swedish) Defib-rator company, and had plans of establish board-factory. And a new steel company , owned by 50% by Swedish Trading. The Swedish /Hungarian trade deal, had decreased, but would be re-negotiated in the end of 1942.
1942 , Antal Grundböck tried to achive compensation trading deals, as Hungarian avia-tion petrol (Hungary produced oil), and petrolatum/ paraffin oil – against an extra quota of Swedish steel. The deal could be realized, in spite of problems getting permission from the German railways, concerning their lack of tank waggons. During the Autumn a Swedish courier, arrived with some boxes of Swedish light machineguns, a delivery to the Hungarian armproducer, ” Danuvia “, for trial shooting, as they had offered guns with higher rate of firing, to the National Swedish War materiel administration (KMV) . Mr Antal Grundböck had packed six platinumfox-skins, as bribery to the wifes of imp-ortant people in the Hungarian ministries. But Grundböck went ill, and died in cancer 1945. (That, year of death, due to both Larsson jr and Craig McKay, confirms they des-cribe the same man, Antal Grundböck.)
(4.) Susanne Berger : / From : Stuck in Neutral
– – – ” Aside from official Wallenberg Bank representatives the Wallenberg Family dealt closely with a number of associated businessmen in Budapest in 1944, including for some time their “confidential man” Lennart Larsson (sr) and his son, Lennart Larsson, jr.
The Larssons appear to have acted as intermediary for several Hungarian and Swedish businesses. Both Larssons knew Kalman Lauer and Raoul Wallenberg quite well and had contact with them throughout the Budapest mission.
(DOJ [U.S. Department of Justice]. Records of the Alien Property Custodian. American Bosch Corporation. Alien Property Custodian Report 1945-50, / see “SEB and the Swedish Trading Company”
Both Lennart Larsson sr, and the Swedish Trading Company were blacklisted by the Am-erican Alien Property Custodian, a decision that was personally protested by Marcus Wallenberg. Larsson was the trustee of Owe AG, a Swiss corporation which held Wallen-berg Family assets. The Swedish Trading Company employed a number of individuals with suspected Nazi affiliation, like A. Gruendbock.(!)
According to U.S. investigators, the company had among other things stored 17,533 kegs of nickel from: Finland at Nitro Chemie in Budapest. It also engaged in weapons trade. / DOJ, Alien Property Custodian Records 1945-1950.
(+ : The architect Hakon Ahlqvist, (functionalist) who drawed Wallenberg´s parents big house at Kevinge Strand,(Dardel´s) Stockholm, even drawed a summerhouse at Got-land for the, then wellknown Stockholm citydepartment-leader, in the Liberal party, Yngve Larsson. Lennart Larsson senior , was his brother. Even the earlier mentioned general Archibald Douglas, father of RW:s friend, ” Ibo” Douglas”, knew Yngve Larsson, from his position in the political city-administration but perhaps from their common, during WW1, pronounced, Pro-german, activist positions, and they lived both within sight of each other, the Wallenberg family´s main, huge estate, “Täcka udden” in, the Royal “green”, park, Djurgaarden. Douglas in the “Parkudden” house, Larsson in the “Mullberget” house.)
Estonian shale oil, and phosphorite industries as a factor in Germany´s Third Reich´s warplans, during the 1930s.
(8.) . . .And three footnotes from Susanne Berger´s report : ” Stuck in neutrality.”
(150.) A former Wallenberg employee has stated that Raoul Wallenberg had traveled repeatedly to Estonia during the 1940’s on Jacob Wallenberg’s behalf.
(151.) Allegedly on behalf of Baltiska Oljeaktiebolag AB, a Wallenberg company which did business in Estonia. It had been formed out of another Wallenberg business, AB THREE. Baltiska had close ties to Estlaendska Oljeskifferkonsortiet [Estimaa Olikon-sortsiumi], which was founded and owned by Finnish and Estonian interests. In 1940, Baltiska Oljeaktiebolaget and other Wallenberg companies, such as AB Industrimetoder [a firm specializing in the acquisition and sale of patents], as well as Estlaendska Olje-skifferkonsortiet, were nationalized by Soviet authorities. Under the subsequent Ger-man occupation, Baltiska ceased operations. In March 1944, just ahead of the Soviet reoccupation of Estonia, Baltiska took over the majority shares of Viron Bensinii, the original Finnish name of Estlaendska Oljeskifferkonsortiet, placing it in effect under Swedish ownership.
(152.) As Raoul Wallenberg’s private papers show, his contacts with the Wallenberg family also extended into the social sphere. His already mentioned invitation list for a cocktail party in December, 1943 includes members of the immediate Wallenberg Family and business circle, such a Jacob and Marcus, his uncle Axel Wallenberg, his aunt Ebba Bonde, and the head of Investor, Count ‘Ibo’Douglas.
(And I must add Harald Nordensson, as a his partyguest, on that list, not identified by any of Wallenberg´s biographers. His enterprises, was close associated, with the Wall-enbergsphere, and their bank, Stockholm´s Enskilda. (see my commentary nr 4. above)
1935, just after the New Year, Estonia and Germany signed a trade agreement. 1933, exports to Germany, amounted to 21% , and in 1939, 36 %, most increased 1937. Brit-ish import from Estonia fell from 37% – to 26 %. Estonia´s Import from Germany, beca-me equal with exports, from Britain it fell from 18% – to 16 %. Exports of halffinished products, and import of manufactured goods, to Germany increased most 1936-1938.
The products of oilshale industry was the biggest part of Estonia´s export, to Germany. The German minority,played an important role in this trade relations, the Baltic Germans had been impoverished due to the landreform, (* when all German big estates were nat-ionalized by Estonia, around 1920, some 60 % of the land, and was given to Estonian participants,many soldiers, in the Independence war,after the Russian revolution, 1917.)
The mining of oil-shale started already 1918, and 1922, the industrial production be-gan, by Estländische Steinöl/A/G. From shale oil, all products similar to those extracted from the crude oil, could be manufactured. 1939 there was four big companies opera-ting. An Estonian, a German, and the Swedish, Estländska oljeskifferkonsortiet, and one with British capital. For instance the Estonian, General Johan Laidoner , was among oth-ers, leaders deep involved in the German business in this sector.
But crude oil was cheaper, and the German share of world market oilproduction, was, only 0,35 %, that was impossible for Germany, foreseeing the war, already 1933. That´s why Third Reich started, to focus on Estonia´s oilshale industry, from 1935, and the Estonian company committed itself to supply Germany , with, 35.000 tons of shale-oil/ year, but not less than 25.000 tons. Delivered by railway to Paldiski, (port) and loaded on German tankers. The Estonian government gave the Estonian company, big subven-tions, custom fees, among others.
Germany´s I.G. Farben-group invested 2.000.000 Reichsmark / Mendelssohn bank as credit, and 1938, the production rose from 27.000 tons, to 70.000 tons /year. Even the Swedish company (the Wallenbergsphere),entered in an agreement with the German Rei-chskriegsministerium and OKM,(Marine) and similar to the Estonians, pledging to deliv-er, from 1940,10.000 tons/year. In cooperation with, Axel Johnson´s. (The Johnson company, was early, after the revolution, in trade relations with the Soviets, up to the present Russian Federation of today, Johnson´s acting like a Swedish minister of trade, with the Russians.)
1930, Estonia produced only 10.000 tons of shale- oil, but already in 1939, 178.000 tons, by investments by I.G. Farben. Already 1935, 63 % of the oil went to Germany. 1937 : 54.000 tons, of that 45.000 tons to Germany, by 1938: 62.000 tons, of that 54.000 tons to Germany, as the biggest importer of the oil.
Minister of Finance, mr Selter announced , that 1947, 500.000 tons a year was possible to produce,and the highest leader, Konstation Päts, said in a February radio speech, that the production would soon exceed Estonia´s total imports. The production was onesid-ed, no byproducts, such as gas, chemical products. But the professor in economy/ Tartu university, claimed in March 1938, that the shale-oilproduction was controled by a rob-ber economy, and that the government taxed the companies, insufficiently.
I.G. Farben, did not only invest in oil industry, but even in phosphorite, and this comp-any, A/S Eesti Fosforiit (1922) production grew from 13.000 tons, but already, 1939, 50.000 tons /year. The use of superfosphate, from phosphorite is well known, as che-mical fertilizer, but Germany needed phosphorite urgently, for its chemical war industry.
It´s a necessary raw materiel in producing of explosives, for incendiary (fire) bombs, and artillery shells. Pyrite, basic ingridient in sulfuric acid, what chemists use to mak-ing all other acids, and much more. That´s why phosphorite, was vitally important to the German synthetic, munitions, – and fertilizer industry.
1936, the Germans found that phosphorite only was accessible from deposits in Estonia, and the Soviet Union. I.G. farben began a process of capturing the Estonian deposits. and it was discussed during minister Selter´s visit to Berlin in June 1937. The Estonian government then decided to increase the production of phosphorite to 30.000 tons /year, a plant of sulfuric acid to supply 22.000 tons/ year, and of superphosphate to 40.000 /year, most at the Maardu deposits, near Tallin harbor.
The 9th of August, 1939, I.G. Farben announced it had procured a loan of 2.000.000 RMk for five years from the * Dresdener Bank and the Deutsche Länderbank, but some Estonians accused the Government of selling out valuable deposits, while accepting German currency, for credit and payments, that might eventually turn out to be of imag-inery gain.
According to mr Laretei, Estonian envoy in Stockholm, also Wallenberg´s , the Stock-holm´s Enskilda bank, was pursuing a concession for Estonian phosphorite deposits. Laretei stressed that the Estonian government decide in favor of the Germans regard-less of the fact, that the Swede´s conditions were more advantegous to Estonia.
In conclusion , the militarization of Estonia, became the most important factor in hast-ening the development of Estonian industry. Many new plants and industries were esta-blished.The German influx of capital, became essential to national security, and for priv-ate enterprise, and individual enrichment. The reasons for what, the Estonian govern-ments, obligingness toward, Germany, is explained and understood.- – –
(MI. /2010 = An Acad. diss. – not another British, f- – – – – g secret service section)
(1.) As I wrote earlier, the *Dresdner Bank was represented by mr Ottokar von Knieriem, (b. 93) (Olof Palme´s uncle) in Stockholm, in association with The Wallenbergsphere. ” – – – – Knierim, , was during the 1930s, manager for the Libauer bank in Riga, controled by Dresdener bank in Berlin. In the beginning of 1940, Dresdner bank gave ,Knierim, a mission, to negotiate a businessdeal between the German I.G. Farben-group, and a Swedish consortium “- – –
In the end of 1940 he was promoted to the Dresdener banks representative in Sweden, with office in the Wallenberg´s the, Enskilda banken´s building in Stockholm C. Both Enskilda banken and I.G. Farben had common interests in a Dutch bank, which dealed with looted Jewish, valuable documents.- – – (JG.2001)
(* Both, Harald Nordensson and the Wallenberg´s was eager to support von Knieriems´ application for Swedish citizenship, after the war.)
(2.)- – – Gilel Storch, was even involved in the Raoul Wallenbergs´s Budapestmission. Storch was a genuine businessman, and represented a Swedish company, in Riga , Lat-via, dealing with superphosphate. He is a mediator of Soviet, phosphorite (rawphos-phat), worth two (2) million Swedish crowns. (today x 20= 40 millions.). The Autumn, 1939. Storch imports, lots of chemical goods from the Soviet Union, 100s of tons, chlo-rine, nitrate, acids, metanol, and stored them in the Stockholm´s freeport. In another port he stores a 1.000 tons of phosforite, and nefelin.(mineral) He pays the Russians with Soviet´s own national debt bills, (underrated, in The West, and he bought them to half the price, 50 roubles, worth 100 roubles, making a profit, of between 20 and 50 millions, Swedish crowns, today 20 x = half or 1billions. – – – (LE.1999)
(1.) With this information some of Raoul Wallenberg´s travels to Estonia, 1940, can be explained. The Oil-shale, was of big importance for the German´s planning for war,
1939, as even the phosphorite/superphosphate.
(2.) Ottokar von Knieriem, could have been the mediator, between the Germans´s Dres-dener Bank, 1940 and I.G Farben , and Enskilda banken, in the Baltic states.
(3.) Gilel Storch, was deep involved in big, wellpaid, business with the Soviets, and importing large amounts(tons) of chemicals of, importance, rawmateriels, perhaps connected to this sector.
Raoul Wallenberg could have lived near, and participated in this trading sector.
The 26th of June 1944, Peter KLEIST in Stockholm, the Abwehr/AA-man,with his peace-feelers, since 1943, suggested to Iver OLSEN, WRB/OSS/U.S/SD, an exchange of 2.000 Latvian Jews, against 2 million dollars. (But during the same time, Olsen furnished res-cueboats to Latvia, to return with Latvian national refugees,and sometimes agenttraffic, and warcriminals. Every Latvian Jews was anyway victim of the Holocaust, most in 1941/ 42, in the Riga, Rumbula-forest, 70.000 Jews, in total,1945, by Viktors Arajs Rollkom-mando, German SS, and other perpetrators.)
The Joel BRAND negotiating, 1944, with SS-Stand.führer Kurt BECHER, in Hungary/ Swiss, concerning, 10.000 trucks, against 1 million Hungarian Jews, presumbly to be used on the East front, against the Red army offensive. A provocation, in the Soviet´s opinion, and a splitting that must be despised, by the Allies.
(But Kurt Becher, survived ,worked even in Budapest, after the war, as a graintrader, where the KGB could have apprehended Becher as warcriminal, anytime then, but he died 1995, in Bremen, 86 years old, as a rich businessman, as many other nazis. )
Another SS/SD- man, Sturmbannführer, Wilhelm HÖTTL, (Austrian), was behind much of the German occupation measures, in March, 1944, (and a lot of other warcrimes) as not to punish Hungary, by using Croatian,Romanian,or Slovak forces, but instead the German Wehrmacht . Höttl, ” induced Horthy, to consent to a pro-Reich, Right-oriented government, and the implementation of an “unconditional program”, for “eliminating the political undesirables – and the Jews.”
After, 19th of March ,the German occupation, Ernst Kaltenbrunner /(RSHA after Heydrich returned to Germany, after three days, and the SS-General, Obergruppenführer Otto Winkelmann, took command, what including, jurisdiction over, the German police, Waff-enSS, and SS, and the Eichmann-Sonderkommando, all of the ReichsführerSS Himmler´s representatives, in Hungary.
Ernst Kienast and Wilhelm. Höttl, under command of Walter Schellenberg, (then leader of the German intelligence abroad), abroad, was even advisor, to Hitler´s plenipotentiary for Hungary, VEESENMAYER, from March 1944, and was even ordered to supervise him. (But the Soviet´s secret service, is sometimes not that effective unit, the West, fear, be-cause Wilhelm Höttl´s participating in the German occupation, wasn´t that known, by the Russians, because they demanded Höttl, extradited from Austria, by the Hungarian government, (Janos Kadar), first in 1961, what Austria´s government then refused.)
So what do we get out of this ? Wihelm Höttl, deep involved in WALLENBERG´S time in Budapest, his name is no where to read. How come ? A good question.
Lev Bezymenski: Wallenberg, was perhaps very devoted to the Zionists /Israel´s cause, since 1936, perhaps could have some connection, with the Soviet´s secret service, thro-ugh his Jewish businesscontacts, as Lauer, and Hollander, the latter in contact with the Comintern in Moscow, since about, 1935. (MI6 /Kim Philby was even recruited 1934, and many others, after Machtübernahme, the Spanish Civil war, 1936, etc.)
Wallenberg could have informed the Russians, through his service in the Swedish Home-guards, 1940-44, as a V-mann, about the Sweden´s Finland´s activist´s, as major Winge, for instance. Wallenberg never joined the Swedish volontary corps in Finland, 1939/40, and not the Finnish army in Germany´s Barbarossa 1941-1944, as many oth-er Swedish officers. He applied to the armystaff, to be promoted to lieutenant, what they refused, what could enabling him to come closer to the Homeguard´s staff, as off-icer, but could have been motivated, of other reasons, as… his close friends were all promoted to lieutenants, as Per J.V. Anger, S. Leijonhufvud, Ibo Douglas, already 1938. Wallenberg did travel around in Europe, just before and during the war, with many poss-ibilities to meet, foreign secret services. (The World Fair/ Paris 37´ Hungary,38´, met Horthy at a party, France, Germany, The Baltic states etc.)
Bezymenski, argues,that Iver Olsen never told Raoul Wallenberg about the German over-tures about exchanging of the 2.000 Latvian Jews/2 million dollars, and later Joel Brand´s contacts with Kurt Becher about 1 million, Hungarian Jews, against 10.000 trucks, the deal Stalin had been much provocated by. That information, could have been much needed by Raoul Wallenberg, when he arrived in Budapest, in July 1944.
And here comes Wallenberg, as a WRB-man, good for 300 millions in Swedish crowns, (today´s value) , on Swiss accounts, in July 1944, and could be connected with those, dealings, other serious economic dubious transactions. The spreading of (sometimes dubious) protection-passports to anyone, meeting the German´s highest SS-men, and the (rudimentary, post-occupation) Hungarian national, antisoviet, resistance. And if Wallenberg carried some kind of separate peacefeelers ? (He carried 20 kg´s of gold-wares,deposits from the Jews, in his cars petrol tank, what due to his biographer 2012, B. Jangfeldt, could be a serious factor, in his arrrest.) All options are on the table, as the Germans always, criminal instrumental. use of the Jews, to save their own skin, to enrich themselves, or split the Allies concerted war efforts.
The Russians could have feared a: U.S /OSS/ + wealthy Jewish U.S.- WRB- circles/ + Swedish industrialist´s economic/political/intelligence conspirations,- to change and save some Hungarian conditions, not appreciated and acceptable for the Soviets, then, as Hungary didn´t even managed to leave the Axis-powers, surrender, in the right and ” Russian”, time.
(And I still miss a report of what the Finn´s Hungarian legation, could see of Horthy´s Hungary, Budapest, during the war, from 1941-44, of the Jews situation, but the Finns had to leave Budapest, after the Moscow-peace, in September,1944. But in January,1943 when the Finnish prime minister, Linkomies, /ambassador, Aarne Wuorimaa, Toivi Heik-kilä,/ visited Hungary, he was told of a plan by Horthy, to invite 10.000 Finnish young men to move to Hungary, marry Hungarian girls, make children, in a breeding process, like the Nazi´s “Lebensborn.” Horthy claimed president Ryti, in Finland, was informed, what he denied, this due to Linkomies memoirs.)
But the most, important factor here, could have been: the British opposition, to receive, 100.000s of Jewish refugees to Palestine, in an “Exodus”, after the war, so, not imposs-ible the British secret services, kept an eye at Wallenberg, by those reasons, and infor-med Moscow, of Wallenberg´s possible, more longterm aims, and principals. The MI6-NKVD connections.
As late of the 15th June, 1945, in Iver Olsen´s reportletter to WRB, he don´t even mentions Wallenberg´s fate, predicament, what sounds cynical, and irresponible.
From February 1945, to August 1945,the OSS had many contacts with SS/SD-Wilhelm HÖTTL; (Vienna). Bill DONOVAN /OSS, offered the NKVD/General Pavel FITIN in Moscow, that the NKVD, with the OSS, could together,in cooperation destroy the information agent-network on the Balkans, and suggesting a Berlin-meeting, to arrange this. This net-work Höttl had offered the OSS, as the Germans always trying to split, the Allies, during the endphases of the war.
Here can we even see, a rather tight, OSS-NKVD cooperation, probably as long as Japan hadn´t yet surrendered in the Far East. (September). Or perhaps a move, aiming to cover, and compensate the Russians for the OSS/Swedish Lillehammercoup, in June 1945 ? MI6 could have had some motives, to interfere in Wallenberg´s predicament.
Three month later, in September, 1945, president TRUMAN dissolved the Office of Strategic Service/ OSS, (or sometimes called “Oh, So Social”) , intelligence organisation, perhaps another, bad omen, for Raoul Wallenberg´s situation.
A Raoul WALLENBERG letter of 29th of July, 1944, from Budapest. ” Comments on the Allied propaganda/ ” – The Anglosaxon broadcasts have been roundly criticized, for being filled with general threats of retribution, while offering little help, forgiveness or suggestions of political alternative. The Russian propaganda, which suggests magnan-imity, and love of peace is generally thought to be better. If those now, helping the Jews, would at least be promised some future help, the propaganda would probably be more effective. It would, also be important to rescue, of the Jews, were the Russian protection in conjunction with the eventual invasion to be couched in such terms, that the Jews are completely exonerated from any guilt. ”
Professor of History/ Wales Univ. U.K., William D. Rubenstein, writes in his : The Myth of Rescue : why the democracies could not have saved more Jews, from the Nazis. (1997) He gives a critical view of the rescue activities during the 1930s- 1940s, what must be discussed, even if a work of this kind arises, opposition, (then and probably now), as some type if not, ” Holocaust -denial” , at least “revisionism.”
1. The Myth of closed doors.
Fully 72 % of the German Jewry,(total: 600.000) escaped from Nazi Germany, before emigration became impossible, 1939, including 83 % of the German Jewish children and youth.- – – What trapped the estimated 140.000 Jews, still remaining in the pre-1933, German boundaries, as well as those in Austria, and Czechoslovak, was the outbreak of the war itself.- 1939. – – -(The 3,5 millions of Jews, in the USSR, increased to 5,5 mil-lions 1939-40,by the Soviet´s annexation, 1939-40.)
(2.) Jewish immigration to Palestine, 1933-1941:
75 % did not come from Germany, about 40 % came from Poland.
Total : 212.000 Jews.
53.200 = Germany = 25 % / Austria = 7.300/Czechoslov.=6.000/
Total Central European Jews: 66.500 = 31 %
Illegal immigrants: = 18.000.
Nazi policy of genocide, was both in the future – and unimaginable. Polish and other European Jews, were not refugees. 160.000 Jews migrated to U.S., 35% of all U.S-mig-rants (450.000). 1933-1942.
No one could foresee, that France,1,5 million army, Belgium, Netherlands, that Germany should overun and conquer them, the Nazis reverse their policy from exiling Jews, to imprisoning, killing them, and that from 1942. The Jews of Western Europe, would be deported to extermination camps in Poland, unimaginable by anyone in 1939.
(* My commentary: But the killings in the Baltic states, 1941/Rumbula/Riga, USSR, Kiev Babij Jar, and by Hungarian extradition, 1941 and Rumania, Holocaust “by bullets”, was well under way, from the Summer and Fall of 1941.
(Only Raoul Wallenberg knew this, of course… and had the picture clear.. ?. No he didn´t (!) , knew, what researchers of today, tries to charge him with, so this facts supporting Raoul Wallenberg and his “ad hoc” action.)
(3) The Myth of Bombing Auschwitz.
That raid was had to be very well prepared, because in August 1944, only:
13 % – of the bombs fell within 500 feet of the intended target,
34 % – within 1.000 feet. August 1944, only
45 % -of all bombs U.S.A.F 8th Force, landed within 1.000 feet of target. (about 150-300 meters)
Most of those target was then in Western Germany , not in remote Southern Poland.
Ben-Gurion in Jewish Agency was not in favor to ask the Allies to bomb Auschwitz. All what could have been seen as a complete fiasco, what could have killed many hundreds of Jews, and other captives, then accusing the Allies of ” killing Jews”, and today this could have evolved to confirming an opinion of: “Western antisemitism” , “complicity of genocide”, and “assisting the Nazis”.
Not even today high-tech air raids are safe, as we experience from daily basis, as USAF, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ghaza, hitting “innocent “, civilians, (sometimes it seems this collateral damage are intentional, droners weren´t on the drawing table 1944.) And 70 years back in 1944 ? Some USAF, raids over Budapest, 1944 killed about 1.000 civi-lians, in April, what caused ferocious attacks on the Jewish ghettos, by Arrow Cross-men, facists.
(4.) The Myth of the War refugee Board. (WRB)
WRB, existed from january 1944- up to 14 of September 1945.
Both (1.) WRB and (2.) OSS, ceased the same time, in September 1945, what was critical to Wallenberg, as even his relatives, (3.) the Wallenberg brothers,and the (4.) Swedish Foreign office, didn´t manage to free Raoul, in time, by that, some four of his, own “saf-ety pillars”, didn´t react or , was dysfunctional.
(And even the United States, State department didn´t refrain from, pressure on the Wall-enberg brothers, whole ” sphere” with merciless economic “blacklisting”, after the Bosch-scandal, 1945- 1947. U.S. then forced Sweden to cut all important trade with the USSR, the embargo-policy, a really big upheaval, in Sweden´s right to pursue an inde-pendent trade-policy, what was possible, during the war,right or wrong. So what, cou-ldn´t then Stalin, get away with ? )
The WRB was allocated a fund of 1 million dollars, but had only spent 465.000 dollars, 31.12. 1944. WRB, had another 150.000 dollars the period January -June, 1945, spent only 82.000 dollars of that. It received 20 million dollars, from Jewish organisations, incl. 15 millions from A.J.J.D (Joint), + 1 million from Vaad(orthodox Jews) + 300.000 dollars from World Jewish Congress. ” WRB claimed, to have saved approx. 200.000 Jews, and at least, 20.000 non-Jews.
WRB claimed rescuing 120.000 Hungarian Jews from Budapest, by the WRB diplomatic pressure, and Raoul Wallenberg. and the 48.000 Jews in Transnistria , Rumania,could move to safe areas. This Jews was anyway, not possible to transport to Auschwitz, during the war, of certain reasons, they survived. (400.000 Rumanian Jews survived)
Why didn´t the Nazis established a genocidal regime in Rumania, as Horthy in Hungary. 110-120.000 Budapest Jews, survived the war. Rumania then in August, 1944, throw the Germans out, and send some 380.000 Rumainian troops, to the Red Army offensive, and recaptured the ” Vienna reward, 1940″, Transylvania, again from Hungary. WRB´s figures are due to Rubenstein ” wholly fallacious”. (The Hungarians didn´t manage, anything, not to release her, from Germany, and wasn´t able to negotiate a sustainable separate-peace, with the Soviets. So Hungary couldn´t get any further “reward” at all, 1944/45, instead -punishment. Became a chessman, perhaps like Wallenberg.
Wallenberg had his authority, in the first place from his diplomatic status as secretary of the Swedish Embassy. The number of issued protective passports, was as follows:
* Switzerland (7.800) *Sweden (4.500) *Vatican (2.500) *Portugal (700) *Spain (100) *
El Salvador (1.600) total (*17.200.) (* More passports from Switzerland, than Swedish, Swiss diplomat, Charles Lutz.)
The last months these passports offered very little protection. Sometimes respected by Arrow Cross, and hardly ever by the Germans. (* Eichmanns interrogations in Israel/ 1961) But 50.000 Jews in deathmarches, Hungary, in November 1944. The 2nd of july, USAF bombed Budapest heavily – as retaliation ? thought Horthy. “Pseudo-rescue” ? Perhaps 20.000 Jews were rescued by the WRB, 10 % of the WRB official figures, and it´s possible “actually rescued no Jews at all”, if subject to close scrutiny, today, (1997) due to Rubenstein´s work
(5.) The Myth of negotiations with the Nazis:
Most of this alleged negotiations for ransom, occurred in Hungary… by HIMMLER, EICH-MANN. Blood-for-Trucks, JOEL BRAND , (1906-1984), from 25 April 1944, 1 million Jews for 10.000 trucks, and supplies, to be used only at the Soviet front. To be released in” batches”, and allowed to emigrate to the West. BRAND, former communist, turned adventurer, a German Jew migrated to Budapest in the 1930s. Then dealing together with SS-Kurt Becher, the Jews, Rudolf Kastner, Saly Mayer, Musy (orthodox Jews,) and then between Himmler and the Swedish Jew, Norbert Masur, in April 1945.
This was never serious from the Nazis side, the deportations from Hungary proceeded. But why did they make it ? To deceive the leadership of the Budapest Jewry, lulling it in inaction, and to split the Allies. Himmler tried to posture as a possible “post-Hitler”, national, German antibolshevik, but not genocidal, figure, but was in fact, very afraid of the Führer. All this was conducted behind Hitler´s back, and had indeed,small chances of success. If Hitler had have some knowledge, he would stop it at once. The Allies were anyway very determined, not to negotiate with the Third Reich, only, unconditional surr-ender was in the pipeline.- – – (W. Rubenstein/The Myth… 1997)
André Oscar W., (1816-1886), from Sundsvall, started with others, 1855, the Sunds-valls and the Hudiksvalls banks, before his main project, the Stockholm´s Enskilda Bank. (SEB) He participated very active in the political life in the City of Stockholm,and in the Parliament. / His oldest son, Knut, (1853-1938), became manag. director of the bank, 1886, and the board´s chairman, 1911-1938, the same political career as his father. During the Hammarskjöld´s conservative government, 1914-1917,(WW1) he became minister of Foreign affairs, (UD) / His brother Gustaf, (1863-1937), (Raoul´s grandfat-her) started in the bank, and became later shipowner. Political career, parliament, 1900-1906, and then diplomat in Tokyo, Peking, Konstantinopel. /Oscar, (1872-1939), was in the bank, and then man. dir. in the Swedish national tobacco-monopoly, and in the politic., in the City of Stockholm./ Axel, was Swedish minister in the Washington, emb-assy, 1921-26.
But Marcus sr (1864-1943) did the most important contributions to develop the Wall-enberg and the SEB empire. The ” District judge” , become man.dir. of the SEB 1911. He didn´t have any political domestic posts, operating most on the international level. He was commissioned 1919 to handle Sweden´s economic interests, in the Versailles con-gress, in the economic meeting in Brussels, Genua, and was member of the League of Nation´s financial committee, 1920-1930.
His engagement in the German question, was important, was chairman after WW1, in the Committee on the German industrial burden(war-reparations), and Germany´s Nature-payment deliveries, member of both courts dealing with, conflicts, about the Dawesplan/ Young-plan. 1931, the German government´s expert, for reconstruction of the German banksystem. He contributed to many purgings and consolidations , in con-nection with 28 big companys. Some of Sweden´s leading as: ASEA/ Atlas Copco/ Sep-arator/ etc. Took initiative to Swedens Industrial Union, founded the Swedish Bank Uni-on, and The Taxpayers association.
His sons were Jacob (b.92), and Marcus II (b.99), what made their careers in the SEB (bank), but worked in different branches. Jacob was one of the leading in STAB / Mat-ches) after the global Ivar Kreuger-crash, 1932, then 1938, chairman there, and then in the reconstruction, of L.M. Ericsson(phones) later chairman.Wallenbergs had many advantages then, by taking over some of Kreuger´s former companies. Jacob managed the German market, sector, 1934-44 in the Trade-commission for Germany) and Marcus the British sector, markets, chairman in Swedish/British Chamber of Commerce, in 1939 delegation,in negotiations, with the British government, trade and shipment, during the war, 1939- 43, Swedish-British commission, , chairman, for the Swedish representa-tives.
These bankers, had an outstanding, long and deep experience of domestic and interna-tional business, reconstructions, and as members of the board, in many companies, and political, diplomatic contacts, worldwide. (As even Raoul had much experience of, U.S.,Germany, France, a sister married with a U.S. navycaptain, and a cousin,(Maj Nissen) with the German baron, Enzio von Plauen, big circles of contacs, domestic and abroad.)
In the beginning of 1960s, Jacob Wallenberg was a member of the board in some 30 very big Swedish enterprises, his brother Marcus in some similar 70 boards, (his son Marcus III, was member of 20 boards, died 1971, by shooting himself, ) as owners and leaders of the cream of the cream of the Swedish commercial business/industries,merg-ing bank- and industrial capital/power.
But as we all know, Raoul Wallenberg, had just as little, or no, chance at all to have an employment, a position there, within, those 100 big company boards, as member, trai-nee, architect, salesman… no more than, to be released from the Lubjanka prison, 1945, what it seems, today. He never married and by that created the bonds with other finan-cial families or old aristocratic circles, as the Wallenbergs used to operate.
But the important thing here, dealing perhaps with young Raoul Wallenberg´s fate. The meetings and cooperation between Jacob Wallenberg, and the German secret national, opportunistic, opposition, and dissident, Carl Goerdeler, (former Mayor of Leipzig, then Bosch/employee) during the war. Jacob and the top Bosch/officials visited, each other many, many times, Berlin-Stockholm, during 1939 -1944. Name as : Waldemar von Oppenheim /Carl Goerdeler / Alfred Knoerzer/ Erich Rassbach/ K.E. Thomä/ Hans Walz/ all from the Robert Bosch company in Germany.
During those years, together with Jacob Wallenberg, they discussed, both economic /political questions, as separate peace or separate capitulation, with the West,
“to mustering the West´s and Germany whole strength against Communism, and the Soviet Union.” The Robert Bosch company was about to sell their subsidaries, in eight (8) neutral countries and even the affiliated U.S. , Boschcompany, to the Wallenbergs, all with an option to later re-buy it, and for that paying commissions to Wallenbergs, after the war. These documents U.S. authorities retrieved in a safe in Stuttgart, just after the war. The Wallenbergs became ” special blocked nationals”, by the U.S., 1945. An enor-mous loss of prestige. But U.S. paid back the SEB´s own costs in the deals, 1950, after a reconciliation agreement.
The Goerdeler offer to Churchill, was : 1942/43: ” A German military mutiny, but only with some committments: stop the U.S./U.K., bombing raids, and the unconditional surrender-agreement, decided at the Casablanca meeting, January 1943. No German officer could accept to topple the Hitler-regime, and after that, just surrender. But Chu-rchill wasn´t the slightest interested, and if ? – Of course the mistake of the millenium !
No way, and this shady business of the Wallenbergs bros., could have ended with an even bigger European disaster, antibolshevik (as Churchill) – or not. Goerdelers group became desperate, and Count von Stauffenbergs attempt of 20 July 1944, failed. If succ-essful, things could had develop in other directions, roads, very difficult to predict. Not even Stalin was interested of killing Hitler, because with Hitler – no separatepeace poss-ible, at all. The German´s revolutionary spirit, was and is rather doubtful.
If Raoul Wallenberg, in a way could be suspected, involved in this very dangerous secret Swedish-German activities, he was in a very dire straits. As a matter of fact, he could, no doubt, be suspected of that, in reality. This due to his antecedentia, mission, cont-acts, plans, and behaviour in Budapest, where the SS, often visited him, to approve the list of issued passports. Another opinion of that, had been a very unexpected, “breach of duty”, an grave underestimating of the Soviet Union´s secret services. And as the hist-orian Vilhelm Agrell, writes in this case: ” – It´s not about what people are doing, or what they´re say, they doing,- it´s about what others think, what they´re doing.”
That´s “Why the Russian´s took Wallenberg,” (Berndt Schiller 1989). Perhaps, if so,Wall-enberg became one of the last victims of the war, the Allies “make away off ” , perhaps a British/Soviet joint venture. As the Allies Supreme commander Dwight Eisenhower (later U.S. President) dismissed for instance, general George Patton in the fall of 1945, after some thoughtless pro-nazi expressions, as Military Governor of Bavaria, in Bad Tölz, of all former WSS-strongpoints. Eisenhower : ” – Patton must go, not for what he has done, but for what he´s going to do ! Patton didn´t survived 1945.
(As the Polish general Sikorsky, 1943 / Joseph Kennedy, (JFK´s eldest brother 1942/ the Duke of Kent, 1942, aircrashes / the French general Darlan, 1942, shot by an OSS-trained french agent, Bonnier de Chapelle / general Geo-rge Patton, 1945, traffic-acci-dent / the present Swedish king´s father, the very pro-german prince Gustav Adolf, aircrash, 1947, being crown to King of Sweden, around 1950, (Copenhagen) / the Swede, U.N. High Commissioner ,Count Folke Bernadotte, 1948, shot by the Israeli Irgun-gang, the Palestine-plan / U.N. general secretary, the Swede, Dag Hammar-skjöld,1961 aircrash, Congo/Rhodesia / Some say the British secret service, favoured aircrashes…)
Perhaps the Russians of today,blaming Stalin, Bulganin, “Smertj”, Abakumov and other NKVD-officials, when they took, the unbelievable and brutal, risk of getting rid of a for-eign citizen, diplomat, and a member of the wellknown Wallenberg house, with a most
what we know, humanitarian mission, well performed.
This was presumbly based at the Wallenberg brothers, and Sweden´s opportunistic, reactionary activities, to arrange a separate peace, with Germany, a “last-ditch” project, that couldn´t but fail, and aiming to rob, the Allies, and Russia, of their great victory over the German fascism, and in the same time, make a fortune. Understandable, if Raoul Wallenberg, with his capacities, contacts and cash, in Budapest, 1944/45 came into that sinister searchlight, right or wrong, probably his days then was numbered, with the same motivations, as Eisenhower, dismissed Patton.
Perhaps , because in January 1945,the Red Army was still behind Warzaw, was in most heavy fight about Budapest, up to February 1945, the Westfront, was in serious diffi-culties, in the German´s Ardennes-counteroffensive, the next last, of the war, and out-side Budapest, the Germans strike out their last three panzeroffensives, during January, 1945, in vain, and Budapest was liberated by the Russians, the 13th of February.
So there was plenty of time to throw a spoke in the wheels, of the Allies army´s. ( What most rolled forward, using Swedish ball-bearings, from the Wallenberg´s SKF-plants, 60 % to Germany, 30 % to Britain, during the war, and of the Wallenberg´s delivery, of the Swedish iron-ore, shipments, about 50% of the steelproduction, in the German big off-ensives of 1942-1944, as Stalingrad, Kursk, D-day/Normandie.
The fascism had to be rooted out and routed from North to South, Norway/Finland, The Baltic states, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, from shore to shore. The West´s real interests in the reconstruction of the Eastern Europe, 1945, was not poss-ible, just as little they manifested that, as in the 1930s, no form of new problematic, clientstates, was on the table, in fact, those days.
The West tends even to forget the endfight against Japan, where the Red army´s 10-days offensive, in August 1945, against the Kwantung army, (600.000 soldiers) in China/Manchuko, by that breaking the Soviet /Japanese nonaggressionpact of april, 1941 in Moscow. This acts, contributed most to the Japanese surrender, and not the two U.S. nuclear bombs, of August 6 and 8, 1945. By that the Red army saved, U.S. Army from invading Japan proper, with expected casualities of 1 million GI´s , and accom-plished first, late of 1947. That´s why the Western Alllies, by good reasons, took a humble attitude against Stalin, the whole summer 1945, as already from 1941.
(1) Some other Swedish actions in the war, as: * Jakob Wallenberg was said to have informed the Germans of coming the USAF air-raid on the Schweinfurth ballbearings industry, the Fall of 1943, when some sixty (60) U.S. heavy bombers was downed and lost perhaps 300 pilots and crewmen.But after that, the production decreased with 25 %.
(2.) as :the Swedish military intelligence, the C-bureau/and the Secret police, send information, in July 1942, to the Germans, over Finland (perhaps sold as the Stella Pol-aris archivals,1944 for money, by an Finnish officer) what perhaps caused the destruc-tion by the Lufwaffe, of the U.S. /U.K. Lend and Lease Murmansk-convoy , “PQ 17” , 20 of 30 ships sunk, and hundred seamen,drowned,loaded with most important Lend-and-lease, armaments, for the Russians, just before the most decisive battle of the war, of Stalingrad, Fall/Winter 1942/1943. (* Wechselmann)
(3.) The Swedish military intelligence, the “C-bureau” again, Petersen/Ternberg, is said to have informed the Germans, of the British parachute landings in Arnhem, /Belgium, after D-Day, September 1944, what became a military disaster,
Thats three outstanding dirty deeds, by the Swedish ” circles”, among many more, during the war.
“Prologue to Budapest: Raoul Wallenberg and Special-Metall Förening / 10-06-2008 , by Susanne Berger “.
Some comments concerning this article, (excl. economic transcations), exposing some other observations/facts, and with some readings from Carlberg´s biography.
Hans Felix Böhme: (b. 1898-d. 1951) Stockholm) was a lawyer and businesspartner to Raoul Wallenberg. Böhme was second lieutenant in the reserve, at Wallenberg´s reg-iment, Svea livgarde, ( I1-Infantry nr 1) ) Stockholm, 1923, (where many of Wallenberg´s later friends were lieutenants, from 1938, as I have earlier mentioned, as: Anger, Douglas, Leijonhufvud, facts that no researcher have observed, before.
Raoul´s close contacts then, had often a military background, as reserveofficers. This other, “professional” researchers have missed, and that Wallenberg never enlisted in the Swedish Volonteer Corps in Finland, 1939 or 1941, but was very active in the domestic Swedish Homeguard, from 1940. But he was never promoted, to lieutenant in the army, as his friends, although he made an apply, but was rejected.
Böhme, became lawyer, and member of the “authorizers”, Swedish Lawyers Community/ Union, 1928. His office was in one of the, Stockholm´s only two, ” skyscrapers ” at the Kungsgatan nr 30, 9th floor, (Norra Kungstornet) and he was even in charge of the administration of the whole building. Due to Carlberg´s biography, Wallenberg, often visited Böhmes office, in business, and he had in fact his officeadress, together with Böhme and in the telephone directory. : ” Raoul Wallenberg´s archictect´s office” , from 1938 -1941.
But there were other offices, located in the Norra Kungstornet/ Kungsgatan n:r 30, as :
(1.) The United States legation, and it´s Commercial attaché, and here of course Wall-enberg could have cultivated U.S.- contacts, 1938/1939/1940/1941. No researcher notified this, “piece of cake”.
(2.) But even the German nazi- NSDAP organisation was present here at this adress, the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, (NSV) in Sweden, under the leadership (as Land-esobmann) of a naturalized German, the businessman, and NSDAP-Parteigenosse, Paul Pothoff, (NSDAP-Auslandsorganisation -AO) (b.90) (in Sweden since 1918/19),
Pothoff was Landesbeauftragte for the (Kriegs)- Winterhilfswerke (WHW (K-WHW), coll-ecting money for the German warefforts, about 500.000 Swedish crowns since 1938/ 1939-1942, (today : value= 10 millions SEK). The Winterhilfswerke was a German orga-nisation, Nazi-version, for welfare assistance, and charity for poor Germans. And a way to keep social domestic antagonism, at bay, especially during the war.
Pothoff was even man.director 1935, for his company: “Exportkompaniet Svecia” , at the same adress,member and Vize-president, in the: Deutsche Handelskammer in Schweden, (1935 adress: The Nybroplan/viken, just close to: the present Wallenberg square, and his memory-place) another member was Colonel Emil Fevrell, (see my earlier comment).
Perhaps Wallenberg had contacts even with this Paul Pothoff, who lived in Sweden even after the war, (and probably was not declared, persona non grata, with his enduring business connections to Sweden, as many other Germans) Even this German nazi and important pg.-activist, has avoided, any attention from the Wallenberg researchers. How come ?
One often knew little of the other tenants, neighbors in a big citybuilding, but as both the U.S. attaché, and Pothoff was very active, no doubt, in commercial activities, as Wallenberg, and Hans Böhme, (Schweiziska industrisyndikatet), who was in charge of the buildings administration, they ought to have know, what kind of people, living in the house, in the City of Stockholm.
But 1941, the whole United States legation, was centralized and moved, to the now famous adress, the Strandvägen nr 7A, and here even the new company, The Mellan-europeiska, (Meropa) Kalman Lauer´s and Wallenberg´s enterprise, moved in. (Böhme was probably by that time ill, (multip.scler.) and another person had to take charge of the administration of the building, Kungstornet 30)
The same pattern is repeated, as at the former adress, U.S. embassy, + “Raoul Wall-enberg´s archictect´s office”, and his new business, The Mellaneuropeiska, and, even posturing as ” Managing Director” of the “Pacific Trading Co”, same telephone as :
“Salen´s shipping”.(Sven).
And at the Strandvägen, within sight, in the yard, the neighborhood of n:r 7C, were the office of the two (I+II) German military attache´s, and the Italian military attaché, were located.
Conclusion: Due to Craig McKay, even this new company, the “Mellaneuropeiska “, could have been even established for a special purpose, 1941, we don´t know, perhaps aiming for some kind of secret intelligence, involving the United States secret service, here where the recruitment took place, indeed. Wallenberg had splendid possibilities to cultivate contacts here ,with both, the Germans : Abwehr/SD, 1938-1941/44 and the U.S. intelligence, OSS, founded 1941,(-1944) and it was all listed in the official tele-phone directory.
Even Iver Olsen called Wallenberg´s entrance, in Budapest, “a too a big splash”, acting like a foreign power´s intelligence High commissioner, compared to Allen Dulles in Berne, due to mr V. Agrell, historian.
(+ A bit far-fetched, but a name in Susanne Berger´s references, a certifier, of Wallen-berg´s signature, Gustaf Waldén, could be (?) a man employed in the City of Stockholm: ” The office of the Governor of Stockholm” (Överståthållarämbetet) as a taxman. Not-hing special if so – but in the public printed table of that organisation, the whole Swe-dish first secret service, police (SÄK -founded in secrecy, 1938) are located, (unknown of in the same building/connections), with names as: Erik Hallberg, Martin Lundqvist, Erik Roos, / Werner Ryhninger, Eugen Glas, all pro-German, the latter prosecuters, Ryhninger, espionage).
Correction: Last part of the comment nr 12: “Gustaf Waldén: “. Probably not(!) the taxman
Gustaf Waldén, instead: (could be? ) Karl Gustaf Waldén, (b.97) lawyer with own office, as his colleague, the lawyer, Hans Böhme, (1898-1951), (divorced 1941) the latter Raoul Wallenberg´s friend. “A too a big splash, even here, it seems.”
A family, close related to the Wallenbergs, was, the Douglas (of German origin). Carl Douglas, nobility. (b.08) Swedish diplomat in Norway was even he, implicated in the “Mowinckel-plan”, (f. primeminister) regarding of only a separate Norwegian surrender of southern Norway, (up to Narvik) in the summer (May/June) of 1940, to the German occupiers. But was that just a possibility,for Sweden to have access to at least one, Atlantic-harbour, as Sweden by the Finnish surrender, in March, lost access to the Fin-nish harbour in the Petsamo-area, they thought… but this port, was open to June 1941. Sweden was then expected to occupy, Narvik and the Northern Norway, guarding the borders, but not permitting, any ore-shipping, de facto “neutralizing”, the territory.
Or a motive could have been, to make possible a bridgehead, for the Western powers, from where they could, “help ” Sweden, or Finland, (against Russia) or against the Ger-mans. But even Britain was interested in this plan, but they suddenly withdraw their expeditionary force, from Norway. Before that the Germans, had to transitate “conce-aled” as Red Cross, reinforcements to the Narvik area, through Sweden, but later from July,1940 Sweden had to accept full transitation,of German forces, (2,1 million) up to 1943.
Or attack the Soviet Union, together with Germany, the last chance, for Chamberlain, to turn the war against the Soviets, and of course make Sweden and the Nordic, to a thea-ter of war, gearing up “the Phoney war” , to a shooting one. – ” Hr Hitler has missed the bus ! “- (but was in fact travelling by faster vehicles.)
Carl Douglas as a Swedish legation secretary, in Norway, was transported by air, ( the Norwegian pilot H. Bjoerneby), from Tromsö to the Lake of Torneträsk/Abisko in Swe-den, the 1st of June 1940, before Norway surrendered. Here, Douglas had instruction from Foreign minister Halvdan Koht, to phone, the Swedish foreign minister Christian Günther, for a meeting in Sweden, to discuss the s.c. ” Mowinckel-plan” .
It was a proposal to divide Norway, south of Narvik in Sörfold, and let the Germans take control of Southern Norway and Nordland, leaving the rest, in the North to Norwegian authorities. Koth wanted Günther´s help, to contact the German´s authorities, with this proposal. The 4th of June arrived Koth, minister Finkenhagen, and Douglas to the Swe-dish city Luleå, to meet Günther, but nothing came out of it. The Germans never rep-lied, to the Swedish apply. (Pryser)
And the Swedish primeminister, P-A Hansson, suspected, there was a risk for Sweden to get involved in the war, if this Narvik-zone, wasn´t respected, and the whole thing dried
anyway up, when Britain, left their positions in June, 1940, the latter of course relieved
if the Swedes took charge of Norway, when the Dunkirk BEF-evacuation was under way.
(The Norwegian staff-officer, Lindbäck-Larsen, observed that the British wasn´t bent on attacking the Germans, but were more interested,of the Soviet´s position. First, when they deploy the Polish brigade at Östfinnmark, instead of the Narvik front. They wanted informations of roads to the North, against East. Norwegian army complained that the British force was of little worth, only the Royal Navy. The British landed at Tromsö, in-stead of the real warfront. The Norwegians wanted to transport their “Varanger” batt-alion in Kirkenes, to Narvik, by the Royal Navy, but the British refused. Perhaps a joint German/British venture in being , instead against Russia ?) (Borgersrud)
CiC -Northern Sweden /General Archibald Douglas, was father to Carl Douglas, the elder brother of Raoul Wallenberg´s close friend, Gösta “Ibo” Douglas, (b.10) later man-ager director, in the Wallenberg´s main holding company, Investor, and guest at
Raoul´s cocktailparty in December 1943, where he met the Hungarian diplomat, Ullein-Reviczky, probably even, Harald Nordenson, (German origin) (“Hr Nordenson”), who was in charge of the conservative/right newspaper, the Svenska dagbladet, together with mr Ivar Andersson, the latter, even member of the Christian, “the Sigtuna group”, even they, active in contact with separate German peacefeelers from A. von Trott, and the Wider-stand, during the war.
(And in fact, the “Mowinckel-plan” of May 1940, was first presented by the Rights/ Con-servative, partyleader,mr Gösta Bagge, (Högerpartiet) then minister of education, in the coalition (friend to Günther,non-party) and pro-German, visited Hitler at his 50th birth-day-party, a year before, 1939. (During the 1930s, Bagge tried to legislate against Jew-ish immigration, 1941, active in the Parliament, for a ban of the Swedish Communist Party, (SKP), present at the inauguration (speaker) of the German school in Stockholm, , Karlavägen nr 25, together with some German AA-agents in disguise, Hermann Kappner (culture), Thorner, AA-Dankwort, the Princess Sibylla (German origin), Sven Hedin, Stengl,( LGL-AO), et al.
(Carl Bildt, present Swedish foreign minister, living at the same street, Karlavägen, and Gösta Bagge, is his former party-leader, from the old days, and when Bildt, today was accused of not signing an international declaration, against nuclear weapons, of dubious reasons, unthought, one thinking of Bildt, writing a letter to the editor in the mention-ed paper, Svenska dagbladet, in April 1965, (16 yrs) claiming that the female artist´s Siri Derkert´s decorations in the, then just inauguarated new Metro-(T)station, Östermalms-torg, among others: ” Stop the further proliferation of nuclear weapons”, / (signed) “Undén”, (=Östen Undén, Swedish foreign minister, from 1945- 1960s, during the Wall-enberg-case first developments, and much criticized, right or wrong…) , “was nothing better than to paint a Swastika on the wall… ”
I have earlier given some facts of their father, general Archibald Douglas (commentary nr 4), and here we can see in being, an early Swedish militarily-political initiative. (In fact, Archibald Douglas wife, was born Henschen, from Swedish Jewish descent, but Douglas was anyway, 1933, one of the founders of an early National-Socialistic Party (NSB).
There emerged then, from start of the war, a heavy Swedish militarily/political activity-complex, tradition, what maybe was known, through the Douglas bros., Carl and Gösta, (and many others) by Raoul Wallenberg, as he is said to have been, very well oriented and deep interested in international politics – so why not ?
Perhaps struggling with some inferior feelings, (and great internal expectations), due to the biographic literature,here against his older friends, already, important UD-diplomat, lieutenant, etc., (The Douglas,brothers, b.08+10). Raoul Wallenberg, even he, waited for his reasonable chance, to go ahead, filling up his perhaps too, a big suit, perhaps with secret separate peace/surrendering negotiations during his Budapest mission, 1944, combined with the assisting of the Budapest Jews.
From the ambassador Göran Engblom´s book: Himmlers fred = Himmler’s peace.( 2008.) A lot of German peacefeelers during the war, were chanelled over Sweden.
Mr James Dickson, The Right party, in parliament, pro-german, (former volonteer in Finnish war, 1918/1939) met, 28 oktober 1943 Mr Hans Febrans, man.dir, of the Skoda-plants ( then German protectorate) and met mr Bruce Hopper / U.S.-OSS, (in Sweden during the whole war) and Ivar Andersson (mp, editor Svenska dagbladet,
no 2 in the Right then pro-german party, after Gösta Bagge, in the government.)
James Dickson, the 16th of October, till Berlin, met Peter Kleist/AA about the Estonian-Swedes. The 15th of September, 1943 Dickson to Berlin, then to Prague, dinnered with Gauleiter Hermann Frank, and a dr Bertsch in the Czechish protectorate, then met Har-old Nicholson, British MP, the 28th September 1943. Dickson (even in contact with Fritz Hesse/AA and Iver Olsen/OSS, for the very late separate/desperate peacetalks, in the beginning of 1945.)
Abraham Stevens Hewitt, / OSS-agent, visa from Swedish UD, of August 1943, met Jacob Wallenberg and Holger Graffman, man.dir, for, AB Transfer, a SEB-company, in the board, Rolf Calissendorff, who knew Jacob Wallenberg.
Graffman, (navy engineer) during the 1920/30s at the SKF/ STAB-affiliations in Latin-america, lived at Blomsterstigen, (one kilometer, from the Dardel´s , Kevinge strand, in Danderyd, they moved in fact, 1938 to the city). Felix Kersten, Himmler´s doctor, took initiative, to meet, there, the 3rd of October 1943, about a separatepeace with Germany, (+12th and 24.10 ) and later Kersten informed RFSS/ Himmler, in Finland, all directed against the USSR.
Man. dir. STAB, Germany, Alvar Möller and Schellenberg to Stockholm November 1943, met Hewitt, and the banker , Count George Conrad von der Goltz and W. Dankwort /the latter 2nd AA/ German legation, Stockholm. The Swedish employees in STAB, Germany, accused of espionage, was saved from death penalty, and perhaps the German got com-pensation by peacefeelers, through Wallenberg. Hewitt leave Sweden in February 1944, reported to Donovan/CiC-OSS, the 20th of March, to president Roosevelt. Hewitt know Jacob Wallenberg, since 1932.
(Jakob was even during 1944, engaged in the release of the Count Gottfried Bismarck (near relative to chancellor Bismarck), from jail, after the 20th of July attempt, so that kind of negotiations, wasn´t strange, to conduct, a case not stressed by researchers.)
Mr X, another Swede, is said to be have been involved in the German peacefeelers, dur-ing the war, 1943. His name, was in fact, Åke O.U. Grönvall, man. dir, for the company, Sterilisator HAB (trading), lived in Berlin during the war, and had good contacts with the Naziregime. (b.1897-d.1969). Made business with the Wehrmacht of an apparatus, able of sterilizing, water, milk, but the company closed 1943, in the board dir. Gunnar Fröling and the lawyer Arran Hamilton. (b.99) (reserve. lieutenant A1) (His father was the wellknown Swedish Count Gilbert Hamilton,(b.69) promoted Wehrmacht general 1939, fought with the Germans in WW1, captured Helsinki, 1918, in the German intervention,
in the Finnish Civil war.)
Grönvall,owned a big estate north of Stockholm, “Beateberg”, what he sold to mr Robert Ljunglöf, 1946, the latter became man.dir., for the Wallenberg holdingcompany, ” Inves-tor ” April 1944. Ljunglöf became member of the board of Liljeholmens stearinfabrik, 1928, chairman 1945, (a Harald Nordenson company, prob.guest, Raouls cocktailparty 2.12.43), and member of the board, Wallenberg´s Enskilda bank, 1946. Åke Grönvall, even knew mr Allan Wettermark, man.dir. 1933-40, in the Deutsche Unionbank, cont-roled by Wallenberg´s STAB. Even Wettermark had good contacts with the German reg-ime. He became postwar, man.dir. for the Wallenberg´s investment company, ” The Ind-ustrivärden”. Grönvall even was aquainted with Arvid Fredborg, the Svenska dagbladet´s pro-german, (edit.Ivar Andersson ) correspondent in Berlin during the war.
Möller went to Berlin , the 23rd of November, 1944 met Schellenberg/SD/Abwehr and Arvid Richert, the Swedish ambassador, and even went to Berlin the 8th of December. Wettermark knew Birger Dahlérus who, visited, the British Embassy in Stockholm, the 20th of December.
+ From the telephone directory : Wahrendorffsgatan: 4-8/Kungsträdgårdsgatan 8-10, Stockholm, 1941-44.(just close to the Wallenberg´s the Enskilda banken)
*/Svenska Frivilligkåren (SFK) = (Swedish Volonteer Corps in Finland 1939/40)
(….must have some association with major Allan Winge) (unknown if recruitment for the Svir-company, was managed here, 1942-44, this was said to be organised from an ad-ress at the Skeppsbron,(a harbor,in sight, where the Finnish passengerboats trafficked ) managed by Gustaf Söderlund (SAF) and Ivar Andersson (Svd.).
Söderlund is said to have helped Winge, to protect his “white”, Swedish brigade-veterans from 1918, from harassments at workplaces, by the “red”,socialdemocrat´s labor unions, (LO) up to 1938, through contacts with the editor Ragnar Casparsson (LO) when SAF(employer´s assoc.) and LO, made a classic agreement,of collective/labour/contract, including ban on unauthorized strikes, (wild strikes) 1938, at the Wallenberg´s suburb, Saltsjöbaden, what some called ” classcollaboration”. ) (Söderlund was decorated with the Finnish Freedom Cross.,1st cl. /FFrK1kl. later, what confirm this. Due to Ivar And-ersson, Söderlund sometimes was a minister candidate, during the war.)
After that,the strikebreaker´s organisation, SNS, was dissolved, where many of Winge´s veterans were active, with support of SAF/ (employer´s assoc.) but SNS contributing to the worst violent labor-conflict, in Sweden, The Ådalen-1931, these days, 14.5), when the military, shot five workers to death, during a massdemonstration, against this strike-breakers, all what caused the socialdemocrat´s & the left, to gain parliament majority, and governmental power, from 1932- 1976, during 44 years.)
*/Swedish Trading (Lennart Larsson´s and the Enskilda bank´s company, since 1932.)
active in Budapest, during the war.) + Lennart Larsson man. dir.
(se my commentary no…)
Hans Ihre (lawyer): (with his a brother in high positions in the Foreign Department (UD)
*/Stockholms hemvärnskrets : (Homeguard-district) (CiC-major Allan Winge)
Streco AB= (Lennart Larssons´s company, active in Budapest, coincident with Raoul.W.)
(se my commentary no…)
*/Transfer AB / Holger Graffman = (In peacefeelers with Himmler´s dr, Felix Kersten, October 1943, as mentioned above.)
Henry Wallenberg : man.dir. (Exportcompany)
*/Allan Winge: / captain office = (Swedish brigade, 1918), (Swedish Volonteer Corps, 1939/40/SFK ), (Stockholm´s Homeguard CiC, 1940) Svenska Frivilligkåren SFK 1941-44.(Svir) . When Winge again began recruiting for the SFK 1939/40, he joined the staff, at the Finnish front, together with colonel Martin Ekström.
Ekström and Archibald Douglas was among the initiators of the Nationalsocialistic Bloc (NSB) in Sweden, 1934. The NSB-party, was extreme antisemitic: 1935 pamphlet: At the Stür-mer-level): – – -” The Jews are the enemy of the humanity. – – – We demanding the Jews be removed from the Swedish banking business, from all politics, from controling press and radio, from involvment in cultural expressions, closing of the Jewish ware-houses, sharpened usuary laws, and ban against marriage between Jews and Swedes.”- – –
Raoul and Allan Winge together commanded the Homeguard´s fast march through, Stockholm, the 11th of June 1941, starting just outside this adresses, with exact instru-ctions printed by Raoul, perhaps under influence from Winge. (Who is said to have flog-ged his subordinates, in public, during the Finnish Civil war, 1918 because of looting, and even pointed with a cocked gun, for disciplinary reasons, like the stereotype of a “Commissar”.) (Many of those Swedish brigade´s volonteers (1918) are said to be guilty of unlawful massexececutions of Red pows,and Civil Russians, in Finnish Tampere, Valkeakoski, the Spring, 1918 , in the typical “Arrow Cross”-style. )
A “lampoon-poem” in the Dresdner Bankaffiliations 1939, went: -” Wer marschiert hinter dem ersten Tank ? Das ist Dr. Rasche von der Dresdner Bank !”
*/Ottokar von Knieriem / representant of Dresdner bankaffiliation, (1940-45) / Kungs-trädgårdsgatan 10, around the corner) / “Dresdner bank = ” Wir sind der bank der SS “, SS -dr Karl Rasche in the board, together with Emil Mayer, the latter implicated in the wellknown, SS/ “Operation Bernhard” the giant forgery of British poundnotes, by kz-prisoners. Rasche contacted Jakob Wallenberg during his Berlin-visit, (August) 1943, for separate peace-sondering. Later 1946, Nürnberg-trial convict, (both Alvar Möller and Jakob Wallenberg, even witnessed there, of W. Schellenberg´s activities.) Dr Rasche used to visit Sweden every year, and lived then at Knierim´s apartment in Stockholm. Karl Rasche was in charge of the aryaniazation of the Deutsche Bank,and other similar oper-ations in connection, with the German expansionism, as for instance the Czechoslov-akia´s national resources.
” The Dresdner Bank granted credits in the 1930s, to the SS, and was public compli-cited in the NS-crimes, in enterprises like: The Breslauer Huta Hoch- und Tiefbau AG. building the Crematoriums in the Auschwitz-Birkenau KZ, and industrial, delausing, and living barracks in the extermination camps.” /www.
What did Raoul Wallenberg knew of this ? He seemed to have (unsuspicious ?) joined dubious circles of paramilitaries, (Winge), supported by the big business, (SAF and the Wallenberg brothers et al), with their close connections to Swedish nazis, as colonel Martin Ekström, and general Archibald Douglas, and his son, Gösta “Ibo” Douglas. Many embedded in the ” Wallenbergsphere”, von Knieriem, Dr Rasche, the Dresdner Bank , and here Raoul, probably came close to the worst nazis/collaborators of the time.
Anyway, Raoul Wallenberg must have been, 1944, very easy to connect with this, peace-feelers/ big business-financial operations / intelligence – ” complex”, and at the same time, completely abandoned by his relatives, masters.
15. FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM = “Unsung WWII hero honored 71 years later.” (2009)
– – -” Had it not been for a sympathetic clerk at the US Embassy in Budapest, Hungary: Elizabeth and Zoltan Roth’s lives might have come to a premature and tragic end.[Cunn-ingham] clearly saved their lives, … and the lives of so many others,” said Fayette-ville resident, Deborah Shulman of her parents’ savior. – – -(1938/39)
– – -On the eve of World War II, the young Jewish couple went to the American Embassy to apply for student visas to continue their medical studies through post-graduate work. But because of a technicality, Elizabeth’s application was denied. After the initial shock wore off, they returned to the embassy and were greeted by a different employee, Harry Francis Cunningham, Jr., who was willing to bend the rules and allow the couple entry to the United States, 1938/39.- – –
– – -Others rescued included the Gabor sisters : Eva and Magda, and their mother Zsoli, with whom the Shulmans were acquainted. In 2009, Shulman’s daughter Allison made a friend in the State Department who was able to find their parents’ rescuer’s full name; up to this point, the family had only known him as the heroic Cunningham. A librarian A. Kasowitz-Scheer aided in locating his family. “ Within 24 hours, we received a copy of H. Francis Cunningham, Jr.’s illustrious foreign service career and learned that, at the age of 25, Budapest had been his very first post,” Shulman said. – – –
– – -Barry Shulman made initial contact with the family to convey their gratitude and learned from Cunningham’s oldest son that his father had passed away 10 years before. Last month, Shulman, her husband and her two sisters, flew to Lincoln, Nebraska, to attend the ceremonial event, and to meet the Cunningham family face to face./U.S. local paper. – – –
The U.S. diplomat Francis Harry Cunningham. (b.12) : vice consul, at Budapest April 11th 1938-9th of June 1939/ v.c. at Vigo/Spain 8.1.1940/Berlin 16.11.1940 v.c. & 3rd Secretary, relieved of v.c. 15.7.1941/ v.c. and 3rd.secretary in Stockholm 9.12. 1941 (canceled) because of the German declaration of war, against U.S., December 1941, interned in Berlin / 14th May 1942, Stockholm, (10.7.1943 class eight) / Vice counsul /secretary Oslo/Norway 28th of March 1945-June 11th 1946./
(Francis Cunningham was interviewed in a local U.S. paper in March 1980, of his exp-eriences of being hostage during WW2, in NaziGermany, this in connection with the U.S diplomats in Tehran, Iran, in the same situation then 1980. )
Cunningham married in November 1945, “Nane” de Dardel (b.17), Raoul Wallenberg´s third cousin, and they were due to the biographer IC, acquainted, must have been poss-ible from 1942. Perhaps Cunningham is the first main contact with the U.S. legation (offices in the same building Strandvägen no 7A. About two years before the U.S. secre-tary mr Iver Olsen/WRB/OSS arrived in Stockholm (December 1943), and their first me-eting in May 1944.
Cunningham had even contact with the Hungarian diplomat, mr Ullein-Reviczky, Raoul´s partyguest 2.12 1943, perhaps since Budapest 1938 ? But the career for Iver Olsen,(b.04) he was employed in the U.S. national economic authorities, during the 1930s, and could no doubt had knowledge of the Wallenbergsphere then, from 1920 WW1, actors in Versailles, and in the Kreugercrash of 1932, and Olsen himself was as we known, from Norway, Scandinavia in the 2nd generation.)
Perhaps was Francis Cunningham involved in the recruitment of Raoul Wallenberg, as he ” recruited” , his third cousin Nane (Marianne Christina Dagmar), daughter to the banker James A. de Dardel, (1885-1935), in “Societé financiere pour valeurs scandinaves en Suisse “, captain in the Swiss army) .
Was there any connection between de Dardel, and the “Swiss-Swedish Industrial Synd-icate”, what Raoul Wallenberg and lawyer Hans Böhme, and refugee Abernau operated around 1938, at the Kungstornet no 30 ? What kind of financial business, did James de Dardel, administrate, and in some “Swedish-Swiss society” ? 1923, he was joint-owner in the bankcompany Dardel & Hagborg, (owned “Vaumarcus”/Swiss). He was married with a Swedish woman, Elsa Hagborg, (b.1888 -1974), 1912, and the company is in the businessdirectory, 1923, with James Dardel in the board, with baron Ramel. His wife returned to Sweden 1936.(d.1974)
The Company Dardel & Hagborg is said to have cooperated, with tsarist private banker, Gregory Lessine, with ” Bolshevik business”, after the Russian revolution. What could implicates some business in the “greyzone”, from profit, but not ideology, as the Swe-dish banker O. Aschberg. (Relatives August Hagborg was a wellknown painter, friend with Zorn, Carl Larsson, as Raoul´s stepfathers F. Dardel, brother was the wellknown painter, Nils Dardel.)
I cant see any researcher have highlighted the Cunningham´s antecedentia, but he
was active in Budapest, 38/39 then Berlin 40/41 , Stockholm 42/45 and Oslo,45/46,
those hot-points, days in May/June 1945, the OSS Lillehammercoup,of pick up a German signalintelligence-unit, to Sweden and then to Germany U.S Zone.
” Société financiére Suisse et Scandinave ab. Stockholm – was founded 1924 as affilia-tion till det schweiziska Société financiére pour valeurs scandinaves en Suisse in order to locate Swedish shares in the Swiss market. It was owned by Ivar Kreuger, but was taking over by another financial group., 1932.Then a new organisation, so the company in Stockholm was the main office, and today active in banking, export/import (1952)”
This could be a company, typical looted by the Wallenbergsphere, after the Kreuger-crash, 1932, when they grew very fast. This whole economic research area (The Kreug-er-crash) ,waiting to be connected to the Wallenberg-research. Wallenbergs are often involved in “big crisis”, when it´s possible, to play the Wall-Street shuffle, and “recon-struct”, the ownerships and markets in the capitalistic global system. Wars and crashes, revolutions, “shock and awe”, tactics is always attracting,for big companies, and here the Wallen bergs Enskilda bank, is notorious. And even Raoul Wallenberg seemed close to such tendencies,(and possibilities), and implicated in such business, during late 1930/40s.
Saturday the 29th of July, 1944, the lib. paper Dagens Nyheter published: ” “Himmler-fund”, begging money among Swedes.” A wife to a Swedish-German man, complained, that she got letters from this fund, because that the couple as protestants had to be members of the German parish in Stockholm, by Middle-age law, due to the German church. She throwed the letters, but how could the names and adresses of the parish-members, be used by probably some unknown. The parish denied involvement, and even the German legation.
The letter was printed in July 1944 with the NSDAP-AO (Auslandsorganisation), symbol, active in Sweden during the war. (Many Germans in Sweden,(3.000), was called up to Wehr-macht, (200) and about 30 men, fell, at the fronts). The letter said: (in German):
” Every German had the duty to renew the oath of allegiance to the Führer, and German-Swedes have decided to contribute to the Himmler-fund, Heinrich Himmler RFSS… (with all his nazi-titles), will receive the gifts through : Dr August Finke, postalbox no.,3138. Stockholm 3. The contributions should be distributed to the German victims, who lost their home, by the enemy terror. 1,5% & goes to the brave men, killed, by the attempt against the Führer´s hq.” (this after the 20th of July 1944)
Next day, the Sunday the 30th of July 1944 (DN): ” The Himmler-list was a falsification.” The postalboxn:o, was wrong, belonged to the “Swedish importunion, of brushfactory-goods and horsehair”, (before that to: The Swedish institute for Folk-information” ) and the postal giro service n:o, belongs to, man. director Paul Pothoff, at Lidingö. He denied being involved in this, but will, return any payments. But Pothoff confirmed that he knew Dr Finke, “very well”, employed at the German legation, and even Dr Finke denied any involvment. The German legation stated in public, the letter was a falsification, and has informed the Foreign Department (UD), that Germans in Stockholm, are not in charge. (This is a footnote, but shed lights of some German war & intelligence-effort activities in Sweden, what probably then, were public unknown. )
But Dr August Finke was ass. legationsecretary of commerce, as cover, but in fact, resid-ent of the German´s SD (Sicherheitsdienst) at the legation. Ms Hanna Feldtange was his secretary. Finke was seen as the Gestapo´s eye at the German legation, what the emp-loyers feared, especially after the 20th of July, and after being deported from Sweden, a diehard , he founded a unlegal naziparty in the Bundesrepublik (BRD).
Man. dir., Paul Pothoff, I earlier wrote, had his companyoffice (Exportkompaniet Svecia) in the same building as “Raoul Wallenberg architect”, (1938-1941) (at the lawyeroffice Hans Böhme) in the (Norra) Kungstornet no 30, and Pothoff was in charge of the fund-raising for Nazi´s German National welfare-organisation (NSV), and the Winterhilfe, in Sweden, during the war. (All occupied countries by Germany, in WW2, as Austria, Nor-way, Denmark… always indicated an intensified activity before German military actions, from the NSDAP-AO, in some countries the AO, was forbidden.)
So Pothoff had in fact,connections with fundraising for Germany´s warefforts (10 mill-ions/ today´s worth.), but unknown if implicit in ” the Himmler-fund.” But a wellknown book, in Sweden after the war, claims , ” Pothoff was a leader of the German espionage in Sweden, and to visit Pothoff was about – give informations, or get money”. He was a leading member of the Swedish-German Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1935,
with an aim to intensify the trading relations – but no Jewish company was invited,
as member, not allowed, as the Swedish companys Bofors, Electrolux, etc., and this ban was implemented mainly by the Swedish NSDAP-Auslandsorganisation, and Mr Pothoff.
Perhaps this ban for Jewish businessmen, in Sweden, must be researched in connection with this site´s information about Raoul Wallenberg´s special efforts to support Jewish companies, 1937-1940.
The Kungsgatan citydistrict was in fact an espionage-fieldresident, for German activi-ties, as the German Tourist bureau, the Skandiatransport, Reichsbahnzentrale für den Deutsche Reiseverkehr, and other just commercial products, business activities. The movietheater, the Saga, was even indeed a ” German movie”, “Sieg im West” , and much of rest of the UFA-productions, during the whole war.
In the Södra Kungshuset, no 33, right over the street, (then and now, Sweden´s only twintowers, still standing, what most people, don´t observe) had the German legation´s pressattaché, Paul Grassman his office, even he, implicated in espionage, and cultivated Swedish contacts, in the government/parliament /authorities, and got access, to secret information of the Swedish national policy of ” neutrality”. The German Abwehr /SD int-elligence-agents relied of this kind of deep in Sweden embedded German diplomats, so to not being forced to begin their activities, from “Null”.
(Germany then even took control of the International Film-Chamber, (IFK) as the Inter-national Police-International, under SS/RSHA Reinhard Heydrich, and cooperated with Swedes, as the crimescene specialist, (SKL) Harry Söderman, and the security police, Erik Roos, in the board. Söderman knew well for instance the orderpolice Arthur Nebe, (as even SS/NSDAP Hans-Hendrik Neumann 2nd to Terboven/Norway) T4- Euthanasie-killings 1939/40/ Einsatzkommando Vorkommando Moskau, Fall, 1941, and initiated there gassing of Holocaust victims in houses, with experience from the T(iergarten) no 4. 1939 /NSDAP)
Sweden deported the three in charge of the SD, Finke, Bauersfeld, and Otto Mauer, and the Abwehrman Hans Wagner, and the militaryattaché, Albert Utemark. Werner Dankwort /AA, made a protest, reminding of the good will, concerning the ” Warzaw-Swedes”, and threatened with German reprisals. (1945 May)
The only suspected of warcrimes, were mr Finke and mr W. Bauernsfeldt, the latter in a cover-position, at the: Deutsches wissenschaftliche (science) institute. They had been active in refugee-espionage, what caused some Norwegian resistancemen, by Gesta-po/Nasjonal (Quisling) Samling, torture and death. (M.Deland 2010)
All this acquaintances of Raoul Wallenberg: major Allan Winge (SFK) – to activists Gustaf Söderlund (The employ assoc./SAF), the Douglas, the Homeguard-activities, could make one thinking of Raoul Wallenberg, as in a way, an “autonome” personality, perhaps with “activistsymphaties”, perhaps aiming of an overthrow of the Swedish gov-ernment, in order to join the German crusade Barbarossa, against the Soviet Union. That´s farfetched, no doubt… or at least, later, joined in even the “secret peacefeelers game.” (The return of 7.500 Swedish volonteers from the Finnish-Russian war, 1939/40, could even they, in some way be a headache for the Socialdemocrats. As the Swedish volonteers in the Spanish civil war, 1936/39, 500 men,(a third fell) ( (then,a public ban to fight for Spain) could form a resistance movement.)
This conclusions are not impossible to reach, from Wallenberg´s big-business, inter-national background, and perhaps, all this public in the papers, Homeguard-exercising in uniform, during the Spring of 1941 at the nights, in typical “exciting nazistyle”. Many other expressions of this, then went on in the streets, by other, but pro-german, military units. This was probably in the expectation of the German attack Barbarossa on Russia, the 22nd of June, and the “Just war”, where Sweden assisted the Allies enemy, Nazi-Germany.
( A German Infantry division ID 163, was going by train through Sweden , after partici-pating in occupying Oslo, (April, 9th, 1940) in June, 1941, 15.000 men/ 100 trains,and took up positions, in the frontline, between Ladoga/ Onega, to the west, up to May 1942.) At last free – from the “shame-pact” of 1939, with the “Judeo-Bolshevik Russia” , what presumably many Swedes, “suffered”, during two whole years.
Rather curious is that, Mr Åke Grönvall, (se my commentary 13) moved into the Kungs-tornet no 30, with his company: The Sterilisator HAB, and a “The Grönvall´s patent agency,” with his boardmember,mr Gunnar Fröling, the year, after Raoul Wallenberg left, 1941, (for the Strandvägen 7A and the Mellaneuropeiska AB, with Koloman Lauer. (The Meropa was in fact active, flourishing, at least 10 years after 1945, but left probably the Strandvägen 7, just after 1945, and moved to: Norrlandsgatan no 15.)
Mr Åke Grönvall, lived in Berlin, during the war, knew many important nazis, Hermann Goering and even he active in peace-feelers 1943, with the Wallenberg man.dir, Holg-er Graffman, in the Transfer AB. Through Himmler-physician Felix Kersten, knew Graff-man´s dutchborned wife. Grönvall is said to have linked peace-feelers from Himmler, over the Swedish military intelligenceman Petersén,(C-bureau) to the British navyattaché Denham, in Stockholm, December 1943, with an identical following-up, in the Spring 1944.
Grönvall may have had good contact with Petersén, since he was militaryattaché in Berlin 1938-40, and even Erik Boheman, the Foreign office (UD), who commissioned Raoul Wallenberg in June 30th 1944, knew Petersén, they met close during the their summer-vacations. Even Schellenberg is connected with this activities in Sweden.
Erik Boheman/ UD was even chairman in the German, Robert Bosch AB, the Swedish affiliation, and ROBO, and was implicated in the this economic business, and the Fore-ign minister, Christian Günther, with no partymembership, what made him conducted Swedish Foreign policy at his own conditions,with no public control, and by that the Socialdemocrats could avoid, harsh criticism after the war, 1945, but the “non-polit-ical” Günther and the employed Civil servant, Boheman, were in fact those mainly resp-onsible Swedish recruiters of Wallenberg.
Grönvall even knew mr Allan Wettermark, man.dir. 1933-40, in the Deutsche Union-bank, controled by Wallenberg´s STAB. Even Wettermark had good contacts with the German regime, and he administered the purchase of armaments to Sweden, and he was close friend of Goering´s friend, the Swede, Birger Dahlerus, and even Ivar Andersson (Svd) met Wettermark in Berlin. He became post-war, man.dir. for the Wallenberg´s investment company, » The Industrivärden ».
Of interest here is that Wettermark, was the Wallenberg brother´s banker in the Deut-sche Unionbank, a bank, that Jakob took control over in connection, with the Kreuger-crash, 1932/33, and the bank, seemed to have had many assets, real estates, as always underrated by the Wallenbergs. Grönvall even was acquainted with Arvid Fredborg, the Svenska dagbladet´s pro-German, (edit.Ivar Andersson ) correspondent in Berlin dur-ing the war.
This was “new” information, perhaps this two men, knew even the NSV/NSDAP-AO man, Paul Pothoff. (Read about Grönvall, in ambassador Göran Engblom´s book: Himmlers fred) Pothoff lived at the Island Lidingö, where even the Soviet legation secretary, mr Semjenow had his “datja”, house, perhaps during AA/Peter Kleist´s and Edgar Klaus, peacefeelers activities, 1943-45.
18. HENRIK DE WAHL: 1887-1946.
Both S.Berger and C.McKay writes about Henrik de Wahl, the man.dir. of the Manfred Weiss Stahl-und Metallwerke in Hungary since 1938. A big armament factory, and the group of companies that SS-Kurt Becher tried to take control of, in 1944, during Raoul Wallenberg´s mission in Budapest.
Wahl arrived as early as 1939 to Sweden, and started the cannery factory, Globus, Lim-hamn, Malmö, in cooperation with the Wallenberg-sphere, and there was even connec-tions to mr Sven Salén´s Banankompaniet and Meropa AB, by that, where even Raoul Wallenberg was employed, from 1941, together with K.Lauer, in Stockholm. Lauer wrote a letter to Raoul Wallenberg, in October 1944, about business ” as usual” , with this company, Globus.
(Lauer was in charge of Meropa, at least to 1966, and the company active at least 1977, so not a business-mayfly.)
“When the U.S. ambassador Johnson, met Raoul Wallenberg the 11th of June 1944, even Henrik de Wahl was present, he had Swedish business interests. He arrived in Sweden on August 20, 1943. During this period, his health deteriorated markedly and he ended by spending his time partly at the Hotel at Saltsjöbaden and partly at the Red Cross Hospital.
(The 23rd of October 1943 , the U.S. legation secretary Francis Cunningham, (see my comments) arrange a meeting with Andor Gellert , Hungarian pressattaché,(but even leader of the Hungarian intelligence in Stockholm) and mr Robert Taylor Cole, U.S OSS-resident, from OSS / SI-branch, in Stockholm.
Then, the 1st of December, Andor Gellert met Mr Ullein-Reviczky, the Hungarian amb-assador, and next day, Raoul Wallenberg invited the latter, to his “famous” cocktailparty, and the 12th December, 1943, de Wahl returned to Hungary. He could give very initiated informations, about the Hungarian industrial warefforts, and the army´s lack of modern equipment.
” At one stage, it was feared that de Wahl had stomach cancer but this turned out to be a false alarm. On December 12, 1943, he returned to Hungary. But not to stay. On March 13, 1944, de Wahl came back to Sweden, hoping to further recuperate from his illness and at the same time to marry Elisabeth Uggla, daughter to Major John R. Uggla and Baroness Carin Barnekow.
“Document from the Ministry of Economic Warfare to the Commercial Secretariat, Stock-holm, dated 23 March, 1945, darwing to a letter read by the British authorities from M.Uggla, Stockholm to Edith Weiss, Portugal (by this time several members of the Weiss family were in Portugal) apparently announcing that the Banana Company Stockholm had now gone into liquidation.]” /C. McKay
Rudolph Philipp claims in his book about Raoul Wallenberg, (1946) that K. Lauer was active with transfering assets from this big Hungarian industrial ” kombinat”, to Sweden, as to avoid the nazi´s aryanization of Jewish companies, and could by that make his own revenues. But mr de Wahl was self able to execute this economic operations,(Mc-Kay) Raoul Wallenberg visited in the Fall of 1943, this company in Hungary, on mission from Jacob Wallenberg, Sven Salén.
But one point here is, that the Wallenberg-researchers, doesn´t stress mr Wahl´s parti-cipation, in the recruiting process of Wallenberg. (as not even KPD/ WJC/ Fritz Hollander´s, see my comment.)
The other, seems more important, and this information differs from McKay´s notes. Elisabeth Uggla´s , (b.12) father was Major John R. Uggla, (b.83) (nobility no 100) was adjutant of the Swedish crownprince Gustaf Adolf, later 1950 named Gustaf VI Adolf, and the King of Sweden, (1950-1973). Her mother was Karin Barnekow (nobility no 230) and during Elisabeth´s studies she met even the Danish queen then princess Ingrid (b. Swedish royal: Bernadotte). She travelled around a lot in Europe during her youth, lear-ning languages.
Due to Philipp (1946), (McKay), Elisabeth, was only betroth, with Henrik de Wahl, not married Henrik de Wahl, the 19th of March 1944. (De Wahl was 25 years older, than his bride.)
But according to first an birthday article, 2007, in a local paper, the then 95-years old lady, Elisabeth Uggla Hansson, (and then, an obituary two years later, 2009), she state:
– ” After her first marriage with a Hungarian (no name in the text), she lived during the war years, 1939-45 in Hungary, where her second son was borned. It was troubled tim-es, because that Hungary was dragged into the war. She experienced the war in close quarters.- – – But 1948, a new period began in her life, she went with her new husband, mr Hans Hansson to Belgian Congo, to construct roads and bridges, an assignment from the Belgian state. But Elisabeth passed away May, 2009, but had relatives.
But the ” Hungarian”, must have been mr Henrik de Wahl, (b.87) and he died 1946, as this article/facts suggests, the 30th of March, and is buried at the Catholic church cemetary in Stockholm.(Obituary notice /Elisabeth de Wahl. f. Uggla/ two sons/ and Vera & Jansci (must be Zwack) and his younger brother Peter, (The Svenska dagbladet 31.3,1944, (the latter persons hid and saved by mr Berg in Budapest.)
(By chance, it´s the same day , Saturday that Jakob Wallenberg, is forced to leave his post as chairman in the Stockholm´s Enskilda bank, what many said was the result of a pressure from the United States, after Wallenberg´s controversial wartrade with Germ-any, his successor was mr Robert Ljunglöf.)
(But Philipp writes in his book (1946), that Elisabeth was daughter-in-law, to the Swe-dish General consul in Budapest, but apply for a divorce, and that´s why the wedding of 1944, in Sweden, with Henrik de Wahl. If so, who was, the Swedish consul ? A little mystifying. (Yngve Ekmark, was consul (and STAB-man) in Budapest, during the Wall-enberg mission, 1944/45.)
But here, there must have been an excellent source, for Wallenberg-researchers,concer-ning, Hungary, Henrik de Wahl´s antecedentia, an outstanding witness, and a very cen-tral person in the Wallenberg-case, from his wife, (1946-48), mrs Elisabeth Uggla/ Hansson, up to 2009, and perhaps her still living relatives. (And this more personal information, above from open, printed sources.)
There was a similar organised mission, to compare with Raoul Wallenberg´s of 1944, between Sweden and Estonia, of the Estonian-Swedes, a remnant of Swedes,since cent-uries, were permitted to leave, by the Germans, during June-September, 1944. This activities must be mentioned, to be compared with the Wallenberg-case. The leader of this was the WSS-lieutenant Ludvig Lienhard.) and a Swede, Ola Vinberg.(Vinberg was even implicated in recruitment to the WaffenSS, (Div. Wiking,in Finland, 1941)
Lienhard, as Wehrmacht-officer, became in a way engaged in “protection”, of the Swe-dish-Estonian´s cultural and traditional conditions, as he took part in the German occ-upation of that area, the summer 1941. Already 1942, he talked with Himmler, and in February/March 1944, had Schellenberg´s support for the evacuation. Probably the project, was part of the RFSS/RSHA to send peace-feeler´s to the Western allies, and Lienhard visited the 26th of June, 1944, Iver Olsen. (US./Embassy, WRB/OSS, with that message. (Source: SAINT Sthlm till SAINT London 29 juli 1944, RG 226, Entry 125, Box 26, Records of the OSS, Field Station Files, Stockholm XX, NARA.)
Then even mr Iver Olsen was active in the WRB/OSS- transports from the Baltic states, Estonia Latvia,Lithuania, a project, that even intended to deploy agents, bring back to Sweden, Baltics refugees, (and be a cover for Himmler´s peace-feelers, the basic foun-dation for German approval of this kind of missions. ) Lienhard had contacts with Aug-ust Finke /SD,the German legation, Stockholm, as agent (Codename: “Dr Jan” ) and was due to Schellenberg, SD-agent.) (Finke was the successor to SS-Obersturmbannführer Hans-Hendrik Neumann, the SS-“Polizeiattaché “,in Stockholm, from 1941/42, 2nd to Josef Terboven in occupied Norway/Einsatzstab Norwegen.)
” Dr Ludwig Lienhard functioned as the German contact and spy, in the emigration, of the Estonia-Swedes, to Sweden, 1943-45, and could by that be in a close relation to the Swe-dish authorities/military, and with the: Royal Estonia-Swedes-Committée, the latter close to the government. By this Lienhard could motivate his visits to Sweden. By the seatran-sports from Estonia, there were possible to smuggle looted goods, from Jews/ Estonia, and even to deploy Sicherheitsdienst-agents in Estonia/Sweden , against the Soviet Union. (All what Schellenberg confirmed, and even Hanna Feldtange, (Finke´s secretary) as Lienhard was agent ” Dr Jan”.).
Lienhard could even cultivate relations in this mission, as ” immigration-agent” , with the pro-German, parliamentarian, James Dickson. (The Right party/Högerpartiet see my comment of even Dickson, as peace-feeler agent, already 1943), and professor Ants Orras, from the Estonian resistance, employed at the U.S.legation, and member of the British council. Kleist met Iver Olsen 28th of June, 1944.” / D. Rooth/ 2009.:Diss.)
Lienhard was even commissioned with having a Swedish Royal mission: The Royal Swe-dish commission of the Estonia-Swedes, gave Lienhard mandate to handle all quest-ions, as representant, for Sweden. (31 July 1944)
* (»Die Königl schwedische Kommission für die Estlandsschweden, von der königliche Regierung bevollmächtigter Vertreter den nach Schweden übersiedelten Estlandsschwe-den und zuständige Behörde für die betreffende Angelegenheiten bevollmächtigt hiermit Herrn Doktor Ludwig Lienhard i allen Angelegenheiten der Estlandsschweden der Königl Kommission in Estland zu repräsentieren und dabei mit allen zuständigen Behörden i Estland in Namen der Kommission zu verhandeln. (Stockholm 31 Juli 1944) Königliche Schwedische Kommission für die Estlands-Schweden. (Vorsitzender Sigurd Curman, James Dickson, Gerhard Hafström). (Dickson and Curman was even accepting Lienhard´s transference from Wehrmacht to WSS, in connection with this evacuationmission. Gerhard Hafström (Right party) was father to the present Swedish ambassador in Wash-ington, and he ( J.H.), before that, adviser to present Foreign minister Carl Bildt.
Possible to write Wallenberg, into the same narrative as Lienhard, intelligence/financial /political/refugee agent, if not Swedes traditionally suffering of great naivity about their own country´s intelligence and secret service operations in the greyzone, then and now.
Mr James Dickson, and mr Gerhard Hafström from the ” Rågö-committee and “major” Carl Mothander, visited during January/February, 1942 the Estonian-Swedish country-side. Lienhard was the travelguide commissioned by the Germans. After confirming a need of humanitarian aid, the Swedish Red Cross, (SRK) could transport supplies in June 1942.
During a trip to Berlin, Carl Mothander July 1942, came in contact with dr Peter Kleist, the wellknown, Ribbentrop/Canaris-Abwehr /SS agent, but was even working for Rosenberg´s Ostministerium. Kleist was in charge of the the Ostland/The Baltic states/ Belorussia.
Mothander had a background as volonteer in, the Estonian Independence war 1918. Dr Kleist participated in signing the German-Russian pact in 1939, and Kleist used the emigrationproject to infiltrate, the Swedish institutions, (with Nordische Gesellschaft), for future peacefeeler project in Sweden. Kleist arrived to Sweden late 1943, and coo-perated, with Edgar Klaus, in peacefeelers directed to the Soviet legation, without succ-ess.
” Although there was little cultural development during this period, Nazi German policies privileged the Estonian-Swedes. In December 1941 a German delegation, including Dr. Ludwig Lienhard, visited Swedish-language schools. The delegation stripped several of the students and faculty and took body measurements, determining that the minority was Germanic with Baltic features – a racial rank that placed the Estonian-Swedes higher than the Estonians.
This racial ranking later allowed for greater opportunities, particularly as it related to contact with Sweden and potential legal emigration. Throughout the Nazi occupation, contact between the Estonian-Swedish community and organizations in Sweden resum-ed with the National Society’s Estonia Committee in Sweden taking an active role in coordinating between Sweden and the Estonian-Swedes. The local government no lon-ger funded programs aimed at the Estonian-Swedes, and the community once again relied on funding from Sweden for Swedish-language education and healthcare. Swed-en’s neutrality and pro-German stance (at least early in the war) eased such connec-tions.”
” (Author: Edward C. Thaden, delineates Russification into three aspects: unplanned, cult-ural, and administrative Russification. If one were to draw parallels with Estonian-ization, it can be argued: administrative Estonianization began in 1920 with the elim-ination of cabinet-level positions for minorities, and cultural Estonianization began with the coup d’état by Konstantine Päts in 1932. Later during the 1930s, the Estonian-Swe-des, was repressed, concerning their language, personal names, religion, place-names, postal distribution, reminding of Estonia´s present minority-policy. ”
But then 1944, it was very important to hide the Estonian domestic political, situation, “the Estoniazation”, in Sweden, by the establishment, as even the Baltic states particip-ation in the Holocaust.”
Lienhard did between June 21st -September 11th 1944, eleven trips to Estonia. Due to the Royal committée, 3.335 Estonia-Swedes arrived to Sweden, but even 3.000 passen-gers of native Estonians. Lienhard blame this at the chaotic situation, in the port. In September, 80 Estonia-Swedes were aboard, but even some 450 native Estonians. How come ?
Lienhard blamed the Estonian police, and the Royal Swedish Committée, and authorities, who presented him, lists of those desirable Estonians. Many claimed that Lienhard made a fortune, taking bribes, from his passengers. Lienhard received 165. 000:- Swedish crowns,(today 3 millions) from the Swedish state, as payment for 10 voyages.(M. Deland 2010)
But Lienhard didn´t got permission to stay in Sweden, probably because of his implic-ation in this refugee-project, together with the Swedish military intelligence, (C-bureau) Iver Olsen U.S. legation, etc. Lienhard then later, had to buy a Swedish vessel, and sai-led to Argentine, with many other nazis, as SS-Arthur Grönheim, former SD-leader of the Scandinavian countries.
To compare with the Wallenberg mission is:
* The close cooperation with the German SS/SD,the C-bureau, Iver Olsen/US/OSS, and
probably Baltic nazis.
* Chaotic conditions for refugees, bribes, and the removing of national economical
assets. (and perhaps warcriminals)
* Lienhard as Wallenberg, was commissioned to represent the Swedish state.
* Separate peacefeelers, to the West, was possible, to implicate here.
* And Sweden didn´t show any gratitude, to Lienhard for the “rescue”-mission, what
many in the Royal committé (Curman, Hafström, Dickson ) urged.
Of course one can´t associate people with their neighbors, but of peripheral, interest, or just perhaps, imagination, could be this : Raoul Wallenberg´s adress was, Bragevägen no. 12 in Stockholm, and in the same house entrance, no 12, Dr Prof. Lise Meitner, (probably the same floor, due to one source.)
In the next entrance, Bragevägen no 10, you even find captain, Antal Grundböck, a Hun-garian businessman, in the Wallenbergsphere joint company, (1932-), “The Swedish Trading Co”, and “Streco”. He is said to have been implicated in German Abwehr intelli-gence , (Krämer), and a person Wallenberg probably met, in Stockholm, and in Buda-pest, due to Lennart Larsson Jr. He spent much time in Budapest, working for this com-panies. Grundböck was probably capable of keeping some observation of Raoul, within near sight, perhaps as for instance, his now wellknown cocktailparty of December 1943, (or the other way around. )
(Grundböck, in colonel Curt Kempff´s archivals, ÖV vol.5, Swedish military intelligence, named, ” The Grundböck sources”, received from British MI6. Grundböck is said to be agent at the German “Bureau Wagner” in Stockholm. Among his sources the ” Finnish military attaché Steven, and the Finnish intelligence-chief, A.Paasonen, (Aladar – of Hungarian origin). (see my comments) (Grundböck died of cancer,1945, due to Larsson Jr, but the church archivals gives, 1944, 29th of March.)
(Henrik de Wahl: with family lived in Stockholm , from 1944, in a apartment belonging to the businessmanager (disponent Knut Båge), adress Karlavägen 93,at the Banankom-paniet, (Sven Salén). De Wahl was well acqauainted with the wellknown Swedish pilot, Carl Florman (ABA = pioneer in passenger airliners in Sweden), and de Wahl´s Hung-arian company ,the Manfred Weiss-plants, produced even, military aircrafts). At Karla-vägen, no 97, you did find, even the German Luftwaffe´s military attaché.)
Major John Robert Uggla: lived at the Strandvägen 7B, when Henrik de Wahl married his daughter (Elisabeth) 1944, and before him (then) “lieutenant ” Carl C:son Bonde, Raoul´s relative, in the Swedish intelligence.” (This building, makes an impression, of being “smaller”, than in reality, built around a little yard, but in fact, “a little castle ” of 150 meters length, at least, in total.)
Dr Lise Meitner, became as Raoul Wallenberg, a very wellknown person, by the time, as the probably first female nuclear scientist, (after Marie Curie) + (with Otto Hahn, but was
n´t ´ allowed to share the Nobelprize, 1944,/1946 with Hahn) but with her own ele-ment: no 109, “Meitnerum”. She participate in the construction of Sweden´s first nuclear testreactor, some blocks, north of Bragevägen. She was a Jewish refugee, from Austria, to Sweden , in 1938, and met even the wellknown Danish scientist Niels Bohr in Copen-hagen, 1939, but denied work in the U.S. Manhattanproject, the A-bomb.) She left Swe-den for Britain, 1960.
Meitner arrived to Sweden 1938, and was acqauinted with Johannes Hellner, Eva von Bahr, and tried and got some economic support from among others, the Wallenberg-sphere, and the Nobelprizecommitteé. Hellner was chairman, of the Knut & Alice Wall-enbergs foundation. (1938 Enrico Fermi received the Nobelprize in physics.)
Together with her sister, even refugees, Gusti, (Augustine) and Jutz Frisch, she moved into the apartment at Bragevägen no. 12, 1st of May, 1939, in the same house where Raoul Wallenberg lived. But there was no contact with the neighbors, but more of sus-picions, so someone contacted the Security police, ” as Meitners were devoted radiolist-erners, and Lise used her typewriter late evenings… was there a form of espionage act-ivities ? ” (If there was any contacts between Raoul and Lise, nobody knows, even their, those days, common adress is not, strange enough – observed, in the main literature.)
Friends to Lise Meitner were the couple mr Nils and Hedvig Alexandersson, sister to Eva von Bahr, but Hedvig died 1941. Nils Alexandersson (b.75.) was liberal parliamentarian, professor in law, Supreme court judge, (1922-44), and an elder cousin, to the Swedish Foreign minister, Christian Günther and his mentor. (Lise met once Harry S. Truman, U.S president, 9.2.1946.)
Otto Robert Frisch,(nuclear scientist in cooperation with Lise Meitner), Augustine (Otto Robert´s mother) and Justine (Jutz) Frisch, wellknown lawyer in Vienna, the former arr-ested in November 1938 and sent to Dachau, but later released.
But the point here: Lise Meitner was in contact with the British SIS-residents in Sweden, John Turner, (1913-92) and Cyril Cheshire, in cover as passport officers at the British Touristbureau at the Birjer Jarlsgatan no. 12, Stockholm. (The German consulate, at no. 8.) Turner, grew up in Norway, and arrived to Stockholm, August 1943. He was in cover for SIS/MI2 at the Norwegian resistance office, as “major Jon Pettersen “, was implicat-ed in the OSS-bases (SEPAL) at the Swedish-Norwegian border, (financed by Mr Iver Olsen, 1944, Raouls recruiter) , had later a Swedish “cover” aircompany, ” AB Contin-ental Agenturen”, he received Norway´s highest military order, and bought a seized German Arado hydroplane, in Sweden, April 1945.
Information of the German missile technology, reached Britain, in some ways and one result was the bombing raid by 600 bombers, against the German rocketcenter Peene-münde, 18th of August ,1943.
Craig McKay, (Notes…) writes about Raoul Wallenberg´s and Lauer´s registered contacts with Cheshire,(by the Secret service) in Stockholm, August 1943, hard to interpret, but perhaps about commercial business, dealing with timbertrade.
Perhaps more in a way, frightening, is that it was SIS/John Turner, Oslo, (and McRob-erts), those who explicitly warned the Norwegian Milorg-man mr Erik Myhre, of invest-igating the death of the SIS/Milorg-man, Mr Kai Holst, by going to Stockholm, after “the Lillehammer coup”, in June 1945, where Holst just had been (probably) murdered, the 27th of June. Holst was even in a way “close” to the Swedish major Svante Påhlson, (Finnish-activist,shares in the Germansupported paper, Dagsposten), the estate Rott-neros, near the Swedish-Norwegian border, where Holst and Milorg, maintained a res-istancebase. At Rottneros a part of “the Stella Polaris 1944″ ” Finnish intelligence arch-ivals was stored, delivered to Sweden, although Finland had declared war with Germany,
in September 1944, due to the Allies Moscow-agreement. Both The “Stella Polaris” ´44 and the Lillehammer-coup,´45 was a breach of the Swedish neutrality, and had to be
hide and secret.
Kai Holst´s SIS-contact, during the end of the war, was John Thomas Whistondale, (b.10) (through the Norwegian-Milorg. mr Finn Jacobsen.) Passport-officer, as Cheshire, but even SIS-agent, speaking Norwegian. Another mission was, contact with the German, Paul Rosbaud, British agent in Germany, with knowledge of the German missile-weapon, V1/V2, and a possible development of a German nuclear bomb, reports via the Norweg-ian student Sverre Bergh, in Dresden. Paul Rosbaud arrange Lise Meitner´s escape to Sweden,1938. Whistondale left Sweden in November 1945.
Kai Holst even arranged the escape of the engineer Jomar Brun, from Norsk Hydro, at the Vemork-plant, from Oslo to Sweden, and then Britain the Fall, 1942. Holst then read the microfilms, about the German heavy water-production, together with some of the Milorg´s leaders.
If Holst was shot,the motive could have been to hide the secret OSS/C-bureau-opera-tion, of Sonderführer Edmund Sala-Abwehr/intelligence group in Lillehammer. But a Norwegian TV-documentary, June 2013, suggests even some problematic economic “internal” transactions, postwar, in the Norwegian resistance. But the “smoking gun”, in fact, was both removed from Holst´s body, before investigation (the left hand) but the reporter confirmed that, Holst was shot in the head(temple), from the left side, alth-ough he was righthanded – unusual.
The whole case, very dubious handled, not only, from the incorrect measures of the Swedish police forensic/crimescene perspective,(no photo of the body, warding-off wounds, etc.) managed by mr Nils Fahlander, the security police in charge of surveill-ance of the Norwegian /Danish resistance activities in Sweden. (He often accused and harassed them of being allied agents, and visited R.Heydrich in March 1941, with Lönn and Lundquist. The C-bureau´s , Petersén, police intendents, Lundqvist, Lönn and Fahlander,were all, in close contact.)
Vilhem Agrell, in “Venona”, discussing, if Lise Meitner, perhaps was in contact with Sov-iet NKVD-agents, acting like scientists, about nuclear technology, late 1945, or was it a diversion operation, to cover “the real meeting” with in fact , the wellknown, scientist Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, perhaps with “codename Sven” ? This came to knowledge 1954, after the Soviet defector, Petrovs revelation of the Soviet embassy´s coded signal-traffic. Even then, Meitner wasn´t in the searchlight, as today, at the http://www.raoul-wallen-berg. eu/articles.
Meitner was in fact Sweden´s most qualified nuclear scientist, then, even more, than her superior , mr professor Manne Siegbahn. Remarkable that no researcher, connects and comments Raoul Wallenberg, and Lise Meitner, a Jewish refugee, and her deep knowledge of the fission chain reaction, and possible contacts with the British SIS-fieldstation in Stockholm, mr Cheshire, Turner (and Whistondale), and the Kai Holst-case. (Whistondale and Jacobssen, had even contact with Soviet agents, 1944, but were disclosed.) (The U.S. ambassador to Sweden, H. Johnson, visited, the Swedish Foreign ministry (UD), the 27th of July 1945,and demanded a strict West-allied control, of the Swedish uranium mines,export and option of delivieries. This was done just about week before, the nuclear U.S. bombings of Japan, beginning of August, when very few, had knowledge of the nuclear weapon´s effects.)
Perhaps Holst was to visit, David James MacEwen, British (b.09) “the most brilliant SIS-agent ” /passport control officer, living at Rindögatan 44. Holst was shot at the Rindö-gatan 42, where even a German cover-apartment was located, where the German agents, Thorner and Krämer, even met mrs Jane Horney here in August 1944./ Pryser/
Both Raoul Wallenberg, Lise Meitner and Antal Grundböck, were in position to observe
one anothers daily movements, and acquaintances, without any special arrangements.
The British SIS/ field office in Stockholm (Cheshire/Turner /Whistondale) then had contact with : Lise Meitner, Paul Rosbaud, (Raoul Wallenberg/K.Lauer), and Kai Holst, since 1942/43. So what can we get out of that ? Both Kai Holsts and Raoul´s files, can´t be retrieved, as we know, of some reasons.
The PIDERMAN-affair , 1942. (Guido Piderman, The Swiss ” Wallenberg” for The Soviet 60.000 POWs in Finland, from Barbarossa, when 20.000 died by malnutrition, wounds, in half a year 1941/42. (1.000 POWs was just shot by Finnish guards, and public flogg-ing in the camps was usual. Same mortality as in the Japanese POWcamps, (35%) as in The “River Kwai”.)
A new Pro Gradu dissertation. by: Isabelle Malou Holm/University of Helsingfors/ May 2013.
The Swiss doctor Guido Piderman, (b. 11), is one of the unknown rescuers in WW2, 1941
/1942. GP served in the Finnish army as doctor, from 1939, and had 1942, an oppor-tunity to visit some of the¨ Finnish POW camps for Soviet soldiers. Those 3 camps were although then of the highest standard, but with sick and neglected POWs, no shoes, food in spite of the cold climate. He started a campaign and printed a pamphlet, and begin to collect money in Switzerland, to help the POW-soldiers. He met strong negative rea-ctions, from International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), and from Finnish and Swiss authorities. The pamphlet is in the archives of ICRC, in Geneve. The ICRC prot-ecting measures didn´t extended to the Eastfront.(or correct the Soviet´s: West-front)
Pideerman became accused of being “communist”, “saboteur”, “hypocritical”. He took 24 photos of the miserable situation in the Finnish camps, for the Soviet POWs, worse than the German´s camps in Finland. (10% mortal.) (The Finnish Field Marshal Mannerheim was even responsible 1918, and “experienced”, when imprisoned, 20.000 Finnish Red socialdemocrats, were starved to death in the Whites camps, and was chairman in the Finnish Red Cross. (FRK). Don´t mention the Finnish-German blockade of Leningrad, 1941-44, one million civilian victims.)
The relations between the USSR and IRCR were tense. The diplomatic relations between Switzerland and USSR, broke up the already 1923, and were first resumed at the 18th March 1946. (Probably after the exchange of the Swiss diplomats, Feller/Meier, 27th january, a similar case to Wallenberg.)
But a Soviet representant visited regularly International Red Cross in Geneva, from the end of 1920s up to 1936. First 1947, this relations were renewed, but the Soviet Union paid their economic support for IRCR, during the whole war.
Piderman called for a conference in Zürich, the 29th of October 1942. ” The Swiss soc-ialdemocrat paper, “Berner Tagewacht”, claims the committée holds: the National advis-er dr Maag-Socin,/professor Marl Meyer, professor H. Mooser,Nationaladvisor and city-director Ernst Roibs, professor H.R. Schin, all from Zürich, and some other 300 public well known Swiss personalities. ” /Source: Ny Dag 10.12.1942/
As usual, only (SKP) and the Swedish communist party´s daily paper the “Ny Dag”, reported of this the 10th of December 1942.(As Hilding Hagberg , the Communist parliamentarian, was the first to raise the question of rescuing Jews,(Greece) (twice) the 13th of May 1943, in the Parliament/Riksdagen, at a secret meeting (with printed proto-cols), without reaction and even just an answer from the Swedish foreign minister Chr-istian Günther).
If Ny Dag, (or any other paper) had published the true nasty cruel realities in the camps, in details all over the German-occupied Europe, that paper had been confiscated, not only banned from the public transportsystem, where the German Army instead traveled, sometimes occupying 90 % of the traincapacity.) The Swedish policy aimed at support NaziGermany, and Finland, (= ” the only socialdemocrats fighting for Hitler” /Bruno Kre-isky, Austrian refugee), 1939-45, with all means, only, ” short of direct military invol-vement”, (=Iver Olsen/US/WRB/OSS February 7th 1944.) , but in general supress all pu-blic discussions, and information of this, terrible policy by all means.
The IRCR was as usual interested of hiding this information leak, from Piderman. ( But the Finnish military-attache Stewen, in Stockholm, disclosured the Swedish possibility to read the German coded messages, for the Abwehr, without problem, what endang-ered Sweden´s security in WW2.(=McKay) Anyway Germany, of Sweden was permitted to operate an official Abwehroffice in Stockholm, (Bureau Wagner) and they had a close collaboration, with the same Abwehr (KO), Kriegsorganisation, active in Helsinki, Fin-land.)
ICRC did later directed a sum of 200.000 Schweizerfranc, to the Soviet POWs, of what the Pidermans committee, manage to collect in Schwitzerland, 100.000, much, in thought of the obstacles his campaign met, not at least from the International Red Cross, itself, fighting against it´s own ethical principals.
My point : Of relevance for the Wallenberg case, must be these very problematic rela-tions between the Soviet Union and the International Red Cross, (ICRC) during 1930/ 40s, and of course the non-existing diplomatic relations with Switzerland, what must had influenced, the Swedish Red Cross (SRK) (W.Langlet) rescue-operations in Budapest 1944/45. Don´t mention the League of Nations, (before the United Nations) dubious attitude against the Soviets, during the actual time, 1930/40s, they kicked them out 1939, during the Finnish-Russian Winterwar.
Nobody use to adress this important international background, and lack of relations, conducted by the international human rights organisations, of the time, in the Wallen-berg´ research, just when they were of much vital significance.
” – – – A Direct sequel to the mood of resolution in Britain was a directive issued by Winston CHURCHILL the 20th of January 1941. The immediate occasion was a peace-feeler from a Swedish Baron by the name of Knud (sic!) BONDE. ” – – –
A contact of GÖRING`s, he had approached Lord HALIFAX in December 1939, in the name of the former with a peacefeeleer.The Secretary of State responded evasively, but not without affirming his government´s willingness to negotiate with a government which they could trust, and which was prepared to right the wrongs Germany had done. After Baron BONDE appeared in 20 january of 1941, at the British legation in Berne with a similar message, CHURCHILL sent to his new Secretary of State, Anthony EDEN, the following communication:
– “I presume you are keeping your eyes upon all this. Your predecessor was entirely misled in December 1939. Our attitude against all such enquiries should be absolute silence. / W.CHURCHILL, the 20th of January 1941. (VK)
From the Swedish Secret Police wiretapping during the war of the British legation: Angelica BONDE, (f.21) says :- – – ” ANNE at the British legation is asked to meet (in person) Raoul WALLENBERG, and major NESS (OSS-man/the U.S. legation). “- – – This file has no date, (of unknown reason).
But have this some connection with the alleged short visit by Raoul WALLENBERG, to Stockholm, from Budapest, the Fall of 1944 ? A visit confirmed by Marcus Wallenberg, in public as late as 1981, most likely the four days of 20-23 November, 1944. Susanne Berger claims that Angelica BONDE was Raoul´s (party and) probably girlfriend, with the Hungarian/”British” diplomats, Ullein-Reviczky´s, 1943. (Angelica later married a dip-lomat, BELDING.)
The Baron Knut BONDE, (b.84) was a Swedish diplomat, and later commercial represen-tant of a Swedish woodwork company (houses). Angelica BONDE was one of Knut´s three daughters. Even the British passportofficer/SIS Cyril CHESHIRE was in the timber-business, as C. McKay points out, (the Pharao Gane Company), etc.,as even Raoul
was wiretapped, talking business (?) with Cheshire, August 1943. We don´t know.
Anyway, Knut BONDE`S connection with Hermann GÖRING is confirmed, in the German peacefeelers business, 1939 and 1941. (I haven´t seen any discussion about this at the
.eu/articles, and that´s hard to understand. )
Some www. sources even claims that Knut BONDE was implicated in the Rudolf HESS,
oneway airtrip to SCOTLAND, later in May 1941, probably the last German effort to make peace with Britain, before the Operation “RED BEARD”, Barbarossa, a 3.5 million Axis-army against Russia, the 22th of June 1941, 03.15, close to a nuclear attack.
These sources claims that, HESS aimed at a secret landing at the DUNGAVEL airstrip, (south of GLASGOW, but ran out of fuel, and had to bail out over Eagleham, close to Dungavel, owned by the pro-German, Duke of HAMILTON (RAF-officer with own air-strip) for peacediscussions, during three days, and then promised to be refuelled and return to Germany. A project implicating, among others, the Polish general SIKORSKI, The Duke of KENT, and European Royal households, even the Swedish.
* Baron Knut Bonde even owned a big estate in CHARLETON, in the east of Scotland, only some 100 km:s from GLASGOW, (and the DUNGAVEL airstrip), (from 1925 and his marr-iage with a Scotchwoman.)
SIKORSKI even arrived in Scotland, in the same time, the 10/11th of May, and the first to interrogate HESS, was curious enough, a Polish consul, and was perhaps promised a German withdrawal from Poland, perhaps even France, before the German onslaught of Russia. But CHURCHILL´s intelligence services crossed this plans and HESS ended his days in the Spandau prison, in Berlin. (* HESS toured Sweden 1935, could have met…) (Both SIKORSKI and the Duke of KENT, died in strange aircrashes, some years later, per-haps, “a day at work”, of the British Secret Service.)
But the BONDE´s + peacefeelers + mr HESS… ?
Did Raoul WALLENBERG make a ” HESS”, in the Fall of 1944, perhaps being transported to Sweden, by a fast Luftwaffeaircraft, under the same conditions, with the same miss-ion, (but with full tank, and no need of parachute) ? By referring to the UK/U.S, of his successful rescuemission, of the Budapest´s Jews, with the Himmler/SS-approval, and by that, able to arrange separate peace/discussions, agreement – with the Germans, against USSR ?
The personal connections, of the perhaps the ” Brown Baron”, Knut BONDE/ his friends, the brothers-in-law, Count Eric VON ROSEN /GÖRING and later Raoul WALLENBERG/ Angelica BONDE, the historical patterns, and another of the German´s then most needed “defensive” last-ditch peaceeffort, here, could perhaps, unthought, point in this rather (O.K.) breathtaking, direction. All options from the OP(PRINT)INT-section.
Parts from : The Swedish State official report / Parliament SOU 2003:18/ : A Swedish diplomat with an American mission .(Statens offentliga utredningar)
“SOU – – – Herbert Caird NORTH is of special interest, on WALLENBERG`S information-list, of the 8th December 1944. NORTH was one of the first, to be informed by the Swe-dish Foreign office (UD) , after received the first Soviet (by Mr Dekanozov) message that WALLENBERG the 18th of January, 1945, had been taken under protection by Soviet troops in Budapest.
NORTH had (like Vilmos Böhm) been an employee (assistent), at the British legation (Press Reading Bureau/PRB) in Stockholm,since 1940, and then commissioned to attaché there, 1944. He quit his employment, in December 1945.
NORTH was probably not – employed by the British intelligence, Special Operation Exe-cutive, (SOE), sabotage-organisation. But Peter TENNANT , (SOE-cover as then press-attaché), claims that NORTH shared office with ” a Roger HINKS “, whose assignment never was disclosed. Much later, TENNANT, got knowledge that mr HINKS, (an * /arthis-torian), was in fact supervising, the SOE-activities.)
SOU- – -/ If NORTH, in fact was a SOE-man, is not possible to confirm. But due to the Swedish secret service, NORTH was in some connection, with the British intelligence, by his em-ployment at the British sprinklersystem company, MATHER AND PLATT, where he, at least, was employed in the beginning of his residence, in Sweden, 1940.
( * / All British citizens worldover, were called up to their British legation, when the war broke out, 1939.)
SOU /- – -” Today no one can confirm, any connections, or if NORTH was engaged in the recruitment of Raoul WALLENBERG, and his mission, due to the Swedish Secret file (MUST) (Military intelligence) concerning the British intelligence/sabotageactivities in Sweden, during the years : 1943-1954, these files are today nonexistent.
* (This files are of course missing, (sorry folks…) as anticipitated, as like searching perhaps, sensible files of the NKVD/ FSB-archives. But the Swedish Security police files give some information of a certain of NORTH´S alleged secret intelligenceactivity, from wiretapping.
The 17th of May 1944, NORTH received a call from someone accusing the Swedish well-known, agentwoman Jane HORNEY of being a very dangerous German spy. In October, 1944, HORNEY should have met NORTH, to convince him, that these accusations were just quite false. NORTH did even had some contact with his colleague at the PRB, Vilmos BÖHM. – – -/
( *) Jane HORNEY was executed/shot by the Danish resistance, on alleged order of the British SOE, at sea, the 20th of January, 1945, near the Swedish coast, only some days after Raoul WALLENBERG was neutralized in Budapest. HORNEY had contact with the British SOE chief, Robert TURNBULL, in Sweden, with an subordinated Danish section (N.B. Schou).
Some sources say about HORNEY´S death, it was about silencing and in fact an “anti-communist” murder, as HORNEY could have been a, go-between to the Soviet legation in Stockholm, 1944, with peacefeelers from the German “Resistance” Abwehr/SD/Canaris-man, Ernst GILBERT. He was shot to death in 14th October 1944 in Copenhagen, after orders from SOE, by a professional female agent. (Two Gun Fanny), and the hitman, “Flamman”. (And the Kai HOLST murder (?) the 27th of June, 1945, as mysterious… .per-haps extrajudicial executions, before the normal peacetimes and law and order.)
And that HORNEY had knowledge of (1.) : some secret British SOE-delivery of arms, only to Danish opponents, for fighting the more leftminded/communist influential activists in the most known, Danish resistance of the BOPA, ” Borgerliga Partisaner”, and even knows secrets…
(2.) ….about even more ugly plans of collaboration with the German army/Gestapo, and parts of the same reactionary Danish resistance, with fear of “communists”, from their common secret meeting at the Hotel “Angle´Terre” in July 1944, in the endphases of the war. )
There wasn´t just the NKVD, that hunted resistance in Europe, 1944/45, even SOE/OSS, were very active in Norway (and everywhere) to get information about the communist´s resistancegroups, by all means, as usual with collaboration with the German occupa-tionforces, NS-collaborators as Rinnan and ordinary national police.
SOU/- – -” Probably, is that NORTH was the author, of the British reports about WALL-ENBERG´S mission, via, his colleague BÖHM at PRB, and before that from K. LAUER. The latter provided, both BÖHM and Iver OLSEN, with information from WALLENBERG, during the Summer of 1944, (up to 15th of September), when OLSEN was dissatiesfied with WALLENBERG`S financial requests to WRB, via Lauer.” – – – end/SOU 2003:18/
” The Mather & Platt´s Swedish man.dir. :mr Gösta FANT (f.84) /Vesslevägen no. 4 / Ålsten/Stockholm.” – – -Author of articles: in radiomagazines, about centralradios, transmitters, amplifiers. Sprinkler systems, as automatic extinguishing of oilfires.”
The first public radiolicence in Sweden, was signed by the engineer mr Gösta FANT, the 9th of March 1923. The same year mr FANT, got the first radioamateur-licence, radio call sign : SMZZ, to mr FANT in Norrviken. (both Ålsten/Norrviken residential districts, just north of Stockholm).
Unthought, the British company, MATHER AND PLATT`S knowledge of automatic spri-nklersystems, extinguishing of oilfires must have been of great value, during the war, especially perhaps, in the British merchant/navy fleet, don´t mention the skilled radio-specialist and radiopioneer Gösta FANT. Perhaps a real treasure, for any secret service – those days, to ” connect “.
But all private radiotransmitters were forbidden in Sweden, by the police, even for the foreign legations. from 1940. Only some 50 private radioamateurs, (of some 450, called up), was permitted to operate,as to help locate illegal radios. The police radiosection, had qualified instruments and good resources for tracking of secret transmissions.
During the war NORTH, was living at the countryestate ROSENHILL, near Stockholm, Djurgården, rather close to the British legation at the Strandvägen, at the end of the same street as the U.S. legation and Meropa AB. Here you find even another British leg-ationassist., H.W.A. WARING, (ought to be Bill Waring, wellknown, commercial attaché, who Tennant mention in his memoirs.) (Peter Tennant himself, lived in the “Bergshydd-an”, a similar estate/building a bit closer to the city, and the U.K.-legation.
Neighbors at the Rosenhill were among others: Fredrik SCHMITERLÖV, (b. 85) (nobility no. 1768) lieutenant, in the Fortification corps, an elder brother to Sixtus SCHMITER-LÖV, wellknown recruiter of Swedish nazis to the WaffenSS, captain in the reserve at the same Infantryregiment no.1., as Raoul WALLENBERG, (I1) the Svea livgarde. But Fredrik
Schmiterlöv didn´t had to be pro-German, but…
… some there, anyway were probably viewed as pro-Germans of their time, as mrs A. Personne (Swedish-German Society) (and probably lived at Rosenhill, there, mr S.Cur-man, the National antiquarian, leading in the Swedish National emigrationcommittée for the Estonia-Swedes, 1944.)
*/ So, if the Swedish official SOU-picture of mr H.C. NORTH, seem to breathing some slight suspicions, lack of real knowledge, questions…? – that can´t be said of Craig G. McKay in his “Excerpts”… at this site.
*/ Craig G. MCKAY takes another opinion of NORTH, who he once met, (but then McKay hadn´t a clue of WALLENBERG) : – ” But, In short any attempt to cast Herbert NORTH in the role of hidden conspirator is likely to end in failure. – – -/C. McKay.
But could the British secret services in Sweden, in a way have informed the Russians about WALLENBERG, in January, 1945, and later, as a “possible suspicious peacemess-enger,” right or wrong, OSS- or Abwehragent, or possible zionistactivist. The Russians soon deported the Swiss consul,in Budapest, Carl LUTZ, for instance, (perhaps of this “zionistic” reason important for the British Palestine-policy, of 1945), he wasn´t able to explain his important rescuemission, since 1942, no more than WALLENBERG.
The Russians soon closed the small informationwindow, about Raoul, perhaps as if some important source, “third part/power”, (UK?) was involved, what must be hidden, protected, as much as possible.
Neither Sweden or Switzerland did approve the Allies Control Commission, for Germany as the German government, in fact, and German ruler,from May 1945, decisions what may have influenced the actual relations, of these two stubborn neutrals, (did they coo-perate ?) vs the Grand Allies of 1945, then.
THE NKVD didn´t hunt Wallenberg, 1944/45 and even the British, seem reacting stra-nge, dull, in this case, (C. McKay didn´t even know his name and fate, for a long time.) And Raoul´s oneway trip to the Red army lines, 1945, to Pest, and later to Moscow, can of course be, interpreted as a usual agentdebriefing, by order from Bulganin, quite usual for Moscow. As the Soviet “Rote Kapelle-agent”, Sandor Rado, wanted to stay in Egypt, 1945, but the British authorities, there forced him on a plane to Moscow, and the Lub-janka prison, for instance, and many years.
*/This information shed perhaps some new light of Mr H.C. NORTH´S antecedentia, in Sweden, 1939-1945. His employer, contacts with Jane HORNEY, (the death of Ernst GILBERT), and the simultaneousness neutralization of both HORNEY and WALLENBERG, could have some connections.
(24.) You read my comment no. 17 ? The 4th of June. ” Fundraising for Himmler ? ”
Take an advice ! Never check a scoop ! – Then it cracks !
Because that “fundraising”, was -(probably) a ploy, by the British S.O.E ., at work, the British Stockholm-office, the “Black-propaganda”-section, 1944, in order – ” to further infuriating the Swedes against the Germans”.
– – – ” The Heinrich Himmler Fund, was one of the projects we set our printingpress to work in the last year of the war. The HH-fund launched its appeal to charitable Sweds with a long and heartrending letter signed by Himmler. – – – The Reichsführer/SS was confid-ent that many Swedes would gladly contribute to the relief of deserving fami-lies,and pensions, belonging to German SS-members.- – – This guiless missive was sent not only all the Swedish Nazi sympathizers, on our list, but by mistake, to some known as anti-fascists.- – – The newspaper got samples of it, and writes: – What, they inqui-red, did the butcher Himmler think he was about ? But ” Himmler”- had not entirely underestimated the generosity of Nazi-supporters in Sweden. A trickle of money flowed into the Post Cheque account which we has opened. When after the end of the war, the Swedish Red Cross arranged for the care and rehabilitation of a large number of vic-tims, from the kz-camps, the funds subscribed for the relief of the SS, were sent anon-ymously, to succour those who had suffered at their hands.- – – /Source : Ewan.Butler ./ The SOE-section:Stockholm. 1943-45/
(The SOE-printingpress, even produced additional, but false invitationcards for German-sponsored theaterplays, etc., what caused aggressions among the then arriving gue-sts. A good lifesaving printing- project, (Schutzpass) in Budapest 1944, handled by the rescuers WALLENBERG and LUTZ, et al. But worth while in Stockholm arranged by bored British SOE ´s ? (or boomeranged among the Swedish ” aborigines” ?)
British humour, Yes, Al´ right ! And real stunning ” PSY/OP-victories ! ” (Like the
US/U.K./Nato submarines in the Swedish archipelago, of 1982 ? The dumb Swedes…)
But when the same SOE-man met the assassin for lunch, 1945, VE-Day in Copenhagen, ordered by the Danish resistance to shoot the German SD-man Ernst GILBERT, the 14th of October 1944, in Copenhagen, it´s more easy, keep from laughing. The same day as the Swedish security police, released, from arrest, Jane HORNEY, in Stockholm,
GILBERT seem to have been a German “Widerstandman”, in contact with the 20th of July-movement, 1944 as his brothers-in-law, a German/AA diplomat in Stockholm, a Count A. von SCHULENBERG, Vorst-attaché, and later executed. This information HORNEY told the Swedish secret police.
Probably Ernst GILBERT, (the only German officer, shot in Denmark , during the war, as Jane HORNEY was the only Swede, “executed ” ), had collected information of that part of the reactionary Danish resistance, collaborating both with the German SS, and later the British SOE, (1944/45) of “preventing” the Danish communist resistance (KOPA) BOPA) of influencing postwar Denmark, and to receive SOE-weapons, via Sweden, 1944/ 1945.
Even here the Swedish Military intelligence, the C-bureau-agents was involved, making private profits of selling Finnish Tiikakoski mp:s to the Danish resistance, for 2 millions, what Jakob WALLENBERG “bailed” , for the borrower and come home a sorrower “, as the dictionary teachs.
(The British at home and abroad don´t seem to ask about the political opinions, of naziresistance-fighters, but in Scandinavia this question, became an obsession, to keep the tiny and demonized, (most effective resistance in Germanoccupied Europe), Left, left out in the cold, and completed quite naturally, by the non-existant postwar Swedish purge, of her pro-German sympathizers, politicians officers, police, civil servants, bus-inessmen… you know who…) )
This dangerous information of collaboration/secret routes, and others, about Jewish refugees, GILBERT planned to use, to obtain special treatment, from the victors, (even the Soviet´s perhaps) after the war, as was common by the Germans, the last time of the war. From GILBERT, this information was probably known by Jane HORNEY, and her own sources. When GILBERT was killed, this information couldn´t be shared and proc-essed between them, and HORNEY, was sold down the river.
The official, reactionary German-occupied Denmark, 1940, was in the AntiComintern Pact-crusade of 1941, and in close, often shameful collaboration with Germany, Gest-apo/WaffenSS, hard to understand today. Many of the Danish forbidden (DKP) 350 of Communist partys members, was arrested, the 22th of June , 1941 and were delivered to German kz-camps, Stutthof, Neuengamme, in the Autumn 1942.The partyleader Axel Larsen was released first in March 1945, with the Bernadotte´s White-buses. The Danish socialdemocrats collaborated tight, with the German occupiers, and lost by that the init-iative in Denmarks liberation, as the Communists proclaimed a successful, generalstrike in 1943, for instance.
And thats probably why the murder of Jane HORNEY, instead must be covered up, by the British SOE, the Danes, and the Swedes, so even most Swedes prefer living in this understanding, of HORNEY as a German spy, and a traitor.
But this British tactics, SOE-moves, weapondelivieries (what Gellert Kovacs claimed pub-lic, in radio,press, Raoul WALLENBERG arranged distribution of, in Budapest, – only some weeks ago) could have some implications, even in the Raoul WALLENBERG-case. He wasn´t perhaps that experienced, to counter the British Secret service´s bizarre, odd warfare or deadly conspirations , neither in Stockholm or, in Budapest, 1944 , “A day at work”.
” ———————————————————————-”
Saturday the 29th of July, 1944, the lib. paper Dagens Nyheter published: » « Himmler-fund », begging money among Swedes. » A wife to a Swedish-German man, complained, that she got letters from this fund, because that the couple as protestants had to be members of the German parish in Stockholm, by Middle-age law, due to the German church. She throwed the letters, but how could the names and adresses of the parish-members, be used by probably some unknown. The parish denied involvement, and even the German legation. The letter was printed in July 1944 with the NSDAP-AO (Auslandsorganisation), symbol, active in Sweden during the war. The letter said: (in German): » Every German had the duty to renew the oath of allegiance to the Führer, and German-Swedes have decided to contribute to the Himmlerfund, Heinrich Himmler RFSS… (with all his nazi-titles), will receive the gifts through : Dr August Finke, postal-box no.,3138. Stockholm 3. The contributions should be distributed to the German victims, who lost their home, by the enemy terror. 1,5% & goes to the brave men, killed, by the attempt against the Führer´s hq. » (this after the 20th of July 1944). Next day, the Sunday the 30th of July 1944 (DN): » The Himmler-list was a falsification. » The postalboxn:o, was wrong, belonged to the « Swedish importunion, of brushfact-ory-goods and horsehair », (before that to: The Swedish institute for Folkinformation
» ) and the postal giro service n:o, belongs to, man. director Paul Pothoff, at Lidingö. He denied being involved in this, but will, return any payments. But Pothoff confirmed that he knew Dr Finke, « very well », employed at the German legation, and even Dr Finke denied any involvment. The German legation stated in public, the letter was a falsi-fication, and has informed the Foreign Department (UD), that Germans in Stockholm, are not in charge.
“- – – In Hungary, Price Waterhouse had three main accounts which John DICKINSON (b.10),worked on: Shell, IBM and MAGIRT, the Hungarian subsidiary of Swedish Match [STAB]. But by 1942, only MAGIRT remained and it was this last account for a Swedish company which kept the Dickinson family financially afloat during the war years and forged a link with Sweden which would last. ” – – -./. C.McKay. Excerpts…
PRICE WATERHOUSE office was involved in the dubious economic winding up after the Ivar Kreuger´s match-empire´s worldwide crash, of 1932. DICKENSEN was even imp-licated in the British Ministry of Economic warfare (MEW), in Zagreb, Croatia, 1939 and from 1940 in Hungary. DICKINSON is then more implicated in serious intelligence act-ivities, officiallly than Michail TOLSTOY-KUTOZOV, ” who he seems got on very well”, both working close to Raoul WALLENBERG`S rescueorganisation in Budapest, in the Fall of 1944/45. /from C. McKay : Excerpts….
The office of the PRICE WATERHOUSE accountant bureau was during the war, located in Stockholm, Kungsgatan no 28, a building, next-door neighbor to Raoul WALLENBERG`S office at the Kungsgatan no. 30, at the H. BÖHME`S lawyer-office there, up to 1941.(The PW-firm moved in to Sweden, already in March 1933, then first actually,in no. 30. (But Raoul WALLENBERG ought to perhaps, have had, some knowledge of the PRICE-WATER-HOUSE undertakings in the WALLENBERG-sphere, as he employed DICKENSON, (and Mr Engelmann from Fritz Hollander´s company), during the Budapestmission.
Due to McKay, DICKENSON, could have been implicated, not only in the WALLENBERG-sphere, (former Ivar Kreuger sphere, -1932,then 1940, MAGIRT) but even as an British intelligence source/agent, in Budapest where he was deep embedded, worked, marr-ied/had family, and later supported WALLENBERG`S rescuemission 1944. DICKENSON was wounded during the Siege of Budapest, but survived the war. Perhaps secret ser-vices, always trying to connect to ordinary people, with ordinary jobs, businessmen, teachers, not at least the Britains.
But DICKENSON was allowed to stay in Budapest up to 1946, but wasn´t from that accused of being a Soviet agent, as Count TOLSTOY-KUTOZOV / After the war, DICK-ENSEN served in Finland, for two years, before, arriving again at last to Sweden, Stock-holm. (The PW-firm, even served in Finland, 1941/42, with STAB-accounts, but that industry switched to making explosives, bombs, etc.)
WALLENBERG was perhaps surrounded by people from the British Intelligence, John DICKINSON in Budapest, together with the Professor in the English language, mr Geo-ffrey TIER,and wife/GT recruited/SIS-agent, 1941-if not an ace…) then under protection of the Swiss consul, mr Carl LUTZ, (with his 1944, ad-hoc deputies: lawyer Peter ZÜR-CHER, and man.dir., Ernst VONRUFS, in their +30s yrs,, living, working in Hungary with families) at the abandoned, British legation, at the Buda-side, close to the Citadell, und-er heavy bombardment, because of the German main Wehrmachtsstaff at close quarter, (50yds) up to the 13th of February, 1945.
(But M.TOLSTOY was anyway, commissioned, by warrant of the Swedish diplomat Ivar DANIELSSON, be the first to contact the Russian forces, 1945, in January, not Raoul WALLENBERG, and KUTOZOV, by that was interrogated probably before, any of the Swiss, or British citizens,(most in hiding to mid-February) already from January, the 10th up to the 18th, (or the 25/26th), approx. coincided with WALLENBERG`S departure from Budapest, to Moscow)
BILL WARING : (1902-62)
Sorry lads, first perhaps a little correction of part (23.) Due to Peter TENNANT, (the Brit-ish/SIS-pressattaché, his colleague Bill WARING (1902-62) then, lived in the same hou-se, the BERGSHYDDAN = strict translated to “The Mountain Hut (*/ not “Berchtesgarden “). (Either H.W.A. stands for (W)illiam or (A)nne, Bill Waring´s wife, employed then as assistent at the British legation, a few hundred meters closer to the city. But a, person, “H.W.A. WARING” lived anyway at the Rosenhill, together with H.C. NORTH.
But TENNANT lived at the BERGSHYDDAN, but no longer than up to October 1943, and very close to this mansion, you find, then and now, the wellknown restaurant ” the Djurgårdsbrunn”, where K.LAUER, Iver OLSEN and Raoul WALLENBERG met during the spring 1944, discussing in depth, his Budapest mission. ” What then, dominated… the humanitarian or the intelligence aspect ? ” / G. Kovacs/ * Or the WALLENBERGsphere´s economic undertakings ?
But even the British renowned commercial attaché Bill WARING, was in the accountants-bizniz, (Whinney & Murray Co.) and was during the 1930s, in Norway/Oslo, even he occupied with the winding up, the Ivar Kreuger´s crashed (1932) “match-empire”, the STAB, but had to escape, to Sweden, when Germany invaded Norway, 1940. (Tennant) These economic operations are said to have been directed by the WALLENBERG-sphere, making dubious big revenues in a rather shady business. WARING (and BINNEY), was anyway deep involved in the fleet of British blockade-breakers, Sweden/Britain, during the war.
In the latest WALLENBERGsphere biography: (The WALLENBERG`S : a familyempire: /ed.2013.) claims (G.Wetterberg) : “- When writing history, it´s often the political process we focus at , more than the, economical, industrial conditions. ” Their (WALL-ENBERG`s) commercial idea, is : rationalize stagnated companies, cut productionlines, etc.,mobilize others capital. – – -But the Robert Bosch cloaking, 1945, was for one rea-son : profits. ” – – – Marcus Sr could sometimes, attack his brother´s Knut´s, Romani background, (the elder generation) (they had different mothers), and against “cosmo-polits”. – – –
– – – After the Right/ party´s defeat, in the Swedish general elections of 1948, whose campaign´s the WALLENBERG`S always financed, they understand that a new epoch was underway, by the Socialdemocrats, the labourmovement´s (socialdemocrats + comm-unist´s postwar-programme, of 1945, and they now created good relations with the new political labour majority, and the labour unions, and ceased their former confron-tational policy. Even a very successful group of enterprises”, needs a state.” – – – .*/ (G.Wetterberg-economic historian) In short – the Labour movement´s harvest time -postwar. (Was Raoul then, really, up-to-date, with this game-changer in the Swedish domestic policy and the coming embargopolicy in foreign trade directed from U.S. , against Sweden and Wallenberg´s trade Russia 1945/46 ?)
But my point, and the coincidental conditions here are of course: Two British account-ants abroad connected with the complicated audits of the 1930s, crashed Kreuger-empire, (STAB) probably supervised by the WALLENBERG-sphere, to their advantage, during 1930/40s, and then both WARING and DICKENSON, were recruited by the British Warfare authorities/secret service. A British pattern, (or universal) of intelligence eff-orts, possible in foreign market economies.
Perhaps DICKENSON, and TIER, (staybehinds in Budapest, both 1941 and 1945) was able to judge parts of Raoul WALLENBERG´s Budapest-mission. Both DICKENSON and TIER was allowed to stay behind in Budapest, by the Hungarian regime, 1941, and 1945/46, of the Soviet postwar-administration, probably as former allies, they weren´t deported (as LUTZ), or arrested (FELLER/MEIER), or took volontarily contact with the Soviet forces ,
(as WALLENBERG), or/and disappeared.
But McKay exclude in “Excerpts…”, some facts about DICKENSON, (1910-1962) he was although, skilled accountant, but a kind of brake-pad, in the modern/equal managing of the PRICE WATERHOUSE, Swedish affiliation, at least when coming to employ as acc-ountants and in leading positions : JD-Credos : (1.) (No) women. (2.) No native Swedes, in spite of 15 years of experience, before Britains. (In that order.) The latter point could be of significance.
But the Swedish Foreign ministry´s questioning of John DICKENSON, in place in Sweden
just after the war, was never even printed, no transcription is registered in the official UD-diary./ McKay/Excerpts…
– – -The Finnish minister, Jarl WASASTJERNA with wife, gives a teaparty, for some Swe-dish volonteers for Finland, 1940, as they (now disabled)) are invited to Finland, for rec-reation. – – – The Banker, Eugen von STEDINGK, (The Handelsbanken), from the Swe-dish Finland-Help Committée,(from 1939/40) arranging the event, (later shareholder of the secret Germanfinanced daily paper,The Dagsposten), major Allan WINGE, (= Raoul Wallenbergs´ superior in the National Home Guard), engineer Carl Olof LINDBERG, the Baron Carl Fredrik PALMSTIERNA, ( = relative to Raoul Wallenberg/Finland-activist, later the King Gustav VI Adolf´s personal secretary) and the author, Örnulf TIGERSTEDT, (Finnish Pro- NaziGermany).
(TIGERSTEDT wrote and asked in the German international edited, monthly propaganda-journal: (ed. C.E. Carlberg) : The SIGNAL 4:(1943:3) : – – – ” EUROPE – OVER THE NAT-IONS : – Will Germany , with the whole of Europes future on her shoulders, really have the opportunity for building an European ” REICHSBAU “, what the Führer, so long have anticipated ? ” – – –
In this article TIGERSTEDT predict, nothing less, than the European Union (EU), but a litt-le bit raw, “premature” nazi-vision, under German leadership, with the purpose of mob-ilize all, then present resources to support the Third reich´s struggle against the “Bolsh-evism´s unexpected strength”, (post-Stalingrad) and against the ” the anti-continental England”, and the “non-European Russia”, “as after the Napoleonic-wars, the real rem-aining victors.- – – ” /ÖT.
Something for ” the (!) / articles ? But then 1943, not just the “peaceproject” of today.
– – -The 12th of April, 1942 a coded cable from Abwehr in Berlin, to the German mili-tary attaché Albert UTERMARK: ” The Swedish colonel Martin EKSTRÖM (=Major Allan WINGE`S co-commander 1940 in Finland, (SFK) 1939/1940, and now colonel in the Fin-nish army.), planning to assemble the Swedish volunteers for the WaffenSS in Finland, because the Swedish government refusing them to leave for Germany.”
(The 14th of July 1941. the Swedish army staff, promised Swedish officers commanding posts on the Easter front, in the German Wehrmacht. Some 60 officers applied, but from the 1st of September, the government only permitted recruitment in the Finnish army. The Swedish government, could sometimes, make ” bureaucratic resistance”,
already then, as refusing to let British/French forces, transitate, to “Finland”, 1940, refuse participating in the German crusade of 1941, and even to ban the Left´s parties.
More than three years later, SvD of 1941, we take a look in the Swedish Communist daily paper, The Ny Dag, in May 1944. (That´s often like to read an uncensored book of history, in most, (but not all) aspects of the 2nd World War, and in fact the SKP, (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti) was the only legal working communistparty, in Europe, those days, (only ban of transports by public communications, 1940-43, to hide Sweden´s whole-hearted economic/administrative/policy, collaboration with Third Reich, as much as possible, on the other side), – what RFSS/ HIMMLER, was very worried about. An hon-ourable attention for the SKP, or anyone.
That´s why the Reichsleiter-SS attacked SKP, (member of Comintern) in public media some weeks before the German Barbarossa-attack, the 4th of June 1941, and unleash the Swedish police, for a mass razzia, of the SKP-office. (As in February 1940, then some 1.000 members homes, were searched, house-warrants, but as always without any prosecution, 1940. In 1941, only some 30 “unreliable elements”, were investigated, and one SKP-editor, was forced by the statepolice, (= “Swestapo” , even due to mr P. Tennant) to confront their nearest close friends (within sight) in the German Gestapo, in Denmark, on a Swedish Malmö-ferryboat.
The SKP-leader, Sven LINDEROT, was even forced to go in hiding, when the statepolice “wanted” him, by the public radio, those weeks of 1941, although with parliamentarian immunity. But “a good conscience is a bad pillow in prison”, as LINDEROT, put it, com-pared what happened him after 16th of May, 1931, after the Swedish military (I21) shot 5 workers to death, in the Ådalen-demonstration, (against strike-breakers, those Swe-des organised by major Allan WINGE, (SNS), vol´s “outed” from 1918s Finnish civil war), and LINDEROT, was then jailed for eight months, for participating in the following huge protestrally, in Stockholm.
THE NY DAG : 16TH OF MAY 1944:
“- – – The recruitmentoffice for the Swedish Volonteer Company (SFB) in Finland (Axis-power), at the Svirfront/Russian Carelia , is still open, in spite of the most important Swedish and Allies official activities, at present to influence the Finnish government to agree to a separatepeace, with USSR/UK. Responsible for the recruitments, adress Skeppsbron no 18 : Major Nils PALM, mr Gustav SÖDERLUND, man.dir.,Employers Asso-ciation, and chairman of the Finland-committee, Ivar ANDERSSON the Svenska Dag-bladets´s editor-in-chief, and the banker, Eugene VON STEDINGK. (Man. dir. :The Han-delsbanken) – – – .
(Ny Dag published the 17th of October 1944, about Iver OLSEN´S dubious U.S/WRB/ OSS/activities, the Summer of 1944, to pick-up, transporting to Sweden, ” nationals” from the Baltic States, many warcriminals, in the same time, dispatching Raoul WALLEN-BERG in the other direction, in what I hope, was a more genuine human relief based mission. At the U.S.legation, an employee, the Estonian linguist, Ants ORAS, had cont-acts with the German Sicherheitsdienst,(SD) and British ” circles”, to collaborate and dis-tribute weapons, (* V.Agrell), to counter the Red Army-offensive, in the Baltic states, 1944.) (ORAS was for a short period in the provisional Estonian government, after the capture of Tallin, in September 1944, but left for U.S., 1945.)
Well, that was some parts of Raoul WALLENBERG`S personal and contemporary political surroundings, ” in print”, the years 1941-44, today most beyond the public RW-debate.
Most people striving forward/or in circles, in the WALLENBERG-researchdesert, sure longing for an ” Ice-cold in Alex “, after that trip, me included. (That´s not a movie-script – it´s a wellknown “sweaty” desertrats vs Fm.Rommel-movie.)
But there were those, that already from 1942 had that opportunity, in Alexandria, as they were British Special Operative Service-agents (SOE) in the Middle East, Egypt, Cairo, Alexandria. SOE was in fact the British equivalent of the Soviet´s “Wollweber” sabotage-& resistance groups, (the latter viewed as dangerous “terrorists” by Sweden & Gestapo. SOE was probably a worse, case, in Sweden, at the Krylbo railwaystation, and the Hårs-fjärden navybase, 1941, real British “bad boys”, aimed to ” set Europe ablaze”, from 1940, by all means.)
– – -” But ” Churchill´s enthusiasm for ” setting Europe ablaze”, by sending arms and representatives also proved unrealistic, except a as a postwar source of selfrespect. Only in Yugoslavia and in Russia, did resistance movements significantly influence German deployment. “- – – /B. Urquhart 2010/.
The funny thing here is that, three important SOE-agents, based in Sweden,under cover-assignments some period during the war, all had made it to Egypt, then under British rule, as Palestine, even that facts, “in the shadows” around Raoul WALLENBERG. They ought to have (perhaps) knew, that the British authorities, 1942, deported the Swedish minister, mr Ivan DANIELSSON, “non-grata” -declared, because of his alleged pro-Axis sympathy, and contacts.
Later DANIELSSON was commissioned to the Swedish legation, Hungary, Budapest and by that, WALLENBERGS superior, there from July, 1944. (But Paul A. Levine´s book:
– – – Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Myth, History and Holocaust (2010) in “the second, more personal Wallenbergresearch wave,”(Agrell) lacks unfortunately, information of Danielsson´s antecedentia, in Spain 1939/Egypt 1942, (what C.McKay emphasize ) and became then, just there, a “hagiographic” contribution.) (But DANIELSSON, was postwar, awarded ” Righteous gentile”. )
It´s even possible that these agents, could had some knowledge of Raoul WALLENBERG, during their Swedish stay, as he probably met Cyril CHESHIRE/SIS, in Stockholm, and perhaps some of the rest of the SOE-“bunch”, sometimes, with their smoking pipes, afternoontea, pullovers,plus-fours, blackpropaganda-printers, TNT, scratch- & sneez-ing-powder… etc, as: Butler, Whistondale, MacEwan, Martin,Threlfall, Turnbull, Tenn-ant, Turner, North, you name them…
(1.) Mr Ewan BUTLER : arrived to Cairo, just in time for the HESS-landing in Scotland, May 1941, Rommel victorious, and the Battle of Crete was to begin. BUTLER was then active with propagandaradio-broadcasting over the Middle East. But from 1943, to 1945, BUTLER was ordered to Stockholm, Sweden. He was for instance well aware, and anxious of Walter SCHELLENBERG`S (SD) attempts and Swedish visits, to use Count BERNADOTTES “White buses”, the Spring of 1945, to give separate surrenderingbids, to the West. (* The latter the most, likely receivers, as the Soviets, already experienced the German-Russian “separate” nonagressionpact of 1939, only to have the war, June 1941.
(2.) Mr John ” Pincher” MARTIN: was implicated in the Rickman sabotage-group,1940, and was later deported, from Sweden, and went to Egypt.
(3.) Mr Henry McLeod THRELFALL : sending some SOE-agents from Sweden to Germany, a project that was disclosed, deported 1942, and was then ordered to Egypt. From that he went to the Allies bridgehead of BARI/CASERTA ,(1943) at the Italian Eastern coast, (on the heel of the “boot”), and directed SOE-operations in Poland, Warzaw, and later against Hungary.
Those two whole years, 1942-44, the West´s armies, fighted their way up from North-Africa, through Italy against just five or six German divisions, ” like a bug, creeping up a trouser leg”, as to qoute Churchill, ” the Showman on the Beach.” Worse than “Uncle Joe” Stalin´s criticized , “Waiting behind Poland´s Wisla-river “, the fall of 1944.
No army use frontalattacks against a big city, if not possible first to seal it off, as Buda-pest, 1944/45. No commander sacrifies soldier´s to save civilians, especially if their are hostile, as Poles and Hungarians, vs. then Russia. In Italy, Allen DULLES, (OSS) negotiated in secret with the SS-general Karl WOLFF, from March, 1945 of the separate surrender, in the South. (“- – – The most realistic possibility to save Jews, in Hungary, was the Sov-iet´s military advance, that had been denied to Jews elsewhere, in Eastern Europe./- – – Cesarani, (1997)
The Wehrmacht was as capable of dangerous counterattacks, 1944, both in Warzaw, and in Budapest, the latter a very serious case. Three times, from the Balaton Lake-sector to Esztergom, from West, 1-6 January 1945, again 7th-13th January, and last the 18th -27th of January, and the siege lasted up to mid February, 1945, as we know.
Was WALLENBERG`S planned visit behind the Soviet lines,in Pest, then mid January, 1945, without written warrant by the Swedish superior, Ivar DANIELSSON, (what M.T-Kutuzov had) with naive proposals (=Paul.A Levine) for the fast rehabilitation, of Buda-pest Jews, to present, for the Soviet Marshal Malinowski, was that more a way of coll-ecting military informations of the Red army dispositions, and return back, to Budapest, or Sweden ?
Then remained a whole month of serious German-Hungarian military resistance, from the Buda-side, of the city, what could have been a bridgehead, for German “rescueop-erations”, “countermoves, not for Jews, but for Wehrmacht´s units. Most people in the foreign legations staybehind, underestimated, the German strenght of resistance, in Budapest, from late of December, …”about some days”.
How lucky for the the Jewish ghettos, they were was located at the East Pest-cityside. (Perhaps an act of “humanity” from the Germans/Hungarian fascists… ? ) what the Rus-sians, liberated, 16th of January 1945, after battle of 103 days. Then it took a whole month up to 13th of February, 1945, to capture the Buda-side, over the river Danube.(figures to compare with the proposed Soviet frontalattack of the City of Warzaw,1944, about the same size, or larger.
There was a ” staybehind ” structure for activities after the German surrender, in May 1945. A German diplomat, Heinz DEHLBRÛCK, refugeespy, and harassing Jews in Swe-den, etc., operated a radiocommunication, in cooperation with the nazisymphatizers in the Swedish nobility family, – AF STRÖM, (adress: Värtavägen no. 6).
It was located in a shed on the ROSENHILL estate, where both H.C. NORTH and H.W.A. WARING, lived, up to 1945. (* If those two British legationpersonell knew something about this, we don´t know.) ” This structures were, by all judgement, wellorganised, aimed to be of importance, during a possible German invasion. “/ Source: Mats Deland 2010/
The, AF STRÖM family, (Nobility 2308), major Oscar AF STRÖM, (b.67), married a Germ-an woman in his second marriage, 1918, M.LECH, (f.99), and had then three more chil-dren,of what R. N. AF STRÖM, (b..27.) was involved in the Rosenhill radiostation, as Swe-dish NS, from young age, (SSS) WSS-recruitment, the German School in Stockholm, Kar-lavägen no. 25, and active with postwar smuggling of, Norwegian nazis, (due to public sources, already since 1945.) His uncle (mothers side) was said to be one of Hermann GÖRING`S near confidents. (Later he ran a drivingschool for the Swedish hereditary prince´s (Gustav Adolf) daughters.)
(1.) The Oscar AF STRÖM family, moved, 1943/44 to the adress: Värtavägen no.6, lead-ing up to the Karlaplan, in then (and now) a fashionable (but sleepy) upperclass, part of Stockholm (Östermalm). (Just close to Djurgården and the ROSENHILL estate, crossing the big plain/field, the GÄRDET.)
(2.) But here you find even : Mr James DICKSON :captain, Finland Swedish volunteer cor-ps, SFK, (1940) / and separatesurrender go-between, to Germany, (1943), and member of parliament for the Right party (Högerpartiet), pro-German, and member of State committée for the Estonia-Swedes, 1944, in coooperation with mr Peter KLEIST, the Rib-bentrop´s (AA) Canaris/ Abwehr, (and S. Curman, Hafström.)
Last but not least, in service of the dubious Swedish military intelligence section, during WW2, the C-bureau (C/arl Petersen & Ternberg), with responsibility for the very sensitive provincedistricts, of Jämtland/ Härjedalen, bordering Germanoccupied Norway, 1943, (as T/hede PALM in the Värmland province , the successor director of the C-bureau, what 1946, became the ” T-Bureau.”)
(3.) And who else do you find then, at the VÄRTAVÄGEN no 6 ? The Swedish (Art.) Lt. Col. Harry WESTER, who returned to Sweden in September 1944, after his probably dubious role in Budapest as militaryattaché, responsible for the Soviet POWs, what he called ” Beasts !”, and couldn´t feed, or protect from being transported out of Hungary. He must have met Raoul WALLENBERG in Budapest, there from, the 9th of July, 1944, “and there was a dilemma “,(=good advices, now expensive), lots, for not at least for Sweden´s longterm foreign policy.
(4.) At the VÄRTAVÄGEN No 11, you could meet, a Mr Reginald SUTTON-PRATT / Brig-adegeneral, United KIngdom, British Military-attaché, in Stockholm, during the war.
(5.) And close to him, GÖRING´S friend and separate peacemessenger of late 1939, and early 1941 to Britain, The Baron Knut BONDE, the VÄRTAVÄGEN no. 12 (1944) (moved to the KARLAPLAN later) and the father of Raoul´s girlfriend, Angelica BONDE, 1943, and in the same entrance, (and older generation), his colleague at the Swedish Foreign office (UD) , Vilhelm TERSMEDEN.
(At the Karlaplan, (open place/fountain/park) some compromising photos of mrs Jane HORNEY was taken, in August 1944, by a Danish resistanceagent, what was said to prove, that HORNEY, was an German agent. She was picked up by a German legation car a “yellow” DKW, and went to an apartment at the RINDÖGATAN No. 42, a German leg-ation coveradress). (the no. 42 where even Kai HOLST found dead/shot, in June 1945) H.C. NORTH was as we now know, in then (May) 1944 in a way informed about Jane HORNEY, and later from herself, October, of the accusations against her.
In the entrance no. 44, you find an experienced British SIS-man, David MACEWEN. The 19th June 1944, the German Adam VON TROTT arrived in Stockholm, to explore the British and U.S. Interests of (col. Stauffenberg) to negotiate with a new German govern-ment. This time he visited or met David MACEWEN. Like (Roger) HINKS and James KNAPP-FISHER he was a British secret-service officer. HINKS arranged one of VON TROTT´S visits, MacEwen asked Trott to put information about the German Widerstand on a paper, which he did.
A Norwegian Milorg-man, mr HAGLE hide and lodged for a while, in MACEWEN`S home. A Swedish “historic” liberal resistance-woman , had even her apartment here, no.44. Amelia POSSE (the daughter of Count F. Posse), the founder of the Tisdagsklubben (Tuesday club), the Tuesday,the 9th of April, 1940, the day of the German invasion of Denmark/Norway.
(By the way, in the 1944/45 Stockholm-sightseeing,trip, cross-over from Raoul WALL-ENBERG`S apartment @ the BRAGEVÄGEN 12, you could find on the other side of the street, within sight, in no. BRAGEVÄGEN 9-11 a mr Hugo KÖHLER, German, member of the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce,(1935) adress, the Nybrokajen, (even that very close to the present Wallenberg-memorial in Stockholm.)
The (prokurist) KÖHLER, NSDAP-AO member, was in the staff of the Continental Caut-schoukCompany, (rubber), collected money for a Goebbelsproject, “German Soldier´s Centre”, 1941, postal giro : 15 12 81 and in succession of Pg. Wilhelm STENGEL, beca-me the Swedish affiliation of the German NSDAP-AO (Auslandsorganisation/ LGL (Land-esgruppenleiter), when Stengel, joined the WaffenSS, 9.9.1941, SS-Unterschar führer, in the Barbarossa/Eastfront, back to Sweden 1942, received 1943, the “Ost-medaille”, left for Switzerland 1943, engineer in Sweden since 1935.)
KÖHLER received as Parteigenosse, the German Kriegsverdienstkreuz, 2. kl. 1943, (tog-ether with other German Pg`s active in Sweden Willy GUST, Willy MAAS, Peter BAUERN-SCHMIDT, Heinrich ORTH, Kurt HENTSCHEL), but KÖHLER moved 1945, to the same adress as the German School, Karlavägen no. 25, where STENGEL from 1941, was member of the board.)
In C.F. PALMSTIERNA`S autobiography, (1973) he writes: – – -” Raoul WALLENBERG was my kinsman, but I never met him. He was on a mission, from our government to rescue Jews in Hungary. But 1945, he was apprehended by the Russians, with a substantial amount of cash , was interrogated, tormented, and convicted. ” – – –
(Palmstierna already then, (40 years ago) emphasize explicitly Raoul´s then, huge pos-sessions of cash/values, and characterize him with the adjective “bohemian”, a pers-onality what could only, due to Palmstierna, but further stir up the, Russian´s, susp-icious minds, to new heights. (Perhaps the Russians see themselves as very strict con-formists, but by the West being projected, as “the Other” ? (The damned, always ultra-suspicious Russian national characters, never fails ! )
(But what failed,totally were the West´s intelligence,services, during 1933-1945, as they never grasped the Nazi objectives, of exterminate,by genocide, the Slavic people, Russians,POWs, and all Jews, in East. (Generalplan Ost) How come ? Of what worth are such un/suspicious/suspecting intelligence services – with their always selfidealizing historiographies ?)
And their moral principles,values, when employing every Nazi perpetrator and hang-men, within reach, after the war, 1945 ? Not only were they unpunished warcriminals, but anti-democrats, “true anti-communists” , another U.S. /U.K big blunder, was of course, even that those turncoats-agents, were very easy to blackmail, recruiting as double-agents, if their antecedentia, became known, by the Soviet´s secret services.
One of the most unnecessary and darkest policy moves by the West´s political hyster-icals, postwar, 1945, as even this, events today, beginning to gain historical momen-tum, like a Western ” Katyn , waiting to be unearthed, and shed light on.)
(The Katyn, disclosure April 1943, was used by the Nazis to hide their onslaught on the Jewish rebellion in Warzaw, what caused the death of 7.000 Jews and 50.000 ghetto-inhabitants deported to German deathcamps. And from that, all Nazi-executionsites was exhumed and the corpses burned, to prevent all proofs of war crimes. As usual, 1943, Nazi-tactics as instrumental as the ” Jews for sale”, and the separate surrendering
parties of 1944/45. )
The Higher German SS and Polizei-führer, in charge was SS-General Friedrich Wilhelm KRÛGER, known earlier for executing of people, “with a hot dog/bread in one hand, and a gun in the other. ” (Source : German dictionary) (Later 1944, Krüger commanded the 6.WSS Nord division, in Finland,around Kiestinki, together with the Austrian Wehrmacht-general Franz BÖHME, the hangman of Serbia, 1941, later, last German Supreme com-mander of the German army in Norway, May 1945.)
– – -When Palmstierna commented upon the German assault on Russia, 1941, in the daily The Aftonbladet, – ” If Nazi-Germany can root out the human destructive bolshe-vism, it had fullfilled its historic mission”, and Sweden ought,then to influence Germany to soften, its occupationregime of Norway, in exchange of a pledge to assist Finland, with substantial Swedish military forces ” – and by that comment, Palmstierna was soon kicked out, from Countess POSSE´S liberal “national” resistancegroup, the Tuesdayclub. (Tisdagsklubben.) – – –
— Palmstierna, was during the Finnish-Russian war of 1939/40, volunteer in the Swedish Voluntary Corps (SFK), and in charge of collecting, personal somertimes, bloodstained belongings, from fallen Russian soldiers, as letters, etc. and translate them, into possible intelligencesources, most in vain, from “soldier´s letters to Mom- – -”
– – – The 9th of April 1940, (The German invasion of Denmark/Norway) Palmstierna witness, of his observations of the ” German diplomat, Kurt BRUNHOFF, when driving his car to the German legation, in Stockholm, during “suspicious” circumstances, rum-ours of a German attempted coup.- – – At 13.00 a´clock, military checkpoints was maintained, at the Slussen, (floodgate) against the southern local railway, from Saltsjö-baden, identitycontrols, perhaps local “NS- Braun Marine”, at the nearby navybase (?) , a suspected German freightvessel in the VÄRTAN harbourarea, and mystical signal lights from windows at ” the VÄRTA-vägen”, what Palmstierna, even observed. ” – – –
STORCH met Peter KLEIST, the 3rd of June 1944, this arranged by Edgar KLAUS, (the Latvian /Abwehr-agent) (source Arran Hamilton) at home at Fru FAHLSTEDT´s adress Strandvägen, (?).
Peter KLEIST/Ribbentrop/AA met Iver OLSEN in June,1944. / STORCH met Iver OLSEN, the 10th of June, 1944.
(STORCH went to the Foreign office (UD) in September 1942, met Gösta ENGZELL. Ransome for Latvian Jews was mediated via the Rotterdamische Bank i Amsterdam, and Dresdner Bank, and a Swiss bank. )
STORCH met KERSTEN, (Adress: Linnegatan 8) at home of the banker Ottokar VON KNI-ERIEM, (where sometimes the Dresdner Bank´s Karl RASCHE lived during his Stock-holmvisits) the 25th of February 1945. KERSTEN went to RFSS /HIMMLER the 2nd or 3rd of March 1945, with STORCH´S proposal.
The 17th of February 1945, mr Fritz HESSE /from Ribbentrop´s AA came to Sweden, met Jakob WALLENBERG, later STORCH, and then OLSEN, concerning the Jewish ques-tion, the 16th of March to RIBBENTROP/AA.
” – – – Felix KERSTEN, (b.87) a German-Baltic, served during the first month of the Finnish Civil war, 1918, in a German infantry division, helping the white MANNERHEIM-forces, with the capturing of Helsingfors, from the Red socialdemocrats, in May.- – – (ought to be the Kaiser -German´s Baltic Division, (10.000 men) commanded by the Swede, Count Gilbert HAMILTON, (1939 General in Wehrmacht), father to the lawyer Arran HAMILTON).
Later “KERSTEN as officer in the Finnish army in Estonia” , ought to be the ” volontarily” Finnish intervention in Estonia, (3.000 soldiers) January-April, 1919.
When HIMMLER visited Finland, the 29th of July-2nd of August 1942, Felix KERSTEN (SS-member) och SS/Karl WOLFF. accompanied in the Reichsführer´s /SS, aircraft. (Wolff was later 1944/45, separatesurrender-mediator with Allen Dulles/OSS/Berne),
KERSTEN went to Sweden, October 1943, met Holger GRAFFMAN, navyengineer, man. dir. in the Transfer AB, and in WALLENBERG`S inner circles. Abraham HEWITT arrives ,concerning separate-peace soundings, met GRAFFMAN , in Stockholm. Walter SCHELL-ENBERG to Stockholm, the 9th of November 1943. (HEWITT reporting later to OSS and president Roosevelt.)
Walter SCHELLENBERG tried to influence HEWITT, to travel to Berlin, with of course, big risk of being detained, as earlier the “Venloe incident” . Another big problem, then with a U.S. peacemediator in German captivity, added to the Warzaw-Swedes, ASEA/STAB -employees, situation, convicted to prison /capital punishment, in Germany, for coop-erating with the Polish resistance.
” The Venloe incident”, the 9th of November, 1939, in the Netherlands, close to the German border, when the two British SIS-officers, Payne-Best and Stevens, were kid-naped by the Germans (SD-agent Naujocks) near the Belgian/German border, in a conspiracy. – – -Under the disguise of an German coup´de etat, conducted by discon-tent armyofficers, because of the high German losses in the Polish war. It was directed by the SD-officer Walter Schellenberg, (acting as a fake German high officer, a real nazi-crook, then, and later, who was protected by Count Folke Bernadotte after the war, in the Nuremburg trial 1946.)
The SIS-agent Best, was a well connected businessmen, and in the army intelligence, Stevens, in cover as passport control officer, and they were interrogated and jailed in Germany the whole war.- – – ” This incident also subsequ-ently made the British very suspicious of any further approach from any kind of professed German anti-Hitler resis-tance. “- – – This is important, when subsequent German “peacesonderings combined with a, ” coup ´d état” -pledge, later were mediated by the “Widerstand”, 1943/44, from Goerdeler, von Trott et al.- – –
Felix KERSTEN operated from Stockholm, a personal telephoneline with HIMMLER, “and there were (!) a lot of conversations”, with HIMMLERS adjutant, Rudolf BRANT, meaning secret contacts with Felix KERSTEN in Sweden./due to Felix Kersten´s son, Arno Kers-ten./
When HIMMLER called, KERSTEN had to go by air, sometimes regulary airlines to Copen-hagen, and then be picked up by German aircrafts, as Denmark was occupied , since 1940. Such means of communications, of course Raoul WALLENBERG, could have used during the Fall of 1944, November, via Denmark or German airstrips in Norway. and then going incognito to Sweden, (a piece of cake, what it seems, from this facts.)
As in November, 1944, KERSTEN spent only six days in Sweden, left the 28th of Novem-ber. Missions from foreign minister, Christian GÜNTHER, HIMMLER released the War-zaw-Swedes, arriving with KERSTEN, mid December, and one hundred Norwegian stud-ents /policemen. (thanks to Kersten/ due to Schellenberg.
My point: Raoul WALLENBERG could as easy, as Felix KERSTEN, have travelled to Swe-den, during for instance, the days, arriving : (the Monday 20th of November,) 1944, staying, (Tuesday the 21th,)( Wednesday the 22nd,) and then back to Budapest (Thurs-day, the 23rd), (perhaps with a fast Lufthansa/waffe/aircraft (or ABA) to Copenhagen/or Norway) for a meeting with BECHER`S´ lawyer BILLITZ, next day, (Friday the 24th) of November, the latter day, what was in fact a notion, in WALLENBERG´S diary/calendar, a tough agenda, but possible. (Sources: Paul A. Levine/ Göran Engblom.)
Edgar KLAUS, got himself a Swedish lawyer, mr Arran HAMILTON, son of Count Gilbert HAMILTON, (see above) in August 1942, but was anyway deported. The German historian, mrs, Ingeborg FLEISCHHAUER claims the deporta-tion, was a fake, it was about a secret meeting in Germany, perhaps arranged by the Swedish UD-man, Gösta ENGZELL. KLAUS and HAMILTON`S close relation, during the war, is a surprice.
The Socialstyrelsen´s (National Social board), agree to deport KLAUS. The 30th of June, 1942, the German trial of the Warzaw-Swedes began. In mid August Arran HAMILTON present for the UD, exciting and very secret facts. KLAUS have been in contact with Rib-bentrop´s AA, for the releasing of the Swedes, what then expected something in return. KLAUS Swedish resident permit, was prolonged. (Even Felix Kersten took part in the con-tacts.)
Arran HAMILTON was even in board of the Sterilisator AB, Åke GRÖNWALL, a person what the ambassador mr Göran Engblom (in his book: Himmler´s peace) claims was active with separatesurrender-sonderings, 1943 and 1944, (see my comment…)
Perhaps(?) GRÖNWALL´S Patentagency, (Kungsgatan no 30), later from 1943, cooper-ating with the German industry, to make applications for German patents then being valid in Sweden, to not have them confiscated, by the Allies, after 1945, and the pred-icted defeat, we don´t know. If Grönwall “sterilized”, the surely “nazicontaminated” inventions, in then wellknown, contemporary Swedish pattern.
Anyway, 1944 the industrialists in the Third reich, applied of 6.000 patent, biggest amount in the National Swedish Patentoffice´s history. 1945 there was an explosion of of applications, 1945 = 10.670 German patents, 1938 =1. 618, of what 50% was from German big industries/ I.G Farben/ Zeiss Ikon/ Bosch/ Daimler- Benz/ AEG / Sie-mens/.
In Sterilisator you even find mr Gunnar WETTERMARK, wellknown in the Wallenberg-sphere. GRÖNVALL even knew mr Allan WETTERMARK, man.dir. 1933-40, in the DEU-TSCHE UNION-bank, controled by Wallenberg´s STAB, a bank, that Jakob W., took con-trol over in connection, with the Kreuger-crash, 1932/33, and the bank, seemed to have had many assets, real estates, as always underrated by the Wallenbergs. GRÖNVALL was even acquainted with Arvid FREDBORG, the Svenska dagbladet´s pro-German, (edit.Ivar ANDERSSON ) correspondent in Berlin during the war.
Even WETTERMARK had good contacts with the German regime, and he administered the purchase of armaments to Sweden, and he was close friend of GÖRINGS`S friend, the Swede, Birger DAHLÉRUS, and even Ivar ANDERSSON (Svd) met WETTERMARK in Berlin. He became post-war, man.dir. for the WALLENBERG`S investment company, » The INDUSTRIVÄRDEN”. ».
Of interest here is that WETTERMARK, was the Wallenberg brother´s banker in the Deu-tsche Unionbank, a bank, that Jakob WALLENBERG took control over in connection, with the Kreuger-crash, 1932/33, and that bank, seemed to have had many assets, real es-tates, as always underrated by the Wallenbergs. Grönvall was even acquainted with Arvid Fredborg, the Svenska dagbladet´s pro-German, (edit.Ivar Andersson ) correspon-dent in Berlin during the war.
My points: It seems, old contacts and business/networks, from 1918, and the 1930s, were activated, during 1941-45, and Edgar KLAUS, Arran HAMILTON, Åke GRÖNWALL, Gunnar WETTERMARK; Sterilisator AB, Felix KERSTEN, had some close connections, even leading to the WALLENBERGsphere, and Holger GRAFFMAN in Transfer AB.
Don´t mention the role of the Warzaw-Swedes, of 1942-44, and the SD/6-leader SS/ Walter SCHELLENBERG, and Peter KLEIST, in the shadows. This connections have nev-er been enough scrutinized, only by Göran Engblom, concerning Grönwall, and Alvar MÖLLER /STAB/Berlin. (2008).
Raoul WALLENBERG could have been able to visit Stockholm, (what Marcus Wallenberg, testified 1981) during late November 1944, when comparing, just only with Felix KERSTEN`S close contacts and travellings with/to RFSS/ Heinrich HIMMLER. Of what reasons this option been downplayed, and questioned, by the official Wallenberg-investigation, even from the real existing airtransport possibilities, of those days, seems not that, quit understandable.
What the Hungarian historians mr Gabor Kádar and Zoltan Vagi described in their work : ” Self-financing genocide : the Gold train: the Becher case, and the wealth of the Hung-arian Jews.” (CEU-press/2001/English ed. 2004). (* This study, Paul A.Levine, makes no reference to, in his RW-book, surpricingly, although in print, first 2010.)
The liberal paper the Dagens Nyheter, (26.8.13 ) publish a perhaps typical confirming article about the WALLENBERG rescue actions 1944, by his latest biographer, mrs Ingrid CARLBERG. (Heading) : – – – ” A family being grateful to Wallenberg, for everything.” – – – ” The Canadian postal stamp, edited 2013, with a then unknown Jewish girl, was iden-tified as Ms “Judith”, then daughter to the Jewish wood/timber trader, probably well sit-uated, mr Andor Kopstein, then living in a big apartment in central Budapest.”
Kopsteins survived the war, when the Red army arrived, were liberated, 1945, Judith became later educated as construction-engineer, in the typical, “realsocialistic /equal way ” (worthless, anyway or…? ) but they left Hungary for Canada, after the rising, 1956. (* Then even antisemitic-driven lynching violence again occurred in the Budapest streets.)
Those facts must be put in place, like the yeast in the dough, to judge the situation of the Hungarian Jews, during the 1930s. Jews were 5% of Hungary´s population, owned 10% of the land, the old aristocracy (=0,19) & owned 25% . (* The lack of a landreform, was a big Hungarian problem, feudalism, what the Allies knew, and left intentionally to Russia, for implementing.) This socioeconomic realities are not an argument against, the WALLENBERG mission, at all, but ought to be discussed.
Should Wallenberg and the WRB/UD/OSS been present at any other Holocaust site, if not in Budapest ? All indications of a “special” mission, economical, intelligence, rescuing of wellsituated ” future people “, are in place, and not at least, the need and possibility, for a both a Hungarian and German separatesurrender to the West, ” a postwar source of selfrespect”, before the Red army´s “bolshevik hords” , (*—” Or the war, behind the war , Christian tradition, against the forces of, “the Demonic usurper “/ due to mr Har-ry Johansson, the “Sigtunastiftelsen”, the Widerstand´s Adam von Trott´s, Swedish “Christian” supporters, 1944, letter to Swedish bishop Y. Brilioth.) , reached the Ger-man borders.
Many Jews held positions, well above their numerical weight, but were one of the main forces of the modernization of Hungary, and the capitalist system. (* 5% of the popula-tion= 800.000 of, 14 million Hungarians, 1941.)
In Budapest (lived 20% of the Jews) ), and 50-70 percent of the doctors, businessmen and lawyers, engineers were Jews, or ten times overrepresented. 60% of the Jews, urb-anized middleclass, 3% agricultural workers, and 13% industrial workers. Better off, but not rich as such, perhaps , but in relation, to many Hungarians.
(Compare to Germany, “The Endlösung´s origin, where 1% Jews,lived 1933, (= 700.000) of 80 million Germans. Of the German physicians, doctors then, “only ” 7% were Jews. But the Nazis, fast crushed in the first months of 1933, their main enemies, the wor-king class movement, their unions, their papers, the Socialdemocrats (SPD) and the Communists (KPD), (and imprisoned them in the kz-camps Dachau, Stutthof) etc., par-ties with together around 50% of the voters, in the last democratic election. The anti-communist, antilabour, antisoviet, opinions, sentiments, became a far more important mobilizing basic feature, and pretext, in the expansionistic, Nazi-Germany, from 1933, than perhaps the rather, few German Jews.
The Jews “could wait”, and perhaps emigrate, but few German political refugees from
the Left, made it, abroad. In Sweden/Denmark/ Norway,(Brandt/Mewis et al), many were harassed by the Swedish security police, in collaboration with the RSHA/Gestapo´s , later most notorius terrible “Einsatzkommando” officials, during the whole war, and were imprisoned in one of the twelve (12) Swedish “kz-camps light”, Långmora, Smeds-bo, Rengsjö … administrated by the Socialdemocrat´s undersecretary of state, the Dep. of Interior, mr Tage Erlander, later from 1946-1969, partyleader, and Swedish prime minister,” beloved monarch ” , before he “appointed”, mr Olof Palme.
The poorest Jews in Budapest were not rescued by Wallenberg, due to testimonies. Comparing with, for instance Stockholm, he and his colleagues saved people living in the city-district of the ” Östermalm” (where mr Carl Bildt is living), a part to this day, symbol of an upperclass identity, rich, people with power, names, contacts, resources, traditions, in short the Wallenbergsphere´s cultural/economic “surroundings” – solidar-ity is not blind.
That is not to say that even poor Jews weren´t saved, by the Neutrals in Budapest, dur-ing the later phases, Fall 1944, – – -” but in a citydistrict, (III/Obuda ) 5.000 poor but strong Jews lived, at distance from the rescuers, and all perish. ” – – – (Mrs Naomi Reu-kei, letter 1990 to P.A. Levine published, 2010)
That´s not to say Raoul Wallenberg, could expect a safe career. “A Room at the top”, “was not waiting for (him) you “, like his Aunt Ebba Bonde´s son in the “sphere”, the banker, mr Peder Bonde, who passed away, just a short time ago, (b.23), but Raoul´s sister, mrs Nina von Dardel, (b.21) “still kicking”, a nice old lady, took part in the first Swedish Raoul Wallenberg memorial day, the 27th of August, 2013. Perhaps the “rever-sed” nepotism, like in the poor Olof Palme´s elder family-clan.
(But this WALLENBERG-cult, seems now develop like an collective mourning occasion, the same as for Lady Diana, or Kim il Sung, you name it, official ceremoniels, everyone can share, weepings of any personal, but unknown, reason. The Swedish main airport, The Arlanda, was proposed this summer , by bunch of wellknown Swedes, (among, two former primeministers, GP+TF) to change name to what…. ??? Yeah ! The Raoul WALL-ENBERG`S Airport. Like the J.F.KENNEDY, John LENNON, and why not: José MARTI /Hav-anna. We´re on the hipsters global plane. Mission accomplished. Aqui ! Presente !)
Arlanda, is anyway an real arch-old Swedish local name, well suited for its purpose, and with an (i) between A(i)rlanda it´s perfectly adapted, for the 21th century´s internat-ional lingua franca & passengers. But this airport the “Storflygplatsen” (Bigairport) was designed, already 1947, (inaug. 1960) able for the purpose of intermediate landings and take-offs, by the U.S. Airforce big bad heavy bombers, the A-bomb bearer B-47, laun-ching a gigamega, “Sunday Punch” against the Soviet Union´s main populated areas, big million cities, industrial zones, in the West of Russia. (With or – without UN-resolu-tion)
Then neutral Sweden´s secret cooperation with the Nato-pact began, or in fact proc-eeded, from 1945,(Lillehammer) was followed up with the Swedish DC-3 aircraft, filled with U.S. Sig./int. technology in (1950)1952, started, to collect information of the Sov-iet-Baltic radarsystems /airdefence, what first must be destroyed/distorted. “Lucky”, in a way, the only thing to be destroyed, then was the DC-3 (incl. crew) downed by Russ-ian fighters, after allegedly been too close the border, the 13th of June 1952, (like an USAF , RB-66aircraft April 1950). An operation perhaps with similar distinct feature, as the WALLENBERG case, “double employers”, in the “greyzone”, to save the Free world. A roaring silence, occured even then, as if all the parties, “everybody got something to hide”, just for me… Poor Raoul, it begins to look like a crusade, – ” Look -what you´ve done ! ” )
Tenement house in Budapest, were owned, by 26 % of Jews, and they received 45 % of the revenues, because they owned the biggest houses. Each one hundred Jewish house held 341 apartments,and 631 rooms /and the Hungarians, 141 apartments, and 204 rooms.
The Jewish elite in Budpest, (15.578 persons) were taxed of 1.214 billion pengö = 2.4 billion USD. (1937)
Jewish owners of : Industries : Iron/metal -50% ) (Machines -41% ) (Wood/timber -50%) (Skin, leather – 68%) (Spinning -65%) (Stone, glass, clay – 37%) (Paper -58) (Clothes- 72%) (Electricity – 7,5%) (Food -35% ) ( Chemicals – 50%) (Printing -42%)
Total = 43 % of the main industrial plants were, Jewish owned.
Families as : Vida-Pereny/ Ullman/ Weiss-Chorin-Kornfeld/ Mathner/ Kredbank/ Biro, Fellner/ Goldberger/ Few owned much, as the Wallenbergs, controled the economy with the same methods. Madarassy-Beck, 8 banks in control, 72% av fiscal capital, 60% av industrypotential/ 68% of coal. Alumimium monopoly=Manfred Weiss/Chorin (United Lightning/ mr Lipot Aschner, = 100 % of lamps, of that 60% for export, worth more than Hungarys whole agriculture export.
10 out of 10, of the biggest industrial and companys were owned by Jews. 75% were Jewish, of 124 boardmembers. The war 1941, gave new state budget money, = 200 million USD/ from the state, and profits. 1943 the wellknown here, Manfred Weiss Combinate had contract for a German fighterplane (JÄGER) = 2.7 billions pengös, =
500 million USD. Twice the 1938ths Hungarian big armamentprogramme.
In Budapest the concentration of Jewish millionaires was high. Of 269 millionaires, 175 (65%) were Jews, and 94 (35%) native. 49% of GDP, went to Jewish bourgeoisie, 1937.s
Incomes: (Over one million pengö: of 126= 105Jews = 83%) (+ 100.000 pengö of 121= 102 Jews= 84% ) (+ 30-40.000 pengö, of 201 =172 Jews= 85%.) (357 cartels ruled the Hungarian economy 1938.)
These figures,and ownerships, the Hungarian regimes, long before the German occu-pation, from March 1944, planned for decades, before the Holocaust, to expropriate, and the Jewish ownerships of the industry decreased, as the number of educated high professionals, due to the Hungarian ” numerus clausus” , anti-Jewish policy. (usual in Eastern Europe, then in Poland, Romania, …) The antagonism in the workingplaces, were more between ” Christians vs Jews” etnical, not the usual, class/ work-capital, and a bad social security system, like the British one , level of the 1800 century. (Kadar/Vagi, 2004)
The Wallenbergsphere, must have had good knowledge of this, their financial sense, must have sniffed not only aid, but money, in spite of the real in fact, Wallenberg credo: ” Money, don´t smell ! ” Many, if not most, of those Jews, Wallenberg rescued, (temporarily) seemed to have been from the upper classes, because those people usually have better chances, to organise, survival and, escape, from war and terror. This facts seems downplayed, replaced by most, not bad, but rather commercial “feel-good” bio-graphies, and articles.
Tomorrow 4.9., U.S. President Obama, visits Stockholm,Sweden, ” between U.S. two wars”, the not ended, the not yet started, ” the monkey(nation) with a grenade “, and will go to the ” gogue”, to remember Raoul Wallenberg. But most, if not all all of Raouls´s contempory contacts, the German SS-German the perpetrators, and looters, 1944, in Budapest, postwar lived very good lifes, wuthering heights , unpunished, rich men, ret-ired, advisers, (as SS-Kurt Becher) in WestGermany. They were “free as the bird” , thanks to the United States and Britains short, and instrumental memory.
For every of those, SS/Nazi/hangmens, a question should be asked to the former West-tallied´s present governments and sense of justice. For every name on the synagogue´s memory plates. Why ?
When discussing Raoul WALLENBERG, few pointing at the international diplomatic rules, what made his mission possible, what I presume the “diplomatic community”, guards especially. When such things although happens, in necessary human rescuemissions, skilled diplomats are really needed, as WALLENBERG ended up in a: mission impossible.
I haven´t read Gellert Kovacs´s study, yet, but planning, to do. During that time I can use Susanne Berger´s review, for orienting myself of the some questions, made public by Gellert Kovacs. Berger´s review, breathing, some doubts more than before, if not WALLENBERG, acted in a hazardous way, not in line with his diplomatic mission. He see- med to have had a more activistic orientation, those days, than was known, and accep-ted, in Stockholm. The final “truth” or the just present, today 2013, angle ? – In our contemporary approach of the mission, we don´t know, yet. The ” resistance-fighter theme “, I mean, is on the agenda. So what – could be, why not…
The Swedish politicizing habit, by the liberals of accusing the servile socialdemocrats, in the Foreign ministry, mr Östen Undén, and mr Sverker Åström, et al., of negligence in the Wallenberg case, is not quite true:
Those commissioned him for the mission, 1944, the Foreign minister Christian Gün-ther, (nonpolitical, and by that having no political responsibility and close observation from a partygroup, 1939-1945), must be described most as a (right) liberal, with pro-German attitudes, but his secretary of state, mr Erik Boheman, became later member of the Parliament, for the Liberals/The Folkpartiet, which confirm this claim. The Folkpar-tiet, today with people as Olle Wästberg, Ullenhag, and Jan Björklund, the infantrymajor, and in the same handy size, as the Left party, 5-6% of the voters each, today. We´re in it together.
The Minister of Transports, in the coalition war-government, (1939-44) “Gustaf Ander-sson i Rasjön”, (Liberal partyboss, 1936-44, in “Folkpartiet” ) was the man who admi-nistrated the whole German Wehrmacht transitation-trains operation, through Sweden, 1940-43, to supply Norway/Finland with troops, and 100.000 of tons of war materiels, sometimes up to 10% of the Swedish railways capacity, incl. 2 million German soldiers, as passengers. Photographing, strict forbidden, for Swedes. They travelled in the best compartments, with Swedish transportofficers, no cattletrucks there, as for Swedish soldiers, sometimes, with only hay on the floor, and hot stoves. (and 30.000 wounded,
sick Germans, assisted by Swedish medics, returning from the Murmansk front, battle to occupied Narvik, 1941-1944.
(A classic Swedish photo from WW2, picturing a goodswagon, with German soldiers, and a big Swedish armed “soldier hulk” as guard, high above the Wehrmachts. This was for long time , the official “truth”, among people, the Swedish neutrality, in one click. In fact the photo showed surrendered German soldiers, when leaving Sweden, evacuated, from occupied Norway or the Finland, front, 1945, as they were a bunch of them, from different service branches, all uniformed, contrary to German service regulations. A yo-ung military historian was needed,(Gyllenhaal) and could later easy, give the right exp-lanation, after 68 years of illusions.)
But it was not, anyway, a “self-financed Holocaust” as for the Hungarian Jews. Sweden knew to claim terms of payment, from the Reichsbahn, and received around two (2) bill-ion Swedish crowns (in todays currency) in German payments, for this traffic, perhaps, most sure, partly in looted Jewish gold. The Swedish liberals – at war.
(By the way, the “neutral” “Germantrains” -policy is still Sweden´s main foreign policy doctrine, but with some other actors, you know who. (Joint annual U.S. Air Force/ Nato-bombingexercises, with the Swedish Air force, is usual, so when a Norwegian Nato/ Hercules, crashed (2012) against Sweden´s highest mountain, the Kebnekaise, (2.100 m.) the real hardcore national environment (and park), the main leading poem in the Swedish national hymn, “DU FJÄLLHÖGA NORD ” – hunted by Swedish fighters (JAS), causing an environmental mega-disaster, 5 victims,(crew) 50 tons of airscrap, junkyard, 10 tons of aviationpetrol, in the very sensitive area, of mountaincreeks, reindeers and wilderness, no Swedish military, or journalist dare even to protest.
Dare they defend Sweden ? No – but hush down – if needed ! ) (Last time, aircrafts went down in this remote areas, was during the WW2, when British RAF bombers, (Hampden) and German Luftwaffe-planes, from Norway, Finland missions, crashed, a bad omen…?)
(1.) Did the Swedish legation in some way sacrified Wallenberg, to save their own skins, and immunity, when they were interrogated by the NKVD ? They could be the “best” source of his alleged activities, not any alleged, Hungarian, British, or Russian source.
(2.) If Wallenberg and the legation, hade made secret deals with Hungarian/German Nazi officials, or conducted some intelligence activities, the Soviets, post-January 1945, cou-ld use that as pressure against Sweden ?/S. Berger.
Craig McKay points of good reasons, at the Swedish/American lack of coordination, and information, nothing was communicated to the Soviets in Hungary, 1944/45, when WALLENBERG was dispatched to then one of the war´s most dangerous areas, interior, and in the battlefield, ruled by desperation, theft, bombardment, and killings. Today this seem to be worst possible, unresponsible mistake, ever done, then, in the Swedish diplomatic foreign relations personnels history, together with the Swedish military int-elligence C-buraeu, dubious actions, with OSS, all what WALLENBERG, became impli-cated in, and connected to, when information even leaked.
But it is in those traditions the establishment in Sweden then handled the Soviet Union /Russia. A hard to understand mix of defiance, disgust, arrogance, exploiting, secret cooperation with the West´s intelligence, and on the other side, of the coin, tremen-deous fear, servility, Russophobia – not far away from today´s Western views and pat-terns, in their Russian relations, what always seems geared for war. The Russians al-ways seem to have to put their foot down, or bang the fist, in the table – to be resp-ected and listened at, up to this day, like the Nato-enlargement, 1999, and the Georgian
assault on Abchazia/Ossetia, 2008, what for a while stopped U.S. offensive abroad. But
in the Middle East : Here we go again !
The “Permanent war” epoch and 10.000s of refugees, the latter most end up in Sweden, as now the Syrians, and a Swedish little town, Södertälje has more Iraq refugees, 80.000, more than the whole of United States. That´s the distribution of the work.Sweden don´t want to end up as one more, American state.
(3.) Wallenberg plans of rebuilding the Jewish Budapest community, (as they for instance dominated the Hungarian economy, not the least, Manfred Weiss Industries, whose arm-amentfactories, probably participated heavy in the deliveries for Hungarian/German war efforts, 1941-45, and by that managed initially to make perhaps – huge profits.
Could the Soviets been interested of that ? The Allied project, 1945-46, was to de-industrialize Germany, by all means, and demand warreparations, and not allowing of rebuilding their armaments industry, in Germany, Hungary, or in cover in Sweden,for instance, as in the 1930s, Landwerk/Bofors. So there WALLENBERG was quite politically astray, with perhaps in the Soviet´s eyes, “antiallied” and even then “counterrevol-utionary”, claims.
Sweden and Schwitzerland had much trouble, and conflicts, with the Allies post 1945, concerning this Allied, degrading-Germany policy. Sweden could defend her national independence, better here than Schwitzerland, but faced blacklists, forced selling out the German firms in Sweden, and at one time, a boycott of coaldeliveries for Sweden, Together with the problematic Swedish/Soviet trade-agreement, 1946, the WALLEN-BERG-bankers Bosch-cloakingproblems, U.S embargo-demands, all what must have muted the Swedish possibilities, to free WALLENBERG.
His cooperation proposal, – with the Soviets, seem in that perspective, human relief-oriented, but “naive”. (Paul.A Levine/2010). Did he use that “new” project, to access an intelligence “bridgehead”, the same tactic as we seen the German SD-agents in Sweden, (Estonia-Swedes, 1943/44) in similar projects ?
In fact Wallenberg had close contacts with SS/Standarttenführer Kurt Becher, the main plunderer of the Hungarian/Jewish economy assets. He had seen this most from inside, during the Fall. How could he change attitude so fast ? Perhaps he could have end up as witness, for Becher in Nuremburg trials, as Jacob Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte, Alvar Möller/STAB , Kasztner, et al., for Walter Schellenberg, Göring and other nice “rightous gentiles”, in Swedish eyes. What shall we think ? We don´t know.
Did the Russians keep him busy with his plans , when they by rather soft means, sent him off to Moscow, in order to debrief him/them, as much as possible, and at the same time compiling information about him, or received from foreign sources. Perhaps from, not impossible, even the British´s SIS/MI6-secret service, and they were not that plea-sured by WALLENBERG`S ´s Budapest-actions, due to mr Göran Rydeberg, archivist /UD.
That could be the reason, “the third part/power-complex”, causing enigmas, for long time, hard to solve. It could be lots of such common secrets, still protected and not published from the WW2, “a tit-for-tat”, situation. The British and Swedish archives are not more open here, than the Russians, especially as we know not much about SIS/C-Bureau cooperation.
I think perhaps, here the probably “zionistic” connection, (together with the Swiss, Carl Lutz,) could have disturbed the Britains, as SOE even pondered of sabotage, of the vessels transporting Holocaust victimized Jews to Palestine, postwar, to keep Britain´s Palestine-mandate immigration rates intact, and low, (The Exodus – a wellknown movie ) to not have future problems with the Arabstates. It didn´t work. During the WW2 the Allies refused to fight for the ” Jews”, in order to first achive their war goals, not to give the Third Reich propaganda advantages. Today, the US./UK seem to be Israel´s “prox-ies” someone wrote, in the Middle East, destroying, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, then Iran, one by one, by turns.
(4.) The Swedish impression of him : A patriot, commissioned sergeant in the Nat-ional service , (=the Swedish army), was called up 500 days, 1939 -1944, (= of total 1.825 days=5 years). Then very active in the Swedish volontary Homeguard (Hemvärnet 1940-), as it seem very frequent, served as a instructor. The rest of the time, he was permit-ted to go abroad (Hungary/Vichy-France/Germany=Axispowers or occupied), what common Swedes, very seldom had opportunity to do, then
Judging of the pressarticles of him, 1941, in Svenska dagbladet, he then perhaps acted in the same public manners as a mrs Jane HORNEY, the female side of the coin, sym-bol, of young people serving volontarily in defending the Swedish neutrality, in the protection services, 1939-1945. Jane and Raoul probably must have met, they were sure members of the intensive Stockholm city, night life. Don´t mention his reserve officer education (ROTC) during his time in U.S. 1933-34. (He met anyway, for instance the “shooting (movie)star, ms Viveca Lindfors.)
Anyway – from outside, Wallenberg can as few others, then be described as a fullfledged experienced, paramilitary instructor,(if not battlehardened) and even as we know, had a quite modern, special interest of, Battle-in-cities/dense populated areas, inspired per-haps by the Stalingrad-style,(1942/43) (Ortsgefecht) tactics. By that he could have be-en judged as a particular qualified instructor for the Hungarian resistance. Perhaps he could be recruited later for some modern intelligence activities, postwar, in cooperation with the U.S./OSS.
But most important could be: what most, if not all Wallenberg-reseachers never con-template, is that WALLENBERG arrived just-in-time, for the very dangerous third counter offensive, launched by the German Heeresgruppe Süd, the 4th SS/Panzercorps,WSS/ Totenkopf/ Wiking , and others, in the early hours, the 18th of January 1945, to break the Red army´s siege of Budapest.
The Germans tried first to clear out the area, deep to the south East, of the city, and they reached the Danube, and from there aimed of combatting the Soviet´s tankspear-heads, West of the City, those units keeping the Germans at bay and healthy distance from the Soviet´s separate Budapest siegeoperation, what liberated the Pest side and the Ghettos. The one Raoul WALLENBERG, experienced, and connected to, around, 13th of January, 1945.
The 21th of January the Russian´s military crise culminated, outside Budapest, the Ger-man reach within 15-20 km´s from the city, and this are days very critical, perhaps even for Raoul WALLENBERGS´ fate. What ambitions did he announced: going to Debrecen/ going back to Budapest/ back to Sweden, by own efforts/car/ ? Or travel via Moscow ? Probably those days of January, he was the wrong man, at the wrong place, in the wrong time…with wrong proposals, without any written Swedish warrant, and perhaps acting on his own judgements.
Did the Russians suspect him to collect useful military informations in this phase ? They don´t have to be supersuspicious, then. Imagine him made a walk- in, to the U.S. Army´s battlelines during the dangerous German Ardennes-offensive : “- Hi ! G.I.-guys, my name is….and…
Was he aiming of “catching two birds with one stone” – (1.) Save “his” Jewish people in the ghettos, in Pest, and in the same time , (2.) trying to stop the Red army´s, import-ant counteroffensive, West of Buda, going on to 28 January, to facilitate a Hungarian/ German separatesurrendering, the last call, in this vital theatre of war, for the lastditch in fact, and the most powerful German military opposition ?
‘ Where was the WaffenSS/ 1. Panzer division/ Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler , in the Battle of Budapest, then ? They took part, and in the WSS. 1. Panzerergrenadieregiment staff, served an officer in Sweden, wellknown German SS-Lt.col., Hans-Hendrik NEUMANN, SS/Heydrich´s former adjutant, later the second man in the Germanoccupied Norway/ Quisling under, Gauleiter Josef Terboven, NSDAP-Einsatzstab-Norwegen, and selfapp-ointed SS/SD/RSHA -“polizeiattaché” in Stockholm, Sweden, 1941-44, deep collabo-rating with the Swedish security police, Erik Lönn, Martin Lundquist, and Harry Söder-man (SKL)
(One of the last persons, cooperating in Sweden, 1944, with Raoul, (source P.A. Levine) of editing a business/advert./calendar, was mr Eberhard Håkansson, who lived at the Inedalsgatan no 11, and cross over in no 8, you find the police superintendent, leading “the Anti-Communist section” , mr Erik Lönn, close to the Stockholm´s main police building. (Just fun…not more.) But Wallenberg´s businessprojects, then seems a bit futile, a small printingfirm. This last idea, the advert./calendar, could probably emerge from the lawclerks, former friend, Hans Böhme´s and Birger Roos, just excellent edit-ion, 1927, a thick directory, with the whole provincial administration, and merchant-men, etc., in the Northern province of Västerbotten, Umeå.)
But from the 19th of December. 1944 NEUMANN suddenly left Norway, to serve in the 1st SS-panzer Leibstandarte, Adolf Hitler,(LSAH) in Hungary, later in April, the Battle of Vienna. During March, they made a last German panzer-offensive, East of Budapest. Neumann could have been in the surroundings, with the most excellent opportunities of being a liasion officer, (a like H. Fegelein slick type) in the chain-of-command, betw-een RFSS/ Himmler-Fegelein-Becher and Hungary-Germany-Sweden, and perhaps WALLENBERG, those critical days, late december 1944, the 14/18-25 January 1945. Too ” bad ” to be true ? , – than it probably , isn´t true, or…
As I presumed, not even Gellert Kovacs, in his big interesting study, mention the Wehr-macht´s /SS -offensives (3) outside Budapest, during the whole of January, 1945. That´s perhaps a too narrow perspective of the historic military situation around Budapest. If just looking at the Red army´s protracted siege-operation of Budapest, and the Ger-man/ Hungarian Buda/Pest-garrison, still then with lot of defence capacity. That´s a pity, because that scenario, could be of great significance concerning Raoul Wallenberg´s fate. But there are few studies about that battles, “outside”, West of Buda, that´s true.
But no Swedes, especially, afraid of their future careers, dare to questioned, and paint the whole picture, of Sweden, during the war. It ain´t healthy to searching for the whole context, as Wallenberg saved most the rich people in Budapest, that´s why he been a saint for those rich and political circles,former inveterated anticommunust crusaders, can rally behind him, and build, like a Lenin Red square mausoleum, as for Lenin. No one dare even move “Ilich”, from Red Square, yet.
(1. )To show up, in such a confusing situation, as Wallenberg, in ferocious military bat-tles, or conflicts, must be very dangerous, what all know, by instinct. He, the ad-hoc-envoy, the 3rd secretary wasn´t accompanied by any other Swedish professional diplomat, (they didn´t dare? ) as witness, or of some Hungarians, “credible” (if there existed) in the Russian´s eyes . In fact hid friends warned him, in vain.
(2.) If he had been commissioned with some official legation mission, to undertake the first contacts, with the Russians, that seems not credible today, due to C. McKay´s retri-eval of the M. Tolstoy-Kutozov´s printed warrant, issued by Carl Ivar Danielsson, the Swedish charge´d áffair. (Legation document / in Russian/German)
(3.) He drove a private car, with the tank filled not only with petrol, but even 15-20 kg´s of gold, and values, what perhaps became known. And due to Jenö Levai´s book, he carried one (1) million Hungarian pengö, due to mr Reszö Muller, his staff chief.
That amounted, then, rate of exchange with USD, to 200.000 US Dollars = 1945. One (1) US dollar was paid 1945, by 4,20.( 4 kr 20 öre) Swedish crowns. Year 1945 = then 840.000 Swedish crowns = today´s current Swedish value(inflation) = 20 x 840.000 SEK = around 17 million Swedish Crowns. Not peanuts.
Then around 20 kg:s gold in the car tank = 640 troy/ounce(=31 g.) =year 1933 = 20 USD /troy/ounce = 85 Swedish crowns a troy , 1945 .
Today 1.000 kilogram gold is worth 300.000 when selling by golddealers for gold-smiths= 20kg gold = 6 millions SEK today, but the goldprice has increased very high since 1945, especially the last years, and is hard to calculate.
Jenö Levai, claimed, 1 million pengö, from Jewish and Catholic victims, that Wallenberg, was asked of any values, by the Russians, in his bags, etc., but refused to comply, only showed his wristwatch. (My calculations of the amount, can differ from an economist´s.
I refer to the Hungarian historians, Gábor Kádár /Zoltan Vági: The self financing genocide. (2001/2004 Engl.ed.)
But what´s even gather momentum, is Wallenberg´s alleged cooperation with a Hung-arian resistance, furnishing weapons and their´s perhaps with a Polish underground-movement, connections to the Polish Home army (AK), the London exile-government. By that the Katyn-executions, the Polish POWs, 1940, by NKVD, was perhaps in focus, and then perhaps even, suspected – Soviet warcrimes, during their offensive through Hung-ary,1944, become known and documented, even by Wallenberg. (Kovacs 2012)
As even Gellert Kovacs approached this -such undertakings, ” If known by the Russians, seems very dangerous and “unhealthy” taking part of, for anyone. (against any vict-orious army) .Then, don´t mention a : (1.) neutral (2.) foreign diplomat, with then dou-ble restrictions of acting outside the official rules, and from a nation, in the role of (3.) protection power for the Soviet Union.
The intentional Katyn-revelations, 1943, by the Germans, dr Goebbels, effected whole of the Allieds warefforts, strenghtening, the Axis power´s resistance spirits, or/by fear. (In fact even the Polish Home Army (AK) shot escaped Soviet POWs, if falling in their hands, as even Polish Jews, Communists. After the war, Jews were even throwed off the trains, in Poland.)
If Wallenberg then aiming of a repetition, of the Katyn crisis, in the Allies relations, 1943, what could spured the Axis power´s counteroffensives, and the general opinion public will in the German satellites, the spring of 1945, then he probably was a ” dead man walking.” “Cought in the act”, suspected agent, even with what could be judged as looted property, from then just – obviously plain German/Hungary warcrimes, from the Russian angle.
” Greuelberichte” were forbidden in Sweden, the whole war, not to disturb Germany, what Wallenberg must have known. It was called the Foreign department´s (UD) special bureau from 1940, (Statens informationsstyrelse/SIS), lead by the pro-German, profes-sor mr Sven Tunberg. “The Grey paperslip”-policy, ” Not to be published” : as, German torture of resistancepeople in Norway, revenge executions, the killing “as medicine” of 100s of the Yugoslav POWs, infected by epidemic typhus – in Norway ” Den blir skutt”/ erschissen” if feeding a Soviet POW.” In Sweden – only, the paper was confiscated, by the Ministry of “Justice”, of all names. (As today when Wikileak revealed the U.S.Killings in Bagdad, from a helicopter, “U.S Greuelberichte”, a crime to reveal a crime.)
If (!) perhaps the British´s secret servive then had knowledge of alleged, new “Katyns”, together with some, feared “zionistic” designs treathening their in anyway fast, shrink-ing empire,from two sides, they couldn´t presumably, but give green light for a neut-ralization of Raoul Wallenberg, like the presumed, SOE´s approval of Jane Horney´s, but then of probably antisoviet motives, the same time, 1945.
As Sweden took on to fill the Baltic gape ,the (1.): IT-cable, still today 2013, with collaborating with the U.S. espionage organisations,(NSA+FRA) what the European Union, has revealed, 6.9, (by the British “intelligence”-journalist Duncan Campbell.) As 1952, Sweden took over the (2.): 1950, the Baltic radar gape, to the East,when an USAF RB-66 from Westgermany, was downed 1950, by the Russians, with the disastrous Swedish DC-3, result, 1952. As perhaps 1944, the OSS gape of informations from (3.) Budapest, was covered by the Wallenberg mission, and the C-bureau. That seems to be the Swedish pattern, the hard-to-cure, repitioned obsession of bravado, with fatal res-ults. ” Sweden had it coming – payback time.”
During the Allied´s important summit in Teheran, Nov./Dec. 1943, Stalin proposed the: – ” Execution of 50.000 German officers”. Churchill of all “human right” defenders, (he proposed summary executions,instead of the Nurembergtrial, as some tribes in the Middle east were in fact gassed, by the British RAF in Syria 1919,as Italy, against Abes-sinia, 1936) lost his temper and returned to his room, came back when president Roo-sevelt, proposed instead, quiet : But…just 49.000 then… ?
Similar thoughts must have guided the Allieds bombwar-offensive over Germany,(as Hungary 1944) 1940-45, no sign of German opposition, and resistance, worth nam-ing, instead rising defence and producing moral, what spelled, 600.000 German civil victims, down under the 1.000- planesraids in Hamburg, Dresden, Cologne, terror bombard-ment.
But this big-power attitude, (as the nuclear bombings of Japan,August 1945 Weapons of MassDestruction) the de-grading “Katyn-morale”, of both the Wehrmacht personnel and Germany´s territory, and its industrial capacity, appear as common sense, as “uncondi-tional surrender”, within the Allies supreme command, and nothing special, and were even executed, postwar, by any- and many means.
What not the least hit, severely, Swedens independence and economy, suffered, postwar, 1945, with her most trade and possibilities in the Western direction, when Sweden clai-ming, “freedome of trade,” the neutral tight-rope dancers”, sheer lies, what of course provoked, the Allies patience, on the Judgement day, May 1945.
Both in London and Washington, no such news, “Greuelberichte” were welcomed, as Ka-tyn of 1940, was repressed, to every price,but the Axis-powers, Hungary, Finland and even Poland , Sweden, took part in the International Red cross´s medical pathological investigation, 1943, and exhumation of this gravesite. One certain effect of Katyn, was probably the Finnish Stella Polaris undertaking, when 700 Finns (incl.families) in the intelligence fled to Sweden in September 1944, to perhaps, unrealistic operate in/from Sweden, and did, for a while, by supporting the Abwehr´s Sala-group, in Norway. A quite Swedish anti-allied move, prolonging the war, as much as the Finnish, most of 1944, refusal of cease-fire. And any Soviet occupation option, was never on the table.
In a way Raoul Wallenberg seems to been victim of the Katyn-principle: in custody, by own will/war, not protected only by human rights, not by outspoken international law, suspected of undermining the Sovietrussia´s foreign and economic, interests, double employers, UD/WRB, suspected enemy agent (asset) /or looter, stubborn, selfassured and not bent on “cooperation”, then missed by few (masters/relatives), if any, key pla-yers, perhaps “zionistic” symphaties, a man, viewed perhaps carrying a dangerous pot-ential, from all aspects, fresh war-experiences, with a capacity, for big net-works-operations, even in the future.
What to do with 20.000 Poles, 1940, most policemen, prisonwardens,borderguards, and settlers (Statiev 2010) from “The Kresny”, the “East of Poland”, the occupied Western-parts since 1920, of Belorussia/Ukraine , all not willing to support Russia. A lot of peo-ple with a potential to “raise hell”, what the Russians already experienced from them, since 1920-1940.(Source: Haslam). Poland, destroyed every form of a possible London /Paris/ Moscow-pact, from her Russophobia, the Polish colonels of 1938-39, what ended in disaster 1939, cheated by Hitler, since Poland-Germany pacted, 1934, as if Poland had the power of giving Third Reich a match, sharing the prize, Czechoslovakia, and keep the 1920s Czar-territories. Why spending time, guarding, feeding, a very large formation of “unreliable” obstinate POWs, somewhere in the GuLag-system, rather then – let them disappear.
What other option was possible, as “Behind the Wisla,” 1944 ? The W. Anders Polish army could anyway, leave Russia, free and alive, the Fall of 1942, fighting any “Ortsgefecht” in the ruins of the outbombed Stalingrad, was not an option, for them, understandable, then joined the Britains,in Iran, Italy, they rather ending up in the Monte Cassino, 1944. The Soviet armed ,loyal Polish army, took part in the Soviet´s Berlin-offensive, April 1945, one of those Poles, was named Jaruszelski.
The Soviet´s didn´t act hostile against Poland, those days,1930s no interior,subversion, and here I´m quoting a contemporary, source well inside, the Hungarian, resistance, abroad, and even active well trusted, Pro-allied.
“- — The horrible reactionary Polish government, where the leaders,volontarily sacrified their, fatherland,to save, their financial, capitalistic interests, or big estates. His own words, of the above: ” A hard but, justified verdict. Just selfishness dictated the ” criminal” policy of the Colonels. “(I will return to this writer, later)
– – -“The Germans should never refrain from Danzig and the ” Corridor”, but Poland att-acked instead Czechoslovakia. The Colonels (Beck/S-Rydz), attitude against the Soviet Union,were as much criminal, as Russia before the German invasion – not in any way ad-ventured Poland´s interior or foreign security. Polish communists didn´t existed, and Russia didn´t support Ukrainians resistance, (* who,the Poles stirred up, by terror, pacification, colonial punish-expeditions, flogging people, all by themselves).
– – -” The Polish politician: – The answer is very easy, if we kneel for the Germans, we lose our properties, but if we kneel for the Russian´s …..”.The Author : We losing our souls.”…. Pardone, but I´ve heard that at least 100 times, it´s vague and naive. What territory, city, or province, are the Russians demand ? What organisations have they launched, to topple Poland´s government ? What Russian papers and books, propag-ating hate against Poland ? Conducted, what activities – to risk Polands security ? “- – –
– The Polish politician: There you see, in the parliament, all those Poles, in that bench, had been deported before to Siberia ! – – -the Author:/ But what the Colonel´s kama-rilla, feared, was that a cooperation with Russia, would spark reforms in Poland, a land-reform, more dangerous than a German invasion, and they know, that Germany, sooner or later, were going to attack Russia, what could save Poland from political reforms. Probably the Colonels then associating, to Germany. (as Hungary/Romania/Finland) , to save their big countryestates.
When Czechoslovakia, was smashed, 1938/1939, Poland became a threat, for Russia. To ward off this danger the Russains had three alternatives: (1.) Democratizing Poland. (2.) Save Poland from Germany. 3. Participating in the dismembering of Poland.
The Poles was not interested, of Soviet assistance,to counter a German attack. Last alt-ernative, for them,to divide Poland, to avoid them to develop as a dangerous bridgehead for the Germans.- – –
– – -” The Russians had better knowledge , about the German army´s real strength than, the British, and French. They know that, the German “panzerkeilen “, would adva-nce very fast, through the Baltic states, and soon attack Leningrad, (* the second Soviet city, with 30 % of the Soviet´s armamentfactories,the Baltic fleet, (Kronstadt) and as much inhabitants, than the whole of Finland.) – – – But the West denied Soviet, this arr-angements, of moral reasons, to protect the small states, but lost to build an European Anti-Hitler pact. By following their principles, they lost their possibilities to halt German aggression, the worsened by that, their own situation, and added to that, even lost the chance to save the victim.
For the purpose of Baltic state´s national independence, the West refrain from a the Tripplepact, London/Paris/Moscow) adviced by even Churchill, but Hitler managed, any-way to crush France, and the Baltic states, were annexed anyway by the Russians. But when Hitler attacked Poland, the West hadn´t any choice, but to declare war, not to lose all credibility, in Europe. The Soviet Union didn´t occupied the Baltic States, they annexed them,as the Baltic became citizens in Soviet Union, with their rights,(few?) and plights (heavy?), we don´t know.
(That´s why, the Baltic refugees in Sweden,(146) recruited to the German army,in Ger-man uniforms, who was extradited by, international law and Allied agreement, tog-ether with 2.500 Wehrmachtsoldiers to Klaipeida, and the latter to Siberia-camps. But the Swedish opinion, among them, the “Christians”/Sigtunastiftelsen the same as in contact with Adam von Trott, in the Widerstand, 1943-44, protested loudly, but only for the Balts cause. In the German group, there were no known, warcriminals, but one in the Baltic group, O. Lapa, who committed suicide, had been member of the Viktors Arajs Rollkommando.(M. Deland /Purgatorium 2010.)
(The difference we see in clear light, when Israel occupying Palestine, they do not make the Palestinian people, Israeli citizens, with rights/plights but instead, trying to round up the Palestinians in special areas, or right on, driving them out, (as 1948) if Israelites (or just immigrated U.S.-Jews, yesterday) claiming need of land, in Jerusalem, or in the “Occu-pied territories,” (sounds like “Der Generalguvernement) “, for new settlers arr-iving, any time. That´s the difference between ” annexation ” and ” occupation”, a com-parement not to Israeli advantage, and her longlasting colonial ruling of the Palestine.)
Chamberlain´s version of the ” Red line”(1) , (Polish guarantee) of 31th March 1939, gave the Poles a free hand, to oppose Germany, who they think they could defeat…
” Within two weeks, we take Berlin ! “,but the Poles banked most on a cavalry-army, experienced since they fought the Red Army 1920, victorious. But the geared for war against Russia, and had no fortifications, to the West, but all their industries, instead, what Wehrmacht soon crus-hed. The “Miracle of the Wisla, 1920, ” lulled Poland into a false security, wrong tactics. Then 60.000 Red army- POWs, died in the Polish camps, if not by execution, so by disease, typhus, neglections of care.( * As in Finland 20.000 Pows,as late as 1941/42)
So Stalin could have had both personal and historical reasons for the Katyn killings, as even then the Polish brigades, attached to the British army, aiming of attack Russia, in the Finnish winterwar, 1939/40 (May/June 1940) from Petsamo, Polish destroyers what the Finns, with their own Pro-german, future plans, resisted and of course didn´t app-reciate.
The Polish participation in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, punished, when the Germans then could flank out the Polish army, an operation around 14 days, ten-and-out, no effective “staybehind” by the Polish government, during the whole war. They ran, as even the whole Polish state had high officers, as foreign minister, president, mixing in a confusing way, military and officials, like a banana-republic, but none of them was anyway, present in Poland, during the war.
The defeat, 1939 was not owing to the Soviets intervention, at all, but the Poles could-
n´t imagine them, of moving in,(since Polish (1.) ultimatum (2.) recapturing, Lithuania and Teschen 1938),then the Russians was silent , and Polen did n´t even declared war to Russia, 1939, from that selfassured position. From the West, Poland didn´t received a penny, in military assistance, the fools in the West, they needed all that for themselves in London/-Paris, in vain even there.
For Stalin to align with Paris/London, was perhaps not an realistic, option because, their lack of realistic, armaments the “Maginotitis syndrome” and the Phoney war/ Sitzkrieg began, for eight months, and the West, couldn´t even during this dangerous period- armed themselves, but mined and invaded Norway to tie down Wehrmacht/Kriegsmarine there, then Germany closed off the whole Scandinavia, Denmark/Norway and German Hinterland =Sweden. The secret German build-up in Norther Finland for outflanking Russia´s Northern front, for “Aufnahme Barbarossa” started, in September, 1940. The rest is the history – of the Grand Allies.
The Author:// “Better the Russians defiled in Riga, than the Germans in Paris.” West sac-rified a Triple-alliance for those Baltic small dictatorships, leaning too much, to Ger-many, 1939, their “principles”, and lost both. Principles and clients, 1939/40, gaining nothing than the demise of France as nation, and Britain, in merciless, Nazi siege, be-hind the Channel, and between that, a failed project to occupy the Swedish iron ore mines 1940, close down, the Luleå harbor, move the war to the small neutrals, with pretext of helping Finland, and France planned attacking Russian oilrefineries, over Baku.
Combined “Paralysie general” and “Folie a´deux” , is the diagnos, finding itself then in war with both Germany, Russia, and Sweden, no doubt. (And better the Russian army defiling the Victory Day May 9th in Moscow, than U.S. Army defiles after combatmissions in: Kabul, Bagdad, Damascus, Tehran….U.S. Army, are anyway beatened up, hadn´t won a war since 1945,then with decisive help from the Russians, in Europe and Japan.)
Big refugee-streams, weren´t appreciated, by the Allies,1945.The Germans to Germany “Heim im Reich”, was at last realized, but instead deportations, all over Central Europe, for shaping homogen nations, all what especially Poland, no doubt, could ripe the harv-ests of.The Germans “took care” of the 3 million Polish Jews, m.o.l., with Polish public acceptance, the Soviets of the German army, and then 1945, most Ukrainians, had to leave, for the Soviet-Ukraine, the rest dispersed all over Poland, then with new and the best, German agriculture land, to cultivate.
Then Poland 1945, only had to worry of the German revenge demands, of 1937 bor-ders, not regocnized by the Westgermany until 1970 (W.Brandt). In fact, Poland had then, but to trust, the Warzawpact of 1955, to guarantee their borders, what BRD, for long, called ” abgetrennte gebiete” (in my German language book), or Poland as the real, “Eastern Deutschland”, and GDR: ” The Mitteldeutschland.”
Perhaps the Wallenberg brothers was intuitive right in not promoting Raoul for impor-tant positions, in the “sphere”, based on such a scenario, if he following the philosophy, “World as idea- not reality”, to reckless, as the Wallenbergs heavy leaned to the former.
But there is still Swedish interior contexts, from 1940-44, to scrutinize, what could have been decisive, for Raoul Wallenberg´s fate, and perhaps trigging Josef Stalin´s decison , perhaps a revenge.
Sweden 1945, throw all her, then what became worthless, general Pro-German sympa-thies for the Third Reich, culture, economy, technology, the dictatorship, all what layed defeated, in ruins – throwing instead the whole pile of the loser´s tragical shit, at the victorius “socialistic, planned economy”, the remaining dictatorsship, Soviet Union, (The “Demonic Usurper ” / The Sigtuna stiftelsen), and at the interior SKP-Communistparty, “McCarthy-hunt” with, ” five (5) intelligence different secret services: “Register all fucking Communist ! ”
They did, between 200.000 and perhaps 500.000 from peacemovements, women´s organisations, leftists. I thinking of the cartoon, “But please constaple, (stop beating me) I´m an anti-communist ! Constable: – I don´t give a damn, what kind of Communist, you are ! ”
The military and secret police couldn´t in fact differentiate between a socialdemocrat,(some although with, “permitted” leftleaning), and a real ” Communist “, you know what a problem it can be, and by that the Socialdemocrats had to launch their own secret service, the IB, (disclosed by journalists/Guillou/Bratt 1972), so they use their big net-work of their union-men, (ombudsmän) at the workplace floors, around 20.000 infor-mers , did the shit job, to denounce their perhaps closest jobmates, up to the 1970/ 80s.
Imagine, then how full of shit, Sweden then is, to this day, then “stealing peoples life”, in secret, and then denied it, the last Soviet-republic ! One big shady corporative Wallen-bergsphere & ” Volksgemeinschaft” , mixing the State power with the socialdemocrat´s political internal dirty tactics (even by Olof Palme/IB), not disclosed and investigated, first 1998, to lift out some hangover troubles, from 1950-80s, influencing the Social-democratic election campaign´s , too much , too often.
Starting all over again,by all means, in safety, but with restricted national independence, thanks to Washington/London, 1945, and what was left, the rest, had the deathblow, through the European Union membersship 1995, and today, more Nato-prospect, U.S. satellite, than ever before.
A sad, sad story, not to general edification, for what the Swedish Raoul Wallenberg-“mausoleum” is most used, as last week. To conceal, the past, but continue the war.
The German enterprises in Sweden, 1945, assets amounted to 1.6 billions Swedish crowns, (Year 2013 x 20 = 35 billions) incl. Swedish firms, affilations in Germany, SKF, STAB, et al., with German patents. The Allies: Statuatory list, (blacklisting) 1945, for Sweden, counted around: 530 firms. (1942, there were 230 !) ). /Switzerland= 1.200 firms,/ Spain=1.500/. (Even Lauer´s/ Wallenberg´s Meropa, was due to C.McKay, on the black list, but managed to be released, 1942, what McKay thinks could be, of mutual interests: Meropa and the Allies, perhaps trade/intelligence, probably a fixed pattern.)
The Allies legislated in October 1945: the Lex Berlin, for the purpose, of take control of Germany´s economic assets, and instituted the: Commission for German foreign ass-ets, in the Bretton Wood agreement. The Allies aimed 1945-46, to degrade the German industrial capacity, economy, selling out and paying warreparations, making Germany to a pure agricultural nation, not to be allowed, operate in cover armamentfactories, in for instance Sweden, as during the 1930s, when Germany rounded the Versailles agree-ment, of 1920, and make Germany, unable, to arm for war of conquering, other nations, (what begin, 1860s : (Southern) Denmark / France: 1870/71, /The Great War 1914-1918/ WW2/
(But , Hush, husch….Something like the BRF/Westgermany´s ” Treuhand” overtaking East Germany /GDR´s whole economy, 1990s, scrapping, around 8.000 companies, what made many GDR-citizen without employment, increased the Westgermany com-panies, marketshares in an unjustified, unbelievable way, lost, children´s daycare, etc., social services connected to the combinat/companies. Even some of this values, were
re-invested, in the unified Germany.
This can be compared to the Nazis, “Aryanization”, 1930s of Jewish business, what for instance the Swedish present queen, Silvia´s German father, mr Sommerlath took part of, 1938. For a long time concealed, in Sweden. (Obama met even queen Silvia and the King Carl Gustaf (5.9) then leaving for Russia, and S:t Petersburg, and the G20 summit, (leaving a city, emptied of cars, but filled big provisional concrete -obstacle(pigs) , as a U.S. base in Kabul, but, decreased, air pollutions, what many, locals, and media public enjoyed.)
This idea of dragging Sweden into the U.S. failed empire-policy, was an instrumental, political mistake, by the Swedish government, (probably – without public & parliamen-tary support, but more of curiosity) ), instead of starting serious negotiatings in S:t Petersburg. Tomorrow Obama, “has left the building “, quite alone, not even supported by his own Congress.
The Allieds blacklisting policy, wasn´t appreciated in Sweden, claiming the Allieds dip-lomats there, , didn´t followed the ” codes of diplomatic immunity”. They didn´t follow the common rules for foreign legations, not to interfere in the hostnations integrity, in their investigations, contacts and activities, concerning, open and concealed German assets. (Similar accusations, emerge, what the Soviets targeting the Swedish legation with, in Budapest, during the WALLENBERG mission, 1944/45, “so what ? ” )
The Allies demanded that Sweden sell out all German business, in public auctions, and paid warreparations, by that. But Sweden didn´t confessing any, unlawful, collaboration with Nazi-Germany, and had only made ” business as usual”, agreed delivieries between ordinary marketeconomies, due to international law.
Sweden didn´t recognize the Allies Control Commission, the German “provisional” gov-ernment from May 1945, (as Switzerland) and complained that Germany, by the sell-out, in the future, could directing compensation demands at Sweden. But this could due to the foreign ministry,(UD) be viewed as fraud,(* T. Grönwall) if Sweden didn´t followed the Allies decisions. Sweden was treathened with brutal economic blacklisting, if refu-sing to wind up, and return German properties. Switzerland liquidated the German ass-ets, and 50% of this amount/ netto, went to the Allies, and warreparations.
Sweden anyway, returned the looted gold, what the Germans had taken from the occup-ied nations bankvaults and deposited it in the Swedish National bank´s , vault. This, move was much appreciated by the Allies, up to Sweden than, later, quite soon, comp-ensated and cleared business with, the German National bank´s creditbalance in Swe-den, to a brake-even. (The Allies wanted something of 75 millions SEK, from Sweden, today x 20=1.5 billion SEK.)
When the German companys were to be sold out in Sweden, there occured a struggle between domestic and foreign, prospective buyers. When Sweden wanted the sellout-auction, to be in secret, the Allies, demanded – in public. Sweden had to pay more, than Switzerland, but didn´t lost as much independence, as the latter, where even the main part of Third Reich´s enterprises, in fact, were located.
German in Sweden enterprises as : UFA-film (movies/ Mannesman (pipes)/ Olympia (typewrit.) / Philips- Osram,(electro)/ Odeon (records)/ Tudor-batteries./Landsverk-bucket/tanks (cloaking) /RoBo- Bosch( defencematerial)/AEG-electrical /Siemens,/and more, all those must be sold.
This after an investigation, by the wellknown Minister of trade, professor Gunnar MYR-DAL, (socialdemocrat) even negotiating the later complicated, Swedish-Soviet trade agreement, “Ryssavtalet” (credits) the same years, and was then fired. (Myrdal was even he contacted by the U.S. intelligence, 1939, during his staying there, as social scientist, sociologist, as he 1944, even took part in the German Widerstand´s, von TROTT`S, peacetalks.)
For instance, the Sven Salén-consortium = mr Sven SALÈN & Carl KEMPE /Mo-och Dom-sjö (timber), the shipbuilding, and cellulosa sector, (1946) (Raoul WALLENBERG`S emp-loyer, 1941-44) wanted to prevent the L.M. Ericsson Telephone Co., (Today : Ericson) to purchase the German Siemens-affiliation in Sweden, and contacted Carl KEMPE in the MoDo Timber Co., to buy SIEMENS Co, but to an undervalue, about 7 million Sw. crowns then, (today 20x = 140 million).
But the Swedish socialdemocrat´s postwar-government refused to sell out the Siemens, they wanted it to be an counterweight to other Swedish big electrical companies, and U.S. electric companies judged impossible with mr Sven Salén ( the Shipowner, and the Banankompaniet) as owner. So the Siemens was left, aside for a while, but become in beginning of the 1950s, again, German-owned, by the German, Siemens parent com-pany. The labour government, planned perhaps for a bigger, nationalization, 1945, ” in the air”, and invited even the consumer´s: Cooperative Union.
This sample shows how big business acted, postwar, to buy cheap, German companies, and achive monopoly. But Sweden had to sell, and cashing in, and contribute to the Eur-opean rebuilding. The Swedish SAS, (airliners) later was forbidden to operate Westger-man (Lufthansa) lines, 1949, the same year, what they complained about . U.S. forced Sweden to cease its trade with the SBZ (the Soviet German zone/1945) , from where, then 70% of Swedish/German trade, took place, minerals etc.
A kind of nationalization of German/Swedish national assets, executed by the Western Allies, what few even remember today, restrictions for Swedish trades, and cloakingbus-iness, and a way for the capitalistic big business in U.S. to reorganise,the European mar-kets, from their own profits, advantages, a very big upheaval of economic, freedom, that´s why Sweden/Switzerland made such a “resistance”, with all rights, but later the Allies even lay their embargo-policy Cocom, against the Soviet Union, the same time, adding probably economic pains to injury, , and worsened the relations to the East.
Both Finland and Sweden, came out from the war , after the Allies reconstruction/ per-estroika, as someone put it : “as amputated, bandaged parcels” ,” especially Finland. Raoul WALLENBERG is then used to shield a heavy Swedish pre/war/post/cold/ war history-heritage, even guilt, what he ought to be released from, for to really rest in peace. But he functions as a good catalyst, for a part or much, of our history, but this conceal even the other, perhaps in fact, both more prominent Swedish contexts, and rescuers in Budapest, thinking of, W. LANGLET and Carl LUTZ. (will return to them, in the Wallenberg context) )
Or as the historian Vilhelm Agrell wrote: – ” It´s both – the real circumstances and facts of Raoul´s contemporary, actions and fate, and later shaped legend, what must now be taken in – as two realities”.
McKay gives the fact in his report, that mr Sven SALÈN, at first started the firm, the Ban-ankompaniet, (financed by the Wallenberg´s Enskilda bank) to import bananas, but the war breakout, restricted all what imports is called, so Salén change the name to the Mellaneuropeiska AB,(MEROPA) for importing from, just then, as an exotic zone, instead, Hungary, and Raoul WALLENBERG, was on board from the start, just before the U.S.´s entrance in the war, Pearl Harbor, the 7th of December 1941.
How this come about, and even Kalaman Lauer´s antecedentia, as refugee, with a part-ner,by the security police, suspected of being Comintern-agent, as business partner with background from Hungary, and the Spanish Civil war, is rather diffuse. But Raoul Wallenberg took a more important economic, role, there, than for long was realized.
The coincidence with Wallenberg, moving from the lawyer Hans Böhme´s office, at the Kungsgatan no 30, a house where even the United States commercial legation was situ-ated, and the arriving of the new U.S. ambassador Herschel Johnson, in Sweden, after the declaration of war, 7th December 1941 and U.S legation, is unknown. But from 1941 they had now offices, in the same building, the Strandvägen no 7., a “must” and hip adress, those days it seems, (together, eye-to-eye, over a yard, with the Third Reich´s military attachés), no one blame them.
So Sweden´s national independence postwar, was by this U.S., measures restricted, was toppled, when forced to cancelled her Germantrade, and contacts, as U.S., even stop the Swedish/Soviet trade-relations,and on top of that, the US/.U.K., sanctions of trade with strategic goods, with the Soviets/Eastbloc, the embargo-policy Cocom, and not the least : the * firing of Jacob Wallenberg as the managing director from his/their own, Stockholm´s Enskilda Bank (1946),(SEB) during the Bosch-cloaking process. (*The same day 30.3., as Henrik de Wahl/The Manfred Weiss, man.dir. passed away.) If not obeyed, blacklisting, boycotts, (of coal) were to be used by Washington. And by this show-down, even in Sweden, U.S., took over the former German/British et al, the Western Europe´s industrial hegemony after the WW2.
Sweden was in fact in one of her toughest national crisis, as I see it today, soon postwar, by pressure from the Western Allies. The fear of the Soviets must have been something more exaggerated as usual, something “black & white/or red rag”, for the people.But in part realistic, as the Soviets now, got access to the Baltic states, Poland, GDR, and Fin-land, the Kaliningrad enclave, (former German, Königsberg) the navybase, right up in the Swedish “belly”, = the navybase Karlskrona, since the 1500s, and Finland´s and by that Swedens´s outlet into the North Atlantic, the Northern Finland, Petsamo-harbor was ceded, to Moscow, as a Russian navybase Porkkala outside Helsinki,up to 1956. Both countries, from then, bottled up in the Baltics, and Sweden´s assets in U.S. was blocked, Finland paying big warreparations to Russia. )
(* It wasn´t a kind of the Cuba-U.S. deal, as the Guantanamo navybase, from 1901, valid for eternity, and I don´t think ,the Russians ever dragged, some interior/ foreign dissi-dents, there, for torture, waterboarding, and internment, in something like, the Tark-ovsky´s movie : The Zone.)
That´s the strategic situation then, the result, in spite of the German/Finnish/Swedish warfare against Russia, 1939/41-44, the whole of the Nordic and Europe lay at the
” Bolshies” mercy. If one will call that activities, a “ward-off victory” to endure the process, – O.K., ” That´s not a big deal ! ” for having peace in the Valley.” ! As the Third Reich´s most burdened officials, soon after some refreshing, (“erfrischung” in France, as in The Wehrmacht), became managing directors, in Westgermany, for : Coca Cola, Philips, etc.
This is some facts from the immediate postwar, Swedish international strategic, tense and dire economic situation, the critical years, after Raoul Wallenberg, was jailed. But both Sweden- and the Wallenbergsphere had made mega-big profits, during the war, what the two, main actors, together fought to keep, in place.
“- – -The steamship S/s EXODUS 1947 became a symbol of ALIYA BET — illegal im-migrat-ion. After World War II, illegal immigration increased (Palestine) and the British author-ities decided to stop it by sending the ships back to the ports of embarkation in Europe. The first ship to which this policy was applied was, the S/S Exodus 1947.
The ship sailed from the port of SITE, near MARSEILLES, on July 11, 1947, with: 4,515 immigrants, including 655 children (!), on board. As soon as it left the territorial waters of France, British destroyers accompanied it. On July 18th, near the coast of PALESTINE but outside territorial waters, the British rammed the ship and boarded it, while the immigrants put up a desperate defense.
Two immigrants and a crewman were killed in the battle, and 30 were wounded. The ship was towed to HAIFA , where the immigrants were forced onto deportation ships bound for France. At PORT-DE-BOUC, in southern France, the would-be immigrants remained in the ships’ holds for 24 days during a heat wave, refusing to disembark despite the shortage of food, the crowding and the abominable sanitary conditions.
The French government refused to force them off the boat. Eventually, the British deci-ded to return the would-be immigrants to Germany, and on August 22 the ship left for the port of HAMBURG , then in the British occupation zone. The immigrants were for-cibly taken off and transported to two camps near LÜBECK.
Journalists who covered the dramatic struggle described to the entire world the heart-lessness and cruelty of the British. World public opinion was outraged and the British changed their policy. Illegal immigrants were not sent back to Europe; they were instead transported to detention camps in CYPRUS.(* The British SOE intelligence, then even pondered of sabotage, against the vessels with Jewish immigrants, bound for Pale-stine.* )
The majority of the passengers on the Exodus 1947 settled in Israel, though some had to wait until after the establishment of the State of Israel./ Wikipedia. ” – – –
* This Wiki-excerpt, gives an idea of the British policy, concerning the “Jewish question “, nearly as brutal and unnecessary as the Third Reich´s racial, ideological obsession 1933-1945, a human breakdown, not even predicted, as possible, in the 20th century´s integrated modernity (Arendt). The Exodus as late as 1947, after two years, of world-peace. (But the zionists, entrance in the Holy Land/Palestine, and the Arabworld, was as a complicated factor, as they still not yet, are coming to terms, with their neighbors, but that´s not the topic here, but still a guaranteed frontpage.)
But 1947, the Shoa, the Holocaust, were definitely not on the frontpage, first during the 1960s and especially the late 1970s, by the Holl(o)wood studios. During the 1950s, most of the former Nazi officials, were rehabilitated in Westgermany, as she became even Nato-member, and even demanded nuclear weapons (Konrad Adenauer).
The S/s Exodus, fate, coincides quite well with, the last days of Raoul WALLENBERG`S alleged death,(17th July) somewhere in Russia. The time, could indicate, a British-Soviet, consensus, what in some phases of WALLENBERG`S fate, could be suspected. Not fun – but perhaps true, and somewhat strange.
If worth, attention … anyway for the tremendous harsh treatment of the neglected hu-man beings, the memory is short, on board S/s Exodus . (I think dr C. MCKAY left this historical combinations, behind, from the British perspective.) (The movie: Exodus, 1960, Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint et al.)
Did Raoul WALLENBERG rescued any Hungarian Romanis, those days called Gypsies, or Zigeuner ? We don´t know, probably not, but the Hungarian Zigeuner-chapels with viol-onists were wellknown, the world over, than and now. Probably many perished in the Holocaust, deep down in the Nazi´s deadly hierarchy, bottom position, worse than
” communists”, and the Soviet POWs. (Probably because the Romanis didn´t have any
economic values, owned industries, or some business contacts with Sweden, the main reason for to be rescued by the WALLENBERG-mission.)
The DN-article says: ” In the morning of the 31 of May 1943, the Swedish police went in in the Romanis tentcamps, all over Sweden. Their goal was to registrate all Swedish Romanis, fill a card with name, birth, date, confession, if parents were Romanis or not, even people of mixed race, were to be notified,.” /Source Katarina TAIKON/Lawen MOHTADI The Social board, advised the Police: Tell the Romanis, the purpose of this action is not bad, it´s only to be informed of their livingconditions. ”
– – -” So, during the worst phases of the 2nd world war, 1943, when 100.000s of peo-ple , were transported to the German extermination camps, in Europe, then Swedish uniformed personell, had access to the Romani´s camps, to forced them to be regist-rered, of their parents ethnical belonging, and a lot of other personal- and intimate information. “/ Lawen MOHTADI
But still today the Swedish police, with their proud traditions from collaboration with
the Nazi´s Neuropa 1933-1945, and later warcriminals, they still in this business. The paper DN says, around 4.000 Romani persons,none of them criminal, are on the list, in a kind of sociogram, ” travellers.” Of the 1.000 children in the database, you find 840, borned during the last decade, put under the Swedish police, “special observation”, in a “leaking” database, with broad access within the police. A person as Erland KALDARAS, chairman in the Romani´s youthunion, a little newborn girl Sara, was registred three-month old.
This register is quite unlawful, according to the Swedish law, and one of the Swedish liberals, the Minister of integration, wellknown in the Raoul Wallenberg-activities,
mr Erik ULLENHAG, will comment, about this this week. Some names of the register, are
probably dead, as mr Taikumer (b.94), or mrs Demeter, (b.91, the latter names, sounds perhaps as Hungarian.
So, where are we today ? In Hungary 1943 ? In Sweden 1943 ? Where the Swedish po-lice, seem to be a “staybehind” force, and no one is surpriced by that. (” Horthy called the Swedish police from the year 1943, and give some advices, probably ) .As in the cold war: ” Register all f–king communists ! ” and now the Romanis.” And what “kind” of Romanis they are, the police doesn´t as usual : Give a damn of !”
How will the Liberal minister Erik ULLENHAG, the partyleader Jan Björklund, those in the Government, and Olle WÄSTBERG, explain this, dirty registering activities, of 2013 ?
In fact : ” Marcus Sr could sometimes, attack his brother´s Knut´s, Romani background, (the elder generation) (they had different mothers), and against « cosmopolits ». – – -/(Source: the economist/historian Gunnar Wetterberg,(2013) latest biography about the WALLENBERGempire, a book even paid by the Wallenbergsphere, what was disclosed some days ago.)
– – -” This weeks, 16-19th September, 1982 the massacre of Palestine refugees, (3.000 victims in all ages) in the Shatila camp, Beirut, perpetrated by Lebanese Christion mil-itia, A KATYN-case of our times, supervised and instigated, by the the occupying Is-raeli Defence Forces/Gen. SHARON (IDF). (No military-humanitarian interventions did ex-ist those days.)
“- – – Each year, during the third week of September, Lebanon and this region, as well as international supporters, pause to reflect upon and commemorate the victims one of the twentieth century’s most horrific and cynical crimes perpetrated by a member state of the United Nations. The Sabra-Shatila massacre took place September 16-19th in Beirut, a well-documented 48 hours of slaughter that saw the Shatila Palestinian refugee camp surrounded and sealed off by the occupying Israeli army, whose intent was to block and force back inside the killing field anyone seeking to escape the predicted orgy of butchery (see Bayan al Hout, Sabra and Shatila September 1982).”
Under a sky illuminated by night flares, and within close earshot of the screams emer-ging from the horror, IDF commanders sat perched above the camp watching through binoculars as if at a coliseum sporting event, looking down, occasionally pointing, monitoring the killers through line-of-sight as well as by radio contact. The victims were a defenseless civilian population. The instrument used to kill them? A drug, alco-hol, and hatefilled militia which had been provided abundant aid and assistance, in-cluding a bulldozer to bury evidence of its crimes. Israel, whose continued occupation of Palestine is possible only because of arms, funding and diplomatic cover from the Un-ited States, and despite its accelerating pariah status, has largely escaped international legal accountability for its crimes at Sabra-Shatila, even though universally condemned for the carnage it organized and oversaw there.- – – ”
Torbjörn Jagland (Norwegian politician) accusing Sweden of breaking the rules of the
Europe-convention, the Swedish prime minister, F. Reinfeldt criticize the police, ope-rating this ethnical records, since 10 years, or more. An attitude what I , and many suspected, was hiding behind the official Swedish establishment´s confession to the Raoul Wallenberg values – what today looks like lipservice.
Do Obama knows this ? The Swedish police protected Obama (4-5.9./2013) from all kind of disturbances, but imagine if the police in secret, recording data about black people, as for instance himself, an Afro-american(s) in Sweden ? No one knows…but high odds, that´s what´s could be, going on.
Now the Sweden Foreign minister mr Carl Bildt, (and the U.S. Embassy), must send an special envoy to Hungary, with the mission of rescuing the Hungarian Romanis, we all know, by confirmed facts, suffering from worst kind of racial/ethnical abusement, and social repression, from certain Hungarian groups, and in the same time, stop regist-ration and then investigate the latest, Swedish doublestandard scandal.
A special interrogation in the Riksdagen´s (Parliament) Swedish constitution committé should take place soon, with the minister in charge.
Torbjörn Jagland (Norwegian politician) accusing Sweden of breaking the rules of the
Europe-convention, the Swedish prime minister, F. Reinfeldt criticize the police, ope-rating this ethnical records, since 10 years, or more. An attitude what I , and many suspected, was hiding behind the official Swedish establishment´s confession to the Raoul Wallenberg values – what today looks like lipservice.
Do Obama knows this ? The Swedish police protected Obama (4-5.9./2013) from all kind of disturbances, but imagine if the police in secret, recording data about black people, as for instance himself, an Afro-american(s) in Sweden ? No one knows…but high odds, that´s what´s could be, going on.
Now the Sweden Foreign minister mr Carl Bildt, (and the U.S. Embassy), must send an special envoy to Hungary, with the mission of rescuing the Hungarian Romanis, we all know, by confirmed facts, suffering from worst kind of racial/ethnical abusement, and social repression, from certain Hungarian groups, and in the same time, stop regist-ration and then investigate the latest, Swedish doublestandard scandal.
A special interrogation in the Riksdagen´s (Parliament) Swedish constitution committé should take place soon, with the minister in charge.
Of great interest, for the WALLENBERG-eu-site, must the be the leadercolumn, of today, 29th of September, in the Dagens Nyheter (lib.) by the editor-in-chief, the rather you-ng, Peter WOLODARSKI. – – -” The Jewish group knows what registration can be used for, , the distancing from the “majority-community”, and how dangerous such stigma-tization could be. WOLODARSKI`S grandparents, Polish Jews, became refugees after the outbreak of the war, 1939, and must leave for Russia. There they, settle down in the Ural town, Tjeljabinsk, ” the Soviets ” Tankograd”, where most of their tankfactories were located, not a insignificant detail in the context, up to 9th of May 1945.
Here even their son was borned, Stefan WOLODARSKI. They returned to Poland, 1945, and became high officials in the Polish Communist administration, in the media. But because of: ” Poland´s only industry – Jew-baiting” / J.M. Keynes, 1920, they had to leave even Poland, in the late 1960s, and settled down in Sweden. Peter´s father, Stefan
did career in “the Wallenbergsphere,” not exactly, but became wellknown official city-architect in Stockholm, creating, new residential quarters, and did a make-over, of the
central city park, The Kungsträdgården.
So many of the Jews , probably marked for the Holocaust, were saved by the Soviet Uni-on, where some 500.000 Jews,even fought in the Red army. If they became prisoner-of -war (POWs) as in Finland, 1941/42, they risked of being deported unlawful, to the Ger-man Wehrmacht/SD/SS, even “quarter-Jews”, many from Leningrad, due to Yitzak Arad´s studies, of Holocaust. The typical police -attitude: I don´t give a damn , what kind of
Communist, or Jew, you are ! The Gestapo even executed people with Norwegian “Same”
or Laplander “quarter” -background, as those cheated in a trap, and delivered by the Swedish security police, (SÄK/Martin Lundquist et al) to SS/RSHA Reinhard Heydrich, 1941, mr Hjelmen, and mr Barley-Peterson, later decapited in the SS-prison Fühls-buttel, in May 1944, as political prisoners.
Many POWs were shot at the spot, strange “dead” the same day of deportation, accor-ding to Finnish sources, after the rendition, (Elina SANA /The extradited/ Finlandia-literature-prize (2004) about 3.000 persons, incl. the Nazi´s unlawful, the Kommiss-arbefehl, became “schnell erledigen”. Perhaps the: Einsatzkommando Finnland=/Valpo/ SS/SD-major Gustav vom FELDE, were among the perpetrators, picking out the Jews and the Soviet politruks, from the camps, (and others if they don´t like their face) as the Nazis, always equaled those, categories, ” the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy”
But WOLODARSKI gives even more frightening facts from the Swedish policy during the war, 1939-45, and even after, concerning Jewish refugees, was today is more upsetting, but not astonishing, for those people, experienced, the Swedish security police, The Ge-neral security service (AST), today = Säpo.
An Jewish accountant, mr Bertil OPPENHEIMER, edited last year a book about his Jewish
relatives. ” To Sweden – the story never told” / DN 18.4.2013. He then discovered that his parents were registrated by the säpo, from ” ethnical” motives. Säpo keep a file, from the 1930/40s, about them, giving information about, as long as their decease, 1979/ 80s.
This was not from any criminal activities, in no way, ” but as German-Jewish refugees” till their death. – – -Bertil OPPENHEIMER : ” Even my grandmother´s obituary notice from 1962, was filed, by the Swedish securitypolice, (säpo) he felt unpleasant, that this surveillance was followed up, with new informations, continued, during the 1980s”- – – During the war , stamped by instructions from the General Social board, with the letter “m”, the Mosaic, confession, ” the Romanis with “Z”, /half Z” / not ” Z”.
The following excerpts from McKay “Excerpt´s” from the, I find remark-able, in its typical McKay, rather muted, giving sometimes stunning associations, when some additional facts, could broadening the picture.
MCKAY : – – -Quotation/ ” On the other hand, it should also be remembered that the social world of Stock-holm during the Second World War was a small intimate circle with the result that well-established families who adopted a pro-Allied stance were often in the company of American and British diplomats at social gatherings without necessarily being involved in clandestine activities. By the nature of things, suspicions arose. ”
For example Raoul Wallenberg’s sister Nina (Lagergren b.21) found herself under scru-tiny at UD (Foreign ministry) where she was temporarily employed because of her ass-ociation with one member of the British special services who aroused (rightly, it has to be confessed) the suspicions of the Swedish security service and was later forced to leave Sweden. In the world of security services, you are judged by the company you keep.(28) ” – – – /McKay/
Footnote : 27.
” It is not entirely inconceivable that Cheshire with his business background in the timber trade might have been involved as a middle-man in some potential deal between a British company and the Mellaneuropeiska AB.”/McKay.
Footnote : 28.
” This was Henry Threlfall of SOE who had to leave Stockholm in 1942 over a sabotage scheme in Germany mounted from Sweden which went badly wrong. Threlfall, interest-ingly enough, was later to head SOE’s activities in Hungary. (See Threlfall’s file P 3778 , Fahlander(police intendent) to Baron K.G.Lagerfelt , 5 August 1942)/ Mckay.
Nina DE DARDEL, married Gunnar LAGERGREN, around December 1943, same time, as Raoul WALLENBERG`S ´s today famous cocktail-party, (a guestlist if known, by “those”, probably could have sent Raoul Wallenberg, “schnellzug”, Address/ Siberia.) The Lager-grens soon left for the Swedish legation in Berlin, serving under mr Arvid Richert, (1937-45), another, but quite pro-German real “icon” in the Swedish WW2-history, the same man Raoul met, during his intermediate landing there, the 7th of July 1944.
For what purpose we don´t really know, but the only expectations of it, must have been, how to avoid the looming Nazi-German defeat, in spite of the gigantic Swedish/Finnish collaboration with Third Reich, ” short of direct military assistance from Sweden” (the latter opinion, source: = Iver Olsen reports for U.S./ S.of D./WRB/OSS – Stockholm: Feb-ruary 1944).
And by rescuing, probably, mainly (that was even the UD/WRB-intention) the richest and most influential Budapest Jews, paying for the Swedish ” ticket ” home, as Finland had to turn her army against the Wehrmacht, from the Fall 1944, a drawback, causing enormous destruction, on the whole Polar circle, burned every house, bridge,dragging some 30.000 Soviet POWs, with them, Finland/Norway, with some 50.000 refugees to Sweden, and 50.000 interior. Solidarity is not blind – as Sweden took care of 70.000 Finnish children, 1940-44, 30.000 Balts, incl. 1.500 Baltic warcriminals, projects, not that glamourous, as it seems.
What kind of associations the Swedish secret police, observed between Nina LAGERGREN during her temporarily service at the Swedish Foreign ministry, (UD) and lt.Col. Henry McLeod THRELFALL, the British SOE (Special Operations Executive, the MI6/SIS branch for foreign sabotage, cloak and dagger tasks), is not known, but must be left, in mr Threlfall´s personal file, what McKay refers to.
Henry THRELFALL : Some facts: from Roderick Bailey´s book (2008): (1.) 1940, Cap-tain/- – -At Beaulieu finishing school, Hampshire/ instructing parties of potential agents, “sent to us” from the country sections in London/ French/Belgians/Norweg-ians/Danes Dutch/ some Spanish./ Teaching about The Wehrmacht, performance the NSDAP, etc.” /
STOCKHOLM: 1941/42: – – ” Went to Stockholm, to see what could cause trouble to the Germans. One chap, a Unilever colleague, was caught, early in war. HT, clerk to the naval attaché /as cover. Tennant /Turnbull. The Swedish were rather pro-German. The Norwegian chaps, escaped from Norway, weren´t allowed to play football, could have been a breach of neutrality, not pleasing the Germans.” / – – –
THRELFALL send a Swedish sailor, on a German ship, with some explosives, to sink the ship in the Kiel Canal. But the device detonated too, “late”, outside the Canal inlet. (What Ernst Wollweber could have been proud of, and we must not forget that group, in Swe-dish prison, during the whole war, 1940-44, when recalling the political situation, tho-se days.What could have influenced Raoul WALLENBERG`S fate, and it´s a mystery and something of a “breach of duty,”, not to have examine that, circumstances, from all off-icial, and private Wallenberg-investigators, perhaps too much of biased, and irrelevant hypothesis, down- or up played, all over here – surpricing at least me. )
– – -” SOE had dropped a party of three agents in Denmark, but one of them making himself too prominent, what endangered the lifes of those who associated with him. Warnings didn´t help, and then SOE had to take the decision to liquidate that agent. This in cooperation, with other SOE-official, Ralph Hollingworth, (George Wiskeman was absent). THRELFALL agreed, and the agent was executed, in the dark woods of Northern Denmark, shot, and weights were tied round his body, and then dumped in the lake, the danger eliminated.- – -( A kind of Jane HORNEY-styled execution, but about two years later, January 1945, alleged conducted, by the Danish (rights) resistance with permission from SOE, comes unthought to mind.)
1944, THRELFALL is SOE/ Head of the Polish section HQ, in Southern Italy. (Around Bari/ Caserta, airbase etc.) (From where even a coded cable was intercepted, naming Raoul WALLENBERG , in connection with the 2nd in the Swedish Mil.Int./ C-bureau, H. Tern-berg (disaster just there) with, Geza Soos, etc, Hungary resistance, the 7th of November 1944.)
SOE send some assistance by air, to the Polish Warzaw rising, but the losses were very heavy, and a difficult, operation. RAF vice-marshal William ELLIOT: – I must use my air-crafts and crews were I think the best return is available : – And that´s not Warzaw.- –
– – – THRELFALL: – The Russians said one thing that may haved a certain amount of truth in it. They did maintain, that it was only the forerunners, of Red army, at the end of a long advance, who had push trough as far as that, (East of Warzaw) and that they hadn´t got any forces to bridge the Vistula, and make an assault in the face of German opposition. There may have been some truth in that, one tries to be fair about it. But there´s no doubt, that the will was certainly lacking. – – -//
SOME OTHER SIS/SOE : TESTIMONIES: (Interservice Liasion Department/ISLD)
Major Andrew Croft/SOE(Stockholm) : Swedish police, nicknamed ” Swestapo “, one caught in the naval attache´s house up in the roof, listening to the conversations, thro-ugh the chimney, with a microphone.
Peter Tennant :/SOE Invented a kind of bomb in a piece of iron ore, (Swedish ?) exp-loding when bumps from loading. It didn´t work, but was sold to the Germans, blue-prints and so, received about 200.000 SEK, which paid a lot of SOE activities. Always make use of opportunities, no fixed plans, was Tennant´s opportunistic “philosophy.” False or true ? It sounds a bit inflated, but typical SOE-trick.
Basil Davidson /SOE/Budapest : Hungary /secret printingpress, cover as news agency./ bribing politicians, 500 pounds/stored limpet mines in the legation cellar/ 1940/41, some Hungarians recruited, but all were thrown in the Danube by the senior diplo-mat./100 % amateurish, then. Cairo/main base for training/the Balkans, Yugoslavia,
Italy etc.
Captain: Peter Wilkinson/SOE : Budapest 1940. This before Hungary joined Germany in
Op. Barbarossa, June 1941.)
Major Peter Kemp: SOE-officer in the Polish Home Army: ” Turned themselves in, as instructed, to the Red army, during the Vistula-Oder-offensive, expected vodka and caviar as allies, but were jailed, in the former Gestapo-prison, in Chestahova. Bill Hud-son, their leader, colonel, was hauled out, from time to time, any time. – ” We are Allies, and I´m full colonel, I´m not talking to any Russian officer, under the colonel rank !
So every time the Russians wanted to interrogate him, they dressed up somebody in a colonel uniform. It was very effective, the sort of thing, the Russians understood. They were kept “on ice”, after the Yalta decisions (Spring 1945) had been made, then on a plane to Kiev, train to Moscow, and the British Military Mission.”- – –
My point: That were some of the SOE´s m.o.l. “moles”,and ” bad guys” in service ab-road. But Henry MACLEOD THRELFALL`S , associations with Raoul WALLENBERG`S sis-ter, mrs Nina LAGERGREN, seem to me, of especially serious interest. As THRELFALL cou-ld have been in contact with Raoul WALLENBERG, from Bari/Caserta, 1944/45, and in Sweden 1941/42, didn´t seemed backed from anything, in the SOE-business. (Two other SOE-agents, in Sweden, John MARTIN deported for the(1.) Rickman´s sabotage-group, 1940/41, and Ewan BUTLER, made it to Egypt/Cairo, after and before, their stay in Sweden, the latter from 1943-45.)
(The SIS chief, Cyril CHESHIRE, in cover as passport officer, at the Birjer Jarlsgatan no. 12, operating among others, SIS/agents, John TURNER, and John WHISTONDALE and they, the Norwegian Milorg., and most probably, Ms Lise MEITNER, as high qualified specialist of nuclear physics, and in the same time close, neighbor, to Raoul WALLEN-BERG, (but no special connections with the latter is confirmed.)
THRELFALL seems anyway as “a dangerous man”, marked for long internment, if not with diplomatic SIS/cover and perhaps some information like this, above, earlier down-played or ignored, can give some more clues of the true reasons for Raoul WALLEN-BERG`S disappearance 1945 ?
I will first give something about of Waldemar LANGLET`S, (1872-1960) earlier political, background, as it is as shallow treated as many other factors in the WALLENBERG-case. He was a pure conservative to the, right, publisher 1894-27, editor in chief of the Sven-ska Dagbladets (conservative to this day, with most subventions, from the state, of all papers) leadersection, in the distinguished board of the Publisher´s club.
A welleducated man, a bit adventurous, serving in the University of Budapest, skilled in languages. He served as the Swedish Red cross leader, (SRK) 1944, with his Russian-borned wife, Nina, in Budapest, the same time as Raoul WALLENBERG. But the LANGLET couple were interrogated but released by the NKVD, 1945, and made it to Sweden, later, without much problems.
The Tuesday the 31th January 1918, rallied, representants for the economic/industrial sector, the officer corps, and and Swedish activists, for Finland, at the: Insurance com-pany: the THULE`S office, to discuss what this groups could do to assist the , the White side, (Mannerheim) during the Finnish Civil war, presented as a National liberation war against Russian imperialism, (since 1809), but was in fact a social class conflict, with a lot of Finnish-Swedish upperclass interests involved, against one of the best organized working class of the time, the Finnish, with equal rights for men/women in the general election, (what even Lenin confirmed),(since 1905 Russian revolution), when the prov-isional Russian government, A. Kerensky, dissolved the Parliament, (Fall 1917) were the Finnish red, socialdemocrats had a little majority. New elections turned the majority.
The Swedish upper class, were the ones that in fact had supported and had collabor-ated most with the Russian Tsar-regime, against the Finnish nationalist striving. In fact the Tsar played out Sweden and the Swedes, against the Finns, and the Russia meant much more for a Finnish selfassured national independence, movement, during 1809-1917. If don´t believing that , so take a look at the White army´s leader, the Finnish-Swede, the Baron, Marshal C. G. Mannerheim, a former tsarist-general, up to 1917, and the Russian revolution, the 2nd behind the Tsar in his crowning ceremonials, but the man who never learned the Finnish language. Many Finns served in the Russian army, and not the least her Navy.
The Swedish influence, caused 1918, again big losses for the Finnish people, most poor, all those shot, starved to death, around 30.000, women, children, and 10.000s of refugees. 20.000 children lost their parents, and were said later, to have been adopted by the Mannerheims White guard officers, as in Argentine, during Videla/Galtieri-reg-ime, as dirty war the 1970, in the sun, as in Spain, 1936-39/Franco, but 1918, in Fin-land, in the snow.
Here we can easy compare HORTHY, MANNERHEIM, FRANCO, uniformed Marshals, or Admirals,what the Western powers, did their outmost to support, when those capture the state power, by Fascist unlawful violence, uprisings, treason, coup´d etat, and terror, 1918-20 and 1936-39. This triad, were even instrumental in supporting Adolf Hitler and Nazigermany, and very eager to declare war against the Soviet Union,in the Anticomintern pact, in June /July 1941.
Their contribution,were huge, to the European disaster, and not the least the Holocaust, against the Jews, the Slav people, and as many POWs, and forced labourers. (And don´t mention the Vidkun QUISLING`S Nasjonal Hird-traitors, in occupied Norway, 1940-45, most of them, high officers from the Norwegian army, and upper middleclass. That makes four,(4) the last even naming the whole business.)
Bigger Finnish losses, than the German occupation of Norway,1940-45, when “only” around 5.000 all over, died. In Finland, 1918, much worse, so imagine, that upheaval, and even ethnical cleansing of Russians. What at last throw Finland into, if possible, more worse wartimes, 1939, 1941, and 1944. A real breathtaking story, when the Finnish -Russian relations developed, as bad and bloody , as the British-Irish, from 1916, up to today.
We can no doubt compare the British (even Northern Ireland, the Ulster-province) and the Russian empire, and that´s why they stick together, in times of danger and trouble , what sometimes happens. Churchill had no doubt, mauled the neutral Ireland if Germ-any, had made any strategic moves for her, 1939/40, probably first re-captured, the British navybase, Castle/Berehaven, in the South, the British ” Hangö.” blocking a Ger-manbased invasion from Ireland.
An option, Churchill, was lucky, and never had to face, as they the British Navy let the German battleships, loose, do the Gauntlet in the Channel, in Februari 1942, without problem. Admiral Hipper, Scharnhorst, Tirpitz, then based on the Norwegian coast, threatening most the Allies PQ -convoys, for Murmansk, most symbolizing, the West´s intention to support the Soviet Union.
Better for the British to have the dreadnoughts on the Norwegian coast, than cross-over the Channel, at Brest. Probably did the British navy, a planned operation, when they in July 1942, ordered the convoy no. PQ 17, to disperse, and left it, without the very large navy escort, then although in place,(D. Pound) probably to lure out the battleship Tirpitz from her coastal base, in order to sink her. But what happened, was, that the whole PQ 17-convoy, was destroyed, by the Luftwaffe,and subs.
But the British, use to fight to the bitter end, as in North Ireland, Gibraltar, The Falklands you name it… not that soft power, indeed. The Russians use to leave, m.o.l. “in time”, as we have seen the last decades, without to much destructive resistance, the British, ” don´t even seem think of that”. The British “exceptionalism”, and probably the inveterated, rigid, “Island-psychology,” (you have to live, to understand). But who cares of that “little island” in the present Big power game, as we seen today, and already Pm. MacMillan, realized during the late 1950s, that a 60-million-nation, dense populated on a rather small area, became a too, vulnerable easy target in the nuclear missiles epoch.
But, how could the Swedish activists, assist the Mannerheim army, 1918 ? A volontary brigade was recruited, The Swedish brigade, a batallion, 1.000 men, artillery, some air-craft, took part in the conflict, (here you found Raoul WALLENBERG`S Swedish comm-ander /later in the Homeguard, 1940-), major Allan WINGE as one of the commanders., and some of Olof Palme´s older relatives.
Why was Raoul WALLENBERG`S so interested of the voluntary forces, if it not was a para-military national, bourgeoisie “class” corps, perhaps, potential strike-breakers, as earlier the national Sharpshooters of 1860s, before the general compulsory national military service,(Wehrpflicht), from 1901, movements, what Raoul, obviously prefered. Perhaps this view, was implemented in Budapest.
The Finnish Schutzcorps (Skyddskåren)1918, is said to have inspired the Nazi´s SS =Schutzstaffeln=The Protection staff. ) as even the Kaiser -Germany´s the “Baltic sea division” ,(10.000 soldiers) was invited by the Finns, to capture the capital Helsinki, in April 1918, after a landing in the Hangö port. The Germans, then just after the Brest-Litovsk-peace, negotiated the Tsar-Baltic fleet then under command of the Bolsheviks, to leave Helsinki, (for Kronstadt navybase/ Petersburg), about 300 big navyships, sailed, during April, a proof as good as any, that there were no organized Lenin/Bolshevik act-ivities to mention,in this Civil /Class war, as this huge fleet could have pulverized the City, Helsinki, if ordered.
In fact the Kaiser army protected Lenin, after the peace-deal, in March, 1918, from Fin-nish expansionistic, designs, against the Russian Carelia.The Germans did even tran-sport Lenin with entourage to Petersburg, as we know, April, 1917. But the Germans wanted some submarinebases in the Murmansk area, and as you know the British tro-ops, intervened, in June 1918, there, to prevent that, and started marching for Peters-burg, later.
Then even some cooperation with the British and the Bolsheviks, occurred, but after the General WW1-peace the 11th of November, 1918, Germany broke down, what saved the Bolsheviks, and the Finns/Mannerheim, had to change horse, again, to the Western all-ies, (home ticket…), and instead offered to capture S:t Petersburg, together with the Tsar-Monarchist general, N. Judenitj, the fall 1919.
Then British Navy,(about 65 ships in total) raided, torpedoed and bombed, (Captain Agar) Russia´s navy in the Kronstadt´s navybase,July/August, (from Finnish bases on the Koivisto Islands (Björkö). And if the Russian White Tsar-monarchists had been vic-torius,in the Russian civil war, 1918-21, against the Bolsheviks, then both Finland and the Baltic states, and their independence (confirmed by Lenin), soon had been re-cap-tured, and succumbed under the general Kornilov, Judenitj, Wrangel-Tsarmonarchist-junta. What a mess !
But some of the origins of the 1939/40, 41-44 showdowns, indeed came about then, always with some German, or this dizzy British/French military support. But during the 1930s, the West, suddenly left the Baltic sea business, (The 1935 Navy-deal) to the Kriegsmarine, what the Germans could use as their private ” bathtube” and safe training school, for their submarine, “wolfpacks”, Britain´s plague, as later, the Luftwaffe.
So those already then, bad prepared,unrealistic, but mean, “Third rate”, Westeuropean powers, ” in fact criminal, had it, really coming” , from their own miserable political/ mi-litary performance, primary thinking of protecting their colonial empires, and trying to direct their German rival,with the same twin-project, to the East, and the Soviet Union, finding her self (USSR) in a twofront war: Germany and Japan (the latter 1938/39).
(Today the Finnish voters (only 68 % voting) want to restrict the old Swedish upper-classes,(contains of course even of just ordinary people), close down the Swedish language education, the one common understandable language in the Nordic/ Scand-inavia , instead speaking only English.)
Among the Swedish activists in this organisation, ” The Finland´s Friends”, in the board, you find the whole of the late Swedish primeminister (1927-1986) Olof PALME`S big clan, the relatives, Sven Palme, his sons Olof och Gunnar (the latter late Olof Palmes father), (Olof the elder fell,even he but March, 1918/Tampere) and their cousin Lennart Palme, Johan Mannerheim, Count Louis Sparre, G.F. Östberg, Sven Wijkman, C.B. R Schenström, and the publishers, and listen close now: Waldemar LANGLET (!) and Johan LÖNNEGREN.(!)
But its´not British/French/Finnish sins, we´re out for, here but Waldemar LANGLET`S , antecedentia. His friend, and journalistcolleague, from 1918, John LÖNNEGREN was convicted for refugee espionage together with the police/and Civil servant Robert PAULSSON, 1944, both with experience from the Finnish Civil war, (Paulsson even with, the Muncksk´a kåren =A Swedish private right Schutzcorps, disclosed 1931, armed with smuggled/contraband German handguns, involving, Kapitän zur See Horst Pflugk-Harttung,(Liebknecht´s/ Luxemburg´s slayer, 1919/SD 1940 Denmark) then deported. (both must have had close contact with major Allan WINGE. )
LÖNNEGREN and PAULSSON, handed over to Gestapo/RSHA , 1938-1944, a total of 538 names (and additional personal information) about refugees, most Jews and Germans arriving to Sweden, and PAULSSON had a big influence in the decisions of resident per-mits, equal to life or death, those days. Paulsson is still, today, a feared, “icon”, in the complex history of Swedish refugee-policy, what these Autumn weeks, was caught in the act : The secret police registration of the Swedish Romanis, generation by gener-ation.
LANGLET was later decorated with the Finnish Freedome Cross. 3rd cl., as Allan WINGE, (with sword) I suppose. Even LÖNNEGREN had this decoration, for service during 1918.
This is not to say that: Waldemar LANGLET, had even the slightest clue of this spying business, (but was even a journalist colleague with LÖNNEGREN at the SvD-paper) but were of course Pro-Germanculture, but his activist background is a bit surpricing, anyway, today, compared to his more human-friendly actions in Budapest. Even WALL-ENBERG shared this, basic features, activistic, but in Budapest 1944/45, those drives, became of course an advantage in the human rescue measures, but later ?
But the Finnish Civil war, 1918, had a “radicalizing” effect, in reactionary Swedish upp-erclass circles, s.t.s , and even in Germany, the Finnish “Schwärmerei” and here we see how the names and threads, connects. One of the the main initiating nexus, at last, later leading Europe, into, terror, camps, war, and much astray.
But only Raoul WALLENBERG, and some of his SOE-contacts, assistants, disappeared, 1945, all other Swedish Red Cross-personal, and foreign diplomats, made it home, after the war, 1945. Why ? The big question here….Stalin´s revenge, hostage, prevention, for/of what… ? Careless (or nonexisting) Swedish intervention, after the 17th of January 1945… ? (and perhaps before ?) By one reason or many ?
The other saviors disappeared instead, in oblivion, although their contribution prob-ably was bigger, preceded, WALLENBERG`S, in rescuing some of the persecuted Jews, before the Red army arrived, 1945. But talking of Carl LUTZ and Valdemar LANGLET, is not on the agenda, perhaps, because, they were too old, without the makings of great heroes. LUTZ for instance divorced, and married a much younger Hungarian woman, adopted her child, and LANGLET was 2nd married with the young and even Russian(!) woman, Nina, and this couple was probably by that, totally dismissed later, both by the Swedish establishment, and the Red Cross, in the Cold war.
(38.) THE ” 10.RUDOLF ter 6. ” / GÖRAN ENGBLOM`S: HIMMLERS FRED /PEACE) (2008)
In Raoul WALLENBERG`S calendar, there is only one adress, notification, for the 19th of November 1944, – ” 10. Rudolf ter 6.” /Göran Engblom/. The following days the 20-23th of November, is empty. Due to Paul A. Levine, first the 24th of November, WALL-ENBERG notified, a meeting with, ” Billitz”, SS/Kurt BECHER`S lawyer in Budapest.
There were several Dutchmen in Budapest, former POWs, and SOE-agent (as Geritt van der WAAL) in the Raoul WALLENBERG /Budapest network, as one Baron Johannes RUD-OLF (!) Bentinck, lieutenant, employed by an Hungarian lawyer, due to Kate Schandl´s triology. That man could be WALLENBERG`S scheduled “date”, and the word, ” ter”, mea-ning , “square” in Hungarian, (as some other lived at – ” the Kalvin ter.”)
So perhaps WALLENBERG, met this ” RUDOLF “, in Budapest, the 19th November, before he left for Stockholm, same day, or the day after , Monday the 20th November. “Back to (Budapest),work” he then probably arrived the 24th of November, a Friday, to meet
The 26th of November, the Swedish Foreign ministry (UD) received a cable: : “Strict confidential for RICHERT ” = (*the Swedish pro-German ambassador in Berlin) ., from Nylander @ UD/Berlin, saying:- ” A mediator will propose, a separate capitulation, from Himmler in Stockholm, and must not be despised, especially, with Himmler´s comp-liance, concerning the Warzaw-Swedes (*convicted spies, since 42´), and the Norwegian students.”
The cable arrived the 26th November 17.00 cl., Sunday, was answered Monday, the 27th November, 09.00 a cl. : / Text: ” – Send courier, Yours 58, tuesday (28.11) if emergency, attaché. Cabinet. ” / Then a courier, a mr T. BJÖRCK, left for Stockholm, the 28/11. In the diary of the legationsecretary, mr Torsten BRANDEL/Germany: ” – – – BJÖRCK courier with historical (?) message, travelled, 01.30 tonight, to Berlin, (* from the then legation-office in Alt Döbern), after a very buzy night here (working) “- – –
The courier carried a handletter, from the Commercial counsellor mr Lennart NYLANDER addressed to Arvid RICHERT, who left for Stockholm, the 21st of November, in duty, but the same message, in the letter. This unknown mediator confirming that Himmler via Stockholm, was active with organizing a connection with the West, to negotiate a sep-arate capitulation,and with Swedish cooperation – then communicated to the West.
In the letter, this information, was correct due, to contact with JUHLIN-DANNFELDT/mil. att. ,through Swiss diplomatic sources. = Hans FRÖLICHER / Berlin, a report to define the meaning of ” unconditional surrender”. (To Sweden through German amb. von HASSEL, earlier,in contact with Jacob WALLENBERG, but von HASSEL was executed alre-ady the 8/9, must have meant Carl GOERDELER, executed the 2/2 1945./G. Engblom.
So, two sources: the “unknown” to the Swedish Berlin-legation, and the Swiss ambass-ador´s report. But could be only one, in fact. Sweden is not mentioned explicit, but probably what refers to, and the ” definition of unconditional surrender”. (Jacob WALL-ENBERG was invited by HIMMLER to Berlin, a very dangerous invitation, could end up as hostage. GOERDELER wrote two letters to Jacob WALLENBERG, from prison, 8/11 and 24/12.) Could mr Alvar MÖLLER (man.dir. STAB/Germany /the Wallenbergsphere) carried this letter (the 8/11th) to him (Jacob W.) ?
MÖLLER had dinner with SD/SS Walter SCHELLENBERG and RICHERT the 15th of Nov-ember @ MÖLLER`S Berlin-home. The letter was about separate peace between Germ-any /England, important for Sweden, written of GOERDELER according to Himmlers dir-ectives.
Abwehr/ CANARIS and GOERDELER was spared of execution to the Spring, 1945, beca-use they had good contacts with the Western circles. There is no registered message at UD, 26th November, from the legation but a cable, ” that HIMMLER is active in organ-ising contact with West”, but how came this message to the West ? The Warzaw Swedes is still in prison. MÖLLER return to Berlin the 8th of December, from Berlin to Stockholm, the 23th of November, met SCHELLENBERG and RICHERT.
Alvar MÖLLER is said to have met the British ambassador, Victor MALLET /Stockholm, late during the war, and witnessed for SCHELLENBERG in the Nuremburg trial, in June 1948. But when did MALLET met MÖLLER ? Guessing it was during late November, or the beginning of December, 1944, for informal lunch, etc.
Arno KERSTEN (son of Felix K.) tells about, German peacefeelers but Felix KERSTEN didn´t accept, but, KERSTEN if HIMMLER wished, could meet someone else, RICHERT for example, but that was not accepted, but Arno KERSTEN don´t reveal who this person was ? But were accomplished in April 1945, through Count Folke BERNADOTTE, what the Swedish government, directed then to the West allies, answering that negotiations, must include the USSR.
MCKAY writes in a footnote, that W. SCHELLENBERG had a personal meeting with, Victor MALLET, medio January 1945. When MALLET reported this to CHURCHILL, he was made responsible, by an angry CHURCHILL. MCKAY says that his source was an agent in the British secret service, mr Peter FALK (footnote in:MCKAY`S book: From information to Intrigue ) in Stockholm, in a letter of the 7th of November, 1986.
Nothing left of it,exists in the British national archive, or the Swedish, then: – ” If SCHE-LLENBERG met MALLET in Stockholm, medio January, 1945, it must be in Stock-holm, but who was then the mediator ? But due to Swedish lawyer Hugo LINDBERG,(1948) SCHELLENBERG met a British envoy, in Sweden during 1944, but SCHELLENBERG left for Germany, because of her “dire situation.”
And what about mr Peter FALK:- – – April 1943, a section V-member, as passport con-trol officer (the same old SIS/SOE-story), and FALK`S chief target was Dr Karl Heinz KRÄMER, German ass. Air-attaché since 1942. FALK believed it was possible to buy,
KRÄMER, from certain information, (he had been involved in running a KZ-camp, war-criminal ? ), what was turned down by SIS-superiors, ” it can´t be something very imp-ortant, this peculiar unpleasant rat, could give us, if allowed to leaving the sinking
ship.” /Bowlby/, the days of the D-Day-landing, June 1944.
(Later 1944, SIS had to terminate the Estonianborned,officer, most anti-soviet agent, Richard MAASING, not to disturb the relations with the Russians, as MAASING coop-erated with the Japanese mil. att., Makato ONODERA, in a suspicious way, not tolerated. Due to his wife (his deciphering assistant) ONODERA, handed over document, to the Germans, Fall of 1944, about the Allieds deployment, after D-Day, made possible the German, s.c. Ardennes-offensive, in December,a serious setback for the U.S.Army, nad the Allieds.)
The informations Onodera had received from Richard MAASING, Estonian officer and refugee in Sweden, 1940 (later joining the Germans Abwehr, 1941), who received them from a French officer within the Free Force/C. de Gaulle´s staff. Onodera gave it to the German agent KRÄMER. (MI6 /Kim PHILBY, was one of those advocated, the ultimatum against MAASING, fired if not revealing his sources, he didn´t.)
SIS then sought to encourage the Scandinavian countries to round up, those Nationals, who had worked as German agents or were pro-Nazi, in part from FALK`S knowledge counterespionage of suspects in Sweden.” FALK did even had contacts with the Norweg-ian/Polish and the Swedish security police, and took over from SOE-station, a German
femal employee, (Press-section) who visited, Finland/Germany for FALK.
But in this separate capitulation scheme, you can without suspicious mind, play with that Raoul WALLENBERG, was implicated, as his calendar diary shows, an empty space. It was possible for him to be the one, carrying HIMMLER`S message, between the 19/20th November to the 23rd of November, to Stockholm, and I bank to some extent, on this alternative, for now.
But if so, why was Raoul WALLENBERG picked for “even” this “mission ? I can´t answer that, as there were lots of people as we see, available, from the Swedish legation in Ber-lin, and others, MÖLLER, able to serve as messengers. And Göran ENGBLOM doesn´t give such a explicit clue, but pointing of that, WALLENBERG`S task could have been to convince the Western powers, “that HIMMLER and SS/FEGELEIN/BECHER, were very helpful, in the rescue-activities for the Budapest Jews “, and perhaps report from within, the last, and one of the biggest and most terrible of all, Holocaust crimes.
But it don´t looks good for WALLENBERG, I think both C.MCKAY`S and the Swedish his-torian, Professor in secret intelligence, V. AGRELL`S studies, breathing explicit, misgiv-ings concerning WALLENBERG`S activities, given the special situation in Budapest, and the critical phase for Germany, and by that, the risk of splitting, the continuing coop- eration between the Allieds, and the lack of SOE/OSS agents in Hungary, (after the OSS/
Budapest Team was captured in March) and not the least, the developing of the Allieds spheres of interests, before May 1945.
As for example, NORWAY, was viewed, as a pure British sphere,late 1944, as Hungary a Soviet one. Don´t mention GREECE, where Churchill, the same days in January 1945, as WALLENBERG´s arrest, deployed British troops in a bloody fight against the Greece com-munists, the partisan insurgents from the German occupation, all what STALIN appro-ved, due to CHURCHILL`S 1944, proposal of just ,” interestspheres”, (is not a Russian invention) the percentage, 90-10, 50-50, etc. in the Balkans, Hungary, Greece, Alba-nia. So even that an exampel of the British-Soviet smooth “business-as-usual”, coop-eration, those days.
Was then WALLENBERG, after many NKVD-interrogations, prisonmates, “dangerous” informed of the Soviets deeper goals, tactics and plans, names, and by that, judged, with even growing, misgivings, automatically, a kind of situation, ordinary people, can´t imagine, they ever never will end up in, but was (and perhaps is) probably then, nothing special, in such tensed contexts.
If so, Raoul WALLENBERG`S trip, later could be communicated to the Russians, by any-one with knowledge, close around WALLENBERG, was able to report.(And there were lots of people there.) Or the rather, perhaps wellbased, suspicions of such mission. Those days, it must had been to play with a tremendeous, extreme dangerous military/ poli-tical project, but probably judged, “worth while”-project in certain circles, not the least, Swedish, when imaging the looming future, with Germany in ruins, divided.
Probably they thought, anything than a chrushing German defeat, would be better. And there the Swedish establishment, a bit backwarded, was understandable, but anyway complete astray, from the Allies postwar and future, policy, for warcriminals, territorial and inhabitant changes, in Europe, and not the least, economics.
And if Sweden didn´t took part of the WW2, but gained economic from it, and by that could offer an undamaged “production-line”, for many wellneeded goods/articles, to export in Europe, 1945, when others were on their very knees, there was anyway a very great shift, just on the borders, thresholds of Sweden, to accomodate.
My point up to now : I´m inclined to believe, to some extent, lacking other contradicting proofs, that the Russian´s view of Raoul WALLENBERG, as ” a big American spy”, ” that never will be prosecuted”, ” helping the German SS and Hungarian AC/ officials”, could had some basic truth, as even C. Fenyvezi /V. Pope FENYVEZI (1996) , claimed, that WALLENBERG, with his staffphotographer Thomas Veres,(son of a Budapest socialite photograph, as of Karoly SCHANDL Sr, as mp.) (Why did WALLENBERG ), used a pers-onal photographer ? A good idea, but…) and he and Anger used the very frequent Swe-dish courier post, then a bit exaggerated, in terms of “important ” Hungarian-Swedish bilateral relations, and that the U.S., World Refugee Board,WRB, was very close in fact, cooperated, merged with the U.S./Office of Strategic Service /OSS.
If recapitulating, the Stalinistic pattern, in the Soviet Union, from start, “the word is pre-vention”, at all costs: Crash/industrialization/collectivization /the Five-years-plans,
for production/ The Great Terror 1937/38 (700.000 executed in secret, but the GPU/ NKVD were the least secret corps, you could find) , GuLags/ Membership in the Leguae of Nations (1934), Litvinov´s ” indivisable collective peace”, the German-Russian Pact (1939), The re-annexation, of Western Belarus/Ukraine from Poland, 1939, the Fin-nish-Russian war (1939/40) the Annexation of the Baltic States 1940, recapturing of Romania´s Bessarabia (1940), during the worst war, 1941, the fast moving of the bigger parts of the heavy industry, to East of the Urals, Magnitogorsk. Is there a need to men-tion more ?
And when you compare with the West´s (and U.S.) lack of preparations for war, and lack of correct diplomatic activity, and realistic view of the future, the difference is very disturbing, full of consternation.
Perhaps, this became the weak point, for Raoul WALLENBERG, his number of employers, and missions : WRB/OSS/SOE/ UD/ the C-office/The Hungarian exile/resistance MFM etc./ (in fact).
Perhaps the Russians feel a need to prevent, and punish such a destabilizing activity, human-reliefed based or not, breaking against even the International accepted diplo-matic rules, and not the least, WALLENBERG`S former activities, implicated in the secret Hungarian-British negotiations (1943), and with a potential possibility, to interfere in the last shelving, most dangerous, volatile months of the war, 1944/45, to reach a separate German capitulation, not in the Soviets advantage, before the Red army´s main onslaught, for Berlin, Winter/Spring 1945.
The European (EU) refugee-situation seems out of order. There are only seven (7) of the about 30 nations, giving resident permits, to the huge part of the refugees, arriving to Europe. (Primarily, through the unlawful wars, conducted by the U.S. in Iraq, Syria, and Afganistan.)
Libya develops to a failed state, after the U.S./U.K./EU-intervention, 2011, what even, producing worse, refugee-disasters in the High sea, as last week, 300 victims drowned, all ages, and just now, another shipdisaster, in process, of the same kind. But the Eu-ropean Union, can´t solve the refugee problems, they even asked “Mon colonel” Gadaffi, for assistance, not long ago, exporting Swedish surveillance-technology. Today the Swedish embassy, Libya,Tripoli, was hit by a carbomb, Sweden assisted the Nato-attack, by air-reconnaissance from jetfighters.
Last statistics from the paper the Dagens Nyheter (lib./militarized), Sweden took care of 32.000 refugees, 2010. (9 million inhab.) Great Britain, 24.000 (60 million inhab.)
Finland, used to take one (1) for every ten(10) Sweden, takes, around then 3.000 per-sons. Latvia: 65 (!) persons Lithuania: 55 (!), persons. Sounds like the Eurovision Song Contest, but of another kind, and other – ” points”.
Lithuania, has today instead: 465.000 economic emigrants, (refugees ?) abroad, emp-loyees if lucky, but much more than those, in the Stalin-GuLags, 1940/50s.
When 300 people drowning, perished, forbidden to immigrate across the borders the EU-Schengen-territory, reminds of something of the GDR/East-Germany, but with other
pre-text, shooting people, political (or economical) refugees, as merciless, trying to cross the BerlinWall – but not in hundreds, the same day. No EU-president/chairman,(who´s that today, Lithuania ? ) bursts into: “- Tear that borders down ! ” Mr(s)…???…?
The week ended, with the Norwegian Nobel Prize-committee, not rewarding, the U.S. president, Obama, as before,2011, (just last week, prevented from launching a new murderous missilewar, against Syria, for what real good purpose) (Lucky, U.S. has clos-ed down herself, for the moment) ? – or rewarding the European Union, (EU) last year,in her deepest human & economic crisis.
The chemical warfare, in Syria, (the who-dunit-story ?), save the EU/Nobelpeaceprize-day, there are worthy victims, and there are those rewarded with State Italian funerals, drowned, “like packed sardines”, (of all metaphors), on the Lampedusa Island, to keep people buzy, not to blame the EU.
First: * FLASH* :/The Dagens Nyheter/P. WOLODARSKiI Editor in chief: / Leader column. “- The Journalists and the media, in the West, is persecuted, by the U.S. and the U.K. surveillance system, all what began during late U.S president Nixon´s time, the Water-gate scandal.
The 9/11 launched a U.S. programme, that can search everyones: e-mail, cell-phones, bankaccounts, industrial business secrets, you name it… big powers in deep crisis, acting like that, adding to the British “Echelon” system. The European Union, (hosting this RW-site), especially, Germany/MERKEL is going to investigate how to protect her EU-citizens, in the future, as the Germans are especially sensitive, since the Stasi. The Bundeskanzslerin, the “daughter of a preacherman”, from GDR, is our hope, saving our souls, she will make it, like Raoul WALLENBERG.
Hhmmm…. Germany :1933 /-” First they take the communists, no one protested, then the socialdemocrats, no one… then the Jews, no one… then the Christians, and the anti-war/sep.cap. people, (Goerdeler/von Trott) , then they take you…(and then hang even old retired men in the “Volksturm ” for cowardness) and then no one is left, to protest. ” Thanks God for people,like MANNING and SNOWDEN, deserving to share the NOBEL pe-ace prize.
The NSA surveillance package, in Sweden The FRA-law”, (=The Defence´s Radio Intellig-ence) founded 1940, a part of the “deep dark state” in Sweden, as the Egyptian army) ) was in secret supported by the: U.S.S carrier ” Israel”, and her sistership: U.S.S “Swed-en”. That´s why that law in Sweden, (2010) seemed like an order, from above, not pos-sible to discuss, prevent, that must be fulfilled, in a certain scheduled time, many Swe-dish politicians, pm:s claims and witnessed today.
This programme, was reavealed by Edward SNOWDEN, to EU:s intelligence analyst, Dun-can CAMPBELL. Because that Israel could tapping the Internetcable in the Mediterranean, and Sweden the one in the Baltic sea. But CAMPBELL claims that this is a big security risk for Swedish citizens, as they don´t know what kind of information, the Swedish coll-aborators in the FRA handed over to U.S. and storing about them.
No body can feel safe. ” -But please, constable – I´m an anti….) The third U.S.S carrrier is of course the old QUISLING/HAMSUN-nation, (occupied but collaborating heavily, with NaziGermany, 1940-45), NORWAY of NATO. Knut HAMSUN traveled, by a German sub-marine during the war, to visit Dr Goebbels, in Berlin, to present him with his own rec-eived Nobel prize-medal, in literature.(today´s 2013 Nobelprize /mrs Munro.)
From Susanne Berger´s abstract of Katrine SCHANDL`S´s trilogy about her father, Karoly SCHANDL`S fate 1944, jailed by NKVD, as Hungarian resister, SOE-agent, but survived Stalin´s prisons. These three books need a special study, as they are written in a more, “faction” style, with dialogues. WALLENBERG goes under the alias: “The Swedish diplomat.”
(1.) First, SCHANDL, claims, that Raoul WALLENBERG was observed a whole month after his confirmed abduction by the NKVD, (but even then, with them as guards) that will be the: 15th of February 1945.Then meeting another British SOE-agent, (since 1943) of Hungarian origin, trained at the Allieds Bari-airfieldbase. His name, “DAN”, alleged ”
& evil “communist “, who was the one that in fact is believed to have “betrayed”, WALL-ENBERG. S.BERGER doesn´t analyze and comments, this assertions, as the new claimed “date of disapperance” (15 February) what could have been of interest. If so, turnings things, a bit up and down. This “DAN”, even edited his memoairs, postwar, due to
Mr Karoly SCHANDL was ordered by SOE to escort, the Dutch officer, former POW, and then SOE-agent Gerrit van der WAALS, to the Soviet lines outside Budapest, at the Lake Velence, but they were in place, both arrrested by the NKVD, officially the 8th of Dec-ember, 1944. Should be correct : the 4th of December, what due to SCHANDL, proves, that he was betrayed. Karoly, was released, first 1955, the only one alive, then – but alive.
WALLENBERG is said to have cooperated with v.d WAALS, said to be a skilled ID-forger. Karoly SCHANDL tried post 1955, to communicate with the British MI6/ about missing RAF-personnel, and investigated who, was responsible for the arrest of him, and der WAALS. But the British secret service despised him, without further measures. SCHANDL claims, the whole British secret service in general, betrayed, their foreign agents, post-war, to NKVD. Perhaps that´s the Rules of the (Great) Game ?
SCHANDL writes about “the Swedish gold” , a treasure of ” Napoleonic goldcoins and U.S. Dollars “, operated by the Swedish military attache´, Lt Col. Harry WESTER, for helping a Hungarian resistance or agentnetwork, money only known by two Dutch officers .The money were never retrieved, postwar, and by this, perhaps WESTER played a more active role, in Budapest, (he arrived there, in February 1944, from Italy) even due to V. AGR-ELL, study, in Budapest.
After WEST left, the only ones with some military training, if not warexperienced, were in fact the secretary. Per ANGER, officer/reserve lieutenant, and Raoul WALLENBERG , himself, sergeant, both listed @ the I1 (Svea livgarde -Infantryregiment) Mr WESTER left in a hurry, 16th October, 1944, ordered home, but (!) – the reason was not (!) the AC-coup, when Sweden denied to recognize, the Hungarian military attaché, Vöczköndy , from then , loyal to the Szalasi-regime.
The real reason, was that the lieutenant mr Torsten AKRELL, in September arrived on a two-weeks mission, to Budapest for the C-office/OSS, and was by ambassador DAN-IELSSON , and WESTER- through(!) the Foreign minstry /UD in Stockholm, asked to stay behind, and assisting WESTER and the legation. A really justified proposal, as we know, today, but mr Curt KEMPFF and C. BONDE in the military intelligence, didn´t of course, permitted, because AKRELL primarily was obliged to report to his OSS-boss/C-office at home, of his delivery of the two radiotransmitters to the “resistance”, and had to leave for Sweden at once – and he couldn´t by that, order, not even tell the Swedish diplo-mats.
But instead, Torsten AKRELL (living in Stockholm @ the Brahegatan no. 35), rather close to Raoul Wallenberg, @ Bragevägen,,no.12, traveled home via the Berne-legation, not unusual, those days.. But – “For the benefit of mr (Kite ?) no WESTER “, carried a parcel to Switzerland, which real sender , by an inquiry from the UD, ” was citizen in a bellig-erent, nation, and contained goods, with import embargo. An investigation, was made by the general staff, but no unpleasant consequence, at least for mr AKRELL. (What did the parcel contain ? The Swedish gold ? We don´t know.)
– – – ” The 9th September, 1943 on board of a British vessel, on the sea of Marmora, a preliminary agreement was reached between Hungary and the Western powers. This agreement was concluded, by mr Lazlo VERES, the Hungarian Foreign ministry´s press-department, acting on behalf of the Hungarian Government,and the British Ambass-ador, Sir Hughe KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN. The KALLAY Government, had sent VERES to to Turkey for the express, purpose of establishing contact with the British. ”
” – – -Officially, VERES mission was directed to the Izmiz (Smyrna) Fair. VERES and the Hungarian consul in Istanbul, Dezsö UJVARI, had informed the British minister, STERN-DALE BENNETT, of the Hungarian Government´s offer of capitulation. In essence, the communication, had said that the Hungarian Government , was ready. to surrender, to the Anglo-American armed forces, inasmuch, as they would reach the Hungarian fron-tier. Following this communication, Ambassador Sir Hughe KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, acquainted VERES with the points of the preliminar agreement.- – –
(* Probably during this period, ambassador, Sir Hughe K-H., was fooled by the German Abwehr, wellknown, spy ” CICERO”, in Ankara, an employee with direct access to the Br-itish diplomatic documents, was active, and was not disclosured, but after the war. No doubt, a serious leak, perhaps, what could have influenced, the WALLENBERG case. )
” – – – Vadim BIRSTEIN, stressed that another British prisoner, Reginald BARRATT, had said to another prisoner, the reason why the Russians were so intensively interested of WALLENBERG: – ” They arrested him to find out details about the negotiations, he had conducted together with the British Secret Service, concerning Hungary´s capitulation “. – – – /Susanne BERGER.
The Wallenberg brothers were indeed involved in this, as Raoul WALLENBERG travelled to Hungary the actual period, free from military national(!) service, and he stayed in Hun-gary the 4th of September -13th of October, 1943, met even the ULLEIN-REVICZK`S couple, which coincides with what happened. Just some weeks before, WALLENBERG 24th of August, was in contact with the British SIS-office, agent Cyril CHESHIRE, (due to MCKAY, phone wiretapping.) (They met at the restaurant RICHE,/later, then (?) in the W-sphere/in the same block, as the British Touristbureau, and mr CHESHIRE, Birjer Jarls-gatan. That´s it !
Or was it about a “timber-business deal” ? There you see, why the intelligence services, prefering businessmen, to be informers, traveling, and meeting people, as the most natural thing, in the world. But still in the MI6 world, on the Top Twenty list, Top of the Pops, to recruit, you find : Passport officers. (* I thought it was exclusively the Russ-ians that always and traditionally, cheated and fooled everyone in sight, with diplomatic assignments, but…)
Must have been connected with CHURCHILL`S unrealistic plans of taking on Germany Reich,proper, from South,over the Balkans, a problematic undertaking, what he even involved the Exil-Polish forces, in the British army, preparing to marching from the Palestinesector, to, up North. The connection with the, Hungarian ambassador in Stock-holm,the ULLEIN-REVIZCKY couples, in September, 1943 is a public secret, another piece in this puzzle. Did WALLENBERG then communicated the result to the British SIS-station in Stockholm ? During a partymingel ? Probably he did. In fact, Antal ULLEIN-REVIZCKY`S´s wifes, father -in -law, CUMBERBATCH, served as the British ambass-ador/or official counsul in Turkey, up to 1944.
———————————————————————– —
– – -” On the high ground along the Kandilli Vaniköy road the mansion belonged to Cyril James CUMBERBATCH, who was born in Smyrna in 1873. He died in Istanbul in 1944 ( as a retired man from the British Consulate. His wife was from the Karatodori and Lorando family, lady by the name of Mary.
“- His daughter marries a Hungarian diplomat by the name of Count REVIZCKY, on whose death she settles in England. To the rear of this mansion, was a garden on terraces with pistachio trees, very ordered with valuable slabs laid out. This was the location where garden parties were given by the CUMBERBATCH`S. This building was destroyed when the Vaniköy – Küçüksu road was opened up.- – – /www
LINKOMIES visit Hungary (before he became Finnish primeminister in January 1943), at a Finnish concert conducted by prof. Armas JÄRNEFELT . In the lounge he met ” the For-eign ministry´s , presschief, minister ULLEIN-REVIZCKY later the Hungarian ambassador in Stockholm. – ” He ,(ULLEIN-REVIZCKY) was a tall, but little stout, giving the impres-sion of a energetic vitality. His English-borned wife, with a heavy make-up. She was probably several years older than her man. They seemed to complement each other, and some said, she had political interests, and influenced her husband in a pro-British dir-ection. ” – – – LINKOMIES then met HORTHY (as Finland =Axis-allied).- – – ” Later bre-akfast, with the ULLEIN-REVIZCKY`S when they served, sucking pigs, and lots of goose-liver. ” /LINKOMIES memoirs)
Did Raoul WALLENBERG, prepared, during not only his 2nd of December 1943, cock-tailparty, when his sister Nina /Gunnar LAGERGREN´S ” just married”, on their way to the Swedish legation in Berlin, serving for Arvid RICHERT ? Did WALLENBERG planned further moves, then, was hold in readiness, directed for Hungary, this before the Ger-man occupation, 19th of March 1944, and the massdeportations of Jews (400.000, all ages) from the countryside.( WALLENBERG met the ULLEIN-REVIZCKY`S even before, in Hungary, in September, 1943, and just before his departure, 1944.)
What the HORTHY-regime, later, no doubt, seemed to be glad for to ” get rid off”, through the SS-Adolf EICHMANN`S obviously small SS/SD-detachment,(200) but with great and full assistence from the Hungarian public society, 10.000s, of polices, militia, Arrow Cross partymen.
The Hungarian resistance abroad, as in Stockholm, grew after the Red army´s destru-ction of the 2nd Hungarian Army, (120.000 men, and perhaps 50.000 Auxiliaries,) in the context of the Battle of Stalingrad, in Voronezh, sector when the Hungarians due to some facts, were ordered to cover the German Wehrmacht´s withdrawal, without ability, materiel, for success, and then even faced the WaffenSS wellknown brutality.
As Susanne BERGER claims, WALLENBERG was already 1943, an experienced “Hungarian commissioner “, when flooded the city, 1944, with his Swedish legation, Schutzpass-ports, and perhaps by the Dutch agent, Gerrit van der WAALS forged identifications, what could had been used, by both German Naziofficials, Hungarian officials and Arrow Cross members. What can explained, what some claims , ” the Russians Wallenberg-obsession”, if there ever was one.
We don´t know at all, if he served those categories, of any special reasons, (perhaps as bribes) what perhaps caused contradictions within the Swedish legation and the Swe-dish Red Cross, as Raoul WALLENBERG even carried the OSS-mission.
This double standard, diplomatic immunity, and cover operations, concealed by diplo-matic positions, was not as usual then as, perhaps postwar, and today. The British Amb-assador Sir Hughe KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, was not that glad for the SIS-operators, in Ankara, what punished, (Cicero), and the U.S. Ambassador in Stockholm, Herschel John-son, had the same attitude, some claims – for OSS, and Ivar Danielsson in Budapest, hadn´t any knowledge of the C-office/UD/OSS-agent AKRELL`S secret mission, 1944, as we know now. This generation of the old diplomat school, didn´t seem appreciate of mixing diplomacy, and intelligence, and this must in fact be: the state-of-the-art, even today.
Why shouldn´t the OSS especially been interested in have WALLENBERG, delivering cer-tain, German officer/ officials, defectors, and in fact all there,the real perpetrators in Budapest, made it, to U.S lines, 1945, every one of them, the pattern from Iver OLSEN`S Baltic states secret operations, during late Summer 1944, from the Swedish shores.
The British MI6, predeccessors, used human relief organisations, as cover for intelli-gence purposes, agentrecruiting, already during WW1, in Greece, and no one ever asked if Raoul WALLENBERG, even could have written : “Agent recruiter”, on his visiting card, recruiting agents for both OSS and SOE, and the C-office. As he met so many Hungarian officials,and nationals, on many levels.
Well, WALLENBERG didn´t do any special unlawful work, when communicating this cap-itulation-feelers, or some OSS/SOE-intelligence activities, but must by that for the fut-ure, the last phases of WW2, had been judged by the NKVD, and Stalin, as an potential dangerous man ” “never to be tried, “as the narrative goes.
But no Soviet “jurisdiction”, was in fact, appliable, during WALLENBERG`S activities, up to he approached and crossed the Red army battle lines in Budapest ,in medio January, 1945.Could his moves been a sign, not only of his need of physical security, but of his perhaps secret missions, for WRB/OSS, personal economic interests and plans, ruling, explaining his quite individual judgements.
But no such capitulation chance, was possible, when reaching the Western Allies highest commanding,levels. It must had been a secret and special Swedish-German “dream-project”, in cover for a while, or just an U.S./U.K intelligence project, as unrealistic as WALLENBERG`S something like a “NANSEN-plan”, reconstruction, for the Hungarian Jews, postwar.
If WALLENBERG, disappeared, that was probably not that important, that would influ-ence Swedish-Soviet relations, but perhaps an enough sensitive loss, and wellknown, to send some message for, the Swedish inner circles, establishment. One of the last of mysterious disappearances and deaths following the WW2´s ending phases.
The Soviets never announced their arrest of Raoul WALLENBERG, 1945, and soon they tried to cover up, what´s happened. Remember than, that the liberal duo, C. GÛNTHER/ E. BOHEMAN, were in charge of WALLENBERG`S mission, 1944, and even in service up to June, 1945.
Due to the historian, Berndt SCHILLER, no swapping of people, could by that ever had taken place, so accusing Östen UNDÈN of negligence is typical, a lost case. UNDÈN never needed to ” wash his hands in muddy waters”, because no kind of deal was possible, or planned.
And if mr UNDÈN had deported some Soviet refugees, in exchange for Raoul WALLEN-BERG, every one in Sweden can imagined, the perfect storm of critical opinions from the right/conservative/liberal, opposition, what then had broken out : ”
– Ohh ! How could You ? ” As around those 146 Baltic soldiers in Wehrmacht´s service, and uniforms, (one in the Arajs SS/SD-Rollkommando/source : Deland) ) quite according to the Allieds agreements, for deporting of 1945, ( a government decision where even the Liberals partyleader (=Folkpartiet, Yes, mr Wästberg Ullenhag, Ahlmark´s party, et al.) professor Bertil OHLIN, was in charge of.) when although 30.000 Balts already got resident permits in Sweden. A good as any, “anticommunist” and warcriminals safe hav-en investment, in the Swedish society.
Edmond DEMAITRE, (b. Demeter) the reporter and journalist, the author and editor of L´AVENIR, (who I quoted in my comment no.32.) , “Borned in the Big Hun-gary” before WW1, became part of the Hungarian exile-community, from at least 1942/43, in Swe-den, where he was stranded, 1940, after the German invasion of France, in May/June. Then he was a reporter for the: ” LE PETIT PARISIEN” , those days a reactionary, Petain /Laval-paper, at last supporting NaziGermany, right out, till the Götterdämmerung.
DEMAITRE reported from the Finnish/Russian Winterwar, 1939/40, (was then put in hotel-arrest, in Kiruna, by the police, and rewarded with a oneway ticket back to Stock-holm), and then in the Spring 1940 from the German and British/French invasion of Norway, (in Namsos). A military project what the ” LE PETIT PARISIEN”, editors, supp-orted, to develop to a common German/West war against the Soviet Union, one of the most insane ideas of La France. A nation, then, a big offensive colonial power, with a strange suffering of The ” Maginotis”, some month later, didn´t even exist, but occ-upied, by Germany, leaving just the Pro-fascist anti/ communist/antisemitic French collaborators in the “Vichy-France” ,left in the South. How could such a terrible ” deb-aclé”, disaster, ever occured ? Seems like planned high treason, total unpredicted.
(*** DEMAITRE claims he finished his employment @ ” LE PETIT PARISIEN”, 1940, but then even witness, how he visited Vilnius , the capital in then USSR/ Lithuania, as late as 1941, during the German Barbarossa-invasion, and heard as early, as then July /August, of the German Holocaust, of Lithuanian Jews, in mobile gas-vans.)
The same year 1941, DEMAITRE published a book for the Swedish Bonnier publishers with the title : “The Policy of Mistakes”. A quite good, by me quoted analysis of the rea-sons for the Western Allieds defeats, so long, so far, in the war, the München treason against Czechoslovakia, 1938, and the in fact nonagression behaviour to the Polish disaster, and the distrust of the Soviet Union, (much for the terrible Stalin Terror, 1937/ 38, and the purge of the Red army), but in the end , the West´s only trustworthy allied, with in fact, her own capacity, to undertake the demise of the Third Reich, in the WW2.)
– – -DEMAITRE was later during the Summer of 1942, contacted by the pressattaché, Andor GELLÉRT, in fact agent for the Hungarian intelligence, but as Antal ULLEIN- REV-ICZKY, then ambassador, from 1943, (former chief of the Foreign Min. pressection) both proxies, of the Hungarian premier Nicholas KALLAY, as emmisaries and trying to obtain a separate capitulation deal, between Hungary and the Western powers.
Their first task was to establish contact with Allied diplomatic missions in: Berne, Ankara and Stockholm. DEMAITRE, immediately, called on the U.S. and U.K. ministers, H. JOHN-SON and V.MALLET, and they giving him identical answers: – ” Neither U.S. or U.K, would engage in negotiations, without the Russians, but advised DEMAITRE, to remain in con-tact, with the Hungarians, to find out what plans they had, for severing Hungary´s ties with the Axis, and for recalling the Hungarian 2nd Army, from the Russian front.
(*** Both those local pals were in fact in collaborators, both with the Hungarian premier Nicholas KALLAY, and even accepted in the HORTHY-camp, and GELLERT was viewed as pro, the former Hungarian nationalist project, and active in cultivating sometimes sus-picious nazi-contacts in Swe den, and became later, in fact an appointed Western/ OSS agent 1944, dispatched to the Bari-airbase, Italy, against British SIS/suspicions, of infil-tration./V. Agrell)
Anyway, DEMAITRE, served the the following months, as an intermediary, between the Allies, and the Hungarians, transmitting messages and preparing a memoranda for the Foreign Office (UK.) and the Allied representatives in Stockholm. A considerable interest, as Hungary had 30 divisions, (Compared :Finland 16 div.) to be thrown into the battle, if Berlin increased the pressure on Budapest.
Even some new discovered oil wells, around Lake Balaton, were the topics, when DEMA-ITRE met the Sir Walter MONCKTON,(later Lord),one of CHURCHILL`S chief advisers, in a two-hours conversation, visiting Stockholm for discussing some matters with the Swed-ish government. DEMAITRE was asked to prepare a memorandum, about Hungary, which he, W.M, promised to submit to CHURCHILL.
Short after,the British legation, was authorized to establish, direct contact with Andor GELLÈRT. The first meeting with the British scholar-diplomat Roger HINKS, (then SIS-agent, in fact overlooking the SOE activities) and GELLERT, took place in DEMAITRE´S department.- – –
The authors of the articles, were names from the British universities,scholars, institutes, in the main topics, original or perhaps syndicated.But you even find the names of ULL-EIN-REVICZKY and GELLERT, among the contributors, (how come..?) and the wellknown, Swedish sociologist, mrs Alva Myrdal, married to professor Gunnar MYRDAL.
But even the Professor in history, Nils AHNLUND, to me at the same level as GELLERT, pro-German, nationalist, Gross-Schweden, Finnish activist, all over, contributed, In fact one of the authors of the, to a high degree, Nazi-inspired party-programme, (comm-itteé) 1933, corporative, anticommunist, antiparliament ruling, anti-immigrant, and
for racial biology) for the Swedish National Union, (** Sveriges Nationella Förbund/SNF, an most Nazi offspring of the Rights party, 1934, with some former Right party´s par-liamentarians as ” political savages”, for a while).
This partysplitting, in cooperation with the editor of the, then Rights main paper the Svenska Dagbladet/ SvD, mr Ivar ANDERSSON, close to the chairman,there, mr Harald NORDENSON (** one of Raoul Wallenberg´s coctailpartyguests, as ULLEIN-REVICZKY`S the 2nd of December 1943) even deep implicated in the German separate capitulation feelers,, (the Christian, Sigtuna -stiftelsen) from Day 1. (NORDENSON even commanded a Swedish national science-delegation, to Berlin, as late as March, 1941, in order to,(officially) develop a Swedish science council.)
Similar as the Hungarians, of some unfathomable reason, only after the German 6th Army´s chrushing defeat, at Stalingrad, January 1943 and the destruction of the 2nd Hungarian army, at Voroneszh, with 120.000 casualities, 50.000 paramilitaries, and economic values in billions. Conscience – developed in the same speed, as the Red army, approached the Reich proper, and the Hungarian border.
The Hungarian-British summit in Turkey , Autumn 1943, (where Raoul WALLENBERG) is said to have been implicated, during a Hungarian visit, same time, then), was never producing any result, the separate capitulation, needed a Western military force, part to capitulate for,in “reality ” , a mirage.
N. KALLAY (the Hungarian premier 1941-44) was more interested to continue his war against the Soviet Union, but not by himself, waging war against the Germans, and to receive support for Hungary´s pre-war borders. Nothing of this, the British could acc-ept, deliver and confirm, and KALLAY and his government, was by that, viewed not to be a possible Hungarian future leader, in the postwar, and “L´avenir /Magyarorzag “, and was then toppled, with German occupation of 19th of March, 1944, (fled to the Turkish embassy, his wife died in an airraid.)
But eight (8) Swedish journalist visited Hungary those days, and it were annonced in the Times and The BBC the 16/18th of July, 1943, so not, such so secret summit, it see-med.
DEMAITRE : ” – – – As Sweden, was neutral, books, newspapers, and periodicals, pub-lished there could be imported into Germany and other Axis countries. I was asked by the Hungarians to publish a French-language political monthly in Stockholm, which was to adress, itself mainly to government officials, diplomats, economists, and French-spe-akaing intellectuals in Germany and Europe.
The British and the Americans approved the idea, and offered to contribute to financing the publication, in form of advertising,the broadcast schedules of the BBC, and the Voice of America. The British press attaché, Peter Tennant, “one of the most brilliant and res-ourceful diplomats I´ve met”, supplied DEMAITRE, with original contributions, he ob-tained from London, for L´AVENIR, and from The Royal institute of International affairs, and various British Universities.- – –
The paper was named : L´ AVENIR: REVUE POUR L´ÉTUDE DES PROBLEME POLITIQUES ECONOMIQUE ET ,SOCIAUX D`APRES-GUERRE: (1943-45) The responsible editor /office, (due to Swedish law) was a mr F. LINDMAN, address The Holländargatan (Dutchman-street) no.10 in the Stockholm´s city.
DEMAITRE :- – -The situation didn´t lack piquancy, a French political monthly, supp-orting de Gaulle, published in neutral Sweden, financed clandestinely by the government of Hungary (then offically allied to Germany) (** must have been problematic in Sweden then, with foreign powers…? ), supported by the U.S & U.K., (then at war with Hungary) adressed itself to the intellectual elite of the Axis elite, to stimulate the critical or hostile attitude, that many Eastern Europeans, had taken vis-a-vis, Germany and nazism. – – –
– – -Every month, several thousand of copies, of L´AVENIR were shipped, to Hungary, several thousend copies to Romania and Bulgaria,, and fortyseven (47) to Germany. The subscribers were : libraries, research institutes, front organizations of the GESTAPO, and ABWEHR, the Nazi Counter-intelligence organization, the last issue, appeared in June 1945.- – –
When meeting Nicholas KALLAY postwar/N.Y, who complementing DEMAITRE, for his WW2-job, but, suggested : – ” Don´t let us delve with the past, we did our best to help our country, it wasn´t our fault, if we didn´t succeed, better talk about what the great powers are going to do now…ehh ? DEMAITRE: – ” I will tell you by qouting CHURCHILL, “While the great powers, have learned from past mistakes, they will surely make others. “- – –
***, Well, between friends – not that bad idea, modern in design, theoretical, but see-ms rather of course, academical, and a bit boring periodical, perhaps, because the scho-lars, of those days, were quite cautious, controled, cool, (the ongoing war was quite real and hot then, so what…, ) and hard to interprete, (But why not… quite different from the daily terrible battlefield exchanges, then), reminding of an official EU-print, the ori-gins of European Union ? But too late, too little, (Hungary, then facing a terrible future, what they and even we all, should be glad, then, not to have been aware off.) (ULLEIN-REVICZKY and GELLÈRT, published 2+1 articles, in L`AVENIR.)
DEMAITRE even edited a Swedish edition, of the ECONOMIST, due to Peter TENNANT/ SIS/ SOE, and with that close cooperation, DEMAITRE was suspected of being a British spy, by the German legation´s SD-agent, mr FINKE, who ordered 1942, a Norwegian nazi, J. Ödegaard to collect informations about DEMAITRE, with cover, as correspondent for the Norwegian NTB-bureau, what was revealed post war, later DEMAITRE, was emp-loyed, at the U.S. propaganda/radiostation, The Voice of America. (VOA).
Wikipedia/- – -Le Petit Parisien was a prominent French newspaper during the French Third Republic. It was published between 1876 and 1944, and its circulation was over 2 million after the First World War. – – Despite its name, the paper was circulated across France, and records showed claims that it had the biggest newspaper circulation in the world at this time. In May 1927, the paper fell into a media prank set up by Jean-Paul Sartre and his friends, announcing that Charles Lindbergh was going to be awarded as École Normale Supérieure honorary student. During the Second World War the paper, under the editorship of Claude JEANTET, was the official voice of the Vichy regime and in 1944 was briefly published by Jeantet in Nazi Germany before closing down.- – – Wikip.
– – – Following the establishment of Vichy France Jeantet served that regime as head of their Foreign Press Service and as editor of Le Petit Parisien, which by then was the mo-uthpiece of the government. He fled to Germany in 1944 and attempted to continue publishing Le Petit Parisien, but was soon captured and sent back to France where he was sentenced to hard labour for life for his collaborationism. Despite his life sentence Jeantet was released after a few years and he returned to political involvement. Taking up his pen once again he wrote for a number of far right journals, including the mon-archist papers La France Réelle from 1951 and Aspects de la France from 1956 to 1965. He also became a vocal supporter of Poujadism.(** Origins of Populism). / Wikipedia.
No researcher have focused on this printed expression (L´AVENIR…) of the Hungarian “exile”/legation, in Sweden, perhaps not a “resistance” but a national “rescuing”, activi-tity, perhaps with the same philosophy as Raoul WALLENBERG and WRB/U.S ?
Or was L` AVENIR, a “therapy” during the war, an infiltration/ cover project, perhaps where Raoul WALLENBERG, for instance, could meet, the Hungarian exiles,diplomats, in opposition, without suspicions ? But the latter is not that trustworthy conclusion, but anyway, DEMAITRE and his activities seems quite unknown, by WALLENBERG-resear-chers, in general, or judged unimportant, in spite of his (ED) edited memoires. Anyway, in this context, WALLENBERG could had served as an intermediary, with full freedom, to visit Hungary, as neutral businessman, as in September/October, 1943. Further research is needed, of the background.
But what made my day was ! : when I find: A frontpage of LE PETIT PARISIEN from the Spring/April of 1942, was printed on the paperbag, what enveloped my french bread, painriche, in my foodstore, as a suitable (commercial, and moving) wrapping, perhaps this is tradition in France, carrying ones daily bread in, old papers. As ” good idea” as
L `AVENIR…, but…. (See for your self : The www/
With headings from DEMAITRE`S former Vichy-paper, LE PETIT PARISIEN, as : ” — Les Allemands ont Fai..sur le front Russe, 3.916.993 Prisonniers. ce qui porte d´, 20 mil-lions, de bolscheviks le total, des tués, blessés, disparus ou capturés, and with pictures of German Eastfront soldiers: ” — Un groupe reconnaissance allemand—prisonnier…(a Russian old man) á lá aide d´une carte, des informations….par un habitant de la region “- – – pro-German reports from the Eastfront, a message from around beginning of April 1942, — Dans son communiqué samedi, le haut commandement de l´armée allemande announce : Les Pertes en materiel atteignent: 23.712 Chars, 34.700 canons et 20.476 avions/A Leningrad et la… Deux batiments de… et trois croiseurs Sov… son endommagés… (The Frenchs had perhaps, some old scores to pay off, back from 1812´s L´Grande Armée…outside Moscow.)
I couldn´t imagine, expect, to meet “LE PETIT P. “, today, but things seems “arriving” to me, ha-ha,I´m not supersticious, as directed, from…hell ? Well….my painriche didn´t taste that delicious, with that Petain-paper´s fascistslogans = Travaile/Famille/Patrie as wrapping, reminding of the terrible reactionary backlash and probably the coming ,
” L´Avenir” of today´s European Union, but why complain about good food ? Curiosity kills the Cat !
When turning the stones, up, and around in the WALLENBERG-case, often there´s sw-arming lots of speedy grey “woodlouses,” in every direction. One of the worst, most evil stones I´ve moved, so far, is the one hiding the Swedish state´s Government and the Secret police, Foreign ministry: APOCALYPSE now: mr Gösta ENGZELL, Martin LUN-DQVIST , Erik LÖNN, SÖDERSTRÖM, and the handling of the German and Norwegian res-istance men: Martin HJELMEN, Hermann KNÜFKEN and Ernst WOLLWEBER.
One deported to NaziGermany, and condemned to death, executed, decapitated 30th of May 1944, after years of terrible torture in the SS-prison, Fuhlsbüttel, near Hamburg. Two were interned, since 1939/40, KNÜFKEN and WOLLWEBER, for four long years, without trials, convictions, and had not committed any crimes in Sweden.(but using forged passports, as every EU/Schengen -refugee, today.)
The Swedish police cooperated tight with RFSS Himmlers Gestapo/RSHA, and used the German torturechambers, as a Swedish “Guantanamo” torture-central, quite inten-tional, witnessed by SÖDERSTRÖM. The information from SS-HEYDRICH arrived to the Swedish police, after a while, and caused further arrests, in Sweden, but no proof, can be find in the archives of that – of course. Sorry, it´s cleaned up there, as in the KGB /FSB`s, not a trace… or not released…?
So how can Sweden accuse the Soviet Union of inhuman treatment, when Sweden in quality – if not quantity, acted like the Soviet master, most nasty and evil apprentice. Denying, her deeds if possible, to a higher degree than the Russians. The latter see-med to be rather humane, compared to the Swedish Socialdemocrats, the Foreign min-istry´s and the Secret police, inhuman ” Herrschaft” , in Sweden, during the war. These three men, couldn´t even they be tried, and convicted for any (serious) crime, (but using their own, forged passports, as refugees), in Sweden, and they were political refugees, but treated as criminals.(Or as WALLENBERG, ” never be tried”.)
Martin HJELMEN was extradited, (as a CIA-flight) manipulated, by the Swedish secret police, over to the Norwegian Statepolice, January 1941, one of the worst Nazi -colla-borating abusing /torturing Police corps, in Scandinavia. Then later to Gestapo in Oslo, the Möllergatan no. 19, in May to Germany, by airtransport, to Gestapo-prison, together with a Norwegian female,(WIIK) who survived, tortured, but was broken.
HJELMEN was executed, because he had no mighty saviours, and was as his friend, cell-mate, BARLEY-PETERSEN , of part Same/Laplander, descent. Hermann KNÛFKEN all-eged British SIS agent “no. 101″/Source The Venloe-incident´s 39´/SIS Payne/ Stevens), as Mr Charles LINDLEY in the ITF, International Transport federation, The British legation Peter TENNANT / Victor MALLET and SIS.
Ernst WOLLWEBER ,(NKVD agent) was saved by the Soviet Unions legation, Alexandra KOLLONTAY, from being deported to Nazi-Germany. (Later, 1956, became The GDR security chief, “well educated” in the harsh Swedish prisonsystem. (But even the later Westgerman minister, Herbert WEHNER, KPD-member, branding his German comrades already during the Stalin-terror, 1937/38 in Moscow, was even jailed, convicted in some shit case, of antifascist resistance in Sweden, 1942. He later joined the Willy BRANDT`S Socialdemocrats, in the Bundesrepublik, ended up in the government, as Minister for Common German relations, and why not.)
After STALINGRAD of course, it wasn´t possible, for a swappings, but the arrangements was under way, by the Foreign ministry´s Gösta ENGZELL, presented as the big” Jew-rescuer”, @ UD, what some claims, as some “Wallenberg-styled Civil servant”, the ” bureaucratic resistance “, but in fact: 1st class German collaborators, some with Hitler´s : Order/Big Cross of German Eagle on their breasts.
It´s quite possible that these three abused antifascists, could have influenced the fate of Raoul WALLENBERG, perhaps a joint venture between NKVD and the British SIS. Both services, then had good reasons, to brand Sweden, 1945, and never give the truth of what happened and why. Probably, the two, German antifascists, were incarcerated, because of the jailed for espionage, the “Warzaw -Swedes” in Germany since 1942, and could perhaps not be released, until, 1944, out from Swedish “Realpolitik”, not the only nation practising that exercises.
If so, no one can blame the Russians: ” Suddenly a Swedish young ad/hoc-diplomat, whose relatives were specialized and notorius in organizing German separate (all failed) capitulations, showed up in Budapest, 1944, loaded with heaps of money, and perhaps distributing contrabands, radios, for resistance, with connections to U.S. /WRB = OSS, from the ” little peaceloving, ” Nordic nation, SWEDEN, ( just finished a public , similar suspicious expedition to the Baltic states, with long lists of “desirable” names…)
(Sweden, not, up to that,time 1944, just high admired for her pro-Jewish sympathy), but the opposite, race-biological institute,) WALLENBERG dealing with the Himmler´s SS, in the ” Jews-for-sale”, perhaps by that delivering much wanted, war materiel for the ” wandering slaughterhouse” the, Wehrmacht, on the Eastern Front´s closing in, by Soviet pincers, using the diplomatic protection-mission of Russia, for espionage on Russia,(?) and was mr Berg/ UD, friend of RIBBENTROP, since his UD/Berlin-service, perhaps carrying German separate capitulation messages, via Sweden to the West. ”
And didn´t Sweden participate in fact, in the deadly siege, the German-Finnish block-ade of the second Soviet city, Leningrad, 3.5 million inhabitants, since 1941- 44, 900 days, with millions of victims, not the least children, and now a man, suddenly arrived in Budapest, to rescue what… ??? There were 65.000 German/Finnish mines in big fields, in the Gulf of Finland, and the city blocked from land, sea, railway, and the White Sea canal, and daily aerial bombings, and artillery fire. If someone dared to hit London, like that…with her national frontiers 35 km´s North of London, Ireland, for example. Whaa-ouuw ! (Imagine mr Cameron, then…in the House) No WALLENBERG-mission, ever rea-ched Leningrad, it don´t even, exist in the Swedish history-books.
We must accept if the Russians, only out from that, went totally mad, not only about SWEDEN, primarily, (and WALLENBERG) , and intercepted, both Sweden and her young, maverick. And the Russians seemed more rational and down to earth, there, than, Swe-den.
Thats why the Hungarian Resistance-radiosender, (since September 1941) KOSSUTH, transmitted, that Raoul WALLENBERG had “disappeared”, the 8th of March 1945, wearing a German SS-uniform, probably killed by bandits, during a roadrobbery. The poor, thickheaded ” innocent” Swedes, “whiter than white”, couldn´t by no means understand the meaning of that message. WALLENBERG probably had to pay for SWEDEN`S pro-Nazi policy.
But , the historians, Craig MCKAY and Berndt SCHILLER, and Vilhelm AGRELL, claiming, rather explicit, or breathing, this conclusions. No other of the Swedish “diaspora” in Budapest, the Legation and the SRC-personnel, were intimidated, or punished,but most protected, by the Red army,but interrogated, NKVD, and then put on a cars/train/boats for Moscow/ Sweden.
That´s a bit positive surpricing, in the worst battlezone, of WW2, and in the Stalinist dictatorship system, a bit more sophisticated and sometimes more limited, than, the West, dare to believe – or ? (I don´t think, nobody, had protested in Sweden, if the whole legation, had disappeared, by “some reason”. It was rather honourable, by the Russians to protect and delivered them in one piece, back to Sweden, postwar, given the war situation,and the Swedish fears of Russia, a bit surpricing Russian move, anyway.)
Why the WALLENBERG mission, was possible in Budapest: The West couldn´t believe, how the Red army could (1.) defend the Soviet Union, 1941/42. (2.) Stop the Wehr-machts /SS ” the Wandering slaughterhouse” ,1942/43, (3.) Turn to counteroffensive, and then win the war, 1944/45. (even in the Far East in August 1945). So what could Sweden and the West understand – at all ? A good question !
But as late as July 1941, the British saboteur groups were active, in Sweden. Both the German KPD/SPD-members, KNÛFKEN (SIS) /WOLLWEBER , seamen, in the Unions of (ISH/ITF) had probably, obviously,some knowledge and implication about/ in sabotage- schemes, but before the war, up to 1938, after the Spanish Civil war, directed against the weak German spot, freighters, ships, vessels, tonnage, for trade, and transports for the Franco-regime. But the German/Russian pact of 1939-41, stopped those activities,
for a while, a proof, even of the Soviets, suspicions, of Germany´s intentions never cea-sed.
Germany was forced to use everyone of those, for her military moves, buying small fishingboats, converting to minesweepers,from Sweden, with the Wallenbergs bank, as creditbank, as in the heavy-water, Norwegian Rjukan plant, Vemork, (wellknown SOE-target) as on Norway 1940, and what´s more wellknown, the Operation Sealion, against Britain, that never was – due to the shortage of freight and landingships, etc., 1940/41. Don´t mention her warships, camouflaged as merchant vessels, suddenly opened fire, on the High seas.
(The so called German submarine -base, Basis Nord, from the German-Russian pact, 39´on the Arctic Soviet coast, was in fact : a converted whalefactory ship, suiting well to serve the Wolfpacks, it seems,as workingshop-ship, but was ordered to departure, one way, by the Russians, in April 1940, after the German invasion of Norway. Some Swe-dish enterprises, shipowners with small coastal tankers, use them to serve the German subma-rines, in the Baltic sea, as u-boot/tenderships, the whole war, earning good money.)
HJELMEN`S fate is said to have been decided, during the Swedish German trade negoti-ations, the Autumn 1940, to please the Germans, because there was a lack of coal in Sweden then. Reminding of the Raoul WALLENBERG situation. A pawn.
And In fact was this political refugee-cases, a serious attempt by the Swedish police, Martin LUNDQVIST, Erik LÖNN, FAHLANDER,, SÖDERSTRÖM, et al., to knock out imp-ortant foreign antinazi-resistance, on the European continent, outlaw it, but worst of all: to prepare the political ground for a partyban, and outlaw, the Swedish communists (SKP), by linking the party and the WOLLWEBER sabotage-groups,, by that preparing for a legislation in the parliament, Autumn 1941, orchestred by the Rights partyleader, mr Gösta BAGGE, then in the government.
Thats why, the big police Round-up, with 3.000 policemen, against 900 partymembers homes, in February 1940, and the RFSS/ Himmler-ordered razzia in June 1941, just before BARBAROSSA the 22th of June, the two former actions, resulted in not a shit, as usual. But what a generalrepetition for a big Jew & Communist/razzia, in Sweden ? No doubt, if Germany had later been victorious, from about 1942, what happened in Nor-way, and in Denmark, as we know.
But nothing of those accusations was true, proved, or succeeded, when the premier mr P-A HANSSON demanded, in parliament, a reciprocal, concerning, the four Swedish, Nazi-parties. But the secret police could then in fact act like a political, force, by it´s own, without any kind of democratic influence, and political responsibility.There was a little tiny : “the SANDLER-commission (foreign.min. -39´) after the war, not more.
In fact was an affiliation of the Wollweber group, The Asbjörn SUNDE`S group ” OSW-ALD”, Norway´s most active successful, resistance- and sabotagegroup, 1941-44, recognized far more effective, than the domestic, Milorg, and the British SOE-groups, characterized by most military passivity, during the whole German occupation, 1940-45. Both these groups use the SUNDE`S men, for instance, “dirty jobs”, liquidations, and “OSWALD” blow the important Norwegian register for forced labour, (50.000 men/Oslo) in pieces, when the Nazis and the QUISLING/ Nasjonal Hird, begin to prepare, forced labour recruitment, after Stalingrad.
Of course they were named ” terrorists” by the Swedish pro-Gestapo/Sicherheitsdienst, secret police, the real “terrorists”, in fact. (And Norway of today, 2013, last weeks, for-med a government these days, after election, with the ” Fremskrittspartiet”, (Progress?) the party that fostered the notorius massmurder, A.Breivik, (2011) Europe´s worst, completely without remorse, and mercy, a worse killer than what performed during the war, the RINNAN-gang etc. (wish had not being forced to mention that name, = Good-wins law, the first mention A.H, has lost…but,), as Churchill called a certain person in Germany, “who didn´t like sick people” – ” That man”, I blame it on the dumb,” silly” Norway´s voters) . But the Scandinavian, police and politicians, proceeding, soon, as usual, as not responsible “psychopat´s, of their own, the main characteristics, for that, disturbance. (But any ban of the “Fremskritts-party”, was never an option, anyway, 2011.)
There is something rotten still there, in that old “innocent” “peaceloving” former British ” interestsphere”, and that´s not some forgotten fishcargo, but troubled nationalistic waters /mixed with oil, since 1905s dissolvement of the Union with Sweden, at least, what in fact the British, took part in, behind the curtains, as usual, but don´t you(!) dare – to draw North Ireland from….! Then imagine mr Cameron…in ) /Borgersrud : diss./
The Swedish secret police, had as I earlier comment, very close collaboration, with Reichskommissar Josef TERBOVEN in Norway, trough the RSHA/SS/NSDAP Lt Col. EIN-SATZSTAB NORWEGEN/ SS-Obersturmbannführer, Hans-Hendrik NEUMANN,(former SS-Heydrichs adjutant) . From 1941 -44, selfappointed, ” SS-polizeiattache” in Sweden with free access to the Swedish policeoffice in Stockholm, SKL:s Harry SÖDERMAN et al.and with the colleague,, the SS-man Oberführer, Georg Wilhelm MÜLLER.
NEUMANN was the man responsible to “blitz-round up” all Communists, Jews, in Sweden in collaboration with secret police, Martin LUNDQVIST and Erik LÖNN, with or without German occupation. The security police prepared this from November 1941, in the Stockholm policeoffice, at the Munkbroplan no.2, Old Town. Something terrible could have been the result, as we seen from Martin HJELMEN-case.
Sweden´s inviting of NEUMANN, a SS-hangman, reminding of the Budapest situation, in March 1944, (his SS-collegaues, who he must have been close friends with), when SS-Adolf EICHMANN, and Kurt BECHER arrived, for the Final solution. Is it then even possible today, to understand, how close Sweden came to a disaster- then ? I don´t think so, even if mirroring herself in the more distant, Budapest, Holocaust.
NEUMANN, the Swedish secret police, favorite nazi/”EICHMANN- pet”, a slick deskkiller, married a daughter of mr Werner DAITZ, (1938), a Nazi´”Grosswirtsschaft´s ideolo-gist,/ RIBBENTROP`S Foreign department/AA,, and Nordische Gesellschaft / Nordic propaganda, 1933-1945, (Nordische Gedanke) then, in Einsatzkommando in Poland, 1939, had a shady nasty nazicareer in both Germany and Norway :
From the book: Himmler´s Norway (Emberland 2012) I quote: ” SS-member, 1931, 1933 /SD, and 1935 Heydrichs adjutant, and in charge of RSHA´s leaders, och for instance, RFSS/HIMMLER. NEUMANN`S contact, with HIMMLER on daily basis, made hime an int-erest person for, example, Walter SCHELLENBERG, the Section 6/leader(Foreign espio-nage) in the AA`s Abwehr.
First secret mission in Norway , for HIMMLER`S Ahnenerbe, (ancestry) as cover, just before the invasion, for ” to protect the Norwegian stavechurchs, against the warfare, ha-ha ! “, but in fact operate as HEYDRICH`S “eye and ear”, there, especially to secure, the Norwegian Quisling-police, register of Communist´s, (not the Romani´s as from the Swedish police, this weeks, but NEUMANN, should probably, had been glad for that…).
NEUMANN even took part in the Nordische Gesellschaft´s´summer meeting in Lübeck, 1938.( I looking of a photo, from that, but from 1937: The Swedish ambassador, Arvid RICHERT, Heinrich HIMMLER, Reinhard HEYDRICH, SS General WOLFF, as “nothing spe-cial” .) (The female German PK-photographer, took a picture of RICHERT, showing even most the whole shaved neck of RFSS/HIMMLER.)
Some sources, claim that NEUMANN even was in tight contact, with, later Reichskomm-issar/Norwegen, Gauleiter, Josef TERBOVEN, during the preparations for HITLER`S pur-ge and murder of the SA/Sturmabteilung leadership, in June 30th, 1934, Röhm et al.)
NEUMANN became one of the most important, agent-of-influence, through, WaffenSS/ Ordnungspolizei/Reichskommissariat Norwegen, and NSDAP`s Einsatzstab, by that of the most influential Nazis, in the project of: The SS-“ification” of Norway. ( and recruit-ment for The Eastern front, to be battlehardened, in war, and return to Norway, with experience of genocide, without mercy and remorse.
NEUMANN cooperated with as disgusting people as SS- Heinrich FEHLIS, Wilhelm RED-IESS, among others, and was in charge of recruit young Norwegians into SS. The 28th of January, 1941, RFSS/HIMMLERS arrived to Norway, the Fornebu airport, NEUMANN was then German chief advisor for the QUISLING`S Hird, to promote the SS-recruitment, and the merging between, SS and the Hird.
NEUMANN was the SS-member in the NSDAP:s Reichskommissariat Norwegen, the Ger-man Nazi party, Autumn 1941, by that, direct subordinated, the NSDAP´S leader, Martin BORMANN. NEUMANN did frontservice, in the Aufnahme Barbarossa, in July-September, 1941,from the Finnish front, “Kampfgruppe Nord”, perhaps there, implicated in the ” Einsatzkommando FINNLAND”with SS/G. vom FELDE. 1943.
NEUMANN, took 1943, initiative to a Norwegian Hird/German SS defence/athletic-camp, for youngsters age from fourteen,(14) in the Kongsvinger fortress, as future Nazi “gun-fodder”. From December, 1944, ordered to Hungary, in the WSS/ 1. Division, Leibstan-darte, Adolf Hitler, in the Panzergrenadierregiment, (1) .(Survived the war, and did a successful business career in the: Bundesrepublik Deutschland.)
” — Our mission didn´t in any way competed with Raoul WALLENBERG`S splendour activities.”—/ Nina LANGLET. / Chaos in Budapest, 1982. / A bit apologizing…
Valdemar LANGLET was by birth, (1872-1960) probably bound to end up as a right, conservative, nationalist, and there he first served, as publisher, writer,(leaders) in their daily papers, as the Svenska Dagbladet, but even in the : The New Sweden : journal for national questions= Det Nya Sverige : tidning för nationella spörsmål, 1907-1928, founded by Adrian MOLIN, later most nazi. (Even mr Arne FORSELL, editor a period, in the same circles as Nils AHNLUND, Ivar ANDERSSON, in the “make-over” for nazific-ation programme for the Swedish National Union,(SNF) a rightwing, party, 1934, sep-arated from the main Rights party)/ (The National paper= Nationell tidning / May/June 1934.) Origins of one of the Swedish Nazi many groups/parties.
Active in these papers brown editors, LANGLET came close to before / and postwar (WW1) reactionary circles, as the Finnish activists, but was the first reporter from the Conservatives, visiting the Soviet Union,1923. He seems no doubt, a bit complex, thin, but energetic, personality, traveller, when he stranded in Budapest, during the 1930s, as teacher, cultural Swedish attaché, even arranging the Swedish Crownprincess LOUISE visit, there 1936.
Born 1872, he was 72 years old, 1944, not that bad, to rescue, helping people, Jews and others from: May 1944- February 1945. LANGLET first arranged a listeningstation, to register the fates of the Hungarian soldier´s (1.500) on the Eastfront, 1941-43, a very dangerous project, when broadcasted from banned Soviet stations, perhaps ” the KOSSUTH”. All names incl. the Jewish, were burned by LANGLETS, later.
The Swedish Red Cross in Hungary, seems a very problematic project, not only for those in danger, but the SRC:s office, in Sweden´s unbelievable handling of the situation, after the big deportations, in April/May 1944. They assigned Valdemar LANGLET, as their Hungarian delegate, in August 1944, but later send another, leading person, mrs Asta NILSSON, as leader of the children´s care, giving two lines of decisionmakers. (After 1945, LANGLET had to, liquidate, Asta NILSSON`S liabilities, with 600.000 Pengö = 120.000 US Dollar = 4.20 SEK(1945) =500.000 SEK= 10 millions, SEK = in 2013 curr-ents. (Reservation :Foreign value/exchange hard to calculate, but.)
Then even problems appeared between LANGLET and NILSSON, different personalities, the “personal chemistry”. NILSSON had a salary, but not LANGLETS couple, depending on gifts/charity from Hungarians. LANGLET applied two times of being released from duty, but that was never accepted from SRC/Sweden (Head: F. Bernadotte).
Probably it was LANGLET`S wife Nina LANGLET,(one author source here) giving the idea of a Swedish SRC, rescuemission. LANGLET cooperated with the Hungarian Red Cross, and the Jewish agency, and from the Jewish council he received the ” Auschwitz-proto-col”, and had by that knowledge of the “Final solution.”
Ivar DANIELSSON did advised LANGLET not to accept Asta NILSSON. No ” heavyweight” person,as Count BERNADOTTE, was accepted by the Germans. (Perhaps, because to not associating with separate capitulation schemes, WALLENBERG – a much better choice then, as we understand the situation today.)
Next problem : The SRC subordinated it´s Budapest administration, under the Swedish legation, mr Ivar DANIELSSON, what of course further complicated the leadership – as SRC was and is, a NGO (nongovernmental organisation). But from May to September, 1944, LANGLETS mission, (with 1.000 assistents) was unknown (!) by DANIELSSON.)
LANGLETS knew that their SRC-passports, was a ” fraud”, but issued them from emerg-ency reasons, as the Hungarians authorities accepted them, but this passport-“invention ” was criticized, by both, Prince CARL /SRC (The King Gustaf V`s brother) , and DANIEL-SSON, as dubious from the Swedish diplomatic legal, view.
And by that Raoul WALLENBERG and the legation started to produce, the Swedish prot-ection passports, more legal, the ones with the heraldic ” Three crowns”, one upside, down. The whole situation did after a while ran out of control, easy to understand, du-ring the explicit war & terror-situation, in Budapest. The LANGLETS/SRC was forbidden to act, by the Arrow Cross-party, the 11th of December, 1944, and must go into hiding.
Nina LANGLET, writes, that often the Arrow Cross party, ordered the Jewish inhabitants in the International Ghetto, (protected by the neutrals) to assembling (parading) in the SZENT-ISTVAN park, to control everyones ID´s & passports. There is here important to compare, the situation in the Hungarian Ghetto, and the International, the former prob-ably if possible, even more dangerous.
Neither LANGLETS, WALLENBERG, used to be present then, but ms Mitsi KÓLA as proxy for the LANGLETS, and mr Sixten VON BAYER, proxy for WALLENBERG; claiming he could save many, by giving them the Swedish legations passports. This was of a matter of prestige, KÓLA claims, for the leadership, to stay away, then.
Sixten VON BAYER, the son of the former Swedish general consul, Dr Dezsö von BAYER-KRUCSAY and Sixten´s wife, EDIT, were active in the rescue-work. (Mr Henrik de WAAL / Manfred Weiss Plants/ is said to had married 1944, a Swedish woman, (my comment no. 18 ), said to be former daughter-in-law, of the Swedish general consul, then. He probably hade more children, as she is said to divorced, from one of them, and Nina LANGLET, claims Sixten, one of them, was married with EDIT.
Dr Dezsö von BAYER-KRUCSAY (1874-1944), Sixten´s father, was Swedish consul in Budapest, before Yngve EKSTRAND, the STAB-man, moving in from Zagreb, 1944.
(1913, Dr Dezsö,B-K, inaugurated a little plate about the Swedish king CAROLUS (KARL) the XII, riding-tour from Bender/Turkey, the 3rd of November 1713. 16 days /2.860 km´s= 170 km. /day. (During the Nordic wars with Russia. Those were the days.) CARO-LUS, (d. 1718) became a Swedish rightwing icon, standing, just outside the WALLEN-BERG`S Enskilda bank, in the “Kingsgarden´s ” park of Stockholm, from 1856, pointing to the East, his former battlefield against the Russian Tsar, Narva, Poltava.
Even he, died during mysterious circumstances, in a trench, in Norway, 1718, hit in the
temple, by a bullet made of a “metalbutton”. Not even that, a closed case: from enemy, from behind, a traitor, for peace or..? – in spite of exhumations, and investigation. Poor Swedes.
– – – But WALLENBERG, one day during an Arrow Cross-deportation, from the “Three sisters monastery,” was called by LANGLET, and ” arrived soon in company with an officer. He went to the AC/party-office, cross over the street, and went in. After a while, unknown what happened inside, he left, in his car, then even all the AC-men, left the monastery. LANGLETS were very grateful, then./by Nina LANGLET:
It seems, that Jews who wanted to receive a passport from the Swedish legation, had to visit, that address, in person, but only those with relatives/and businesscontacts, in Sweden, were perhaps, successful. Those not, seemed to be directed to the LANGLETS office.
/*/: First, the LANGLETS and their experiences, in comparement to WALLENBERG`S, were abused, most forgotten, downplayed, by the Swedish state, and most of the Swe-dish Red Cross. But Valdemar, received, the SRC:s Silver medal, 1946, and a Royal med-al, 1949, (The North Star), but lived last years, during hard and poor, conditions, after the war, in Sweden.
The LANGLETS were´nt even mentioned in the SRC:s 100-years comemmorating public-ation, (1865-1965), but the BERNADOTTE`S, in 1945. Seems a bit of the usual Swedish blend of “stalinism,”, excluding of parts of history, and a personal “deportion”, to obliv-ion.
/*/: The alleged non-existant relations between the Swedish Red Cross and LANGLET`S mission, and the Swedish legation, during, a long period, after the big deportations, (400.000) April -May, and up to September, seems, telling a bit of the Swedish official attitude, to the last phases of the Holocaust, in Hungary.
But, BERNADOTTE´S “White Buses”, medio March 1945, (incl. separate-cap.feelers) took another whole year, to organize, so that seems confirming, with that observation – as painful it is.
/*/ : The Swedish Red Cross, original mission, seemed to have been launched by Nina LANGLET`S letter, to the SRC in Stockholm, in March, 1944. Both SRC, and the National The Swedish legation seem to have done a late adaption, to the situation, there must have been many contradicting aspects, in the cooperation, between them, only out from that.
/*/: If then Raoul WALLENBERG, arrived with some dubious secret tasks, with an official social selection policy, if not just that Auschwitz´s platform type, but…picking special
“future-people”, middleclass, without choice ? (like the Swedish private schools, today´s, public Swedish tv-debate, when those schools, financed by the states money but against the law, excluding problematic pupils,(often naughty boys) ” rapping-music”, immigrants), that´s perhaps why Raoul WALLENBERG, with the IRWC and U.S., seems like a marketbrand, among others, a “Nobelprize” of its own, with lots of money and blingbling, behind).
WALLENBERG moves, to control the whole situation, with the Swedish then ad-hoc, dip-lomatic cover, financed by the U.S. World Refugee Board, through the U.S /OSS-agent Iver OLSEN, and most probably with some aspects of both Swedish/U.S.-intelligence, in contacts with Hungarian resistance, of unknown strength/political goals, implicated with radiotransmitters, weapons, for what purpose ? Saving Jews ?
And not the least the German SS-officials, Kurt BECHER, and even doing some own com-mercial business, perhaps implicated both in “Jews for trucks”-dealings, and RFSS/ HIM-MLER`S separate-capitulation feelers, for the West. And an obvious German/SS accep-tance, and protection,
If not that situation, created unbelievable, tensions, leaks, frauds, (with passports) wit-hin the Swedish ” camp”, DANIELSSON/ LANGLET/ WALLENBERG, and dangers, fears, hard to sustain ? What situation could ? And mr LAUER, businessman, in distant Swe-den, OLSEN, (OSS-agent/ career) and others, with personal agendas, with not that deep understanding of the, within Budapest borders, pressed situation, more lack of.
The Russians must have sniffed out that WALLENBERG, could be an: (1.) ” asset”, a (2.) “recruitment that failed” , or some to be used for (3.) ” statuating” an example, or (4.) hostage/pawn, or political prison. Was he “betrayed” , by, Vilmos BÖHM, (V.Agrell/DN 12.5.2003), who himself had relatives ” in place”, Budapest, who have to be saved, or Count M. Kutozov-TOLSTOY.
Not, in fact, that credible factors, but suitable, as the “bad guys” – and will do for while, in ordinary “Swedish eyes”. Anyone in that 1944/45 context could have informed, for money, during interrogation, coercion, what usually happened, then in similar situa-tions, and this “Western-relief/intelligence complex” , was anyway, primarily a: (1.) relief organisation, not a (2.) secret resistance, professionals, a (3.) national legation, with no special training or discipline,(but with secret codes for persons), beyond that, in the ” local” situation.
The “untouchables” NKVD- guards, very effective protecting outside LANGLET`S, office, was asked by secretary Lars Bergh, to instead, served outside the Swedish legation, but was denied.
Perhaps a perfect from the eyes of the Soviet´s intelligence, ” surgical operation”, “not hurted a hair”, of the other, genuine Swedish diplomatic personnel, without special sec-ret assignments, by that, mainly respecting international rules of diplomatic personnel. Not exactly what the national Swedish/American mission probably did. Or perhaps WAL-LENBERG himself.
(As the description of his purchase of: an used handgun, in Sweden, before departure, the 7th of July,1944. A second hand, pistol, of the “genuine”, old Swedish “Husqvarna” manufacture. Didn´t “waste” his state funds/ WRB`s, broke no regulations “what so ever”, and was permitted for carrying arms, ” all in order” described most like a “gun-shy” clerk, never “sniffed” powder smoke. But he had some 500 days called up, as com-missioned/ educated sergeant in the Swedish National Army, (in the U.S. reserve corps) the rest of the days spending as instructor, in the Swedish Homeguard,/battling in cities-“neurd”/and in Budapest, is said to be delivering store of weapons, in a secret gun-running, for the Hungarian resistance.) Rewarded by the suspicious Russians, with arrest.)
(1.) Hospital: 12 hospitals/dr Bokor/Klimenko/prof. Rusznyak/PatervRaile.
(2.) Registering of deported Jews: /Nina Langlet/ M. Kutozov-Tolstoy/
(3.) Refugee-office /H. Theil.
(4.) Registering of POWs/Nina Langlet/ Gideon Dienes/
(5.) 14 Homes for care of the aged people /Nina Langlet/dr Turcsany/Pater Raile.
(6.) “Evangelic” sections/ 24 sections o.a.k. children care, schools, kitchen./Rev. Vargha
(7.) Food purchase /en gros/ NIna Langlet/Dr Warman.
(8.) Local affiliations/ in Ludas and Pecs/
(9.) Transports-cars / G. Dienes/
(10.) Social and protection section: distrib. of passports of protection/Nina Langlet.
(11.) Eight (8) houses, in the International Ghetto/3.000 (!) Jews. / Nina Langlet/ Mitsi
(12.) Five (5) Public kitchen / Pater Raile/
(13.) Childrens care : 47 sections/ Asta Nilsson SRC / Pater Raile/
(14.) Catholic monasteries, 7fe.+2ma. hiding places/SRC.
(15.) The Central office : all economic/judicial/administration/ ID-cards/ S. Kasser/
L. Josefovits.
(16.) Valdemar Langlet´s office: passports, visitors, and checking all other, SRC-
sections. Watched by two policemen, for the queues, protected Langlet, from an
As late Sverker ÅSTRÖM, (d.12) the civil servant,(undersecretary of state) at the Swedish Foreign ministry, a bit “in-place”, 1941-45, The Swedish Soviet embassy /Moscow, dur-ing the war, – as he never mentioned Raoul WALLENBERG in his memoirs, due to Sus-anne BERGER, so doesn´t Sir Peter TENNANT, in his selfbiography, ” Touchlines of War “. Not a word. (The same pattern is followed by Craig McKAY, in his main Swedish intelligence study, “From intell… not a word.)
If Susanne BERGER, has noticed that – “what never was”, in the same way concerning mr ÅSTRÖM, she ringed the bell, – the missing link, “in flagranti “. He was a “network mesh”, in the Swedish socialdemocracy´s and foreign minister´s Östen UNDEN`S long chain of “negligance”, what is said to have caused Raoul WALLEN-BERG`S death, the “main perpetrators.” (* But UNDÈN rescued the British/SIS agent, the German unionman,(ITF) Hermann KNÜFKEN, 1941,from extradition to Third Reich, by claiming he, if true, was suspected of a: political motivated crime, (shipsabotage).(McKay)
ÅSTRÖM 1945:
Sverker ÅSTRÖM, even escorted Soviet´s ambassador mrs Alexandra KOLLONTAY, tra-veling home to to Moscow, by air, the 18th of March, 1945, after 15 years diplomatic service in Sweden, (what many judged, was very important, for both Sweden, and Fin-land) , ÅSTRÖM as UD/Foreign departmentman. That was a critical time for the WAL-LENBERG`S fate, (60-days) due to BERGER. We don´t know, if there ever was one.
But no intervention was made, in-place, no word, or even later writings, (his edited memoires) but as qualifying, as BERGER`S lie-detector, of a kind. ÅSTRÖM even hel-ped assisting in the wind-up, of the WALLENBERGSPHERES, suspicious U.S., business, blacklisted, at the Swedish Washington-embassy, postwar, about 1946/47.
ÅSTRÖM 1952:
There´s perhaps, a parallell here, including ÅSTRÖM. Seven years later, the 13th of June 1952, + 11.00 a´ cl., when the Soviets downed a Swedish signal/intelligence aircraft, (DC-3, U.S equipped) by a MiG-15 over the Baltic sea, with crew of eight man, 3 + 5, FRA (Defence Radio Establishment), telegraphists. The plane crashed, from 4.000 meters and wasn´t discovered but first after 50 years, in June 2004, by a private, ( Anders JAL-LAI /former fighterpilot) searchexpedition, what the Swedish King, later rewarded mr JALLAI, with his Royal medal.
JALLAI claiming that Sverker ÅSTRÖM, the same evening served in his “ordinary, ” go-be-tween” business with the Soviet embassy, and received the whole Russian “picture”, only nine (9) hours, after the downing, of the aircraft´s mission, then unknown even by the Minister of Defence, mr Torsten Nilsson: (Mr Dag Hammarskjöld was then undersec-retary of cabinet,1949, advisor, UD.)
Anders JALLAI writing in a “dramatized” comment, (2012) without claiming it´s the truth: ” – Sverker Åström leaving his apartment, the 13th of June, to visit an old acq-uaintance, the Soviet´s KGB-resident at the Russian embassy in Stockholm. Just nine hours after the downing, ÅSTRÖM will be informed exact what has happened, and why. Åström then writing his report, very initiated, and with details, no one other, in the gov-ernment, had access to, and he is rewarded with much, credit, by that. Åström and his contacts, ” was to be trusted.”
In exchange for this facts, he must tell the Soviet resident, about the Swedish gover-nments attitude, and calming him, with that: – ” There will be no “hard” Swedish reac-tion, (* if possible to use the word, here…) , the Swedish Air Force and the FRA (Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment), “got a lesson, that not will be forgotten in a hurry “.
Of course it´s temptating to duplicate this pattern, and antedate, to the Raoul WALLEN-BERG case. An informal talk, perhaps of how the Soviets, viewed the WALLENBERG-case, took place, facts what not was known, then, and probably not now, and the conflict was by that shelved, buried, like the DC:3-affair, both parts were interested to put the lid on. Perhaps the British secret service was implicated,(1945) making things, more than fragile.
– – – ” In the 1950’s and 60’s the U.S., considered the Wallenberg case mostly an im-portant public relations tool in the Cold War. When Swedish Foreign Minister Östen UNDÉN informed the Americans on 8th February, 1957, that he was ready to accept the Soviet version of Raoul WALLENBERG`S fate, an unnamed CIA official responded immed-iately. In a strongly worded cable addressed to his superiors he argues that:
– “ The Swedish government if so inclined should not be allowed to gloss over [the] WALLENBERG affair” and “ permit [the]Soviets [to] get away with [the] ridiculous claim [that it is] all Abakumov‘s fault.“ – – – (and)….
– – -In light of the 1956 squashed uprising in Hungary, it would be absolutely necessary to “… counteract [the] Soviet coexistence drive … [and] awaken [the] Swedish public opinion to [the] Soviet threat …” – – – (* Uprising, what U.S. incited, “as usual”, but fail to support, (as in Syria) then the British/French/Israeli´s invasion of Egypt/Sinai, bom-bing of Suez.)
The same U.S. pattern: Probably 1952, the U.S, incited the Swedish Air force, to perform, in an agressive manner, against, the Soviet borders, added to the in most airforces, a
” macho-culture”, what even the Swedish air force personnel, witnessed about, concer-ning the DC-3-case: ” – The pilot, flow agressive, sometimes into the Soviet territory.”
(During 1945-1990/Cold war, the Swedish Air Force lost 600 personnels/pilots without
being involved in any kind of aerial, combat, ” The Battle of Sweden”, what confirming this, attitudes.)
If not trespassed the border, it´s possible, Swedish jetfighters, J-29, or the Swedish Spitfires,(reconnoissance) S-31, could have made fast intrusions, over the border, mak-ing the Soviets switching on their, airdefence, radarcentrals, radio/communication-sys-tems, etc., and were they later measured up, ploted, from the DC-3, out, on internat-ional water. Sweden even had that Spring, April, 1952, complained over the Russians claiming, of a 12 miles, nautical border, and had applied to the International Court in the Hague, about it.
Some days before , the 8th of June, a British (high-speed record over the Atlantic) “Canberra”-bomber visited Sweden, invited the Swedish air force´s , superior, general NORDENSKJÖLD, to take a trip, the 10th of June (Tuesday) from :Stockholm to Southern Sweden, together, with the vice Commander of the British RAF, General sir Ralph COCH-RANE, piloted by flying officer, HARVATT, and flight lieutenant FURZE, navigator.”
I see the same pattern here, then and now, WALLENBERG, 1944/45 or the Sig./Int. air-craft. The Swedish military , and to a certain extent political establishment, acting in secret, without the government´s knowledge,filling up the ” Baltic gape”, (as this week, due to the Russians,a humiliating Nato-exercise in the Baltic states,with Swedish forces.) and by that,without confirmation, from the government.
When things went bad, blame it on the Socialdemocrats government, and behind, here you find the United States, government/ intelligence, fanning the emotions, inciting the Swedes, to “cross the Rubicon”, and get, ” bloody nose”. Then, time for mr ÅSTRÖM, to calm things down.
If then, the United States intelligence, president can use Raoul WALLENBERG, to “awaken Swedish public opinion”, we saw proof of last month when Obama, met his halfsister. They never will be tired of that, as most Swedes, probably are, everyone but Carl BILDT. He is even deep implicated in the U.S. tactics to use, the Soviet submarine, W-137, gro-unded in the Swedish archipelago, (Oct.) 1981, frightening of course, most probably, by mistake, after navigation errors. U.S./Nato, then mount a secret operation, 1982, sen-ding in secret Nato/U.S subs,(+mini) launched from bigger ships, just outside the navy-base Hårsfjärden, to ” awaken the Swedish public opinions, to the Soviet threat”.
Then 1982, the U.S. /Nato´s Navy´s visits, (Westgermany) occurred just after the Soc-ialdemocrat´s took over the government power, after the election, with primeminister Olof PALME, of some ” strange reason”, most probably, to compromise his policy against the Soviet Union, as ” a U.S. Coup d´etat”, from below, the surface. Perhaps as a rev-enge for his criticism of the U.S. Vietnamwar. This intrusions, probably later leading to the murder of Olof PALME, 1986, just before his visit to Moscow, negotiating nuclear-free zones, in Europe, against U.S./Nato-designs.
A murder what most Swedes, suspect the CIA, or Swedes with the CIA-mindset, “nation-al-security”/police/circles, as it was so planned, using an very heavy handgun, 45-cal-ibre(=11mm-rounds) a big revolver, fired in such deadly angle, in the back, as with “execution” knowledge, with piercing munition, as the shooter, probably imagine Palme wearing a protection-vest, as he walked, home after a movie-visit, in the Saturday evening (23.21 a´cl./1986.28.2) with his wife, who the killer also took a shot at, but missed.
And then could disappear, after tremendeous and historical Swedish police mistakes, of how a crimescene, investigations, probably suspects, barrings and confrontations, ought to be handled, making the suffering worse, if possible, as the police too often does, in general.
Why didn´t president OBAMA, mourned Olof Palmes, death, in public, then, as Raoul WALLENBERG`S still today, is “not closed case” – probably many Swedes would have appreciate that, a meeting with mrs Lisbeth PALME, instead Obama chose to meet mrs Nina LAGERGREN. And showed the (Here I´m following Susanne Berger´s
argumentation technique.)
No, that was of course “a complete impossibility” – as most Swedes expect that, CIA was implicated. Is Nina L., the former Swedish primeminister´s widow, or what ? (But very old..) Does U.S. nominated the highest Swedish politicians ? In the perverted U.S. foreign policy ? Obama´s pressmeeting : “- Hej ! I´ve just exhausted my Swedish ! ” And by that joke, U.S. exhausted her capacities of acting like a grown-up serious nat-ion(empire) , instead, insulting everyone in sight, with her ” Hi ´man”, foreign policy, and thou-ghtless, P.R.-coups, taking revenge of Russia´s Putin´s far more mature, foreign policy, (in the Middle East, for instance.) The U.S., (P.R.) Poker- and Rhetorical presidency, called by Russia´s (C.J.) Chess- and Judo philosophies.
“Anti-Soviet/Russian” OSS/CIA, Psy.-Op`s operations, sometimes successful, but hitting the Swedish-Russia-relations, damaging, for not some years, but for half centuries. Sweden have to pay the price, when United States with Swedish collaborators, acting against Sweden, and their own nation.
In the same roles as Third Reich handled Hungary 1941-45, like an hostage, they never would let loose, in their own destructive foreign policy, (and as weak as Third Reich, 1944/45.) But that pattern will and must be disclosed.
Sometimes I fear that Susan, following a line, leaning – slight to the right ? She anno-unced to write a biography, about the Swedish secret service police, ” spy-catcher”, Otto DANIELSSON, well , well… ”
“In the minds of responsible government officials it is a far smaller evil to leave a miss-ing person case unsolved than to seriously question the foundations of the state.” (Arvid Fredborg) ( * No one will protest.)
This qouting on the first pages of her main study,” Stuck in neutrality,” (2005), mr Arvid FREDBORG, in Sweden a wellknown, during the 1930/40s, rightwing, in the SNF/Heimdal voting for to stop the immigration of some ten(10) Jewish doctors, in February, 1939, in the university town, Uppsala, ” The Bollhustorget meeting”, a ” milestone” in the Swedish academic´s conservative´s anti/immigration/ Jewish policy, later the Right´s, the Sven-ska Dagbladet´s correspondent in Berlin, during the war, wrote: /Bakom stålvallen, 1943 = Behind the The Steelwall.
I blame it, on perhaps, Susan BERGER`S sometimes, understandable, not that deep, knowledge about (all) Swedish circles, political/authorities actors, during those days, but a bit surpricing, she banks on, some of them, and not others. Even Sverker ÅSTRÖM stayed those days in Uppsala, active in the same circles, nationalistic, rights (SNF), the National Studentclub (Nationella studentklubben) as FREDBORG.
(Some of those SNF´s implicated as perpetrators, (policechief/armycaptain/journalists) in the murderous arsonattempt, dynamiting (5 victims, incl. two children) against the Swedish Communist paper, The Norrskensflamman, (6.000 whole, cop.) March 4, 1940, /Luleå , (“anticommunist”/revenge or coup´d etat-signal ? /last week of the Finnish / Russian war 13th March) were second lieutenants, in the Army, and even they mem-bers of the: Sveriges Nationella Förbund :(SNF).
Peter TENNANT/SIS/SOE (Stockholm) married ms Hellis FELLENIUS, 1934, they met in England, alreday 1930, and arrived to Sweden, the 24th of June, 1939. Her father was the professor Volmar FELLENIUS, qualified as few others, in infrastructure, as roads/ water. He was marked pro-Nazi, ” compared Hitler with Jesus”/Tennant. Engineer, at the Railway (The Iron ore fields/Riksgränsbanan), cityengineer, harborcities, as Norr-köping, Härnösand, in Gothenburg (harborboard), teacher, Chalmers , professor,11-42 Royal Technology school, Lt. col.,in the army´s, engineers , active in harbor projections-plans, (Sweden /Norway), the National railroads (SJ) geotechnical commission. Dr honor-ary member, German Karlsruhe/Darmstadt highschools, and member in the Swedish Technology Union, and much more.
The old man must have been a fortune, a gold mine, for any SIS/SOE agent, with enor-mous knowledge, of the whole Swedish sea/ railwaytransport infrastructure system. Congratulations Sir Peter ! (Like H.C. North and the Mather and Plath.) That´s not to say Volmer and Peter, shared secrets, probably not, but the relations with the Swedish counter espionage and the British secret service, was for long, not even lukewarm, then, after four dangerous British sabotage-actions, against Swedish interests. TENNANT`S father-in-law-relation, must from that been complicated, and with other political pos-itions, (left) just impossible.
(1.) First the Rickman-sabotagegroup, april, 1940, a kind of a, British “Wollwebers”,
trying to blow the iron ore harbor in Oxelösund, but was disclosed, by the secret police, and jailed for years. (Then ” Pincher ” Martin /SIS had to leave.)
(2.) In June 1940, The British navy forced, four (4) Swedish navy destroyers, (just deli-vered from Italy, by recommendation from mr Holger Graffman, et al, navy engineer
and Wallenberg-trustee, Transfer AB) to a British controled port. They were threaten
with sinking/ confiscation, and the ships, were partly damaged by the British navy, and lost equipment for millions, before they were released. The Captain, mr Hagman was threatened with court martial, later. (Even Sweden expected, that every….)
(3.) The big sabotage-explosion (or overheating wheels) on the German munitiontrain in the railway station Krylbo, July 1941, confessed of Malcolm MUNTHE, postwar. Ebba WALLENBERG, knew MUNTHE, and he was deported, soon after, and mr Erik BOHÈMAN /UD saw him off to Britain, in a Mosquito, just the day after, not that hostile, mood. He wasn´t charged, or jailed in Sweden, the whole war, as others, just of suspicions.
(Ebba WALLENBERG was married to Carl BONDE, the elder, before that to a woman in the DICKSON-family, so BONDE, the cavalryman, changed ” horse”, in the race, banking on a more modern financefamily. (The father of Peder BONDE) . James DICKSON, the younger, was as we know, heavy implicated in German sep.capitulation schemes,during the whole war. )
(4.) Later in September 1941, three (3) Swedish destroyers, exploded, and sank, at the navybase, Hårsfjärden. The reasons, could have been, a lost/strayed air bomb, but most credible, a work of the British intelligence, as the Swedish navy, escorted the Ger-man Kriegsmarine, in the Baltic sea, to Finnish ports, during Barbarossa. Sweden was a British “sphere of interest”, talking sabotage activities, but as Sweden never was occu-pied by Germany, things calmed down, by the time.
What Erik BOHÈMAN expressed to the British Foreign office 1940: – ” Which small neu-tral, are going you to destroy now ? ”
Anyway Peter Tennant, traveled to Paris, during the German Ardennes-offensive, Dec-ember 1944, where he later was commissioned as a information-advisor, in March 1945. He later divorced.
SRC, was not “compromised” , by an especially friendly, pro-German, correct relation, to the German Budapest-legation, compared to the Swedish legation, during the amb-assador Ivar DANIELSSON.
LANGLET`S spoke the Russian language, and could by that policy, continue their gen-eral human relief activities. But the Swedish Red Cross, lead by Prince CARL, ordered LANGLET`S in February, 1945, to close down their office, and by that a new Hungarian-Swedish organisation, shaped by LANGLETS, must take over.
Both, SRC/LANGLET and WALLENBERG cooperated. LANGLET was once told, to introduce Raoul WALLENBERG, for a Hungarian high official. – – – ” Then Raoul WALLENBERG, pres-ented, a grandiose plan, proposed, to receive a state-credit, of 50 million pengös, to purchase, grain, cereals. (then, nominally 10 million US-dollars = 4,20 x 10= 42 mil-lion SEK, today x 20 = 800 million SEK.(With reservation, of devaluation, during the war, hard to calculate.)
” – Of this 25 % should be offered especially for the Jewish minority, with only 6% of the population. A proposal, that gave a very unfavourable impression, on the Hungarian official. It didn´t contribute, to reinforce LANGLET`S cause, at the Hungarian, it seemed, unfounded, strange, a view what LANGLET supported, inside, but he didn´t want to repudiate his compatriot, and comrade. ” – – –
SRC had planned an ambitious programme, before the the German/Arrow Cross-coup, hospitals, for the 10.000s of refugees, arriving, to Budapest, not only Jews. Many refu-gees, streamed over to LANGLET`S office, Ullöi utc., those Jews without Swedish rela-tives, and business, contacts, and by that the following long queues, gave then an impression, of a pure ” Jewish-action “, perhaps giving “negative” thoughts in the city.
“- – Three displeased persons” : (1.) Mrs Asta NILSSON, (2.) consul Yngve EKMARK, (former good friend) and (3.) Count Michail TOLSTOY, (Belgian citizen by his marriage).
A letter of gratitude from TOLSTOY, for a support of 25.000 pengös, for the Soviet POWs, solved that. But LANGLET and EKMARK had some reciprocal dislikings, because EKMARK “didn´t do his agreed job” , at the LANGLET`S SRC- office, but stayed at the Finnish legationhouse, = the Swedish legations, B- section. Their friendship broke down.
Ambassador Ivar DANIELSSON took superior charge of both mrs Asta NILSSON, and the LANGLET`S, inspite of their lack of cooperation, with their NGO´s committments. When LANGLET then applied for resignation, (he was 72(!) years) but DANIELSSON, didn´t accept – LANGLET, was to be forced to continue, surrender, accepting the situation, and his tasks.
Both WALLENBERG and LANGLET did very much for the Jews, but WALLENBERG`S Swe-dish passports, were more highly valued than LANGLET`S, and the former, could spend more money, and deliver more services, than SRC. Raoul WALLENBERG traveled around, by car, and retrieved, his, by force removed Jewish wards, inspite of their edited Swe-dish passports.
Raoul WALLENBERG arranged 32 special houses, /six floors, managed by Sixten VON BAYER and his Dutch wife, (EDITH). LANGLETS had 8 houses, managed by (* Mitzi KÓLA. ) The Swedish houses were viewed as good managed, and those, (International Ghetto), Jews, could sometimes visiting the city. (*If LANGLETS had 8 houses and 3.000
wards, perhaps WALLENBERG x 4 = 12.000 wards ?) ( * Probably the poor Jews, were incarcerated in the Hungarian ghetto, not protected by the ” Neutrals”, if not forced labours, or deathmarches for Germany.)
LANGLETS, protected the dramaturgist, Eugen HELTAI, the senior doctor RUSZNYAK, a relative to Raoul´s businesspartner in Sweden, (*LAUER ?), he met Paul ESTERHAZY, big-gest landowner, in Hungary, and Baroness KEMENY. DANIELSSON complained, he didn´t want to sign, LANGLETS SRC-passports, as he thought they , caused ” passportinfla-tion”, in Budapest.
Most Jews mentioned in the whole operation, by all rescuers, belonged to the higher middleclass, all what is viewed as quite obvious, goes without saying, by historians.
But how did the poor Jews in Budapest, Obuda, (Naomi Reukei) react to that ? The ans-wer goes without saying, but the pronounced social differences, seems still today, un-known, or not stressed. (P.A. Levine) As the whole story, has to be much more differ-entied, to be understood, in it´s real circumstances.
TOLSTOY`S were employed, by SRC, what saved them, but when Lt Col. Harry WESTER, arrived, from Rome, as Swedish military attaché, in February, 1944, he took charge of the Russian POWs, and by that LANGLETS was forbidden to visit this camps. That´s why the Soviets, later accused Sweden, and WESTER, of misbehave, treachery, espionage, ag-ainst the mission, as the Soviet´s diplomatic protection power.
(* Perhaps, if WESTER had stayed behind, some problematic situation could have em-erge, 1945, he was recalled by UD, to Sweden, in 20th October, 1944 but not because of the Arrow Cross coup´d´etat, or negligence of the Russian POWs, but because he send so-me mysterious, ” parcels” with the OSS/C-agent, Torsten AKRELL, “the KID”, to deliver in Switzerland, when he left for Sweden, in September. The contents, unknown. That´s the official reason.)
A trip home, to Stockholm, with Swedish/German airliners, or other aircrafts, was quite possible, for Raoul WALLENBERG, if we take a look of the existing communications those days. First we have the Swedish ABA/Aerotransport AB, with mr Carl FLORMAN as man.dir., a man in close contact with both the Germans, and “our man” mr Henrik de WAHL, man.-dir. from Manfred WEISS Industries, in Hungary. A “piece of cake”, if needed.
Carl-Gustaf VON ROSEN, (1909-1977) is a wellknown civil pilot in Sweden, son to the Count Eric VON ROSEN , whose sister later married Hermann GÖRING. Carl Gustaf was inspired by skilled pilot Göring´s rough landing, near von ROSEN´s castle, Rockelsta, during the 1920s. Eric VON ROSEN, was co-founder of the Swedish tiny nazi-party, the Nationalsocialistiska Blocket, (NSB), together with colonel Martin EKSTRÖM, Allan WIN-GES co-commander in Finland 1939, of the Swedish Volontary Corps.
Count Eric VON ROSEN (b.84) was good friend with the separate peace mediator, Baron Knut VON BONDE, approaching the British 1939, and 1941, (Cripps) but was despised by CHURCHILL 1941: ” Absolute silence, ‘was ordered, not to take part in peacetalks, with the Germans.
Raoul WALLENBERG`S girlfriend, 1943, was BONDE`S daughter, Angelica BONDE. A sou-rce, the wellknown, journalist, Björn KUMM, claims that Carl Gustaf von ROSEN, piloting regulary airliners, (Lufthansa or ABA) between Stockholm and Berlin during the war.
Wikipedia, claims Carl Gustaf VON ROSEN after the war, suspected of the U.S./OSS, of transporting looted Nazi goods, from Germany/Europe. A close female relative to VON ROSEN`S, Margit von ROSEN,(b.17) joined the famous Raoul WALLENBERG`S cocktail-party, the 2nd of December 1943, at the Bragevägen 12, in Stockholm.
Raoul WALLENBERG is very closed connected with persons, active in all kind of separate
peace & separate capitulation feeler´s, overtures, from Third Reich, the whole war, what probably was the main reason for the Soviets to arrest him. ” Out of the frying pan – out in the fire”. You don´t need a NKVD, to realize that. But “they had another bigger fish to fry in the pan” , the Winter/Spring of 1945″.
You have the original Swedish airport, stressing ” port”, at the Lindarängen, very close to the Östermalm , Stockholm, and Raoul WALLENBERG`S “Heimat” proper. Here a hyd-roplan, seaplane, Biggles-styled aircraft, fly or a German Arado , type could have been a commuterline from, regular airlines airports, from/to Copenhagen, Malmö/ Bulltofta. But during the war, the traffic, was quite low – true. (Another little airport, just south of Stockholm, the Skarpnäck, could receive, ANT-35, type aircrafts, if needed, and even a German courier plane landed there, and could leave without checking, and caused a scandal, for the military air authorities, 1943.)
He could had traveled in 7th of July, 1944 to the Bromma Airport, North, of Stockholm, 15-20 minutes with bus, from the city airportterminal/pavillion,, at the Nybroplan, a building he could see from his office @ Meropa, today removed, but strange most exa-ctly the place, today, where his, memorial square (tér) is located.
The ABA (later to SAS), had some 15 aircrafts, 1939. Of that a Ju 52/Junker (“Tante Ju”), three Douglas, Eagle/Falcon/Hawk. 15 planes, 14-21 passengers, speed, 249-300 km /h. One two-engineed Ju 86. Five three engineed Ju 52, Svealand/Götaland/ Norr-land/ Södermanland/Vikingaland/.One two-engine Ju 52.
Malmö-Köpenhamn-Hamburg. with the Danes: Malmö-Köpenhamn-Berlin, Paris – Lon-don in one day/. 1934 , a Northrop Delat, Airpost, one fast, Ju 86, with Hornet engines, for Hannover (nightpost). ABA flew ” Russian gold”, metals, Moscow- Bromma as pay-ment, during the 1930s, and even the German warreparations to the Allies, from WW1.
One pilot flew, the s.c. ” Andree-remains” the disappeared Ballon/Polarmen (1897-(1930), : 31/8 kl. 07.00 from just: * Lindarängen, Stockholm, landed the Mothplane in Luleå, 16.35 = 1.000 km. Even direct flights from Bromma/Stockholm, to: Germany, at 08.00 cl., and, 8.30 for: Moscow, via Velikije Luki, sometimes with Soviet ANT-35./
1937 :Berlin- Stockholm, 800 km, without intermediate landing. /Coop. with Air France/ KLM, 1939, Berlinline for Zürich 6hours. / French Riveriere, 1939, one day, from Malmö via Paris, or via Berlin /Vienna – reach Budapest. /Moscow- London 3.000 km. Total lin-es of 12.000 km. then in all. Cooperated with both Lufthansa (1926), and Soviets Aer-oflot, 1937 Moscow- Stockholm (biggest of all, then).
So the airlines/flights from/to Sweden 1930/40s were just quite well developed, more than one will and can imagine today, but the war, of course complicated, but probably not- too much, too early.
A quite good modern book of facts, about this, the development of Sweden airliners, was written already, 1939, with foreword by mr Carl FLORMAN, the member of the Swedish-German Society, (Riksföreningen) of (f.1937), living in the same house as the ABA-office, and the author mr Emil LANGLET, was in fact Valdemar LANGLET`S(!) son, later journa-list, author, translator, publishing articles, in a daily paper, which inves-tigated the WALLENBERG-case, 1947, but wasn´t successful, in getting visa for Hungary.
So, there the LANGLET`S return, but Emils´ father, Valdemar, LANGLET was probably not that popular, in the Swedish establishment, when 1941, after the war outbreak, escorted the Soviet´s Hungarian legation, over Istanbul, to Moscow.Then taking the Hungarians, back to Budapest, (Kristoffy/ Ferenczy), and in February 1945, meeting the Red army, General Tjernysov (and survived(!).
The Russians liked(accepted (?) the LANGLETS, “they could do business with him”, (as Harry Truman said about Stalin, 1945), and the Hungarian General Janos VÖRÖS, (in the Debrecen-government),then Superior commander of the Hungarian army, send him a letter of gratitude, in April 1945 – “The last straw for LANGLET “, by that probably, the Swedish government, and the Swedish Red cross, recalled him to Stockholm, as they didn´t recognized the new Hungarian government, after the Arrow Cross terror, 1945. The “Cold war” geared up, a fine opportunity, for Sweden, (as today) to show servility for U.S/U.K, keep in line, then, not to be thrown away.
Sweden, by that, wasn´t able to collect intelligence, for U.S/OSS – saving German SS-nazis, and business, and by that no, Red Cross, Human relief activities was in the pipeline. Perhaps, one can suspect that, anyway, without being – too mean.
Those notorius German officials in Hungary, Budapest (and Prague), diplomats, Wehr-macht officers, SS-men. At least two of them ended up as The Westgermany´s ambass-adors in Stockholm (!), Sweden, 1961-63 & 1963-68, Karl WERKMEISTER and Gustaf VON SCHMOLLER . That for the WALLENBERG-cause, and Holocaust in Sweden, (Den-mark) during the 1960s. How come ? Raoul WALLENBERG, must have (did) met, most of these officials.
So: “Where have all the old Nazis gone… short time passing…they “gone to Bonn” (BRD) everyone, when will they ever….”
Otto Winkelmann: (b.94) SS/Gestapo in Hungary, executioner of hundreds of thous-ands, in retirement, pension, president in the police assocation / CDU representative in Bordesholm, /Schleswig Holstein,and chief adviser to the: Schleswig Holstein police./ German SS-Obergruppenführer, General in the WaffenSS. Higher SS- and Policechief in Hungary, ) HSSPF) 1944-45, City-Commander in Budapest, (fired, after some days, then PFEFFER-WILDENBRUCH.) The highest SS-officer, during the Holocaust in Hungary, and SS-Adolf Eichmann´s Einsatzkommando, was subordinated WINKELMANN. Arrested postwar, witnessed, against, the Hungarians : Ferenc SZALASI, Emil KOVARC, Franz BASCH, Bela IMREDY, but was never tried himself.
Edmund Veesenmayr: Major General/ SS. Hitlers plenipotientary during the German occupation of Hungary. General agent, in Germany of the company: Pennel and Bulg-omme, Perfumers. (What Carl LUTZ described in his memoirs (Tschuy), when his wife Gertrud, received a bottle of perfume of Veesenmayr, what she later throw out of the window)
Kurt Becher : main SS-plunderer of Hungary, one of Raoul WALLENBERG`S main contacts: (1961) millionaire, in banking nexus with Westgerman Bundes-Chancellor, Konrad ADENAUER. (SS/Horse-section.)
Dr Karl Werkmeister: (b.98.) (1961) – ” first councellor, in the German legation in Budapest , 1938-March 1944, committed serious crimes in Hungary, is now BRD (Westgermany) ambassador, in Sweden, Stockholm, (of all places, no problem then ) next to the (German minister) von Jagow) , Budapest 1943. (1945 in Westgermany : Leiter des: Aufbau des German Economic Advisory Board (GEAB). Januar 1947, vice, “Leiter des Zentralamtes für Wirtschaft (ZAW) und Leiter der Personalabteilung. West-germany´s (BRD) Ambassador in Sweden, Stockholm : 1961-1963.
Gustaf von Schmoller: Served in the 1935 -39, as Referent in the Third Reichs, Reichs-wirtschaftsministerium, and later in the German Reichsprotektorat Böhmen-und-Mäh-ren in Prague, former Czechoslovakia, under RSHA/SS Reichsprotektor, Reinhard HEY-DRICH. 1947, as ” Leiter des Referates für Verfassungs- und Besatzungsfragen in der Staats-kanzlei des Landes Württemberg-Hohenzollern das, Institut für Besatzungs-fragen“ in Tübingen” .1952 joined the Westgerman AA/ Foreign ministry, as legation advisor. 1956-1960, embassy advisor in Athen, Greece, and from 1962, in the AA/ Central political section, West. 1962-64, Westgerman general consul in Istanbul, Turkey.
1964 -1968, Westgermany´s ambassador i Sweden, Stockholm, what he by own will left, after accusations in the Swedish press, of his activities in Prague, 1940-45, serving under the Reichsprotektor, Reinhard HEYDRICH, killed in British SOE-attempt, (d.1942), when the Germans took revenge, by exterminate a whole village , Lidice, one of the worst, and most remembered WW2 warcrimes.
Dr Eberhard FEINE: (Budapest) March 1944- to April 4 1945. First diplomat. secr. /Factory man. in Dusseldorf. Visited Budapest 1944, met Veesenmayr, then ambassador, in Copenhagen, Denmark, (1961)
Kurt Krumholz: ” In SS/ General Winkelmanns staff and HQ, in 1944. Today (1961) BRD- Policemajor in WestBerlin.
Erhard Olbrich: (b. 09.) former SS-commander, (1961): now POLICEMAJOR in Münich. Chief of Staff for the RSHA/SS ordnungspolizei, Kurt Daluege. Served in Hungary.
Wilhelm Höttl: SS-Sturmbannf./ SD/ In Budapest. 1944, during the occupation. (1961): Headmaster, of a private secondary School. in Bad Aussee (Austria). Worst nazi, you ever saw, what even the U.S. CIA(!) , at last, realized.
Guido Grell: German legation/Budapest official 1944, 1961) strongbox merchant at Heilbrunn, Westgermany
Kurt Brunhoff: 1942-april 1945, pressattaché in Budapest, later (BRD) Westgerman Con-sulgeneral in Sydney. Brunhoff visited Sweden in January 1941, Sweden, with a big German pressdelegation, hosted by the Swedish Foreign ministry /as the Swedish visited the German-occupied France 1940, of journalists and high officers, among them general, Archibald Douglas. Brunhoff served before Budapest, i Stockholm.
Rudolf Rahn: (b.00) ambassador / Hitler´s special envoy in Budapest, at the times of armistice attempt, October 1944. (1961) = Senatsdirektor, 1953, in (BRD) WestBerlin, Westgermany. In National Socialism, he made a great career after the first June 1933 became a member of the Nazi Party. Rahn, 1934 was Secretary of Legation and went to Lisbon in 1938 as Counsellor. In 1940 he was Legation Counsellor in Paris and in 1941 with special order in Syria and Iraq. 1942-1943 Representative of the AA commander of German forces in Tunis, August 1943 envoy in Rome, from Nov-ember 1943 until the end of the war, Ambassador to the Republic of Salò (Republica Sociale Italiana). On 22 June 1943, after his return from Tunis to him by Hitler, the Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross and the Iron Cross First Class was awarded.
From 1945 to 1947 he was imprisoned in Hohenasperg and Nuremberg. From 1950 he worked as manager of Coca-Cola subsidiary Dusseldorf and a member of the Presidium of the German-Indian Society, the German-Tunisian society and the Rhine-Ruhr clubs.
— ” On 9 October 1944, Admiral Miklós Horthy, Regent of Hungary, a German ally, announced the conclusion of a separate peace with the Soviets. VEESENMAYER and RAHN persuaded Colonel Ferenc SZÀLASI to form a new National Assembly at Esztergom, and together VEESENMAYR and RAHN Rahn visited HORTHY, telling him his son Miklós was a Gestapo hostage, having been kidnapped by German commandos led by Otto Skorzeny. “- – – On 15 October Germany launched Operation Panzerfaust (Unternehmen Eisenfaust), to remove Horthy from power, and on 17 October Horthy agreed to appoint a new pro-German Government of National Unity led by the fascist Arrow Cross Party. “- – –
” Intelligence is brought by the storks, and enemy agents you find under the goose-berry-bushes”. RDH 2013 / ” In the world of security services, you are judged by the company you keep. ” / G.C. McKay 2011.
Susanne BERGER, probably didn´t realize what this party-people represented, in the ey-es of a supposed adversary, the real meaning, positions, of this names, in the shift of 1943/44.
First I noticed, (but BERGER didn´t…) : ” Hr (Mr) NORDENSON”, (probably) the rights party, pro-German industrialist, a chairman/editor in the Rights daily paper, Svenska dagbladet, visited Berlin, as late as March, 1941, with a Swedish science council dele-gation, together with mr Ivar ANDERSON (SvD/ The Sigtuna-stiftelsen.)
BERGER give some names, biographical data, but failing in painting the whole picture, in my view. That´s not to say that this list, was known, by anyone than relatives, until just, last years. (Only by the storks, and those hiding under the goose-berry-bushes. “) (A Swedish not that, old proverb: Only Sweden, Swedish goose- berries (=krusbär) has.”)
Well, “don´t mention” the WALLENBERG brothers, JAKOB and MARCUS. But many of the rest defining in person, even they, all what: pro-German/Finnish activism/anti-Allies/ ” Stalingrad-democrats” of 1943, (as Ullein-Reviczky) and constituted the main, most /anti-Soviet cluster – you could find then, in Sweden. Probably, not entirely benign, in the view of the Allies, those days.
(1.) Baroness Hermine VON ESSEN, :(b.14) wife 1937, of the Baron, Rutger VON ESSEN, probably that day, the 2.12.1944, in Berlin, serving in the Swedish legation. He was the Swedish Foreign minister Christian Günther´s personal secretary, 1939-45.
The Baron himself, Rutger VON ESSEN: (Skokloster castle) , from 1936, was Baroness Wera VON ESSEN`S son. Wera (at the Salsta estate/North of Stockholm), was very active during the Finland wars, 1939-45, giving housing for the Finnish officers, wounded, refugees , of 1944 as : Colonel Alpo Marttinen (organizer of the “stealing” of Finnish armaments for 30 armybatallions, StayBehind-styled, 1.200 officers later tried, a bre-ach of the Allies/U.K/Kerr) USSR, Moscow-peaceagreement, with Finland, during the Fall, 1944), and Lauri Törni, (WaffenSS-man),later in a German-Finnish, staybehind network, early 1945 in Finland, organised by RSHA/SS- Kaltenbrunner.
They did not received resident permits, in Sweden, 1946, as very active in the Finnish army, (The Stella Polaris crew, of 1944, was probably, more important) than unlawful, Staybehinds), but later recruited to U.S. Operation “Paperclip” , taking advantage of the Axis powers leading personnel and their you know, ” special knowledge” after a short stay in Latin America.
(2.) Margit VON ROSEN: (b.17) : near relative of the (1.) Count Eric VON ROSEN, at Roc-kelsta estate, his sister Carin Fock, once married Hermann GÖRING. (Relative to (2.) Hugo VON ROSEN, SKF-man. director in USA, deported from U.S., 1944, when the Wall-enberg´s company, the SKF delivered ballbearings to Germany, via Latin America-Europe- Switzerland- Portugal, for re-exporting to Germany.( Relative to: (3.) The civil airliner-pilot, Carl Gustaf VON ROSEN, the son of Eric VON ROSEN, in service, flying between Stockholm-Berlin, during 1930/40s, later postwar OSS-suspect.
(3.) Antal ULLEIN-REVICZKY : (b. 94) The Hungarian ambassador in Sweden, left Buda-pest, for Stockholm, the 20th of September 1943, with his family, quite officiallly, disp-atched, guard of honour, etc., by the Nicolas KALLAY-regime, in order to arrange for a West-Hungarian separate capitulation, (this before the German occupation in March 1944, and the Arrow Cross-coup ´d´etat, in October.).
But those talks had then already been conducted in Turkey, on board a ship, the 9th of September, 1943. Nothing come out of it, the British had no capacity, what so ever,to take care of Hungary, “the Axispowers was not to be allowed to chose their own part to surrender to “, and didn´t give much for KALLAY, as a “future” man. Some sources claim that Raoul WALLENBERG was implicated already there, in some ways, during his visit, then in Hungary.
Then mr ULLEIN-REVICZKY, arranged the 1st of December ,1943 the day before the WALLENBERG-party, a meeting with an Allied staff-representant with the same purpose, separate capitulation, (due to Tibor ECKHART ) but the next day, the 2nd, the shocking news, for Hungary, the Allieds Tehran-summit´s decisions were published, giving no possibility, for a British Balkans-invasion, from the South, Churchill´s personal idea, voted down, by Roosevelt and Stalin, together, instead for opening up, for the invasion of France, the D-day June 1944, the Second front, more the U.S. & USSR-styled, right-on, operation, to end the war as fast as possible.
Tibor ECKHART of course blaming most, Great Britain of betrayal, of Hungary, leaving her in the Soviet sphere, 1944/45, and by that together, shaping a longlasting balance in Europe, against a rearmed Germany. And here you can find perhaps the alleged basic political reasons for a possible British implication, in the Raoul WALLENBERG case.
(4.) Harald NORDENSON: Pro -German, of German descent, read my earlier comments.
(5.) “Ibo” DOUGLAS. (son of the General Archibald Douglas, the latter, later Armychief)
(6.) And not the least : The party guest, Mr Harry Mauritz LINDQVIST, was a friend of Raoul WALLENBERG and an employee in the SUKAB, the Swedish official compensation (foreign ) trade consortium, (exporting credits) (Blaiseholmstorg no 11) where even Raoul WALLENBERG was active, (already in France 1942), together with the Wallenberg brothers, (due to BERGER and other sources).
But up to here, nothing of this names are new facts. But a rediscovered, old, and decis-ive, fact is that: The man.dir. of the SUKAB, was the Germanborned: mr Hans MOTT, (b.00), this from the Spring of 1942, when he left his employment in Germany, then for the Swedish company Separator.
By that it was mr Hans MOTT (living with his family, at the Ringvägen no. 36 big villa, Lidingö/ Stockholm suburb) who arranged the first meetings with the German Wider-
stand , Adam VON TROTT, in Sweden, 1942, September, and they visited together, (MOTT & TROTT) the Foreign ministry´s , political section, the foreign advisor mr Staffan SÖDERBLOM, in Stockholm, the first of TROTT´S Swedish visits, in the separate capitu-lation business, and just then, probably most overlooking the future options.
And by this, the “separate capitulation” scheme, implicating Raoul WALLENBERG, develop even more momentum. But MOTT himself, hesitated, refused, from taking any further , dangerous part in the secret negotiations, in Sweden. What for VON TROTT 1942, was a philosophical issue, became then after Stalingrad, 1943, a Widerstand-activity.
Sorry, but Susanne BERGER missed that, and it´s not a detail, in the scheme. (The att-empt on Hitler, the 20th of July, 1944, was a way a proof, of the German Widerstand´s capacity, but as desperate, and failed, causing a purge of about 5.000 lifes. Why Raoul WALLENBERG was “in-place”, (more secure, if so..? ) in Budapest, already 10 days before could of course been coincidental, with the VON TROTT/VON STAUFFENBERG plannings, Operation Valkyrie.
But by that, (Mr MOTT, even named in the GATT-negotiations as late as 1965), Raoul WALLENBERG`S fate, is in my mind, settled, a bit more. Raoul wasn´t a mr Nobody, as Susanne BERGER claims, so correct, he was more of an ad-hoc envoy, trouble-shooter, deep embedded, perhaps a key-person, in a: ” Swedish/German/Hungarian ” separate capitulation-Complex,” project, following close the development of the war, at last in the Battle of Hungary/Budapest (103 days, as long as the Finnish/Russian war 1939/40) where he, as we know at last landed, (not that bad positioning) and the last call, chance to stop the Red army´s, ending onslaught on Germany, emerged, 1944/45.
That was far more important, crucial, the main question, in late November 1944, than the rescuing of the Budapest´s Jews, more of a sideshow, picking out the most rich, welleducated and wealthy, it seems, but all, even those, in the Hungarian/Neutral ghe-ttos and other poor Jews, those most unwanted, in hiding, were liberated by Russian soldiers, and no others, the one action of that kind, in the war.
All what could influence the Western allies, of the RFSS/Heinrich Himmler´s “good int-entions”, so far.(G.Engblom). The Final solution camps, Auschwitz, was abandoned and destroyed, by SS/Himmler, in October/ November, 1944, not to be used as evidence. The Jews-for-sale offers, Blood-for-trucks, negotiations, 1944, was not but, to give the Nazis, means to, fulfill their :The Final solution, and then, any separate capitulation, wasn´t an option.
Probably by that, even the British government, must have supported, or even advised WALLENBERG`S “neutralization”, “incapacitating”, 1945, as the British legation, Stock-holm, was close informed of the mission. This is up to now, the most credible conclu-sion derived from,open printed information sources, with reservations for what´s still hiding in the Russian and British/American secret service´s classified archives. But, probably there is – no more secret documentation to retrieve, anywhere, perhaps des-troyed, some initiated sources, claiming just these days.
(First: I´m not even thinking of – using the special yellow, so called, “smiley´s”, in communication, as they now and then popping up in (my) texts – how I don´t know.)
“Old” ´MCKAY, didn´t get it quite right, (in: From information to …) concerning just a detail, in some more important scheme, in the German´s separate capitulations feelers, throu-gh Sweden, from September 1942, October 1943 and 1944, through the GOER-DELER-group, when Adam VON TROTT, were channeled through mrs Inga ALMSTRÖM, meeting 1943 with Roger Packham HINKS, and James KNAPP-FISHER, 1944 DAVID MAC EWEN;(Stockholm) and later were informed,of even the Operation VALKYRIE, July 1944.
The “National” Widerstand claimed, the Allies airbombing offensive, only reinforced the German people´s will of resistance, and only supported the Nazis, as much as the 1943, Western demand of : Unconditional surrender. And not enough, that strategy could cause a German separate capitulation to the Soviets, and the development of a strong postwar, influential German Communist Party.(KPD-later SED).
MCKAY writes: “– – That first mission, arranged in Sweden mrs Inga ALMSTRÖM, and a second by another lady, mrs Inga KEMPE. ” – – – That´s wrong (!) Craig: the Lady is the same person, but remarried, KEMPE, 1957, (nee), Inga CARLGREN. (her brother is uncle of mr Andreas CARLGREN, up to 2010, in the Government /Environmental minister, the Cen-terparty/the former main “countryside” party.)
Ms Inga CARLGREN, (b.13) was the daughter of Mauritz and Fanny CARLGREN (nee Kem-pe), owner of big sawmills and timberindustries in Northern of Sweden, as MoDo. In Stoc-kholm, 1934, she moved to the suburb Bromma, address: Grönviksvägen no 112, a big villa, and (1.) married the man. dir. : Per-Olof (Haraldsson) ALMSTRÖM, unknown of what occupation. They probably divorced, and Inga (now) ALMSTRÖM, then moved to the Vana-disvägen no.43 in the city. Mr P-O. ALMSTRÖM , probably moved to the address the Stor-gatan no.52, (parallell to the Strandvägen, in the end of it.)
And at the : Storgatan no. 59, cross over,east, you even find the German banker, Ottokar VON KNIERIEM , representing the Dresdner (=SS main) bank in Sweden, (with office in the same house, as the Wallenbergsphere´s big bank, the Stockholm´s Enskilda Bank, at the Kungsträdgårdsgatan no 8.)
Here dr Karl RASCHE, the Dresdner Banks man.dir, (Nürnberg-listed) stayed when he vis-ited Stockholm, and Felix KERSTEN, and other keypersons, showed up, Gilel STORCH, probably P.KLEIST, Edgar KLAUS, name them… But this apartments, in the same street, the Storgatan (=Main Street) is the only confirmed connection, with them, so far. (KNIERIEM was late Olof PALME`S uncle.) And just around the corner, next yard – address Strand-vägen no. 63, the Hungarian legation, with the ULLEIN-REVZICKY couple.
Later, 1957, Inga ALMSTRÖM married, the 3rd, time, with her third cousin, Erik KEMPE, man.dir. in the timber/sawmill-industry, MoDo, 1957, in U.S.
Inga KEMPE has been really downplayed in the official WALLENBERG-research, perhaps by skilled intuitive, “navigation”, it seems, although with connections with the Sven SALÈN consortium, and Carl KEMPE, another relative in the big timberindustry company, MoDo (msjö), and by that with Raoul WALLENBERG`S circles, at the Strandvägen no 7. (Carl KEM-PE, Strandvägen no.1 went already 1939 to Sven HEDIN, for peacefeelers to Germany/ S.Thorsell)
Because of her sisters Eva´s (CARLGREN) marriage with the German AA/diplomat, Heinz von BODELSCHWING a German AA-party arrived in September 1942, to sound out the possibilities in Sweden, for future talks of, German separate/peace capitulation agree-ment, in order to save Germany, keeping an negotiation capacity,not to fall prey to a
” unconditional surrender”. All this activities, were mainly directed, against the Soviet Union, war efforts, if possible, keeping big swaths of Eastern Europe as a shield against the Soviets, and taking care of the de-nazification, by themselves.
* Most of this designs, were not, in order at all, with the Grand Allies highest´s echelons, in London/Moscow/Washington. The West, didn´t dreamed of taking care of the recon-stru-ction of the Eastern Europe, if they must pay for it, by ” boots on the ground”, then even impossible, in the Europe postwar /the Soviet security policy and needs, a mission what even the European Union, today distancing from, in fact.
Mr Heinz von BODELSCHWING, dr SCHÄFER, and ” a mr VON STROTH “, were emissaries, “sonderbeautragte”, October, 1942, what Erik VON POST, chargé ´d aff. in Berlin repor-ted to mr SÖDERBLOM, the Swedish foreign ministry, around the 5th of October,1942. Mr “VON Stroth” was in fact: Adam VON TROTT. He knew von BODELSCHWING from the Un-iversity of München.
Franz SIX, a very prominent SD/SS Nazi, (Section/Gegnerforschung = Communists /Jews, et al) former Einsatzkommando-B, leader, outside Moscow, ” Vorkommando Moskau, (the same as Arthur NEBE, mr Harry Södermans´s contact.) Franz SIX, became TROTT`S sup-erior, 1942 in the AA.
SIX visited even Stockholm, July, 1944, together with Alexander WERTH, the latter to meet a British diplomat. But OSS and most U.S., suspected VON TROTT, of being a pro-Nazi agent, perhaps with his Frans SIX connection. SIX was accompanied in Sweden, by his secretary, Alexander WERTH, son of a German Admiral, and Adam VON TROTT`S friend from the University of Münich, and the inventor of the “theory”, for the German propag-anda campaign of 1943: “- 30 Millionen Brutto-Register tonnen versenkt ! “- 30 Millions of Register-tonnes (sank) lost (!) for the Allies merchantfleet, 1/5 ot the total. (complete kit, with decals, poststamps, painting on boxcars etc.) WERTH should meet a British SIS-agent/diplomat, in Stockholm.
(A source suggest that WERTH, a quite unknown person, among the West´s officials, com-pared to VON TROTT, in fact carried a message to the Soviet´s legation, as SIX and WERTH arrived/stayed the 4th -6th of July,1944 as if VON TROTT`S last visit in Stockholm, be-came a failure, and VON STAUFFENBERG was said leaning to the Russians, two weeks be-fore the 20th of July.
In Stockholm then, in June 1944, things were really hot, around for instance the Strand-vägen no. 7, and the U.S. legation, Herschel JOHNSON, Iver OLSEN/WRB/OSS, and The Meropa, Raoul WALLENBERG and Koloman LAUER. But all the the German mediators, and there were many, wasn´t successful, or even trustworthy,reliable, most desperate “pro-German nationals”, former Nazis, not able to control Germany, post-Third Reich.
Due to a www/source: George L. WEST, (b.10) claiming:(1990) “- Later it was exposed that Herschel JOHNSON was a homosexual. At that time, he had a young guy named BLOOMINGDALE, who was supposed to be a Special Assistant, (OSS/CIA) , he had this boy, who later was caught with him in Brazil. (= Arnold Blomingdale (.44) attaché) – – -The full confirmation didn’t come until after the war. JOHNSON was then at the U.N. as deputy to Warren AUSTIN, our first Ambassador to the U.N. Then he went to Brazil, and he had Bloomingdale there, too. I don’t know the whole story down there.- – – I arrived there,(Stockholm) and Herschel Johnson was the Minister. He was an old professional. He was occupying a very elegant apartment, which had belonged to the King’s brother. He said he wanted to have a junior officer living with him, so that he could carry on from home at times. He had a reputation for calling a Chargé up at one o’clock in the morning and say-ing, “Winthrop, I’ve been thinking …” He was hardworking and a good professional. The Minister asked me if I’d be interested in living there with him. I don’t think I had any par-ticular suspicions at the time, but I did know that after living with my boss for two years in Greenland (that is when he was there), I wasn’t too anxious to continue that.- – – (U.S. UN-diplomat Herschel JOHNSON voted in UN 1947, with the USSR, UN-diplomat Andrejs GROMYKO to recognize Israel.) A www -source claims that even the British diplomat, Roger Packham HINKS in fact SIS-agent, monitoring the SOE-activities in Stockholm, was homosexual. Up to 1944, this was unlawful in Sweden, today not that problematic, if at all. But during the war, and later on, such facts, was viewed as possible grounds for “blackmailing” , as Susann BERGER points to the Swedish late diplomat, Sverker ÅSTRÖM,
(even in this separate/peace- business, as few others) but then, was persecuted by the die-hards in the Swedish Secret police, by that, through his whole career.
But Sweden didn´t recognize even the Allies Control Commission, of May 1945, as Germ-any´s legitimate government, so what could you expect ? But when Romania changed horse, in late August, 1944, and sided with the Soviet´s, leaving the weak and irresolute Hungary, in far ever, greater danger, than, what could be even imagined, (when Romania
even could recapture the Transsylvania, from the Vienna award 1940.)
Then the Szalazi coup, in October, against Horthys, separate capitulation talks, in Mos-cow, that´s four decisive events, the 20th of July, the 25th of August, and the two,the 15th of October, 1944. As Stalin´s Ten blows, routing, 1944, Carelia, the German Armee-gruppe Mitte, (paraded as POWs in Moscow the 17th of July), and the Westallieds D-Day, the 6th of June. And Raoul WALLENBERG was “in-place”, as usual, (as in the Hungarian-British talks of September 1943.)
He was the perfect proxy, to dispatch to Hungary, not to known, but with a door-open-ing name, as coming from, kind a Swedish, “Kremlin”-establishment, downtown. He was young, (as architect, upper class, and experienced military/ internationally), who could perhaps (?) and unthought, not too, farfetched, later have joined the leadership, a cand-idate for a Swedish (MI) military, modern intelligence service, postwar.
Or did he failed the expectations, from his superiors ? And triggered, too much activities in Budapest, for his own and national interests good. The negative side of the myth, the picture, the claiming of an allmighty, omnipotent saviour, is that, he could end up as, right or wrong, objective for more than what really was there, in fact.
Inga KEMPE, then had German contacts, but even knew some British diplomats, as Victor MALLET, and some German in Stockholm, as Werner DANKWORT, in the German legation, the latter posturing as “Widerstand”. How come ? Perhaps in connection with her first man, P-O. ALMSTRÖM, but she remarried (2.) , a consul from the United States, at the American legation, for ambassador Herschel JOHNSON, from 1945-about 1947, Francois LECOMPTE SPALDING, U.S 2.secret consul. Not much is known about him. But even her German con-tact with VON BODELSCHWING.
When ? This facts around Inga KEMPE, seems/are a bit complicated but in the whole cor-rect. Perhaps she lived in the United States, when she (3.) re-married, for the third time, 1957, with her third cousin, Erik KEMPE, (from 1949 man. dir. ,in the MoDo company ) and was by that, mrs Inga KEMPE, chairman, in the 1960s, International Childorganisation,= (Rädda barnen).
Hans MOTT, (the SUKAB man.dir. 1942- ) och VON TROTT, visited together the Foreign ministry, mr Staffan SÖDERBLOM, the political section, then, September 1942, Eric von POST, the Swedish legation in Berlin, wrote a handletter about that.
They even met: Manfred BJÖRKQVIST, archbishop, , Harry JOHANSSON (the Christian: Sigtuna/ foundation/ stiftelsen,) and Ivar ANDERSON, (Svenska dagbladet) John CULLBERG , Nils QUENSEL, judge. The visit ended the 28 of September,1942. The German legation refused to prolong the visas, up to the 26th of September. (The Sigtunastiftelsen was founded by Inga KEMPE`S mother Fanny, with bishop, mr Manfred BJÖRKQVIST, but it must not be compromised with the Swedish neutral foreign policy.)
The Widerstandman Helmuth von MOLTKE från Oslo 16th of September – 24th September 1942, from Helsingborg. He had a secret connection, to a Austrian refugee, and SIS-agent Maria LAZAR, (married Strindberg) in Stockholm, playwriter, living at the Lilla Essingen.
GOERDELER and Jacob WALLENBERG, with the UD-H (tradesection), mr Ingemar HÄGG-LÖF met in Berlin, during trade negotiations, arriving there the Tuesday, the 23rd of Nov-ember 1942, and returned, around the (Sunday/Monday) the 28/29th of November.
But (!) – Jacob WALLENBERG returned to Berlin, to meet GOERDELER the Tuesday 30th of November, and returned to Stockholm, the Friday the 3rd of December. The most impor-tant basic Allied summit, must be, no doubt, the Tehran-meeting between, the first with, the Big three together, ROOSEVELT- STALIN-CHURCHILL, the 28th of November -2nd of December, 1943, what decided the opening of a Second front in Europe, Normandy, Fra-nce, the following Summer of 1944. Churchill voted against, but Roosevelt and Stalin, ag-reed.
The 4th of December the Radio Moscow announced, the decisions,of course without men-tioning the military planning. But you can ask – what was discussed during Jakob WALL-ENBERG`S meeting with Carl GOERDELER ? In the same timespan as the Tehran-summit ? Not quite unexpected, Raoul WALLENBERG`S party, was probably glowing as a Christmas tree, in that cold 2nd December night.
But due to Raoul WALLENBERG`S cocktail-list, Jacob WALLENBERG, was present there, the 2nd of December, (with even Marcus WALLENBERG.)
But that´s not notified in Jacob´s cabinetpassport (JW archive 190.F1). The problem is that both Susanne BERGER (and I), take for an objective proof, Raoul WALLENBERG`S written party list, that this kind of “personal” private remnants, to a high degree, “archivals” – is the “truth”.
Of course not, and this statement, must be judged by that. As little as the all secret ser-vice´s “working paper”, files, world over, is the plain “truth”, CIA/NKVD/MI. (As there is no notifications in Raoul WALLENBERG`S personal diary, due to G. Engblom, the 20th-23rd of November,1944, he could have been in Sweden, but Jenö Levai, writes, that those days, Raoul was present in Budapest… )
Then Rolf CALISSENDORFF, traveled, in November to Paris /Madrid in business (negotia-tions). But visited even Carl GOERDELER, at Kaiserhof, he claimed the war was soon ended. Rolf Calissendorff stayed there, sometimes, between the 9th and the 22th of November, 1943, with man. dir. Hans MOTT in company, (SUKAB-boss, since 1942), and left a special message from Jakob WALLENBERG. The MOTT-factor again !
A www.(!)source: – – – Inga KEMPE, had early relations with Germans, interested of peace with Britain, and already 1939, she and her mother succeeded to influence the Swedish King GUSTAF V, to send a peacefeeler to GÖRING.
Inga CARLGREN even had contacts ín Norway, and the vice German military attaché VON WATZDORF. Even later the German militaryattache´s MULLER-LIBENAU, and VON KÖN-IGSEGG, in Stockholm, planning for a peaceful German capitulation. (1944/45)
Jacob WALLENBERG, participated, as late as the 2nd of May 1945, one week before the war end, in a dinner at the Bacchi Vapen, (restaurant), together with the Swedish general staff chief, EHRENSVÄRD, the German military attaché BRUNO VON UTHMANN, and in the evening, spending at VON WATZDORFF`S home , the German military attaché, and who was EHRENSVÄRD`S son-in-law, in spe.
How to protect the German occupation armyforce in Norway, not to be POWs in the hands of the Red army ? Next day, WALLENBERG and EHRENSVÄRD the case, with the Superior in Command, (ÖB) Helge JUNG before a visit to the Secretary of state, Erik BOHEMAN.
They agreed with acceptance, by the Foreign minister Christian GÜNTHER, that General EHRENSVÄRD should tell the Germans, that the Swedish government, did not opposing, if the German Superior Commander in Norway: Franz BÖHME (Austrian/Art.Gen. “The Hang-man of Serbia” , 1941, and listed for Nürnberg.), wanted to discuss the internment of the German armed forces in Norway, in Sweden. At BOHEMAN`S directives, that the Swedish government, didn´t opposing if the Germans surrendered to the British.
– – – Mr BRODERSEN was presented for KRÄMER, by dr PFLEIDERER , German general consul, in the Stockholm legation, succeding in prolong KRÄMER`S ´resident permits, to meet BRODERSEN. They met Inga KEMPE, negotiating, something of a “detante” between German forces in Norway and the resistance, without fighting, and about internment of the German troops.- – – BRODERSEN was since German studies, well acquainted, with the Widerstand-men, VON MOLTKE, and Lt Col., STELTZER in Wehrmacht occupation forces, in Norway.(Reminding of the Swedish/U.S/U.K. – activities, Norway, Danish situation, The Baltic States 1944/1945, in the power interregnum, the Spring/Summer 1945, what the Soviets of course tried to prevent.
– – – BRODERSEN met Inga KEMPE through, The Sigtunstiftelsen. Inga KEMPE became of interest for the Swedish secret police, and wiretapped, postcontroled, and shadowed, after she approached the German musician, Willy MATTES, (1916-2002),employed by the Nazi´s UFA /Tobis film, and employed by the Swedish public radio, 1944-51, (Radiotjänst), when alleged trying to recruit him as British agent, she was reported, by MATTES, sus-pecting a provocation, and he turned to lieutenant Torsten AKRELL, (C-bureau/OSS-“the Kid”), and by that she became arrested the 29th of April, 1945, but released in July, pro-bably a “postwar”-human decision. Later for a time married with a U.S. diplomat, (SPAL-DING) lived in Canada and Spain. ” – – -/= www-source.
(1.) During Jakob WALLENBERG`S last visit to Germany, for talking with Carl GOERDELER, the Widerstand/Kreisauer the 30 November-3 December, 1943, he had waited in vain for the ” coup´d´etat” against ” That man”, in August 1943, but two attempts had failed, but should be re-activated again due to GOERDELER, with a “definitive” result. Jakob WALLEN-BERG couldn´t promise a British support -only if the attempt, was immediately delivered. A defeated Germany, couldn´t claim any negotiation space.
What Jakob WALLENBERG based his statement on, is unclear, perhaps the talks with Brit-ish officials, Charles Hambro, Harald Nicholson. This was the last time Jakob WALLENBERG met Carl GOERDELER. And by that J. WALLENBERG couldn´t visit Germany, without risking being hostage, as the “Warzaw-Swedes”, perhaps even viewed as implicated in the Wid-erstand´s actions.
The Germans could perhaps as easy, arrest and execute, Jakob WALLENBERG, a bit far-fetched option, but if SD/SS they knew his involvements in the 20th of July ? Perhaps Raoul aiming of something similar heroic, (some conspirationing) but he hadn´t the responsibilities, and lacked Jakob´s final instinct of self preservation, experience, and wellknown personality/power in business and foreign policydecisions in Sweden/Europe. But why buying, claims of Raoul as a ” talker” – then don´t mention Jakob, and Marcus.
But anyway, Jakob WALLENBERG arrived home with fresh knowledge, from the German Widerstand, partyguest or not, but now Raoul WALLENBERG, became the perhaps only alternative, without personal risk, to manage the German contacts, after the Allies Tehr-an-summitdecisions, 2nd of December, 1943, the Second front. Published in Sweden around the 5th of December 1943.
(2.) Inga KEMPE, seem to had been active the whole of the war, 1939-45, in supporting German ” nationalist” separate peace/capitulation, and at last to save the German occ-upation Wehrmacht´s Norwegian army. Of course no one in Sweden, dare to take charge of a study, of Mrs Inga KEMPE as an important mediator, and when deep in the Sven SAL-ÈN & Carl KEMPE`S circles, linking up with even Raoul. As a pioneer female, ” go-betwe-en”, diplomatic mediator, 1939-45. For which belligerents ? – I´m not quite so sure. Perhaps her deeds, were crushed under the “Wheels of History” , as Raoul WALLENBERG, in person.
A marriage announcement in June 1952, (the same week as the Swedish DC-3 disapp- ear) over the Baltic sea, in the Swedish: Dagens Nyheter (lib.) goes: ” – – – In WEST POINT, Virginia, Saturday, between the Swedish Generalconsul, in New York, mr * Lennart NYL-ANDER, (b.01) and ms Inga OLSSON, daughter of man. dir. Elis Olsson, and wife (nee Granberg.)
” As the bridegroom´s witness acted the Swedish ambassador Erik BOHEMAN. The bride wear the bridal crown, from the Swedish Gustav Adolf´s church, the first time worn by mrs Estelle MANVILLE, when she married Count Folke BERNADOTTE,(1928) and later donated by her to the church. – –
(*1st of December, 1928. Miss Estelle Romaine Manville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Manville, was married to Count Folke BERNADOTTE of Wisborg, a nephew of King Gustaf V of Sweden. This was “one of the most brilliant society gatherings in recent years,” according to the New York Times. The couple were married in the “small, ivycov-ered Episcopal Church of St. John in Pleasantville, New York.” )
First quoting my own comment no. (38.) : built on (ambassador) Göran Engblom´s: “Himmler´s fred/ peace” ,(2008) “. – – – The 26th of November, (1944) the Swedish Foreign ministry (UD) received a cable: : « Strict confidential for (Arvid) RICHERT » (= the Swedish pro-German ambassador in Berlin) , from NYLANDER @ UD/Berlin, saying:- » A mediator will propose, a separate capitulation, from HIMMLER in Stockholm, and must not be despised, especially, with HIMMLER`S compliance, concerning the War-zaw-Swedes (*=convicted spies, since 42´), and the Norwegian students. (arrrested, 1943.) »
The cable arrived the 26th November 17.00 a´cl. , Sunday, was answered Monday, the 27 th November, 09.00 a´ cl. : / (Text): » – Send courier, Yours 58, tuesday (=28th November) if emergency, attaché. Cabinet. » / Then a courier, a mr T. BJÖRCK, left for Stockholm, the 28th of November. In the diary of the legationsecretary, mr Torsten BRANDEL in Germany, he wrote : » – BJÖRCK courier with historical (?) message, travel-led, 01.30 tonight, to Berlin, (*= from the then “makeshift”, Swedish) , legationoffice in Alt Döbern/ Berlin), after a very buzy night here (working) « – – –
The courier carried a handletter, from the Commercial counsellor mr * Lennart NYLAN-DER (!) addressed to Arvid RICHERT, who left for Stockholm, the 21st of November, off-icial matter/in duty, but the same message, in the letter. This unknown mediator confir-ming that RFSS/ HIMMLER via Stockholm, was active with organizing a connection with the West, to negotiate a separate capitulation, and with Swedish cooperation– then com-municated to the West. ” – – – –
First, what a coincidence then, the Summer of 1952, in New York : Mr Lennart NYLAND-ER, implicated (?) in some way, concerning the separate capitulation scheme, from HIM-MLER, late November 1944, where perhaps Raoul WALLENBERG was implicated, we don´t know.
NYLANDER`S marriage witness, was Raoul WALLENBERG`S main employer at the Swed-ish Foreign minister (UD) mr Erik BOHEMAN, then Swedish ambassador, in U.S. (1948-58) , and close to BOHEMAN, from 1938. From 1936-1938, NYLANDER, was attached to the Swedish embassy, in the Baltic States, Tallin/Riga. From 1940-42, legation couns-ellor in Moscow, 1942, then commercial counsellor in Berlin/ legation counsellor 1944/ 45. 1945, General consul, United States (New York) 1945-1955, then ambassador in Mexico.
The young bride, wearing the widow of Count Folke BERNADOTTE, since four years, Estelle MANVILLE, the widow´s bridal crown, murdered in, Palestine, 1948, 17th sept-ember, by Jewish then terrorists, the Stern/Irgun group, by members implicated, and later reached the highest positions in Israel, as Y. SHAMIR and M. BEGIN, allegedly for opposing the Zionist´s plan of dividing the British mandate, since WW1, the Palestine, in some territorial matters.
But the present Swedish King, CARL (XVI) GUSTAF, (since 1973) last year, saw his new-borned granddaughter being baptized just to: ESTELLE, what some interpreted as a sign of a main Swedish/Royal vs Israeli hang-up, since, 1948.
Swedes are obviously resentful, if their relatives and commissioners, envoys, political leaders, are wiped out, by violence , as even Dag Hammarskjöld (1961) Olof Palme (1986), when even adding lack of satisfying answers, and by that, relevant justice pro-cedures. The death of all this four Swedes, boiling down, it seems to : absent, adequate security, personal protection, when even WALLENBERG`S relatives, 2013, (Nov.) accusing U.S. of sending him out, on a “highly dangerous mission without adequate protection.” As Obama obviously failed in his promise, to discuss, the WALLENBERG-case, in Moscow and acted in way what the relatives, view, letting them down, the same U.S. policy, as 1945 – insufficient.
(Today Nelson Mandela making the same way to a myth, as WALLENBERG, it seems, will be some new “Dalai Lama,” humble, as Mandela didn´t prosecute the White perpe-trators, in Boer South Africa, and will be hyllad i West. But U.S./West were very ambiva-lent, to support ANC, where most white Communists, were active, and the Cuban (human-military ?) intervention, (30.000 man) 1976, helping Angola, combat CIA/ Savimbi/ Unita, and the Southafrican army in Namibia, 1978. This were the most imp-ortant factors in the liberation of South Africa, 1978/90s. Israel had their first nuclear weapon, detonated, together with assistance of the Boer-regime.
All facts what today is supressed. Mandela /ANC:s attitude, differs, as it seems, much from, West´s and the Hague Tribunal, concerning, for instance, former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria: Convictions, rough executions, killings, (with drones if needed), camps, surgical missile strikes, EU-sanctions, the West´s whole pony- & horseshow, if not keep in line. Not that highly today, appreciated, ANC-policy of peace & reconcil-iation, truth commissions, (but cut down striking miners, without remorse) then, but today everybody come out as Western pacifists, in fact most, “schizofrenic “, turncoats, showstealers, and hypocrites, a kind of small, not political grown-up, “children”. “The agreed liturgy, the past´s correct narrative.”
And the coincidence of mr Lennart NYLANDER and Airforce colonel STIG WENNER-STRÖM, in Moscow, 1940-41/42, then consul and Airforce military attaché (1952) in Washington / New York. (NYLANDER was decorated with the Order of the German Eagle, since his service in Berlin, goes without saying.)
Susanne BERGER used to connect the diplomat, mr Sverker ÅSTRÖM and Airforce col. Stig WENNERSTRÖM, (convicted Soviet agent,in Sweden, 1964), (not without some satis.-faction, it seems) , but here we see, WENNERSTRÖM and NYLANDER, twice, serving in the same diplomatic context, and NYLANDER active in perhaps German separate capitu-lation, late November 1944, a critical time, even when researching Raoul WALLENBERG`S antecedentia, the Fall of 1944.
The German separate capitulation sounderings, were tight implicated with even vital Swedish, economic interests, securitypolicy needs, probably in sharp contrast to the Allies designs for postwar Germany, and Eastern Europe. Some even said, that Jewish big business, were more interested in a Third Reich – if not victory, so, a containment of the Soviets, 1944/45, then deemed more advantageous, for to recover, if possible the big Jewish industrial conglomerats, Swedish German affiliations, for instance in Hun-gary, but even in Germany proper. What could have fueled the Russians suspicions.More advantageous, because probably not possible, to bring about, any concessions from the Russians. They were probably right.
Very big economic interests were at stake, as we know, of interests even for the U.S/ Western powers, to organize the European markets from their own, interests. But Swe-den, an quite intact regional power, had no doubt, her own justified national agenda, to maintain in Europe, 1944/45, where Raoul WALLENBERG, could have played a coord-inating role, in different stages.
From mr Anders JALLAI`S blogg (2012) : “The (Stig) Wennerström-archive:”
– – – Interrogation: (With C.E.F./REINIUS ).: He served in the Swedish embassy, in Mos-cow from November 1940 to 1949, as clerk, together with Stig WENNERSTRÖM, attaché (Sverker) ÅSTRÖM, major FLODSTRÖM et al. ÅSTRÖM kept company with three Russi-ans, during the war, from November 1940. ALEXANDROV was arrested, 1948, even Olga DIMITRIEVNA, and the premier dancer Dimitri Nikolajevitj GOLOBIN, the latter in a rela-tionship, with Olga, without being married. When Olga was arrested and disappeared 1948, GOLOBIN, wasn´t taken in to custody, what seemed strange.- – – The arrests were conducted in connection with a general purge, within the Soviet secret services.- – – REINIUS met mr ALEXANDROV, ms DIMITRIEVNA and mr GOLOBIN, for the first time, in the home of the Legation councellor, * Lennart NYLANDER ” (end).- –
MOSCOW : (1940-43)
Lennart NYLANDER : 1940-42: (Secretary: commerce) (1942-44: Berlin)
Stig WENNERSTRÖM: 1940-41: (Air force attaché)
Sverker ÅSTRÖM : 1940-43: (Secretary)
WASHINGTON : (1945-57)
Lennart NYLANDER : 1945-55: (General consul/N.Y)
Stig WENNERSTRÖM: 1952-57: (Air force attaché)
Sverker ÅSTRÖM : 1946-48: (Secretary, in helping winding up the Wallenberg-
sphere´s, economic disputes with United States,
(Erik BOHEMAN/ The Swedish ambassador : Washington: (1948-1958)
We can compare people, contemporaries with, Raoul Wallenberg, to broaden the per-spective, of his fate, and by that perhaps find new knowledge. But with who, and in what circumstances ? Who is not(!) on the scene, and why ? And if – in what role-casting ?
(1.) Ira HIRSCHMANN was the first envoy, assigned by The War Refugee Board, (WRB) 1944, and John Pehle. Hirschmann with a Jewish background, professional concertmus-ician, business executive in big warehouses, in New York,(Blommingdale´s) and friend to mr Fiorelli LaGuardia, a legendary Mayor in New York, 1934-45, during the Roosevelt era. (La Guardia Airport). HIRSCHMANN visited Germany early, and saw Hitler, 1933, in action, and was soon organized in the U.S. main antifascist movement, and he maintain for a long time economic boycott against German goods, in his stores, during the 1930s.
A businessman, educated, (later in the “new” FM-radio/television sphere) with contacts, reminding of Raoul WALLENBERG, the same profile. But from the U.S., “Act of trading with the enemy” and as belligerent, Hirschmann couldn´t be in direct contact with the Axis-powers, a problem not experienced by Wallenberg. But Hirschmann was a genuine anti-fascist, but was instead accused of, “being soft on the Soviets.” (His mother was borned in Russia.)
In the beginning of March 1944, HIRSCHMANN then traveled to Turkey on behalf of the American government’s War Refugee Board (WRB), the first WRB -envoy. He and the Am-erican ambassador to Turkey (Steinhardt) (+Joseph Levy NYT) managed to convince the Turkish authorities to allow refugees to land in Turkey, and ensure the rescue of or at least better conditions for thousands of Jewish refugees in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hun-gary. In fact, almost 7,000 Jews reached Turkey and Palestine with the help of Hirsch-mann and the WRB.
Next, HIRSCHMANN helped convince the Romanian authorities (Antonescu) to return to Romania the remaining 48,000 Jews who had been deported to Transnistria. (East of Bessarabia/River Prut). During the summer of 1944, Hirschmann influenced Monsignor Angelo Roncalli (later Pope) to provide Hungarian Jews in hiding with baptismal certifi-cates; the Romanian authorities to allow Hungarian Jews to leave Romania for Turkey; and the Bulgarian government to stop persecuting its country’s Jews and restore them their full rights. Hirschmann contacted the enemy, then not permitted, and could in-fluence the Romanian ambassador in Ankara, Nicolae CRETZIANU, to release Jews, and by promising 4 U.S. pass-ports/visas, for him and family ,to emigrate to U.S., 1945.
” – – -Over a period of eight months, we “bought” about fifteen thousand men, 15.000, women and children.The Boys (Young Jews),and I agreed to exploit my authority and resources to the full, just so long as my position as an official representative of my gov-ernment was protected.”- – –
“- – – The infamous blackmail offer of a million Jews in exchange for 10,000 trucks I knew would not be acceptable. But, based on my earlier experience, and hints I received from BRAND, I discouraged any discussion regarding trucks and other commodities and switched the talk to cash. No immediate results came from my meeting with BRAND,but I felt that we now had a solid indication that certain highly placed Nazis, in the S.S. of all places, were ready to do business. In Brand’s words, “They could all be bought.”- – –
– – – ” I said all this in my report and strongly recommended that such talks be moved to a neutral country, away from British influence if possible. This was the beginning of many negotiations, principally in Switzerland and Sweden, which did result in the rescue of some thousands of refugees. A few thousand perhaps, by comparison with the mill-ions who fell in the Nazi holocaust, but I am still convinced that each individual rescue was a defeat for Eichmann’s demonic ” final solution of the Jewish question.” – – –
In 1946 HIRSCHMANN was sent to inspect the situation of Jewish displaced persons in Germany as the special inspector for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adm-inistration, UNRRA. He was not satiesfied with the treatment of the remaning Jewish victims,refugees in Germany, other refugees, volontary workers for Third Reich, Balts, et al., were better off, than the Jewish victims. He writes about the antisemitistic attitudes in the London Poles exile-government, and General W. ANDERS troops, in Palestine.
Ira A. HIRSCHMANN was a sponsor of the: Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace which ran from March 25 – 27, 1949 in New York City. It was arranged by a, Com-munist/Left Party USA front organization known as the: National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions. A forerunner to the wellknown, World Peace Conference in Paris 1949, to calm dawn the tensions between the former Allies, U.S.A, and The Soviet Union, postwar ,and were denounced in the Joseph,McCarthy witchhunt, (HUAC) “Un-American activities”1940/50 for the Left movement in U.S, the Great U.S. terror, still hampering U.S. political/social/economic development, 50 years behind Europe, with labormarket, and general,social security. (Obamacare).
The antisemitic element in the McCarthy-campigns, was just outstanding, even after the war, 1945, the “Judeo-Communist” persecution had it´s heydays in the U.S., as we know from the trial of the Jewish Rosenberg couple, 1950,, accused of atomic espion-age, and were both, electrocuted in the electrical chair,(Sing-Sing), in spite of having two children. They became scapegoats. Ronald Reagan was one of the denouncer of his colleagues, many actors in Hollywood, Reagan who gave Raoul Wallenberg honorary citizenship in USA 1981.
We don´t hear much about Ira HIRSCHMANN, if anything, in the Wallenberg research, the first WRB-envoy, and with special qualifications and contacts. Why ? He saved many Jews, from his position. He doesn´t fits politically in to the narrative, the agreed liturgy of the past. But that give us perspective of WALLENBERG, he disappeared, and was much more suited in the Cold war. Ira Hirschmann became very interested in the founding of Israel, but didn´t appreciate Count BERNADOTTE`S plans for the boundaries, 1947/48.
He was Mayor F. La Guardias inspector of the UNRRA, the United nations relief and refu-gee-organisation, after the war, and very critical against the rearmament of Germany, and the bad treatment of the small part of Jewish refugees, left in Germany, 1945, compared to Poles, Balts, (and the Germans), those many volontary had worked in Third Reich, but were not willing to be repatriated. The Jews were instead refused to emig-rate, to Palestine.(Displaced persons/DP)
———————– ———————————————-
Kurt Welkisch : jurist, journalist, KPD-Communist became recruited in Germany, during the 1930s, as agent for the Soviet military secret service, (GRU) and later his wife Marg-arita participated. By chance he was then assigned to serve in Romania, Bucarest, at the German legation, late 1940. But after the German Barbarossa attack, June 1941, the con-tacts were broke off, and could not be reconnected.
Then in September 1944, most of the German legation was captured by the Romanians and handed over to the Red Army. The couple Welkisch, arrived to Moscow, and they asked for to be cleared off from being Nazis, investigation was made and they were released and had an apartment in Moscow. But when they were asked of continue with agentactivities, abroad, they refused, to accept, and the GRU dumped, them, and were delivered to Smersh, and Abakumov. Then soon, put in jail, and then transfered to a camp, were tried, for being German spies, anti-soviet etc, and deported. accused, and lost their children. First 1955, they were released and repatriated to Westgermany, and emplo-yed at Die Welt.
(1.) In some aspects, similar to Lev BEZYMENSKI`S presumptions, of what could have been the fate, of Raoul WALLENBERG, even his m.o.l. forced, by the war, “walk-in” to the Soviet lines, 1945, for a possible agent debriefing, and was he then called up to Moscow, asked of perhaps, continuing, some agent activities, perhaps, already initiated in Haifa, Palestine. He may have refused, with the same reason as the WELKISCH`S , ” the War is over”, but then being forced to make the same trip, next stop, the Soviet pri-sonsystem, It´s most in line with other cases.
(2.) But if WALLENBERG, offering some kind, of Hungarian/Jewish National Fund, a NAN-SEN-plan,” and that was interpreted by the Russians, as launching some hostile exile-organisation, like the diplomat, for Ion Antonescu, in Turkey , Aleksander CRETZIANU`S “Romanian National Fund,” financed in secret by the Romanian state, the Spring 1944, with some 20 million Swiss France, (200 million SEK today) of what they transfered to CRETZIANU, the 12th of January 1945, about 7 millions, (140 million SEK today). He was later alleged for embezzled, the money for private use. (Cretzianu was Hirschmann´s contact in the negotiations, to free Jews, from Turkey, to Israel, and from Transnistria, to Romania, proper, and was rewarded with four(4) U.S. citizenship, by WRB.)
(3.) All the German POWS, that were Wallenberg´s cell/prisonmates, (31.1.1945) were the most ugly Himmler/Eichmann-proxies, in Romania, as RSHA/SD/SS, Gustav RICHTER, from, 1940 in SD/Dijon, France, (SS/G-A Scheel), 1941-1944, Bucarest then, in Russian prison, 1945-55. SA-Führer Legationsrat 1.kl. Willy ROEDEL, or in fact war criminals.
General Alfred GERSTENBERG, Luftwaffe, and Gen. lieut. Rainer STAHEL, acting in Romania, against the coup´d etat, in August 1944. (Stahel , transfered from the Warzaw-uprising, in August, 1944, he had to leave command, to SS/Oberführer,Oscar Dirlewanger´s , Sonderkommando). Gerstenberg and Stahel was going to play the same role in Romania, Bucarest, as the German army/SS just performed in Warzaw, in August, and by that the Romanian palace-coup, could had failed, and all Romanian Jews could had been deported, as fast as the Hungarians, a few month earlier. These are the typical Götterdämmerung -Nazis of 1944/45, that Wallenberg met, in Ljubjanka, absolute with for us, antagonistic goals, but that seemed not of a problem for him (!), – or them, cur-ious enough, but the situation was extreme.
Gerstenberg and Stahel, attacked the Romanian army, with special parachute troops, together with SS-Oberführer, Horst HOFFMEYER, (former Einsatzkommandoleader/R) . But all of them were captured by the Romanians,in September, and delivered to the Russians, as even Ion ANTONESCU, and the Romanian ” native” Eichmann, Radu LECCA. By that Hitler ordered heavy bombing of Romania, Bucarest, as punishment.- – – LECCA was even in contact to Lolle SMIT, the Philips Radio executive, in Bucarest, and Budapest, SOE-agent, of what reasons unknown (!), (Jews for sale or business?) and Berber SMIT , his daughter, had close contact with Raoul WALLENBERG, Budapest, 1944./C.McKay./ (When Radu Lecca was arrested in November 15, 1944, 2.000 goldpieces and 60 gold watches, a 12 kilograms gold ingot, and 40.000 francs in gold, were discovered in his department.)
The reason for that company, of the whole German AA/legation in Bucarest, is difficult to understand, and from those people´s , reputations, interpreting Raoul Wallenberg´s sit-uation. Right or wrong, justified, due to the NKVD´s judgement ? Hostile diplomats ? Spies ? Not the same treatment as the Swiss diplomats, Feller and Meier, 1945-46.
But the Swedish press presented Gustav RICHTER, as, ” Wallenberg´s cellmate, crown-witness, ” former ” Polizeiattaché” in Bukarest, (trial in Westgermany, was prepared,1961 convicted first 1981, then released) even they ” victims” of the Soviet justice, the 8th of February 1957, the very sad day, when Raoul Wallenberg´s death 1947, was confirmed, by the Soviet Foreign minister, Andrej Gromyko.
But by RICHTER`S testimony, Sweden could prove, against the Russians, that Wallenberg had been arrested/in custody, by Smersh, the 16th of January, 1945, and transported to Moscow, arriving there the 31st of January. (or some days later) But if the British throu-gh H.C. North, during that period, of 14 days, gave another information, the soft treat-ment of Wallenberg, from the beginning, could have been changed, during the trip. As the British, arrested Joel BRAND, “Blood for Trucks”, in June 7th and held him to Oct-ober 1944, suspected perhaps, together with the Russians, even Wallenberg as possible potential peacemediator.
My points: Ira HIRSCHMANN/WRB, should no doubt been an important “crown” source, then already 1945, asked for to judge, the general situation, concerning Raoul WALL-ENBERG.
What about the Romanian National Fund,(20 million CHF) and the 7 million Swiss franc, the Axis-diplomat , Nicolae CRETZIANU received from an Romanian diplomat account in Berne, in January 1945, and never gave an account of ?
Came Raoul Wallenberg near such an economic accumulation in Budapest, with unknown purpose ?
Why was Raoul WALLENBERG associated with the German diplomats, and RSHA/AA/ Abwehr-personnel, from Bucarest ? Because of company/ prison-intelligence/ langu-age/culture/communication ? (1 month Richter/ 2years Roedel). This was for long time downplayed, in the research.The Germans were not that innocent diplomats, (under Swedish protection, Bucarest UD/ secretary Patrik Reutersvärd/UD.) Only when the Adolf Eichmann-trial started, 1961, Westgermany even started investigations, the searchlight fell on Gustav Richter, but the case was later closed, based on RICHTER`S long prisontime in Russia.
As W.RODDE, the f. German consul in Brasov/Kronstadt.
Must be mentioned here: Erich ROEDLER : SS-Oberführer, (b.84) The Abwehr-stelle (AST) Bucarest since 1940-1944, then in reserve. Arrested by the Soviet occupation autho-rities, 4th of May 1947, (Eggenburg/Austria) and by that disappeared.(verschollen)
And the high German officers, GERSTENBERG and STAHEL, with dubious war antecedentia.
There seem some confusions in the Wallenberg-research, concerning the name “BERBER”, in Raoul WALLENBERG`s diary/calender, from 1944. Probably Raoul, referring to ms Ber-ber SMIT, the daughter of Lolle SMIT, the N.V. Philip´s executive in Romania, Bucarest/ , the girl Raoul met in Budapest, 1944. As C. McKay reproduce in his special essay, about Lolle SMIT, a meeting, “date”, the (Monday) 14th of August, 1944, is “Berber Smit”, no doubt.
The biographer mrs Ingrid Carlberg, even claims biographer Paul A. Levine, reading wrong the name ” Berber “, sometimes as “Becher “, in fact SS/Obstf. Kurt Becher, well-known. Late Attila Lajos, claims that ” Berber “, is a “German”, scheduled for a meeting with WALLENBERG, the 15th of October, the day before the Arrow Cross coup´d´etat, the 16th of October, 1944 when Raoul , was mysterious absent, with no notifications in his calender, for several days.
Due to the diary (A.Lajos), Raoul was even about to meet, the ICRC (Int. Red Cross/ Genf), dr Robert SCHIRMER, and Friedrich BORN, those days, at the Hotel Ritz, and later with two unidentified persons, the 16th of October, after that the diary is empty, up to the 23rd of October. (Seven days from the 17th to the 23rd of October) (Raoul´s Ger- man visa valid : 30th of October to the 29th of November, ” Destination Germany”, due to Bezymenskij).
The truth is that Raoul met both Kurt Becher, and Berber Smit, but did he meet Friedrich BERBER ? The disturbing fact is that Friedrich Berber, (b.98) was a Nazi academician, (dozent/professor) close to the German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, since the 1930s, (NSDAP) and was quite active in the political justification/international law, of the AA/ Third Reichs political/military actions/wars. – – -” Teams working under the direction of professor Friedrich Berber, as special adviser, with, Emil von Rintele, and Paul Karl Schmidt (Carell). BERBER`S stay in Genf, 1943/1944, aimed at prepare peace soun-derings, with the West, perhaps through the International Red Cross.(ICRC) “- – (Seabury). (Paul Carell, was wellknown, deep implicated as late as the Spring 1944, in justifying the German actions against the Budapest Jews).
Friedrich BERBER claims, even due to his memoires, that even mr Karl Burckhardt, (ICRC/ Int. Red Cross) confirms Berber active in rescuing Jews, from Hungary 1944, November,
(…” An der Rettung der Israeliten (260.000) in der Hungarischen Hauptstadt, hat Berber unbestreitbar ein grosses persönliches Verdienst. ” – – – (but anyway active in a kind of a late “Wannsee-conference´42” in April ´44) ). But did he met Raoul Wallenberg or had contact with him ?
During April 1944, Fritz BERBER, even performed at, the “Antijüdische Auslandsaktion “. This conference must really have reinforced, the last phase of the Holocaust, as much as the Hungarian separate capitulation efforts, 1943/44 channeled, through (1.) Ullein-Revi-czky, (2.) Raoul Wallenberg, and not the least the U.S Office of Strategic Service/ (OSS) and (3.) Allan Dulles/OSS, in Berne with his failed the “Sparrow Mission”, all what gave the Nazis reasons, to invade and occupy Hungary, the 19th of March 1944, and launch the worst phase of the Holocaust, 437.000 victims, May-July.
Third Reich was obsessed with causes, to justifie, their invasions and wars, and geno-cides, as we know from Poland, Norway, et al. That´s why Sweden never gave the Ger-mans a reason for attack, as we know, postwar, often correct put in question, compared to Hun-gary´s both expansionist- and later followed by exhaustion/capitulation policy, resulting in disaster of the century. But the history and geopolitical situation, were of course much different. (Even Sweden came close to invasion from Britain/France, during the Finnish/ Russian war 1939/1940, March, helping Finland, as excuse, using, (and of course occu-pying) Swedish territory, moving the war to Northern Europe, perhaps unite both Germany and Russia, against the West.)
The origins of this daring conclusion come from Yehuda BAUER, professor/in Holocaust studies. ” “It was pm Kallay´s (Hungary) policy of extricating Hungary from the war that brought disaster on the Jews.” by the German invasion, in March 1944. This was not the same case in Romania. It was Ion Antonescu, supporting Germany, that saved the Rom-anian Jews, from German occupation, until the Palace-revolution, there 1944, August, 23rd, and the Red Army could occupy Romania.
The Anti-Semitic Work Abroad : working conference of the Specialists for Jewish Ques-tions : With 12 German Diplomatic Mission in Europe on 3rd and 4th April 1944 in Hotel Sanssouci, at Krummhuebel [Riesengebirge Mountains.
“(Die Tagung fand am 3. und 4. April in dem niederschlesischen Ort Krummhübel als Auf-takt für eine „Antijüdische Aktionsstelle“ oder „Antijüdische Auslandsaktion“ statt. (Arb-eitstagung der Judenreferenten“ von 12 diplomatischen Vertretungen des Auswärtigen Amts (AA) in Europa.” )
Daily Agenda / In charge of the Working Conference: (Friedrich Berber : see point nr 8)
1. Minister Schleier, head of Inf. XIV
2. Privy Councillor Leithe-Jasper/SS Stbf.
3. Prof. Dr. Mahr.(Probably NSDAP/AO-Ireland)
4. SS-Untersturmfuehrer Heuchert
5. KS.1. Hezinger
6. Legation Councillor Dr. Kutscher American Committee.
7. Dr. Colin Ross
8. Dr. *BERBER Germany (Inland) British Committee / Berber: Anti-Semitic work abroad and Great Britain.
9. Legation Councillor Dr. v. Thadden Department for Commerical Policy:
10. Superior Legation Councillor (VLR) Tannenberg Department for Cultural Policy:
11. Minister Dr. *SIX
12. Dr. *RICHTER (Referent für Judenfragen) SS/SD Bucarest/Romania.(1941-44)
13. Dr. Walz Department of Information and Press:
14. Dr. (Miss) Haussmann
15. Dr. Ahrens: Department for Broadcasting Policy:
(And Heinz Ballensiefen, Hans-Otto Meissner als Konsul in Italien, Peter Klassen, Paris und Hans Hagemeyer.)
We know the name of : (9.) Von Thadden, (11.) Franz SIX, (12.) Dr RICHTER, (9.) as “last-ditch nazis, of the Eichmann-class.” The latter Raoul´s cellmate for some weeks, 1945. But some other Nordic conference-guests, are even interesting…
– – -” Another participant, was, Mr. DELBRÜCK: (Sweden) points out the difficulties of anti-Jewish information activity in Sweden. There had been no Jewish problem in this country before the campaign against the Jews in Denmark and the resultant heavy mig-ration of Jews to Sweden. The Jewish immigration had led, however, to a reaction of distaste. It could therefore be taken as the starting point for anti- Jewish information activity. Care would have to be taken, certainly, to avoid in this anything that would smack of German propaganda. Only a few pro-German newspapers were available. Anti-Semitic propaganda literature must be printed in Sweden exclusively. Placards could not be used because there are no organizations at hand for it. Nor could postcards with anti- Jewish witticisms be used. No anti-Semitic propaganda could be made over the Swedish radio. The participation of fanatic idealists in the congress was certainly feasible.”- – -/Heinz Delbrück. (From the Nuremberg trials)
DELBRÜCK : Was 1942 the ” Stützpunktsleiter /Hälsingborg: ” a Swedish western coa-stal-town. Delbrück was later in contact with the later convicted German spy, reserve-captain Sixten HAGMAN, in the Swedish National Guard, Stockholm, where Raoul WALL-ENBERG was very active, 1940-44. Did they know each other ? Hagman´s first German contact was Hans Joachim SCHREIBER, (Swedish mother) architect, at the German leg- ation, relaying information to SD/August Finke, and later to Wagner/Abwehr/(AST) -Stockholm, then Berlin.
During postwar interrogations, (LGL/Landesgruppenleiter), Gossmann revealed the close cooperation, with NSDAP/AO and Sicherheitsdienst/SD/SS, and the “OGL/Orts-gruppeleiter of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront(DAF)” in Stockholm, Heinz DELBRÜCK, was ” Referent für Judenfragen.” He spied on Jewish refugees, in Sweden, from Germany and the occupied Europe, but even on Swedish Jews.
” – – -Together with the Swedish pro-German/Nazi, circles, the af Ström´s, Delbrück, operated a radiotransmitter, from a shed at the Rosenhill estate, where even, H.C. North was registered living, (-45) in Stockholm, (nearly within sight from Peter Tennants house). Well organised and of significance, in case of a German invasion/ surrender. “- – – (Source. M. Deland/ (Of course North and Tennant, was not implic-ated, anyhow.)
When Schreiber left Sweden, the Fall 1942, for Norway, (and the Edmund Sala/Abwehr/ Melde kopf Nordland/Norway/Finland) it´s Heinz Delbrück, becoming the handler of captain Sixten Hagman. Schreiber was even in contact with the Socialdemocrat Carl Lind-berg, a parliamentarian, and member in the National Guard, and he remembered Raoul Wallenberg, as his instructor. (The German Abwehr/SD-agent-team were : Schurek -Schreiber-Delbrück.) Delbrück was non grata in Sweden from late February, 1945.
The Nürnberg trials: Witness: Secretary FRAULEIN BLANK: Yes.- “One of his (Ribbentrop´s) moves was to send Minister Professor BERBER to Switzerland in the winter of 1943-1944. Later on these moves were intensified by sending Herr Von SCHMIEDEN to Bern and Dr. (Fritz) HESSE to Stockholm, (March 1945)
” As the Fuehrer had not given official authority to initiate negotiations, it was possible only to try to find out on what conditions discus-sions might be opened between Germany and the Allies. Similar missions were entrusted to the German Charge d’Affaires in Madrid, Minister Von Bibra, Consul General Mollhausen in Lisbon, and the Ambassador to the Vatican, Von Weizsacker.”
There are some , hits here, far-fetched, but perhaps a chain, between (1.) Raoul Wallen-berg, his (2.) Swedish Homeguard, the convicted (3.) German agent Hagman,(1944), (4.) Schreiber, professional ” architect” as Wallenberg, and later (5.) Heinz Delbrück, at the same antisemitic conference, as (6.) Friedrich BERBER,1944 beginning of April. Berber spent 1944, most in Genf, and was in contact with the International Red Cross, ICRC, and Karl Burckhardt, and others:
Friedrich Berber, claims: (- – -” An der Rettung der Israeliten (260.000) in der Hung-arischen Hauptstadt, hat Berber unbestreitbar ein grosses persönliches Verdienst. ” – – -/supported by Karl Burckhardt /ICRC.
But anyway, Berber´s claims, of being a main rescuer, 1944, has not been mentioned, very astonishing, and the perhaps(?) confusing use of the name, in Raoul Wallenberg´s diary-book, has not been ruled out.
Arieh Ben-Tov: ” – – -At the time in question, the ICRC, was in contact with a highly placed German in Geneva, Minister BERBER, who offered to make use of his own contacts within the Nazi party, to facilitate, the ICRC´s tasks. On 16 August, 1944, HUBER and BACHMAN met BERBER, to ask him support the Committes efforts, to obtain transit visas for the intended mission by dr Vischer and Miss Ferriere, and to facilitate, the organization of the emigration operation, for which negotiations were in progress. During the discussions, Huber and Bachman requested that BERBER, help them to obtain permission, to visit, the Jews who had been deported to Germany. The minutes state that Berber was reluctant to comply with this request, stating that such a course, could, jeopardize the slight chances of success of the approaches connected with emigration and the transit visas.”- – –
Copy of the German editor, Bernd E. Scholz´s comment : ( under Mesinai/Berger 2007
14 septembre 2013 à 5:22: (could be reprinted here)
He writes : – – – « He is known to have been the object of close Soviet intelligence sur-veillance, through Mikhail Kutusov-Tolstoy, the chief NKGB agent in Hungary, who wor-ked with the Swedish Red Cross. »
Michael Kutuzov-Tolstoy /sic!/ has never been an agent of NKGB in Hungary or any-where. The only « source » you could rely on are the memoirs of the outspoken murd-erer Sudoplatov/NKVD. And MKT « didn’t work with the Swedish Red Cross », but he was the representative of the SRC in Budapest in the last weeks of war.
Recently Dr. /Craig Graham MCKAY has underlined, that the in 1987 by my publishing house (Marburg) published memoirs of Michael and Myriam Kutuzov-Tolstoy are more reliable than all the speculations of former Soviet-Russian members of the so-called « secrete services ». I knew MKT personally from Ireland and I heard from him that he didn’t estimate RW – that’s all.
But the Suisse ambassador in Budapest LUTZ was also not very enthused by RW’s method of submerging the Budapest « market » with useless « passports » the Nazis rejected. In a month there will be a German *eBook edition of the Countess’ memoirs with an app-endix of documents and so on. (= the Fall of 2013)
Bernd E.
There was 1944, an important last-ditch, German defenceline, stretching from the Bal-atonlake to the (today most dried up? ) Velencelake, and from there, over: Martonvásar, up to Budafók, a western, suburb to (Buda)Pest. (Here the Wehrmacht and SS had dep-loyed around 400 panzer-vehicles, and reserves, to battle a Soviet breakthrough, aro-und the 8th of December. (Close to a main road to Budapest.)
Both the Soviet fronts, (2nd & 3rd Ukr. ) meet at Ercsi, to the North. – – -GERRIT VAN DER WAALS, worked with the Swedes (Legation´s B-section) until 8 December 1944, when he was arrested by units of the Red Army, 4th.Guard army, (at Velencelake) or more precisely by people working for the Smersh units of the 4th Guards Army, (3rd Ukranian.Front (Due to the K.Schandl´s triology, he was sent there, to contact the Rus-sians, later to be transferred, by them, to the Allies base in Italy/ Bari.)
Within a month, both WAALS and WALLENBERG, are prisoners, of the Soviet´s Smersh units, both in for the Red army, critical battle sectors, West and East of Budapest, and without regular identifications /credible written orders, from SOE or the Swedish lega-tion, but perhaps with some personal projects, in mind, and could easily been suspected of spying, from their locations.
– – – Lieutenant Gerrit van der Waals (Vanderwaals), was an employee in the Dutch section of the “B department” at the Swedish legation in Budapest from 1944 on, and according to the Soviet files,”- when he was arrested the Dutchman was said to have been carrying documents in the English, German and French languages concerning military intelligence operations directed against the Soviet Union. ” – – –
Both were jailed and disappeared. Even Gerrit van der Waals, (specialist/forging identi-fication cards) could have informed the Smersh, of Raoul Wallenberg activities, during that coming month. Their cooperation, in Budapest, if then known, by the Russians, could have been used and turned against them, from start. What did Raoul Wallenberg knew about the fate of van der Waals, during this month ? Who betrayed – if so, (SOE ?) van der Waals ?
The “BudaPest-group”/special unit, contained six (6) divisions, commanded by I.M. AFONIN, but between the: 30th.Rifle corp, (from North) and the 18th. Guard Rifle Corp, (from South) (from the Guard Army, Leut. Major Schumilov) ,even the 7th Rom-anian Rifle Corps, joins the offensive, in direction right on – the central part of Pest. But the Romanian corp, was withdrew, the 15th of January, 1945, and was deployed in Czechoslovakia. (The Romanian casualities between the 1st of December and the 15th of January, (Budapest sector) was around, 11.000/=30%(= average Red Army-war losses)
Göran claims : (about mrs Sandorne Erdös et al, interviewed by Paul A. Levine, 1990) (+ the RW-eu.) “- – -In themselves, the stories told by the witnesses are quite incredible and their contention that Romanian forces were involved in the abd-uction of Wallenberg and his chauffeur is totally incorrect. However, it is interesting to note that the two women claim that the Swedish diplomat had been involved in discus-sions with Hungarians who were in a position to give information on the delicate rela-tions between the country and Romania.” – – –
Attila Lajos claims/ eu. : ) “- – -The credibility in the interview no 514, is weakening, when the informant, claims, there was, a ” Romanian officer, talking perfect German, who met Raoul Wallenberg, the 14th of January, 1945, and brought Wallenberg to the Russian headquarter in Cinkota , the East of Hungary.” – – -( But “Cinkota” is situated just outside East of Pest, not far away.)
The Romanian 7th. Corps, in “the Budapest Group”, was headed against the Pest city(!) parts, more than the two flanking Red Army, corps,(30th &18th) so Romanian officers, could have been in place near the positions where Raoul Wallenberg was hiding, around 13-15th January, 1945. By that, this “Romanian” connection – can´t be 100%, ruled out.
(Anyway, about ,the Romanian army´s participating and moves those days there is not that much writings, to give perspectives, in the context of Wallenberg´s walk in/ app-rehension, during of the capture of Pest, 1945.) (Due to Gellert Kovacs, the Romanians, fighted “too” fierce, against the Hungarians, their “hereditary foe”, but was “not allowed by the Russians/Malinowski, to share the honour “, of capturing, Budapest.)
“- – – The first known Soviet document, where Raoul Wallenberg is mentioned, (indir-ectly), is a preserved order, from the 317th.- Rifle division (in the 18th. Guards Corp) commander Leutn. Raga and major Smirnov, from the 12 th januari, and about prot-ection of the Swedish legation. – – –
(The 18th. Guards Rifle Corp contained three divisions, two Guards Div., the 66th. and the 68th, but the 317th. division was not a Guard division, “Guard”, always a Soviet elite force. ) (This deployment from the 24th – 30th of December 1944, so the 151st Rifle Division, could have been reinforcing, and attached, during beginning January, 1945.)
“- – -The 15th of January, the staffcommander of 2nd Ukrainian Front,Leut.General M(atvei) V(asilevich) ZACHAROV (1898-72) reports to his Marshal R.Malinowski and the Soviet General staff, (Antonov) , that Raoul Wallenberg was found, by the 151st. Rifle Division (and its 581st Infantry regiment /source Carlberg) (of the 30th Rifle Corp, of the 7th Guard Army, (=commander Col. General, M(ichail) S(tepanovich) Shumilow.) (1898-75). – – –
The 16th of January 1945, the Soviet´s vice foreign minister, Dekanozov, reports to the Swedish ambassador, Staffan Söderblom, that Raoul Wallenberg have been taken in cus-tody. (Then, even the British pressattaché in Stockholm, H.C North, soon got this mes-sage, from Söderblom)
The Leutn. General, Dmitrij A(ndrevich) KUPRIANOV, (1901-71), (66th Guard Rifle Div-ision in the 18th Guard Rifle Corp) (even in the staff of the 7th Guard Army/source Carlberg) reports to the commander of the 30th Rifle Corps, of its 151th Rifle Division´s/581 inf. reg.) contact with Wallenberg, and ordered he should be transferred to the main commander (among of, his own whole corp), 18th Guard Rifle Corp,commander Major General, Pavel A.(?) AFONIN : (this name due to to the Swedish official report/ Rydeberg), but other printed sources give for sure: . . . . . . . .
. . . . .. that, Leutn.General, (AFONIN, I(van).M(ikhailovich.) was the commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Corps, but wounded den 21/22 januari, 1945 through an ammun-ition-explosion. Then I(van) M(efodevich) Managorow, (1898-81) replaced him for a while, from the 53rd. Rifle Army, in the 2nd Ukrainian Front, (Malinowski).
But Rydeberg is wrong here, latest http://www.source gives: Ivan Mikhailovich, AFONIN, Major general, commanding the 18th. Guards Rifle Corp, since 1943, (1904-1979). (I.M Afonin even on a photo, with Marshal Malinowski´s staff, in Pestszentlörinc 25 km southeast, outside Budapest.) (Not Pavel A. Afonin, Airborne corps, commander.)
Again, AFONIN , I.M. was even the commander of the special unit, “Budapest group”, containing, (1.) the Rifle Division, probably, Major General, Iankovskii, Viktor Pavlovich/ (1907-1966) (2.) 7th Romanian Corps, and (3.) the 18th. Guards Rifle Corp, with the special mission, to capture Pest, the Eastern main part, of Budapest.
Raoul Wallenberg, was ordered under arrest, by Bulganin, the 17th of january, and tran-sported to Moscow, the 25th of January.
Wallenberg was transported due to the Russian orders,from their, the 30th. Rifle Corp, fighting from, North of Pest – to the 18th Guard Rifle Corp, in the South, the latter, most an elite force. This is something, more detailed, about the commanders/military units/deployments, and battles, what could have influenced both van der Waals´s and Wallenberg´s situation, both active in volontary contacts with the Red army units.(But much of the order of the battle, December/January is difficult, to reconstruct, from the literary sources.)
The third German offensive early in the morning of the 18th of January, with battles of the Stalingrad intensity, from South of Budapest, in order to reach Danube, and then swing to the North, to break the Siege. Very serious problems for the Red army, around the 21 of January when the Germans in the South, splitted Marshal Tolbuchins , 3rd Ukrainian front in two. The situation is stabilizing, first the 27th of January. (The first German offensive: the 1/1-6/1, the second, the 7/1-13/1, no doubt,” once a week”.) (But Wallenberg, was transferred, the day before, the 17th, what can be interpret , (if mean), as to prevent him from observing the Red Army´moves, in a critical phase, as he performed some “climbing around”, different military units/staffs.)
The Russians had to transfer, the 30th. Rifle Corp, what just finished the capture of Northern Pest, 70 km, south of Budapest, to prevent the Germans from bridging the Danube, where even, important (3rd.Ukr.) staffs/weapons already had taken up, new positions, West of the Danube. The Guard Rifle corp, had so heavy losses, they must stay behind in Pest, and by that there is no renewal of the Red Army offensive against the Buda/part – from the Pest-side. (But the Margaret-Island, the 19th-25th of January, from North.)
Hitler´s choice of Budapest as defenceline, was based on the Pest many citybuildings, suited for close battle, and hard to capture, then the river Danube, to cross, or transport warmateriels south, and on the Pest side, buildings, high mountains, advantageous for every defender. That´s why the Red army must cut off all communications with the city, for reinforcements, and in spite of that, they need 40 days to proclaim victory. But no army moving into Central Europe,could left Budapest, behind, without secure its rear.
(Both the British and the U.S, Army, must have been relieved, they were not assigned with this task.)
(G. Rydeberg/eu. gives once, the name ” G.F. Zacharov”, but means in fact, the Soviet deputy foreign minister,1955 was named even he, Zacharov, Alexei V., = Soviet Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1956. (1951-53 Dep. Foreign Trade min.)
But there is even another important : G.F. Zacharow, Army General, commanding the 4th Guard Army in the 3rd Ukrainian Front, West of Budapest, who underestimates the last German Panzer-offensive, in late January, of 5 WSS DIV. and 5 Wehrmacht Army Div. = around 25 % of the total available German Panzer forces. (General Georgi, Fed-erovich Zacharow, was replaced 1/3-1945, by Leut.Gen. : N.I. Zachwatejew)
The U.S. ambassador in Stockholm, Herschel JOHNSON`S ,personal partner,(due to George L. WEST, U.S. Consul in Stockholm, (b10.) 1942/43) assistent secretary, dip-lomat, Donald BLOOMINGDALE (1913-1954) from 1944, (date unknown), appears in those days context, of the 1940s, a bit strange. He died of a heroin overdose, 1954.
The contemporary U.S. vice consul (1942/43) George L. WEST claims even Bloomingdale was a OSS-agent, from the wellknown , even today, Bloomingdale´s department store family, (of immigrated German Jewish origin/Blumenthal). The first envoy, of the World Refugee board (WRB) Ira A. HIRSCHMANN, (Istanbul/Romania 1944) (postwar UNRRA-inspector in Germany) held a position, as executive in The Bloomingdale´s store, in New York.
Of course one thinks, was there any connection, before and after 1944, with Donald Bloomingdale and Ira Hirschmann ? In the WRB/OSS context, or as personal acquiant-ance, not that farfetched. They were assigned to U.S., foreign service, , the same year, 1944. (But no contacts between Bloomingdale/Hirschmann and Raoul Wallenberg, are confirmed, or with other diplomatic personnel, Swedish/U.S.)
Some http://www.-based credible information gives anyway: Post 1945, Donald BLOOMING-DALE seems have to been stationed in Europe, as diplomat and met for instance, John Galliher, Roderick Cameron, people active in the ” jetset”, of those days, a social crea-tive, artistic, environment, it seems, but probably with some decadent, ” La Dolce vita”, and even tragical lifestyle. Sometimes with official or secret missions from the U.S. and the, “Oh, So, Social”, OSS/CIA. Donald BLOOMINGDALE, died of a heroin overdose (1954).- – – www.
” – – -“He lived in Paris for fifteen years in,( 1948-1960) according to Tony Hail, a “very attractively” decorated apartment on the rue de Burgoyne, which he acquired through the assistance of (*) Donald BLOOMINGDALE of the New York dep-artment store family. Galliher entertained often at parties populated by the rich, the celebrated, the powerful and occasionally the notorious. Paris in those days was, he recalled to me several years ago, “the best place in the world to be, the most exciting, creative era. Everyone wanted to go there. “- – – /www.- – – In 1948, Galliher went to work in Paris for the MARSHALL PLAN and worked out of (if not for) the Department of Protocol in the American Emb-assy. He was living a charmed life; it was thus to remain for the rest of his life. .- – –
– – -” In World War II, CAMERON was assigned to the Office of Strategic Services, (OSS) the intelligence agency that morphed into the C.I.A. On loan to England, Cameron was a regular at the dinner parties given by the irascible Emerald Cunard in her Dorchester Hotel penthouse. “Providing you weren’t getting yourself blown up,” he remembered decades later, “World War II wasn’t all that bad.” Cameron enjoyed both men and wom-en. Princess George Chavchavadze, born Elizabeth Ridgway to a hugely rich American family, was a mistress. He was also extravagantly smitten with the (*) diplomat Donald BLOOMINGDALE, who died of a heroin overdose (1954). ” – – – www.
Bethsabée de Rothschild was married to (*) Donald BLOOMINGDALE of Bloomingdale`s department store family (b. 1913; d. 1954) in 1948. The marriage was short-lived. In 1951, not long after her divorce from Bloomingdale, Rothschild traveled to Israel for the first time. She ultimately settled there permanently in 1962, and became a wellknown cultural personality (dancer). – – – /Wikip.
THE U.S. DIPLOMATS , FRANCES SPALDING : (married INGA ALMSTRÖM/ KEMPE), FRAN-CIS CUNNINGHAM: (married NANE DE DARDEL , Raoul´s third cousin, ) BOTH WIFES, WITH GOOD CONTACTS/ WITH RAOUL WALLENBERG; AND SVEN SALÈN : AND THE KEM-PE, INDUSTRIALIST, FAMILY (Carl & Erik) (timber/pulp/+ The Sven Salén & Erik Kempe, financial conglomerate, post 1945)
The U.S. diplomats, Frances SPALDING, (1945-46), perhaps, and Frances CUNNINGHAM, (1942-45) (OSS), (perhaps even Donald BLOOMINGDALE (if he arrived to Sweden before July 1944), was probably in close contact with Raoul Wallenberg, then just “surroun-ded” by diplomats/OSS-agents, peacemediators. In March 1944 even the Dulles/ OSS ” The Sparrow-mission, “, to Hungary, was launched, but failed, and (didn´t work as separate peace /diversion move from the planned D-day in June, in France.)
Two, perhaps three, or four, U.S., diplomats in Stockholm, in good contact with, Raoul WALLENBERG`S family, circles, and his Aunt was married William COLVIN, an U.S. officer, militaryattaché in Stockholm, during, WW1, who Raoul visited during his U.S. stay,Mich-igan Univ. 1933/34. His cousin, May Nisser,(1911-1969) with the German nobleman, Enzio von Plauen, (married 1935) with a big estate, property, outside Berlin, (1897-1973). His halfsister Nina married the diplomat, Gunnar Lagergren, then serving in the Swedish legation, Berlin 1944.
(Please add : the Commercial attaché, (b.98) Charles Estell DICKERSON J:r (1938) in the U.S. legation, the same address, as Raoul Wallenberg´s office around 1938-40, (Kungs-gatan 30/The first Twin Towers), before the whole legation was concentrated downtown, at the Strandvägen no.7, moving together with, Wallenberg, 1940. If they met, and when is unknown. DICKERSON, a Harward-student, anyway wrote a quite good study : Adver-tising in Sweden, (a special marketsurvey for investors.) (1938) U.S.Dep. of Commerce/ Foreign and domestic commerce. /Roper/Dye.
Then Iver Olsen met by accident, the neighbor, the Hungarian Jewish, businessmen, Kalaman Lauer, Raoul´s partner,(Meropa) in the elevator, Spring 1944, and the rest is history. . . (As Olsen or the US./OSS, didn´t check Lauer, from start, 1940/41, then working in the same building…)
In order to describe, the U.S. diplomatic activities in Sweden, contemporary to Raoul Wallenberg, this huge OSS and intelligence presence, must be analyzed. This inform-ation gives a broader picture of those days, not before stressed, but needed.
But professor W. Agrell, (intelligence historian) claims Herschel Johnson was negative to the heavy OSS presence, during the war as : W.Tikander, (Finnish orig.) I.Olsen (+WRB) (Norwegian orig.) F.Cunningham, ( F. Spalding), Cole, Hooper, Bloomingdale. And pro-bably Ira Hirschmann had acquaintance in this circles.
Can the present Swedish diplomatic corps, still today, accept secret, foreign/domestic missions from foreign powers, (as WRB) receiving money, instructions, and still have diplomatic immunity ? Raoul WALLENBERG was the 5th and only Swede, of the WRB:s envoys, abroad : I.Olsen (Stockholm) R.McClelland (Berne) R.C Dexter (Lisboa), L. Acker-man (North Africa), 1944.
THE THREAT TO UKRAINIAN JEWRY: By Inna Rogatchi / Israeli Newspaper/ Arutz Sheva: 21 February .2014.
“- – – -Ukrainian Jewry is facing a real and serious threat, and it is simply chilling to write about it on the eve of commemorating the 70th anniversary of the destruction of Hungarian Jewry. The Hungarian government is putting the commemoration on the back burner, expectedly, but unacceptably.
Twenty five years ago, in 1989, there were almost 500.000 Jews in Ukraine. In just over a decade, 80% of them left the country. This fact alone tells a lot about the country’s attitude and atmosphere vis a vis Jews. Ten years later, that number had diminished by a third. Now, less than 70,000 Jews are citizens of Ukraine, according to official statistics.
That enormous shrinking of the Jewish population is one of the most tangible charact-eristics of the independent Ukraine, one has to face it. And now there is palpable and increasing danger to the Jewish people and Jewish institutions in the country. The world community should become vigilant and alert to this threat. It should act immediately in order to preserve and guarantee necessary safety to those people and institutions. There is no ‘tomorrow’ for that.- – – ” /Inna Rogatchi /Arutz Sheva: Israel.
That´s what Attila LAJOS asks in his WALLENBERG-dissertion 2004. Lajos couldn´t find any businesscontacts in the ” official”, calender.There, sometimes Lajos interprets the handwritings, names/notifications wrong, what he shares with all ” we” others, and even because that some facts were not officially known, 10 years ago. (But Wallenberg´s handwriting was difficult to read, in spite(?) of his profession as architect, some say.)
(For instance Ms BERBER SMIT (daught./Lolle Smit) was not known then, not the ” 2nd of December 1943, partyguest-list”, and no one mentioned, as I, mr professor Fritz BER-BER, the German AA-Ribbentrop,/ Genf-official (ICRC/DRK) 1944/45, and the possib-ility, of mixing up with SS/BECHER”, all this names, wellknown here.
But Lajos gives in footnote,,(no. 800) another more, interesting notification, done by Raoul WALLENBERG, tempting anyway myself, to new fresh ” speculations”, good or bad, but based most on associations from the main official investigation facts, of a secret “airborne” visit in Sweden, the Fall 1944. (Here, Lajos dealing probably with the last pages of the diary, beginning of year 1945, but perhaps without dates, and if connected, with one another ? – unknown. )
Source: Attila LAJOS quoting the diary, : / (in Swedish): ( – – – ” Per Anger´s and the unknown (ms) Ulla Collet´s phonenumber and an address to someone in Buda-pest, named ” Steinberg ” , and another cryptic notification(!) ” : ” Murray Payne ask Torsten Boltenstein from Ihaj von Plummen. Sjöholm´s Estate-administration, Katrine-holm 359.” Just like that….
Who was ” Murray PAYNE” ? I don´t know. Could be someone unknown, but prob-ably not in the service of the British legation in Sweden. Or perhaps, just another British (timberdealer) company, as “PHARAO GANE “, Cyril Cheshire/SIS/Stockholm, qouted in Craig McKay´s notes 2011, first suspected of being another “a Nazi-agent” or “stamp-dealer ?
(* But Ms Ulla COLLETT, wellknown, was a female Swedish friend of Raoul, at ” the cocktailparty”, 1943, as of course even mr Per Anger.)
Who was “Torsten Boltenstein “. I suggest, Torsten “Boltenstein ” stands for ” Torsten BOLTENSTERN”, a Swedish Airforce pilot: 2nd. lieutenant,(fänrik) (1936), and 1938, (lieutenant /löjtnant), and later during the war, in the Air force reserve.
Later civil pilot, for the Swedish airliner company, ABA (AB Aerotransport), at least, 1944, when BOLTENSTERN and his crew, on the DC-3 (Eagle/Örnen) was contacted during a regulary flight, to Gotland, and could, by a skillfully navigator, locate, two survivors from the torpedoed Swedish coastal steamer, ” S/s HANSA “, the 24th of November, 45 km from land, the worst shipdisaster, ever then, 84 victims, (Fr. Nynäs-hamn 23.30(23.11) – arrival Visby/Gotland,07.30/24.11). Boltenstern took off, Friday, the 24th, 11.15, from the Bromma airport/Stockholm. A Soviet U-boot had hitted the steamer with a torpedo, during the dark morning 05.57 a cl., the official investigation later, arrived at.
Jochum Torsten BOLTENSTERN was born nobility (n:o 2295) 1913. Books about the HANSA-sinking, claims : – ” Boltas ” had been through many dangerous missions, as pilot, especially bound for Britain, during the war.” ” He managed to fly, about close to, just 10 meters above the waves, then, (Hansa-case). “. (Even the pilot Carl Gustaf von ROSEN /*my 45./, flew with journalists, in the same Hansa -area/ *As von Rosen, he even visited, Britain, with a secret separate, memorized peace-plan from Her-mann Göring, 1940, and had his own file in the OSS-archive,(11301) suspected of clo-aking German assets.
This were the month after Iver Olsen/WRB/OSS had ceased his 1944, ” Rescuing-of-Latvian/Balltic -Jews-operation”, (they were all dead since 1941) and the Finnish “STELLA POLARIS ” secret intelligence-unit, coup, arrived in some vessels, to Sweden.
The 30th of October, 1944 , the Foreign minister, Christian GÜNTHER denied, in the Parliament, all Swedish official involvement, regarding the secret transports from the Baltic States/Sea.
But one strange, observation by the two miraculouse survivors, on a wet, cold,life-raft, speaks about a sharp beam of light, that suddenly lighted up the wreckscene, and their raft, but were soon switched off. They believed, this searchlight, was operated, from the U-boot, checking the sinking, and then dived. But a few years ago, a young historian from Gotland, (Ringbom) who lost his Grandfather, with S/s Hansa, (crew) presented an-other hypothesis, of this observation, what 1944/45, even that, was excluded from the investigation.
Behind the S/s HANSA, about 4-5 nautical mile (distance-minuts) there was another ship, the auxiliary cruiser no 4, (in fact the merchant vessel, “WARIA”, (Sveabolaget.) requested by the military, but not acting that night as escortship.) Probably, the search-light, was turned on from that ship, no.4, and then switched off, without trying to res-cue, the two survivors. A good reason, no doubt to proceed, immediately if there were U-boots, in the neigborhood. But the researcher claimed, the no 4. cruiser, had secret orders from the Swedish military intelligence, then, the C-buraeu, (Bonde/ C.Petersen/ H. Ternberg) to arrive at the Visby harbor, without delays, of any kind, during the voy-age. They accomplished their mission.
The young historian´s conclusion: ” – The ship no. 4, carried secret, intelligence mat-eriel/ radios /or similar, bound for the Baltic States, (or perhaps Denmark), a secret mission ordered by the C-bureau, very active 1944/45, dominating, things on Gotland. Even Iver OLSEN/ U.S /OSS, War refugee Board(WRB) used Eastern Gotland as base for picking up, or deploy Baltic nationals/refugees, and agents/radios, as we know. The OSS/ Westfield Mission in Stockholm, cooperated with the C-bureau, in deliveries of we-apon,even to Denmark. (The Estonians, involved, could not be based on Gotland, of secrecy, reasons, but had to travel from Stockholm/Nynäshamn by the Gotlandferries, perhaps S/s Hansa, with secret expeditions, up to November, 1944.
Unthought, the Gotland area, was as hot and troubled “war”/refugee-zone, reminding of Budapest, that Fall, 1944. (Same pattern, as the C-bureau/OSS-agent Thorsten (The Kid) AKRELL, must leave Budapest, by orders, going right back to Stockholm, Septem-ber 1944, to deliver his fresh information, for Bonde and Olsen/OSS, in spite of the Swedish legation´s Danielsson´s and Wallenberg´s real need of him. (Then, Akrell was in company with his wife, Märtha, (nee Alrutz) , with OSS/covername ” TATJANA” , not mentioned,before. )
Soviet u-boots in the Baltic sea, coincided, with other Allied/Soviet operations against the German forces (WSS/Rendulic/2nd Mountain Army, 200.000) (in cooperation with Finland/Lapplandswar), during their withdrawal from Northern Finland, over Rovaniemi, to Norway/Lyngen, from October, 1944-1945, (100.000 refugees) (*where even a U.S /OSS-unit took part, blowing bridges, in Norway, Operation Rype, under command of William COLBY, operations financed in secret, by the diplomat Iver Olsen/OSS. Things seemed really mixed up, then, to both support the common Allied war efforts, and take up positions, after Germany had surrendered. (later, in Sweden organising secret Stay-behinds-group, with Naziveterans, against the will of the government, later CIA-execu-tive, and Operation Phoenix in Vietnam.)
The S/s Hansa sinking, happened the same week, Raoul Wallenberg, perhaps visited Sweden, 20-23 November, if so, due to speculations, in Göran Engblom´s book: Himmlers fred (peace) out from his empty diary. (One can ask, did Raoul Wallenberg, have knowledge, about, the pressarticles, or were probably too buzy, concerning Iver Olsen/WRB, and the Baltic transports, the 17th of October, (*a trivial leak from an gar-den employee, in service, with the Baltic States, diplomat, Laretei) the Peter Kleist/Iver Olsen meeting, Jews-for-sale, and capitulation-sounderings, and the S/s Hansa-disas-ter, the 24.11.1944.
” Ihaj von PLUMMEN” , what I interpreting,suggest as Raoul Wallenberg´s German brother-in-law, (married his cousin May Nisser, 1935), had an own estate, outside Berlin: = the Baron ENZIO VON PLAUEN. They went, permanent to Sweden, around 1943. Enzio and May, von Plauen lived southeast of Katrineholm, in Hovsta, (and Skep-pargatan/Stockholm, close to Strandvägen no. 7) very close to Carl NISSER, at the Broby estate, his father-in-law.
What was the The Sjöholms (=Sea-islet) Estate-administration. Katrineholm 359. Stands no doubt for the SJÖHOLM estate, situated about 5 km:s from the little town, KATRINE-HOLM, (southwest, of Stockholm) and no. “359” was the correct phonenumber, 1944. Sjöholm, just close to the Lake Näsnaren, perhaps with possibilities of landing a “Bigg-les” hydroplane, there ( 2.000 meters length, then, at least) and then go to Stockholm, by car, or railway.
So, there are indications: a British (?) connection,(Anglo-Saxon) with unknown signif-icance, as” Murray PAYNE “. But we have anyway, (if so) an experienced, Swedish airforce pilot, Torsten BOLTENSTERN, probably capable of landing on small lakes, (as Lake Näs-naren) and we have the phonenumber (“359 “) to the biggest estate, on the shore, Sjöholm (1.300 hectares, incl. fields 600 hectares.).
But remember (!) , that a close relative (Aunt) to Raoul´s stepfather: Fredrik von DAR-DEL, (b.85) Amelie von DARDEL, (b.1866-1919), married 1889, Gustaf Adolf BOLT-ENSTERN (b. 1861-1935) Colonel, in OG dressyr-riding, as his son Gustaf Adolf (b.04), OG- 1912/1952, so that name/contact, could be explained.
And probably Raoul´s German brother-in-law, Enzio VON PLAUEN, but of unknown significance. Or perhaps timberbusiness (!) , with Cyril Cheshire, a sawmill for the 700 forest hectares, existed on Sjöholm, taxation, the year 1916, for 2.000 SEK, or other agricultural business.
(Boltenstern was after the war, 1948, a short time, assigned to command a military airlift, transport-squadgroup.)
But of course, neither the Lewenhaupts or Boltenstern or anyone else, mustn´t be accused in public, at all, of being implicated, in this hypothesis, but for the sake of the now official research-situation, and the actual notifications, not before scrutinized.
The Sjöholm estate was owned by the brother and sister: Adam LEWENHAUPT (b. 1861- d.26th of December 1944) and Charlotta Lewenhaupt, (b. 1855-1957) but there was even some kind of arrangement then with a lawyer, (Kindstrand) and an administrator/ inspector: =
Mr Johan C:son ASKER, (b.15) with the directory phonenumber, ” 359″, in Wallenberg´s diary, 1944, and later lease-holder/farmer (1980), of the estate BECKERHOF, 10 km:s south Katrineholm. He has close kinship with : =
Mr Carl Edvard C:son ASKER. (b.99) (1961/ Consul-Peru) listed as navyengineer (reser-ve) in the same list, duting the 1930s, as J. Holger GRAFFMAN, the confident of Jakob Wall-enberg, in the TRANSFER AB. ( Oil trade/currency) (GRAFFMAN organised a sep-arate capitulation meeting, in beginning of October, 1943, with US./OSS Abraham HEW-ITT, Felix Kersten and Walter Schellenberg, RSHA VI/SS/SD, at his address, house(villa) Blom-sterstigen no. 15,(owned even no.10+11) Danderyd, Stockholm, the same street, where Per ANGER bought a house (villa), postwar, Blomsterstigen no. 9.)
(Some km:s there to the south, Raoul Wallenberg´s enterprising mother May von Wising, 1936, procure a bigger part of land, and parceled out lots, landspeculation, (Kevinge strand) built a house, where they lived from 1938, before moving to the city. )
(GRAFFMAN issaid to have been an OSS/asset, as probably Per Anger, when meeting Iver OLSEN, in August 13, 1944, in Stockholm.) (If Olsen directed his cloaking economic transactions, through, the U.S, affiliations, of TEXACO OIL, GOOD YEAR, perhaps conn-ections existed with Transfer AB,(Oil) that´s unknown.) (Graffman was in the Swedish navy committée,1940, purchasing the three Italian destroyers, later during delivery were captured by the British fleet, in June 1940, what soured the Swedish/British rela-tions for the rest of war.
But C.E. ASKER (b.99) was here interestingly enough, senior engineer in the : Ackumu-lator Fabriks AB TUDOR, a company of German origin,(AFA) what during the 1920/30s produced in a cloaking relation, batteries for the German u-boots, in Sweden, against the Versailles-peace, rather usual then in Sweden,(Junker/Landswerk) but around 1936, this production was located to Germany. 1939, there were 160 employees, in Sweden, and soon doubled, this workforce, in order to furnish the Swedish defence, with U-boots-batteries, and storage-batteries. 1944/45 the relations with Germany ceased, and 1945, the company, got administrated, by the Swedish bureau for liquidation of German economic assets, (=Flyktkapitalbyrån), by political pressure from the Allies, and ASKER probably quit his employment, by that. (The Asker boys, managed to marry, a string of female classic nobilities, from the families : Palmstierna, Bildt, Lilliehöök.)
The Hewitt/Graffman contacts, seemed in line with Allen DULLES/OSS/Berne personal meetings with German envoys, during 1943/44 . Allen DULLES, and his OSS/circles, was as their German counterparts, in contact in opposition to their respective leaders, presi-dent Roosevelt – and the ” Führer.”, trying to soundering for separate capitulation,(as Dulles and SS/General Wolff, at last did, 1945.) Their purpose was to avoid a German unconditional capitulation, and avoid a Soviet occupation of Central Europe, 1945 – the problem was that U.S. first must defeat Japan, 1945, with the help of the Red army, in Manchuria, the 600.000, strong, Kwantung army.
Jakob Wallenberg´s contacts with the Kreisauer group, Carl Goerdeler, et al, ended with the Operation Valkyrie, von Stauffenberg´s failed attempt 20th of July, 1944 against the Führer. This was the last thing Stalin wished, to happen, a new, non-nazi,anti-comm-unist, and pro-West, German government, what easily could sign, a separatepeace. By the attempt, the extended struggle for power, between the party , NSDAP/SS and the Army, Wehrmacht/Abwehr, ended with the former´s victory.
Perhaps Raoul WALLENBERG, with his no doubt personal, pronounced, (“Oh,So,Social”), (Office of Strategic Service) OSS-agent/ profile, became suspected of carrying this separate capitulation project, a step further, then in contact with the SS-clique, as Kurt Becher via /Fegelein/Himmler, from Budapest 1944. (* Many OSS-reports, seem even dealing, more with information about key-persons, in Abwehr or SD/SS, for instance than the daily situation on the fronts, and military operations.(* And most of all, econ-omic/business, matters, concerning the Axis powers, and more seldom “cloak and dag-ger”, operations, compared to the successor, CIA.)
Raoul was really by birth, incredible embedded, in the fabric, of Swedish financial/nob-ility/ military/ international/ diplomatic circles, as perhaps no other, but without any real position, of his own, as incredible, even that. His perhaps real “fortune”, observed by the Soviets, intelligence, utilized during extended interrogations, and as a relative, comments these, days, (Jerusalem Post), it´s even possible, Raoul Wallenberg survived the 17th of July of 1947, because of that.
Perhaps U.S/OSS field station/Stockholm, utilized, profiled, groomed, observed Raoul Wallenberg´s social ” competence”, traveling, military training, and his presumed need of ascension. Perhaps his central position, that´s why Smertj, immediately made him incommunicado, interested not only of his ad hoc WRB-mission, the OSS State-of-the-art, knowledge of his former (or potential/ future ) separate capitulation missions , but even his outstanding, central position in the highest and historic, dominating Swedish society/financial establishment, with daily personal contacts, shaping the ” perfect cataract”, as V. Agrell, puts it, in another context.
Craig McKay, (Notes…2011) gives a: “Count and Countess LEWENHAUPT, executive in the Hungarian affiliation of STAB (Matches) company, MAGIRT,owned by the Wallenberg-sphere. But, this, Gustaf Mauritz Lewenhaupt, (b.84) died in March 1935, (left wife and two sons and a daughter, this due to the Swedish Peerage.)
But this Katrineholm´s Lewenhaupts, and Budapest´s are from two different branches, 1st, and 4th of the Lewenhaupts, but could had been om speaking terms. Wallenberg, seemed to have many contacts in the Swedish nobility. Lewenhaupt livving at Nádor utca 38, Budapest, for at least part of the Second World War and that they were known to Yngve EKMARK, formerly manager of the Swedish Match Company and subsequently attached to the Swedish legation in Budapest where he worked closely with Wallenberg.
If there were any connections, with this two elder and younger, branches/generations of the Lewenhaupts , are unknown. (Carl Gösta NISSER´s , b.1905 (whose father Carl mar-ried Raouls Aunt, Anna) married 1936-51, with Countess Louise Birgitta LEWENHAUPT (b. 14) (Cousins of the MAGIRT-family.)
But with support, of the Lajos, diary-observations,this could shape a more credible chain of indications, supporting an airtrip, done by Raoul Wallenberg, the Fall of 1944, October/November, from Budapest, perhaps landing in Copenhagen, then going by a Swedish seaplane, and landing on the Lake Näsnaren, close to the estate of Sjöholm, and by car to Katrineholm-Stockholm, 160 km, (today 2hrs, train 1hr.)
Marcus Wallenberg (1981) :- “Raoul visited him ,in Stockholm, during his Budapest stay, the Fall of 1944,” a claim mrs Nina Lagergren later questioned, in a letter to Marcus. ” If so, between two planes ” as his halfbrother Guy von Dardel put it. ” ” – But he never could have traveled back to Stockholm, without visiting his mother ? , some say. But he was anyway in U.S. 1931 September- 1935 March , 3.5 years without seeing his mother. . . he wasn´t spoiled,stayed abroad for long periods.
But most the name of an experienced airforcepilot, 1944, Torsten Jochum BOLTEN-STERN, is most , interesting, not being highlighted, before as the “359” telephone-number, to Johan C:son ASKER, and his relatives, in Stockholm, and the given estate, (then Lewenhaupt´s) Sjöholm/the Lake Näsnaren, rather close to Stockholm, cannot but incite speculations. Did you know if Thorsten B., knew Raoul ?
Even Thorsten AKRELL, the C-Bureau/OSS agent, (The Kid) with OSS-transmitters, meet-ing Raoul Wallenberg,in Budapest,, in September, 1944 had, anyway 1946, August, a pilotcertificate, flying around Europe, 12.000 km, with a little aircraft, Piper-Cub, an adventurer like, and more than,Wallenberg. (Later pilot in Yemen, CIA/mission ?) (1933 he visited a private British air school, Heston (probl. London), later Swedish certificate, (1936), in Linköping. Did you know Thorsten A. could fly ?
Both BOLTENSTERN and AKRELL,(nobilities) were borned 1913, in July, and had their birthplaces/father´s estates, living, not that far from each other, in, Southern Sweden 120 km. (by air/crow, of course).
(1.) The ABA-pilot, (1.) Carl Gustaf von ROSEN, (b.1909), from HELGESTA ,(Lake Yngaren) about 50 km:s West from Katrineholm, the Sjöholm estate. Probably this trio of pilots had some knowledge of each others, where-abouts, and Raoul, was even here, far from a “Mr No-body”… in this circles of some contemporary, younger male nobilities.
(2.) Holger GRAFFMAN (b. 1897), in VADSBRO, Hedenlunda Södermanland, (father J.Greijmer) even that close, 25 km:s to Katrineholm.
(3.) Carl NISSER, married with Raoul´s aunt, Anna Wising,(1903) living at the BROBY estate, (Lake Yngaren) closer than that, to Katrineholm. Shaping a cluster of close-to-lakes-landowners, in the deep Södermanland province.
(And (4.) Enzio von PLAUEN/May Nisser in HOVSTA)
A no doubt (too ?) long and extended, farfetched, perhaps “over”-associated story, but I can´t but compile the facts, as they emerge and presenting themselves, during the pro-cess, in a way, and giving some rather, new angles, not in print before. Perhaps ruling out some things, or anyway for those more obsessed, “the who´s -who-specialists.
But I have some doubts, myself, and will not bank too heavy, on this archival “scoop”, it could crack, if being checked.” I blame it on the perhaps “official” previous, lack of att-ention. So far, I bank more on Raoul Wallenberg´s central outstanding, position, in the establishment, as decisive factor, probably peace-sounderings, the Budapest SS-con-tacts, and contacts with, Iver Olsen/Baltic operations, OSS-profile, and his strange un-authorized moves in January 1945.
The alleged rebus : ” Murray Payne + (ask)+Torsten Boltenstein+ (from)+ Ihaj von Plum-men. + Sjöholm´s estate+ tel.359, ( =J. C:son Asker/ 1944) could even mean some-thing very trivial, or nonsense, misunderstanded connections, or delivery of potatoes, with no bearings at all on Raoul Wallenberg´s fate, but they are there, and could per-haps anyway deepen, the basic knowledge, of parts of the possible Swedish network, around him.
In the same time, the military/political/historical/environment, surrounded the S/s HANSA`S sinking, 24th of November 1944, producing a reconstructed, picture of the contemporary pattern, a hint of what “options were on the table “, in many ways remin-ding, reflecting, some aspects of Raoul Wallenberg´s alleged situation and fate in Budapest.
All names here, and individuals, are mentioned, only out from their presumed presence, in the Raoul Wallenberg´s diary, or in the research literature, and if, with close relations with his personal circles/business contacts/ relatives, and/or only compiled/ qouted from official, printed sources, only to shed, if possible, new light regarding the Wall-enberg case.
From w.w.w/local source/Gotland. – – ” Sinking by mistake, a Soviet or German U-boat ? Probably not a mistake, as the ship was illuminated, the sight good. But strange if a Soviet U-boat commander, should have launched a torpedo, without carefully confirm-ing the ship´s nationality. There were even other ships in the area, as Finnish, but then, since September 1944, a peacedeal was in place, with Moscow, and even Swedish vess-els were frequent here.
– – -Did the commander, knew, he torpedoed a Swedish passengership ? If so, why ? One credible motive, was that the shipowner,(consul Carl Ekman) during the Fall, let his ships, transporting refugees from Estonia/Latvia, from Gotland, to Swedish ports. This was ceased when the Soviets, complained, and Soviet u-boats, were observed outside Gotland. – – -(But Hansa was torpedoed, on her way to Gotland.)
– – -As late as 1993, new facts were published: – – -The shipopwner, had during the Fall, transported both German military cargo, and military personnel, from Finland, the Baltic States, during their main withdrawal, in the East. The official investigation, had been informed, in February 1945, but didn´t published this facts. Those Russian U-boats in the area, had authority, to even attack merchant-, as passenger ships, if suspected, acting against Soviet, and the Allied´s warefforts. – – –
S/s Hansa carried a cargo,of around 3.000 kg military explosives, (nitrolite) (in fact, 166 pieces of “burkladdningar “= explosive tin-charges, about 15 kg:s each.(or less, due to Army standards) Perhaps for delivery to The Baltic States, anti-Soviet resistance ? The reason, delivering them for the defence of Gotland, seems today, a bit myster-ious, but ?…could be. Did the Russian´s had information of the cargo ? (Perhaps more knowledge, than most Swedes, even today – I´m afraid, even this and other important information went down (80 m.depth) with S/s Hansa, reminding of Raoul Wallenberg´s disappearance.
(But the German army, evacuated the Estonian coast, the Ösel island, that same day, 24th November, 1944, and their freighters could have been evacuated personnel, and may have been sailing in the area. )
(Already in July, 9th 1941, three (3) German car- and passenger ferries,(each of 100 meters length, 5.000/2.500/2.500 tonnes/& together 1.200 mines) converted to minelayers, with navy artillery), were lost in a Swedish minefield, when using the more secure passage, between Gotland and the Southeast of the Öland Island, after their, “mission accomplished”, in the German/Finnish Barbarossa attack, minelaying the Gulf of Finland, before/ after the 22nd of June.) (The Swedish navy had mined at German request, a small area not covered, of the huge, Kriegsmarine´s “Wartburg” mega-minefield, cross over the southern Baltic Sea, and even published that in official shipping news, what the German legation failed to communicate, to the her own navystaff.)
During 1944, informations had reached the Foreign ministry, (UD-H/Trade) through the Swedish secret service, about a number of pro-German business executives, maintain-ing secret contacts with German companies. The head of the UD-H, mr Rolf Sohlman (later ambassador in Moscow), became upset, and dispatched the 18th October, a writ, to those implicated, ” reminding of the, Law of War Trade, concerning the prohibition of delivering any information, serving the interests of a foreign power.
The executive of Gotland´s shipping company, consul, Carl Ekman, a keen supporter of Third Reich, was one of the six executives, receiving the UD-writ. (The case is handled even in a report, headed: ” The transfering of German property, to new Swedish owners. “/UD-archive.) (The consul, Carl Ekman was even member of the pro-NS/Swedish-Ger-man society (f. 1937), as even mr Carl Florman, the head of ABA/Airlines.)
In February 1945, two other ships,there, became targets of, but missing, torpedoes. (* In total, the Soviets, most bottled up in the Gulf of Finland, sank about five (5) Swedish ships, during the war,(=ironore/coal-cargoes, 1942) compared to around 100 Swedish ships, lost by the German navy´s actions, 1939-1945.)
Strange,in a way, the Socialdemocrat parliamentarian, and (LO) union man, Carl LIND-BERG, who we know from attending Raoul Wallenberg´s lessons in the National (Para-military) Homeguard, 1940-44, (later official head there) complained in the Riksdag, about, ” the ship, sailed during, the night, loading explosives,(weight, six times over certificate) (allowed 500kg:s / without the regulated policewatch, and compensation for the relatives, as the explosives then, alone could have caused the wreck. And more than strange, that Carl Lindberg, (riksdagsman) signed the alleged “mother of all Soviet sub-version postwar activities”, in the Swedish Peace Committée, from The World Peace conference in Paris, 1949, for Peace, and against nuclear weapons, the Stockholm´s appeal. (I can´t see no other active parliamentarian, named Carl Lindberg, then…)
There´s some more information, dealing with two diplomatic attachés serving, during Herschel Johnson´s watch, 1944/45. First, Donald BLOOMINGDALE, said to be OSS-agent, due to George L. WEST,(b.10) (2nd secretary, 1944).
Donald Bloomingdale (b.1913-d.1954), was probably, postwar, about, 1945, transfer-red, to the U.S. legation in France, Paris. (my comment: no.48/2012) Bloomingdale, married Bethsabee de ROTHSCHILD, (b.14) ,1948. He was probably active in organising, the U.S MARSHAL Plan of 1947, perhaps with John Galliher, (my comment 2014:4).Mem-bers of her, the Rotschild´s family, had as Jews, to leave France, 1940, and Bethsabee, then joined the Free Franch Army, and arrived back, on the D-day,1944, and served as liaiason officer, between FFA and US. Army, 1945.
Bethsabee´s relatives in the famous Jewish banker family, Rotschilds, owned some very big, historic and famous buildings in Paris,(Hotel Rotschild/Talleyrand what 1948/50, was purchased by the U.S. legation, after they used/rented them for the “MARSHAL PLAN”-administration,The Marshall Plan for European Economic Recovery (1947-1952). and what today are the U.S. French Embassy´s main quarters. Perhaps Bethsabee, and Donald Bloomingdale, met, in this special postwar circumstances, 1948, but soon divor-ced, 1951.
Could Donald Bloomingdale, as alleged OSS-agent, 1944, been implicated, in some ways, in the Raoul Wallenberg mission, before/or after July 1944 ? Based perhaps on his Jewish background, or his probably acquaintance, with the first WRB-envoy, Ira Hirsch-mann, their, “common” Bloomingdale family, background, Hirschmann as executive in the big (U.S) Bloomingdale´s department store. Perhaps someone knows ?
If this French business, was perhaps, rather uncontroversial, but of general interest, the alleged operations of G. Frederic DOWLING, U.S.-attaché in Stockholm,(1945), publis-hed by the Norwegian professor/ intelligence-historian, Tore Pryser, (2010) must instil deep indignation. It´s about the presumed and mysterious murder of the very important Norwegian resistance personality, Kai Holst,(Milorg/ SIS-agent), the 27th of June, 1945, in Stockholm, perhaps ordered by the Swedish C-bureau. (see comment 2013)/
The Swedish-British relations, were no doubt bad, during the war, so not incredible, that the Swedish C-bureau, was prepared to, assist or be assisted, the U.S./ OSS, to access, the German Sonderführer Edmund Sala-/Abwehr-unit, from Lillehammer, and if Holst, was alleged going to report this, “intelligence coup “, perhaps to SIS/D. MacEwen, at the Rindögatan no 44, it would have been a disaster, for not only,the Swedish policy of neutrality, the Spring 1945, but her British-Soviet, and the U.S. -U.K. relations.
If so Holst, was no doubt, a “dead-man-walking” , after he interrogated German POWs, in Lillehammer, the day before, the 26th of June, then ordered to be drived to Stock-holm, as his own ” courier”, and realized that the Sala-group, (Abwehr/Meldekopf Nord-land) was to be delivered to the U.S. German occupied zone, via Sweden. Perhaps a mr Edward LINDER started his service for the OSS, 1945, with the murdering of Kai Holst, at the Rindögatan no. 42, due to Tore Pryser (2010).
And much of the actual historical circumstances, pointing in that direction, not the least the Swedish quasi-“policeinvestigation”, seem aimed to cover up, and hide the real circumstances, when Holst was shot in the head. Perhaps taking revenge on the British SIS, or silencing anyone, what so ever, standing in the way, threatening, to reveal the Swedish/NaziGermany/United States-collaboration, against the proclaimed neutrality, and U.S´s other Allies – too early, too much, post-war, but before Japan was defeated, in August, 1945. An “intelligence coup” – too far ? Of course Kai Holst´s Swedish säpo-file is nonexistent, obliterated, …in spite of his central position, in the Norwegian/Allied resistance.
The smoking gun, is said, literally to have been fired, in a joint operation, by G. Frederic DOWLING, alleged OSS/CIA-agent, and a Swede, with an international antecedentia, borned in China (?) then att-ending Swedish school, emigrated to Canada, and later in secret agentservice of Canada /Toronto, and Britain/SIS during the war, mr Edward LINDER, (b.12).
He arrived postwar to Sweden, and had some contacts with the attaché, DOWLING.
A man named “ANDERSSON” was later denounced as the hitman, = Edward LINDER, due to Pryser, (2010). (Pryser´s presumtions based on an article, written by the historian, associated professor Rolf Karlbom, 1996, LINDER here´s even implicated in the Wallen-berg-case, due to his own Moscow/Swedish embassy testim-ony, 1955.)
Edward Linder later took part in the “Operation Freedom Road”, to liberate German missile experts, and deliver them to USA, 150 raids behind the ironcurtain, But 1949, Linder was shot and arrested in May, in Russia, and spent many years in prison/camps, up to 1959, later married a Russian woman, had to live in Sumy, Ukraine, and could leave the USSR, first during 1985, for Toronto.
But 1986, September, he suddenly disappeared, from Toronto, writing home he should visit “old friends” in West-Berlin, “perhaps via Stockholm” /Source: The tabloid: Afton-bladet, 26.12.1986, strange, only 10 months after the murder of Olof Palme, 28.2.1986 a real Swedish deep trauma, but far less hyped than Raoul Wallenberg, if at all, by the official United States, not that unexpected, by Swedes, in general. But there is perhaps, fresher news of LINDER`S fate , in the Toronto Star´s archive, the ” thrillersection”.
G. Frederic DOWLING was active in an official, enterprise: http://www.- – -U.S. Commercial Company. The U.S. Commercial Company was created March 27, 1942, as a subsidiary of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Executive Order 9361 of July 15, 1943, tra-nsferred control of the U.S. Commercial Company to the : Office of Economic Warfare, which, by executive Order 9380 of September 25, 1943, was consolidated into the: Foreign Economic Administration.- – –
– – -Activities: The Company serves as the corporate agent of the Foreign Economic Administration for the procurement and development of strategic materials and essential foodstuffs, outside the United States, the operation of certain special projects for the Army and Navy in war zones, the execution of certain kinds of economic warfare against the enemy, and the facilitating of American trade with areas with which direct commercial dealings have been cut off or restricted by reason of the war. / Approved. / Leo T. Crowley.www.- – –
Tore Pryser, mentioned this company, (2010) but with wrong abbreviation/printing err-or, = “O.S.” Commercial Company, leading a bit astray, looks like a personal, by DOW-LING,owned trading company, with goods for the U.S. Army, as a cloaking business – what it probably was.
But in fact, due to above/www: U.S. Commercial Company , was deeply embedded in the U.S. WW2 war authorities, the Foreign Economic Adminstration, (f.: Office of Econ-omic Warfare), with the mission of trading with strategical materiels,essential foodstuff, out-side U.S., special projects for the Army/Navy, in war zones, economic warfare, and trade with areas, cut off, or restricted, by reason of the war.” (In Sweden, this company, traded with, “matches, sewingmachines, irons, toilet paper, for U.S. Army.” /AB.)
The U.S Commercial Company was by that, instruction, and legislation, probably not that secret, but well suited to do business, of all kind, public or in the greyzone, not the least, acting like a cloaking umbrella, and could perhaps been, sometimes confused, abroad, with for instance the U.S. War Refugee Board, of 1944, both alleged, being invo-lving OSS-tasks.
Conclusions: The connections between the Swedish military intelligence, the C-bureau, (what was dissolved after official investigation, 1946, accused of grave disorder, theft of the German Abwehr/Sala-group´s war strongbox/cash, illegal weapontrade, for inst-
ance… ), and the United States intelligence, OSS-fieldstation, and most Iver OLSEN`S Baltic refugee operations, seems a heavy factor, (Pryser 2010), as the information of
Edward Linder, gives a clue, of the climate, and could perhaps, have been decisive, when the Soviets secret service, judged the possibility of a similar covert intelligence mission, headed by Raoul Wallenberg, 1944/45.
All names here, and individuals, are mentioned, only out from their presence, in the Raoul Wallenberg research literature, and if, with close relations with his personal circles/business contacts/ relatives, and/or only compiled/ qouted from valid official, printed sources, only to shed, if possible, new light regarding the Wallenberg case.
2014:7/ THE ” SWEDISH ANDERSSON” IN ALEKSANDER SOLSJENITSIN`S : GULAG ARCHIPELAGO ./ Source : Assoc. Professor Rolf Karlbom. (1996)
“- – -A mr Erik Arvid Andersson,is described in Aleksander SOLSJENITSIN`S, The GULAG ARCHIPELAGO, 1974/2.) Swede, tall, officer, blue eyes, long blond, hair, (no crewcut ,in the GuLag, a miracle), and his extensive record. Even D. PANIN, describes (1976) a sim-ilar person, with the same military/ war record, and his Swedish “fantastic ” social ante-cedentia, as many other repatriated German Pows, witnessed of this, ” Andersson”, up to 1955. (Was he and other inmates, probably forbidden to tell their real names ? )
– – -” But the real key to the enigma, “Erik ANDERSSON “, appears in some diplomatic reports from Rolf SOHLMAN, Swedish ambassador in Moscow, who the 11th of April 1955, was visited by a man, named *LINDER:- – -“He was arrested in East-Berlin, 1949, reason unknown, was held 1,5 years in Moscow, then the Vorkuta camp, released 1953, forced to live in Komi/ASSR from where he return to Moscow, and now with help of the legation, wished to return to Sweden. – – -”
– – -” His apply for Swedish passport, gives: borned in the town of Oskarshamn, the 27th March 1912, Swedish citizen. Went to Canada, 1927, became citizen there. Educa-ted pilot, wear the Norwegian airforce pin, pilottraining in Little Norway, Canada, ident-ity-card from the Norwegian airforce. (* This Norwegian connection, is even important, concerning the Kai Holst-case 1945´.). (*Linder gives some informations of other pris-oners in Vorkuta,as: Henning Frösth/Bertil von Feilitzen, and even some, Erik Arvid And-ersson from Södertälje.) * Linder even refers to, a contact with the Swedish Baron, Ove RAMEL. diplomat, (b.87). ” – – –
– – -” But later *LINDER made another remarkable statement, by suggesting, ” – – – A known, elderly Swede, arrested in Hungary, 1944/45, was present, around the end of 1953, in a secret camp, on Novaja Zemlja, Oplag 6 or 6A, Karskije Vorota.”- – -But *Lin-der has not had any direct contact, with him, only via the prisontelegraph,he lived there, in rather good conditions, but without work. *Linder didn´t give the name of the prison-er, but neither denied Sohlmans suggestion: -” Was that, Raoul WALLENBERG ? But then *Linder claimed, – if confirming Sohlman´s suggestion, he was sure refused, permit of emigration, from USSR, and risked that prisoners life, (=Wallenberg) because the Russ-ians, accused the Germans of his abduction.”- – –
– – -Even an American, John H. NOBLE, in the New York Times, April 1955, described his own prisontime in Vorkuta, mentions a prisoner named “Roy LINDER”, reminding of *Linder, and his alleged record. Many other repatriated POWs, continue giving testimon-ies, about the “Swedish Andersson”, as : professor Johannes Paul/ Rudolf von Schwab /Arno Knorr/ G. Chrisofolleti/ Abraham Kalinski, and even the German Wehrmachtgen-eral, Erich REUTER, heard about him,(* Linder) a high decorated officer, who took part in the battle of Budapest, commanded the 46th Infantry Division, decorated there, the 21th of January, 1945, of all battlefields, , but arrested by the Soviets, in May 1945, and rel-eased first, 1955.)
– – -But many viewed ” Andersson”, as a lier, or fraudster, claiming Andersson, had lent parts of the WALLENBERG identity, nice “feathers”, concerning the Budapest mission, rescuing Jews, Swedish passports, information from “the prisontelegraph”, etc. R.v. Schwab, claims when he met WALLENBERG (!) – as late as the 5th of December 1952 (!), exactly, and that, Raoul WALLENBERG(!) then claimed , that ” Andersson, ” was not a genuine Swede, speaks Swedish poorly, had lived there, only for some years, perhaps only with a Swedish mother.” – – – //
Rolf Karlbom then compiled all of the informations sources about ” Andersson”, and arrived to this conclusions: (1996) :
– ” * LINDER, alias Andersson, was a pilot/ in British service/ when arrested in Eastberlin, 1949. But Linder´s apply for Swedish passport,(1955/Sohlman) was not approved, after a short investigation, done by the policeauthority of Stockholm, and the contact was broke off, with Linder. Then * Linder once again, was apprehended by the Russians, and a later repatriated German POW, Heinz Decker, 1955, in a Sverdlovsk camp, no. 5110/ 28, had met a Swede, ” Harald Triborn “, (b.18), probably “an alias for Edvard Linder”, due to the description of his general appearance.
But the interviews * LINDER gave in Swedish and foreign press, from 1985, claimed:
” – He lived in Sweden, as youth/ attending school in the town of Sigtuna/ in British service during WW2/ entered NaziGermany, as secret agent, in German uniform, repor-ted of places suited for RAF´s airraids. /” – He was manhandled so brutal during interr-ogations, in Russia, that the shape of his face was distorted, by that impossible to rel-ease. / He made 150 missions to deliver German missile/military-experts, from Russia, ” Freedom Road”, an affiliation of the U.S. Operation Paperclip. (*A fresh pressphoto (1986/AB) confirms, or don´t contradicts, the general description, impression of Lin-der´s appearance, face, hair, length, etc. , in spite of his age.
LINDER was well informed about Swedish conditions, and his reference in the passport application, the Baron Ove RAMEL, confirmed, 1955, to the Foreign ministry (UD), that he was married, as kind´a, brother-in-law, with the cavalry captain Frans (Georg)
LIND-ER, (b.92), and that Edward * Linder, may be his nephew. – – – //R. Karlbom.1996.
I´m adding to Karlbom´s short essay of *Edward Linder, some completing facts, about this captain, Frans G. LINDER, his military career, probably personal circles, etc: He end-ed up in the Guards (Cavalry) regiment, K1, Stockholm, during the 1930s (comm.1932) serving with chaps, as: the Count Carl Bernadotte,(b.90) Count Folke Bernadott (b.1895- 1948) ), Count Eric von Rosen (b.02) Count Fredrik Bonde (b.79) Nils von Horn (b.80), Fritz von Essen,and the Uggla/Rosenblad/Hamilton/Douglas boys,”Cream of the cream”, no doubt. (A daughter, Viveka (Hilda Ellen) Linder, (b.1918-d.68) became a wellknown theater/ movie actress, during the 1930/40s.)
Frans G. LINDER, married, 1915, (nobility), Marguerite PEYRON, (b.90/France) (a daug-hter of Count Claes Peyron, (b.1858).
Her elder brother: Felix PEYRON, (b.86), served in the National board of Health, (Medici-nalstyrelsen) from 1922, from 1930 as notary clerk, then in the same administration, obviously, as Raoul WALLENBERG`S stepfather, * Fredrik von DARDEL , (b.85), head of a division.
And a younger sister, Yvonne PEYRON, (b.93) married 1919, (the previous of *Edward Linder, mentioned reference) the Baron Ove RAMEL, (b.87.) secretary in the Foreign ministry /UD.
But anyway, any confirmed information, of the father of * Edward LINDER, (b.12), can´t be identified, today, but if his alleged uncle is captain Frans G. Linder (b.92), (above) there could be some probably, elder/younger brothers, borned, around 1880/92, in the town of Oskarshamn.
And the main part of the older LINDER family, lived in the town of Oskarshamn, (*as Edward Linder claimed) and today have the same resting place, there, (but Frans G. Linder 1892-22.8./1961, the alleged, younger brother is absent). From that, there is possible to reconstruct, the rather wealthy big family, of mr M. and mrs H. Linder, (b.1851/58). There were some brothers, here, some moving to Stockholm, around the 1920/30s, serving in the National higher war-administration/man.director/officer, but some died rather young. It´s possible that Edward Linder, perhaps has picked some of his combined (?) antecedentia, from personal features of these relatives, and one of them , can be his father, giving an impression, as if he grew up, at some distance, from them. And, imprisoned in a Soviet GuLag, 1940/1950s, could be a good reason, to be creative, keep a stiff upperlip, and leave memory traces, at least among the prison-mates, if they “made it”.
But due to * Edward Linders, statements, 1955,(applying in Moscow/Sohlman for Swed-ish passport, what the Swedish authorities of some reason, later didn´t approve), there´s quite possible, one of those could be his alleged father, and this even in line , with his claim of knowing, *Baron Ove RAMEL, (b.87), (all in the the same age, intervall as his fathergeneration).—/but, see above: (R.Schwab) – — ” Andersson was not a genu-ine Swede, speaks Swedish poorly, had lived there, only for some years, perhaps only with a Swedish mother.” – – -due to Raoul Wallenberg 1952 (!) (So, * Edward Linder could have been borned, outside the “holy marriage” and raised, by his mother, not that unusual, and had weak Swedish links, due to early emigration.)
Frans G. LINDER later served under Henry PEYRON, later second commander of this Guard(Cavalry) regiment, K1, with experience from command in the Finnish Civil War 1918, (and relative of Linder´s wife), and Frans G. Linder, even he participated in that Civil war, of 1918, decorated with Finnish Freedom Cross 4 cl. with sword, (FFrK), and later, must be before 1942/43, with the German Order of the Eagle, (OffTyÖ3.kl), un-known for what, some service for the Third Reich, anyway. Experience, good for the career – (or not? ) but a quite conservative, if not reactionary, background it seems, today, 100 years later.
Frans G. Linder, is listed, and served during his early military career, in cavalry regim-ents, (Skånska husar/Småland´s husar) in the province, with some other interesting names for us, here: 1920-24, with mr Erik (Carlsson) BOHEMAN (b.95), then already in the Foreign ministry, wellknown, undersecretary of State, during the whole WW2, and Raoul WALLENBERG`S employer/UD, 1944,(+OSS), later liberal MP, and even mr Gösta NISSER, (b.05),son of the landowner,Carl Nisser, (b.79) (married Raoul´s Aunt, Anna Wi-sing), were in the same regimental lists, close to Frans G. Linder. What a coincidence !
Walking down the Wallenberg lane – always rewarding !
The “Lillehammer coup,1945”, (and it´s alleged victim, Kai Holst) is even well suited, in following, the contemporary pattern of “Stella Polaris”, 1944 and the “Operation Paper-clip”, post 1945, the U.S./U.K. race for the cream of the Third Reich´s military experts, intelligence-personnel, and the latters simple desertion, sell-out, and escapes, from sometimes, probably warcrimes, and anticipated, long POW-times, or worse.
(Not to mention, the 450.000 Axi´s /most German Wehrmacht POWs, that were trans-ported with empty U.S. Lend/Lease “Libertyships”, back “home” to United States, (and Canada) (for U.S./Canada “GuLag” yes, logging) and were dispersed, over the, then just emptied,700 concentration camps, for the 110.000 Japanese nationals in U.S., (between Pearl Harbor) 1941-1945.(and Hiroshima) But don´t you even think of, calling the Ger-mans ” deported”, the Japanese “incarcerated”, as if they been WSS, or worse, forced to USSR´s GuLags, post-war, from for example, the Baltic States.)
And , what do we get out of this: The “Swedish Andersson” -study ? The most common surname in Sweden, if not Svensson, (=Swanson) ? There are obvious, first some conn-ections here, with the WALLENBERG-case, for example, certain known prisonmates, in the Soviet GuLag/camps, the string of witnesses, & POWs, returning back from USSR, during the 1950s -1976. As late as 1985, as mr * Linder/” Swedish Andersson” retur-ned, and some other previous known, facts, perhaps peripheral, but now, again a bit more highlighted. Don´t think many, anyway, will spend time, researching these ques-tions.
And that perhaps – this most, unknown, possible relative, the cavalry captain/ reserve , Frans G. LINDER and PEYRONS, during times, functioned in quite central military posit-ions, with some possible interesting bearings, due to important persons, in Raoul WALL-ENBERG`S personal/relatives circles. (= F.v. Dardel/E.Boheman/G.Nisser)
* Edward LINDER`S alleged personal background, don´t ruling, him out as a presumed Swedish/C-bureau/OSS-agent, and hitman, 1945/49. Neither his own previous agent activities, Norwegian airforce connections, up to 1945, due to T. Pryser´s statement, (2010), based on presumtions, and information, given the Norwegian Major General, Ole Otto Paus, 1954, on a railwaystation, (prob. Magnor), at the Swedish border, deliv-ered perhaps(!), by two local Swedish police superintendents, there, (Charlottenberg) with some allege, C-bureau/Lillehammer-coup/Holst associations: (=G.Minell/ E.Hjerpe) /T.Pryser (2010)
The Swedish policeauthorities (Stockholm) refusal, 1955, in giving Edward Linder a Swe-dish citizenship, seems problematic, as he even claimed to have some information abo-ut Raoul Wallenberg. It can even be seen, if mean, as “doing away” with him, dispose him in the “secure” Soviet Union, as if they knew something, disturbing of * Edward Linder, regarding Swedish top classified WW2-files,and secret relations with foreign powers, the same attitude, what Raoul WALLENBERG, perhaps experienced, 1945-1947.
(Sweden could give or refuse resident permits, due to national security, as Ottokar von Knieriem, Dresdner Bank affil. /The Wallenberg SEB/office, was allowed to stay in Swe-den, 1951.)
Lieutenant General Henry PEYRON, (b.1883-d.1972) claimed rather bitterly , as ment-ioned before, (memoirs/1969) that- ” one of the wellknown, families, connected with huge support for Finland´s struggle for independence, (1918/1939/41 and expansion) today, abstained from economic support for the: Association of the Finnish war veter-ans, of 1918. “, – where Peyron, was chairman, and another prominent member was, major Allan WINGE, Raoul´s commander in the National Homeguard 1940-44, (paramil.)
I can´t but guessing the name of that family: Olof (and Lisbeth/nee Beck-Friis) Palme, who that year, 1969, succeeded Tage Erlander, as the leader of the Socialdemocrats, and by that, Olof Palme (1927-1986), became Prime minister.
All names here, and individuals, are mentioned, only out from their presence, in the Raoul Wallenberg research literature, and if, with close relations with his personal circ-les/business contacts/relatives, and/or only compiled/ qouted from valid official, prin-ted sources, only to shed, if possible, new light, regarding the Wallenberg case, or per-haps ruling out some other questions.
2014:8 /ATTILA LAJOS / SHORT PUBLIC LECTURE AT THE MALMÖ CITY LIBRARY (Sweden) 16th of January 2013 /YOUTUBE. (By late Attila Lajos -4 January 2014//Associated prof.
But first a correction: From my comment no: 38/2013 :- ” In Raoul WALLENBERG`S calendar, there is only one adress, notification, for the 19th of November 1944, – ” 10. Rudolf ter 6.” /Source : Göran Engblom/Himmler´s fred.(2008) The following days the 20-23th of November, is empty. Due to Paul A. Levine, first the 24th of November, WALLENBERG notified, a meeting with, ” Billitz”, SS/Kurt Becher´s lawyer in Budapest.”-
I thought this notification, could perhaps be the Dutch “Baron Johannes RUDOLF (!) Bentinck”, lieutenant, (POW) employed by an Hungarian lawyer, due to Kate Schandl´s triology, as I couldn´t find such address/place/square in Budapest. But a literary sour-ce/map, placed such name: ” Rudolf tér”, on the Pest side, a point, close to the bridge abutment of the Margareth bridge, but probably not even used/visible, today, but marked on the Google´s map.
Well, due to professor Attila LAJOS doctoral thesis, of 2004: “The Hero and the Victims”, and his lecture, 2013, Raoul WALLENBERG`S mission was sometime dangerous, but perhaps not that, superheroic, and totally against the contemporary Hungarian/German Nazi´s powerstructures, as many hagiographers presented the Wallenberg case since then. Attila Lajos presents another perhaps, sobering perspective. Lajos own mother, lived through the Siege,1944/45 in a Budapest basement.
A. LAJOS / – – – ” The historians have not applied the general history theories of crit-icism of sources, concerning Raoul Wallenberg. “- – -Because of K. Lauer´s Hungarian cont-acts, Wallenberg was recruited, by WRB/US./UD. Impossible to calculate of how many Jews were saved, but protection passports, were not the same as – rescue. Rescue from what ? Deportation most. Perhaps some hundreds were saved by Wallenberg.
But this was only based, on the Hungarian government´s , cooperation, (even Germany´s) own will, of saving the remaining Jews in Budapest, of special reasons. Admiral Horthy cancelled SS/Eichmann´s deportations the 7th of July 1944, (after 56 days, 437.000 victims these days in May 1944, 70 years ago), after international demands.
Horthy used delaying tactics, in negotiating with the Germans, to give permissions, to leave Hungary, for certain qualified, or wealthy Jews, and by that the Germans couldn´t continue, deportation, because of the risk that some(!) of the protected Jews with pass-ports, could be deported, by mistake(!). Horthy permitted, for Sweden then : 649 Jews, the Swiss, 8.000, all what later being interpreted, of the Neutrals, generously as whole fam-ilies, = 4.500 for Sweden, = 22.000 for the Swiss.
It was not Raoul Wallenberg , arranging that. In July, Anger/Danielsson, (and of course Carl Lutz, V. Langlet and others) distributed passport/”Schutzbrief”, out from their Jewish contacts, their lists of those with relatives/commercial relations to Sweden, for instance. Raoul WALLENBERG, in fact sharpened the passportrules,(16/8) when he arrived. 2.800 passports were printed, and with Swedish “three crowns” wrong placed, as to make impossible to use it, as such. There is due to Lajos, just two separate “live-actions” conducted by Wallenberg, to release protected Jews.
(My comment /* – – -In June,1944 the ICRC/Int. Red. Cross/ suggests (Dr Max Huber), the Hungarian government, to establish, Jewish ghettos, like the Nazi´s fake Theresien-stadt, a “coulisse”-camp, Huber just had visited, and approved. The Hungarian govern-ment, Sztojay, gives the message the 18th of July, to all the neutrals´s legations: – ” Ghettos will be organised in Budapest. No more Jews will be deported, but will be ass-isted by the Swedish Red Cross, Jewish Agency, and World Refugee Board/WRB, and emigration. ” )
Everybody with protection passports, should be excluded from deportation. Since the 15th of October, Sweden issued passports, from lists compiled by the Jewish organisa-tions. Both 19 March/ Sztojay, and Lakatos/26 Augusti, were in compare, mild regimes. But the Hungarian Nazis, Nyilas, and Szalazi, gave order of pogroms the 16th of Octo-ber, (the coup d´etat) but cancelled it the same day. The 17th of November 1944, the Neutrals visited Szalazi, and protested.
But when Sweden´s government, didn´t recognize the Szalazi regime, and by that,from the 10th of December, 1944 then both SRC and the legations assistence, were outlawed. The same time the Red army closed its incircling of Budapest. This Swedish negative decision was later criticized, as damaging, in the rescue operations – and aiming most to conform with the United States, political aims – not the dire human situation !
Wallenberg prepared in late August, 1944, for an eviction, of a number of poor Jews, in the Budapest Palatinus-area,(North of the Margarete-bridge, close to Danube-shore) , and establish a separate Swedish ghetto, for the rich Jews. Those evicted, were to have some compensation, but worse conditions, and if the deportions from May-July, were contin-ued, they could more easily, all of them fell victims for renewed deportations. Those evic-ted protested, as even Carl Lutz, the Budapest Jewry, and Stöckler Lajos (member, but against Stern Samu in the Jewish council) had to stop this project, what Raoul Wall-enberg never reported, home. The idea was that those privileged Jews, and the lega-tion-employed, could help all the others, what never happened.
What saved Wallenberg,then, was probably that, ” Romania, switched side, the 23-24 of August, forcing the Germans, to have the Hungarians support, more than ever. Horthy dismissed the Sztojay-regime, and installed the General Geza Lakatos,(26/8) and took the deportations off the agenda. ”
In general, the United States´s, (Sweden´s), and Hungary´s political decisions seeming bear an initially, heavy, perhaps unintentional, responsibility, paradoxical, for this last murderous phase of the Holocaust, due to professor Randolph L. Braham.
(1.) The separate Hungarian capitulation talks, of 1943, sometimes in Sweden, (Ullein-
Revizcky, Andor Gellert (=Horthy nationalists) / OSS and Raoul Wallenberg. )
(2.) Followed up by the U.S./OSS : “Sparrow mission”,(sep.cap.) a patrol, parachuted,
March 1944, captured = provoking the German occupation,and together launched
the invasion 19 March.
(3.) The U.S. WRB/ World Refugee Board-activities,(fr. January 1944) were used by the
Nazis, for secret capitulation/bargaining contacts with the Western powers, and
gave the Jews an unrealistic hope, preventing real resistance.
(4.) The Swedish refusal, (in order to accommodate with U.S. policy), to recognize the
Szalazi-regime, from 15(19th) of October, launched/reinforced , the Arrow Cross-
terror, during the last months of the war. (as the U.S. airraids over Budapest, begin-
ning in April.)
The neutrals rescue activities, was quite dependent of the Hungarian governments good will, cooperation, and by that the Jews with passport, could without problem be taken back to the Neutral´s ghetto, if Wallenberg find them in other dangerous locations. Wallenberg was even protected by the regime´s Gendarme guard, (and paid by WRB/ UD), and he couldn´t operate outside this conditions, without risking the whole of the Neutral´s rescue operations.
When the Szalazi regime moves to the West of Hungary, (5th of December), the Swedish legation and others stay behind, but then the whole social system broke down, the total Arrow Cross-terror starts, and Wallenberg, and the legations can´t help any Jew, when lacking the Hungarian government´s and administration´s support, leaving Budapest, inhabitants, legations, and Jews to their fate, and in fact the Red army´s appearance, in the middle of January, 1945.
(1.) Some parts of the wealthy, Jewish Budapest elite, some hundreds, population were
rescued, at least from deportatations, 1944, if they had:
(2.) – received a special protection -passport, from the Neutral´s legations, but this
operations were always quite dependent of….
(3.) – the Hungarian regime´s support and good-will, and strenght, they even…
(4.) – protected the Neutral´s rescuers, with personal gendarme guards, (as Wallen-
berg) when searching out their Jewish privileged wards, among other, victims,
bound for deportation, or forced labor/ deathmarches.
But the Wallenberg narrative, gives a picture of someone, heroic, negotiating or going against the powerstructures, if needed, saving any (!) Jew in danger, within sight, in spite of the predicaments. Due to Lajos this was not exact the reality.
A selected prominent part of the Jews, cream of the cream, those with Swedish protect-ion passports, or legationemployees could be rescued from primarily deportation, at least, death-marches/starvation – thanks to the Hungarian government /administration and especially the local Jewish organisations, through their contacts.
But for the most of the poor, scared of the terror, ordinary Jews,without contacts, pass-ports, wealthy positions,living in the suburbs, these rescue-activities had no special meaning, (as of course the Holocaust-killings had no meaning at all -only for mad loot-ing, Hungarians Arrow Cross party, / Germans/ Nazis / qouting Yehuda Bauer) just the Red army´s breakthrough, could, and saved them, and everybody else, in the Ghettos.
But anyway, Raoul Wallenberg, the Neutrals and others, Red Cross/ ICRC, were impor-tant, brave, rescue organizers, and extraordinary witnesses in-place, of the historical, close to “Stalingrad “- battle , of Budapest, 103 days, the Fall/Winter of 1944/45.
The problem is that, the “official” Wallenberg-research,gives a too narrow,too benign, feelgood-narrative, adapted,to a Swedish audience, based of course, out from him as compatriot, his personality, and disappearance. The foreign scholars rather weak inter-est, attention, knowledge here, don´t respond.
In my contributions, here, I will in general, cover, and follow, some interesting, and many times surpricing, “roads-not-taken”, in the official Wallenberg-research, but I´m not claiming – as many others, but to save this questions from fall into oblivion, for future, perhaps more deep discourse.
Will continue/ see Dr G.Craig McKay´s section:
Vad hande i Sverige och Europa under tiden for Forintelsen? I tidslinjen kan du folja handelser under aren 1930-1950 i tre olika spar: Sverige, Forintelsen och Sverige Forintelsen.